tumorous fftpartmfnt Origin of "Yankee."?It is singular there should be any question concerning the origin of the well-known sobriquet of "Yankoe." Nearly all the old writers who spoke of the Indians r~ first known to the colonists mane them pronounce the word "English as "Yengeese." Even at this day It is a provincialism of Npw England to say "English" instead of "Inglish," and there is a close conformity of sound between the "English" and "Yengeese," mors especially if the latter word, as was probably the case, be pronounced short. The transition from "Yengeese," thus pronounced, to "Yankees," is quite easy. If the former is pronounced "Yangis," it is almost identical with "Yankees," and Indian words have seldom been spelled as they are pronounced. The liquids of the Indian would easily convert "En" Jito "Yen." Cas't Have Everything.?Senator Williams of Mississippi was contending tfta.t the United States had no right to expect to get everything It wanted from the psace treaty. "We ' * -' arvihine' our way," could not nat? t > ? he said. f "A friend wrote me the other day I about this question," he went on. "I I told him he reminded me of one or I my little daughters once. She had I straight hair, and another of the little I girls had curly hair. The little I ^ straight haired one was a little envious of the curly haired one. One day the J ourly haired girl was complaining of I some hardship of some sort, fancied, of course, and the other one turned to I her and said: " 'Well, you can't have everything I and curly hair.'" The Difflculty^j-"Poor old Alf!"l sighed Mrs. Crimp, as the form of her I husband vanished down the road. "He I is growing shockln* bad." "Yea I've noticed it,' assented her I neighbor. "Ever since his last illness he has been moult in', as you might I say. I hspe he ain't worrying overl it. Mrs. Crimp?" "Well, k do bother him a bit," she J admitted. "And well it might." said her I neighbor. "When my old man lost I vi- Vol*. h? felt the cold somethin' J terrible." "Ob, it ain't the cold that worries Alf," said Mrs. Crimp. "It is the bather he has when he washes his face. If he does not keep on his hat he can't tell where his face finishes." The Poor Fish!?"I hear you are going to marry Archie Blueblood?" said one society woman to another. "Is It truer "Marry him?" exelaimed the other. "Not likely. What on earth could I do with him? He's rejected from the army, he can't ride, he can't play tennla golf, nor, for that matter, can he even drive a motor-car!" "Oh!" said the friend, "but he can ' swim beautifully, you know." "Swim, indeed! Now, I ask you, would you like a husband you had to keep In an aquarium?"?London Blighty. Vain Effort.?Attorney-General Gregory at a dinner recently remarked: "Bores are always talkative. There is bo such thing as a silent bore. One of the Ilk once said to me at a party: 'Jones Isn't very polite. He yawned three times while I was talking to him yesterday.' 'But maybe he wasn't yawning,' I protested. 'Perhaps he was trying to say something.'"?Argonaut. Lost Opportunity.?"My first patient called on me today," said the young doctor. "He's rich, too." ! "Congratulations!" replied the elderly doctor. "What was the matter with him?" "Nothings I couldn't find a thing wrong with him." "Ah, my boy, you still have a great deal to leapn aDoui your proieeeiuu. ? Birmlnghfun Age Herald. Prec&rieuc Situation.?"How about a jury for this automobile colliding caae ?' "We are up a tree," said the lawyer on the other side. "How so?" "Well, a jury of motor owners will be as wise ae all get out about an affair of this kind." "True." "While a jury of nonmotorists may soek the pair of us." Went Away From There.?Ezra (of Taptown)?While you were in the big lty, Uriah, did you see any of them there sweat shops I've heard bo much about? Uriah?ITore'n I wanted to, b'gosh. That there fresh city nephy o' mine inveigled me into a Turkish one, but I hollered so dnrn loud they had to let me out before I was finally dissolved! Polite Pare?.?"Oh, m'sieu?peneezvous?or?er?que?er?la?" "Pardon, mam'zelle?but mam'xelle can speak English to me." "Why?m'sieu?can't you underetand ?" "I am from the south of France, and find it difficult to understand the true Parisian accent."