_ % -.THE NEXT PRESIDENT . ' Some Possibilities as the Field Nov Appears. " By Savoyard. 1 It is only seven months till the poll? tics) national conventions meet about the symmer solstice to name tickets ; fO? the great quadrennial politico.! event of 1920, and yet small attention is paid to the thing, possibly because Henry Cabot Lodge is heading a strike against the beneficent policies and lpfty ideals of Wood row Wilson. The . crpp of pctive arifo feceptive candidater , on the Republican side of the hedge . is legion, .anej ph the Democratic side tbq crop of receptive candidates is prolific. If last December, the Republican . senate had. .done all in its power to support Wilson, in this great mission ar>a it that senate had DromDt - " ? ? . > ly. ratifled the treaty the president was able to secure?and it would have been . .a ni.uc^fetter .treaty than it is, if the Wrtfite had acted as 1 indicate, there is little doubt in my mind that the O. O. P. would have reap?d immense political advantage from the situation, dajtafnly the Democrats could not have profited by the issue of world peace . that is now becoming their greatest asset. * At this reading Governor Lowden of Illinois seems to be in the lead for the Republican nomination. It is said that he has gained the support of 'Mayor Thompson, of Chicago, who was hot-at .all'friendly a while ago. He hails from the state of Lincoln and Grant, and it helps his fortunes that he is aot a member of either jhouse of the present congress^ of the s Leonard. Senator Poindexter has thrown his i kat into the ring, announced his can dldacy, and proclaimed his platform. It created small stir, other than a smile of mingled surprise and curiosity. Rei gardless of what Polndexter says, or what Pofndexter thinks, or what Poindexter hopes, the fact remains that if r elected president, the successor of Woodrow Wilson, his subserviency of the standpatters and his policies of standpattery would, cause Penrose himself to stand ^ghast. His venom against the league of nations is now explained. He cared, nothing for or about the league. He was merely bidding for standpat delegates in the national convention of 1920, for even Poirtdexter knows that it will be a convention of standpatters, by standpatters, and for standpatters. Poindexter's candidacy completes the roll in one particular. Every Pro> gressive of the slightest importance west.of the Mississippi river is now in the; ring either avowed or receptive. In the list, among others, are Kenyon, Kellog, Capper, Hiram Johnson, Borah, and so forth. If I could name Wilson's successor It would be Carter Glass. He is in the intellectual class of Wilson, and a man of Wilson's Iron will and Wilson's iron nerve. Rut he is ineligible. He hails from the south. Ambassador Davis, now representing us In London, is another in the class of Wilson and Glass. Possibly he is eligible, for West-Virginia, whence he hails, is a child of the G. O. P., brought into the union bv the Caesarean operation, and it in iii the main only technical southern soil. But there , ia godd timber on the Democratic side. What's the matter with McAdoo? He's all right. . And They Surely Would.?A woman crossing :a ferryboat told a deckhand that she wanted to see the captain when the, boat reached the slip and makefa complaint. When the captain came the woman said: "I want to make a complaint about those life preservers in the deck ceiling: just look at them." Well, what in the world is the matter with 'em, madam?" asked the captain as he looked up at them." "Matter with! them?" echoed the woman. "Don't you see that they're dirty? They ought to be washed. If a woman with a nice summer dress on had to put one of those dusty things on over it it would never, be fit to wear again." ? There are about 3,756 officers and enlisted men stationed at Camp JackIson near Columbia. HAVE GOODRICH \ tidpc am Tiiorc lllVLkj nnv lUl/LnJ In stock. See me for your needs. QUINN WALLACE Agent for Oakland and Buick Cars. REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' FOR SALE Ann ? r\_ i.,n nOTA VM1U 1AIV?U1I >V I ibUl A>C., I Aw I V feet, more or less;' G-room dwelling; electric lights and water. See me at once. Price Tory low. 71 1-4 acres?