tumorous Hepartraent But What's in a Name??Now that the nation is dry, an enterprising dopeologist has compiled the following tor the benefit of summer vacationists: Rye, N. Y.; Bourbon, 111; Oreen River, JCy.; Cliquot, Mo.; Champaign, 111.; Brandy Keg, Ky.; Brandy Camp, Pa.; Brandy City, Cal.; Port, Okla.; Sh^ry, Texas; Brandywine, W. Va.; Glnn, Miss; Wine, Va.; Tank, Pa.; Boore, Tenn.;. Drinker, Pa.; Aqua, Va.; Vichy, Mo.; and Lithia, Fla. Take your choice.?The Wheeling Register. KeepinO- It Dark,?Master of the j house?"Why did you tell the mistress what time I came in this* morning, after I expressly paid you and told you not to?" Thp Cook?"Sure, sir, an' Oi didn't tell hern She asked me what time you got in, an' Oi tould her Oi was - so busy getting the breakfast that Oi didn't look at the clock."?London Blighty. Th# Bark Tsst?Two sailors at a dogshow were gazing at a valuable Skye .terrier, which had so much hair that 1t looked more like a woolen mat than a "dot;. "Which end is 'is 'ead, Tom?" asked one. , "Flowed if "il know," was the reply, "but,, 'ere, I'll' stick a pin in him, and you Jook which end barks!"?London Blighty. He R?ite<| 'Em*?"How did you get the turjteys the officer found in your possession?" sternly asked the police magistrate. "I?-I?I raised 'em, your honor," stammered the prisone . "Tell mo the truth." "That's the truth, y ar honor," per-, sisted the crime-stained creature. "I v reached down through a hole in the ^ roof."?The Continent. A Grand Plan.?"What's the idea of sitting In the barn here all by yourself r ; . "Wellt" answered Farmer Corntossel, 'if the summer boarders areh't playln' jazg on the phonograph they're quarrellh' over the League of Nations, potfm lingerin' out here with the cattle and restin' my mind."?Washington Star. ' , Ntwlywed Style.?A young famer's bride who recently undertook the management of the horticultural department of the farm, writes the agricultural editor as follows: "What can I do to make my potatoes grow? I peeled them ever so carefully before planting them, but they haven't even come up yet."?Philadelphia Inquirer. Fido Was Undecided.?"Oh, Mr. 8ipith," cried the young lady, as she greeted her caller, 'jso you have been making: friends with Fido! And do you think he likes you?" "We)V said Mr. Smith grimly, "I don't believe he's qliite decided yet? he's only had one bite of me, and he seems to want another." interesting Bed.?Little Roy had returned from a week's visit to his aupt, .and was trying to describe the forcing bed he had been sleeping in. *It lava dqwn at night, mamma, and stands on Its hind -legs in the daytime." Boston Transcript. - , I Pointed Question.?Some medical fiend claims to have discovered that bee-'atings are a great cure for rheumatism. Pi^y the hesitating rheumatic patient, timorously muttering: "To bee' or not to 'bee'?that is the question!"?The Passing Show (London). Literature Wins.?"Oh, we called abopt the flat advertised." "Well, I did mean to let It. but since I've road the house-agent's description of it, I really feel I can't part with it."?London Opinion. Naturally ^-"1 suppose when Hungary settles its government it will change its form of national assembly." "W*?y should it?" "Because its Diet might not agree with Its new constitution."?Baltimore American. 0 , , m , New Variety.?"Mama, I want a dark breakfast." "Dark breakfast? What do you mean, child?" "Why, last night you told Mary to give me a light supper, and I didn't like it."?London Blighty. Something to Look Forward To.? Dubb Golfer?"The day I get round these links in less than a hundred, I'll give you a dollar. Caddie?"Thank ye, sir. It'll come in handy in me ,old age."?Boston Transcript. When Insomnia Sets In.?"Do the trolley-cars keep you awake?" "Never," said Mr. Crosslots. "It's when there's a threat to stop 'em that I get nervous and can't sleep."? Washington Star. The Reason.?She?"George, you looked awfully foolish when you proposed to me." He?"Well, very likely I was.'.' ? London Opinion. An Early Start.?"And we'll grow old together, dearest." Her father's voice from up-stairs? "Well, you needn't start doing it down there, need you?"?London Tit-Bits. " The Lateet Excuse.?Parmer?"Hey, there, how came you to be up In my appletree?" Boy?"Please, mister, I just fell out of an airplane."