iiiiiiimiiiNiunniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiu | WHEN YOU HAV1 E The question arises, "HOW 8IIAL 5 1 etter way than In a CERTIFIC. 5 Interest a_t the RATE OF FCUR P ~ No Bank ,couM be SAFER tha | RESOURCES. CAPITAL and SUI 2 -able directorate and management. E WE CONSIDER THE SMALL ? To .a much careful attention as is ? THE LOAN AND 5 ' -THE BANK FDJ >?''mMMHMHtinHimmiiiiinniimnn THIS BAKK WILL PAT 96.00 IN GOLD To the artier of the. FIRST BALE of New Cotton on the Clover murket this season. The record for the past ten years Is as follows: . Sept 3. 1909?S. J. Clinton. Sept 12, 1910^Erneat.Partlow. August 23. 1911?Arthur L- Black. Sept 6. 1912?E. A. McCarter. Aug. 27, 1913?S. J. Clinton. Aug. 22, 1914?J. E. Beamguard. Sept 9, 1915?J. H. & J. P. Adams. Sept 1. 1916?W. A. Cook. Sept 12, 1917?W. A. Cook. Aug. 31, 1918?W. A. Cook. To anv one who duplicates the rec ord of Mr- Cook an extra $5.00 in Gold will be given. The Bank of Clover JAS. A. PAGE. Caehier. CLOVER. S. C. fr^NOT^YOuT rrs rw*F Mmm to ae fMnitir ef p?rA tin lt> of the Ule affliotlag jwjle ^todiy eaa be tnool took to Ske Mfacje are the aeet laportut aapaaa ef the body. They are the loo eta, the >arbHpre, ef year blood. THoei tbim to anally taOoatod by weartaaoe, eieeg leaemee. aerroaene?. davoodeaoy. backache, eteiaaob trouapato la labae and iyrw abdwnon, tgffia .. AM thane lewageiaeala are. aatore'o toieele J? warn yea that the kldaeya ?d beljk Tea dbenU are GOLD **>ALSaaHeae OH ChpoalM tame TnOl. Yi . ; \ . . 'V 5 * .? t ^ 4 A V 44Along toward earfj bmoco crop had been ct in the barns, the plant the river would forei Strobridge place, thenc fox hunt of the eeaaon. * -E? V 4 * fe_ tr - . - - I mfl : lauHiiHiHiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii E SAVED $50.00 j i, I INVEST IT?" There is no = A.TE OF DEPOSIT which bears Sj1 ER CENT. jjj n this Strong Eank with its large 2 IPLUS and its conservative and E DEPOSITOR IS ENTITLED ? the larger one. ~ SAVINGS BANK 1 t THE PEOPLE 5 immiiinnniimimiiiiiiiimiiHJiiimiiniti BM0F^koJIove ' HICKORY GROVE, 8. 0. We Invite your business and . assure you that every courtesy and accommodatioo consistent with good banking will be granted -J. S. WTLKERSON, Pres. W. 8. WTLKERSON, Vice Pres. L. M. ALLISON, Cashier, J. L. PLAXICO, Asst. Cashier. Bank of Hickory Grove HICKORY GROVE. 8. C. HEART i YOUR KIDNEYS dlatoly. Ths soothing, healing oil stimulates tk* kidneys, relieves lnflammatloas and destroys ths gurms which havu oaussd it Do not wait until tomorrow. Qo to your druggist today and insist on QOU> MEDAL Haarlem OU Capsules. la twsaty-four hours you should foal health aad vigor returning aad will Mass ths day you first heard of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OIL After you fosl that yo_ have cured yourself, continue to take ode or two oapsulee each day, as a*-t? keep in Urst-fltaas condition ?M watd off the daagor of other attacks. Ask far ths eHglaal imported OOLD MEDAL brand. Three aiiu Money refunded ft they do not help you. ==^ F V I 1 3? ie ^ rgmid ^ CigaretteTcfoacco ' autumn, after the to irod, and packed away o a< vui uy uiivj uwvtm father, usually at the e to set out on the tint *9 rly Virginia, page 343. irginia-Carolii Still holds W" w; became "th -i. j:I _ sieauuy m \ In 1918, times mor< smoked in c tobaccos coi of this suna crisp, livel or mixed tol Piedmor Virginia-Ca TheVirginii edi Date of Sale Owner Aug 31,1918 -.C. O. Dixon, Esq.. Sept. 10, 1918..H. N. Singletary,Esq I Sept. 11, 1918 ..Durant,Horton&Flo Sept 13, 1918 ..Mrs, Mary J. Harrel Sept. 14, 1918 __J. D Coker, Esq. Oct. 1, 1918 F. L & John Wilco: Oct. 9,1918. W T. Wilkini, Esq No?. 19, 1918..York Real Estate Co May 7,1919 Catawba Real Estate < If we can sell property satisfactorily f< dorse meat letters testify to that fact, sell your land to advantage? In 1918 and Six Hundred and Eighty* Eight A Owr Five Mil I We are completely equipped n j experts, accurate surveyers, en< Write today for booklet explaii Farm Lands Ou ?Te Atlantic Coast R "Th* Nam That Jastifha Yoi Petersburg, Va. Gree Reference: Any bank in Petersburg, Va. tiA toharrn the world's; EN, in 1587, the tobacc low as Virginia-Carolin as introduced intoEnglanc e rage'\ Since then it 1 >opularity all over the w( in the United States i 3 Virginia-Carolina tob igarettes than all