Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 07, 1921, Image 1

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[ iL i7sl/eo semi- weekly."" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l. m. grist's sons, publishers. gt Jiuuiln XIihrsp;tj)or: /or the promotion of the political, Serial, g?qriruUural and (fommcwial ^Interests of the jprople. T ? R ^cop^AivkNcentsAN ? ? ESTABLISHED 1855 YOPvIv. S. C.. ^INDAY, J ANl/AKY 7, 19-21. ISTO. 2 VIEWS AND INTERVIEWS Brief Local Paragraphs of More or Less Interest. PICKED BP BY ENQUIRER REPORTERS Stories Concerning Folks and Things Some of Which You Know and Some You Don't Know?Condensed For Quick Reading. "I.:iur< us Mirily I'.u iivrs :nv |?in tin* s;;ill" |Mi|j?\v lliat t!n* <' * V<>ii< cKiility niv d.iSniv." said Ml". Starr I, fminiT Vorlvvillc iiiitcImiii it till II".V III III" III' II until'- I'll.'Ill- .... ... J.:turi-ir; ttlm has I >>n sj.i'iiilin^ v sal days in \ nil;vil!c this week. "Musine:;,-: i:; :i IiJI slnw in I .min us just 11 i\v i vi-u as ii is i-Vi*r> ivlifii' rise." said Mr. W'.mhI: "hiii ih" merchants miii i viT.vIni<ly else uv"i- tln-re in'" liiuUilif; forward I a prospermia r.'L'l." Prices of Millinery. "1'iiri-s nf women's hats afiil millinery ffofii!:! :ii" iml "."in;; 1" hi* an\ higher and ti"t ntiirli lower than they \.'CT" last y? :n ," saiil lh" n!h"r afterttoun an experienrnl 111 i 11 i 11 i-r In \vh"in Views ninl Interviews v.atalkin;:. "Millinery sah-Miiiii who haV" I arniuul with th"ir olTeriims y. Is fur spritiK ninl .summer hats," said the miliiner, "say that there is nuin:; In lie miKiity little ililt'ert .ii " in prise this sprint; and 1 am ralh"r "f 'hat "pini"ii myself." Too Many Dachelorj. "Tiiere are tun many liaeheinrs here." : v.-.l IJi-V. *1'. Walsh. |.:i: I..I- ..I tin- t'httreh of Hit* :?. ??! Shepherd. Kpisenpal. in >uvr.::iIwith Views ;i:nl 1'iterviews t!; "tlmr jc. "I lit'.e lived in :< 11nm>> -r uf !??wits" 11 e \*. Mr. Walsh w lit In say; " i ?:i then* is tin iliuiM licit then* :n'e timre h.'ie||e|nrS liefe til.'ili in : ny nlhei* t"Wll I lei VI' ever li Veil ill. Nie.v i .1" eiiUlSe lie naturally experts In li;nl a l"l nf "hi ma ills in any town: Intl. it is unusual t*i lind s?i many haelieim espevi.illy .sii runny wliu are titianeM I|y alr'e t" marry." Spenkiny of Cornbread. " A l.usitel i.f eurn." "hserveil a i-itiv.e'i wliu lines a I"t "I* tliinkiii". atel nii>;lity little talking, "is luiuy.iiii; in* inure ii"W than 'a ihir.rn earts. "This eiitintry. thank I lie lau'd is pretty well ; applied with eurn meal just ii"'.v ami sun, I ilmi't kaiuv whether ??r ti"t y??n have ever a*,eiirt<niie.l yiurrsep' tu it; li lt |ej Ul*" t*-il \ I *1 I*: .el li niiaiity H"iul atel mirhtv 11 ; I::i!' ?! It it I his let >! vei :;e i ::p: e;.. - it . " 'I I* lis US all da! we st"t'i i eat t'urnhreail I" 'e"ti"t:ii'/.e! VVe'y li.'ihle In run slim t will 111. If We ilntl't aet tumid.\ ise. 'ih. white I'M Iks hanyia' 'iuIIihI lis urm-i-l \ sii [m>!i'i l'-i ii 111 k - \<iii I.!ii- ; !! vnti 11 vi i I < <-:t *i I lit* < : ii I n't fn-fn: vni si.Mi'tin' niiii' in I ?c !? ..i will! l!<'W-r ii: I.. ;-im\ Win n- 'I*- i-nfii 11:iI 11 i\ i All <! sH'i I!i il.it ii<- in ill rmiM s'li.VV |):il - I'll 111 !li tniili full liis. II 1: ]!.< n:; Ici ikiii* :ii * il .i ' mi": 111 i I. I J lllislliilf liii\i-i| '..if |||-\V. II ynM IH'VT niu'l i'I tin ?-ii!i?i-:ii| y it Ymi i? s:ilU|iiu' i illiIn" l yiiii"" G"orije K.jor.ior S.iy : Tlli- I III .In- i-\i-i-!l -:|! Jn-I.i i III Ii i;i Ami riivi. kun'|n- (i.il'i is li -iu;: r:t11 .:ti 1 In If i!i>: .al.ntii!. t!iii- Siuiil.-iys :ii n >1 j i-vi ni:iI iv. ill' liliii* A11 11 I: i \ s. 1 is i i-iiiii:iini! Iii:!i imii. Wvil as naiif. Tin* ii"" n : Ii-iji v. ill rin! i-l' Ii: \v:'i I' ca|iit ii ai;.| lalinf. Sniaf |ii 111 i - inislaI-.-- !' ;ii I" ill" rail;-,!il in!' viiiis'-iviii-i*. ' 'if u<ai-rniiiitil ! ii"( liv.- v.iiliit. ii iiivniii 11111' V. illim;! i-lli 11'Aitir.itc'.in l iHi s iln vi i iii I I?t;i ' hi < :i n*l lli* |> ti'i r: i n i . Anion:; III'* * * 11 * i I Iiili: :: : I J::?: * ? ! :?! i in Alii'-iii i i. Iiiiiii ill 111* Ii.il 1,1 nli <ni.* I i a i'-*r :"1111-i v. In:! inii i' | ii i-t;:ti'>iis ii,'" it :ic* 111 11 \ hi* I. : * I ill Siiiiilny is tin! I'm* i*i.i> <li\ in lin* will; in w! i i' * 11 ! >!!. :: i. 11! I I* : I. II i :> y.'lji **:i I*!*"'vific i*iil *! Hi fi'iiii** 11* Ii h'I* I ' i:: i 111 ;*.. \\ II ;* i s Univ. I l*it: t'.n v. nitlil ini*i ii* :, ? i ; mi Mill II III' "111* ' .'*.1 I.'1 I i* III : I, . ,i..11;;*i :iln -1 I\ " Skunk Sv;iiii:. Iiiv.r I :i *.v ;i I .i: i" III l-in.