Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 14, 1919, Page Page Seven., Image 7

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HOLD THEM TIGHT i ? < Wannamaker Advises Cotton Producers Not to Sell. < Discussing the break in the cotton ; market Wednesday. J. Skottowe 1 Wannamaker, president of the Amer- ( lean Cotton association declared, in a!] statement Wednesday that "a raid on , < the cotton market was engineered, by i manipulators who realized the des- i peratc predicament that they were in i with an enormous amount of cotton ; i sold throughout the exchanges, delivery j ] date fast approaching and no poasi- j< bility of their being able to fill these j j contracts with spot cotton, which is j i certain to be demanded." j! / Members of the American Cotton j association are urged in the state- ;.? | meat not to sell their cotton. I < I "We find," says Mr. Wannamaker, i & "that an enormous amount of spot i W cotton has been purchased through : i f the New York and New Orleans ex- < changes for December and January 1 alone. All of this cotton will be de- l manded by the buyers on account of 2 cotton but especially of good grade i the enormous shortage, not only of r cotton. I j . "In desperation the manipulators have used every known means to ex- J tricate themselves from their predic- t ament. They attempted every yprcs- i sure possible to bear to have a ruling It put through limiting or prohibiting i speculation. They sold something j they did not own, and now cannot i secure, and wish as is customary, to s shoulder the losses upon the produc- i er. Why not ask that a ruling be t issued prohibiting the sale of some- a 'fhlng you, do not own? On every i "occasion for the last'60 years whjn i j cotton has been carried to something like fair valuation, manipulation has , ?ho nm-nnsf nf donress- ' ; UCVJU UOWU kilW !?? ? a | ing the price. Men have been called ^ f'lnto court and prosecuted, for beat-'{hg the price down. "This is simply an attempt to force j the producer to part with his cotton so as to enable the manipulator to ( secure spot cotton with which to fill | his contract and save his hide. Do; v not sell your spot cotton. Let them drive paper cotton down as low as i | they like with a world demand far j j n excess of the possible supply of | aw cotton. With the manufactured h product selling at a fabulous profit. K vith a demand for manufactured c roods which is impossible to fill, high- ii tjr prices are absolutely certain. a 4 "A careful canvass of the entire - f otton belt, reveals the startling fact j'hat there are not 2,000,000 lwiles of I rood grade cotton in sight in the cot- I i_ I, * JTrv OB ' Then I ! The best way to know for yc Brunswick Tire is to buy one r.n That is, if the very name cf to you, as it is to most men, that Thousands uz men. who have k for years, realize that a Brunsv/i for a mediocre product could nevi Long before the Overland Trc of Brunswick was established, of rubber for fifty years before ai thing but the beet. For rcputat be quickly destroyed. This is a practical guarantee more than the uctlrJ., yei at :.o a< Get your first one nov/. Yoi have ALL Sruuswicks. THE BRUNSVv'SCK-3ALi Atlanta. Hcadquarte IpFIS? Z >JrAr. E J H ^ &S&J9 There's a Brunswick Ccrd-?Fabric LIFE'S ( YORK, FORD'S FURNITURE" IS BUILT TO PLEASE YOU. When you buy Furniture here you are assured that you will pet WHAT YOU WANT. We don't sell you if you don't