ituwomw ?Jrpartmrnt. Taking' a Chance.?Junior was In the habit -of coming-tothe table with a dirty face and, of course, had to be sent away to wash; ? . One time his mother, nearly losing patience, said:. ''Junior, why do you persist in coming to the table without washing? You know I always send you away." " "Well," said Junior,, meekly, "once you. forgot."?Chicago Tribune. if-' "" , , , -t.H ?*l \ " "* : ,. : yi Worried.?A countryman who went to a large city to., see the .sights en'gaged a room at a hotel, and before j retiring:' asked the clerk about the hours for meals. . . "We have ' breakfast from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 3^ .and supper from 6 to 8," ^explained the clerk. ' * "Look here," inquired the farmer, in surprise, "what time am I goin' -to see the town?" ... . ... 0 r f Grandpa Obligee.?Office Boy (anxious to go to football match)?"May I have the afternoon off, sir? My grand?" ... .. Employeiv-' Oh, .yes, . I've heard that before. .Your grandmother died last, week.", .:"Office Boy?^"Yes, < sir, but? 'ray grandfather's getting, married, agam . this afternoon."-rpunch. , ' i :: Political Hjnt.-rHe?"I .suppose when all women ,;}e party man- , ' i-i7-"!.1:! "t-_ l j agers win nave lo-ipui uauuavuK on itheir tickets- fOr~Candidates." She?"What makes; you1 think woi' men will demand handsome men to vote for when you .look at the kind 'thfe most of ' them marry?"?Baltimore American. 7-w: Easy . to Do.?A. "'teacher; who' had 1 given a lesson on geome'tribpJ drawing' asked her class the question: "How can'you make a Maltese cross?" i 0;ie bright little.girl raised her hand 1 at once, and on being asked for the answer replied. without hcsitatldff? i "Please, teacher,-step on Its tail." < - ' ' ' Necessary. ? . FlaYbush ? "Why ."dp 1 they have those glass cases with the axes, crowbars ahtf otliet- implements in 'em in the railroad passenger-cart', ' do you suppose" ?. - >. ; ( Bensonhurst?"Oh, they- are put ' there to use in ^as'^spmer one .Wants'to 'I o niiminw Vonkers Statesman: ' ' 1 : J AgainstTheir.. principles. -? Fir's t Eg^-"Let's spi^y to; t^fef5;^ris' on the ^corner." / v Second, Egg?',' ,'^nq i^use *' they afre telephone girls'."'..' ' \. -First Egg?"\Vhat of.'ifcT 4 -. '? Second Egg?"They won'.t answer." ' -*-** "* ; 1 - ' *' ; f*e enoygfh tb serve.""1 "Hi$ fhaitkness*wa'^ perhabs. comr 1 m'enjdajble,."*;bu^ -VU , w&ge'r' i>oth. sides " wferfc sorry .'to l09eifriip,,.^'V'.;/;!\ .. .. : f / ~ i .Frthy peoord.-r^-Pirst Steripg. (readinfe-)!?"Think of those.Spanfarda going 3,000 miles .on a ga.lleon.1" .. . ! Second Stenog.-r-vAw,. forget It. Yutt can't believe- all yuh hea/r about therh foreign, cars."?^'ew rYoj*k, American. r> n i. / ^'J' ' 1 A; Safe Riek.?FMrst Undergrad-j? "What shall w6jio2"..; "" I Second-' Uhder^istd^?',Tii jspf'n a coin. If . it's heads'] .wffivgft.--jot tjie,- movies; | tails we go to the. -, dajic^. and If It , sthrids on edge we'li. Study,""^-London j Opinion. * " "V ?' , Oh His Dignity.?Foreman?"What1 is all that arguing down the road?" Laborer (indignantly)?"Why, the | man running the steam-roller wants , us to call him ' a chauffeur."?Pearson's Weekly. < ??i . Leak Somewhere, r-.EdUtor ? "We * A *-T* iow't trarca can't accept tms poem. n. isu >. . at all; merely an. escape of gas." Aspiring Poet?"Ah! I see; something wrong with the meter."?The Medley (New York)! He Knew.?More Brains (at piano recital)?"What is that charming thing he is playing?" "I.ess Brains~"A :pfano, y' dub."? .Wisconsin Octopus. ' ! r-" * " i ^ Ptenty of. Will.?"i. .hiar' y6ur husbdnd has'given up* smokipg.' Doesn't that' require a strong. will?" *"yv"e)l. I have a strong will!"