-l !.* ! 11:ti11 i . I;hi:!. iii!:i"iii.* ! 11 .' . ii ! i -1 *:i i i .* v. 11111 m 11 ;; <'In . lli i i :. 1.1.1, s .M. .Intii *: l!< in y l::* . .1. I*, i in**:.: ;-'**inli ?'nruihi.i i. i r f 11; i: i ! i: :> ! 11 i I > V ii-U'.-: ,i s: I I n t > n v, s in I :it :i i. ! jii I ;is :-!mv.i: in In I : f s 11 in Mi.in I't.irn' Ii.hiJ.. v.tii1 'in- i c lit- In-.ii.' .-fiiivvi-ij ; i: i in II- Ui ill -Ii :ii- ill .|i-i i. ' .1 ijil I .till . -:i i ; - ' i <i| I i-1 - ii In - ..ii.l in\ !. I :i i tlli!i.| 111 I'll II. i .. i II : w: r:i . .' i i . n i m< ! I' -n " i in i V. ' j:. i li.i l' i : I 'ii.! . I.i.I -.v. i ..; I-. I -; ! .in { i-'.. I ;.. : . I nil'-I hi ' i.. *f ' : I . : - -I I. , i.-tj. I- I h:,-.. ; known fur ;i Inn* tinm t!i:ii >*klink:: | ! swim riv'-rs. I.at :!iis is 111? lirst lim-l I wr s:iw tin- <k i-iii ri-'t-i1. lie wjis in ; i-:i|-:-!l nf lll:i i*?Il 1 ! IIS (?*l:i |i|HT I'llilsj i mi il'uiltl. I'm muesli lii-iis :iImi.mil in tlx-. m:i:s!ii-.-: :iiul vvmilil full iasy vji'tiinsi in .1 : klink nf mink. Nntliiiii: Itiil ilm l'ii-iiii?Iily i'f ilii-si- liirils snv-s tlmm fi'niii i x:im*linn: I'nr limy :j?-i wuircil nil liy liiiiii. iiinl : i ml !n:isi. as w 11 as n plili-s ami snnmlinms t'my may In-j _ taki a liy liass. I Imvi-vi-r. limy la\ s>! many anil lay S'i nfti-n licit tlmir iiumlii-s ajiaari-nliy iln mil ilii.iiuisli. Vlmy aii vcy I inliiu; wlmn sKiiia I: wit la ! i tlx- skinning limy haw a ii -liy las'.i-. '?!! may liv in a uiutnunity fur a 1 i iinm wlit-m skunks an-; 11!< at il'nl. ami \ ?-t imvi i' si x aim- swim i i i\a r. Timy an- lanvly mmltirnal anyway, neat tlm ni'ist in-iuisi-nlar." ? it 1 oi:rr |-ri?jnienca oim. Iitin't s.iy :itiy'iiii:*y n'mul ii in 11n |?ijn*r." : ? I Wi < 111 < I \" Mr. It. It. M.-< k 'if Yurlt .\u. I, : (nf 111:11 rnliliil 11ijitii istnry i.i 'riii- l-Iii?|tiit if 'I'll' :;ii:iy; "ln-mris'* it sniuiils Inn 11111 -i iifn :i lit-; I>til 111>' iluiinlih-r pirk il up a Ii v rnliliil in I lit* yunl Hit- nlii r t!; Ileu! Iim-n rumiiriK ? n , rnliliil : i.i i:i.I t!i<' \nnl ami il \v:is Ii:ii*?l ' pi'i'SS -it .My ill lU'.Ilt I i'. v.'ll'i |i:i|?|???ll?-s| i I.i- :il i!i>- n;tr < !' tin- Imii.w. ??v. it | s: up :i! Iff :: ,'. iiili- :in.l I:i\ si i II. Sin- i lu-u i Wi-nt out iiiln tin* y:i:i! ;:inl |?ii-l. I | il Up." Ccllon In Past 91 Years. ! "iI'-i'm's u !nl?|f m|" iniililiiuv. X-.-w Yml; ilt .ii pi ii-i ; I ii' I ii** prist !'1 yi rirs llinl inri'.lit pi m\-i- i ii I .-ii-si in;v I" l'ulks," s.iiii' Mr. It. S. M i'iiiiii' Il l!if u'lii-i VniiiiiKt t"?-iit::-Yirir lii; Is l/nv j I?.".' ..il >; |v:n I" s i I * :;! II 7 I - I' 7 i i. i is.:i i.; p> *::.*. :m i*. j iv;.t . :.? r: i ift:; i ' '7 Is'ts . I! I p:: ? P; ii III ... Pi M j i s 11 ii : i s i ;i 7 :s 11 j j * i" : is;.; . '/ i'::" s ; IS 111 11 '* |v;,.( . II II i > r. t .11 . !wr i" i iv;,.: . i! i" I vI . I" ! IV". '' ; ! I M:' i 1' ] ?; i v 11 * S : S | ' 5; 5 ' : I ' ; VI I- I'i I-::, l.< ' I !:: !i; i" \: r: K. x is-w ! ' 1 : .SM i:: I" ... > i:: i :r. I ! i I" ; - -1* . I ' I* I v. , II'. v :: 11v > i<: '" i ? j v i . -1 : . u: , ! ! J s. iii . j,.,., ! ; : I :- ! | ... ! ! : i . i? ? '? ? . i-.. i - t .. r. ? * 7 i !? !s;.: ' -i'"' H " i- v i I" V" i ? , : IT..? I1;: J I : ' i; i" i' ii:: ; I l 11. I Uti:: I :.> : I : II .*? I I .VII : !! i i: .. v. ."> I:, . I :> j I ?;. .: > '-I Iio ;'i i: I - "O- ? III ; Ml: : !...! .I .1 I i I.. I.'.,: u 1*1 ! Ilio Soillli !" ! Hi t I i \ i- l"li t!,.. \..i( ; io.Mi ?;i: it;.,n in < "< 11.: .I i i. iii?Ii*.?I I ! !i:iI I!i? i :i .!: I > i I It -: if >11 lit* rill . Inl-I tlo- Tin i:i \ v\ i ' \ < i v l it :11' 11 I I . ml i'ii! iinii'l* in! 11 i i i in v.: ; I ? i:.?i i i ! * 5. " i" 11* \\ : iMin-.l in i:n 11111111 t ..ml i v.if. in. ill Imiili. in in.. I i.l iln- "iiliH" t??|- > \ I ""ii i! i- . 11111.. 111-1 ilin in r. \\ 111" 11 fVl't'V I III'III* '. ill I .1 :1." I I -I :i :i |ii".i* Hi;.i I" v. ill in-' J !:.?i' i: Ill-Ill I'll" 11 11.1 III i.l mi III I "I | ia|l. \| . I 1 l|l V. I I . il.-'.i ill .1 11 (III I |*-|- ? !i" " I.-.I j. "1 IIll", 'i.. V III '.If I Ii - I : I". |. i ' HI ' ' ' I ; .1 \ I " I'l.ln li>.|| | I i " I', m-:n "! II.. -i *i i a: i i li ::i v. Iii. Ii n ; ;!- v. i t i . . I v.:. ; I! 11: . ; i 111 I I I". .." |. II' I ".!.|. I It'll. 11 ;i I 1 I f I: II'. >. I II!" till" i ! ; ! I' . ..I I.-It .<i :iiI I." |.| I'. i' II. t : i i<i: ii' t ' S"i '? ?i? i i i::' i j. mi I ! \ III - r . in i " > it t i..||, ' |)| 'I :! i - - 11 I 11 : 1 : i ' . i. t-il !.i '| If ,.