CLEANING AND PRESSING A TT is real economy to have your PS * Clothes Cleaned and Pressed frer quently, and uesldes Clean Clothes, If rightly pressed, add much to one's appearance. Satisfaction guaranteed. ROYAL PRESSING CLUB. R. D. DORSETT. Proprietor. PLUMBING AND HEATING ^PHE L. F. Waldrop Plumbing and Heating Co., of Rock Hill, Is now engaged in work in York. Let them i-v make an estimate on your juu. Uucu anteed work at reasonable prices. See us at our office in Rock Hill, or call Phone 58. L. F. WALDROP PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 57 f.t 3t( 8INGER SEWING MACHINES T AM Agent and Salesman for the A Genuine Singer Sewing Machine? absolutely the best domestic sewing machine in the world, regardless of price. Also I repair Sewing Machines of all kinds at reasonable prices- Call on or write lo me at York, S. C. ^ 12 sw 3m H. F. BAKER. NOTICE UVERY Person, Firm, Company or Corporation engaged in any business, profession, occupation or vocation within the corporate limits of the Town of York, S. C.. is required to pay a Speciaf License Tax. This License Tax will be due and payable to. the Town Treasurer on and after August ^ 1st, 1919, up to and including August 15th, 1919, without penalty, after which date a penalty for non-payment will be attached. J. F. FAULKNER. Treasurer. I. W. JOHNSON. Mayor. York. S. C., July 28. 1919. It THE STAR THEATRE ^ TODAY "LIFE'S GREATEST PROBLEM" ^ Starring Mitchell Lewis?The most talked of picture of the day. Intensely dramatic with an abundance of Comedy. Powerful Thrilling! Don't miss seeing this. ~ WEDNESDAY GRACE DARMOND? ? In "What Every Woman Wants." This girl wanted what every woman wants; but it took her a long, long time with many heart aches and disillusions to find out what she wanted, and when she found what she wanted, it wasn't what she wanted at all. Grace Darmond is a willowy beauty, and she wears some perfectly glorious clothes in "What Every Woman Wants." THURSDAY ANTONIO MORENO? In* "Perils of Thunder Mountain." Also a funny Comedy, "Camouflage Ball." Building Material A We Are Strictly In the Lumber Busi neas. WE CARRY EVERYTHING- yoU will need to BUILD or REPAIR a house. There has been quite an advance in Building Material and we believe will go higher, so if you have any ^ building or repairing to do, you had better not put it off, as IT WILL COST YOU MORE. WE HAVE PINE AND CEDAR SHINGLES. We carry in stock all kinds of Builders' Hardware. See us about CATTLE AND HOG WIRE. YORK SUPPLY CO. Wholesale and Retail. Are You Particular ? ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES? Why not wear the tailor-made kind ?made to your measure?made in a style to fit your individual taste?made from the pattern of your selection? The tailor-made kind is just as cheap as the ready-made. In addition you have the advantage of Individuality, of Style. Fit and Cloth Selection. We Carry the Most Complete Line ol Patterns Ever Seen in York. We represent several of the Best Known Tailoring Houses in America. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED 0 Our lines of Men's Shirts, Neckties ^ and other Gents| Furnishings are most complete. Let us tigrure with you on tliat Fall Suil - and Overcoat. ?*?? mi ?n ntlAn THE MEN & Miur Opposite People's Bank & Trust Co. W J. R. KELLY, Prop. ^ YORK, - . . S. C. What About It? EVERY Intelligent property owner understands that a building that woulc have cost $1,000 to erect in 1914 woulc cost from $2,000 to $2,500 in 1919 with a mighty slim chance of getting i erected even at the higher figures, owing to the scarcity of material and la. Vbor. It is a fact that many dwellings in this town and all over the countij are insured for practically the same amount today as in 1914, and if one ol V that kind should be burned the ownei V would realize when he undertook tc rebuild, that his insurance as compar \ ed to