Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 01, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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_ V AT THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST Rev. B. H.' Waugh, Pastor. Sunday Worship?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at / 10 a. in. Morning service at 11. Communion service immediately al'ter. Junior C. E. at 4 p. m. Young Peoples C. E. at 6.30 p. m. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. .Morning service at 13.. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Annual Bible Society at S p. m. sermon by Rev. J. K. Walker. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev..J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at I'O a. m. Morning service at 11. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. A. Liles, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Evening sendee at 7.30 o'clock. Special Retires. At Olivet. x Preaching at 3 p. m. J. K. Walker. Pastor. ' Clover Circuit. King's Mountain Chapel?Sunday school at 10.00 a. m. Preaching at 11.00 a. m. St. Paul?Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3.00 p. m. Clover?Preaching at 7.00 p. m. J. G. Huggin, Pastor. At Shiloh. ^ Preiaching at Hickory Grove at 3.30 p. m. ' F. A. Liles. Pastor New 2 on and Cannon Mill Chapel.' Preaching at New Zion at 11 a. m. Cannon MiU Chapel at 7 p. m: 1 Rev. B. B. Black, Pastor. Card of Thanks. Wc desire to tnanK our many menus ,and neighbors for their kindness and ' sympathy shown us during the short illness and dedth of our loving daughter, Mattle Ma|ye. We especially wish to thank our .'doctor, C. O. Burrus, for his faithful work. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bratton. Mar. 31, 1921, Filbert, S. C., R. F. D. 1. First Service at Lowryville Baptist Church. All of our friends of all denominations of York county are cordially invited to worship with us at our first service in the new church edifice, Sunday, April 3rd, 3 o'clock P. M. The speaker for this service will be Dr. W. T. Derieux of Columbia, S. 'C. Rev. It. M. White, formerly of Chester, S. C., but now of Ivinston, N. C., is also expected to be with us. We will worship God with an offering for the new church building.at the close of this service. A hearty welcome awaits you. Lowryvillo Iiuplist Church ' GEO. M. ROGERS. 25 2t . Pastor. GREAT MASS OF PROOF Reports of 50,000 Cases of Kidney Trouble, Some of Them York Cases. Each of some 6,000 newspapers of the United States is publishing- from week to week, names of people in its particular neighborhood, who have used and recommended Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney backache, weak kidneys, bladder troubles and urinary disorders. This mass of proof includes over 50.000 recommendations. Hete is one of York's cases. W. F. Putnam, South Main street, says: "A good many years ago I had symptoms of kidney trouble. I suffered with terrible headaches and this was a source of constant annoyance. It has been a long time since 1 have been bothered now and all I can say is, Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of that complaint and I haven't had any need of a kidney medicine since, as my kidneys.arc in fine condition." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a .kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mr. Putnam had. Foster Milburn Co, Mfr:s. Ruffalo. X. HYMENEAL MARRIED?In Gastonia, X. C.. Monday morning at St. Mark's Episcopal church, Miss MIXXIE KXIGHT of Gastonia and formerly of the Church Home Orphanage. .Yorkville and Mr. ALEX STEPHEXS of Charlotte. Rev. J. W. C. Johnson officiating. Among those attending the wedding were Mr. ...wl M,.c \\T M ,,n,l All. VI C Willi's or Yorkville. At Bethel Presbyterian manse, Clover, S. C. 11. V. D. No. 2, March 30. 1921, bv their pastor, Rev. CJ. W. Nickell. Mr. ALBERT N. BRANDON and Miss WILLIE FRANCES BOYD, both of the Point section, Bethel township. At Bethel Presbyterian manse. Clover, S. C.. It. F. D. 2. March 19. 