| I I.ii'i 'II ! I ' 11 ': h III i ill I il!\ ill I ' ' ! V! 11 11 ? !'. ' ' ^ 11 lit- ! - t S"i'l 1 ' " iilin-i :.i :i'. , I . i i. ... i | -1* lit i hi' ' ; ii- I.ii" 'I i 11 : ii; i.111\ 1 I :, :i.I I 1 . I I I I - . . ,11| rut..: . ' i 'i. . ! 'i W ihi-.mi ii ' II. \ III i I I I 'f .1 !.. I I ! ; I : : I- I I'll- i, ! liis' It :!; III I : I : i ! i i ! '..! i l i. i i. i ' : i. ; . 111 . i .. ..': 11 :. - i I ! 11 ;'. . i I lii-j if.'..I iiji-'ii ' i' !:: ' YOUKVILLE MASONS i ? Philanthropic Lodye No. 32 is Mure Than a Coniury Old. # OWNS MANY INTERESTING RELICS i Col. Asbury Coward is Oldest Living Member and Past Master?Bible Has Been in Use Eighty Years?A. Cody1 Was Tiler Nearly Half Century? Large Membership Increase During Past Year. I'hila;sthi'<>;ii<: .\'<?. I!-.'. Ancient |*'r?'i A!us;> is nf Y'U'i< vil'e. has rceeiiSJy -i 11 I i! ;> >11 l i .? |o;!i?l year of its ex - (hi lni|;;|. In..Ill 11; i villi; linen issilnil liV j !11' Craml !. !!!?? ?!" South ('arnlinn. 11 iiiIm r I"'!. IMS. ( mi iif Use oldest .s in ii;i| ci* Smith I'.iroI:ti:i, eneli year nf ils existence li:is1 lllllll-ril its ftH.Wlll ill III! Illhership ,'Hll! in l! iiciicc. Tli.. membership I the present l inr- is ?i 11.tilt IT.'i. : n?l tin* yeari just passed IlilS IM '! | Mutable f? till'; number nf n< w lumbers admitted. At-i Iciicl;i lift' 111 111 tin1 regular limn|lily | dp elinirs li'-Iil ill.' si'i n.'iil TiU'Sil.'iy j V 11i11:r in ''.'H'll Iu?>i1111 is k,m"I iiml members nf tlic fratirnily lly | lalte :i iH-.iltliy interest in till affairs I Im-I'tttillirlIn it. Many Interesting Relics. In I In., puss, ssinn nf tin* lnil^e a ir>. many interesting r< lies ?:f tin* past,; imtaliic animus I hem lining- the .Masi.nic I tilde wliirli tlif records slii'W was pttri-liasi'il .\".ivi-|.il?'f "-I. 1 Mia and was j pi'i11. ? I In I 'I: i l.i 11111 r< .pit * Imlyc i;i Is In. It has I in .'..nslaiil iis?* for, ill.* past ciuhly years. Althniiith its: pa'.jot at'.' I urn- I y.'||n<.v and gold 111''' Imly l.nnk is still in a p.nil slale nf! pp. s:-rvalinn. Ilif >:r>'.at"Sl rati' lining SI l? I'll nf i! I".'.' III.' "I 'tli'MilS v.'lin IlilVe it in >'liai'i;i.. j Tim | !' -lit Indue hail nil till' Inn! linnr nf ihi' WitliiTSpnnii i.iiildiau al ! riser ?.f Main ami Lim ity streetsj has li. f'i in tisi* as : :n-Ii fnr forty years r inn;! ami is inn* nf llm hesl | ii;>] <* 1 l'ia I i 11:11 halls in .lie slain. A Valuable in in nial in tin* In.l'.M' hall is a him i:?|>! <>f lli>- 1:11> AIis:i!*.mj i'mlv. wli.i I v.:if. fur foriy-!iiii<- yours lili-r of tin- j Imlfo. An n|*fi:ili\'i- Allison in lifi-, ho i a"i-' ni*:*oiislo*l lili-r of i']iil;i111)i| 1.1 *1 liti I ii i-oiiii-or ;:7, I si'.." mill In- .si-:vi-i| - 'illiiiin*n>!\ in I*i:11 i-:i|i:n-ity until hi-: I nth .l:tiiM:iry 1". 1 : I I. Tin- Ahixniiii-1 ? 11ni iI is niutn-i! in Imnor of him "Ah ::i!o:n c'tuly t':ni:ii-il." Relic of WorlJ War. \ ?l|o-1 I !i t-J; : I iii! o: :. i 1111 y of ill! -ii: :i i oiio iin:il i"ii of xijicti'i*, ' im'i :iin! !*-,-i J. o:iji|o;. ,| |.y :ii| oflit-o.-. f I'io Thi.liith i ?i \ -1 i in n C in Drill muni!io.'is shop lim iin; tin- l;iurn M .vnr. H is i-ni-|or*-*l in :i wnoilon *-:is-uith y.i:if ; front :in-l I* nrs Iin -rijil-on: Tin- nip inyinu f< vii-<\ i ooi!iiiii:.'ilioii s*|ii:ir.-. [ !*i111i :iml I--V.-I fo'iiiil !*y l.i' i.-l. iW. \V. l.*-vvi-. :iiiii:i iniin;: iii*- 1'iAlh A111:: i -111 i i ion rI.Jiri. itnili I'i.isioit, in :i liounn nrt lilioiis !i.-;. in | |n n iioji \" 11 o. Si. Milii**! - lor. l-'i :i *!< . following iho lirinnn r*-tio.:! in S |*l< 1111 i < >i !olii-r. I! IS : tul I,tv... A. I\ .M.. V.nU. S. t *.. M n -ll. 1!' I Past Masters. TIi.t.- :iii' a 11111 11 t of |>;tI mastics i?r I in* ! i :* tiil living a.nl il is nit, inii lins rrn i i!iai :"n nl.Ii'si living : ifi 111 ; ii|' tin* l" i:-\ <' I. A s 11111 y i' i'.v.ii iI. 11< v. livin.-, in ??ranyi l>;ir:r is i pisi i:i;:;!i'r, ?* !. ' "i? a an I wlm iin'.v \vi-!l !i{ ia III - !511: s was I".?r Hiaay y.-ars III" li?:nl ?>l* 111 - Kind's A ! 111111: i ill Military sHi""l Ii.-iv aial iaii-r :ai|? i ii: I I* nt ? * I tic ?*i f: i I < I. lie military ? i!! i - - i.f Smith 'a ruliiia 1 a I t *iiai ! simi, A !l l<iiii::li many yi-ars YiV" i'!a|>: I sitii*.. h>. was a r.-siil. lit il V?<i I;villi-, la- Mill 11 tains his Ma .nii* I I'll:-" I: 111 i' 11 i | li? ! . (i||n-r jiisi l a a -1 is aii i'. K. S|i'iiii-:-. Ksi| . \\ . I*. 11. I.nih'li. II.- :> . I'atil 'I'. M. N. M. (Willis. .In-.. II. I ."as ii. .I.iliii II. il i,l. .hiiitt .1. I'aiT.i!!. .IiiIsii 1*1. iirr?.|i. \! I. it M. Uri.i. 11 T. W Is. .