the cost of rebuilding amountec to practically nothing. The same con dition applies to practically all othei classes of property. What about you Mister? Are you adequately insured 1 If you are NOT, don't you think thai good business sense would tell you thai you should increase your protection! I am in position to furnish you with Gilt Edge Protection and would b< pleased to consult with all desirin* that kind. SAM M. GRIST Room 203, First National Bank Bklg BUILDING IS ON THE BOOM If YOU are figuring on doing som< repair work and will need HAMMERS. SAWS, CHISELS. LEVELS, TRY-SQUARES, ETC. or ROOFING. BARN-DOOR TRACK AND HANGERS, LOCKS HINGES, BUTTS. NAILS? And in short just anything necessar; in the way of Hardware, you will Fine It Here. If not Here, we'll get it fo you real quick. THY l\S?'\VK WISH TO SATISFY A\l? WILL. YORK HARDWARE CO PALATE TICKLERS People will eat?most of them ar of opinion that they must eat to live-a few think they live to eat?both be lieve in having good things to eat am that's my long suit and we wear it al the time. We are constantly on ou Job of having good things for your ta ble?because we know you don't wan anything that is not good. Ournewes arrivals include? Syrups Peaches, White Cherries, am Welsh Grapelade?something new. Premier and Durkees' Salad Dress ing?Just as good as can be. Dill Pickles, Beechnut Catsup, H. J Heinz's Pickles, Pork and Beans, Can taloupe. Cakes. Chip Beef in Glass and Tin. Print Butter, Cranberry Sauce. Oranges and Lemons. Snap Beans expected TODAY. W. E. FERGUSON LAND FOR SALE. ANE Hundred and Ninety-four and ^ One-half Acres, seven miles from Yorkville, two and one-half miles from Tirzah, five miles from Catawba river, on the Wright's ferry road, the main thoroughfare for Mecklenburg and York counties, when the New bridge is built. This land is now in good shape for cultivation, well terraced, friendly soil, lies well and can easily be worked with any kind of machinery. Two springs afford excellent pasturage. There are thirty .or forty acres of woodland, some original forest. This is part of what is known as the BEN PRESSLY PLACE. Two or more tenant houses, with barn, etc. A'so a new school house within a stone's throw of the old Pressly home. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD THIS FALL and will NOT be listed with any real estate dealers. If any one wishes to know further about this land communicate with L- T. Pressly, Woodruff, S. C., who is assisting' tne execuiur ui Mrs. Minnie C. Boyd's estate. Mr. Hawkins, the present tenant, will gladly show boundaries, etc., to interested parties. Land is selling all about us for $150 and more that does not compare favorably with this fine tract, either as to soij or location. Some good bids have already been received? possibly there are others, if so, address L. T. PRESSLY, Woodruff, S. C. S8 t 4t ABOUT GROCERiK" Ladies and Gentlemen: A word with you about Groceries. When you buy Groceries for your table you want the Best in Qaulity and the Most for your money. My constant attention is given to Groceries and I believe that I can make it to you * interest to become a REGULAR CUSTOMER at this store. All sorts of Foodstuffs are gradually advancing. Take my advice and buy freely of the goods quoted here: FRESH VEGETABLES? Always in scock. Everything sold at Lowest Prices consistent with quality. Potato Slips?Let your orlers oomc now for Potato SUps?$2-50 per 1,000 delivered. Orders filled in S to 5 days or Money refunded. J. D. HOPE, Sharon, S. C. Crimson Clover Seed In Chaff, Just received. phw. 12 1-2 CTS. Pound FALL SHOES Being: received Almost daily. It will pay you to look over our lines, and buy your Shoes NOW. NEW FALL GOODS Are being received every day, and you will find here good selections, good qualities and Attractive Prices. SEE US For RACINE TIRES and also for FORD PARTS. G. W. WHITESIDES & CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHARON, - - S- C. A REALLY HELPFUL BANK? A Bank to be helpful to a community must at all times be ready ana able to take care of every reasonable call for banking accommodations. It can onl; lend money when the other fellow wants it and needs money. The man with a big balance doesn't need to borrow. This bank is lier-j ready tu furnish money to the man who has a need for it and in every c&eo it is our pleasure to meet such legi'imate callrfor funds. Tl.en too, we can serve tin man who has money and who doej no> need to borrow. We can and will and do take care of his surplus funds? rendering a strict and aceurate account of every transaction at the emof each month. We also protect him | against accidental loss, fire and burglary, then too a Checking Accountpaying by Check?is the safe way to do i business. Let us have your account. 1 J. S. HAKTJNJKise. uasmer. WWWWWWVVWWV WWWWI I TJIEUNIVE The Ford Model proving a splendic |! saver on the farm. control, strong and j! Think it ? | i Over | j i Mr. Farmer i won't "eat its het working. The ven popular with shrew lyze conditions 0111 it over, Mr. Farm body, $oo0 f. o. b. S. L. COl i YOU'RE CORDIALLY ! j OUR FALL TAIL' I MONDAY, TUESDAY AUGUST 4TH An Exposition of E2 ISAAC HAMBU Baltimore's Leadinj s |j This showing of Fabrics ~ l\ measure Clothes for Me [ Clothing, is an event of 11 i- | fails to attract a growin . w! luiti/>! mwl better t L i ^vei'coa^s> Extra Trouse i II Wearers o.f llaniburj: . 1 Clothing are known by tl |! Clothing they wear. W ; |! list?some 7") strong nov & Monday, Tuesday and W I SHOES J. M. 5 I ! ? ! < > ANNF < > I AUGUST 1ST, 1? WARE COM] its first year it Customers lia almost every 1 the previous i business of tli we can expre nesses of this be, because w< conditions. 1J nv-w-\/-lc< Knilffllf IB ^ ' ^uvuo k/uu^nv E ; > may come in t t <; goods cannot t \; very unsatisf; j! ^ very fortunat< j ! o isfactory and ; : | day after day j : Y> on a live and 1 I In celebration of o i ; gust 1st, We j I jj ATA DISCOl ' , o This 10 per cent di o Paints and C 3 \ Graphanolas, | I3 Stoves, and w 31 tinually risiii| 33 most unusual 3 3 thing needed j Remember: This \ \ week; it conti: ' I discount of 1C ^ <> We thank you for If era! dealings ] I r THE YORK n bi 1 HI BUM -MM 1 ill 111 till Mi w ui w in iw m m m n? m ww PRESCRIPTION WORK WITH US IS A SPECIALTY WHEN YOU BRING YOUR PRE) SCRIPTION TO THIS STORE YOU ARE ASSURED THAT IT WILL 3E 'FILLED BY A REGISTERED PHARMACIST ACCURACY and SERVICE}? OUR MOTTO CLOVER DRUG STORE R. L. WYTJE, Proprietor Phono No. 2 Clover, S. C. ;RSAL CAR I T one-ton truck us j I time and money- ! j It is very flexible in | . dependable in ser- ; -ice. It has really )ecome one of the |! 'armers' necessi- j j ;ies. One Ford truck s equal to half a ! lozen teams and it id off" when not ! r low price makes it | d farmers who anahe farm. Let's talk ! er. Price, without ; Detroit. | URTNEY I wwvwmwwwwmmw vw INVITED TO ATTEND 1 ORING OPENING I IB AND WEDNESDAY I , 5TH and 6TH tciusive Woolens by RGER & SONS | g Merchant Tailors and Styles for Made-to- | 11 who want the Best in J ote in this city and never j ig list of Men who want I iitilliv Ssllit< *111(1 K 1 I 1 111 * 1V/111V O fyvinu ?%?.?? ^ rs, etc. i j(M* & Sons' Tailor-Made \ le quality and style of the- \ ill you join tlie growing \ \ { We'll look for you? ednesday next week. JTROUP ' SHOES I hwiwimhwiwiw mmi? m mm OUR F I R 5 /ERSAR1 118, THE YORK FURNI' PANY ouened its doors for ; lias enjoyed a splendid an ve come to us from all pai nonth has totaled up an in< nonth, until today we are e year. We appreciate tlii ss in words. Our busines unusual time is not as sat 3 are continually doing bus bices of today may be advi today may come in a we< Free months?they may n< be had at all and so it goes actory business conditions e as a \fliole and our busine it is giowing?new custor . People are realizing tin et live basis and are giving >ur First Anniversay, begii will offer Our Entire Stoa INT OF TEN PER C scount applies to everythir )ils, Automobile Tires ai and Records, Majestic I ith what we know and beli I prices, We want to assu 4-A nnnf C!ii wn UJipui bUUXbjr l/u gcu uup< md wanted in the way of I Special Anniversary Sale aues for ten days, and All | I Per Cent for Cash during past patronage and assur in the future. JRNITURE & HARDV lH in " muhw m in m in iwmmwuwm IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH | HARI | This word HARDV = and one articles that a = not perhaps, every oik = called for every day, b | cle has its "call day." | ing we are constantly; 5 ware every one of the | that you may not ne( s find need for tomorrow S ready big Hardware s 5 less we are already pr = urgent needs. Call oi = need?let us supply :i = among other things: E Concrete Wheel 1 = Wooden Wheel Bj e Shovels and Spad ? ll?r? ll'nm Lin I'Kn/ ? " llc) UUIWWI E Fly Swatters, Tai E Oil Cooking Stov = Water Coolers, Ic = "ee Cream Freeze .= A big stock of En = ])ieees. E V splendid assort) | FOR THE MECHAN: ^ Disston Hand Sav = Disston Cross-Cul E Drawing Knives, I P races, and Bits= Levels, and Squai 5 Zig-zag Rules, PI E Hammers, Chisels E Screw Drivers, I = Yankee Drills, 1 E Stanley Planes, S E Files?Flat, Crosf ! | What we haven't got | We want your tra< e your interest to 5 Growing Store. ? | FARMERS HARD1 S Merchandise That Makes 1 nil mi null Ladies' Hats At Half Price UXI.V A now LADIICS' HAT; LEFT?WILL CLOSE THEM OCT AT HALF PRICK. A NICE LINE OF COIiOKKI) VOILES? AT 25 (TS. VARI). HEAVY OVERALLS? AT PAIR. McC0NNEL ( I rSALE | TURE AND HARD- \ ? ' business, and during < > j I d growing patronage. j> j \ ts of the county , and o j \ 3reased business over I j t enjoying tjie biggest 8 ] \ s business more than < > ] \ s like all other busi- J isfactory as it might o : iness under unsettled < > meed tomorrow?the j > \ 3k or ten days?they I j ot come at all. Some V-and it all makes for f ( I . But we have been \\ \ ^ss has been quite sat- ^ j ners are coming here j ! it we are in business i ! us their business. % j \ <> i.l < * \ | miing on Friday, Au- | j : k of Furniture I ; ENT FOR CASH ! o I ig in our stock except j j id Tubes, Columbia 41 ii YORK COUNTY BUS] J! MENTS HAVE NEG I WITH THE SOUTH C'J | MISSION, TAX RETU] | 1919, AS REQUIRED B $ o || Twenty of these in Rock Hi 0 Mill, 1 at Clover, 3 at 1 Grove, 3 at Catawba, a I A Penalty will be impos< I ing these returns, an< | done so will find the n< 1 purpose at this Bank. I If we can be of assistance yet filed their returns, Bank or not, Call on u; I If you are not a patron of | cordial invitation to co i t age of our facilities. < > < > O & jj ALL BUSINESS ( o * < ! PEOPLES BANK & i > o C. L. COBB J. M- STIIOUP President. Vice Presides O J. T. CRAWFORD, Vice-Pres. V < > A SPECIAL. REPRESENTATIVE OP CHICAGO kab^s. Tailors Tluit Satisfy ' thoroughly experienced in the tailoring business and fully posted as to styles, etc., will display at our Store JULY 28TH-29TH MONDAY AND TUESDAY J an extensive line of fashionahie Woolens for $? FALL OF 1919 and WINTER OF 1920? The latest novelties as well as staples?Priced mo ne of the best Im. "ovcd places < > > two good tenant houses, three- < > xSO feet; up-to-date gin house <> of three 70-Saw Pratt-Huller vester Engine; Grist Mill with <> re building. <> ss stand in this section. < * < > XFORMATION. COVSl'I/T DEPARTMENT 1 <) ist Company ;ht, Manager. < L, S. C. < i able Farms for sale; also many < ie City of Hock Hill. < READ THIS EMERSON MOWING MAC IMA E? EMERSON RAKES. WE HAVE ONLY A FEW LEFT, and what we have bought to com* *ut in August will b* VIVE DOLLAR* HIQtlHB THE EMERSON la the BEST machine on the market and no higher in price. ASK SOME ONE who haa an EMERSON?and