-Good farm on Piedmont "Road about 10 miles northwest of Yorkvllle. Has good new 5-room dwelling, good 4-room tenant house, good barn. Three horse farm of good fresh land open, and balance in timber. Offered for quick sale. 51 Acres?On Pinckney road, 2 1-2 miles from York. Two B-room houses on the place. 48 Acres?Of land near New Zlon church. "Will sell cheapFive Room House?A Good Store I Building and two Acres of Land, at | Filbert, belonging to Tlr. E. L. Wood. C. F. SHERER' Real Estate. FLOUR We have just unloaded one car of Flour and have another one coming. This Flour was bought at prices under 1 today's market. Whether you want one sack or a ton, it will pay you to see us before buying Flour. VULCAN PLOWS Just received a shipment of all the j different sizes of Vulcan Turn Plows and Middle Breakers, and Points and Repairs. We carry a good stock of i Points for Oliver Plows. FEED STUFF Wc have on hand a good supply of I Peanut Meal, Mill Feed, Dairy Feed and Horse Feed, Ripley Heed Wheat, Seed Oats, etc. 1 We are still selling a good grade of 1 Coffee, at 3 pounds lor $1,00. jFERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD ? . V I THEY HAVE ARRIV $ < | A shipment of Young I Belt Model Suits?the no tractive mixtures. Let us Don't forget that we Conservative Styles in Sli for men. A select line of Men's | $20, $25, $27.50 and $30. | -i > - I A select line of Boys' in size?Priced at $7.50 tc RAINCOATS?AV V.'-Oif.-'-'v "S'.S'l A ' iiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiifiiHw SONS COMPANY I GROVE. rHE PRICES luding Dry Goods, GroFurniture, Agricultural 3 ? or better selected stocks In the of any in this part of the county. RING ARE CALCULATED TO IE HIGH COST OF LIVING. CK OF SHOES?SHOES OF ALL ODY. THE PRICES AT WHICH ARE SIMPLY REMARKABLE. I f le to call upon us and see : a Cash Dollar. SONS COMPANY, ove, S. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EaanKatEBaBBHBBHnmKirai it back j1 MARKET With Another | orses and Mules. T THAT WE HAVE HANDLED 5 I EVE THAT YOU WILL THINK = IEM. iound, Healthy Animals. | ?K THEM OVER. stock company! - - s. c. SON, Manager. 5 SHnUH | VVUWWWWWVWVVVWIAIVVV LJRTNEY I ERSAL CAR SERVICE ll WWMWWWWVWWWW/WVW REAL ESTATE If you want to buy, it will pay you lo see Mo. If you want to sell I will make it to YOUR interest to let me handle your property. Some of my offerings: 58 3-4 acrcc?5 miles from York. 6 room residence and barn. About 10 acres nice bottom land. About 14 acres woodland. 1! horse farm open. Property of W. M. Stowe. 1ir3 acres?2 miles from York on Turkey Creek road. 9 room two story residence, large barn, 30x50 feet, cotton house, 2 tenant houses, well of good water and 3 or 4 springs. About 100 acres in cultivation, 3 pastures, plenty of wood (oak and pine) to run place. Property of K.^L. Deviney. 268 acres?& miles from York on public road. 7 room residence, large barn, 12 stalls, well of good water, 4 tenant houses and 2 small barns. Good pasture. About 100 acres oak and pine woods. 6 horse farm open. Property of J. Q. Hall. 89 acres?9 miles from York, 5 miles from Smyrna and 5 miles from King's Creek. Smyrna It. F. D. passes place.. One horse farm open and balance in woods?something like 100,000 feet saw timber. 