want it. We have a beautiful line of UHF.X BUGS AND AXMINSTER ABT SQUARES that have just arrived- Just the thing for the parlor. Come and see them. How about buying THAT NEW SET OF FURNITURE You have been wanting so long? It is here at FORD'S waiting on you and the price is right. COME to CLOVER and COME TO FORD'S FOR FURNITURE WANTS. Come whether you want tc buy or not. Corne to see us. on belt today, and. there arc only 22, 00 bales of certified cotton on the \*ew York exchange with sales on the exchanges for December and January iround a million bales. With the argest amount of cotton already purchased through the New York and S'cw Orleans exchanges by the actual I consumers of raw cotton, we are facng the absolute certainty of the ma- I lipulators being placed in a predieanent. The only possibility of relief is to force the producer to part with is cotton. To sell cotton under these conditions is worse than folly. The act that the manufactured product s bringing a profit of from $100 to i330 per bale basis middling to the manufacturer. / That we have the diortest cron in a decade, the short ?st supply of good grade cotton in jroporiion to tlie crop ever produced n the last GO years, the unheard of lerdicament of the bear speculators >n the exchanges, and the startling act that a canvass of the entire cot:on belt shows that there are not !,000,000 bales of good grade cotton n sight today, ?11 bring to light the ibsolute certainty of much higher >rices. "I call on the members of the American Cotton association to proect 'themselves bv absolutely refus ng to sell a bale of cotton during his absolutely unjustifiable manip1 la ted pre-arranged drive which is iut in force for the purpose of beatng down prices. .This will not only stabilize the market, \J>ut will force >rice3 back up. The absolute cerainty of far higher prices, we find, ire assured as a result of a careful nvestigation throughout the cotton ndustrial world." SAXON AUTOMOBILES We have the selling agency ?or the well known Saxon ars, easily one of the very >est in its price class. The Saxon has been' vastly im-j jroved for 1920, both in ap-| joa ranee and efficiency. "With years of experience in the mndling of cars and correcting their efccts. we will stand squarely behind veiv SAX OX car wo sell, guaranteerig its mechanical correctness dopondbillty. See us about a SAXON. We Wash Cars at our Garage. LIFE'S GARAGE Iv. 1*. 1,11*1Proprietor runawick v * ?cidc mrsclf the superiority of the d compare it. runswick isn't sufneient proof here is an extraordinary tire. nown the name of Brunswick ick Tire has to be the best?? cr bear this historic n2me. ill became famous, the House It tvas one of the cnief users utomobilcs came into use. iry could afford to offer anyiens arc built slowly, but can that Brunswick Tires offer ided co:-t. ill not 'oe satisfied until you vE-COLLENDER CO. rz: 33 Luckie St. Tire for Every Car ?Solid Truck 3ARAGE f s. c. M. L. FORD Incensed Embalmers and Undertakers. King's Mountain St., Clover, S. C. Buy By Mail and Save Money Write For Our Catalogue Nc. C25 It shows many attractive, latest styles of shoes that cannot be bought in small town stores. It will save you money and show our system of giving an absolute lit and satisfaction. Quality, Style and Price the Best Gazi anteed io Wear, Fit and Satisfy HARDWARE CROCKERY . GLASSWARE Chins and Ammunition of all kinds. Lap Robes, Ford Covers for