The Yorkville Enquirer and her Chapter has the work of repairs under way. The lodge has been restored except the missing benches will not be replaced, because they will only be carried away again. Arrangements have been made to repair the broken railing around the new monument; but the lock will not be replaced, because past experience has already demonstrated the uselessness of such replacement. Rock Hill Won Debate. Miss Elizabeth Scruggs and Julian S. Starr, Jr., representing the Rock Hill High sohool and the affirmative side of the question in a debate at Clover last night, "Resolved, That the United States Should Enter the League of Nations!" were awarded the decision of the judges by unanimous vote over Miss Seulestine Hagans and George Bailes representing Clover. Miss Lila Walker of the Pressly Literary Society of Clover High school presided over the exercises qf the evening which in addition to the debate included a musical programme. The judges were * T> XTr.-f Or*** T T. r?0 too ZjVlldi iur OWMli JTW iJUH, ivw*. o. and Prof. E. A. Montgomery of Yorkville. " CROP FINANCE PROBLEM' V Bankers Think They See Way to Do Something. The way having been cleared for government co-operation with south, crn financial interests to revive cotton exports, as a result of a conference in Washington, between representative bankers from twelve southern states with federal officials, a committee of the 'bankers is preparing to give study to a program contemplating local and sectional syndicating of financial resources with which to provide credits necessary for the sale* of cotton and other argicultufal products in European markets. While managing Director Meyer of the war finance corporation under whose auspices 'the conference was held Tuesday, declares that the meeting has .produced no immediate cureall or patent treatment for the southern situation, he believes substantial results would accrue as a result of the discussion. He explained there could be no immediate relief, that results could not be accomplished over night, but asserted that the government's step in getting the bankers together i had developed the nucleus of an organization which may now go forward under its own initiative. How the committee, which is to direct tho further actions, will proceed, was not disclosed. Governor Harding of the federal reserve board, urged that the bankers and others whose money is tied uft in agricultural products make the preliminary arrangements, after which the syndicates could seek government help through the agency of the war finance corporation. Speakers at a secret session of the conference Tuesday were understood to have given hearty support to the plan which allowed them to employ freely their own methods of working out a solution of the difficulties of their section. Further conferences along the lines of that held Wednesday were said to be planned by other government heads. A scheme , of pushing export trade revival with respect to all agricultural products over the county is being sought and there were indications today that yesterday's conference had provided a basis on which cabinet members and others interested may work. I * ? ucn. w uie j ones mix oeen eiecieu temporary chairman ol" the state Democratic executive committee to succeed. Thomas 1\ Cothran, recently elected as a justice to the supreme court. Some days ago, Mr. Cothran wrote to Harry X. Edmunds, secretary of the executive committee, tendering his resignation as chairman of the committee because of the fact that he had been elected to the supreme court bench. Upon receiving the resignation Mr. Edmunds sent a letter to each member of the executive committee suggesting to them that in view of the expense incident to calling the committee together for the purpose of electing a permanent chairman that they advise him of their preference as to a chairman and at . the same time it was^ suggested that ' vacajte^.#nt$l r-rfegMar ' -^faceting, -Wh^id'ea- bfeing/-'tJr?at ivMiead "life secured to*a. m. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30. CIIURCII OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday School at iu a. in. Morning service at 11. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. Li. Oates, Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7.30. Young Peoples Christian Union at G.4:" p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. A. Liles. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Special JMtiTS. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many kind neighbors and friends, white and colored. for their kindness to us in our recent loss by fire. May God's richest! blessings be theirs. I\ir. and Mrs. E. M. Whisonant. York No. 1, April 7, 1921. It At Philadelphia. Preaching at 3 p. m. J. K. Walker, Pastor. At Cannon Mill Preaching Sunday evening at 7.30 by Rev. E. E. Gillespie. Clover Circuit. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. a. m. St. Paul?Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. m. King's Mountain Chapel? Preaching at 7 p. m. J. G. Huggin, Pastor. Clover and Union. There will be church conferences at Clover and Uniorr Baptist churches on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. ; Pulpit Committee, It Clover and Union. Special Notice. By far the greatest musical attrnc-' tion in this part of the state during this season will be the Rosa Ponselle concert given at Winthrop College, April* 19th. Unlike other great singers, she did not begin with smaller roles, but made her initial appearance with Caruso. From that time on her name became public as a by-word with the public and she is considered one of the greatest sopranos the world has ever known. This will be a rare opportunity for the people in this part of the state to hear so^ gifted a singer. Reserved seats may be secured by letter or phone from Winthrop college at $1.50 each. 28 2t THROW OUT THE LINE Give Them Help and Many York People Will be Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line"? Weak kidneys need help. They're often ovenvprker?they don't get the poison filtered out of the blood. Will you help them? Doan's Kidney Pills have brought benefit to thousands of kidney sufferers. Ask your neighbor. York testimony proves their worth. Mrs. J. W. Quinri, 14 Cleveland Ave., lorK, says: -yuite a rew years-rigo I had a slight attack of kidney trouble and./ at times this complaint caused me no little annoyance. My head would ache badly and I would be dizzy and nervous. I heard a great deal about .Doan's Kidney Pills so 1 started to ytake them. I must say DoanV greatly relieved me of all that trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sinrply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Quinn had. Foster-Milburn Co., M frs., Buffalo, N. Y. Special Notice. , It is not often that the public in the smaller cities is privileged to hear a really great opera singer. However, this opportunity will be given on April 19th, when Rosa Ponselle, the well known Metropolitan star, wilt appear at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. The story of Rosa Ponselle is the rarest romance in the history of American music. In one year she rose from the position of a practically unknown vaudeville singer to the rank of a prima donna. The New York papers^peSy of her voice, "As a dramatic soprano of more" genuinely beautiful quality , than has 'been heard at the Metropolitan for many years." Reserved seats may \be ordered from Winthroo College bv let ter or phone for $1.50 each. 28 2t COTTON MARKET Friday, April 8, 1921. Cotton Seed Sharon 11 27 Clover 10 J 24 Clover 103 ? Yorkvllle - 11 24 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Our Well Drilling?Outfit has been overhauled and we are ready for business. We solicit your patronage and promise a good job at reasonable prices. Address E. E. Carson or M. S. Benfield, York No. 3. 27 8t For Sale?One mule, 1 fresh milk cow; 50 bushels Cleveland Big Boll Cotton ,v, Steed,#. OOsbu; B. ' setting^ Ttfide for corn;;' peas ana cane sceu. uwen. York, S. C, 2S 3t Wanted?Young men, women, over 17 for Postal Mail Service. $120 month. Examinations April. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of instruction, write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) 608 Equitable Bldg., Washington. D. C. 28 3t* Potato Plants?For April, May and Jung delivery. Porto Rico, Nancy Hall, $2.50 per 1,000. Early Triumph, Eastern Yam. Red Mobelian, Japanese Yams, $2.00 per 1,000. If wanted by parcel post add 10c for first hundred; 3c for each additional hundred. I have millions of plants; lot your orders come. C. C. Taylor. Maiden. N. C. 2S 4t Supply Limited?Only a few more bushels of Long Staple Cotton Seed at $3 per bushel, left. Better place your order now. II. L. Johnson, York, No. C. 27 tf Our Well Digging?Outfit has been overhauled and we are ready for business. Wo solicit your patronage and promise a good job at reasonable prices. Address Carson & Benfleld, York No. 3. 27 St C >rn For Sale?About 100 bushels in shuck. Price, $1.25, cash, at crib,if sold at once. See H. B. McDaniel, R. F. D. No. C, Yorkville, or Sam M. Grist. 26 Wanted?To book your orders by April 20, for Porto Rico and. Nancy Hall potato plants at $2.50 per thousand. by parcel post. A. AI. Taylor, York, S. C. Phone IMG. 25 5t* PHI LA NTH 0 PIC LODGE, NO. 32. "OliGULAR Communication on next Tuesday evening, 12th, at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. Visitors welcome. A. T. MART, W. AI. JOS. E. IT ART. Sec. l l W. O. W., ATTENTION. OPECIAL Meeting: next Thursday ^ evening. April 14th. S o'clock, at Woodmen Hall. AT. W. Hobo, State "Manager, will be present. All WtJbdmon are urged to be present and the general public is cordially invited. Refreshments will he served. W. D. THOAIASSOX. 28 2L Clerk Yorkville Camp So. 88. WINTHROP SCHOLARSHIPS. TRIE King's Alountain Chapter D. A. 11., has funds necessity for a Scholarship at Winthrop. that it will be pleased In lend In a qualified applicant without interest, and on easy terms of repayment. Applications will be received by Airs. W. li. AIOORE, Regent. York, S. C. 28 2t Hemstitching and Picotlng?10 cents a yard, customer furnishing thread. See or write, Miss Debro Sandifer, York, S. C. 23 Dt CONTRACT TO LET. "M^OTICE is hereby given that at the Office of the Superintendent of Educatipn in the Courthouse on "Wednesday, VApril 13 at 3 p. m., the undersigned building committee will let a contract for the building of Sutton Spring School House. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Superintendent of- Education. All bids must be sealed and handed to the Superintendent of Education before the hour named. Successful bidder must give bond in double amount of bid foe faithful performance. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. N. S. BLACK, J. T. FEEMSTER, E. N. STEPHENSON,. 27 t. f. 2t $125,000.00 Six Per Cent Yorkville School District Bonds, York, South Carolina. OEALED Bids in duplicate will be re^ ceived by the Trustees of Yorkville School District No. 11, York, South Carolina, up to 11 o'clock A. M., APRIL 29TH, 1921 And then publicly opened for the purchase of all or any part of One Hundred and Twenty-tlve Thousand ($125,000.00) Dollars of twenty year coupon bonds of said. School District. Said bonds will be of the denomination of $1,000 each, to be dated and paid for June 1st, 1921, and will mature- June 1st, 1941. Said bonds will bear interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of January and July, except the last, which will be on June 1st, 1941, the first interest payment period to be Jandary 1st, 1922. Both principal and' interest will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at a Bank in the City of New York to be agreed upon. Bids must be accompanied by certified check for $2,500.00 on some responsible bank as a guarantee of compliance with bid, same to be returned to unsuccessful bidders and to be forfeited to the School District by successful bidder in event of his failure to comply with bid. When bid is complied with his check to be returned also. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. School District will furnish opinion as to legality by Thos. F. McDow and J. A. Marion, Esns., York, S. C. All bids should be directed to the undersigned, Geo. W. Williams, Secretary and Treasurer, Yorkville School District No. 11, York, South Carolina, and checks accompanying same shall be payable to his order. Envelope to be plainly marked "Bid for School Bonds." GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Secretary and Treasurer, York, S. C. , 2t f. AN ORDINANCE Requiring All Residents of the Town of York to Clean Up Their Premises and Remove All Filth, Garbage, Cans and Other Refuse Material Likely, to Cause Illness or Mosquitoes, From Their Premises. I?E it Ordained by the Mayor/ and Aldermen, constituting \ the Town Council of the Town of York: Section 1. That during the week beginning April 11th, 1921, it shall be the duty of the occupant of any premises in the Town of York, to thoroughly clean his, her or its premises, removing all decayed matter, waste, refuse, tin cans or garbage of qny na lure mat is iiKeiy to ciecay or cause illness, and nil receptacles that will hold water, and to fill in all pools or other places that will allow water to accumulate and become stagnant, and thus afford a breeding place for mosquitoes, and to do any and all other acts to render the premises reasonably sanitary. Section 2. The refuse, garbage, cans or other material shall be hauled from the said premises and placed beyond the limits of the Town, in some place where it is not likely to produce sickness or mosquitoes. Section 3. The occupant of any premises who shall gather up his garbage, cans, refuse or other materials and place the same in barrels, boxes or garbage cans upon the curb of the street, or in any convenient place, may have the same removed by parties employed by the Town, at a charge of jyv At & Men's Bluchor Oxfords?S3 0.00 valu | STRAP PUMPS ARE THE STYLE t 300 Pairs O^ ?4.( i WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 3C x Sold last season at $S.oO?Now |> Children's OXFORDS?At 75 Cts. I , SPECIAL CAI v One Pound Box Assorted Chocolate | MEXICAN FARM HATS?At | OH, BOYS I ] ? liAOC DITTO T r..,>hn,. fn?nvarl <> BASE BALL BATS?At 25 ( o Are You Paying Too Mucl O I < > 40 inch Unbleached Sheeting??At .... <> HICKORY SHIRTING?At o Good CHEVIOTS?At <> LAD LASSIE CLOTJI?At 9 Extra Good PA. J A.MA CHECK?(Ul <> OCTAGON SOAP?At X Men's Bij,' Size WORK SHIRTS?. Men's UNION SUITS of Pajama C >> 1.0 cts. Can APRICOTS?At X YESTERDAY'S X Brought a beautiful line of SKIRT! O Styles?At <> VOJLE WAISTS?At X GINGHAM DRESSES?Clara Jane <> COMPLETE LINE HOSIEF McC0NNELL DRY ( | WE SELL FOR THE 1ST BAPTKF CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL - - - - 10:00 A. M. THE CHILD IN THE CHURCH WORSHIP 11 A. M. B. Y. P. U. / 4.00 P.M. We Want Every Person Interested In Progressive Christian Life Present. . SUNDAY. EVENING: 7.30 O'clock SERMON SERVICE SONG A.M. GRIST; B. H. WAUGH, S. S. Supt. j Pastor. YOU ARE INVITEDV THE STAR THEATRE TODAY "FANTOMAS"? Episode No. 15, "The Sacred Necklace," and a good Comedy. SATURDAY CHARLES HUTCHISON? In "The Whirlwind," Episode No. 8, "A Fight for Life." Also Charlie Chaplin in "The Cure," and the Selznick News. MONDAY "BUCK JONES"? In "Just Pals," a Fox Special. COMING WEDNESDAY GLADYS WALTON? In "All Dolled Up," a peppery romance of Hearts and Finery, Fights and Kisses. J. Q. WRAYj Manager. TWO THOUSAND EGGS In the Month of March From 115 Hens. Some Laying, eh? Rhode Island Pen No. 1 leading with an average of 20.3 eggs per hen for the month. Minorca Pen No. 2, second; Minorca Pen No. 1, third. I have nine hens in Minorca Pen No. 1 ahd I have gotten 9 eggs in a day and ten hens in Minorca Pen No. 2, and got ten eggs in a day. How is that for laying? I have chicks that weighed half a pound at 3 weeks old and. 3-4 lb. at 4 weeks. Can. you beat that. Hatch 'the kind that grow. 6. C. Rhode Island Red Pen No. 1, $5.00?15 eggs; Pen .No. 2, $2.50?15. S. C. Black Minorca Pen No. 1, $4.00? 