Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 18, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Sutherland summarizes the results of the recent special audit of various county officers throughout the state. Of York county the report says: "Books in the auditor's office are very neat and accurate. Books prepared by townships instead of by school districts. Clerk of tlje qpurt's records accurate. A few errors were discovered in the office of the superintendent of education. Several claims paid by the treasurer not approved by this office: also a few not probated and properly signed by the trustees. A few districts overdrawn. In the su-. pervisor's office very little attention is paid to the legislative appropriation: several accounts show overdrafts. The affairs of the county treasurer's office are conducted in a very business-like manner, all funds properly accounted for and a complete . record made of each transaction. This office is doing everything in its power-to handle the a business of York county to the very best interest of the-county.' Ourrfni vestigations of the other offices show that these are complying with the law and keeping the proper records, almost without exception." at rue rui iDrucc n I I IIU V4 I W IIVH UVJ FIRST BAPTIST Row B. H. Wanerh. Pastor. Sunday Worship?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7 o'clock. ^ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?S,,r,day school a1 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Junior C. E. at 4 p. m. Young Peoples C. E. 6.30 p. m. Evening service at 7.30. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. K. Walker, Pa3tor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Sunday services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L.' Oates, Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning: service at 11. Evening service at 7.30. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. A. "Liles. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service ta 11. Evening service at 7 o'clock. fecial Notices. At Olivet. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. m. J. K. Walker, Pastor. Clover Circuit. King's Mountain Chapel?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. St. Paul?Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. m. Clover?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 7 p. m. J. G. Huggin. Pastor. Clover and Union. Clover?Bible school at 10 a. m. T>ranoViino* at 11 a rv* TTninn Pihlr. I school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. m. O. L. Jones, Pastor, i At Hebron. Preaching at Hebron Sabbath afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. J. L. Oates, Pastor. At Bcersheba Sunday school at 10.30 a. m. next Sunday. Congregational Meeting. There will be a congregational meeting at Beersheba next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock for the -"purpose of calling a pastor. E. M. Dickson, Clerk. BACKACHE IS DISCOURAGING But Not So Bad if You Know How to ! D t- iL._ ncctun me utiuou. Nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bend or lift, it's hard to work or to rest. Iiackachc often indicates bad kidneys. York people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Ask your neighbors. Read this case: Mrs. \V. A. Thompson. Cleveland Avenue. York, says: "Some years ago I suffered with inflammation of the bladder and kidney trouble. I certainly suffered terribly with those pains in the small of my back. My back ached, so I could hardly stand the pains and my head felt as if it would split. Nervous and dizzy spoils came on and I was all unstrung. Little black specks would float before my eyes, blurring my sight. My kidneys acted irregularly and 1 couldn't get any relief. 1 heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and bought two boxes of them. As soon fiv: I took thorn I errnlrt see :i irreat chance anil after I hail finished the two boxes, I felt better.'* I'rice, fit) c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a. kidney remedy?cot Dunn's Kidney Dills?the same that I Mrs. Thompson had. Kostor-Milburn Co., Mils., Buffalo, X. Y. OBITUARY DIKD?Tuesday at his home on West Madison street Yorkville as the result of a stroke of paralysis which | he suffered the nicht before, Mr. ! JAMBS A. SHILLIXCJBAW. acod fiT years. Interment was in the A. It. 1\ cemetery at Sharon on Wednesday moraine following funeral services combated by Bey. K. It. Hunter, assisted by Bev. J. J,. Oates. Mr. Shillinclaw was born and raised about a mile east of Yorkville and lived practically all of his life there until about I twelve years atp> when he moved to i the Turkey Creek section. He moved j to Yorkville a few months aco. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Junto (hiulden Shiliinclaw and two children. Three brothers. Messrs. H. M. | K. M. and It. A. Shillinglaw and two 1 sisters. Mesdatnes J. M. Williford a'Kl \V. J. Fewel! all of York county, also survive. At his home in Rock Hill, at (1.30 last evening. following an illness since last May. Mr. WILLIAM J. NfclELY, aged 11 years. Interment was in Laurelwootl cemetery. Rock Mill, this afternoon. following funeral services conducted from the First I'reshyterian eiiurch of which he was a member. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Irene Chambers Xeely and two children. W. J. Needy, Jr.. and Louise Xeely. Two brothers, Messrs. K. M. and II. <1. Xeely and two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Coley and Mrs. F. M. Hair, also survive. Mr. Xeely had been engaged in the livestock business in Rock Hill, for about twenty years and was one of tho most widely known men in York county. At his home on Tom Hall street. Fort Mill, on Tuesday morning. WILLIAM 12. GRIFFIN, well known citizen, in tiie 71st year of his age. The funeral Louis Roth TEE STAR THEATRE! TODAY "FANTOMAS"? Episode X<>. S. "At Death's Door." j Also a .norul Century Comedy. SAT 1* FID AY j "THE WHIRLWIND"? 1 Featuring Charles Hutchinson, "The World's Rreatost Dare-Devil of the | Screen" in fifteen breathless episodes. I Also Charlie Chaplin in "The Rinlc." .MONDAY ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN? In "The Shadow of Rosalie Ryrnes." the story of two sisters, one a reckless ; young beauty, who knew not the prae' tiee of discretion: the other a modest, i earnest and lovable young concert singi cr who was constantly being shamed and embarrassed by the unconventional ] pranks of her sister. A Solzniek pie| ture. 1 J. Q. WRAY, Manager. probate juage 01 ioik ^uum-y. 14 t -'t SEED Irish Potatoes BOTH BLISS AND COBBLER SEED. IF LOU AUK EXPECTING TO USE ONE SACK OK MOKE. I CAN MAKE YOU AN INTERESTING PRICE ON SAME. CABBAGE PLANTS. In the Probate Court. By J. L. Houston, Esquire, Frobate Judge of York County. WHEREAS JUANITA HARDIN has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of CHAS. V. HARDIN, late of the County aforesaid, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and.admonish all and singular the kindred and. creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said County, to be holden at York Courthouse on the 2STH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1921, to shew cause, if any, why <he said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 12th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one and in the' 14olh year of American Independence. (Seal) J. L. HOUSTON, ChurcH through the PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL IM14 2t PROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. BANKS CLOSED rPHE Peoples Bank and Trust Company and the Loan and Savings Bank will be closed TUESDAY, February 22, in obs.'rvance of Washington's Birthday. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO., . LOAN & SAVINGS BANK. It ATTENTION, SERVICE MEN! A LL members Mcech Stewart Post, No. fiii, American Legion, are requested to attend a meeting of the Post at Masonic Hall, York, WEDNESDAY EVENING, February 23. at 8 p. m. Several mutters of importance will, be taken up. JAS. D. GRIST, Post Comd'r. P. A. SMITH, Adjt. 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of York. 1 1 ? For Sale?Four mules. Will sell in pairs or single. Wagon, harness and farm tools. See them at my home. Mrs. Mamie Owens, York. 13 4t For Service?Registered big bone^Poland-China boar, "Edgwood's Boy," Registry No. 111,789. M. E. Stanton, York No. G. 12 6t For Service?Registered Poland-China Boar, named Major, 133.315. A. M. Taylor, Phone 246, York, S. C. 10 6t* For Sale?Power hay baler. In good condition. See J. R. Cannon, York, S. C. 9 6t Milkers and Beef?I have several fresh milkers that I will sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for dry cattle on reasonable terms. J. E. Latham, Sharon No. 1. 