12 acres fine bottoms, 3 room residence. Property of P. B. Bigger. 98 2-3 acres?10 miles from York, 7 miles ,fiom Clover and 6 miles from King's Creek, just off road leading to Piedmont Springs. Santiago school 1-2 mile; 1-2 mile from A. M. MeUill's store. 7 room dwelling, barn and crib. One 3 room tenant house. About 40 acres open land, balance in oak and pine timber?something like 50,000 feet saw timber. 2 small pastures. Fine orchard. Property of J. E. Bigger. 100 acres?1-2 mile of Hickory Grove on good sapd clay road. About 35 acres open land, balance in forest timber?mostly pine and oak. One tenunt house and barn. Property of J. M. Leach. 656 acres?2 miles of Hickory Grove on Rutherford and Chester road. 6 room dwelling, 8 tenant houses, barns, cribs, etc., About 450 acres cleared, land, balance i-n woods and pasture. 3 good wells, good springs and branches, Bullock's Creek bounds place on South and East. 125 dfcres good bottom land. Property of J. M. Leech. 300 acres?1-2'mile of-Hickory-Grove just off Rutherford and Chester road, I tenant houses and barns. Watered by springs and branches. About 200 acres open land, balance in woods and pasture. Property of Mrs. Ella J. Scoggins. 195 acres?2 1-2 miles of Hickory Grove on two public roads. 6 room residence, new (4 stall) barn, and one tenant house. About 6 horse farm open. Plenty of wood to run place. Nice pasture. Property of J. S. and Tohi Wilkerson. 210 acres?3 1-2 miles from York oh Pinclcney road. 8 room residence, well oV good water, 2 large barns, three 4 room tenant houses and one 3 room tenant house. 40-acre pasture. Good orchard. About 150 acres open land,' balance in oak and pine timber. Property of M. A. McFarland. 212 acres at Brattonsville?2 tenant houses etc. I will sell this place as a whole, or in 3 tracts, to wit: 57 acres, G5 acres, apd 90 acres. Property of Estate Mrs. Agnes Harris. 132 2-3 acres?3 miles South of Sharon on McConnellsville road. One new 4 room residence and one 5 room i old residence, 2 small barns, well of j good water and small orchard. About^ J 1-2 of place open land and balance in. J woods and pasture. One mile of < Bfcatrsville school. Property of W. P. ( 135 Acres?Half mile of incorporate J limits of York on Lincoln road; 5-room J residence, barn, 3 tenant houses, two | branches on place, about 8 acres bot-( j torn land. About 10 acres woodland,* j and balance work land. 157 Acres?11 miles from York, and G miles from King's Creek; 8-room residence, barn, 3 tenant houses and other necessary outbuildings. About 80 acres open land, and balance in pasture and timber?something like 150,000 feet saw timber; 3 pastures. x 37 Acres?11 miles from York, 8 miles-from Clover and 5 miles from King's Creek; G-room residence, bam, well of good water, cotton house, etc. Good orchard. About 20 acres open land and balance in woods?about 12,000 feet saw timber. Property J. E. Bigger. 233 Acres?14 miles from York, 5 miles from King's Creek, and 6 miles from Smyrna. Good school within 1 1-2 miles; 4-room dwelling, spring close to house; 1 good tenant house; 2 good tenant barns, etc. About 60 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, from 250,000 to 300,000 feet pine saw timber ?will saw boards from 6 to 10 inches. 350 Acres?10 miles from York, 6 1-2 miles from Tirzah and 8 miles from Clover, -on 3 public roads, within 1 1-2 miles of sand-clay road, to Clover. About 100 acres open land, balance in timber and pasture. About 80 acres under wire fence. Talk about your saw timber, here it is?pine, hickory, white oak, &c., but n^stly pine; 7room residence, good barns, 3 good tenant houses?6, 5 and 3 rooms respectively. Ginhouse, store room, 20x50 feet, an excellent stand. Forest Hill school 1-4 mile of residence; 4 churches within 4 miles. Property of It. E. L. | Ferguson. . 