?London Blighty. He Needed a Cuff.?The Knut.?"It's Imply absurd! What's the use of showing me low-cut collars like these. Do you mean to say you keep nothing taller?" Shopgirl?"I'm sorry, but our next size is cuffs."?C'assell's Saturday Journal. The Moth and the Clothes.?Society t\ man? i see uj in.i/um . am referred to as one of 'fashion's butterflies." Her husband?"Considering the way you go through clothes I should think moths would apply better."?London Blighty. Just Like Iron.?"My dear sir." said the salesman, courteously, as he handed the customer his package and n? change, "you will find that your ult will wear like iron." And sure enough. It did. The man hadn't worn it two months when it began to look rusty.?Tit-Bits. Nat 80 Bad.?The nervy young of er sat down at a table in the vegetarian restaurant "Crushed nut, sir?" asked the waitress. handing him the menu of the day. "No, no; shell-shock," he replied.? London Tit-Bits. Next Tin F REE (Bur FWU THE HAr wi YORK |||HKB5F=r7~P'?-< - ~^r- ? - < _~Ei BANK OF HrCKOSovE HICKORY GROVE, S. C. We invite your business and assure you that every courtesy and accommodation consistent with good banking will be granted ? ? J. S. WILKERSON, Pres. W. 8. WILKERSON, Vice Pres. L. M. AXXJ6CX, Cashier, d. L. PLAX1CO, A*?t. Cashier. Bank of Hickory Grove HICKORY GROVE. 8. C. ^"Typewriter Ribbons and Papers nt The Enquirer Office. irnsnssr IT'S zs&sar&tfjsz Rpople today ban be tr eed beck to Bumt teouble. ?he kidney* era the meet Important ecgawuI ot the body. They ere the aftarers, (he purtBere, or your Mood. lW*r dieeaee la umtalVr iedieeted by weirri n~eee. tMpUsutWi nervoeeaeea deepondeosy. beaks che, itomaoh trouble. nam hi lolae and lower abdomen, gafi ntonaa. paved, vieematiam, eeletioa end hawfi. 4*I tk.eee derangement are nature'* ipiele ip wen yon (hi i the kidneys peed help. *ou sbonL uee SOLD KvuSurlta Otl Ca.poles tan me A I lium; Toughr And yet, the 'Ro^ sesses amazing buoy That's the secret c tire's success. Hardihood that extra miles, combir luxurv of pflsipr riHii Let us put 'Royal C car. They are the uti ment?the finest tirei United Stat are Good We know United States YORK MO CAMPBEL W. B. A te?Buy ISl TOP T! Ri? inilea? O o built with and a hea tires with parable to ^DSOMEST TIF lite side-wall?Red Trc FURNITURE & HARDW^ ThavIthe cars Reo, Cole 8 and Maxwell ?the Best. Purchasers of automobiles want the very best there is for the money. This applies t those who have had experience and those who have not had experience. I have REOS and MAXWELLS on exhibition next to the City Market and can give all desired information on the higher priced and more powerful "COLE-8" The REO TRUCK simply cannot be beat for the price. When you go on the lookout for cars you want to see me, and I want to see you. C. F. SHERER W Crop and Chattel Mortgages at The Enquirer i>fiioe. i YOUR KIDNEYS I diatoly. The soothing, healing oil etlm- j slat? the kidneys, relieve* Inflammations and destroys the germs whleh ! have oaseed it Do not wait until tomorrow. Go to your druggist today and tnstat an QOU> MEDAL Haarlem Oil Oapsulea. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor returning j and will Me? the day you first heard I of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OU. After you feel that you have oured ' yourself, oontlnue to take one or two j capsules eaeh day, so as to keep In 4nt-?n condition and ward off the danger of other attacks. Aak for the original Imported QOUD MEDAL brand. Three dees. Money refunded tt they do not help you. ph of ^ less 1 ral Cord' pos- J| ancy and life. >f this famous means many led with the lords' on your t nost in equip- ^ 3 in the world. es Tires Tires Mm \ Tires are good tires. Tha TOR CAR CO., ,L & QUINN, Cl( RDREY, Fort Mi o ro f JMIF* LA flL RES : of cl ro e Faoric Tires p! i an cxiru piy B vy tread?Big ac mileage com- fe that of Cords. m K E IE MADE ' ? K iad G CI 0( t* et In LRF. CO. I 0( d< d( HARDWARE . HARDWARE f WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, BE SURE TO SEE US ?FOR THAT IS OUR LINE. MR. FARMER? ARE YOU going to build a RAT "V PROOF C'->rn Crib this summer. If so, we have something you should see. Call at your convenience and talk it over with us. Rats are terribly expensive inhabitants of the corn crib. HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY, hi YORK HARDWARE CO. S si OUR FARMER FRIENDS? Is JUST NOW, when farm work is a a) bit lighter, many of our farmer friends Q' will doubtless want to do some repairing about their homes, or possibly a little building, painting or other fixing tt up. If this is in your mind we Invite you to seo us for whatever yon may need?Lumber, Rough or Dressed; sc Doors, Sash, Door or Window Frames, A Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Laths, Shin- ~ gles, Lime, Cement, Brick, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., in fact anything in our line you may need. We are sure we can supply your wants?give you good stuff and make prices that are lnt'-resting. Call on us for your needsLOGAN LUMBER YARD ^* kSSBkw Mr : IMU //1J / ITMMM t's why we sell them. York, S. C. T( >ver, S. C. 2 ill, S. C. ! REAL ESTATE || PPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. WALK IN. BUY REAL ESTATE. Some of My Offerings: , Lot?On West Madison street; 4om residence and barn. About 370 ] et front. A money maker. 1 Lot?On Jefferson street, 86x218 feet, x-room residence with water, lights 1 id sewerage. i Lot?On East Madison street, 200x 18 feet, with 8-rooi.. residence. ' Lot?On East Liberty street, i32x340 < et; 10-room residence with all modn conveniences. < Lot?In McConnellsville, 100x115 et; 6-room (new) residence, barn id crib. Well of good water. 166 1-4 Acres?Five miles east of 1 ork; 6-room dwelling, 3 tenant houses 3 rooms each, barn, etc. 113 Acres?Three miles from 9myr- < i; 4-room dwelling, 2 tenant houses, 1 rge barn, 3 good orchards and plenty wood: 1-2 mile of school and 1 lurches. 136 Acres?Six miles from Clover; 7- ' torn residence, good barn and crib, 1 i nant house and other outbuildings, lenty of wood, Including lots of saw < mber. 58 3-4 Acres?Five miles from York; ( room residence and barn. About 10 < :res bottom land. Plenty of wood. 268 Acres?Five miles from York, j sven-room residence, large barn, 4 i - ? -A. TTT-.11 _ M nlA nant nouses, etc. wen ui euuu w&r. Plenty of wood. i 80 Acres?Nine miles from York, 5 lies from Smyrna and 5 miles from i ing's Creek; 3-room house. 108 1-2 Acres?Two miles from York, ight room residence, 1 tenant house. * bout 26 acres timber, balance open nd. 08 2-8 Acres?Ten miles from York; miles from Clover, and 6 miles from ing's Creek; 1-2 mile from A. M. MclU's store; 7-room dwelling, barn, 1b, and 3 tenant houses. About 60,)0 to 76,000 feet saw timber. 148 Acres?Three miles from York; ro 4-room residences; 2 barns, crib, ;c- About 76 acres open land, balance i timber. 