I special Notices. At Olivet. Sunday school at 2.30 p.m. Preaching at 3 p. m. J. E. MahalYey, Pastor. Ramah and Beersheba. Ramah?Special services at Ramal beginning on Friday night?Sacrament of Lord's Supper on Sunday morninr at 11 o'clock. Beersheba?Sunday school at Beersheba at 3 p. m. A preaching. J. L. Yandell, Pastor. 1 Enon, Clover and Union. Enon?Bible school at 10.30 a. m 'Preaching at 11. Union?Bible sehoo at 2-30 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. in Clover?Bibl? school at 10 a- m Preaching at 7 p. m. O. L. Jones. Pastor. Clover Circuit. King's Mountain Chapel?Sundaj school at ll> a. in. rreacning ai n a m. St. Paul?Sunday school at 2.80 p m. Preaching at 3-30 p. in. CloverPreaching at 7 p. m. H. A. Whitten. Pastor. A USEFUL PAIN York People Should Heed Its Warn* ing. Have you a sharp pain or a dull ache across the small of your back: Do you realize that it's often a tlmelj sign of kidney weakness? Promt treatment is a safeguard against more serious kidney troubles. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Profit by a York resl dent's experience. Mrs. S. T. Enloe, Lockmore Mil) says: "Several years ago I suffere with kidney trouble and I had sligh pains through my kidneys. Before long, the pains got pretty severe, ui head ached and I had nervous spell At time, I would be dizzy and little black specks would come before m< In fact, my whole system was ru? down and it seemed 1 couldn't ge enough sleep., I read a reconnnendr tion for Doan's Kidney Pills and ) bought a few boxes. 1 am glad t< say, Doan's cured me completely of al that trouble." Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don' simlpy ask for a kidney remedy?ge Doan's Kidney Pills?the same the Mrs- Enloe had. Foster-Milburn Co. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. SECRETARY REDFIELD SAYS: "You might build up the railroad* until they are ten tracks wide and fi the rivers with steamers and still thy farmer would not be served.". / What's the answer? Motor trucks' If by motor transportation, th< ~ J fi * iarmer can mure i ettuu; uiaiwoc his crops, the incentive for him t? plant larger crops is greater, Th result Is bigger crops, readily an> widely distributed, and better markets. Thousands of American farmer' are putting the Indiana Farm Truck to work because it pays from every angle. For farm hauling, where the loads are heavy and speed is often required, it is no secret that no truck fills th' purpose like this Indiana Farm Truck The manufacturers of Indiana Trucks had the peculiar needs of th farmer in mind in building this spe cial farm modelA striking feature of the Indiana Farm Truck is its portable powe un.lt, with which a farmer can p< water, run a cream separator, a corr sheller, an ensilage cutteh, a con crete mixer, a wood saw, a feed grinder?or any machine using a belt drive. It gives you power where you wan it, when you want it?down in thf wood lot, in the barn, up in the house ?any where there is work to be done The Carolina Motor Company, o Statesville, N, C., are the State Dis tributors, and expect to have severa' of them in operation in this section ir the very near future. ?? WW T1 *AT 71 A T . n x ivi ri rt & a ?j MARRIED?At West End Baptist parsonage, Rock Hill, Dec. 2, Rev. J. C. Lawson, officiating, Mrs. ELVIRA BARNHILL and. Mr. JOHN* R. RECTOR. At the Methodist parsonage in Rock IIUl, Wednesday evening by Rev. Mr. Welsh, Mr. THOS. W. JONES and Miss MARY HOKE SMITH, both of Foit Mill township. At St. Matthews, S. C., November 17, by Rev. Daniel Iverson, Miss KATHLEEN RITCH of Clover and Mr. HART T. ORR of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Orr will reside in Charlotte. The bride is the daughter of Mr. W. F. * Ritch of Clover. OBITUARY DIED?At the home of his daughter. Mrs. J. M. Brackett in Fort Mill Saturday night, Mr. JOHN FRANKLYN LYTLE aged 69 years. Interment was in New Unity cemetery Sunday afternoon following funeral services conduced by Rev. W. R. Bouknight, pastor of St. John's Methodist church. The deceased was born ir\ York county August 23, 1840. He was married in M^y. 1871, to Miss Elizabeth Dunlap, who died in July, 1916, and is survived by the following children: Thomas F. Lytle, Arthur C. Lytle and Mrs. J. M. Brackett, of Fort Mill; Mrs. J. W. Wilson, Mrs. Samuel Nunnery, and MiMargaret Rainey, of Rock Hill, and Mrs. R. E. Wingate, of Tirzah. ?he (Cotton |t1arhd. Friday, December 5, 1919. Cotton Seed Sharon 3Si $1 29 Clover ? 