f WANTS A MILLIONAIRE > \ . ? * Colorado Damrel Would Take South Carolina Swain to Spouse. - Any bald headed, sentimental mllv lionairc or widower who wants a pretty I brown-eyb'd liitfc'&krliHg to liQlp him ?pj spqnd his money arid pjay sweet lullabies to him, has only to apply to the office of the governor of South Caro'? Una to get.^address of a western ? ,?ljm&Mh? Adjust "dying** to' commit matrimony, providing were is pieiuy ui coin In the offing writes the Columbia correspondent to tjj& News and Court '.rv.: V .' * While there h^s been ry> advertisei mcnt to the effect that 1 Governor ? Cooper is heading a matrimonial bureau, yet a Colorado girl evidently ,-t thinks that he can put her in touch with some South Carolina swain who wants to be loved. Tho, governor's office received a letter today postmarked Pueblo, Colo., in/Which a re * quest is made to find a pining maiden "of one of the best families of Colorado," a helpmeet in the turbulent battle of life. . The maid is easily satisfied; all she j " wants is a "hubby" she can love with all her heart and who will love her? ' , and can show one million dollars. In - her set of specifications ahe says that any candidate that applies should be fifty years of age. This is interpretY ed as a gentle hint that she does not want htm to live too long; she prefers to spend the million as a "merry ^ widow." Governor' Cooped is in New Orleans ^ attending the World Cotton Conference and his secretary James C- Qerleux, is handling the matrimonial end ^ -of the executive office. Mr. Derieux, however, has not had much experience along matrimonial lines, aj he has so * far failed to annex to himself a wife. In his desperation he called the capl: tal newspaper men Into consultation but they could not apply; the majority of them married and all were penniless. However, they suggested a \ handsome scribe of the Piedmont sectlon, whom they thought might be interested. He is unmarried, but falls * under the age Urrjit and. he haa not yet, > so far as is* ittofoWn,; amassed a million ' . "scads." . V " i Mr. Derieux requests the bachelors of the state, who will fall over each the western peach, to apply to him i: , for the name of the fair one, and not to, send photographs, autobiographical sketches and financial statements . to the governor's office. 'He has no appropriation for the hiring of an ?x/ tra stenographer, and, in his opinion, the Colorado maid would prefer to receive all documentary evidence direct. The epistle to the governor, which V is captioned "Hunting for Happiness," follows: r "Hunting for Happiness." i t "I am looking for a tall Blue eyed 50 r year old Husband. He must have a million $. 1 am small. Called Pretty' # v Brown eyes. Music teach%r. I never did a Bad act before God in my life. If I And a Person 1 can love with all my heart and soul better than life and am sure He loves me, the same I will marry- Wo are one of the best Fam' r Hies in state of Colo. Please Jend qhoto and full particular^. "Please give this to theA)cst looking Bachelor in your State. Thank you." The letter is signed by a woman who i *. < 1 . purports to live in Pueblo, Col. r. . v Canning Without Sugar.?Don't let surplus fruit go to waste because you cannot obtain sugar to use for preserving purposes, says a bulletih from the United States Department of Agriculture. Fruitcaiv be successfully can ned without itrand" it can be sweetened when served next winter, or syrup can be used in place of sugar to sweeten it now. To can .without..sugar, simply fill the jars containing- the fruit with clear hot water instead of the usual syrup, and process the jars in a hot Water bath. The fruit will not spoil, but it will not have quite as fine a flavor and color as that? which is packed in syrup. Directions for canning , by the a. "cooked in the can" method should be carefully followed to can successfully without srugar, the United States De. , partment of Agriculture suggests. Fruits canned without sugar are especially good in salads, desserts, pie fillings, ices and in fruit punches. They can also be made into jams and marmalades when sugar is obtainable. Fruit juices take no sugar and their uses are just as varied during the winter season as arc the fruits put up unsweetened. These fruit juices are also available for jelly at a future time when sugar is more plentiful, ^ To abort a cold A ' .. .>... . and prevent complications, take (alotabs v_> The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold T3H/ A M- Wily^tjsealed packages. . _ Price 35c. ' - f ? Firemen ir\->WHsbington on Tuesday rescued a i>UQxhgr of women clerks employed in tnfc' forestry bureau after Hames had quickly spread In the bureau building, two blocks from the national treasury. J^everal of the women were ovefronte by flames. i THEV HAVE ARRP f <9 A a AAA A A AA rn ? AM A am mm mm t A slii^hient of Youn | Belt Model Suits?the 11 I tractive mixtures. Let u f Don't forget that \v | Conservative Styles in S! I for men. I A select line of Men I $20, $25, $27.50 and $30. 11 * A select line of Poys I in size?Priced at $7.50 \ I RAIN COATS?Wo I these?for Men, Ladies, || Men's?Priced at $5 Ladies'?Priced at J 1 Boys'?Priced at $5, Misses'?Priced at $ f SH0E3 J. M. S' J. C/WILBO DESCRIPTIONS OF 1 123 Acres?In Fort MllL township. Joins lands of Lee Xlvensp estate, the Southern Power company and others. One dwelling, four roomo; seventythree acres In cultivation, about fifty acres In timber; some good bottom land. Four miles of Fort Mill. ' Price, $40.00 per Acre. Property of J. II. Sutton. 100 Acres?In Fort Mill township. Joins lands of Frank Ecnnett, Mrs. Lee Nivens and others. A three-horse farm open. One good new dwelling house, two stories, sitf rooms. A good new barn. Price, $10.00 iter Acre. Property of J. 11. Sutton. 159 Acres?*Known as the G. J. Allen ?Hawkin's farm. Joins the lands of A. Willis, Kenry Massey, Jack Berry, F. E. Smith. Ono*two-story, six-roptn dwelling. A good new barn. About 125 acres in cultivation; balance in timber. Within one mile of Tirzah station. Property of R. H. Hawkins- ? 520 Aercs-i-Jolns lands of J? j.' Nivens, Foster Jackson, Southern Power Co., and others. Good dwelling house, onc-ono-story, seven-rooms; 200 acres under cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. Ten miles of Clover. Good barn and gin house. "Excellent store and gin stand." Price, $45.00 per Acre. s. i ^ I itoHiitiful Cottage?In Rock Hill. Six rocAns/wlth bath, lights and water; oh SalUda street. Formerly known as the Harry Ruff residence. Price, $5,000.00A Nice Home and Lot?On King'' Mountain street, in Clover, S. C. Good neighborhood. Four-room cottage. For immediate sale, $1,500.00. 'Hie Beautiful Home-Farm?Of J. Pink Adams- Two miles of Clover. The main dwelling house has seven good rooms. Another good residence with four rooms. Good hams, , fine pasture, flowing water. Ninety (DO) acres under Ncultivation; about fifty (50) acres in timber and pasture. Cun divide this into two farms. Price pi acre, $100.00. Beautiful Farm?Of w. H. Sherer, about two and one-half miles of Clover. Beautiful six-room residence. Fine state of cultivation. Forty (40; acres under cultivation, balance in timber. An ideal home and small farm; close to school. All conveniences. Price. $5,2:r0.00. 101 1-2 Acres?Joins the land of S. S. Glenn, T. G. York and others. About " I,? nf eigm nines ui uasiuum, tij."1 nin<-? ? . Clover, and eight miles of Belmont; line sand and clay road to Gastonla, and Belmont. Is on the Union road out of Gastonla. 