|iisi*|i!i II. llai t an.I <: \V. Williams. Present Officers. Tii.- ni > fli'-i*:s i.f I"liilailllir?.|.i<' iniii:.- ai'< : .\rl'.n. T. II.ul. W"isiii|il'ui in. : a. Al'..it .M. i Iiis*. s tii.nu a ni .-il: II I'. . I a I. s i. janii.i' \va 1.1. *i; I I". Mm. s- .-i. ?ar\ I Mi ". II. Mat. 1. aat "i ; .! ! 111 A. Mali*.a. i'i nine |.-a mi. I. .\ is Al. ' Il isl. .iniline il?-:i? .?ii ; I il. Mil a v. - II ami Ai'.'iii" I tar run. . i. v. ii'.ls. .1 ("ai s:? !? . iiI -r: Ih-v. '!'. T. Wa I. !i. ;?!.i hi. ? 111 ! ,\I \ i i:: 11 i ,\ >. i .1 .1:. tli-n. \V. V. iI! 1 i;is. iiiuh |iri?rl: .1. }: -It I". iMiv.'!). Kiiii*. It. I'. .l.i' Ustin iI; A. ' * li.ul. t\ "i' C.,1. II II.hi. !'. S.: I!. .* ,\l ? *? : 111? ! I. I:. A. <\. !. \V. Ai" ?. 'in!!. I V : .1. Km-i-st Smith. v.: 1.. st- < ! . I.: V : .1. 1:. Unit. !> !.if. ' A. 1:1 ;i: 111 < r. .1. <'. 1 M-iifiii.-!; Iiiv. T. T. W.il 'vi. . : :i;.*.iin. To Erect New T?-ni;>lo. I 'li 11 1: In it- X". ' i' l??>l:i !' ti| v.iili mi ' I in ! In ih !>ili!.l;ii" 111 * .:?:* III \ 1 :i 1" I:1.'! iij" :i '.I iii1' "i'i iii|i!i* Mini .ilri.nl. 1 1 nsiiliM' i lili* I !; . !> \\ i 1! < l!i I niiji ! in vi--\\ i 1 - ! ii 1:1. ?! . 'I'i" |;?I:;I* 111 I I |1 I ' \ ill 'II ' 11 I "1 "III" i 1 : '! 1 1 I w . 1 > j Ml I' ii 1. ! -1 in:.- luiii- :II;II Iij .1 Ai: 1 11: 1 t; 11 i t' I I.I 'In- Mllll III .M.iiiiiii -.;| i 1 i 1" 1. |iji:i In I'nijvi 1 I (hi v .1 In.i I ?' - ! ! ; t \ i.iin m AI 1: ?:i i - Iilii, 11 i" I l*lli!*hfi* . I: t I tin I'll-. III! I.J'I* JIIII'I-I'I I.I I'i. ! v II 11 Mill* :VI I'll.Ill : T'n Mi i'i:- r: 111 i: 1 * * .i:;ih: ;i! inn 11 "i.. I .-. 1 !l! * . '.M 1 11 1 1 .1 11 \ I Iiiii 1 . . ! t it \. nil m 1 m11 iI.* 11 slin-u I Hi - '.III' In I n ! .1 nil . '; 111 . 1 YY.ilUn-i- j.i 111 * 1!. I|i 11 \V Williams, vire president. Other members <>f 11 sr* lioiin! of directors are A. j T. Ilart, I'. X. Moon-, .1. K. Hart. John i M. Love. .las. I). Crist. Carl II. Hart! is seerelary and treasurer of the cor- j poration. Shares are of the par value | of $ I on eaeli and investors not Masons j will he allowed to subscribe, although j the Understanding is that the majority: control will remain always with mem-! bars of Philanthropic Lodge. EE DETERMINED Multitude of People Need Strong Resolution to Succeed. (I'or the Yorhville ICnipiirer) What the multitude of the people! who populate the world need most is a ; strong determination to succeed. These are those who liecom*' faint-j hearted and give up when I he lirsl : obstacle presents itself and drag along in despair. The person who permits j the little things to overcome him today j will iiiv r .surmount tin- ditlleniuos j 1 li:it will In.' wnilint; for him tomorrow I those thnt full thick siml fust wlicn I we ^et into the work! of notion. We must he fortitied by o strong j will and u determined effort. It is well to select u j^oul hiuli above US tlllll each ! lay struggle to attain the summit of; our iilenl. We look above us itliil see tiie sue- j ecssful men anil women of today anil wonder how they attained eminence i and rcnotin. -Vol by sitlin;; idly and \ lettiim some one else shoulder their! burdens; on the contrary, they culti- 1 vatcd self reliance, one of the greatest ' essentials in the world today, if We j would sue I'Vw of thctn were' horn to luxury. The majority of the lianas that adorn the puires of thej history of a nation wire cradled and| nourished in the lap of poverty. It was by a slrnnjc determination I and lixed purpose licit they won. We j wonder why we are always Ki ttinif diseoiiraueil ami down-hearted. We need j only look within ourselves and behold that lack of conliiletiec in our own ability, little or no soil'-re!ianee or! lixed effort. A will that is swayed by | every breei'.e like a straw upon a toss- ; iliK sea. will never briiuf sucee: s; for J ...... ct eni>"liltii- Ml 1 i i V Wl* ' ;ii i- idling mir tim>' mid Ik iii<kitiic^r inn* j Sill I fill.'. Then we I'.'ill il luck. Mul we knmvj ln't ! ?'. i .'iii: li.'iil 11 > < 11 i 11;; to do with | ii. We itrc i><irii with I In- wi:n" :nl- j Vii it !:i K"i? us thiil poor 111 lit* fellow next | iloor: lie only difference lichitf th:il \ In- kindled within his hronst ii Mi'" to| hi it!i<I iiNsori:il?'i| wilh such pen-j p!" niiil hooks its "tinlih:l him lo keep; il Inintiii!: ever hriuht. until he rcieheil tii" s'.o.