8 tf. For Sale?High Grade Ammoniated Fertilizers for cotton, corn, tobacpo, etc. Also Fish Scrap. Blood, Tankage, Foreign Kainit. etc. Write us for prices advising the tonnage you want. Dawhoo Fertilizer Company, Box 608, Charleston, S. C. 4 13t HOT SUPPER AT Philadelphia School House, Friday night, Feb. 25, at 7.30 o'clock. Regular suppers or special orders will be served. Benefit of Philadelphia services were conducted at St. John's Methodist church Wednesday by Rev. W. R. Bouknight, and the interment was in Unity cemetery. Mr. Griffin was born in Union county, North Carolina, June 17, 1851. He was married on August 27, 1877, to Miss Ida Hoagland and moved to Fort Mill township shortly after his marriage. For a number of years he conducted a large and profitable mercantile business about one mile north of the town, and several years j ago moved to Fort Mill, where he has since conducted a similar business. He is survived by his widow and three | sons. William Griffin,. Harvey Griffin, I and Roy Griffin, and one daughter, Mrs. | James M. Gamble, all of Fort Mill. / COTTON MARKET . Friday, Februa\j>' 18, 1921. .. i Ootton Seed Sharon 131 40 Clover 131 351 Yorkville ... 133 35} MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For Sale?Pure Long Staple cotton seed, $1.50 per bushel. See or write, me at Sharon. N. W. Horton. 13 2t Wanted?A good two-horse share cropper on farm adjoining King's Mountain Chapel lands, one-half mile of Filbert. Apply to Mrs. Mamie Owens, York, S. C. 13 4t H. E. FERGUSON FERGUSON LIVE , SHARON, _ A CAR OF CHOICE W Yes, we mean just th; as has ever been shipped Sharon Barns and we inv class stock to come and 1 you do not want to buy ji ?come and see this lot of you'll be pleased. You'll Prices Right and the Ten B. B. FERGUS Your Home? Make it just as attractive as you can ?you'll "enjoy living more. Use Beaver Board on your walls?better than plaster?makes beautiful walls, is adaptible to any room, and can be finished in any desired color or color scheme. Let us show you how it can be used to beautify your home at moderate cost. FLY SCREENS? Quite true that it is not "fly time," but you can make a safe bet that the flies will be here soon enough. Give us an order now for New Screens, made to fit your windows and doors. Our wellmade screens will outwear three or four of the ready-made kind and our FLY SCREENS FIT. If you already have screens and they need Recovering, let us do the work NOW. LOGAN LUMBER YARD FLOUR--- | Hauling Up Another Carload of Flour Today. The price has advanced 50 j cents a barrel since we bought, but We Give You the Advantage of Our Having Bought Before the Rise. FERTILIZER? We have not contracted for any Fertilizer yet. We believe the price will go lower. Will be glad for you to come and sec us when you get ready to talk Fertilizer. WE WANT TO BUY? Some Peas and Corn. YORK SUPPLY CO. Wholesale and Retail THE KTRAPTICT PHIIRPH JLUI uni 11U A VllVilVlt HAVE YOU v Ever "FELT" God's Holy Sabbath? ? COME ? Worship With Us and FEEL God's Day SUNDAY 11.00 A. M. The Service of Song and Instruction. WORSHIP - - - 11:00 A. M. The Service of Praise and Adoration B. Y. P. U. SUNDAY 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL - - - - 10:00 A. M. Baptismal Service "Come, And Go With Us. We Shall Surely Do*You Good.' A. M. GRIST, B. H. WAUGH, S. S. Supt. Pastor. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. T AM prepared to do Heavy Hauling * of all kinds on short notice, and am giving special attention to moving household goods, etc. L. G. THOMPSON. Phone 175, York. S. C. 20 tf. Chattel and Crop Mortgages at The Enquirer Office. I Do It Nc If you arc so much as | niturc, House Furnishing | Coverings, we just want that RIGHT NOW is 01 ; ever had to buy anything I . need. Our stock is very com ; for us?and if a custom having a half formed idea a given article of furnitu take it from us that they i buying. You arc familiar with | .sell. And this with the i i for the "Cash" usually ivj And too, we have m the first of the year at i sales we have been niakii Our Prices Are Win Suppose you conic are York F1 j ,, OlOYUS, XVUllgUS Ui. I'iWi ; to whisper in your car ic of the best times you in this line that you may plctc?most too complete er comes into our place - that lie or she would buy re "if the price is right," seldom go away without the qualities of goods we' >riccs that we arc naming icanS a sale right quick. _ illy been surprised since [lie number of furniture | * i lg. it Is Doing the Trick. und and take a look over. urniture Co. OF GREASES. Dodge Parts, Buggies and Wagons. !j. H. CARROLL