11-2 miles of school. Has two. good dwellings, four rocms in each. " Hies on the public highway, Gastonia and Hock Hill road. Pro duced in the year 1918 with one man's work and the work of a negro man and his wife, the following crops: 14 bales of cotton $2,450 00 450 bu. corn $2 per bu 900 00 150 bu. oats $1.15 per bu. 173 50 70 bu. wheat @ $2.75 per bu 192 50 5,000 bundles of fodder (fi) $2.50 per hundred 125 00 60 gallons ol' molasses $1 per gallon 60 00 420 bu. cotton seed @ $1 per bushel 420 00 Other hay crops 150 00 Total income $4,470 00 65 acres in cultivation, 36 1-2 acres in timber. This land lies perfectly level. It is one of the most beautiful farms In the county, and makes a bale to the acre under favorable circumstances. It is all fresh land and a man buying it gets a good start with land to make fine crops. There is not, a waste acre On this farm. I oftcpwonder why people would prefer to buv two or three hundred acres with I one-haIf or two-1 lairds of it waste land. Payipg $50 to $C0 in preference to buying :i farm like this. The price I is $100 per acre. 671-2 Acres?More or less, joins the land of Mr. Tumbling. Revels and others. One good residence, one story, six rooms. Forty-five (45) acres under cultivation: balance in timber. Two miles of Bethcsda churCh, three-fourths of a mile from the station of (luthriesville. All necessary outhouses. This is an ideal farm and I can be bought right. See me at once, for I have a short option on this place. 75 Acres?One and one-half miles of I Guthriesville school and depot. Fine level land. A part of the beautiful farm of Amos novel's estate lands. Price $85 per acre. 119 1-2 Acres?One and one-half I miles Heersholw.;. seven and one-half ; miles of York. One good dwelling house, two stories, seven rooms. Price $65 per acre. 50 Acres?N'ear the farm of John S. j.Feemster, 11. B. Haftness and C. M. ,-lninun. vOno good four-room dwelling bouse: good barn. Tirty-five -acres in J. C. WILBORN ? Italy haii agreed to the creating c a free state of Fiume, the port remain i?g under control of t^ie League c Nations, according to a Paris news paper, which claims to. have receive authoritative information on the sul Ject. * .'ED AT LAST, YES ' ' .'0 i: *c"e a c r :? g Men's Seam Model and 3\vcst patterns and in.ats show them to you. %j c also have a full line of ims, Regulars and Stouts 's Overcoats are here?at ' Overeoats?G to 18 years ;o $18.75 and all between. are especially strong on Boys and Girls?all sizes. .00 to $18.50, 6.00, $8.50 and $12.50. 50, $6.50 And $8.50. &00. ROITP RN, Real Esti OWN AND FARM PROPERTY cultivation. Price $30 per aor*. 1f$ Acre ?Near Smyrna. One goc dwelling housd, four-rooms. Goc barn and other necessary out-bulk ings. Price $40 per acre. 84 Acres?the property of J. It. Ten pleton, joins the land of Felix Quim E. M. Walker and others. A nice si: room dottage; 45 acres in cnltlvatlo: Fine corn and cotton grit. See me f< price. 233 Acres?The property of Pien Love, two and one-half miles of M< Connellsville, on public highway. Fi> room dwelling. Good four-horso fan open fcr cultivation; 75 to 90 acres I timber, some of which- Is fine saw tin ber. This is a very fine farm. It I worth over the price. We have fixe ' ' ??... 1 9oU, SO inai Ave may matic a quan oai I $50.00 per acre* 300 acre*?The property of A. l Burris. Sixty (60) acres in bottoi land now being dredged on Turke Creek.' Fifty acres of upland In cult vation. Good quantity of pino limbe Seven miles of York. Price $11 p< acre. 51 1*3 Acres?One and onc-ha miles of Beersheba. One good dwell ing. five rooms. Two barns. Thirt five acres under cultivation. Goo school near by. Price $7,500. Proper! of J. M. Mitchell. 134 acre#?More or less. Propert of Mrs. S. J. Barry. 