-il "f his ;i in I ii t ii >11. xi.l ::o iii" ntiii i's. Til" I'll';' Ihilsl kind!:'.I shi.si I 11 ri i I low nil.I they f:i i I - il replenish it with riy.ht tlimi^hls :111 I neliniis :iin 1 il sin >!il"i'"i| itllil ilii'il. j !i:i\i:iy, I In in ;is niueli. if not mm ", i u i ii!. licit:: lliiill liefui'", williulll hop" ' wiiiniiii :i nihil ions. They tln-n v.rumhli J :111 I ".'ill il "l-'iile." I loli'l do il. Kiitej know Hothiii.n nhmil il. Th" in til or v. i*111.1 ti who succeeds hits j to he ever iilerl niiil iictive. N'o I inn- j for loitering. .MiniiP'S nre precious ninl io Ih" wis" in:iii or woiiiiin menus; i|o|!:irs. wnki'ii! t'oitie in u rc:ili:'.:i-I lioll of yiilirscif. Slink" tin1 eoliwehsi out f your iiiiiii! :iml plunl the seeds of j i - i .i.. ... it.....-i. i. hkihi 111 11;; 111 s. i.i-i 1111 i ii-.... , if Hi - s.-;| is urni<|. vuii will lirintr forth ! :i harvest of ideals that will mean snores?: in :ili;iiiiliiiii'f. That is what wi- aio here lui*. UV an- not dohtff thej work wo an' intended for. if wi: do lint Slli'i'i I'll. \\"? shiiild no! allow ourselves to. In- swi'|il a 1<inlt lik" a 11i?-i ? of drift j v.'oin|. hut shoulder all our furees and! t:iak>' a iiieiio for ourselves in llie j World. Wo ran all do it. It requires a j little effort and pri's'Vi'ratM'e. ''it the! result is worth the tini" spent. A stronir determination and stnimlh of will slioiild e.arr.v us aloiia'. I here j is no; ,i i 111111 a ii lieinir possessed of al: his laenltics uho has not in hint an j idea that will lead hint on to a suerrss-! fill troal: I>:it tin re are verv few who! have notiah to adhere to it | iiatil i lie dawn. Some fjive up at the lietritininu: : s-nie I that whifh they anli-j ei pa ted is ! 11 t realized in a day: sunt" i;i l <1 ishearteio'il at the very lasi j minute with almost in view. While ihe f.-w |.|o.| aloii^ and dually j realize all their dreams. This is not Iii'-l:. not ehanee, not fate. It is all an rl'l'i>rl. ;iml n I sin I in- inn \\-i- ;iiv iniiy iih? ?I wlu-ii it is liuislit-il ;iinl! s'.ii-'-" ss iM'owtis niir l:ifmrs. Tln'Sl Wc j imii rest ami t!i? fruits nf our; t,.i!s. j Wi* lliiist |t-:iI'll !n sirenctheli tin will. t<? instill intn i?m>i-lVfS tin- f:u-i ; licit il t.ik-s crim il>*t<tiiliii:i!! !! t" 11i.ii v.f must k<- |? ;it it tint 11 i!n il. sin- nf tin- licnrt is fultilli-il. This, i- tin- I is- ] ii t ii >i i uf : 111 sin-i-i sst'ul pi-n111| III' tml;!) , mill III' llliiSi- Iif (iii- 11:isI. : tin \nii \v:i:it In i"- sin tiii-ii ' lin|il widi iiiiswi-i viim mm:iui-. It v.iii mi- vv.-ik vnii must iii:i -? !i sluvvlv :i! !i:; ;111 lit |-ici I with tin- muss vvll.i it y In I results wit iii.ill 1-lT.u l j 11 I ii'i- :11111 ]i11". nn- inin:: mul I'illi-il ! vv i! Ii 11ini|en|, I'. :il !.- Mirk, i:. I'. i?. Nn. rinvr. s. r. : . . Willi tin- ;iiin nf ii:i|u v5111; p. j- fur 1 lien ir.-nli- i . i l.i hi-e. Ililly is ? 111 hi i; i;" - .it:, ill-- iifti- nf I ins!r;i<l ..f iMt;il. ! : i: 5 u:; l!if List ! i ? : 11 \rii liiiitvtivn j -i'.- i i t ii.- :?11stv \\> i si nl n?* I In . I : 11 i i ii\ Hill III ! t t i 11, ltd! ill II'' : ! ?.l .-.n : i> <1 i: I. ! I . i TO IMPROVE THE LAWS York County Legislative Delegation Holds Annual Meetings. # SUGGESTIONS TO PROMOTE EFFICIENCY j Magistrate Wants to Put Liquor Law' Violators on Chaingang?Two Sug-j gest Doing Away With County! Workers?Asked to Change Official i North Road?Other Matters Dis-I 'cussed. York futility citizens meeting the: York county legislative delegation in llie e.iurtlmuse in Yurkville Tuesday morning at tile delegation's invitation, uggrsicd r< m dial legislation especially in regard to roads. Incidentally they registered vigorous protests with the delegation in regard to high taxation. maiiing u piain mat iney uiougni 111 we should l?c a pruning "f expenses wherever possible. The only expression from the delegation in regard, to I the high tax rale came from Senator-! elect Hart, presiding, who stated that j while lie was in favor of reducing the levy as much as possible he would not . agree to milling down the revenues] being raised for the support of the! rural schools. \Y. T. Bcnntgunrd. .1. I*.. Ford. Sam M. Crist, .1. E. Howry, Jack Myers. S. (!. Myers. J. S. Briee, Esq., and Magistrate M. L. A. Smith addressed tin- delegation on various matters. Wants Road Changes. \Y. T. Meamguard, chairman of the j King's Mountain Township road com- j mission, asked the delegation for the passage of an act making the road ; through the village of Filbert between i Yorkville and Clover the official North road of I he county. Mr. Meamguard's I argument was that the state highway! commission had designated the road j past Filbert as the North road and was] working on it nr^w. I'mler the Stewart I iaw I he