1921. by Rev. (I. W. NickclU Mr. JOSEPH 0. BOYD of Bethel township, and Miss ELLA CONDEK, of Charlotte. N. C. COTTON MARKET Friday. April 1, 1921. Cotton Seed Sharon Ill 27 Clover ll.t 24 Yorkville Ill 24 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For Sale?(lood stable manure at $3.01) per load, delivered in town. Mrs. P. W. Love. Phone No. 2t>?. 1'ork. S. C. 1 Corn For Sale?About 100 bushels in shuck. Price, $1.25. cash, at crib.il" sold at once. See H. B. McDaniel, it. T.< rv Vn r. Vi.i'L-filln up 111 AI Grist? * 20* Wanted?Customers to wear Paneo Neolin rubber soles. Out wear best leather two to one. We do the same job and better work for less money than others charge. Owens Electric Shoe Shop. ti(j lit* Cleveland Big Boll?About 50 bushels. Fresh from Coker's in 1010 anil still pure at $1 a bushel. E. It. Shannon, York. It. F. D. No. 1. 25 tit* $25.00 Reward?For brown leather grip with contents intact, child's kodak, book, clothes, etc. Lost from automobile near end. of North Charlotte car line. February 4th. Write owner. P. P. .Murphy, Lowell, IS', C. . _ ~5 31 Young Men, Women?Over 17, fo. 1 Postal Mail Service. $120 month. Examinations April. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of instruction, write .John Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) COS Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. 24 3t * Wanted?1,000 men to patronize our Barbershop. Join our pressing club. Four suits a month, $1.50. Phone 100. Rear of postoffice. Dallas & Camp. Clover. 20 8t For Sale?Fine grade Long Staple cotton seed, $3.00 per bushel. H. L. Johnson, R. F. D. 1, York. S. C. 18 tf Hemstitching and Picoting?10 cents a Mictnmni' fll I'll i ell i 11 <r Hiroqrl See or write, Miss Debro Sandifer, . York, S. C. 23 9t | Wanted?To book your orders by April 20, for Porto Rico and. Nancy Hall < potato plants at $2.50 per thousand, by parcel post. A. M. Taylor, York, S. C. Phone 240. 25 ot* For Sale?Oakland Sedan. New. Will trade or sell for Cash or Liberty bonds. L. G. Thompson, York, S. C. 25 2t - * Tomato Plants?Early Anna, Bonnie Bess and Brimcr, by Parcel Post, 30 cents per 100; $3 per 1,000. S. N. Stacy, Clover No. 3. 21 tf. WHEN YOU WANT I A NYTHING hauled, that can be hauled on a Truck, call P. D. HOPPER, Clover, S. C. Furniture moving a specialty. Prices right. Phone 77. 24 9t NOTICE /~\N and. after April 1st, 1921, the busi" ness heretofore under the firm name of Nathan Feinstein, dealer in general merchandise, will be conducted undi the name of Feinstein & Krivis, department store. The business under the new name will be continued on as usual as in the past, and will be better prepared to serve its patrons than it has in the past. FEINSTEIN & KRIVIS, Nathan Feinstein, President, David Krivis, Sec. and Treas. 20 f ' tf HE STAR THEATRE TODAY "FA N TO MAS"? Episode No. 14, "The Blazing Train." Also a good Century Comedy. SATURDAY CHARLES HUTCHISON? In "The Whirlwind," Episode No. 7. Also Charlie Chaplin in "The Immigrant," and the Selznick News. . MONDAY OWEN MOORE? In "Piccadilly Jim," from the famous Saturday Evening Post story. A Comedy Romance with Fun, Thrills and Throbs. COMING TUESDAY WANDA HAWLEY? In ."Her First Elopement." J. Q. WRAY, Manager. A CARLOAD OF AMBER AND no a wrcr a wcsrcn; vimi'suli wiiili uLii-iU 600 Bushels?just arrived? by buying in this quantity we get the very lowest price. We are passing it on to our customers. See us for your Cane Seed needs. Prices the Lowest. YORK SUPPLY CO. GARDEN PLANTING TIME IS AT HAND Continuing out policy of many years we have the necessary seed for your garden. We handle flic famous FERRY SEEDS In* Bulk and Packages. Come in and make your selection. Clover Drug Store R. L. WYLIE, Prop. Clover, S. C. REAL ESTATE AGENCY I FOR SALE Fifty Acre Trect?Xenr Xew JSion church and school: three-room house and barn: lot of good saw timber. The J. W. Dcbson Property?Corner of Congress and Madison streets, (jotid nine-room dwelling and store. Lot faces on Con .cress and Madison streets, with room for more buildings. Attractive bargain. Cottage on Wright Avenue?Five rooms and commodious sleeping porch. .1 i: ?i. .,-1 1 <>t ?fi vicvu iv n^iiin, luia-i .imi LHII.II, -J..l'eet front. 2S0 font back. Nine Room House?Between residence of C. F. Slieror and Carroll Bros.' i Store. If you are looking for a line location and a bargain, see me quick. Five Room House?Off King's Mountain street. YorkvHle. Lot ItOxL'OO foot. Thirty Acres?One mile of Yorkville, on King's Mountain road. Tract of 142 Acres?Two miles of Clover. Has a first class neatly painti od eight-room house, with good barn j and outbuildings; also a well finished four-room house with outbuildings. Entire place is good level land with practically no waste. Will sell as a whole or divide so as to leave settlement developments on either tract. New four-room house?Xoar Yorkville Graded chooi. Residence Phone 111 and Office Phone 74. C. F. SHERER, Real Estate WARM WEATHER IS HERELet us supplv you with ICE CREAM when you give your party. We have the very best. VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN? On tlie hot days and be refreshed. i Mackerel Drag Co. Near the Court House FOR RENT TVHE J. C. Chambers' place, five hun' dred Acres. Apply to JEFF D. WHITESIDES, Hickory Grove No. 2, or THOS. F. McDOW, York, S. C. 17 t. f. tf See The Enquirer Office for Titles and Mortgages of Real Estate. | Refrig< | YES, QUITE TRUE, = early to think about Refr IN but really it is not too ea = one of these home ncccss | summer. We can supply | we may not be able to ch | that you look at our Reft = now while the "getting if = You'll find our prices < ? will find that our Refrigc = 0. K. as to quality. LooL | REFRIGERATOR S| ICE BOXES?75 and I YORK FURI | New Steti J The Best Dressed Me 5 B. Stetson Hats?because CORRECT IN STYLE, 2 the Stetson Hat has the (J 'q We are showing new 1 all the popular Spring sh 5 Seal, Pearl, Carbon, Blaci ? a complete line of the sta 2 CLAPP OXFORj 5 t You will be wanting ' lect what vou want now u JV .1 . i - , n <4 rue style yon want?tnc 5 Clapp Oxfords for men it j lish lasts and in Tans aiu 5 Prices arc somewhat 1 ? price now is $12.50 pair. 5 WHEN YOU j ? To buy Shirts, Neckwear, i Underwear, Handkcrchic 1 Come to ST ROUP'S?Ye i here and you'll get them a I M S I SHOES J- lu* u I NEW LOT OF CHOICE A Ye have a elioiec bun now?arrived a few days for a Mule or 1 wo come ai I exchange and give yon a MULES JAMESg| ALL MEMBERS jVTEECH Stewart Tost No. 66. American Legion, are urgently requested to attend a meeting in Legion Hall over Mackorell Drug Co., Wednesday night, April G, at S! p. m. JAS. D. GRIST, Post Commander. 2G f. t 2t THE 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL - - - - 10:00 A. M. THE CHILD IN THE CHURCH .. WORSHIP - - .11 A. M. "The Man With a Meaning"?Subject B. Y. P. U. '. 4.00 P. M. We Want Every Person Interested In Progressive Christian Life Present. SUNDAY EVENING: 7.30 O'clock SERMON SERVICE SONG A. M. GRIST, B. H. WAUGH, S. S. Supt. Pastor. YOU ARE INyiTED orators | it- may seem to be a little = igerators and Ice Boxes; Sj trly if you expect' to buy | ities this year?for next | you now?next summer | ) so. Ilence. we suggest 5 ligerators and Ice Boxes S i good." | interesting and you | rators and Ice oBxes arc | : at once. | -25 to 100 lbs. capacity. | 100 lbs. capacity. | MTURE CO. I son Hats ? n everywhere wear John J Stetson Hats are always J and in addition to style 5 hiality to back it up. J lines of Stetson Hats in 2 apes and shades?Mint, ? and,of course we have i pic shapes in Stetsons. * 95 FOR MEN j them shortly?better se- J bile we have your size? ? last desired. We have i Conservative and Eng- ? 1 "Rlsift ks. * css than a year hgo?the ^ kRE READY j , Collars, Belts, Hosiery, ? fs, etc., just save time? J >u will get quality goods S it the right prices. ? TROUP SHOES ? MULES? lcIi of Mules at out barns ago. If you have a need id see us. \\re will sell or fair deal. OTHERS E0ESES McConnell's?The Shopping ?o?? Center o? Hundreds of People WERE HERE SATURDAY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR NEW LOW PRICES ON SPRING GOODS? All Ladies' $10.00 and $12.00 Ox, fords at $4.98 Pair All Ladies' $G.OO and $7.00 Oxfords at ' $3.98 "Pais All $3.50 Oxfords at ' N V.'"1' $1.98 Piir Extra ?SPECIAL? Extra 40 Inch SEAISLAND SHEETINd-'atf n 1 n rti _ < ?-Z UpiS. ACUU 3G Inch PAJAMA . CHECK Cun- , bleached) formerly 45c yd., at 121-2 Cts. Yard GINGHAM House Dresses at' $1.98 Each GAUZE VESTS at 121-2 Cts. Each Men's Sox lOCts.Pr. Ladies! Hose 10 Cts. Pr. Octagon Soap?Cake 4 Cts. Olives, large bottle 30 Cts. 50 c Peaches?Can 30 Cts. 60c Pineapple?Can 35 Cts. 60c Apricotp?Can 35 Cts. ra?i? The Right Place to Trade? We Sell for Cash Only This ~~ Store IS HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE FURNITURE, MATTINGS, RUGS AND TAPESTRIES. WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF COOKING STOVES, ; RANGES AND HEATERS. Automobile Accessories, Gasoline and Oils. M. L. FORD & SONS Licensed Undertakers and Embalmers. Automobile Hearses. CLOVER, S. C. CALHOUN DRUG CO. YORK, - - 8. C. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONSBRING-THEMfTO US. WE ASSURE YOU' OF BEST ' SERVICE, PURE DRUGS, PRESCRIPTIONS EXACTLY AS YOUR PHYSICIAN WANTS THEM AND FAIR PRICES. OTHER MEDICINES? We carry a very complete line of reliable Proprietary Medicines and you will find our prices fair and just. , STATIONERY, ETC. j Our line of Correspondence Stationery, Tablets, Pens, Inks, etc., is com plete and we invite you to uumt m uuu inspect this line. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS? Be it much or little and assure you of prompt, polite and efficient Service. CALHOUN DRUG CO. Shieder's Old Stand. STATEMENT Of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc., Required by the Act of congress of August 24, 1912, of The Yorkville Enquirer, published semiweekly at York, S. C., for April 1, 1921. ' STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. ss. Before me, a Notary Public, in and tor the State and. county aforesaid, personally appeared W. D. Grist, who, having been duly sworn according to law. deposes and says that he is the Editor of The Yorkville Enquirer. and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a . ...... +V,o nmnorqliln matl i true suALouieiiL m. u?u unuwM? agement (and if a daily paper, the i circulation), etc., of the aforesaid pub1 llcation for the date shown in the , above caption, required by the Act of , August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443. Postal Laws and Regulations, : printed on the reverse of this form, toi wit: ' * 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Name of? Postofflce address. Publishers, W. D. and A- M. Grist York S. C. Editor,'w.' D.' Grist.7.7.'. York, S. C." Managing Editor, W. D. Grist.... York, S. C. Business Managers, W. D. Grist, A. M. Grist York, S. C. 2. That the owners are: W. D. Grist York, S. C. A. M. Grist York, S. C. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: Peoples Bank & Trust Co York, S. C. W. D. GRIST, Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me .u:? omi, r.f 1.021. J. H.V."JENKINS,* Jr.,~N. P. for S. C. My commission expires at the pleasure of the Governor. company I Optometrists & Opticians j HAMPTON ST. ROCK HILL S. C. LOANS AT 7 % INTEREST A RRANGED for on York County Farms. Long-term. (6% through Federal Land Bank). Why not stop I paying higher rates? Charges reason- | able, . . C. E. SPENCER, _ ? Readjust!! ^ ... : v: .?AT I FEINS T E IN/ I IS NOW: IN BULL SWI] 1 BUT TWO DAYS TO I m OUR^OUTTQT: B:' ' * "V *.}:1. ^ 1 W,e have welcomed people i : county?many of them ber || ly expected to fake adyar I every customer has been as I ably Low Prices at which i I able, dependable Quality m i More than one has femar] i like old times?and we assi I good to us, especially wtiei |; the farmer is offered prac 1 COttoh.' 1 /: ' ' I LOOK AT A }EEW.. < 1 VALUES THAT' W] FOR THIS SALE?T! r ' yov? J1 One big lot of Jap Silk Ws i. In this Saie at i One big lot of Voile Waist iff, this Sale they go at? I 5,000 yds. Dress- G-inghair |; / But priced for this sal One big lot Overalls, reguk Hi ? priced for this sale at | Une big lot uyeraiis, $3.uu for this sale at I We are!offering Men's ain Prices that' you have I will be to. your advant I Our Ob j ect in- this Readjm I the Goods and Raise we y? a :T SALE ENDS:TQMQR] I FEINSTE1N SUCCESSORS'TQ FEINSTE | < XQ^K, " SWFCTPftTATflK 1 yj 11 ?iii a. a v tin vuv A Great Food Crop PREPARE FOR IT NOW?fT'LL PAY. I am prepared to furnish the entire plant production of 1,500 bushels of Potatoes?PORTO RICO and 'NANCY HALLS are. my Specialties. To secure best service and Plants when wanted; place your order NQW WITH ME?Your remittance will not j be used until plants are shipped. :-I "i Guarantee Satisfaction or Refund Your ' Money. Just attach check for quantity wanted and give me Date wanted- and you will not be disappointed. . To secure best service and best prices ,Club your orders for 5,000 or more together. Plaoe orders early. ' /l cabbage plants Also furnished in any quantity. ' T Tk U/YDP fihomn R H %J XJ . UVJi <U) MS. VI See The Enquirer Office for Titles and Mortgages of Real Estate. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A LL persons indebted to the estate of " JOHN LAW JACKSON, deceased, < are hereby notified to make payment:to < the undersigned at once, and persons 1 having claims against said estate are advised to present the same, properly 1 proved, within the time pr-icribed by i law. ' ELWIN L. ADAMS, \ , 22 f 3t? Executor. Chattel and Crop Mortgages at The Enquirer Office. * ' | ME f IS IT NOT TIM J . ABOUT THAT 1 ? SUIT THAT Y J NEED OF ? ? h Our stock is very large ai 9 styles of clothes we carry \ ? one's wants and fancies. 1 J you in the price?quite ar day of tight money?Just i ^ Men's Wool and Cotton Si; " Priced at 2 j Men's All Wool Blue Serg z Men's very fine Blue Ser and Regular models? I - 4 Mixture Suits, in best of c< ^ all styles?Priced at, i These Suits are all 50 per a were last season. Let i j KIRKPATRH jj Sells It For Less / lent Sale?!| & KRIVIS ' ' .. - .-d $ m AND' YOU HAVE, d TAKE ADVANTAGE if jf HE BONE'' PRICES. ' 11 *' ',' f :. from all parts of York ;'|| 'X* ng people whowe haj?d- ;? |1 itage of this sale^and rJ ?$ itonished ati;he: remark-' | $ we, are offering seasona .erchandise in this Sale. | ted that bur prices* are ?.| i ire you that that Sounds M Z. litisrmemberea^sli tically nothing for his |j| )F THE STRIKING- 1 E HAVE; CREATE J & HEY ARE HERE FOR 4| I lists, $3.50 values?-"' ::i\ ik i ?$l^E$ch :4j is, $2.00 valties?In * : ; '< m M : 89;Gtsl Each,- i ' iv/yV ?'" 329 is, 25 cts. values-- > . M e'at Yj&>M ft ir $2.00 values^but);>,i $| % Ct&Pair. .|1 || values?but priced il 1$ I Young Mei^s' SuM at ^11| never dreamed' of? ;age to h0n ?B 3 istment Sale isto Moire JI $ sli ilN'S'BARGAIN HOUSE ~y jg |? v..:C.-J OLIVER Willi# PLOWS , . .. . - ? V.v^v/? , . ' ' .\'rA WE. ARE OVERSTOCKED ON ONE HORSE AND NO. 10 .OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS AND WE*ARE GOING TO SELL THEM. . IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET^ FOR ONE OR ^ORE^E1^^! SELL YOU CHEAPER THAH THE OTHER FELLOW^O^ '^ MATTER WHAT HI8SP)F1TCE ' MAYBE. COMEBEFORETHEY ALL GO?COME NOW. We have Orange and Amber Can* 8eed, CARROLL BEOS. ' " - / w .-Jv'ty* ? FOR FINAL DISCHARGE, LTAVING made our Final Settlement ;'v with the" Probate Court- "of -York :ounty as Administrators, of the. esthta 3f A. M. BARNETT, deceased, notice is lereby given that at 11 o'clock a. m.;ony" April 11,1921, we wiII.maKe appiicauiw = to said court for our discharge-from. ; further liability in connection with Bald/J jstate.' ; ? : : ' T. C. BARNBT.T, W. H. BARNETT, Administrators Estate of A. M. Barnett,, Deceased. . ifork, S. C., March 11, 1921.- 20 f 5tT ; ' J / i . . , .. " . t, .rV4A -.t> N! 1 E TO THINK $ JEW SPRING ? OU ARE IN m ? ? ? ? ? ;Wii id the varieties and the Vf ve believe will cover any Then too,'we can please l important item in this try us. 1 tits in good colors? * .. $8.95 and $12.50 ? e Suits?Priced at "* :.;?14;95 % ges?Young Men's ' ( * Priced at __ $24.95 to $40.00 ,|: )lor combinations? 4 $18.50to $39.95 ;:|j cent cheaper than they ([ is show you. .f ;| :k-belk co. I Sells It FprjLess . < . A .. - '