1 20 iTrzah 33J 1 14 Filbert 37 i 1 20 Yorkville 37i 1 20 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. For Sale?Some fine Turkeys. Address or call on Clettys AlcCarter, Yoik, No. 6. It* 97. For Sale?Dodge Coupe, slightly used, good as new. It. J. Mackorell, York, S. C. 97 3t* For Sale?One 2-Ton Kissel Truck, slightly used; but as good as new. A bargain. J. M. & C. It. Met? ill, Hickory drove. 9 3t. c^Ia?(mo niii taurine* car. run less than 9,000 miles. New tires all round and one extra new tire. A Bargain. Win- M. McConnell, York. S. C. It. 9' Wanted?The public to know that Black's Mill has been rebuilt and is now in operation, giving excellent satisfaction to all patrons. N. S. Black. 97 2t* For Sale?Nine head of Black Atn-us cows, with calves by their side, and 1 one registered stock row. Apply to J. J. Nivtns, No. 2, York. 93 4t Wanted?The Public to know that have a pure bred Registered Berck shire Stock Hog for service. S. I Sherer, Sharon, No. 1. 96 21 Taken Up?Wednesday, November 2 a shoat, male, black, weighs aboi 75 pounds. Owner may have sam by proving ownership and payin expenses including cost of this ad vertisement. W. A. Watson, Yor No. 4. 2t Dog Estray?Whitish male sette brown on back with brown ears, an tail slightly trimmed, left me lai Friday. Will appreciate informatic and pay for trouble. James M< Carter, No. 6, York. so 21 We want to buy?All the eggs you ha\ at the highest market price. Brir them in now. R. D. Dorsett. Wanted?Hickory blocks cut 40 inch< Jong. Write for prices and infoi mation. Hickory Handle & Mfg. Ct Conover, N. C. 94 4t My Business?Is electrical wiring an installing all kinds of electrical ar paratus. I guarantee satisfactoi service at reasonable charges. O. I Faris, York, S. C. 70 t.f. t Wanted to Buy?a few first class fres Jersey and Guernsey milk cows c heavy springers. See me or 'phor No. 66. H. E. Ferguson, York, S. < 78 tf SEE OUR MULES WE HAVE JUST RECEIVE A CAR LOAD OF WELL RROK TENNESSEE ANIMALS THA WERE SELECTED TO MEE THE REQUIREMENTS OF OU CUSTOMERS. THE PRICES AN TERMS ARE RIGHT. McGILL BROTHERS Bethany, S. C. : nniiD vcc nniTD TLUUIY 1L0 ILVU1Y ' ? We sell the famous WHITE LILY FLOU] ?Good enough for jus anybody for any purpose. See us for price before you buy Flour. SHANNON &PLEXICO Everything In Dry Goods, Shoes, Nc tions, Groceries and Hardware. SHARON, - - S. C. JW W. O. w- Receipt Books on sa at The Enquirer office. Mail ordci filled promptly. , A Real P *Vu nO^onjW'/t mm k* JAw. sT:H6K ( t atrcuA I ST/MGY : / GIT ME I / LET YOU A hlH??t. \ RIDE Ml HE; /V?x' jv/yv'r I ? , CRRISMUS, " -J / aercHA I ~ ?^ZT suffis: As Christmas ] an added attraction for Will any of us get rifle, pair of skates Don't cheat yo present; something as We have numbers of th pleasures he will never Farmers h il i VALUABLE FARM l * FOR SALE1 - f r,. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1 it County of York. j . ie I g TTNDER and by virtue of a power ol J I- ^ attorney and sale executed by th< k owners thereof, namely: by B. G. Bradley and others, devisees and - heirs-at-law of Mrs. Lucy E. Bradle> r late of Gaston County, N. C., I will on Wednesday. December 17, 1919, at Bt 2 p. m? offer for sale on the premise; in near Piedmont Springs, S. C., and w; sell the following described lands i York County, South Carolina, namely _ Beginning at a Post Oak stumj re Mrs. M. A. McElwee's and Alex Love's [g corner. thence, Sotth 86 3-4 West 20.33 to Stone. Piedmont Springs cor _ ner, thence North 1-4 East 30 new line, to Pine Knot, on Mrs. McElwee'f ^ line, thence North 60 1-2 East 10.S0 t? Chestnut (down) on Hoad. thencf " North 85 1-2 East 1,490 to Pine Knot. _ thence South 17 1-2 East 12, to PinKnot, thence South 18 West 25 to he ginning corner. Containing eightytive acre3, moro or less. T Terms Cash. This the third day of December 1910 f 97 s\v 4t W. T. DOVE. f MELROSE. FLOUR 5? m 1 We again have in stock the famous MELROSE FLOUR so highly esteem- I ed by so many of our customers. Also new goods including EVAPORATED APPLES, TEACHES, ant' PRUNES. _ D r E Because of late opening and earl) ? closing in accordance with the order* of the Regional Fuel Administration | T we suggest that orders given the pj day before may have assurance of being filled. * D SHERER & QUINN "Everything to Eat." STAR THEATRE , To-Day?Harry T. Morey in "Beat_ ing the Odds." Adopted from "Th< | Money Maker." The Widely reai' book by Irving R. Allen. y i , Saturday? Marie Walcamp in "The Red Glove." Episode No. 15. "The Mystery Message". Also a good comedy. "Beauty and the Boob." The Universal Current Event." f? - i 1 Monday?Oeorge Walsh in "Putting t one Over." He is always good don't miss it- a Coming?Corinne Criffith in l'Thin Ice-" i J. Q. WRAY, Manager. | \ BACK WITH MULES T HAVE just returned from St. Louis ( with a carload of Mules, personally selected by me to meet local require> ments. They are at my barns on East Jefferson Street, and I shall be pleased to talk Mules to all who are interested. Come and see me. P. W. LOVE. ie 99" Real Estate Titles and Jloul Ess tate Mortgages on sale at Hie Enquirer office. resent For A ] c 1 /^lV( COME OM J ( l? JlMMlE, ( \ c ) ler's #'VE J ^|||yj|gK / l^vo* t/neet^ ^ Day draws near the HARDWjA every real red-blooded boy. grown-up boys ever forget the 5, bicycle or even a real pocket li ur boy out of this thrill. Give sturdv and strong and manly i em?Presents that will last him forget. Idw. & Supply 1EW FACES APPEAR VERY DAY AT OUR COUNTERSAnd it is no wonder, as people naturally go to the store that gives the best values for their money, whether they ace spending nickels or dollars, and this store is known for it? better values by hundreds of people and you know folks will talk when they find some thine1 good, and naturally they talk about this store and its good, honest merchandise at real money-saving prices Follow the crowds and you will come to this store \ FULL LINE OF DOLLS H?C0NNELL (jJions co TAKE NOTICE-By order of the fuel admin istrator business house* are allowed to stay oper only between t) a. m., anc (i p. m. Our customer* arc requested to goverr 1 hemselves accordingly. 3EST CREAM CHEESE A superior quality. W( lave it at 40 Cts. a, Pound. STORK SUPPLY CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE CITY MARKET Everybody knows the City Marke s the place to trade as we sell every hing in meats the people want. We sell Boiled Ham, Cured I Ian md Breakfrst Bacon. We sell the best Eeef, Pork am Sausage of any Market in Town. We have Extra Selected Oysters 01 Wednesdays and Saturdays. Fresl 'ish on Fridays and Saturdays. We will grind your sausage if yoi vant it made at l cents a poundWe bujf Beef HidPs, Eggs an Sutter also Veal Calves and Fat Bee Tattle. .' When a man goes to buy sausage lie wants something fit to eat, And when it comes to making then Old (Jeorge he can't be beat. CITY MEAT MARKET C. F. SHERER, Prop. ileal Boy .HAH*'*. } \ ?* ?. *r ?V?#Y WD , >/z?e my y-v>?w? /V??*V . \ \ '/cyctG^j / lRE STORE takes on thrill that our first tar;nife gave us? him a HARDWARE is you wish him to be. for years and give him 1 Company ^ }*rNiA *rW> n** *fW* *fW* ?^W? *r?