old Lincoln road past the resi- ; donee of H. \Y. Witherspoon was or-; lieially recognized hy the county as the ' >iTin man, iimi minify wuum in* by i:i:niiiK tlii.s road over li> the totvn-[ ship supervisor fur maintenance with ! tin1 underst.iudin;? that rnu.st of the . iitiuly I'liinls iro tu the Filbert roail as 1 tin* North load. Mr. I <-am;ruard also wanted some! kind of legislation to >;ovorn the size \ loads that automobile trucks he allow- j t d to haul over the roads. A North: Carolina truck hauling from t!0 to Sn j cross ties at a load on the road lie-t twei-n It'-lhany and Clover has in the past few weeks done thousands of dollars of damme- to that road, he said. If some restrictions are not put tin the hia triieks it will he impossible to maintain the stood roads of Kind's .Mountain township, he said. Bethel Roads. .lesso It. I'onl of Melhel township wanted the Lincoln, road past the Withers: place to remain as the of. i lirial North road, lie also asked the delegation to provide funds fur I lie j maintsiin.ance of the Clover-Wright's Kerry road which splits i Set lad tmvn-j ship. It was over this road that most people would have to travel to get to . tin- Inidire over tin* fulnwhsi that York an<l Aleeklenhtir.tr roiinliis an* iroint? to 1 i ;I<I in draw trade to Charlotte, Tin* township supervisor. .Mr. l-'ord said, had heeii s|icndin>t vm-v III tie money oa this road. 1l' l'ethel township could act her .sharo of tlti* automobile tax money it would an far toward the mnintnancc of this road, lie said. .1. S. I h ire. Ksi|.. reported that the Turkey t "reek drainane commission had completed its work and had it surplus of funds remaining, lie wanted the delegations of York and Chester counties to pass an act aliowiutr tinpeople in the drainage district to pay tiu-ir drainatrc (sixes for ll'Ju out or the funds on hand instead of amitiirr nssrssment for the past year. This the Icii-sration will do. .Mr. I Sri ailed attention to the far: ; that iiethiii.ir definite had ever hern done hy the commissioners of York and .Meeklenhtira cotinlies in n-trard to the 1 ?iiIdi:i*.r of a luidpv over Catawha river at ti point near W'rifjht's l-'erry. There is si pr??!?:il?ility lh.il tin- whole undcrtakinir will yet fall thnotirli, aeeordinir to Mr. ISriee. Althoutrh t!itMeeklealnir.tr tillthorities have n?rree.: in pay uvn-thirds of the cost of the hridtre and aluilmeats. Attorney Cnns!i-r of Charlotte is of the opinion that under the laws of North Carolina the Meeklenluirt: iiuthorities can Imild only . . i... ...I I.11.. ..i- 11... The lullLfest iliiiiim-iit is on tin- York county side. ' Too Many Road Bosses. "Sii-.-iUiny to yi'tt pullctiu-n of tin-' Icl.-mtimi ,'s n private citizen," said Me. I trice. "I think you oiti;lil to consider your road law sonic. We have in tins county loo many road Worses and too many road commissions. I'mlcr tin in sent syst'-m the sti|nT\-isor and oiiiity commissioners are left liiKh and dry with notliiny to look after except the i hain^iiutr and the Ioiik Inidycs. I diin'l know what is West hut it appears o m - licit instead of ail these com-| missions one commission would be Seller." .Mr. I trice .-aid that there was much dissatisfaction in the coiiuiy with the late highway s\sli m ami there was i fcetiim liiat the hiiihway eommistoii .-dio'ild employ competent en-j tin-ers rather tiittit amateurs, lie airip-sti-d for York county a county; highway cnmniissioa with an < nirineer who is competent. "When February ones ami p!<- can't del from Yoik, I'll to I to, k I I i.l o, to Clover. .Me- j Coiim-lIsvilIc (ir cither points because of | the bud condition of the roads they are inclined to cuss somebody," lie said. I Favors New Government Plan. Sam M. Grist urged the delegation to adopt the Lancaster plan of county government. Experience had proven, I ] he said that the Lancaster county plan J was the most economical and efficient < form. The plan is to appoint a commission of good business men who shall appoint an engineer and other assistants and manage the affairs or the county as they would manage their i own business. j ( Mr. Grist said that this plan was in !( practice in Darlington and Marlboro i j counties also and that they were ins, charge of nvn who were not politicians < and who had not political interests. | lie believed that tho plan would work j ill l ni'K cnumy ii uiu uuii'Ki.iuuii mm j j "the nerve to try it." | Would Discharge Agents. t J. K. Lotvry told the delegation that j ? as a tax payor ho. wanted to raise a I ' general kick against high taxes. "We < want you to do all the trimming possl- 1 ble this year," he told the delegation, r lie suggested that the services of the t county farm demonstration agent, the I woman .