radiators? In short, if you want anything in the Hardware line we have it. We wish to Serveurite. FORK HARDWARE CO. * To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retained and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. GIVE YOURSELF A SQUARE DEAL PIP YOU EVER HEAR or hear of I ;i policy holder in the MUTUAL BEX- j KKIT expressing any donht as to the ability of the Company to carry out its contracts, not only with him but with every other policy holder? [ am sat-J isiled you never have. During the 75 I years, lacking about three months. I Hint it has been in husinss it has not failed to meet a single obligation as 1 promised, and on numerous occasions j lies surpassed its.written promises. "New blood" do's not cut any ligure in it:; calculations. It :s a fact that if not a single new member should be added in the future, and each old member should continue to pay the agreed premiums on his Insurance, every single policy in force today would be settled in full as it matured. No, as to whether or not the MUTIWIj 15 EX KF IT is safe is a question that never gives the policyholder any concern. No other company has ever carried out its contracts at less cost and no other company writes as liberal contracts- Do you think that in buying Insurance you are giving yourself a square deal if you buy without | investigating the accuracy of my rep- j rescntations? Sam M. Grist, Special Agent Doom First National Hank Rid;. I PP Subscribe for The Enquirer now.. $2.25 to January 1, 1921, _ _ j "Gets-It" Peels Off Corns Painlessly 1 Off They Come Like Banana Skin. 2 or 3 Drops, That's All. There';! a murderous, painful way to f?et rid of corns, and then there ,, peaceful - pc? WLJEMM Cut It? Quit Itl "Gcts-lt" Peels It! off" "Gets-It" way. After you have tried "Gets-It" yon will say "never again" to all other methods. This is because "Gets-It" is the only cornremover on earth that makes corns peel off just like a banana skin. Two or three drops will do the work, without fussing or trouble. You apply it in 2 or 3 seconds. It dries immediately. "Gets-It" does the rest, without bandages, plasters, bloodbringing knives or razors. Get rid of that corn-pain at once, so that you can work and. play without corn torture. Re sure to use "Gets-It." It never fails. "Gets-It," the only sure, guaranteed, money-back corn-remover, costs hut a trifle at any drug store. MTd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -J. A. MARION ? ; # ? t. ' >' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT i LAW Office opposite the Courthouse. | Telephone N'o. 126, York Exchange. , YORK. S. C. JOHN R. HART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ' AT LAW. ! Prompt and Careful Attention to All 1 Business Undertaken. < Telephono No. 69. YORK, 8. C < 76 f.t it ; J. S. BRICE Attorney At Law. Prompt Attention to all T<ega) ; Business of Whatever Nature. ! Office Opposite Courthouse. DR. WM. IB. KENNEDY I ? DENTAL SURGEON ? ] Office on Second Floor of tho Wylie ] Building. ? Telephones: Office, 99; Residence, 160. ! 1 ??*?* ' " ' TAX NOTICE?1919-1920 ' ! j Office of the County Treasurer of York ] County. i York. S. C.. Nov. 7. 1919. VTOTICE is hereby given that the TAX j i ^ BOOKS-for York'County will be . opened on SATURDAY, the 15TH DAY ? OF NOVEMBER. 