?London Opinion. < /I ?- / A ICALL ON ME FOR With the real opening of ready with a nice line o usual my stock is right-i style. There's no questi workmanship. Ready-to-W ear-Hats styles that you'll see fas ! SHAPES?Just this ! find them here in all size! ! ive designs to please al Call on me for every! Mrs. S. L. STEELE, * i- --*? ??c a packs 9 be mmr si narbs dv v rwviM di gc a packs .4r* * V * * \ *" * * ? THE FCAl SO DOES " I r*m malm nrm nnJH ?VCfV wherein scientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or tenpackages(200cigarettes) in a glassine-paper- cove red carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. 1 STYLISH MILLINERY j the Fall season I am quite 11 f Hats for the ladies. As 11 up-to-thc minute as to the | j on about the quality or the j [ are here in all of the good ! | hionable folks wearing. word*tells.you that you'll j| 3 and prices ^nd in attract- ! j 1 tastes: < i j :hing in Millinery) etc. , for Correct Millinery.. ige jfore the war ige iring the war ige NOW A JONES, Organizer. ' A. M. GRIST, B. II. WAUGH, Publicity Directors. V ly 18 cents yl a package , themselves?easily the st likable cigarette you that! Simply compare cigarette in the world at Dr and cigarette satisnever tire it, no matter how pert blend of choice Turkish s Camels delightful?so full? and mellow-mild. Every keener eniovment! cigaretty after taste or any * mels as unusual as they are ost fastidious smoker in so liss the absence of coupons, Camel Quality/ 4 i * r ' ? ' F 0.R D i THE COUI S. L. COURTNEY Flaw [T.^tflNothi its fl |/?gn%j quid U^z?, feewl WhSSe* 1 .to aii L?^--gJ ig sol GUARANTEE llTCLl^ If, after using the entire a f eontente of can according A, /-wi-a 4 to directions, you are not rl V- I II aatlefled In eserr respect, * " your grocer will refund , ilia money you paid for It. | p\ IPZIAS TheReity-Ta;; Newi mSSTSmm 9 Kidney troubles don't dl?pp?ftr of themselyea They grow slowly but steadily, unde.mlnlng health with deadly certainly, until you fall * victim to Incurable disease. Stop your troubles while there Is time. Don't wait until little pains become bleaches. Don't trifle with disease, to avoid future suffering begin treatment with GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely free from pain. This well-knowri preparation has been one of the national remedies of Holland for centuries. In 1C96 the government of the Netherlands granted a special charter authorizing its preparation and sale. SCHOOL SUPPLIES / ' JUST AS USUAL wc will be ready to supply the School Children with^, .needed School Supplies next Monday, when the Graded School opens for another session? See us for \ PENCILS, PENS, PEN HOLDERS, t INKS, ERASERS, RULERS, / PEN AND PENCIL TABLETS, Is EXERCISE BOOKS, AND COMPOSITION BOOKS. ETC. 3 YORK. DRUG STORE* WMMIWWWiwwwilwww _tr MONEY TO LOAN ) /^T Seven Per Cent on First Mort-* A gaffe on approved Seal Estate. THOS. P. McDOW, 84 f. t tf gg. x VOD find * Milt I I X many opportunities for RI PeeGoeRE-NU-LAC. A Hi I chair or table that does not HI n nlihiats can bo trans- HI f I color vlth oat coat of c jl | This combined Etslnrind I I Vcrnloh produces tho finest I 1 results oa nay V/ood Wori. H , ft Requires no sUil to apply* H IS Pm Qm EC-KUiAC mm la an |f,| Itnc? bom IB* 0> Mad* la 20 III N>u>rx| W?o4 ord Eaaml Cafcaa | wi^cwdMdfiflwfc |Lv , A? far Free Color Cird JJ PEAST.EE-OAUl.BERT OCX 1 awparw-r? iimAimm AOUBVBUjnr. II I York Furniture & | 4 Hardware Co. I Distributors Pee Gee Prodnct? I '* / / .'(t m ; ' Stomach 1 Out of Fix? I- , . Phone your v grocer or ' r 1 i uruggisi ior a aozen comes of thi? delicious digestant,?a glass with meals fives delightful relief, or . no charge for the first uozen used. ' Shlvar Ate PURE DIGESTIVE ARQMATICS WITH ' SHIVAR MINERAL WATER Add GINGER Nothing like It for renovating old worn-out stomachs, converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Bottled and guaranteed by the celebrated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shelton, S. C. If your regular dealer cannot supply you telepnope YORK WHOLESALE GROC., ~ Distributors for York. * ^ ^i ?? MMMA : 8 ' i . f ' | M % i ... - ?. is yy i ? I $ * * .