-> home demonstration agent and the compulsory attendance officers be dismissed as a starter. j 1 Jack Dyers of Bcthesda township i was of the opinion that there were a > number of unnecessary officers in -the i county. Mr. Dyers said that there were j two many incompetents in the employ s <..* the state highway commission. Ho i thought that Superintendent of Education Carroll and the school trustees 11 could enforce the compulsory school j i attendance law. There was no need for j .> the farm demonstration agent and the i ( woman's home demonstration agent, j S Me was in favor uf fewer officers and I c better officers. j ( S. C. Dyers favored the kicking out j i of ilit* stale tax commission and lotting j i the local boards of equalization do thcl work'. J. S. Briee, Esq., suggested the! l enactment of a state law making uni- i 1 form the fees of the clerk of the court j r and fixing those fees rather than re- ; i quiring the clerk to do it. He also j c favored a uniform method of satisfy- j j ing mortgages, the present method! r which is different in most of the court- j ties, being rather slipshod. < Would Put Them on Gang, f Magistrate R. L. A. Smith of Broad 1 Rivet* wanted the compulsory education laws so amended that when per-!1 sons wore lined for not sending their j( children to school they would have to 1 pay those tines. As matters stand now.' 1 there is no way to force a convicted j parent or guardian to pay the fine im- ; ' posed by the magistrate. The magis- j * irate'also wanted the liquor laws so;1 amended that any person found at a j ' distillery would be as guilty under the 1 law as the man making liquor. He j wanted I lie law changed so as to | 1 provide for :i chaingang sentence of j ^ two years for the first conviction on j r charges of handling lifiuor. Ho would leave no alternative of a fine. m j FOLLOWS HIS KING 1 t Chauffeur of Late Greek Ruler Takes \ His Own Life. Heath failed to break, tho bond bo- r twoen King and commoner, it was re- c waled at an inquest over the body a of Demetrius Ktigalas, chauffeur to t former King Alexander, in Athens recce. Alexander was an enthusias- ' tic motorist and Ktigalas was his inseparable companion. lie was jil- | i ways at the kind's side as the royal ! driver pushed bis roaring automobile I i over the (Jreeiait hills. Their friend- U ship grew as they worked together j over hits of the machine or as they j look long drives at night. i l The king last fall lay dying, l'h.v- j i sieians ami courtiers were waved j t aside while Alexander called for l-'uga- :i las. The chauffeur never revealed ! t what was said in that last conference, but at the king's death lie attached iiimself to Mile. Manos. Alexander's i morganatic wife. It became known i h?> had'l>een assigni'il in watch over her. There finally came the return of i King t'onstantine with wild singing i ami shunting over the new ruler. :i I'ngalns grieves that another had the I honors which should have been Alex- : i a nder's. : \ As triumphant crowds sail-? (.'on- 1 slant inns "eagle aong," l-'ttgalas looli j f his own life. j "I'm going to join my kins," lie shouted as he turned a revolver on ; himself. ! f . I j A Senator's Good Memory. - A year ' v or so ago. tin- Memphis Cotton Kx- j * change ^adopted resolutions denoune- j ing Ihe'eoiirse of Mr. John K. Shields 1 in the 1'nited Stales senate and asking | v him to resign. I tut Mr. Shields did ; 1 not u"ii his seal and has held to it . long enough to receive an appeal j 1 from the .Memphis organization fori* assistance in cotton legislation, to j ' which appeal he has made response ; j with a reminder. The Senate sag- i e gests that if the Kxehange will "ex- j ' pnnge from its record" the unplcas- ' ? ant entry nuole against his name, lie I f oia v t.e in liasiliiiii to consider the re- ! that lie roiiie In its rescue. Things like 111:11 happen every once i t i in a \v!ii!e. ami it seems t<? he the Kx- | change's turn I?