100 acres in cul tivation; balance in timber. Has lar? barn six stalls and two sheds. Th! is very fine productive land. Tw miles of school. Beautiful nine room residence foi merly known afe the Scott Wilson plac now the property of J. P. Barnes; niri (miles of Chester; 3 1-2 miles of M< Connellsville. 150 acres in fine cultiva tion. A big paying proposition. Plept of tenant houses and plenty of wood t do the farm. Price^ $05 per ncrc. 90 acres?Joins the land of II 1 Sand iter, vC. B. Conrad. J. A. Conra< This is a very fine farm, much of thl ' 1 ?nf pnltnn tn til i iuiiu nictivrd a uaiu u? wtwn %.w ... acre. Has from 40 to 45 acres in bot torn land. Fine state of cultivation with one of the best pastures in Yor County. Two miles of McConnells villo. Dwelling house has four room.' Price $60 per acre. 228 acres?More or less, joins th lands of W. H. Beard and others. Th property of Fred G. Cook, one dwellin house, two stories eight rooms on seven horse under cultivation, flft acres in timber,' fine orchard, thre miles of Bethel Church, seven miles c Clover, on the fine sand and clay roac one and one fourth mile from schoo It has three other houses, two of thes houses are two stories high both hav six rooms each, the other house ha five rooms in it. The tenant house i: the yard has four good rooms, has goo big barn, double crib, lumber an wheat house two stories high, cottoi house shedded. Option expires th ninth day of October. Price $50 pe acre, said price subject to advance. 101 acres?Joins the land c. Sidnc Hogue, W. O. Youngblood's estat land, one dwelling four rooms. Sl*t acres under cultivation, forty acres* i saw timber and wood, six acres i bottom, three miles of Tirzah. This i a good purchase at $55 per acre. Opt Ion expires September 12th. The beautiful home of P. Goforth a Bethany; including saw mill, rollo mill, cotton gin and all attachments One dwelling, two stories, ten roomi Also his small farm near this hom< Sec me at once for quick sale. Thi is one of 'the finest propositions i York. County. . 40G acres?Known as the Saunder place, three hundred ayd fifty-six acre in timber and wood; has eighty-cigh acres' of bottom land, is six miles o McConnellsville, has only about thre horse farm open on this splendid lam For a man that is willing to work an clean up a farm, there Is not a bette chance in York County than this, will accept $7,000 for this farm I bought before the first day of Januarj Terms: une-iourin casn, umamx nuu to seven years to pay. Possesslo t fective, the department of justice is i- putting final touches Co Its plans for d procedure when the /new weapons are i- available.' ?REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOB SALE o 32" Acres?tand, fi-roefh new dwell< ing; 1 4-room tenant house; 4 1-2 miles {> of York; % ] J One Lot?:On ^frigh,t Ave., 77x270 0 feet, more Or less; 5-room dwelling; o electric lights and water. See me at < * once. Price very* low. ? 71 1-4 aeree?-Good farm on Ple^mo'nt Road about 10 rftfies northwest nf vrvr*irvMI?. Has- food new G-room I dwelling?, good.' 4-rroom tenant house, good barn. Three horse farm of Rood" fresh land "Open, 'and balance In timber. Offered for quick sale. 60 Acres?King's Mountain road, 15 miles from York. 150 Arrcs?Two tenant houses, on the York and Clover road, 1 1-2 miles from Clover. , 51 Acres?On Plnckney road, 2 1-2 miles frdm York. Two 6-room houses on the placed 4 Five Room HouaeJOn one acre lot; on Charlotte 'road/hear Cannon mil]*' Good New Four-Room House?Lot 100x400 feet, en Charlotter fctreet* l Ono Good N " C. F." Shercr Residence?Five room X house/on lot 110x250 feet. Good barn. < > East Jefferson street- ? < * Four Rooju House and Lot?On same * stireet <, Two Lota?On Lincoln street, oppo<, site J/ IS. Johnson's residence; 80 foot; i 1 front, each. V y r 1 " ' 48 Acre^?Of tend near New Zion I church.. ?Wftl Sell-cheapa ' Five Room House?A Good Store? Rulldlngr and twb Acres of Land, at $ Filbert belonging to ffr. E. L- Wood. ^ C. F. SHERER. Real Estates ite, yorkTT a OFFERED'FOR SALE / small farm Jn York County. ?d 99 acrss?The best farm In five miles ?d of Tirzah station. Level land. Good 1- dwelling house with six roms. About thirteen acres In timber, balance in 1. cultivation. Has good orchard, ifaif miin nt Tir*rih rienot. I have a short c_' option on this place, and it mu3t he n. sold at once. I^ook it over and come )r and talk with me. It is the property of J. C. Wallace. , 54 2-5 AdttPft?J. P. Bailee farm; one ;c cottage, 5 rooms. re 148 Acres?Rrojerty 'of W. T. Cain, m One mile of-GuthrieBvllle. One dwellIn ing, five rooms; fifty (50) acres under l- cultivation; about twenty In timber. 300 acres?The property of Miss Maggie N. Oates near Bethany High BchooJ. Dwelling house two stories, . six rooms. 100,000 feet of good saw ** timber.' 50 feres of fine bottom land, y. Pries fifty pilars per acre. i- 80 acres a Joins the land of S. S. r. Shuford. Foster Jackson and others at ir Clay Hill, live miles of New Port, one ' mill of Forest Hill School; one dwellK ing tour ropms, fifty acres under cultil_ ration very fine land, balance in pasy ; ture, fifteen acnes in timber, two miles icj of Allison Creek Church, one mile of y good school, on public highway, has. one tenant bouse, ideal farm and can i be bought right. J. D. Nivens. l_ 184 acres?More or less, joining the -c land of William Oates and others. 130 i BE-SURE - IWv, (Hi 22, 23, 24*?Eatr Ground* S' 75 Head of- Mules, Mares and- Ho 5'- Come and take a look. We ca? li S some of'the Beat Mules ever ahtpj S. , oud single?!Je*kure to meet us at t; i n * JAMES BR 'St! P?r*u A i: i.l'i '? V- ~: iiiiiimiunrninmmiimmmniiuiinnmu 1 WAKfrtnttr PATTA IIUKKV1LLL IU1IU OUR FLOUR MILL-^Hs hauled and we ata ma' Patent Flour. WE ARE SELLING?G< ' Corn Meal as good a; duet of our mill. ' '' WE HAVE COTTON SI j ing and Cotton Seed " I COTTON SEED HULLSji WHETHER IT IS MEAl Meal or anything eh j 1 consideration is thai ers must riot be diss they receive. i YORKVULE COUO ; ; . FOR HOMES OR I i LANDS OP ESTATE 0] BARGAIN ! DESIRABLE FARMS ! This Property Has Been \ Sale, at Remarkably i Going to Sell It, ; In all there are 622 ACRES? i ACRES in Broad River Township, 1 in" King's Mountain Townships I THE HOME PLACE as it stanc | there is a good eight-room dwellin - first-class tenant houses, with ne< ' has been only partly cleared, and ; Saw Timber and Firewood, sufflciei there is a large proportion of bott< j an A-Xo. 1 Stock Farm of large p ; Lacking a iquick buyer for th< ought to go, I have had the whol Farms as follows: 1. THE HOME TRACT with cotton and fcorn fields,- bottoms,' ] about 260 ACRES. The buildings al I am asking for this tract. . 2. ABOUT 75 ACRES, on the < of good fresh land open for cultivai 3. ABOU1 108 ACRES, on CI recently cleared, and balance in tli easily capable of yielding enough fi for the whole tract. *.i 4. About 60 ACRES of uplai H timlinf linf nri linusos. It JS ChCil I IN KING'S MOUNT A TRACT OF 178 ACRES, n Mountain township. There is a gi which is partly cleared, but still'ks a home or an investment this is go I MEAN M .THE OWNERS OF THIS LAN turned it over to me for that purpo prices that are reasonable and fair j I would rather sell the whole busin ; man docs not come along quickly I tracts. People who are looking fo vestment, arq ad,viped trf'get busy i The terms are CASH.' See the land C. F. SHE RE R, REA] ' ' * % . K ' - . ; n? , ?pwiMHMB Tf vou have farms or city propert 3 subdivide and sell your property profitably for you. I Farmlands OnrSpecialt Ninety-Seven T/xusand Six Hundred Land amounting to over FIVE A I ?t 1918. Write for Ijool mation about our au< RXmm con i5\ lol " e namitth, Offices PETERSI RefertmceF'fth^^E^ I ? - ? - ? - * ' * V; . - -j? iiiiHiiiiiiiiniiiinfinMiiinifiiiifiiniitiiu "'3mm JM Sw j I % b S' d 4 B jg >.