the fore Tibined That's because ; -ripened home-grown tc ly relish that no cigarette baccos can match. its?made entirely of rolina?will prove this tc i" Carolina i no: NOTE?Virginia-Carolina tob U. S. A. Unlike foreign-grow Import doty. Import duty doe better?it merely adds to its ci better value because all your m 4 jjjgjjM South Carolina farms call be \ sold to better advantage now k\ than ever before. Crop values l\ in 1918 increased Ninety Mfl1\ lion Dollars. Money is plenSMI tiful. There is a demand for II small farms By subdividing Ml your farm or idle land we can 7 sell it at auction for you quickly and profitably. Note the prices brought by these South Carolina Farms sold through us. Location Aa't StU F? ...Near Mulling, S. C. >42,999.16 n r -l. n:*., s r 72i.tt yd " Manning, S C 33,294.62 1.. " Darlington, S. C. 25,134 56 ... " Hartsville S. C 10,116 20 t.. " Timmonaville,S.C.- 71,589 85 ... " Kingstree, S. C. 19,206 72 ... York, S C 11,331 25 :o Rock Hill, S C 17,500 00 )r the other fellow, and hundreds of endosen't it stand to reason that we can our total sales of Ninety-Seven Thous.cres of Farm Land amounted to llion DoDars rjth an efficient corps of publicity rrgetic auctioneers and sales force, oing our methods r Specialty rritory Unlimited ealty Co. i r Confidence" inville, N. C. or Greenville, N. C. r f ' j i favor o that we a tobacco i, it quickly las gained )rl& v s J . '* \ alone, five acco was ign-grown a cigarette )bacco has i of foreign choicest > you. garette Ill acco is grown here in the rn tobaccos, it carries no sn't m*?e a cigarette any wt Piedmonts give yoo oney buys tobacco qualify? V Stomach , Out ot Fix? I I 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant,?a glass with meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen used Shtvar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH euiuib uiucbai wiATrw sun eiwrra Nothing like it for renovating old worn-out stomach*, converting food into rich blood and sound fWi. Bottled and guaranteed by the celebrated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shelton, S. C If your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone YORK WHOLESALE GBOC., Distributors for York. III GOOD HOUSES AT LOW COST. WHY? ? ? ? ? 11 BECAUSE?We do a large 11 amount of work with Special 11 Modern Machinery instead of [ I by hand, and building In large 11 quantities as we do, we ellml11 nate the expenses of plans and j I specifications. IJ BECAUSE?We get lumber 11 from the Forest, and other ] I supplies in carlots, and we are 11 satisfied with a Reasonable I Profit II YOU CAN HAVE A HOME RIGHT NOW ! ! ! 11 We make a variety of sizes 11 and styles of ready to put up || houses at prices from $200.00 II PWrlte or 'phone us for our I illustrated free Catalogue, or HI Come to SEE US. DIXIE HOUSE CO., ! I I CHARLESTON. 8. C. II1- 'II The next time you buy calomel ask for es J . * Hie purified and refined , calomel tablets that are ] nausea]ess, safe and sure. L Medicinal virtues retain. - ed and' impBbved. Sold t- only in sealed packages. f Price 35cT^ If . | I 1 _ Buist's k k ** j Turnip Seed i *' We have the following varieties of the celebrated BUIST Turnip Seed: ? Yellow Globe, Red Purple Top, Aberdeen, Flat Dutch, Cow Horn, White Egg, Golden Ball. I f I CLOVEE DRUG STORE R. L. WYLIE, Proprietor r Phone No. 2 Clover, 8. C. t ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. _ J. J. GLENN, M. DIn office formerly occupied by the . late Dr. W. G. White, next to Shieder( Snelling Drug Store. Telephone No. 36. 65 f.t. z 4t P. W. HUNTER M. D. t. Office in Up Stairs of Kennedy Bros. A. Barron Building. p For present can be found upon lnr quiry at Shieder-Snelling Drug Com? pany. Telephone 36. f- 4t J. A. MARION ? ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office opposite the Courthouse. Telephone N'o. 126, York Exchange. YORK. S. C.. Y JOHN R. HART ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AI LAW. Prompt and Careful Attention to AM Business Undertaken. Telephone No. 69. YORK, 8. C 76 f.t It J. S. BRICE Attorney At Law. Prompt Attention to all Jtgal Business of Whatever Nature. Office Opposite Courthouse. DR. WNI. M. KENNEDY ? iwvmij niihHniM ? Office on Second Floor of the Wylie Building. Telephones: Office. 99; Residence, 196, The Enquirer Office. LOANS AT 6 % INTEREST A RRANQED for on York County { Farms. Long-term. (5 1-2 % through Federal Land Bank). Why not stop paying higher rates? Charges reasonable. C. E- SPENCER, 61 Attorney. MONEY TO LOAN A T Seven Per Cent on First Mortgage on approved Real Estate. THOS. F- McDOW, 84 f. t tf id. * i r. ' r7 7' " ? No! "Auto^Tn Narrow Ti In talking with one of our die Studebaker "auto" trs 1 uncovered a surpnsing n< That notion?in his mind a firm b ; track wagons are the northern r He was far from the actual facts is neither narrow nor wide trqck. standardized width, developed tc made by automobiles ? every on track 56 inches wide. When standardization was first wagon manufacturers of both the it was recognized that the const ber of automobiles were making, i make, die tracks on practically eve - These manufacturers foresaw the wagons to fit this track. They wagon users of being able to folk . bumping, but running easily a] established tracks, affording long doing away with thp strain impo a wagon that would not fit the r< Come in and examine our Stu< 9 wagons. Have us show you b] ?in case you, too, have had tl "auto" track is not narrow track. you so fair am y ing as it is delightful e\ ft's never too late to i | I pasture 1 For, P. A. ?i * 11J? 'J^il! c tnharen fun than vou : That's because it ha WM $?Wk ? Quick as you- know 111 WM it ^at no* |||| m^W m And, it never willI Jm cuts out bite and parch T?ppy rod bag*, tidy rod ^sVlSk ' humidor??and?that clovor r ! tponge moiatener top that i R. J. Reynolds Tobacc | YORKVILLE COHON OIL COMPA I OUR FLOUR MILL has just been thoroug overhauled for the 1919 season and Straight Patent Flour we are making is un celled as to quality or yield. It is no use tc elsewhere in search of quicker or better s vice. WE HAVE COTTON SEED HULLS For Sale at $12 per ton, Cash, at the Mill. WE ARE HANDLING Domestic, Steam < Forge Coals of the Best grades obtainable; we are giving prompt attention to all order WE HAVE COTTON SEED MEAL for feed purposes. TTTTTiiniTTTin Tm TO 1WTT1AT TT?11Q f Tr>? Fl< i | WH?j XJElXjIt XX XO lujjrxu, xiinioj vvuaj iwj ? ; Meal or anything else in our line, our f consideration is that our friends and cust< ers must not be disappointed in the sen they receive. YORKVUE COTTON OIL COMPA i | *' ? * * ?????? 1 - ?? a * / * ' b * r '* - * ick is Not jgg ^ * rack I I - customers aDout ? ack wagons, we jtion of his: elief?was that "auto" larrow track wagons. > ^ \t because "auto" track ^ "Auto" track is a > (it the tracks or ruts ie of which makes a t considered by the i south and the north, antly increasing num- -r~ ind would continue to fl ay road in the country. 1 \ necessity of building saw the advantage to \ >w such roads without \ nd smoothly in die t % er wagon service and m sed on horses pulling I Dads. :: Jebaker "auto" track BM/',$ ' I 1 1 ne wrong idea?that BROS. ~ /St 13* ' 'JBis' V *> ry-is^r L-p-JLnriflM^ II (IHFI WnBiWwiMMiHffliBii^"'^ 'OU can t help cutting loose Jojrt* remarks every time you flush your / lokespot with Prince Albert?it hit? * i square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy *\M ette makin's sunshine and as satisfy-. rery hour of the twenty-four 1 hop into the Prince Albert pleasureis trigger-ready to give you more ? ? - ? ever naa in your smoicecareer. s the quality. Prince Albert youH write it down . your tongue or parch your throat For, our exclusive patented process . Try it for what ails your tongue! tins, handsome pound and half pound tin , practical pound crystal glass humidor with keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. o Company, Winston-Salem, N. C (Id it i r ir wt I D U 1 1/ A NY | I AND S ji OAKLAND iex- !; 'g?? i AUTOMOBILES j, m |! Place orders now for future |! delivery, and |QUINN WALLACE r* /I ill ^ aim y 8 ! i CABBAGE PLANTS NOW READY f H ing Charleston Wakefield, Saowtai, Dram Head and flat Dutch Yarieties. H Also Oollard Plants )Ur, I By Express? . j i BOO for 11.19 1Ii5L i 1,000 to 5,000, per 1,000 1.15 m * DIT1- I 1 M00 t0 10,000, per 1,000 1.00 I ' 10,000, or over, per 1,000 1.71 ince I ; By Parcel Poet? ] i 100 for I .10 i 500 for 1.11 i [ 1.000 for ; ?, 4.00 i Cash With Order. Supply of Plants Is UV i , Limited. Nothing Shipped C, O. D. ^ 111 ! N. H. BUTCH, jr. i | Henderaonville, North OaroHna i ; 63 Main Street M i&frtwZ "Cabbage Plants aB the Year Rood" ^ i