1919. and remain ' opon until the 31ST DAY OF DECEM- ! DLTJ 1(lin !,?. ^/vlUntiAn rxf OT A T1 IT* I UIJH, l.'li'j 11/1 IIIC l>v<ugv>liw|| VI ?1 X XL i. U, J COUNTY. SCHOOL and LOCAL! TAXES, for the liscal year 1919, without penalty; after which day ONE PER CENT, penalty will he added to all payments made'in* the month of JANUARY, 1920, and TWO PER CENT, penalty for all payments made In the month of FEBRUARY, 1920. and ? SEVEN PER CENT, penalty will he | added to all payments made from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH. 1920, to the 15T11 DAY OF MARCH. 1920, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into execution and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. All of the Banks of the county will offer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, and I shall take pleasure in giving prompt attention to all correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Rooks will be made, up by Townships, an'd parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. CANDIESI We are offering our good HomeMade CANDIES at 110 Cts. the lb. The kind we used to sell at 40 Cts.? Tho same kind of Candy. Buy a pretty box of fine Candies for THE SWEETHEART, THE WIFE. THE MOTHER? Pound Boxen at $1.25 and $1.50. Half Pound Boxes?50 Ct-S. to 73 Cts. ? Other beautiful boxes in various j sizes. < Wo carry Hcrshcy's, Auerbach's and * other kinds as well. JUST ARRIVED Brazilian N'uts. Apples, Oranges, Ba- < nanas, .Spanish Onions. < Yorkville Candy Kitchen < JOHN" DEM AS, Proprietor. BAPTISTS, ATTENTION THE TIME.IS NOW! I < The Place Is Your Church. < The Thing to Be Done Is < Gather Information, Get Inspiration on the j J 75 MILL1UJN LUtivj^ i< : ' < P,E IV VOI R PLACE AT YOUR < CHURCH EVEItY PltEAClIIXO I ) HOIK. |/ lOUK PASTOR HAS SOJfETHIXG < TO TELL VOL" ABOUT THE |< Progress of the Drive, j < O. L. JOXES, Organizer. i-4 A. M. GRTST, B. H. WAUGH, j Publicity Directors. I We want uou to know about duro" m VATER.JY5TEMJ- | ' ' * I ,< , ^HRY pump 1000 gallons of I water for a few cents for * electricity. For hard or soft water under good pressure to Kitchen, Laundry, Bath, for Garden, Stock and Fire Protection. FOR SALE BY F. C. RIDDLE, i ' ? v v v v > v v v v > \~v -i v v I TWO OAR LOADS | I OF THE FINEST HORSES AND MILES | I . m t ? That could be purchased in Tennessee, have just | | been received at our staples in Sharon. | & In this largest number of Horses and Mules % ;j: that can be found in Sharon you will find the ani- | inal you are looking for. % | No matter whether you waitt to buy jor trade? ? jf come and look them over. ? ' rnnn r.HADAUTccn morrp.q ANn MULES it : ALL OF THESE HORSES AND MULES ARE WELL BROKEN, # ? 30UND STOCK, AND EVERY ANIMAL IS GUARANTEED * i| TO BE JUST AS IT IS REPRESENTED TO BE < ? | WH1TESIDES & PRATT | ? J. A. WHITESIDES S. B. PRATT * ? SHARON, - - S. C. - i i i i i. i i ii i ikim.ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiip I CHRISTMAS ONLY A UTILE WAYS OFF { | And J. M. BRIAN & CO., Are Ready for Santa | Claus With Lots of Toys. :?; J We bought months ago in order to be sure to g ! | have the Toys for the little folks here on time, and ? s they are certainly here?lots of them?all kinds? | | but there's not nearly enough to go around?so, if g I you are on to the ganie you'll buy early?very ear- S | ly?and you'll buy at BRIAN'S?You'll find here :, S * Baby Carriages, Bed* and Cradles, Taa Sets, Doll Bebies of g all sizes?25 Cts. to $5.50; Steam Engines, Automobiles, Armored Trucks, Hook and Ladder Fire Trucks* Furniture 5 . Vans, Banks of several