125 Acres?10 miles from York, and S mijes from Clover on Rock Hill and Clover road, 1 mile of sand-clay road, spring close to house. About 50 acies open land, balance in woods and pas- ( ture; 31 acres forest timber, mostly pine. 1-2 mile of Forest Hill school: ' 4 churthes within 4 miles. Property h of Perry Ferguson. 52 1-2 Acres?4 1-2 miles from York, i on Adair's Ferry road. 5-room resi- ' dence; 2-story barn, well of good wa-1 ter, plenty of timber for place?pine and oak. Good pasture. Right at i school. 14 Acres?Good fresh land, 4 1-2 5 miles from York, 1-2 mile from Fil- . bert, on Betchler road. 4-room resi- . dence, barn, crib ,and cotton house. Good pasture, tine strawberry patch; $40.00 of berries sold this year. Fine p orchard of various kinds of fruit. Fil- " bert school 1-2 mile- Property of C. W. Betchlcr. 177f Acres?Within 1-2 mile of Fair i View school. Residence, barn, well of I good water; 1 tenant house, &c. About j 100 acres open land and balance in j timber?oak, hickory, poplar and pine. Good bit of saw stuff; 2 branches on nlurp. T'roDertv of W. P. Smith. liOt in Clover?At corner of Main and Ne\y Brooklyn streets, 145x33" feet; 9-rooni residence, well of good water; 3-stall barn, smoke-house, wheat house, &c. Good orchard, good garden- Electric lights in house. Three good lots could be gotten out of this j place. Property of J. L. Stacy. Lot in York?At corner of Main and I West Madison streets, fronting 75 feet I on Main St., 200 feet on Madison St.. and 125 feet back width; 8-room residence, besides kitchen, pantry and halls. Water and lights. Store room j 24x74 feet. Property of J. W- Dobson. 4-room Residence?In York on Charlotte Street. Cow barn. Good well of j water. Property of J. W. Watts. 6-room (new)?Residence, barn npd ^ crib in McConnellsville on Crawford Street. Well of good water. Property ! of It. H. Lee. Loans arranged on farming lands. GEO. W. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE Room 204 First National Bank IBug i Xl. Ti\/ rvirifi/w nOQ' rnrx^lenK n?- ^or^vfrlA. r I *-WI I I WVVIVMJ. v-f | # WVS7 PEOPLES FURNITURE COMPANY IT MUST BE EIGHT -? .! . A Miii!iiiKiiiiiiii(iiiitriirnRHiiiiK2iii:!ii:2iiiii((iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiP^ I | SEEJAMES BROS. FOR. MOLES- ! | If Better Mules, Mares and Horses could \ | | had at lower prices than we offer, we would ce- | / | tainly have them. We depend more on volume f 5 5 business than 011 big profits on the individual sal .5 S hence we are constantly buying more stock to si 5 5 more at' reasonable priced. . 4 , i 1 ' [ mLES JAMES BROTHERS H0K? | Mni?imiimiiiiiiii?iimiiinmiiiiiu?iiiuanii?iiiii?niii?iii?iiiiii?iiiiinn?iiuiii I VADIftmiC AATTAM An A AMD A V 1 ! 1 UllfY Y1LLL tUlIUil VIL LUiTlIftJI ![ ! i ! , ' - : 4 Hi > ? \ ,M v : . .1 j i Gins Cotton, Buys Cotton Seed, Sells Cotton S.d n Meal and Hulls. Also makes Best Strait ^ Patent Flour, and Corn Meal that has no jiperior. * j / ! * iAlso Sells COAl>and ICE. v | j OUR CORN MILL?Has been overhauled andut j | rn First-Class Condition. t The mill sttes ; ! have been re-dressed, and the output tremjd- of ,nsurlnf? Keeping tenants k to have lis a few times. ; comfortable tenant houses. Suppose , you sec about fixing yours UPioW and^ , CJATJTT APV? f>et them in shape before cold,weather 7' sets in. See us for LUMBER aid oih Well, we say yes, and then ;er needed materials. We kn1E NAME AT JUSTIFIES YOUR CONFIDENCE" Offices; PETERSBURG. VA. and GREENVILLE, N. Cv fl R C|mni I Tir IJL^ .v Tfjl %