LOANS AT 6 % INTEREST A RRANGED for on Tork County Farms. Long-term. (5 1-2 % through Federal Land Bank). Why not stop paying higher rates? Charges reasonable. C. E- SPENCER. See The Enquirer Office for Titles and Mortgages of Real Estate. >w! thinking of buying Fur. CU T) T?1 AA1I I I I REMtMBhR? We have a full line of OLIVER PLOWS and REPAIRS. ,1J( THE HOUSE OF SERVICE, CARROLL BROS. We Wish to Thank? OUR CUSTOMERS and those whom | we expect to be customers, for the liberal patronage giVen our GASOLINE AND OIL SERVICE STATION Since we opened up, and we wish to say that we will continue to give the [same service in the same way In the | future as we have in the past. nicni imp nil AND ALL KINDS BETTER PLACE UKDEKS NUVY. J. D. HOPE, Sharon, S. C. Cement! Cement! JUST RECEIVED? ,! A CARLOAD OF CEMENT A CARLOAD OF LIME. , If you are needing either of these commodities?in any quantity?Come to see us. PRICES RIGHT. DON'T FORGET THAT'BUGGY That >ou are figuring op getting. We have the Buggies and the Prices. THEN SEEN US FOR?' HORSE FEED, MILL FEED. DAIRY FEED.- FLOUR. COBBLER AND BLISS SEED IRISH POTATOES? Now is the time to buy. S. T. FERGUSON STOCK COMPANY - - S. C. 1? s KJgXH / ESTERN MULES? at?a car of as fine Mules east?has arrived at our itc all interested in firstook them over?possibly ist now?that is all right Mules?they're fine and find the Mules Right, the ns Right. Comc early. SON, Manager. SEED OATS ABOUT FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK?FES. 18TH?I EXPECT TO RECEIVE A CARLOAD? 1,500 BUSHELS?OF RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. I WILL SELL THESE FROM THE CAR AT SEVENTY-THREE AND A HALF (73V2) CENTS A BUSHELSEND CHECK FOR AMOJNT WANTED. WILL HOLD UNTIL ARRIVAL OF CAR AND NOTIFY BUYERS. YOUR GARDEN? GET READY NOW FOR YOUR SPRING GADENING? WE HAVE GARDEN SEEDS AND SEED IRISH POTATOES. Everybody should plant a garden this Spring?Plenty of vegetables help out wonderfully during the Spring and Summer?the more variety you have the more satisfactory the garden. Plant IRISH POTATO just as soon as the ground is dry enough?the sooner the better?the earlier and better the yield. See us for the Seed. ONION SETS for early planting. YOUR GROCERIES? 1 See us for your table needs. "We have almost anything you might want for your table and you will find, our Quality, Our Prices and Our Service Right. MELROSE FLOUR IS THE BEST. SHEBEB & QUINN OYSTERS Spanish Mackerel FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK WE WILL HAVE CHOICE FRESH OYSTERS, FRESH FISH? SPANISH MACKEREL. PHONE YOUR ORDERS. ' CASH ON DELIVERY. SANITARY fARKET LEWIS G. FERGUSON. Mgr. ' SAVE < YOUR MONEY AND PATIENCE BY ? HAVING YOUR CAR WORK DONE T AT THE p P Peoples Garage s We Specialize on * BUICK, HUDSON, STUDEBAKER Jh AND ANDERSON CARS. You will find us at LIPE'S OLD ^ STAND?across the street from the j City Market. b Reasonable Charges, Prompt Service and Work Guaranteed. E B. J. DEVOS, Manager, _ WE ARE DOING OUR PART IN BRINGING DOWN ' THE COST OF LIVING. WE HAVE SLASHED? Prices on all Dry Goods down to a minimum. You'll find that you will ??vn mnnov Viv hnvinr* flnnHa hnro T ^ ~ J WUJ ***0 ^ J ?*Vi ? WE ARE FURNISHERS? For the entire family. YOUR Dollar will do Its Duty Here. D. M. PARROTT CLOVER'S LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE "cockerels I Have a Few at $4.00 and $5.00 Each? Pure Bred and Are Beauties. < EGGS FOR HATCHING From Pen No. 1, S. C. Rhode Island Red?this pen is headed with a Mayhood Cockerel?that means the best blood in the States?mated with 10 fine Pullets?15 Eggs $5.00 Pen No. 2, Reds?15 Eggs $2.50 S. C. Black Minorca?Pen No. 1, 15 Eggs, $4.00; Pen No. 2, Minorca, 15 Eggs '. $2.50 Dark C. I. Game?Pen No. 1, $3.00 per 15 Eggs; No. 2, per 15 Eggs $2.50 Silver Laced. Wvandottes, per 15 $2.50 These prices .are for Eggs delivered. I guarantee safe delivery and a hatch of 8 chicks out of each setting?the purchaser to return the carrier. Any one calling for eggs at my, home the prifce is 50 Cts. less per setting. SHADY NOOK POULTRY FARM J. E. Jackson, Proprietor, Route No. 6 York, S. C. Don't Blame the Agent IF YOU HAVE A POLICY on your life with which you are not entirely satisfied, do not blame the Agent that sold it to you, because YOU are to blame YOURSELF and not the Agent. You have been reading our advertisements in The Enquirer for years past, and instead of heeding our suggestion to "Look Before You Leap," YOU leaped without