kinds, Fancy Paper Lanterns, Rolling Chimes, Iron Toys, Vases, Fancy Glassware, Toy Lamps, ? ?" :?' t r.llmhinn Monkevs and Dancina m in?;tndf11m 11/70* iiiv?Mwnitf _ Alabama Coons, Pile Drivers, and Sand Toys, and?and?and 5 Oh, shucks, we can't tell it all here? 5 BUT COME AND COME EARLY OR YOU ARE SURE TO 8E 2 = DISAPPOINTED?THE SUPPLIES CANNOT POSSIBLY MEET ? E THE DEMAND. AGAIN, WE SAY, BUY EARLY. ! J. M. BRIAN CO. I i = iiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHfviiiHiiiiiiiinHH?7ii j i. nil' ' | FEINSTEIN'S BARGAIN HOUSE f: I ' | ? A ? NATIONAL SHIRT WAIST WEEK I i : ' ' ; -i l> NOVEMBER 10TH TO 15TH | : IS NOW IN PROGRESS ' fj I J; t We have to offer at REDUCED PRICES for THIS WEEK ONLY? | VOILES. ORGANDIES, CREPE-DE-CHINE AND < ; | GEORGETTE WAISTS I | Made up in the latest models in all shades. J J ^ ? <} J | We have been the LEADERS IN SHIRT WAISTS up to now, < | and our aim is to supply the.wants of the good ladies of this Town jp f and County. A ( j> COME AND PAY US A VISIT. I J E FEINSIEIN'S BARGAIN HOUSE fj I THE LEADING STORE l!? t ^ I 3^* Typewriter Ribbons on snle at The r Subscribe for The Enquirar now. j? inquirer office, i$2.25 to January 1, 1921, '? * I IF TOU "HAVE COMMON SENSE RAT EXTERMINATOR used about your premises it Is ''good night" for rat*, mice and roaches, especially fjio rats and mice. Common Sena* Rat Evterir.lnatdr Is a paste poison, - and after the rat gets a good taste of It it is all off. with the rat. It witi glvsy no further ^troubtei'd* the poiscm Mils it at cnoe ttnd theii mwrntfttleA the carcass so tliat'thfeH' Is odor Jeft,,. Dozens of 6UV custowra' have used Cohimon Sense-Rat Exttirmttiator with complete satisfaction to* e*t4i$b*6y except the rat. Suppose you try it on your rats and mirt. ' ?' <-* . * - 3 ul '^1/. YORK DEtfSvfi'ftRE* . t. sS., / - ? \ WW Real Estate Titles and Rml 'RStnte Mortgages on sale at The Enquirer i. I Ml ' ' I' I .1 l iiVti I Yorkvllle Enquire* for *2.25.'/ Any of the folh>W}ng < CfcbWakers will receive and forward subscriptions to The Yorkvllle Enquirer at $2.2? ?er annum: . . J. K. Allison J Hickory Groi'e Mrs. W. L. Adarast ... No.'2, ifork Mrs. J. E. Adams ??No..2, Closer Miss Gay Alexander .,?.,^L.Ydrk W. D. Alexander 1, jftilwu-t R. A. Barnett Rdck Jfcll C. P. Bennett ? No,. 2, Smyrna J. H. Bigham ...,?, ? 8haron J. W. Bahkhead . ..." V.. L..^.'^'.,'.WWryvtlie Miss Lotjie Barnds ........Gutforfegvljlle W*d! Bankhcad".'.^.'!',tko. 1, Aharon Wallace Blackwell .YorkVille Mrs. S. L. Blair. Skijron Mrs. Alec Bigger 2,.-York Miss Eula Bigger :_.N?. 1, Kirtg'a CtPek Miss Nannie Bav:iett . Y0pk fjjk Miss Maggie Bolin Nor. ,6, York Miss Emily C. Boyd ?.:.... No/ 2, Ybrk Mrs. I. P. Boyd ;.No."York Miss Mary Brison .? Nft. 'I -Clover Claud Burns ?...?No/ l# York JaWcs Bigger No..*, .YprK Leon Castles ? .Smyrna A. B. Clark No. 1, York D.-C. Clark, Jr ? Np. 1, York J. H. Clark -No. 1, FJl&ert Mrs. R. A. Carroll... No.'4, York Rebecca Carroll ? _No. 1, Sharon Miss Deaslo Chllders _.??!?*> 2.>York Miss Nancy Cook ...1 No.'2, York W. H. Crook I - Port JOB J.'C. Choat No. VMoek HUl J. C. Dickson No. York J. B. Dickson - Bulicck'a Crook Mrs. L. L- Dowdle .....Bullock's Crfcek S. G. Dison' No. 2* York E. M. Dickson ; No. 5, York Robt. Davidson ?J'fo. 3,; YOl'V. Frank Dagnall Hiokory Owo Mrs. M- C. Dunlap ...Roc'kH.U Mrs. Edgar M. Paris .....N'o. 8, Ycfk Catherine Faulkner .?No. 4, Clover L. G. Ferguson ?