BABNEBED WITH SCISSORS News From Within and Wiltiou] . the County. CONDENSED FOR QUICK READING Some Items cf Fact, Some of Comment j and All Helping to Give an Idea of Whet Our Neighbors Are Saying and Doing. Rock Hil! Record, Sept. 15: J. II. Riccr of Lcor.villc, is now a member of the Winthrop faculty. Mr. Riser has teught in d number of schools of Soulh Carolina pnd Georgia and is an exceptionally efficient young man. lie has been recently specializing in agricultural training and will teach this subject at Winthrop College ..Miss Alta Fewell has joined the staff of the Standard Drug Company of this city. The Record is informed that at the next regular meeting of the City Council in October. W. B. Wilson, Jr., will be elected City Recorder Miss flattie Wise, a Winthrop graduate, was married on September 3. at Gaffney to Norman L. Wcssfnger. She has for two years been a hoine demonstration agent in Cherokee cpunty Miss Louise Brunson, a Wintnrop'girl, was married at Sumter last weuuesday to Roger W. Andrews. Gastonia Gazette, Sept. 16: Miss Ethel Adams of Clover, was in town this morning en route to Greensboro where she goes to enter the North Carolina College for Women ...Miss Nell Pickens, county home demonstration agent, underwent an operation for appendicitis this morning at the Gastonia Sanatorium. Her many friends in the county will be glad to hear that she is recovering from the effects nicely. -Mrs. James A. Estridge is a patient at tho Gastonia Sanatorium; where . she underwent an operation for ap' pendicitls this morning. Her many friends will be glad to learn that she stood the operation well and will hope for her a speedy recovery A card from Miss Willie B. Otey, who is at the Walter Reed Hospital. Washington D. C., received this -morning: at The I . Gazette office states that she will be home In another week. Miss Otey's hearing is being much Improved by the treatment she is undergoing at the hospital. Chester Reporter, Sept. 15: A carload of mules and horses, twenty-four In number, consigned to Mr. Robert T. Allison of York, was turned over on the C- & N.-W. Railway this morning near the Eureka Mill, and one of the animals killed' and several injured. The animals had been delivered to the ^ A V! WT Ktr tkn Qoahno vH a n fl wAffl being brought out on the main line by the latter preparatory to shipment to York, when suddenly the upper part of the car seemed to slide off the trucks, and tlie animals were precipitated down a steep embankment, one being instantly killed and several hurt The fourth quarterly conference of Bethel church was held Sunday afternoon. Presiding Elder J. R. T. Major in the chair. Reports showed the addition of sixty-five members to the church to date by vows and certificate- Other reports, too were encouraging. Three > men were added to the official board of the church: Messrs. R. E. Cousar and W. T. Williams were elected stewards. and Mr. J. Steel Caldwell*a trustee Mr- Fletcher Dye, of the Rossville neighborhood, was painfully, though not seriously, hurt Friday morning when his automobile turned over near the Kell, place. Mr. Bye, who is in charge of a squad on the public road, was on his way to work, and in pulling aside to give a team part of the road overturned his machine, which is said to have turned over twice before settling. Two of Mr. Dye's brothers were with him, one being slightly scratched, while the other was unhurt. Gaffney Ledger. Sept. 16: J. Harvey Witherspoon* superintendent of the city schools, has announced that children becoming six years of age by October 1st are admitted to the city schools during the first school month. Children who arc six by January 1st are admitted at any time during the first school month after the Christmas holidays. All except first grade pupils are admitted at any time during the year- Cherokee county is going to receive $623.38 as its share ol the additional license fee on premiums collected by insurance companies for the semi-annual period ending June 30th, 1919, according to a statement issued by the state insurance commissioner. Spartanburg county will receive $3,165.75; Union. $931.45; and York, $1.745.87. The total amount to be paid to all the counties in South Carolina is $59.930.16 A. F. Uittlcjohn, ol the staff of the Nev.s and Courier, Charleston, spent the week-end in the city with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Llttlcjohn on Buford street. Mr.; Littlejohn says the boll weevil is ruining the cotton farmers in Charleston county this year, the pest being so thick in some places as to appear like a mist- He expressed the opinion that 11 will not oe very iuiik uiiui ^nciuncv , county farmers have to contend with the same conditions Postmaster F. B. Gaffney has mailed out letters to the postmasters of all. first, second and third class offices In South Carolina inviting them to attend a meeting at the Jefferson Hotel in Columbia on September 23rd for the purpose of perfecting the Central Accounting Postmasters Association in this state. There are approximately 130 officers of these classes in South Carolina, and as matters of much importance to the postmasters will be taken up Mr. Gaffney Is expecting practically all of these men to be present. Mr. Gaffney at- j tended a postmasters' meeting in Bir- . mingham. Ala., last week- He was! placed on the national executive com-1 mittee as a member from South Caro- t Una.. A part of his duties as a mem- 1 ber of the committee is to organize i South Carolina. By a ruling of the r postoffice department a year ago each a po3tofficc at a county scat was desig- f nated a "central accounting postoffice" ? and was given the task of supplying all other oiliccs In its county with stamps] envelopes, etc., and keeping account of the same. Although this additional | work was placed on these postmasters j no provision for extra pay was ma<\e. One of the principal objects of the association that is to he organized is to ] get a concerted recommendation for < increased pay before the postoffice committee of the house of rcpresen- ] tatives. A meeting is to be held in J Memphis, Tenn., on the 29 and 30 of this month and it is desired to have ( South Carolina represented by pro- < perly selected delegates. v Mr- Gaffney has written t^ the postmaster at Col- ' umbia and alsp to the Hotel Jefferson s to make arrangements for the meeting on September 22rd. In his letters to thee various postmasters he asks each one to wear a small red, white < and blue ribbon, or other similar badge on his coat lapel so that the postmasters can recognize each other upon i sight About a week ago, while en- j gaged la sawing lumber on the place ' of J. S. LitUcjohn, in the Timber Ridge neighborhood, .old man Sam Roupe says he cut open a pine log and out ' hopped a perfectly healthy two or ( three day old chickfen. Mr. Llttlejohn brought the chicken to town and had it on exhibition last Saturday. ?he j mystery of the whole business is to discover how this chicken got into that ] log, as it was a perfectly sound log. The place where the chicken hopped * from the log is from a half to throe quarters of a mile from any dwelling, and no one in the neighborhood claims ! to have lost a chicken- Old man Alex Abernathy, who runs the mill, says it is his by reason of the fact that he is boss j but Mr. Roupe says it is his because t he is the sawyer and that he is the I man who sawed the chicken out of the 1 log. There is no evidence of any hen nest in the neighborhood, nor is there \ a hen strolling around with a brood of chickens so that fthjs one might have strayed off. lifr. Llttlejohn is the j only man ever heard of who has timber that produces chickens. Everybody has heurd of chickens roosting In 1 Bank No. 425. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE PLANTERS' BANK , Located at Sharon, S. C., at tho close of Business September 12th, ID, 19: ' Resources. I Loans and Discounts $225,049 49 < Overdrafts "./ 386 17 ; Bonds and stocks owned by Bank : 26,401 00 ] Furniture and Fixtures ...v... 8S0 00 ] Duo from Banks and Bankers 13,432*29 i Currency 3,225 00 | < Gold 435 OQ I Silver and other Minor Coin, 171,91 * Checks and Cash Items .... 5,448 44 i Other Resources, viz: Bal. * due on Liberty Bonds 1C.685 03 TOTAL ...... ,1 3292.983 83 Liabilities. ( Capital Stock Paid In $ 35,000 00 | Undivided Profits, less Cur- 1 rent Expenses and Taxes Paid - - 3.768 70 Due to Banks and Bankers.. 14,710 81 ; Dividends Unpaid 75 00 j Individual deposits subject to check 343,582 76 Time Certificates j of Deposit 48,309 48 Cashier's Checks .. 56 58 < Notes and Rills rccTiscounted 89,500 00 Bills payable, including: Cer- ] tificates for money borrowed , -j,. 41,900 00 Other Liabilities, viz: ( Bonds borrowed 16,080 00 TOTAL ...._ $292,983 33 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ' County of York?ss. Before ine came J. B. PAYSINGER, Cashier of the above, named bank, who < being: duly sworn, says that the above T and foregoing: statement is a true con- 1 dition of said bank, a3 shown by the I books of said bank. 1 J. B. PAYSINGER. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16tli day of September. 1919. t (Seal). . R. L. TLEXICO, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: J. E. Latham, Arthur < M. Erwup, C, 0. Burruss, M. D., Di- 1 rectors. 1 f The Best of Everythii 1 IS WHAT WE | PATRONS TO j The BEST in ProtectionI The BEST in Service? J The REST of all that can OUR STEEL LINED OUR BURGLARY P UNITED STATES SI BURGLAR INSURA : Combined with a careful ] ASSURE THE SAFETY We solicit YOUR Bank TUAL Helpfulness. Wh HELP OUR PATRONS IV That's the key. When You Think Bank, 1 THE FIRST NATIONS I" ? rees before but this is the first time ^he Ledger has heard of a tree hatchng out a chicken. Remember, this icwspaper is not responsible for this itory, therefore if you have any doubt ibout it call on old man Roupe. Bank No. 169. . ??' Statement of the Condition of the BANK OF CLOVER Located at Clover, S. C., at the Close (of Business September 12, 1919: Resources. Loans and Discounts $129,971 19 Overdrafts * 1,878 14 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 127,730 00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,497 83 Duo from Banks and Bankers 83,476 57 Currency 7,151 00 Sold ._ 822 50 Silver and other mlnoij Coin 1.410 84 checks and Cash Items 12,086 23 Dther resources, viz.: I A'ar Savings Stamps 832 99 * ~ 9CCT OQ | TOTALi ? ....fwiioui ?> Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid in $ 30.000 00 Surplus Fund, 15,000 001 Jndivided Prpflts, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 8,098 33 I Due to Banks and Bankers i - 2.718 54 [ndlvldual deposits subject to Check $290,769 04 rime Certificates ? of iDoposit 235,560 60 Cashier's j Checks .... 4,863 iS'SSl.lSS 12 Dthcr liabilities, viz.: Jnearned Discount ?00 00 \ccrucd Interest 500 00 liberty Bond Certificates of I^eposit . 79,050 -00 Doupon Interest Account 497^31 TOTAL ....$667,867 s29 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. .. County of York. ss. Before mo came JAS. A. PAGE, ^ashler of the above named bank, who, nelng- duly nvofn, says that the ibove and foregoing statement is a :rue condition of said Bank, as shown oy the books of said Bank. JAS. A. PAGE. Sworn to and subscribed before tne ;his 17th day of September, 1919. (SEAL) V THAD P. CLINTON. Notary Public. Correct Attest VI. L. Smith, S. A. Sifford, T. M. Camp.bell, Directors. Bank No. 191. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of Hickory Grove Located at Hickory Grove, S. C- at the Cldse of Business Sept. 12, 1919: Resources: Loans and Discounts $137,282 85 Overdrafts ? 1,504 19 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank ? 25,100 00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,150 00 Due from Banks and Bankers ...... 5,878 27 Currency ...? 5,110 00 Sold .. 05 00 Silver and other Minor Coin 427 13 Checks ond Cash Items 1,123 9S(, 3th er Resources, viz.: Pig Club L 155 G5 'TOTAL $178,85S 08 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid in $ 25,000 00 3urplus Fund 7,000 00 Undivided. Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid '. _ 1,022 29 Due to Banks, and Bankers.. 2,000 00 individual Deposits subject to' Chock $48,640 66 Savings deposits.... 11,908 49 rime Certificates of Deposit 17,576 00 Cashier's Checks .... 1,710 64 79,835 79 Bills payable, including Certificates for Money Borrowed 50,000 00 Dther Liabilities, viz.: Bonds borrowed 14,000 00 TOTAL $178,858 08 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Y?rk as Before me came LEON M. ALLISON, -ashler of the above named Bank, vho, being duly sworn, says that tbe ibove and foregoing statement is a rue condition of said Bank, as shown >y the books of said Bank. LEON Jf. ALLISON. Sworn to and subscribed before me his 18th day of September, 1919. J. M. WILKERSON. Notary Public. (SeaJ). Correct?Attest: N. F. McGiil, J. L. Plaxico, J. S. Wilkerson, Directors. ? % ne a WANT OUR HAVE. ! ! I ; be bad in Banking. j VAULTROOF SAFE? JPERVISION? NCE? 1 Soard of Directors, OF YOUR DEPOSITS. ?"? ?n hrf TVTTT >111^ uii rvuy mwuiu va -j- m at we want to do is (to Iff IAKE MORE MONEY. || .'hink "First National." If iL BANK OF YORK J Safe Than Sorry"' J Charter No. 9,533. 6 a REPORT OF CONI THE FIRST NATIONAL In the State of South Carolina, at the CI RESOUR Loans and discounts. Including: redis: those shown In b and c) Total loans ?J.? UvcraraiiH, uocurca, ? "wire u?? of such loans was None. y of York ss: above-named bank, do solemnly swear est of my knowledge and belief. J. S. HARTNESS, Cashier. 16th day'of September, 1919. tary Public. i J. L. Rainey, Directors. HE CONDITION OFSAVINGS BAN it of Business September 12*1919: RCES. ! $552,636 82 3,096 96 .... 23,750 00 5,915 00 i. ^ .A....... 06.278 37 .... 6,069 00 /. 1,961 23 : 653 70 . _ .$619,351 08 [TIES. $ 50,000 00 60,000 00 and Taxes Paid 35,011 49 - 7,311 1? $235,416 86 ....._ 83,465 38 172,1)57 02 289 14 492,028 40 /- : 5.000 00 rest, Taxes, etc _.... 10,000 00 ..._. $659,351 OS TY OF YORK sa: ier of the above named Bonk, who, beforcgoing statement ia a true condition Mild Bank. C. W. McGEE. 15th day of September, 1919. tblic, S. C. (SEAL). , Lewis, J. S. Brice, Directors. JITION OF THE Bank No. 449 ) TRUST COMPANY > of Business Septembor 12, 1919: RCES $247,629 19 Oil "I 1 - 44,610 00 2,117 01 - 28,650 17 5,397 00 ! 40 00 ., 1,333 77 ..: $330,512 89 TIES $ 60,000 00 md Taxes Paid 1,623 03 - 3,470 00 $119,284 87 13,310 79 21,225 75 ' ' - 8,947 86 162,769 27, $ 16,000 00 oney Borrowed 50,p00 00 36,650 00 .....$380,612 89 County, ss. Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, ove and foregoing statement is a true books of said Bank. J. H. B. JENKINS, Jr., }8th day of September, 1919. Public, S. C. (SBAL). it roup, J. S< Mackorell, Directors. rHIS BANK WILL PAY ?5.00 IN GOLD L'o the seller of the. FIRST BALE of S'cw Cotton on the Clover market this cason. The record for the past ten years is a follows: Sept. 3. 1909? S. J. Clinton. Sept. 12, 1910?Ernest Partlow. August 23, 1911?Arthur L- Black. Sept. 5. 1912?E. A. McCarter. Aug. 27, 1913?S. J. Clinton. Aug. 22, 1914?J. E. Beamguard. Sept. 9, 1915?J. H. & J. P. Adam3. Sept. 1. 1916?W. A. Cook. Sept. 12, 1917?W. A. Cook. Aug. 31, 1918?W. A. Cook. To nny one who duplicates the rccrd of Mr. Cook an extra $5.00 in Gold dll be given. rhe Bank of Clover JA8. A. .PAGE. Ciuhwr. >.'i... I" invite jour business and re 70a that every courtesy accommodation consistent 1 food IwurEing will be { itOtl ? +i8. WILKERSON, Area. . S. WILKERSON, Vice Pres. 31. ALLISON, Cashier, L. PLAX1CO, Asst. Cashier. i. -iiiCZp 4'fyVt ' of Hickory Grove CKORY GROVE. * Q ? +_ 1 -s- . i - 4;' JlL? , ERS | ' ?' ."r u | ' ' ' j ' is Fall. ? V- ' f * I 0 Do Is to 1 <# k-;-' .... :e and Pro- , . .: - I ^ j * i -1 1 i . -v. * * * :~n :l ST COMPlY , J. H. B. JENKINS, Jr. Cashier i MOORE, Asst. Osshler