150 1-2 Acres?Four miles from York ad 3 1-2 miles from Sharon. Two tenat houses, and barn. Well of good ater. About 76 acres open land, bailee in timber. Something like 250,)0 feet saw timber. 160 Acres?1 1-2 miles from Phila- 1 Blphla school house; 6-room resience, barn and one tenant house. PAmAtnh? T hnvp Int.? of others. Money to loon on Farming Lands. GEO. W. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE loom 204 First National Bank Bldg'EELING BLUE LIVER LAZY TAKE A CALOTAB Wonderful How Young and Energetic You Feel After Taking This Nausealess Calomel Tablet. " If you have not tried Calotabs you ave a delightful surprise awaiting >u. The wonderful liver-cleansing id system-purifying properties ofcalnel may now be enjoyed without the lghtest unpleasantness. A Calotab at Bdtime with a swallow of water,? lat's all. No taste, no salts, nor the lghtest unpleasant effects. Tou wake p In the morning feeling so good that ju want to laugh about It. Your liver clean, your system Is purified, your ppetite hearty. Eat what you wish,? o danger. The next time oyu feel xy, mean, nervous, blue or discoursed give your liver a thorough cleansig with a Calotab. They are so perfect lat your druggist Is authorized to remd the price as a guarantee that you ill be delighted. Calotabs are sold only in original laled packages. Price thirty-five cents, t all drugstores.?(adv). SOVEREIGN Tonic for Ever Builds Ufl Run-down Systems. When your health has been underilnded by worry and overwork, when our vitality Is lowered, when you ave that "don't care a rap" feeling, hen your nerves are depressed, when our work appears too much for you, ou are then In a run-down condition. Your system must be upheld by an :tlve tonic. You will find It in Sovergn Tonic for Men, which gives new rength and ambition?the very help ou need. Sovereign Tonic for Men is a real storatlon, a blood maker and a nerve ailder. When your blood Is impoverished irough the want of Iron, which proiices rich red blood and changes food to "living tissue"?you will find the ipiedy in Sovereign Tonic. Each tabt contains 1 grain of 1-REPARED wiiii uiuer uiuuu auu nerve pruicts. You will be surprised and dejhted with the new strength and vim ' >verelgn Tonic gives you. You will begin to feel the efficacy of e Sovereign Tonic after the first dose, on't hesitate If you belong to the rmy of "Hasbeens." Try Sovereign einedy without delay and become ice more a happy, contented member society, receiving the full benefits of hat is your just rights in the battle life. Sovereign Tonic for Men will do more brighten the world, to dispel gloom, make happy homes than all the mecines that have been compounded. Your druggist sells it or can get it r you. Always In stock at The York rug Store. Price $1.00. Sent by mail or receipt of price. Sovereign Remedy Co. 1215 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. 'ROFESSIONAL CARDS. ~ ' - ? ? ' ~ -J. A. MARION ? ITOKXUY ANI) COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office opposite the Courthouse. Telephone N'o. 126, York Exchange. YORK. ..... S. C. JOHN R. HART TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. "ompt and Careful Attention to Ab Business Undertaken, slephone No. 69. YORK, S. C 76 '.t It J. S. BRICE Attorney At Law. Prompt Attention to all I egal ualness of Whatever Nature. Offiee Opposite Courthouse. DR. WM. M. KENNEDY ? DENTAL SI'KGEOK ? ffice on Second Floor of the Wylie Building. It'phoiK's: Office, 09; Residence, 166. le Enquirer Office. ^"Typewriter papers, 15 Cts. Ih. and iward, at The Enquirer Office. 11 REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOB SALE 60 Acres?King's Mountain road, 11 nlles from York. 150 Acres?Six room dwelling and a tenant house. York and Clover road, L1-2 miles from Clover. 