> set tip I lie ei liars. It I iii?! tint, tret the senator's resigns ti'm.e lit it seems to have "pit liis pwl." ; as lie- saying pies.?t'harloitv (>1 - j > servi r. ^il HAD MANY PRISONERS Jailer Had Ninety-two Guests Last Year. 30ND IS NOW HARD TO OBTAIN Charges Ranged From Murder to Larceny?Liquor Law Violators and Housebreakers In Majority?Eight Lunatics Held In Jail During the Year. 4 Sheriff Fred E. Quinn, who is also he jailer for York county, had a total >f ninety-two "quests" at the jail durng the year 1020, according' to a com >ilation made this morning by The I'orkville Enquirer. In addition to the Prisoners held in the jail for alleged of' nses against the state of South Carolina. there were several Federal prisoners in iho jail serving sentences during he year and a number of prisoners . ommitted by policemen of the town of i'orkville. Most of these latter were Trunks who spent a night and left the ie.\t morning carrying a hang-over nore or less severe, all dependent upon lie quality of the liquor that they had jeen drinking. Miscellaneous Offenses. Prisoners committed to jail during 1920 were charged with offenses rangng from murder to using livestock .vithout the consent of the owner. Durng the year eight lunatics were held in all for a few days until they could be egularly committed to the state hos>ital for tho insane in Columbia. V.'liile ninety-two is quite a large lumber of prisoners the number pales nto insignificance as compared with iomc of Hie other counties of South Carolina notably Greenville, Anderson, Spartanburg. Charleston and Richland :ounties. There were only three prison;rs committed to jail during the year n charges of murder, the smallest lumber perhaps in recent years. Many Liquor Law Violators. Prisoners committed to jail during 920 011 charges of housebreaking and arceny equaled in number those comnitted on charges of violation of the iquor laws. There were seventeen of >ach. Of course liquor charges were referred during the year against a nucli larger number than seventeen ersons; but in all instances except seventeen, the defendants managed to jive bond and thus escaped a sojourn it the county hotel. The number of persons charged with issault and battery with intent to kill:ame next sifter the liquor law violai?rs and the housebreakers. They were ifteen in number. Three prisoners charged with car jreaklng were committed during the ear. and two prisoners were commlt,cd on charges of receiving stolen roods. Three were charged with obit ining money on false pretense One prisoner was committed during ho year on a charge of passing a worthless check. There were two comnitments on charges of rape. Few Pistol Toters. Xot many pislol toters had to go to ail for that offense last year, the jail eeord showing that there were only wo commitments where that offense vas charged. One prisoner was charged with a nisrtomeanor; two wore held on charges if assault. One negro was arrested mil convicted during the year for puting rocks in a bale of cotton. There wore nine commitments on barges of petit larceny. Men stuck to their wives pretty well 11 York county last year. The record iliows that there was only one prisoner n the jail during the year on charges f abandonment of wife. Bond Hard to Obtain. Most of those prisoners arrested in he early months of the year, notably n the spring and summer, had no rouble in obtaining bond and in most nstanees were released after being in lie custody of the sheriff a few days. Hut in the fall conditions changed uul bond was not so ensly obtainable; Hie to the financial tightening up all ilong the line. The sheriff starts the year 1921 with ibout eight prisoners in his charge and ndications are that they are going to villain in his custody until their cases ire disposed of through the courts. Yw people just now are in need of lands and there are numerous people vho have no idea when they will need lands; therefore it is no easy matter tinis!,, who have fallen into the toils if the law to find bondsmen. ? Dunl .1. O'tlallahun. lord mayor of \?rk. since the death of Terence Mactwinney, arrived at Newport News tills veeli a.s a stowaway on an American rssol. Willi him was Peter J. Mactwinney, a brother of the late lord nayor, who came regularly on a duly 'ised passport. On his arrival O'Calavrlian was turned over to the immi:ration autiioritics. pending investigaion of the question as to whether lie ihouid he deported. The matter was immptly taken up by the British govrtimctit through the state department, nil in the meantime. Secretary Wilson if the department of labor has releused iVallaghan. on his own rocognizative n.l oO illnhan is arranging to make some red hot speeches in behalf of ,1.7 ? Throe St. Louis restaurant proprienrs tiled suit for $:i0.000 against four ininii lalmr organizations. The petiioncrs assert their business has fallen iff because of the activity of pickets. ? The number of unemployed In New 'oilih Wales is between la.intt) and 20,ou.