*. ';? ..j '6' ^ M '*' S ^ f1 I 1 MEET US AT THE 1 \ J COUNTY FAIR f J Marcs, Horses ami Hales now in V& C 2 to 6 years; weight 900 to 1,300 '3 a we. will sell them right* If you vS v } to meet us at the Big York Co- : .3 ? i, Bock Hill?:We will iune 30 to '5a racs' at Price* to Surprise you. * J1 your requirement*. We have S t jed to South CrtToUna?In teunwi S i ho Fair Grounds?22d,. 23*>*> i ; S * , ' A t\i ' }'<**.'> ? ? - I , .fe n on, wifiiY; ; " . v ' ' v- " s| i V'^'-v x !;.? I ' ~~~ . -j rfl is been thoroughly over- . i J king unexcelled Straight * i * v t )od Family Flour and ^ * s is to be had?the pro- H . . - <21 !ED MEAL^For Feed- ! J NIeal for Fertilizers. '! ? u li -Now $10 a ton, Cash. - \ - ?; si **rt w f. i ^ ?, Hulls, Coal, Ice, Flour, | s ie in ''our line, our first,-' j S our, friends and custom-. ' ;] J ippointcd in the service Tr N OiCfiMPANY : -OR INVESfflENT { ? T. W. McELWEE "AT ' prices . j IN WESTERN YORK .... n 1>lanbri in Mv TTq.nria for f * Mf?vu *** - a Low Figures and I am r J ' . . / c J M ' ' -the,'Old Home Place of ' 604 and 118 ACRES near New Zion, n Is, Includes 504 ACRES, on which ?j ig house, a large bam and three 2 essary outbuildings. The place Jj there Is ori It, quite a lot of fine *' it for generations to come. Also - ' J* >ro.jAn.d, and. enough pasture for * ro portions. " j place aa a whole, the way ? am going.to let It go in Separato * r homes, or for a profitable in- ? vlth their investigations at once. TV and then see'me. i, ESTATE DEALER t I HBHMflHHHMHHHHHpL y for sale, write us. We wiflTW? AT AUCTION quickly and V y?-Territory Unlimited j1 5< 'and Eighty-Eight acres of Farm; 24 (ILL/ON DOLLARS^sold in | ,0 LlCl w ^uuuisvi^viiu turn uuyt^i b **< :tion methods. cr si realty mm i 3 kt auftrmcs 1 L 11 , , - - ? -? ' / - /, rt. REAL ESTATE j If you want to buy, if will pay you j so* Mo. If you watit to eelf I will uke it to YOUR inter-oat to lot ma andle your property, % Some of my offerinqs: 58 3-4 acroo-r^ iqUea;, from York. S I i! cr?'? wood la Wd. 1.5 borapi farad open. roperty of W-.Mf.Stmrei ? r .tlBl r1/3 ^|mjyirav^fln on' urkey c*rebk road!: room two story jctdencei large barn^ aoacSQ feet; cotton . oiujo, S stenabt houf4e?'-.y**II of. good rate* and 3 or 4 springs. About 309 cres in cunivntion,3:pasturea, plenty , f wood (oak and pine) to tvn piaci ^ Voperty of B, L>.Devicey, r/- , 288 acroo-^ trtlloa ' rcpm York on , uhlic road. 7 rdbm residence, Jai'ge am. 12 Stalls,.welt of good water, '# jnant hoii3co and 2 small barns. Good * as to re. About 10Q ncfres oak and pint \'i -pods, ft horso farm open. Property f f J. Q, Hail. 89 acres?9 miles fiom York, 5 mUee rom Sin vrnn and K' miles from KiMfO Jreck. Smyrna It.-fV D, pftaaeb pWqfc. * )i)c home fa cm open..and balance fix <3 oods?something like 10ftk and "* line timber-^aom d t h tag tilfr $0,000 fMt 1 aw timber. 2 email; pastures- FJtne.>/' rcha rd. Property of J, JJ. BWirar.. 3S 100 acrd^li* ' fnUOl.of ' Hlcko?*$ Wotre on good sand-city rpaid/r AbbwJJ & aerea open hind, balance lnforeat imhcr?mostly pine apd oik. Ote <; chant houae and barn. , Property ofm . M. Leach. 6S6 aocaa?2 miles'bfHICko'ry Qitro fs n Rutherford and -CheatMV road. 0 f 00m dwelling Stenautlwwaea, hanMt % rlW, etc., About 450 *?4*t cleaNtf # and, balance In wood* and-HiataifL a good -wells,' yood springs and ' irnnehes, Bullock's Creek bound* plaCA j n Sotith and Rant 125 acrea gpOdL? attain land. -"Property hf"J. H/Laedpflj 300 acrafc?1^2 mils. of Hickory QtraH uat off Rutberford.au* OheatCr to?H tenant house* and bnhi*. 