150 Acres?Two tenant houses, on the York and Clover road, 1 1-2 miles Jrom Clover. 61 Acres?On Pinckney road, 2 1-2 nlles from York. Two 5-room houses )n the place. PAnni VIr?ii?A__On nno ncrfl lot. * ? I an Charlotte road, near Cannon mill. Good New Four-Room House?Lot 100x400 feet, on Charlotte street. One Good New Five Room House? On lot 100x300, near Graded school. > Mrs. Janie Palish Property?Includ- j Ing two houses and two lots, one on ! Congress street and the other on Cleveland avenue. One Five Room House?And 1 6room house on King's Mountain street. 87 Acres?At McConnellsville, between J. T. Crawford's and C. & N.-W. railroad. 70 Acres?With two houses, within two miles of courthouse. EL T. Williams Property?Joining the Graded school. Bight rooms on a 2acre lot Sewerage, lights, bath, etc. C. F. Slierer Residence?Five room house, on lot 110x250 feet. Good barn. Bast Jefferson streetFour Ro?m House and Lot?On same Btreet. Two Lota?On Lincoln street, oppolite J. B. Johnson's residence; 80 foot front, each. Lot?Kins - Mountain street, between reside i :es of W. L. Williams and Mrs. D. E. Finley. 48 Acres?Of land neu./ New Zlon church. Will sell cheap. five Room House A Good Store Building and two Acres of Land, at Filbert belonging to Mr. E. L Wood. C F. SHERER. Real Estate. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHARON, - - S.C. A REALLY HELPFUL BANK? A Bank to be helpful to a community must at all times be ready ana able to take care of every reasonable call for banking accommodations. It can only lend money when the other fellow wants it and needs money. The man with a big balance doesn't need to borrow. This bank is hero ready to furnish money to tha man who has a need for it and in every case it is our pleasure to meet such legitimate calls for funds. Tl.en too, we can serve the man who has money and who doe3 not need to borrow. We can and will and do take care of his surplus funds? rendering a strict and accurate ac- count of every transaction at the end .. of each month. We also protect him I! against accidental loss, fire and bur- S glary, then too a Checking Account? 3 paying by Check?is the safe way to do S business. Let us have your account. 3 J. S. HARTNESS, Cashier. | J. C. WILBORN St! York, - S. C. e 11 DESCRIPTION8 OF TRACTS OF LAND ~ 174 3-4 Acres?The property of R. 5 H. Hawkins. Long frontage on the ' Rock Hill and York sand-clay road; t also on Thorn's Ferry road, half way \ between Tirzah and Newport?two : public highways running through the I place. The best located farm in York \ county. 100 acres in cultivation. The \ Price per acre, $75.00. Home Place?Of Sam C. Smith, in \ Cotton Belt neighborhood, including a 88 acre9. See me at once for the good | price I can give you. 189 Acres?Residence and farm of \ Andrew J. Parrott, Filbert. Located s on the Filbert-Clover road. Will sell ; as a whole or in sections. Look it over 3 and make me an offer. 92 1-2 Acres?H. P. Stowe farm, near \ Bethel church and school. Price, 142.50 per acre. 249 1-4 Acres?J. L. Currence farm, g in York county; 10 miles of Gastonia; E 8 miles of Belmont One nice dwelling | house, 6 rooms, running water in the I house; 160 acres in cultivation; 3 E good tenant houses, fine condition, 3 r and 4 rooms. Produced in one year: I 400 bushels oats, at 11 bushel, 1400; g 800 bushels corn at 12.25 per bushel, E 11,800; 51 bales of cotton at 1150 per P bale, 17,650; cotton seed at 11 per jj bushel, 11,530; fodder, hay and alfalfa, j 12,000. Total income for one year, 113,380. Has two large barns, and at least 200,000 feet saw timber- Pries for all 116,090. 