?The Passing Show * (London). : .. ?!Vi-. ? Sad Associations.?'"I can't play, bll-, liards in the wiiite'r time at all."" Why not?" ' ' v "Every jtlme I-get to knocking those three balls afpuhd It rbmlnds - me, of my overcorfL''?-O^j'g'oyle (Michigan)'. 1 L i'r^iaA . Lir/ilfiimonf * ri t U n ricdi u-wi.? u^iou-i tAv?vvu.v.,v w .t.y^e ^country ' "Over w,hat?'*' . .r -V. "A country' rrtan "tried to- join."? Louisville Courier-,!o'dfnSJ.' " ? " . } * v..-. .. Doctor's Orders.?"My . physiclafn," said- Skaghound, "told ^ me to keep away from cigarettes.' And that's why I had to-go out and buy one of thefee darn eighteen-inch-long holders." .Matter of Definition.?Uncle Sam hasfvthe credit of winning the war?if you ir/iderstand exactly what's meant by "credit."?Flint, Mich., Journal." Inafctfve.?Rlpp:' "Does he practice any kind of physical culture*?" f>1 -*~Rapp: "\Vhy,'"be-doesn't even exercise his own judgment." VVI4 V* V v..v *.OV> ? -- ? - . a native of Cleveland county and va brother of Cleveland's ex:sheriff W. D. Lack,ey Mrs. John R. Logan and' daughter, Miss Wllma after a visit, here the guests of Mrs. C. T- Hord returned to.'Yorkville Wednesday...!..!.!. J\rr. Frtfnk Hamrick, Jr., is on an' extended trip to,New York where he is visiting,his uncle,. 3jjlr. Ed Green. While away Mr. Hamrick will witness the Derapsey-Carpenter Championship boxing match at .Atlantic City, N. J. July 2nd Will Isler, colored, has been bound over to court here for robberies at Grover. Isler entered the stores of White and Mullina,x. D. J. Keeter and Irvin Allen "at Grover last week and stole a quantity of wearing apparel. He was a Charlotte negro captured at Gustonia with the goods on his person. WAR RISK INSURANCE United States District Court Makes an Important Ruling. .-.."War.Ris.k Insurance, ,, term or contract insurance? IssuecThy tiie government as a war-time measure under blue, following a brief lljness at his home there. The news of his death Is a great shock to- hie many friends In Shelby, where he spent a great portion of .bis life Randolph Logan, Bobbie Rudlslll and William Lowery left a few dAys ago for Savannah, Ga., where they will sign up with the Merchant Marine for a trip to some foreign port. They know not where they will go and have a preference to visit Germany but may go to Africa. They have signed for one over-seas trip oh some government vessel engaged in foreign' trade i.Wlll Hopper and Will Andrews, both white, were recently arrested in Shelby, wanted for a bank robbery in South Carolina. It is .alleged th^t they were two of a garfg or batik robbers who stole $20,QjjO 'worth of Liberty bonds and a Quantity. t>f jewelry from a t South Carolina .bank last October. A South Carolina sheriff cajne for them a few days ago....:....-...Ex-Sheriff J. A. Lackey of Burke county,.who djed Sunday at of*'68 vears was I q)$tl at C&Vun^hJa (^oljege, a posjtipn of great, ice^po'na^illty ;Yor .'.which her Lrainlttg 4nd.'>Utai^mebt3 most-adfnirably.fft h$r. Mrs.jHardin ls a graduate of ' ColUmbia; college, and has tliught' in the public schools.. with great success. , j ; Cleveland Star ' (Shelby)', June 24: Mr.'John OdeJl Lcing, one of Shelby's most popular young men and Mary LifeUe.Hord were married at the home af the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie L.. Hord of Waco^at',7 p'plpck last Saturday evening. Rev. Jno. Suttle of Shelby performed th? ceremony in the; presence of only the immediate members of. the two families Mr. Thomas S. Ewes died Tuesday afterIn rirftonohnm wlfh hpflrf tfOll Boone was turned over to the Asylum authorities Barring the time several years ago when he was laid lip with pri operation for appendicitis, County Superintendent of Education ^V. D. Knox, who Is recuperating from the effects of a se'dond operation, will lose more time