tumorous fjep art mutt Cutting It Short. "Don't be so longwinded In your reports as you have been In the past," said the manager of the "Wild West" railway to his overseer. "Just report the conditions of . the track as ye find It, and don't put In a lot of needless words that ain't to the point. Write a business letter, I not a love-letter." A few days later the railway line was flooded, and the overseer wrote his report to the manager in one line: Sir Where the railway was the river is, Yours faithfully, Blighty (London). Behavior. A brother senator was twitting Senator Jones, of New Mexico, on the Illiteracy of the vast majority of his constituents. "It is all a matter of the point of view." retorted Senator Jones. "When 1 on/i oHnraHnn I It comes lO Ulceus.*, . _ am reminded of 'he self-sufficient young matron in the Pullman car. " 'Mary,' she said, to her eight-yearold daughter, 'don't you see the people looking at you? Stop stretching your gum out Into a string. Chew it like a lady.' Superfluity. "You love my daughter?" said the old man. "Love her," he exclaimed, passionately. "Why I would die for her. For one soft glance from those sweet eye? I would hurl myself from yonder cliff and perish a bruised mass upon the rocks two hundred feet below." The old man shook his head. "I'm something of a liar myself," he said, "and one Is enough for a small family like mine." London Tit Bits. Half-Hearted. "Did the disguised visitor pay our city any compliments?' "Yes," replied the chairman of the reception committee. " "Then why are you depressed?" "He said we had fine drinking water. A compliment like that doesn't mean anything in particular after yoa have had to apologize for not being able to offer a visitor anything stronger." Birmingham Age-Herald. The Delaya of Demobilization. "Well, Bill, what are you going to do when you gets demobilized?" urma nanslon. of course." "You don't think yer goin' to get a pension from the army, do yer?" "No* not army Old age pension, I mean." London Opinion. Some Test. She "Of course I like you! Why haven't I danced with you six times to night?" He "But I don't see any proof In that!" She "You would if you knew how badly you dance?" The Passing Show, (London). In No Hurry to Light. "Where shall I drop you?" absentmlndedly asked the owner of an air limousine who was taking a friend out for a little ride. "Jog* on a few hundred miles further," said the friend. "We're over the Altantic ocean now." Birmingham Age-Herald. Good Luck? Fond Mamma "What have you in your pocket? Daughter (breathlessly) Oh, mamma, such good luck! Clara Gray's cat had six kittens, and her mamma would only let her keep one, so she gave me the other five. Judge. Too Natural. Dauber 'I made these sketches during a trip to the Rocky Mountains. Don't you think they are * i iWbUl CfcA . Critic (glancing over them)?"Weller - they're certainly rocky.?Bostom Transcript. tW'Your boy Josh will be permitted to wear his soldier clothes for several months." "Yes," answered Farmer Corn tassel, with a trace of discontent in his tone, "an* thea mother*ll make 'em over an' expect me to wear 'em for several years."?Washington Star. y The Flexible Sex.?Earl Akers, former state treasurer, now a Topeka banker, relates that a man called at the bank the other day and said, "I want, a check-book cover for a lady that folds in the middle."?Kansas City Star. WDo you think the motor will en tirely supersede the horse?" "I hope not," replied Farmer Corntaseel. "There must be some market for hay. I depend on what I make on hay to buy gasoline." Washington Star W First Returned Soldier Did you get a job? Second Returned Soldier "Yes, I was mightly lucky. I got one that pays $8 a week now. I understand I that during the war the slacker that had the job made $80 a week. Judge. To Make Sure. "Were you very sick with the 'flu' Rastus?" "Sick, sick! Man- ah was so sick mos' ebery night Ah look in dat er casualty **et -for mah name." Whizz-Bang (Boston Base Hospital). Unlucky. Agent "But, my