930 1-2 Acres?Three miles Hickory j Grove; 200 acres river bottom, on \ Broad river and tributaries, very fine, [ productive land; about 400 acres in cultivation, about 300 acres in woods. Balance not in cultivation, pasture and j so on. One 7-room dwelling and Ave i tenant houses, containing 3, 4 and 5 rooms in each. Price for the whole ! 930 1-2 acres, 120,100.50. Less than \ 122.00 per acre. \ 142 Acres?In King's Mountain town- j ghip. Fine bottom land. A fine farm \ of Dr. Pressly's. Price, $40.00 per acre, j 92 1-2 Acres?H. P. Stowe farm, in ; Bethel township. 657 Acres- Near Mt Holly, in Ca- { tawba township; 4 miles from Rock 2 Hill. $32.00 per acre. 160 Acres?Including fine Roller \ Mill, Corn Mill; also 25-horse power 2 Engine and Boiler; 1 Dwelling, 6 5 rooms. About 75 acres in timber; 4 j horse farm open. J 643 Acres?Three miles Hickory Grove. Mrs. Warth. R 287 1-2 Acres?Three miles Hickory) " Grove. Mrs. Warth. I g (3). 354 Acres?Near Bethany A. R. B P. church and High school, 10 miles w York, and about 8 miles of King's g Mountain station, IV. C. On road from [u King's Mountain, N. C., to York, near Andy McCarter's on said road; 150 acres in cultivation, balance in wood; y aver 300,000 feet of saw timber, and ? around 8,000 cords of wood. Has good s buildings and barns. A. A. Lockrldge's S farm. (5). 250 Acres?On waters of Fish- s Ing creek and Langham branch, 3 5 miles of York, on public highway. New 2 dx-room cottage, painted; large new S barn; 4 extra good tenant houses. 5 Land lies comparatively level. $50.00 s per Acre. ^ (6). 237 Acres?One mile of Del- 2 phos station, C. & N.-W. R. R. One 5 iwelling; 4 tenant houses; good barns. 3 173 acres in cultivation. This is one of 2 :he best farms In York county. 3 (7). 165 Acres?One and one-half S miles of Tirzah church; perfectly lev- s 2I; nice new residence, two story. 2 Very large new barn; about seven or 2 iight miles of city of Rock Hill- $65.00 s per Acre. (8). 51 1-2 Acres?5 miles York. ? Price, $125.00 per Acre. (li). -11 Acres?3 miles York. Price, 3 510.00 per Acre. r: iiu avrea x nine ouaivu, ? mil residence In Sharon?L. H. Good. 5 (11). 50 Acres?6 miles York. Price S (40-00 per Acre. = (.12). 00 Acres?5 miles Smyrna, g 3 rice, $25.00 per Acre. ~ (13). 04 1-2 Acres?6 miles York. 3 'rice, $3,157.50 total. ~ (14). 27 Acres?3 miles Smyrna. ? 'rice, $00.00 per Acre- (15). 150 Acres?3 miles Smyrna. Z 'rice, $31.50 per Acre. (16). 110 1-5 Acres?3 miles Sha- z on. Price, $2,200.00. -(17). 220 Acres?8 miles Clover g 'rice, $00.00 per Acre. z (18). 35 1-2 Acres?At Filbert?on S ting's Mountain road. Price. $2,100. g (20). 03 Acres?6 miles York. Z ?rice, $30.00 per Acre. (21). 40 Acres?5 miles York, a 'rice, $35.00 Acre. = (22). 150 Acres?3 miles Smyrna. 2 'rice, $3,500.00 total. Z (23). 250 Acres?3 miles Sharon. ~ 'rice, $15.00 per Acre. Z (24). 325 Acres?J. O. P. Price, = 125.00 per Acre. ? (25). One House and Lot?Near the s Junuon Mill. Price, $1,785.00. ^ (26). 20 Acres?All wood. 7 miles ? fork. Price, $16.00 Acre. := J. C. WILB0RN 1 REAL ESTATE r Typewriter papers, 15 Cts. 15. and S pward, at The Enquirer Office. Jll n VT^OUR farm land, subdivid< H X and sold at auction by ou ? duce quick and profital H Many South Carolina owners realize tl SI thods and are selling their farms throui 9 South Carolina Sales made last year. 9 Date of Sale Owner Aug. 31/18 _C. O. Dixon, E?u.