'tyateima ty springs and branched Atootit 70?3 tcvea open land; balance Jin "Wood* m l lasture., Property \ of Mre^BUa J. 3 "M&- acr???2 1-2 rotlea of Hickory f k-ove 00? -two public-roads.' w room* esklence. Tiew hart* umA om!a enant . bouse. < About t hers* nwta fl ipen. ' Plenty of woodi to rtttt pljffjfl ttoo-pastured Property of J. 8. MR| *om Wllkerson210-acrtp-^fr?? Yorkjwa Hnckney road. 8 room rkafcrendK.K'flfl if good 00m tenant houaes and One fr'.ro*? ., enant houae. J O-oore 'yaatare. - CMMtt? ircnard. >jh ialance In.oaU and ^lh? tJ^bCT.- iT^Cui! rt'y of' M.' A: tonses ;eto^. I wUKaelMft^Place /bole, or In 3 tracts, to^wKrjSI 6 acres, and W acres. Prop$rtjr\dg;.s Rotate Mrs. A^oeu Harrta ' 132 2-3 acres?1 .mfces* Bdntb \ of } Ibaron on McConnellsvUle road. Qn?\a icw 4 room residence and ono S rcftfe/A to residence, 2 small^bu'riks, we&tfn* toed water and smatt ofretawd. aWk^J vB.of place open. laaJLamt foods and pasture.- /0i?^ 'mgr^cft*'/ Jlairsvllle school. Property Of r\f, t% j foungWaOd. X.i'Vv-'jVn . ) \!* f v'^H ' 135 Acres?Half -mile ;of In corporate* a' [mits of York on Lincoln road; 6-rooja y5 esidence, barn, 3, tenant Houses, two , iranches on place, about 8' ncrtsa bofe^ 5 om land. About Id acres wooiian^.j nd balanco work tand.,, , l. 7 Acres?11 miles frem.Tot*, anfjJ miles from King's fffHek; <-HW esidence, barn. 3 tenant houses eftd \ ther necessary outbuilding*/ AbWtt 1 0 acres open land, and balanco In p?al- j ore and timber?eomethlnf Ilka l(#?? oo feet saw timber; 3 pastures., -A 37 Acres 11 milek from. Tfdrk, frdl fillcs from Clover and 6 miles from \ ting's Creek; 6-room residence, bapo, /ell of good water,'cotton-hoyse, etc. I lood orchard. About 20 accefc opetl. 4 ind and balance In woods?about llj J 00 feet saw timber. Property J. B, J 222 Acres?14 rrtllea front York, 5 J -lilca from King's Creek, and t mile* j rom Smyrna. Good school within l ljj] ailes; 4-room dwelling, spring ciose to j ouse: 1 good tenant house; 2 goodjl cnant barns, etc; AbputOflncres 1p$9 ultivatlon. br lance in timber, from 1 50,000 to 300,000 feet pine saw timber { -will saw boards from* 8 to^ 10 Inches. J 350 Acres?10 miles from York, 3 1-2 ] liles from Tlrzah and 8 miles from J lover, on 3 public roads, Within I 1-2 I tiles of sand-clay road to Clover. 1 .bout 100 acres open land, balance in I imber and pasture. Abdut 80 acres j nder. wire fence. Talk about' your J mv timber, here it is?pine* hickory, J rhlte oak, Ac., but mostly pins; 7-*j oom residence, good barns, 2 good .1 :nant honseiH-.8, 6 and 3 rooms re- 1 pectivoly. Ginhouse, store room, -20x- | 0 feet, an excellent st# md. Fbrest HU1 J .'hool 1-4 mile of residence; 4 chureluJl 3 within 4 mile*' Property df'It. bTiT^ ciguson. ,' I 1:25 Acres?10 miles from York, and -1 miles from Clover on Rock Hill and 1 lover road, 1 mile of gorid-clky road, prlngr close to house. aooutov acre* m pea land, baianpd' tnaoodsand pa#->9 are; 31 acres forest timber,- mostly I Ine. 1-2 mile of Forest HBl ecbool; *1 churches within i miles- Fropertyjj r Perry Ferguson. <11 52 1-2 Acre#? 4 1-2 mlteatfrtoto- York; J n Adair's Kerry foad. ..4-ttttfR fsst-31 ence; 2-story barn, ^ellrol9 .iiool. 't 'l '.'-jtVI 44/ Acres?Good frash land,. 4 1-2 W illes from York, 1-2 mile frbm FU-J9 ert, on Betchler toad. '.-l-roeA toil- 1 snce, barn, crib ahd cottftn house. I ood pasture, fine strawberry patch; I 10.00 of berries sofd this .year. Flo? J -chard of various kinds offrott Fil- I ;rt school 1-2;mile- Property of C- I i. Betchler. . I 177 Acres?Wlthtn 1-2 mile 9* Fair | lew school. Residence, barn, well ojf i x>d water;'I nce, besides kitchert,"pantcy tada ills. Water-and tight*. > 8 tor# roofto p x.7i feet. Property of J. W- Dobeon. 1 4-room Residence?In YorkonCha^- JM tte Street, Cow barn.: -Good*^rell of;9 ^ter. Property of^J^W^y&tU. ^ I oom 204 First Nation*! Bank B^;l