but Of -tils office than at any previous time since his connection .with the schools of Chester counfy^bepah'many'years.ago. Few men have ^erv tnatfe record for faithful.neta that ,Hr- Jit?ox has -made; and hls r^c.opd" for'loving and loyal service llo'e'js hot apply solely to the office, the of, which, he is- paid to conduct', but he. hns. .evidenced '.enuai and just is '.praiseyrorthy' fijleHty ;to his church ind t? the mppy fraternal orders, with , which he" is identified. We repeat that for faithful,' 'loyal, iunremitting.service', CoujAy." ^yperijiteqident of Education Wl' I^'Knox 'fiji* a record of w^jcfr h?'? a'nb-' -'.hil farhily have ' just clffhX toLpe jp-pud..I....jOf mq'cH interest iQ\>he.r; rpajy"friends,is the announce> rnept' ^hat Mrg.,* Kate .6. 'Hardin^ of t.lirif. Kojin !nK/ta6n .loon nf tvrt. GARNERED WITH SCISSORS. (Continued from Page Three). Qhester Reporter,. June 23:. Of cordial interest to a wide circle of friends throughout the state was the rnarriage of Miss Rebecca Hafner and Mr. Edgar Lee Royal, of North Carolina, which occured yesterday morning at nine o'clock at the attractive home -of the .b.ride's .father,; Mr. H. W. Hafner, on .York street....... Four .cases of. typhoidfever that,, were reported today to, the -Health Department are the' result, : Dr- Boldridge is . confident, of drinking spring or well, water that is contaminated. During the' flurry last iweek on account pf top. much chlorine in the .city. water a great many persons disregarded .the. warning "of the1 health authorities; and used 'spring or well water very freely. One case' is in the home of Mr. C. Y. Young', and' the three others are children of Mr. Vro P T. Plommor Thp Hpnlth Department urges the public to refrain, absolutely from the further use of spring and well water until a carefdl investigation can be made The following marriage licenses have been issued from Judge of Probate A. W. Wise's office" this week; Mr. W. D. Rodman and Miss Jessie Millen, both of Rodman; Mr. Leslie Weir, of Blackstock, and Miss Cora Rains, of Abbeville; and Mr. Willie Johnson, of Columbia, and Miss Nonie Baker of Greet Palls ...^Deputy Sheriff James G. Howze, who went to Columbia Tuesday to recover .Mr. \V. A. Barnett's Ford car, the theft of which was reporte.d in ^Monday's Reporter, found that the w car was stolen by Johnny Boone, an inmate of the State Hospital for. the Insane who had recently run away , from that institution, and that the Ford Car found here was stolen from A. A. Rabb, of Gadsden. The supposition is that Boone took Mr. Rabb's car, and caipe to Chester, where for some reason or oth^r he abandoned the Rabb car, and helped himself to Mr. Barnett's machine". the provisions of the "War Risk Act, is payable to the beneficiary designed by the insured, but, should this beneficiary ctfe the installments of insurance becoming payable after his death shall be distributed in like manner as the estate of the insuranced. descending to the soldier's heirs and not to the heirs of the beneficiary no matter whether a will may have been executed by that beneficiary to the contrary. This is the substance of the decision handed down by Federal Judge Whitmer in the case of Cassarello vs. United States'" recently tried in the District Court' of 'the United States, Scranton,. Pennsylvania. . .Lawrence S?iegl?, while In service, .in t}ie "United States army,, afiplied for :ntf,000 insurance designating as bene ? IQrtfoit nl 1 ntta " ' JJUiUIy sicpuiutiicr rnw>.r wnh he. stands for humane treatment of convicts hut that such laxity as is alleged will not be tolerated. Changing the Basis.?Two Methodist preachers, one white and the other colored, served rural charges in Mississippi which were conterminous. The negro received a considerably larger salary than his white brother, who asked hiin if it was not his custom to expel his members who failed to pay. "No, boss," he replied, "we would not like to put the gospel on a money basis;-;, TVe^gets them .to,.subscribe, and'-.if-\t h ey^do n' t pa^r-we'turns them out .for lying."?Memphis Com.mercial-Appeal. , dicks farmers hard^ feinste. w. e. : g. w hart g john hotel kirkpati - b. lindsay ins loan & s logan l" lowr\" i : :t :>mackoe 31 i= W1 / We are joining in want every soldiei acquaintance to ci Come to York, W. W. BONEY INS! J. M. ] J. S CALHOU CARR( " J. H. J F THE CASH A1 S. L. ( HTTV M"F1 Y"et tainted not with so supremo a bliss And to forg(?C3ie..knew a world like this. S" = ! COIV -.1 / First Re-Uni Good Speak of Good ? place, To him has come the crown and palm, The Kiss of Peac??a vast sufficing calm. So fino a spirit, daring, yet serene?' He may not surely lapse from what has been; Sreater, not less, his wondering mind must be; Ampler the splendid vision he must [ see. Tls unbelievable he fades away? A.n exhaltation at the dawn of day! ; 1 Nor dare we deem that he has but returned into the Oversoul, to be discerned Hereafter in the bosom of the rose, in petal of the lily, or in those Par jeweled sunset skies that glow and pale, Or in the rich note of the nightingale. Nay, tho' all beauty may recall to mind What we in his fair life were wont to find, He shall escape absorption and shall still Preserve a faculty to know and will. Sifch is my hope, slow climbing to .a \ faith: . v (We know not"t Life, how should we then know death ) Prom our small limits and withholding free, Somewhere he (dwells and keeps high : LIEUT. SUGGS BURRIED. (Continued From Page One.) some pictures, which I will bring back home for you. " 'Nig' and myself came to the 85th Squadron from Chatillon, December 9. L feel and know as many others do, that I have lost one of my best friends. Tears came to many eyes as the bugler sounded taps over the graves of two more true Americans who made the supreme sacrifice that liberty and justice might prevail throughout the world. * . ... , v'l will see that all his baggage /is carefully packed jip. and ..tunned over to the; quartermaster, who will slup it Home. If at any time I may be of service to you, kindly let me know.. i j'The 85th Squadron feels the loss of . of the Day's Routine. Secretary Denby on Friday "publicly" reprimanded Rear Admiral William S. Sims as a result of the speech of the admiral made in London June 7 in which he criticised Sinn Fein sympathizers in America. In the' reprimand Mr. Denby pointed out that once before the navy department had. found it necessary to take similar action against the officer fpr an address delivered in London in 1911' and, referring to the text of that reprimand. ' added: . "Your remarks on the occasion now under discussion, therefore, constitute a'flagrant ,\ncl deliberate disregard of specific instructions." While the naval secretary was making public the reprimand, Admiral Sims was calling on President Harding at the "White House. It was explained that the admiral called to leave his card as is the custom with high naval officers returning from a trip abroad, but that the president invited him to chat for a few minutes. Upon leaving the White House, Admiral Sims, referring to the reprimand, said: . "I got what I deserved, the same old thing." He added that he regretted having caused the administration any inconvenience, but said that he now considered th<* incident closed. Visit at White House So far as could he learned the'Vep riinand was not mentioned duriny the admiral's visit to the. president, 'tlpon leaving the White House, the officer joked with newspaper correspondents. Asked if' his conversation with fctho executive had been pleasant, he re DIXIE HOUSE COMPANY IE TO JULY on of York Cou ers, Big Parade, I Music, Plenty ( ill be in the hanc Legion foi with Meech Stewart Po r and every relative ame here. , the Hospitable Tc , barron jrance office brian co. . brice n drug- co. )ll bros. carroll carroll *d carry store courtney !at market jon bros. vare & supply co. in & krivis ferguson . s. hart rocery co. r. hart , shandon tick-belk co. levy urance agency avings bank umber yard r & moore :ell drug co. j. u. wll geo. w. w; williams yorkville cotto york drtji york furn: york hard york wholes^ \ turn on July 4-Seri MACKORELL-FE J. A. MARSHALL - McCONNELL DR THOS. F. I PAUL -N. NIVENS B 0. K. BARE PEOPLES BANK PEOPLES' BUILDINi PEOPLES FUR LOUIS ] SANITARY ME, SHERER & C. E. SPE tHE STAR r J. M. ST L. Ct. THO YUHi ' THE \ \ ! . . ! nty Veterans of Big Baseball G >f Everything, T1 Is of the Americ r the Day. st of the American Legic of a soldier and every ipped from factory in easy-tondle sections. Quickly and easily icted by' our simple instructions, solutely rigid and weather tight. mble walls in most designs. Enduring. Delightful to live in. Designs changed to suit your ideas, without charger if general size retained. Sketches supplied free. State kind of house you want to build and we will send special suggestions and free Illustrated booklet which ^ gives designs, floor plans, descriptions and money-saving prices. 100 COSGROVE AVENUE, NORTH CHARLESTON, S. C. | ^ - I plied sharply but with a smile: "Of course it was." Admiral Sims..left tonight for Newport, R. L, where he will resume his duties as president of the naval war college. AVe went abroad several weeks ago to receive a degree from an Eng-lish university. After his London sp'eech his leave was revoked by Secretary Denby and he was ordered to return to America immediately. The officer will be furnished with a copy of his reprimand, and, it was explained, another copy will be attached to his record". Other copies, naval officers said, will be distributed to the niaval service in the form of a general order to be read to the crews of all vessels and- stations along with other orders on the. first Sunday of the month after promulgation -to the service. ? Declaring the British government to be deeply- anxious that .King George's appeals for reconciliation in Ireland shall not have been made in vain, Premier Lloyd George has appealed to.Eamonn De Valero, the Irish republic leader, and Sir James Craig, the Ulster premier, to attend a conference in London "to explore to the utmost the possibility of a settle^ ment.. The invitation is contained in a letter, dated June 24, and which is couched in identical terms to both Mr. De Valera and Sir James, except for necessary verbal changes. "The British government," it said, "are deeply anxious that as far as they can assure it, the king's appeal for reconciliation shall not have been made in vain. Rather than allow another opportun-. ity for tt T To be sure, we malce Auto Tops?real Tops?'Tops 4hat arfi as good as the sire a better fop. "See us about it. . ; * original builder made?better if you deJAS. A. JOHNSON, Prop. See, Phone or Write to / THOS. C. O'FARRELL FOR High Grade Monuments . In Marble and Granite Plant on East Liberty Street, Adjoininq Rose Hill- Cem?t"rvPhone 211 ?- YORK, S. C. I X. i zm i; 4TH World War ni iame, rienty lie town ' :an ?n for the day. We -. soldier's friend and.; % * * * vice Men's Day 7 IRGUSON CO. lRION OIL CO. Y GOODS CO. VEcDOW. MOORE ROTHERS IERSHOP & TRUST CO. G & LOAN ASS'N. ' NITURE CO. ROTH / A.T MARKET 5 QUINN INCER rHEATRE V ROUP V MPSON jBORN ILLIAMS > & CO., ' N OIL COMPANY | G STORE [TURE CO. WARE CO. lLE grocery .. ?1^??? ifa