looking. We have asserted unconditionally at short intervals in these columns during the past 21 years that the Mutual Benefit was the BEST Company in Business, and asserted that 5 we COULD PROVE IT to the satisfac- : tion of any one who cared to investi- : grate. Scores have investigated and not ; one has been disappointed. : There are now about 1,000 Mutual S Benefit policies in force in York county 5 and every policy holder is Satisfied. We 5 are always pleased to show our goods, ; and we have never yet tried to force : any one to apply for a policy. ; SAM M. GRIST [ Room 203, People's Bank & Trust : Co. Building. ? j TIME TO PAY. : ALL Subscribers to The Yorkville j Enquirer on my Club are requested 5 to make payment at once either to me 5 or at The Enquirer office. Z 10 J. K. ALLISON. = PLEASE PAY UP. = ALL Subscribers to The Yorkville Z Enquirer 011 my Club will please : make settlement for same either with Z me or at The Enquirer office on or be- 5 fore February lflth. Thank you. r Miss SALLIE McCONNELL. = See The Enquirer Office for Titles jj and Mortgages of Real Estate, ' <15 X V illg< LOOK THESE Yard-wide SHEETING.. APRON GINGHAMS DRESS GINGHAMS 32-inch DRESS GINGIL GINGHAMS that were 5 DRESS GINGHAMS th and 75 Cts.?Now Good PA JAMA CHECK Good CAMBRIC - Good LONG CLOTH EXTRA I One lot of Silk Dressesstyles?we will offer this KIRKPATRI Sells It For Less ? / i; The price of Fordson Ti Come and talk it ov Ford Sales 0 [ Ford Service *8>3kSK$><3><8><$><$><S^ Kirkpati Com HERE YOU CAN THE RIGHT PRI Everything that we liai marked DOWN TO THI PRICE LEVEL Right along with the Nc^ Tri n rr iupci ly . About three tons of high grade fer[lizers; 3 Tractors, Tractor Plows and larrows; various Farm Tools, Gears, everal two-horse Wagons; 2 Buggies; Hogs; 10 Mules; 2 Horses; a lot of lorn and Stover; and Household and Litchen Furniture. Two shares,- Series No. 8, Peoples tuilding and Loan Association, on ,'hich $110 has been paid; and 5 shares lerles No. 11, Peoples Building and /oan Association, on which $145 has een paid. .. . ... Terms of Sale: CASH. MARY McC, LOVE. Jxecutrix of the Estate of P.'W. Love, Decld. ... . 9 7t ( PRICE F Willi il UUIlipieiU JLLLIU UJL Spring Clothing and we i this line and if you wish You will find prices at the Workmanship, the SI teed. Yes, come in Mont J. M. I EXECUTRIX'S SALE. ~\N Monday, March 7th, 1921, immediately after the public sales at he Court House, the undersigned will, s Executrix of the estate of P. W.' ove, deceased, offer for sale at his late esldence near the sales stables of tobt. T. Allison, the following personal The Well M ALWAYS, attra he has a bearing all his out the individuality of him distinctive without ?iiis clotnes need not n( ?but they must be of gc properly cut?they musi yidual?they must be m'ai why it is a pleasure for t great Baltimore Clothing ISAAC HAMBUR the leading makers of cc men who would dress we' this well known concern MONDAY AS February k? ? : ? M?mmmmmmm-mmmmmmmm "~4 1 Dressed VM " '-K an v'n-.cjg . . I , . u<? ."> , * ' IV cts favorable attention? "', ,;," 5 own?good clothes bring ; M 4 the wearer?they make ' , } , .; making him conspicuous' '"i O J. . J- * ' scessarily be extravagant' >od quality, they must be ; b'fit?they must be indi-'! ie for the wearer?that is * ;[. ^ his store to represent the ' ii , ; concern of GEE & SONS, Inc. 11 )rrectly made clothes for . "1 11. The representative of " will be at this store on rD TUESDAY '/ ll 21 and 22 correct fabrics for Men's : nvite you to come and see : >' % i, place an order with us. ? !j. 0 tractive, and the Quality,,! i?jr ics ctiiu luc x'il uuaiaulay or Tuesday. ! ' 5TROUP ; ' I ' . ?v Optometrists & Opticians HAMPTON ST. . ^ ROCK HILL - - - - S. CI . ' 4 NOTICE OF GINNING DAYS TTNTIL further notice we will run our gin on Thursday and Friday of > each week. ' , *, CLOYER COTTON OIL & GIN CO. ^ :; * ' 1 ; - ; * * .. ' ' / - f. ??. ' <r^ . , 4^ *f W (EDUCED ractors has been cut $165. or with us. . . ; 1IIRTWFV Ford Cars - J Ulv 111L1 j?or^ Tractors . >1 <3><8>?>?xS*?xS><^S^^ V ick-Belk j ipany I BUY GOODS AT 1 < :ces? |,, re carried over we have = 3 NEW, LOW- | : S % ;v Groods that we arc now 5 PRICES OVER | 7 Cts. 1 v 7 Cts. and 10 Cts. = - 10 Cts. | iMS, nice plaids... 18 Cts. = 0 Cts.?-lsTow ? 25 Cts. J at have been 68 Cts. = 35 Cts. i S... 14 Cts. | . . 121-2 Cts. | 121-2 Cts. 1 SPECIAL | -good Material and good | week?At 1 HALF PRICE 1 CK-BELKCO. J Sells It For Less s