-rr-* YOrkvtlte I. F. Ford ?ZTNo. 4, Cfover Mrs. W. E. Feemster....McConnfeHfvttlo J. S. nrasscock No. 1, CAtawba Sam M. Grist I f. YQttVJlle Mrs. Bel) Gwin No. 8, Sfcaron Mrs. M. E. Harper ,No. VYOtk Miss Virginia Harper JWo. 9. Ybtk J. P. Hutchison, Jr. No.'Y, Roek*HtU Miss Mary Hope ,No. 2,- York, Mrs., MareJ* 7. York Mrs. N. H. Howell No. 1, York \f i*u T T-f UnwAtl { '* : ' i . - No. 1, Hickory qc*v?. Mrs. V. D. HoweU No. 1, Hickory OrOVe Miss Bessie Howell ..: ? No, 1, Hldkory Grove T. J. Hopper ^..Xo.'jL-.'fotfc Miss Mary Huey * Nc. 5, RoeWlftll W. F. Jackson Isjp. 1,,'Txuk Miss Hester Jackson NP. 3,/Clover Miss Rena Jenkins No. 1, Sharon Miss Mary Jackson :...Newport Miss BmllyJaCkkcm ...'No. 2, CfoVer Mason L. Jackson ; : ^..TWih Mrs. W. W. JaCkson No. 6, Tprk Q. H. Keller ........ -.Ydik Mrs. 0. L. Kenneldy L-Shhvon G. w, Ksox .....fi_a.^CJoVsr Boyd Latham ..._ ?No. 4^XPfJt A. W. Love King's^. Creel: B. R. Lov'e l No/8,Tofk \V. S. Lesslie . ;..*1>aW0 J. Stanhope lx>ve Yorkvilla Miss Eunice Lilley ...:.Fiib4rt Mrs. W. D. Morrison YoWcvllIe Harry Miller... ?,?No. 8,'York J. J. McSwatn No, 7. Rock Hill Geo. A. McCartA* -? _.<Nb. 4, Cfbvsr Miss Sallle McCotmelf _McC?ohirellirWWe J. M,' Mitchell 1,; York Miss Mary McFarland?...No.'4, rYork Finley McCarter ?* .No. 6, Yohk Miss Grizzle MulUnaz ~ ? No. S.KWgVCrtek Mrs. J. A. Maloney No. 1. Sharon Miss Marie Moore ,^Na-8.Toik Joseph R. MP'ss .No/fr.Tork }. B. Hktthetf# 4, Rod* H?l iSh. S. B.VickH M^Cimuetto^ne W. A. Nichols No. 2, Smjfrta L. O. Ngnn ... Rodk KJU BrtCe Nell ..... N'o. B.Ttlfk Mrs. K. F. Oates .... No.3, Tork Mrs. R. it OatCs ? Quay. Parrott - Yorkyille Lee Pursley No. 4,'Clover Miss Lola Parrott i .Filbert Miss Maggie Parker No. 1, ifylbert Miss Mary Love Plexico Hfcar<?n Lucilc Plexico No.''f^Ycrl; Mrs. J. S. Plexico _.._No.'I,,afliiiJon 5. C. Pursley ? No.4/0Fork BricoQuinn ?................?Sibyrna Lloyd Revels - No?"Rfjork C. B. RatchfOrd ...HiCkory Grove Mrs. T. H. Riddle No, l.-Otover Miss Lillian Robinson.?No. 2, OK>ver R. Y. Ruasejl No. 1, Sharon alien Robinson No. IV."York Mrs. J. R. Scott ...No. 3,'York J. F. A. Smith No. I, York M. J. Sherer No. t, Sharon Julia Sherer ...., Yorkvlile tViliie Sherer No. l,)SWaron Flugh Sherer ...... -..No. 1, Sharon Miss Margaret Sherer ^No. 2, Bhtfrdn J. A. Shllllnglaw _.u.iC'.<L.No. 2, Sharon Mrs. Fred L. Smarr Bullock'g CTwk Mrs. J. R. Stevenson : Catawba r. p. sitford .- Clover Mrs- John M. Smith* >?*-<% ?CJgyer reptha e wb. 4, York Miss Pearl ShilliAkfejW JSta. 7, "YObk x r. K. Scoggins :..._ . Rock Hill L W. Summerfotd .....No. 1, Clover i-Ycd Scoggins ...I^ckory Ordve Miss Edna Thomas bSo., V-^sRock Htll Mrs. II. C. Thomasson .'-^Coi i, FilbArt 1. J. Williams . .No. 4, Clover 5. W. Whiteside* vmJZ.?Sharon Hiss Maggie Wood i...?.^.-...Clover, N". M. Wallace No. 1, Smyfha V. W. Wyatt drs. Clem Wallace ........ No.. 1, Filbert t. C. White ...? King's Crdtfk Juay Whitesides ? ..?.Fifb?rt r. A. Williford ...No. 2, Rock Hill diss Susie Wood v?Clever leorge Williams Yorkville. diss I.izzie Wood .! .N'o. 3% Clover r. D- Whitesides, No. 2, Hickory Grove '. O. Wells .........Noa 1. Clover diss Sallie Wood Cannon Mill diss Catherine Wylie ^.YorKvlllfc dnvJ. E. Youngblood...:.-..... No. 6, York d'st Belle Youngblood No-. 2,'Ydrk diss Louise Youngblood ....No. 2, York Irs. T. P. Youngblood? No. 0, York C W. O. W- Ilcocipt Books onpele it Tljo Enquirer office. M/tll illed promptly. ^ #