*^ | Help Us Obey the Law "; 1 J Do Kour Christmas Shopping Early | 1 4 WE ARE CALLING ON OUR GOOD FRIENDS, THE PUBLIC, TO HELP. 4 | K US IN OBEYING ORDERS. S p NO STORE M , y IN YORK COUNTY HAS A LARGER LINE .OF CHRISTMAS > U 1 ?5 ARTICLES ON DISPLAY THAN WE HAVE. S ? WE HAVE MADE EVERY EFFORT ,TO BRING FROM THE ffi 4 GREAT MARKETS EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF NEW AND M 9 NOBBY CHRISTMAS ARTICLES. , ^ ' S CHRISTMAS GOODS ' . ? FOR THE CHILDREN AND FOR THE GROWN-UPS?NO MAT- M . 4 TER WHAT YOUR SELECTION OR PREFERENCE IN IIOLI- ?. ' ? DAY GIFTS MIGHT BE WE ARE ALMOST SURE WE HAVE NJ 5 IT HERE FOR YOU. ' X | ?| A FEW OF OUR OFFERINGS jj* Include Columbia Grafanolas, $25.00 to $200.00; Ever-Ready Flash j* Jf. Lights, $1.36 to $3.85. Eastman Kodaks, $12.00 to $17.50; Waterman gjj JJ Fountain Pens, $2.50 to $6.00; Manicure Sets, $1.50 to $15.00; Toilet m 6 Sets, $1.50 to $15.00. 9 - g A BEAUTIFUL LINE M M * $5 Of Silverware and Glassware is included in our offerings. v t# \ ? WE HAVE S ? Toilet Waters and Perfumes?the famous Garden and Dierkiss brands\ jS i 3| ?Shaving Sets, Safety Razors, including the Durham Duplex, ffre* g S Auto Sti'op and Gillette brands; Ladies' Handbags and Purses of ^ 1 Sf crenuine leather and in beautiful designs. ' 5 SANTA CLAUS & Has deposited here the largest line of Toys ever displayed in this sec- 3g tion. He has Dolls from $10.00 down to 5 Ctsi; Wagons, Doll Car- S riages, Guns?everything that will delight the heart of the boy and OUR STATIONERY " ... E J Line includes the finest in Box Papers from 25 Cts. to $4.00 a Box; R Kodak Albums, Lap Desks, and any other articles. GIVE HER CANDY : 1 For Christmas. Nothing makes a more appropriate gift for her. We g have the famous Whitman's and Norris Candies in Christmas pack- ? ages, at from $1.00 to $13.00. \ NO MATTER 9 IN WHAT SECTION OF YORK COUNTY YOU LIVE IT WILL R PAY YOU TO COME TO CLOVER TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS M SHOPPING. BECAUSE OF LACK OF SPACE HUNDREDS OF S f ARTICLES THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU HAVE NOT BEEN S / LISTED HER?BUT WE WANT YOU TO COME AND SEE ' ft FOR YOURSELF. , V. ' *! The Clover Drug Store I CLOVER, S. C. r / R. L. WVLIE, Prop/ - w. o. w. IMPORTANT meeting of Pine Camp M ' 3 1 '~u* T* W- ?? A.nir rk iit-vmmz: a this store will be open wu ? 'j0tm| from9a.m.until6p.m. | ? Each day except SATURDAYS, when we will be |g J ?? open from 8 a. m. until 9 p. m. These hours have Jg '^SSri' $ ^cen ^xe(^ by the U. S. Fuel Administrator, and 9* ^ we will thank our patrons to govern themselves acI I^lfe is never so low or so little <> xa ? . an when occupied exclusively j;i? OUR STOCKS ARE VERY FULL >? J* with the present. Are you pre- '' I I I Optometrists and Opticians Ijffi We are showing many pretty things for the race or co|or> are hereby warned not to or otherwise trespassing on lands ownare unloading a tar to-day and have hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise tres- ed or controlled by the undersigned, another one rolling. I his Hour wa? 1)asa on tlie jan(js owned or controlled Disregard of this notice will be protoiight at prices under to-day s marke by tjie undersigned. Disregard of this secuted to the full extent of the law. and we will make it to your interest u be. progecuted to the full ex- J. J. BRYAN, to see us before you buy Hour. tent of the ,aw w 3t 94 j R> BRYAN. Mule Millinery?We have a largi E. N. STErHENSON. ' ' * " -*U VTTT..T NOTICE. I assortment ci me very ne?i 1,1-0 >y. i>. i-.cnj.,. Collars Bridles Breeching Leather P. B. NEIL ! TJEREAFTER our rates for clothes Back Bands, Double aiuSin^eLlnes. 3t " cleaning will be as follows: Suit I See us lor \ iilcaii Plows, fencing snontred and messed 75 cents n.v ! Wire, Barbed Wire, Rubber Mooring , , Ia?ia?inn | WW. O. \V. Receipt Book" nt The Cleaned and pressed. $1.00. FERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD Enquirer Office. By mail, 30 Cto. ROYAI{; i^^RSETT^r?^. > * "