15. Pen No. 2. $2.50?15. Dark Cornish Indian Game. Pen No..l, $3.00?15; Pen No. 2, $2.50?15. These prices are delivered by Parcel Post. 50 Cts. less here at the farm. I 'guarantee safe delivery ?yid S chicks out of each setting. SHADY NOOK POULTRY FARM John E. Jackson, Prop. R. F. D. No. 6 York, S C.. REGARDLESS OF COST WE AEE CLOSING OUT ALL, FARM HARDWARE. In order to do this and to do it right away, we are selling this Hardware REGARDLESS OF COST. We are in need of money and must have it. See us for? Disc Harrows, Drag, Harrows, Guano Plows, Cotton Planters, Corn Plant6rs, Cultivators, Plow Stocks, Vulcan Turn Plows, B. B. Turn Plows, Plow Points, Plow Molds?and we have the best assortment in town ? Trace Chains, Back Bands, Collars?both leather and cloth?Collar Pads, Sin ? * ! LJ *I U es?At $5.00 & 1?Tan and Black?Are Now - - $5.00 Pair | )0?Now - $1.98 Pair X >0 PAIRS LADIES' OXFORDS i $3.98 Pair y , $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50 Pair | *DY OFFER I s?At 49 Cts. Pound _ 50 CTS. Each x PLAY BALL 50 QT5 & :TS.,"35 CTS.j and 50 CTS. Each | i for Your Goods? I These Prices Are Right. I 7 1-2 CTS. Yard x 15 CTS. Yard ?5> 18 CTS. Yard | 25 CTS. Yard f> ibleached)?At ....121-2 CTS. Yd. 4 CTS. Cake | At 75 CTS. Each | heck?At 75 CTS. SUIT & 35 CTS. Can $ ; EXPRESS X S?All Wool Materials?Now % $5.00, $7.50 and $8.50 <4> ? - $1.25 | lino?At $3.00 and $3.50 v 1Y AT NEW PRICES. | GOODS COMPANY f CASH ONLY, | ; ICOMIN' si | ALL 1 IComme Jack K | NewSongs, l:Krag'"i j Conn I "THE .( j 4 - Vaud ! ?"e ,ady adn | If when accomp | 8 - - PIEG ; Special for tl BED SPREADS?All fi some plain and soi beautiful patterns a: $2.50 Crocheted Quilts? $3.50 Crocheted Quilts? $5.75 Crocheted QuiltsHere's a chance for y r at remarkably low prices SHOES AND OXFORD! For the entire fami] pocketbook. Come and newest styles?including pumps. FEINSTEIN SUCCESSORS TO FEINS BUY YOUR WATERMELON and CANTALOUPE SEED NOW. We fill mail orders promptly Clover Drug Store R. L. WYLIE, Prop. Clover, S. C. -?1fO I #w\ company Dr. WILLIAMS Will be absent from his Office on MONDAY AND TUESDAY, April 11 and 12, to attend the State Optical Association. Williams Optical Co. WHEN YOU WANT A NYTTTIXC hauled lhat can be hauled on a Truck, call P. D. HOPPER, Clover, S. C. Furniture moving a specially. Prices right. Phone 77. 24 9t G ~ C ? Y0R1 NEXT 1 ... _ : i _ ) ncing munticty, * ' : r n jng s ton N^w Dances, iaturing Jack King t fx ji*? or inn iday Niglit ; with edy Drama, enti OMiMIil eville Acts ^ ' - N , * litted firee oil A lanied by one pa: E ?RCHES i lis week; only ill size for double beds? me fringed edges?all in nd designs? - ' Special $1.19 Special $1.49 Special $2.98;: ou to replace the old one' it*'! X\ -1- ' IV3 - v.- r - *< iV .. ' *V i? .y at prices to suit every look them over?all. the ties and one-strap ankle & KRIVIS TEIN'S BARGAIN HOUSE DEL MONTE CANNED GOODS WE WANT TOU TO KNOW that we have these popular Canned Goods? Peaches, Pineapple, Corn, Tomatoes, Beers and. Pimentoes, and we want you to know that DEL MONTE products are the highest quality put in cans? See Us or Phone for Prices . on the Better Kind of Canned Goods,. Ingleside Syrup?100. per cent Cane. FARM HARDWARE Our Farmer Friends will do well to see us for Farm Hardware. Heavy Trace Chains, 90 Cts. Pair; Have Cow Chains, Shovels, Forks, Hoes and Plow Steele. Have a few Shop Forges. If you can use one of these?Just make us a reasonable offer. You'll buy it. Have Early Amber and Orange Cane Seed. Let us supply you. J. F. CARROLL FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. TTAVING made our Final Settlement with the Probate Court of York county as Administrators of the estate of A. M. BARNETT, deceased, notice is hereby given that at 11 o'clock a. m., on ' April 11, 1921, we will make application to said court for our discharge from further liability in connection with said . estate. ; T. C. BARNETT, W. H. BARNETT, Administrators Estate of A. M. Barnett, Deceased." York, S. C., March 11, 1921. 20 f 5tl " GINNING DAYS. TTNTIL further notice our Ginnery ^ will be operated on THURSDAYS only. We are in the market for Cotton ' Seed all the.time. TIRZAH GINNERY, T. "R. Glenn, Manager. < 15 tf. " " , Tirzah; S. C. V OMINGI C -'I ^pril 11 ' ledians ||j a* Four5 Aott>n>e r-tn.vA'- o ? V X.11 A tiOliy LitJ, J. A IV^/VUi Jf VTIU>C nu, Uf )r THOS. F. McDOW, York, S; G;"' . " 17 t. f. ' ' i 1