dear ladam, it's a shame to let your husband's life insurance lapse." "I'll not pay another cent. I've paid regular fer eight years, an' I've had no luck yet." Life. One Man, One Collar. Haberdasher "And will one collar be sufficient, mauarn s Mrs. Higgins "Do you insinervate, young man, as I 'ave more thnn one 'usbln?" London Blighty. Melancholy Man. Hook Oldboy is the most melancholy fellow I know. Crook You're right. He proposed to a girl once by asking her how she would like to become his widow. TitBits. Suggestive Art. Purchaser (who is electing a wedding gift) "Yes, I rather like that. What is the title?" Picture dealer " 'The Coming Storm* would make a splendid wedding present." Blighty (London). Home Camouflage. Neighbor "My dear, why are you covering your jampots with wall-paper?" Efficient Mother "Camouflage. It's ihe same paper as that on the pantry walls." Tit-Bits (London.) Besides Themselves. "In the crowded reception-rooms they were practically alone together." Home Chat. 9 18 cents a package ? pXPERTLY bl I XZs Turkish and cl P tobaccos in Camel ci H nate bite and free tl fl unpleasant cigarette B unpleasant cigaretty E Camels win instant ? B. success with smoker B blend brings out to B refreshing flavor and SHOP WORK Please remember that we are always prepared to supply every thing In the way of Building Materials Rough and Dressed Lumber, Door an i Window Frames, Flooring, Celling, Balustrades, Stair Railings, Mantels, etc., but also please remember that we have a thoroughly equipped plant and are prepared to do all kinds of Mill Work on very short notice. If you have any special kind of shop work that you want see us. We have expert workmen to take care of your wishes. BETTER FLY SCREENS We have been making lota cf Ply Screens Doors and Windows and we continue to make them. Our Screens are BETTER than others. We make them to FIT TOUR Doors and Windows. They are built to last and do last. If you want lasting Screens Just phone us and we'll take your measures and give you a satisfactory Job. LOGAN LUMBER YARD CAMPBELL'S ANTI-FERMENT This well known remedy has been on the market for more than thirty years, and up to this time no better household remedy for summer complaints, dysentery, etc., has been offered in these parts. When your children complain of "tummy" aches and pains after eating something that doei not quite agree, give them a few doses of CAMPBELL'S ANTI-FERMENT. It Is Just as good for grown-upsIt Is wise to have a bottle in yeur home. We a.-11 the genuine artiele. * YORK DRUG STORE * WW See The Enquirer Office for aJ! kinds of Commercial Stationery of th< better lands. Fix up Hi f /T^HE thought of * - soldier bear m time for you to ma If that old stove is a and let it be a Prin< All \ the range ing the copper bi It's easy to be a good c pendable, and the man make it a joy to the hoi York Furi Everythi V What you pay out yoi is cigarette satisfaction you do get it in ever lended choice low-mildness loice Domestic taining the de igarettes elimi- are simply a lem from any smoke them w ' aftertaste or odor. For your owr compare Carr ind permanent in the world s because the you'll best j the limit the quality and delightful mel- they provide. (OLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wiiuton IY0RKV1LLE COTfl OUR FLOUR MILL h overhauled for th( Straight Patent Floi celled a?s to quality o elsewhere in search vice. WE HAVE COTTON SI For Sale at $12 per t I WE ARE HANDLIN Forge Coals of the E _ we are giving pronip ' | WE HAVE COTTON ? ; purposes. II WHETHER IT IS ME A Meal or anything e consideration is tha ers must not be dii theyreceive. :|| YORKVILLE COTP i* iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I INGERSOLL | We have just received a j Watches. Priced fr : = J. E. Brison, Prop. CITY ] 5 "THT2SERVIC1 I M1111111N1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 sr Typewriter papers, 15 Cts. It>. an etlomelfe] E] f home and good home cool any hardships and depriv; ke his dreams of home coj vorn out and cooking po cess Range. .EN^fi^KCi COPPER ^^qJ^BEARINO RANGES rsthat uphold the fame of South ranges that are made from n caring iron and will last a lifeti rook on a Princess Range, bee ly exclusive features for saving asewife. liture & Hardware ing to Make Home Cor sites ."Vl. I A nr good money for B i and, my, how I y puff of Camels! B of the tobaccos yet re- B sir/able "body." Camels I revelation! You may B ithout tiring yourtaste! B i satisfaction you must | lels with any cigarette H at any price. Then, N realize their superior I the rare enjoyment P Salem, N. C. fi )N OIL COMPANY || as just been thoroughly ] j s 1919 season and the |! it we are making is unex- 11 r yield. It is no use to go or quicKer or o?uer sor- , 2ED HULLS on, Cash, at the Mill. G Domestic, Steam and est grades obtainable and >t attention to all orders. >EED MEAL for feeding 11 lL, Hulls, Coal, Ice, Flour, |! lse in our line, our first |! t our friends and custom- j! sappointed in the service J! ON OIL COMPANY || niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu ITCHES $1.75 OP. | good supply of Ingersoll | om $1.75 to $7.00 Each. | PHARMACY Clover, S. C. 1 =; DRUG STORE" = miimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiimiiii* a upward, at The Enquirer Office. H dng has helped your I ations. Now is the I me true. j orly, buy a new one I sss ern cook- I jst-proof, j me. * I ause it is throughly de- | \ time, labor and fuel, | ! Company nfortable i LP itsca / j?prc j for. ar to get WRIGLE' a sealed packa for the name-t Name in Good: 3 W J aW^IGLI | f!tE& j IS 3 K PERFECT |flS? JZV&W&XZZ Cf V7DUR farm land, subdiv H X and sold at auction by < J? duce quick and profit M Many South Carolina owners realiz< n thods and are selling their farms thr B South Carolina Sales made last year. W Date of Sale Owner Aug. 31,*18 _C. O. Dixon, Esq.__._Nea! fj Sept. 10,*18 _H. N. Singletary,Esq. _ " M Sept. 11,*18 _Durant,Horton&Flo' 1 " [3| Sept. 13,'18 .Mrs. Mary J. Harrell.. " HI Sept. 14,* 18 _J. D. Colter, Esq. " fej Oct. 1,* 18.__F.L. & John Wilcox.. " | Oct. 9,'18___W. T. Willcins, Esq... " M Nov. 19,*18.York Real Estate Co... Yc uj May 7,*19...Cauwba Real Estate Co. Ro BC South Carolina Farms can be sold to M before. Money is plentiful and there is a B Quick Action Satis H Satisfaction H are three principles that have made our o in demand for selling city, farm and subui Kj We have hundreds of endorsement the satisfaction of our customers. Write H explaining our methods. I Farm Lands Our I Territc I Atlantic Coast Realty Cor H "The Name That Justifies Your Conf H ( Petersburg, Va. I Ces | Greenville, N. C. H Reference: Any bank in Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N. C. PORCH FURNITURE If Warm weather will come by and by, E and you'll want your porch to be com- 2 fortable and more or less private. Let 5 us equip It with Porch Screens?they = give privacy and also add to the at- 2 tracliveness of your home. Also see z us for Porch Rockers. ^ ART SQUARES? | Have always been one of our strong ? lines. We are strong on them now. A 2 beautiful line of handsome patterns? z Rightly priced to make them sell. 5 baby carriages and n go-carts? = We do not need them?Possibly you Z do. If so, let us show them to you. 2 Our prices will Interest you- aluminum ware? = Most good housewives are now using 3 Aluminum Cooking.Ware. It lasts a 2 lot better than other cooking ware and z is generally more satisfactory. Come = and see what we have in this line. * M. L. FORD e licensed Embalmcrs and Undertakers. 2 CLOVER, - - s. C. z PROFESSIONAL CARDS. | ? J. A. MARION ? | attorney and counsellor at 2 law = Office opposite the Courthouse. Telephone No. 126, York Exchange, z YORK. ..- S. C. 5 JOHN R. HART E ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR | AT LAW. z Prompt and Careful Attention to All ~j Business Undertaken. ~ Telephone No. 69. YORK, S. C ? 76 f.t It S J. S. BRICE | Attorney At Law. = Prompt Attention to aJl I egal ? Business of Whatever Nature. ~ Office Opposite Courthouse. ^ LEYS r~^. In the A { sealed of Its soodness j tied Injected. preserved, e flavor lasts I id be SURE VS. It's fo ; ge, but look he Greatest y-Land. r ! i | ys^iI I ;z ?? ????p? I mmm hWnpI ; U 11 %%M i J rill 41 mmmmtf . ided into small farms H ur method will pro- H a table returns for you. : the advantages of our me- H ^ ough us. Here are a few I. c I * Location Aa't Sold For I " r Mullins, S. C 142,999.16 f Lake City, S. C..? 66,723.66 r Manning, S. C. 3 5,294.62 H P Darlington, S. C. .. 25,134.56 H f Hartsville S. C. 10,116.20 H n ? ? r n A r> r H fl f, I? c 0 g p J 1 I " S * iiimnMilmmTimiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HORSES, MARES AND WE NOW HAVE ON HAND MULES, and within the Next Week ceivo a Car of Choice HORSES, M. prepared to meet the requirements r MULES. HORSES or MARES. Ye< our PRICES ARE RIGHT, and th; with a GUARANTEE THAT HAS M FIRST-CLASS WAGON ] WE ALSO HAVE A SELECT! HARNESS to be found In this city harness ever offered hereabouts. At for WAGON HARNESS corns and le MULES JAMES BR( iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiui them v DEVOE v, This is dries w It ma} plaster, vas, bu ering; radiato select f niousl) We gu ing an soiled, and ws Ask us f< riordccc Logan Lu YORK, SO. ?ZggggB! IT'S NOT YOUR IT'S Kidney <1ihm ta reepeeter ct per on*. majority of ths Ills aHlcting poopl* today cam b? traood back to kidney trouble. Ths kidneys ers tks most Important organs of the body. They airs the aitererm, the purifiers, of your Mood. KMney disease is usually Indicated by irearlness, sleeplessnesa nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach troubla pain In loins and lower abdomen, rail stonea gravsi, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All these derangements are nature's signals te warn yon that the kidneys need help. Tea should use GOLD MDDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules hemeriRST NATIONAL BANK SHARON, - - S. C. L REALLY HELPFUL BANK A Bank to be helpful to a commuity must at all times be ready ana ble to take care of every reasonable all for banking accommodations. It an only lend money when the other ellow wants it and needs money. The nan with a big balance doesn't need o borrow. This bank is hero ready to urnlsh money to the man who has a teed for it and in every case It la our ileasure to meet auch legitimate calls or funds. Tl.en too, we can serve the nan who has money and who doej not leed to borrow. We can and will and o take care of his surplus funds endering a strict and accurate ac> ount of every transaction at the ena - " Tlf* nMAlcci Vt im r 68.cn moniu. w c . '5 MULES COMING ( a choice selection of YOUNG ^ i or Ten Days we expect to re- S ARES and MULES, and will be = >f all comers whether they want 5 i, to be sure, you will And that 5 a.t every animal we sell Is sold 5 TO ROUND CORNBRS. r HARNESS | [ON OF THE BEST WAGON 5 perhaps ths best lot of good 5 : least, if you are in ths market = t us show you what we have. )THERS H0ESES | IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllf \ ir rooms never )ked so well" rse you want your furniture mgings to harmonize with ^ isn on your walls, ceilings od-trim?well, simply finish rith The Guaranteed ^ si our Finish ? a durable oil paint which ith a soft, water-color effect. 7 Ka cnrp^sfiillv annlieH tr? .woodwork, wall-board, canirlap or any other wall covalso to steam and hot-water rs. Many beautiful tints to rom; will combine harmor with any furnishings. arantee this finish to be lastid sanitary. If it becomes you can wash it with soap * iter. or copy of attractive booklet on integrations?"Harmony in the Home." mber Yard CAROLINA ^|l | * . / ffiARl" vrwio irmNffvc A VV1\ 1V1L/11U A W diatsly. Ths soothing, healing oil stimulate* ths ktdaera relieves Inflammations and destroys the farms which have caused It Do not wait until tomorrow. Go to your druggist tod?> and 0 insist on QOU> MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours r?o should feel health and rigor returning and will, bless the day yon flrst heard of GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem OIL After you feel that *you hare cured yourself, continue to take one or two capsules each day, so so t* keep he first-Class condition and ward off ths dancer of other attacks Ask for ths original imported OOID MEDAL, brand. Three sisea Money refunded ff they do not help you. ICffUJBQRH^L York, - S. 0. DESCRIPTIONS OP TRACTS OP LAND 92 1-2 Acres H. P. Stows farm, near Bethel church and school. Price, 942.50 per acre. 249 1-4 Acres J. I* Currence farm, in York county; 10 miles of Gastonla; 8 miles of Belmont. One nice dwelling house, 6 rooms, running whter in the house; 160 acres in cultivation; S good tenant houses, fine condition, 3 ^ and 4 rooms. Produced in one year: 400 bushels oats, at 31 bushel, 3400; 800 bushels corn at 92.25 per bushel, 31,800; 51 bales of cotton at 9160 per bale, 37,650; cotton seed at 31 per bushel, 31.630; fodder, hay and alfalfa, ^ 32,000. Total income for one year, 913,380. Has two large barns, and at least 200,000 feet saw timber- Price for all 316.090. 030 1-2 Acres Three miles Hickory Grove; 200 acres river bottom, on Broad river and tributaries, very fine, productive land; about 400 acres in uuinvtttiuii, tiuuui ouu avrev iu wuuuo. Balance not in cultivation, pasture and so on. One 7-room dwelling and five tenant houses, containing 8, 4 and 6 rooms in each. Price for the whole 930 1-2 acres, 320,100.60. Leas than S22.00 per acre. 142 Acres In King's Mountain township. Fine bottom land. A line farfn of Or. Pressly's. Price, $40.00 per acre. 92 1-2 Acres H. P. Stowe farm, in , Bethel township. 657 Acres Near ML Holly, in Catawba township; 4 miles from RoCk Hill. $32.00 per acre. 160 Acres Including fine Roller Mill, Corn Mill; also 26-horse power ^ Engine and Boiler; 1 Dwelling, 1 rooms. About 76 acres in timber; 4 horse farm open. 643 Acres Three miles Hickory Grove. Mrs. Warth. 287 1-2 Acres Three miles Hickory Grove. Mrs. Wacth. (3). 354 Acres Near Bethany A. R. P. church and High school, 10 miles Tork, and about 8 miles of King's Mountain station, N*. C- On road from King's Mountain, N. C., to Tork, near Andy McCarter's on said road; 160 acrps in cultivation, balance in wood; over 300,000 feet of saw timber, and around 8,000 cords of wood. Has good buildings and barns. A. A. Lockridge's farm. (6). 250 Acres On waters of Fishing creek and Langham branch, 3 miles of York, on public highway. New six-room cottage, painted; large new ^ barn; 4 extra good tenant housea Land lies comparatively level. $50.00 per Acre. (6). 237 Acres One mile of Delphos station, C. & N.-W. R. R. One dwelling; 4 tenant houses^ good barns. 175 acres in cultivation. This is one ot the best farms in Tork county. (7). 165 Acres?One and one-half miles of Tirzah church; perfectly level; nice new residence, two story. Very large new barn; about seven or eight miles of city of Rock Hill- $65.00*' ' per Acre. (8). 51 1-2 Acres?6 m|lea TorkJ* Price, $125.00 per Acre. (9). 41 Acres?3 miles York. Price, $40.00 per Acre. (10). 119 Acres?1 mile Sharon, and residence in Sharon?L. H. Good. (11). 50 Acres?6 miles York. Price $40-00 per Acre. (12). 60 Acres?5 miles Smyrna. Price. $25.00 per Acre. (13). 94 1-2 Acres?6 miles York. Price, $3,157.50 total. (14). 27 Acres?3 miles Smyrna. Price, $60.00 per Acre. (15). 150 Acres?3 miles Smyrna. Price, $31.50 per Acre. (16). 110 1-5 Acces?3 miles Sha- r ron. Price, $2,200.00. (17). 226 Acres?8 miles Clover. Price, $60.00 per Acre. (18). 351-2 Acres At Filbert?on King's Mountain road. Price, $2,100. (20). 63 Acres?6 miles York. ?OAAA A nnh (rrice, ^ou.vu jiu (21). 40 Acres 6 miles York. Price, $35.00 Acre. (22). 159 Acres 3 miles Smyrna. Price, $3,500.00 total. (23). 250 Acres 3 miles Sharon. Price, $15.00 per Acre. (24). 325 Acres J. 0. P. Prlee, $25.00 per Acre. (26). One House and Lot Near the Cannon Mill. Price, $1,785.00. (26). 20 Acres All wood. 7 miles # ? York. Price, $10.00 Acre. J. C. WILB0RN REAL ESTATE . J