then let us show you a few of its good points. CARROLL BROTHERS TURNIP SEED JUST ABOUT NOW is a good time to sow Turnips- See to It that you get In a crop as soon as the ground has a good season In It?most too dry at this time?but it will rain shortly?then get the Turnip seed in the ground for fall vegetables. . Let us supply you with Turnip Seed. Have all the good varieties of seeds, and from the best seed growers. But don't fail to sow turnlpa Better buy your seed now and have them when you need them. [ Shieder-Snelling Drug Co. [ CHOICE FRESH FRUITS RECEIVED ALMOST DAILY. JUST | RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OP FINB j ORANGES AND LEMONS. | OUR SODA FOUNTAIN \ la working Overtime. Delicious Soft Drinks and various flavors of PURB ICE CREAM. HEADQUARTERS * For CIGARETTES and CIGARS. Ws carry the very best brands of both Cigarettes and Cigars, as well as good Smoking Tobaccos. Yorkville Candy Kitchen | JOHN DEM AS, lToprletorATAuriP nturo j MUNE. d LAhEd ! The Good Kind Yo* Know. , .... . ii ' .3 I WE EXPECT A SHIPMENT of . these good cakes TODAY and will rejceive a FRESH SHIPMENT EVERY : FRIDAY. Are they good ? Why cer! tainly. Otherwise we wouldn't offer ! them to our trade. A Fresh Express | shipment TODAY, and other Fresh 1 Shipments every FRIDAY. Ask for them. You'll be pleased. . IF IT IS GOOD TO EAT WE HAVE IT. You may be sure of the quality because If the quality Isn't there you won't buy It her^?$fot If we know it LET US SERVE YOU. ' < , ii SEEKER & QUDfN WHEN YOU 1 WANT SOMETHING TO EAT > SEE ME I HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. ' > LOUIS ROTH i . REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. WALK IN? BUY REAL ESTATE. Some of My Offerings: Lot?On West Madison street* 4room residence and barn. About 370 feet front. A money maker. Lot?On Jefferson street, 83x218 feet. Six-room residence with water, lights and sewerage. Lot?On East Madison street, 20 Ox 268 feet, with 8-rooi~ resldenee. Lot?On East Liberty street, x 32x3 40 feet; 10-room residence with all modern conveniences. Lot?In McConnellsville, 100x1 If feet; 6-room (new) residence, bam * and crib. Well of good water. 1681-4 Acres?Five miles east of York; 6-room dwelling, 3 tenant house* ?3 rooms each, barn, etc. 113 Acres?Three miles from Smyr- y na; 4-room dwelling, 2 tenant houses, large Darn, 3 gooa orcnurui auu ihbu^ ot' wood; 1-2 mile of school and churches. 136 Acres?Six milee from Clover; 7room residence, good barn and crib, 1 tenant house and other outbuildings. Plenty of wood, including lota o< lav timber. 58 3-4 Acres?Five miles from York; 5-room residence and barn- About 10 acres bottom land. Plenty of wood. 268 Acres?Five miles from York. ? Seven-room residence, large barn, 4 ' tenant houses, etc. Well of good wa' ter. Plenty of wood. 80 Acres?Nine miles from York, 6 , miles from Smyrna and 6 miles from King's Creek; 3-room house. 108 1-2 Acres?Two miles Irem York. Eight room residence, 1 tenant house. ! About 25 acres timber, balance open land. 08 2-3 Acres?Ten miles from York; 7 miles from Clover, and 6 miles from King's Creek; 1-2 mile from A. M. McGill's store; 7-room dwelling, barn, crib, and 3 tenant houses. About 60,000 to 75,000 feet saw timber. 143 Acres?Three miles from York; two 4-room residences; 2 barns, crib, etc- About 75 acres open land, balance in timber. 150 1-2 Acres?Four miles from York ard 3 1-2 miles from Sharon. Two tenant houses, and barn. Well ot good water. About 7 6 aeres open iana, oaiance in timber. Something like 250,000 feet saw timber. 180 Acres?1 1-2 miles from Philadelphia school house; 5-roo?n residence, barn and one tenant house. Remember, I have lots of others. Money to loan on Farming Lands. GEO. W. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE Room 204 f$fc-8t National Rank Bid*. IW Typewriter Ribbons and Papers it The Enquirer Office. A L: ' . .