__..N?ar N* M Sept. 10,* 18 _H. N. Singletary, Esq. _ " La M Sept. 11/18 _Durant,Horton&Flo' 1 " M Sept. 13/18 .Mn. Mary J. Harrell,. " D Sept. 14/18 .J. D. Colter, Esq. ?.l " H iff uct. i,is___r. 6C jonn wucox.. " i || Oct 9,'18?W. T. Wilkins, Esq... " K m Nov- 19,'18.York Real Estate Co... York, 9 May 7,'19_..Catawba Real Estate Co. Rock 9 South Carolina Farm* can be sold to bei M before. Money is plentiful and they is a de B Quick Action?Satis fa fl ?Satisfaction to V are three principles that have made our orgai 9 in demand for selling city, farm and suburbai B Wt have hundreds of endorsement lett B the satisfaction of our customers. Write for 9 explaining our methods. I Farm Lands Our I I ?Territor 9 Atlantic Coast Realty Comp "Ths Nam That Jastifiss Your ConfUtt 1 f Petersburg, Va. I CCS | Greenville, N. C. 9 Reference t Any bank in Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimii! TURNIP SEED-H1 We have just received a shipment c most popular varieties. Let us supply somewhat limited. Better buy your sup J. E. Brison, Prop. CITY PHA1 "THE SERVICE DRCC iimiiimiiiiinjiimimaimiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillll GENTS' FURN This department is one of thing for Gentlemen's wear i show you--? SHIRTS?Dress and Ne$ ety of styles. COLLARS?Starched an styles and colors. UNDERWEAR?Union and Short Sleeves, anc ments if you prefer thi HALF HOSE?Cotton, sizes, plain and fancies NECKWEAR?Every c< Silks and Wash Ties? HATS?In Felts, staples Panamas, Bankoks, Le HANDKERCHIEFS?Y and Arm Supporters. /ATlTTT\m D?l?v, T3?, V/liV X 11 UL1U x ami jjt< Moliairs, Serges, etc. AND POSSIBLY YOU NEE We have it?Trunks, Sui I bags of all styles and qualities TRUNKS?All sizes?up SUIT CASES?Up to $2 HANDBAGS?Up to $2C STEAMER TRUNKS?^ SHOES J. M. ST] i - i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n ^ggj HORSES, MAKES AND 1 WE NOW HAVE ON HAND a ch< MULES, and within the Next Week or 1 ceive a Car of Choice HORSES, MARE1 prepared to meet the requirements of all MULES, HORSES or MARES. Yes, to our PRICES ARE RIGHT, and that ev with a GUARANTEE THAT HAS NO R FIRST-CLASS WAGON HAj WE ALSO HAVE A SELECTION HARNESS to be found in this city?pe; harness ever offered hereabouts. At leaf for WAGON HARNESS come and let us MULES JAMES BR0T1 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllHllllllllllUllllillMII mjm * 1 I id into small farms B r method will pro- I )le returns for you. B ie advantages of our me- fl us. Here are a few H Location Aa't S?W F? I lullint, S. C. >42,999.16 B ike City, S. C.? 66,723.66 [aiming, S. C. 35,294.62 H arlington, S. C. ? 25,134.56 H artmlle S. C 10,116.20 , immoniville, S.C.. 71,519.15 ^ Lingstree, S. C 19,206.72 H S. C 11,331.25 Hill, S. C 17,500.00 H iter advantage now than ever H maud for small farms. H ction to Seller B > Buyer fl luxation the large ft and raott H i property. H en that emphatically expreu H copiei of theae and booklet, H Specialty I y Unlimited w * * IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIUIIUIIIUlflllUH E TO SOW 'EM I if Turnip Seed In all of the E your neads. The atook la 3 ply early. ? ^ RMACY Gover, S. C. | 1 STORE" = IIIIMIIfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (ISHINGS I our hobbies?every- ^ md comfort?Let us B jligee in a wide vari- ^ d Soft, in almost all g Suits, knee lengths H 1 also Separate Gar- E J it kind. k Lisle and Silk?All g I u onceivable style, in g up to $2.00. B and fancies; Straws, S ghorns, etc. A es, and Belts, Hose B iches, Keep Kools, B D BAGGAGE- | ^ *? TT 3 I t uases ana nana- h > to $37.50. I _ 100?solid leather. |1.00?good ones. H ?5.00 to $12.50. B 4% *OUP SHOES I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII ? s A J I Mm J VirW) S w JUS COMING I ^ 3lce selection of YOUNG 3 -f Ten Days we expect to re- m 3 and MULES, and will be 2 comers wnetner tney want a be sure, you will And that g ery animal we sell is sold s OUND CORNERS. i RNESS? = OP THE BEST WAGON S rhaps the best lot of good s it, if you are in the market 3 show you what we have. ? HERS H0ESES I iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuaaraJ a