AT THE CHURCHES TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. E. Mahaffey, Pastor. Sunday Services Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP# HERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST Rev. B. H. Wauah. Pastor. Sunday Services Sunday school a< 10 o'clock a. m. Horning service at 11 o'clock. "FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie. Pastor. Sunday Services Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning: service at 11 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. A Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. " Sabbath Services Sabbath schoo. at 10 a. m. Morning: service at 11. Evening service at 7.80 o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST. Rev. B. H. Waugh, Pastor. Sunday Services Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7.30. Special Uotires. Shady Grove and Sharon. I will preach at Sharon at 11 a. m... and at Shady Grove at 3 p. m. It Elzie Myers. Cannon Mill Chapel. There will be preaching at the Can^ non Mill Chapel next Sunday evening at 7.30 by Rev. E- E. Gillespie. Allison Creek. There will be no services at Allison Creek Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. A. E. Spencer, castor. Clover Circuit. Clover Sunday school at 10 a. m. * Preaching at 11 o'clock. New Zion Sunday school at 2.30 p. m- Preaching at 3.30. Cross Roads School House Preaching at 7 p. m. H. A. Whitten, Pastor. Ebenezer, Tirzah, Hopewell. Ebenezer Sunday school at_10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Tirzah Sunday school at 2 p m. Preaching at 3 o'clock. Hopewell Sunday school at 2 p. m. John C. Bailey, Pastor. $ht Cotton JRarh$t. Thursday, March 6, 1919Sharon 26 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. FOR SALE OEVERAL young Milk Cows, at my ? farm, near Tirzah. A. E. WILLIS, _ 18 2t Rock Hill, s. L\ FOR SALE /2JOOD Second-hand Two-horse Wagon, to be seen at Thomasson's shop, rear of the postoffice. Cheap. 18 3t* J. F. A. SMITH. MONET TO LOAN A T Seven Per Cent, on First Mortgage on approved Real Estate. THOS. F. McDOW. 84 f. t. tf FOR QUICK SALE rpwo Milk Cows, 1 Essex Sow, 2 Mules, 1 McCormick Binder, about 60 bushels Simpkins cotton seed, 31.50 bushel. See me. It F. C. RIDDLE. CATTLE WANTED " T AM in the market for One Hundred * Head of Toung Cattle for pasturing. Let me have your offerings in person, by phone or by mail. H. E. FERGUSON, York, S. C. 4 t.f. tf MTTT.PS AT FTLRERT. T HAVE an excellent bunch of Missourl and Kentucky Mules at my home near Filbert, that I am selling at right prices. 8 t f. tf HUGH G. BROWN. f , house and lot for sale - rpwo Stories, eight rooms; good garden, orchard and yard; all conveniences, near Lockmore mill. Price and terms on application. 18 t. f. 21 J. C. WALLACE. cleaning and pressing tt is real economy to have your Clothes Gleaned and Pressed frequently, and uesides Clean Clothes, if rightly pressed, add much-to one's appearance. Satisfaction guaranteed. ROYAL PRESSING CLUB, R. D. DORSETT, Proprietor. singer sewing machines T AM Agent and Salesman for the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine absolutely the best domestic sewing ^ machine in the world, regardless of price. Also i repair Sewing Machines of all kinds at reasonable prices- Call nrrltn tn mn at Vnrlf S. P. va vt muv w u?v ? ? ?v.w. 12 sw 3m H. F. BAKER. FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. XTAVING made my Final Return with the Probate Court for York county, as Administrator of Hie Estate of J. M. Roberts, deceased, notice is hereby given that on March 10, 1919, at 11 o'clock a. m., I will apply to said court for my discharge from further liability in connection with said estate. GEO. T. ROBERTS, feb. 7-19 11 f 5t Administration. FOR SALE A CARLOAD of young Mules and Horses, for sale or trade at right prices. Will be at Sharon on Saturday. Address No. 5, York. Phone 2993. 15 4t t* B. B. FERGUSON. cwnwTHAND INSTRUCTION T AM teaching the Pitmanic System of | -* SHORTHAND in the Rratton Building, corner of Congress and Jefferson t streets, giving lessons Wednesdays and Saturdays. Full course in p.-inciples and practice for {60. For further particulars write or call on me, York No- 4. 1 f 13t Mrs. J. A. SHANNON. J FARM LOANS ARRANGED for on York County property, to run for 3, 5, 7, 10 or (Federal Land Bank) 34 years. May be paid off before maturity, on terms requiring no additional expense- Interest rates: 5 1-2 per cent, or 6 per cent or 7 per cent, according to the lender, and to borrower's urgercy. C. E. SPENCER. Attorney. FOR SALE 'C'IFTY Acres Land on west side of John Wilson's plantation, one mile from Hoodtown, on Bullock's creek; ^ ' bounded on north by Wm. Hays's line; on south by Mrs. Grice; on east by John Wilson. Can give good title and will sell cheap for cash. Apply to W. J. WILSON, 1037 Taylor St.. Waco, Texas. 17 f. t 4t TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS ? t r in^oMe.t tr? the estate of /m liU pcidvuo iuwvw.vv. H. C. Mouzon, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the vised to present the same, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. A. M. BRABHAM. , Admr. Estate of H. C. Mouzon. Feb. 14. 1919. 13 f 3t WE HAVE MORE HELP UOR some time past we have been * badly handicapped on account of shortness of help. We have it now Four Competent Men all experienced Automobile Trouble M?>n no beginners and can promise our patrons the 6 very best of service and prompt attention to all Automobile work. We'll be obliged to you for your business. BABER'S OARAGE. W See Hie Enquirer Office for Type^ writer Ribbons of All Kinds. FOR FINAL DISCHARGE "W"OTICE Is hereby given that I have ^ made a Final Settlement with the Probate Court of York county as Administratrix of the Estate of Ellas Ramsey, deceased, and that on March 10, 1919, at 11 o'clock a. m., I will apply to said court for my discharge from further liability in connection with said estate. MARY BELLE RAMSEY MARTIN, feb. 7-19 11 f 6t A lministratrix. THE PUBLIC LS INVITED TO GIVE ITS PRESENCE AND PATRONAGE TO THE LADIES OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH When they Serve OYSTERS Any Style, CHICKEN SALAD, SANDWICHES, ICE CREAM, CAKES, CANDIES, Etc., NEXT FRIDAY EVENING MARCH THE 14TH In the Room occupied as an Automobile display room by Mr. C. F. Sherer Next door to Sherer & Quinn in the McNeel Block. The Ladies will appreciate your patronage. All receipts are to be used for the purpose of Church Improvement. Thank you. COMMITTEE. SEED IRISH POTATOES SPECIAL PRICE BY THE SACK SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS?OUR PRICES ARE JUST RIGHT. CARROLL SUPPLY CO. BUICK CARS , OAKLANDCARS i The Best at the Price < We are Local Selling Agents ' See Us About Them < HALL & WALLACE THE STAR THEATRE ! TODAY 1 WILLIAM FOX? Presents DUSTIN FARNUM in "The ] Scarlet Pimpernel," a stirring romance 1 of the French Revolution. You'll like 1 it. Come and see it TODAY. SATURDAY ; ANTONIO MORENO? In "In the Coils," 10th Episode of "The Iron Test." Also a sparkling two 1 reel Comedy. MONDAY WILLIAM FOX? Presents "The Babes In the Woods," a gorgeous tale of charm and adventure for old and young. See it. You will enjoy it immensely. ' TUESDAY MARIE WALCAMP? In "Triumph," final Episode of "The Lion's Claws." Also Alice Howell in her latest century comedy, "Hoot Toot!" with Hughie Mack. J. Q. WRAY, Manager. SEE US FOR FEEDSRICE MEAL HORSE FEED FEED OATS CHICKEN FEED $4.25 per 100 lbs. POULTRY FENCING. GALVANIZED ROOFING, COMPOSITION ROOFING. RED BLISS and IRISH COBBLER SEED IRISH POTATOES. FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. Telephone No. 69. WE ARE READY TO MAKE PRICES on 16 Per Cent Acid Phosphate , Cotton Seed Meal, Ammoniated Guano. Come and see us before buying. We have the goods on hands. We are selling the BEST PLOW STOCK We ever sold. Have a fine line of low Molds. Also have Collars, Bridles, low Gears. THE BEST NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES A white man ever put in his mouth $1.00 per Gallon. GARDEN SEED Onion Sents and Irish potatoes. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY Wholesale and Retail. CITY MARKET YOU CAN GET ALMOST a wv Trrwn np mp a t YOU WANT at the CITY MARKET. COUNTRY and STORE HAMS, either sliced, at 50 CTS. Pound. FRESH FISH and OYSTERS every FRIDAY and SATURDAY. We buy EGGS and BUTTER all the time. Even the kids in Yorkyille know Old George wont cheat or lie; But there are some people in town yet Who deny one-half they buy. ?O. G. CITY MEAT MARKET C. F. SHERER, Prop. \ TREASURES CITY OF Y MARCH For the Term: July 10, REC1 From Licenses From Fines From Miscellaneous sources From Taxes , Total Receipts ..... DI8BURS For Streets For Fire Protection For Police For Miscellaneous Items For Bank Overdraft (See attached statement) Total Disbursements Total Receipts Total Disbursements Balance On Deposit in Loan & Savings Ba Cash in Office . Respec I have examined, and also have hac Books, and And them correct. THE CITY OF MARCH 1 STATEMENT OF OUTSTA Bonded Indebtedness Water Supply Bonds Water and Light Bonds Sewerage Bonds : Filter aqd Water Bonds Annual Interest on Bonded Indebtedness Water Supply Bonds Water and Light Bonds Sewerage Bonds -.. Filter and Water Bonds Floating Indebtedness Note to Miss L. Jenkins for mone; Note to Loan & Savings Bank for: \nnual Interest on Floating Indebtedne Miss L. Jenkins note Loan & Savings Bank Note Four Notes for purchase of Fire ' year for four years Total Indebtedness loan & Savings Bank Note LET US SELL YOU A GENUINE VULCAN PLOW the 3est in the world, and also let us sup)ly you with GENUINE Vulcan Re)airs. They are cheaper than the imiation, because they last longer, i. CARLOAD OF FLOUR Got it in \pst week. The quality is here and we have the right price. SEED POTATOES The sooner planted the better your :hances for a crop of Irish Potatoes. ires, we nave uie oeeu. 5PARTAN DAIRY GRAIN If you have a milk cow It Is up to rou to make her produce all the milk md butter possible at the lowest cost >er gallon or pound. That is Just exictly what Spartan Dairy G^ain does nore milk and butter at less cost. It :osts more than some feeds It is vorth more than most feeds. FERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD TEACHERS AND TRUSTEES ALL Teachers, white and colored, are ^ hereby reminded that the last pay varrant of the*session must be accom>anied by the annual report of the ichool and a complete list of all pupils vho have attended that particular ichool since July 1, 1918. Send regisers with all reports enclosed, direct to his office and be sure that data in the .Register corresponds with that given n the annual report. Be particular as o grade and age of pupils. Trustees vill please see that these requirements , ire met before signing final pay warant. JOHN E. CARROLL, L7 f 2t Supt. of Education. STETSO! IF YOU MR. MAN ^ PEARANCE, just let us say, tl bit as important to your being ored Suit or your Shoes An il mar the appearance of any mar We have just received a si B. STETSON HATS for Men IN STYLE, QUAL] Our new arrivals include 1 cidentally means the Correct The Shades include OLIVE, IVY, ANI . 1 a. 1. _ oi. men too, we nave uie aiaj, lumbia, the Columbia, Jr., the Also for the man who war we have quite a nice lot of S sure enough good Hats that la of wearing the same hat. Wc line ?_ We want to YOU WOULDN'T ] OFF OUR BACKS But there arc lots of Shirts ir that you would be pleased to are splendidly made, full size are worth wearing, made by p< men's Shirts. You'll find then Priced, at $1.50 to $4.50 Each. MEN'S PLAIN AND Every man wants his Hos Then too, some want Plain C< Patterns. Then too there are about the fabric of their Hosier wear Lisle Hose and still oth< we are ready for all comers ^ plains and fancies and a range a Pair. We can suit most mer shoes J. M. S [ A STRONG I fj You as a Business Man Espcclall the Right Bank Back of Yoi A More Rapidly. f the loan & s i* Conveniently located, has every I tively but Progressively managed wifv, amnio Roamireos and a ^ Undivided Profits of more than $1 t Absolute Safety. L Save Time and Money by doing Z great Institution. } THE LOAN & V "THE BANK FO] i'S REPORT ORK, S. C. 1ST, 1919. 1918 to March 1, 1919. 2IPT6 $ 2,528 61 677 00 ....... 4,523 08 a 8,311 44 *16,036 03 EMENTS - - $ 1,861 06 - 3,685 44 949 83 6,729 76 1,062 38 - 114,188.46 - 316,036 03 14,188 46 3 1,846 67 Jik 3 1.837 84 31.846 57 itfully, , J. F. FAULKNER, TreasI an expert to examine the Treasurer's I. W. JOHNSON, Mayor. YORK, S. C. ST, 1919. NDIXG INDEBTEDNESS. - 317,000 00 7,000 00 25,000 00 4,600 00 363.600 00 31.020 00 350 00 1,250 00 - 225 00 32,846 00 32,846 00 y borrowed 32,500 00 money borrowed.. 2,500 00 $5,UUU UU ^o,uvv vv !S8 $ 176 00 __ 176 00 $ 360 00 360 00 rrucks, due each 6,060 00 $66,766 00 J. F. FAULKNER, Treasurer. I. W. JOHNSON, Mayor. - 176 00 OLD SPARK PLUGS For the Next THIRTY DAYS We will allow FIFTY CENTS A SET FOR YOUR SPARK PLUGSGOOD, BAD, INDIFFERENT IN EXCHANGE FOR A SET OF OUR v GUARANTEED NATIONAL SPARK PLUGS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. * * * * HUPMOBILES * THIS SPACE IS AWAITING THE ARRIVAL OF HUPMOBILES WATCH IT. THE PRICE OF HUPMOBILES WILL BE $1,335.00 F. O. B. FACTORY. WAIT ON US. YORK MOTOR CAR CO. By 8. L. COUBTEY, Prop. N HATS kRE ANYTHING ABOUT I OUR PERSONAL APhat the Hat you wear is every well dressed as is your Tail1-shaped out of date Hat, will i otherwise well dressed, lipment of the famous JOHN i who want the best ITY AND SHADE the Newest Shapes which inStyles for 1919 Spring wear. ) PEARL GRAYS >le Shapes in Black The Co^ * '1 A T""\ r* O CUUHC1 clIlU 111C L>aMiia, its the still more dressy Hat, TETSON DERBIES those st and last until you are tired >n't you let us show you our SAVE THE SHIRT i our Furnishing Department wear. Reasons? Well, they :, good material Shirts that iople who know how to make 1 in many pleasing patterns FANCY HOSIERY iery to be correct as to size, alors, and others want Fancy other men who are particular y. Some want Cotton, others :rs wear Silk Hosiery. Well, kVe have the sizes, the colors, ol prices trom 25 L,ts. to $>1.00 1. TROUP SHOES I SANK HELPS } ly In the Matters of Credit. Get ? 11 nnrl Ynnr Riacinofiv Will Fmnilfl J AVINGS BANK Banking facility and is Conserva- I n aggregate Capital, Surplus and 140,000.00, gives you assurance of your I Banking Business with this " SAVINGS BANK \ Et THE PEOPLE' J V v J \ I HAVE THE CARS Reo, Cole 8 and Maxwell the Best. Purchasers of automobiles want the very best there is for the money. This applies to those who have had experienca and those who have not had experience. I have REOS and MAXWELLS on exhibition next to the City Market and can give all desired information on the higher priced and more powerful "COLE-8" The REO TRUCK simply cannot be beat for the price. When you go" on the lookout for cars you want to see me, and I want to see you. C. F. SHERER SQUEAK, SQUAWK! You've heard it many a time if you have a phonograph But Yes, that continuous squeaky, rasping, squawk, scratching has annoyed you, got on your nerves, when you were playing some favorite selection on your phonograph. It is all caused by the NEEDLE, rfe'gardless of the fact that you put in a new one on every change of record. All changed now. Step into our store and buy a few not so many of the new kind of Phonograph Needles the "TONOFONE." It gives the real, smooth, pleasing tones of the artist and the instrument without the squawking, scratching, etc. Used on any make of machine. Ask about them Try the "TONOFONE." Sure, wq sell 'em, and other things. York Furniture & Hardware Company TIME TO PLANT NOW THE SOONER YOU GET THEM IN THE GROUND THE BETTER THE CHANCE OF MAKING A FAIR POTATO CROP. See us for Irish Potato Seed. To be sure we have the Cobbler and the Red Bliss, the most popular varieties and best producers in this vicinity. YES, when the Gardening feeling gets in your bones of course you will want seeds the right kind of seeds for early vegetables. See us for what you want We have the Garden Seeds that grow best in this section. AND INCIDENTALLY No matter what you might want In the way of Fancy and Family Groceries, It Is worth your while to see us for your wants. People who know, say that our prices are LOWEST. SHERER & QUINN. FOR THAT COLD Take REXA" L COLD TABLETS. Guaranteed to glva satisfactory results and recommended for the treatment of colds In the head, together with the headache and fever that usually comes with a cold. Sure, they are good, and thousands of people are using them. FOR THAT DISTRESSING COUGH Take REXALL COMPOUND BARK Gough Syrup. It hits the spot and almost Instantly relieves that distressing cough that keeps you and the family aW&ke at night. It brings relief and helps to make the expectoration easier and less painful and Jarring to the system. It Is so good and so efficient that Its makers Guarantee Satisfaction. Oh, yes, you can get both here. * YORK DRUG STORE* LIME, BRICK, CEMENT LIME We have both the barrel Lime and the Hydrated the latter kind is of greater strength and It Is pulverized. (It is a good time to use lime plentifully around your premises for disinfecting.) BRICK If you need 100 or 1,000 or tens of thousands, see us. CEMENT To be sure we have Cement plenty of it See us for your need. LUMBER, ETC. For anything and everything in the way of Lumber Rough, Dressed, or manufactured into Flooring, Ceiling, Doors, Windows, Balustrades, etc., see us before you buy. nimAR We sell the fam ous Red Cedar, the longest lasting and most satisfactory of all shingles. Yes, we've got the right price, too. LOGAN LUMBER YARD MY HAVE ARRIVED The Carload of STUDEBAKER WAGONS And the Carload of STUDEBAKER BUGGIES We have been telling you about, have arrived and are ready for your inspection. If you need either a Buggy or a Wagon come and talk Quality and the Price with us. CARROLL BROTHERS I FEIN! CONT1 Our First Annual S of business d J we merit the and our price t SALE TO CONTIfl of our regula ( had an oppo] we have deci ? SATURDAY J A FEW OF THE F ? And show yoi ^ OP QUAA+mrr 9^ I If t)U illCJLL tOllCt CJ~ug, i J 36 inch Percales, 35 1 X 32 inch Outing, lieai 32 inch Red Rose G I ? Cheviots, 30c value1 V See Feinstein f ! i FEINSTB a ! - - _ ! DON'T : | -PROCRA i ;c We mean, Don't Put Of 0 ing Until Hot Weal | IGet through before ! JI and gives you that 3 our big lines of Gi t Long Cloths, Bleacl etc. You will find 1 ; | of these fabrics|| fit your every nee will * GING 1 45 Cts. value Ginghams, ]| 40 Cts. value Ginghams, ! J | ^35 Cts. value Ginghams, 11 30 Cts. value Ginghams 11 25 Cts. value Ginghams, j| P E R ( ;; Good 36 inch Percales,: | Patterns, Lights, D ; \ and Solid Colors a | LONG I Old Glory Long Cloth .... 10 yd. Bolt No. 150 Lon 10 yd. Bolt No. 200 Long 10 yd. Bolt No. 250 Long N A I N 36 inch Nainsook 36 inch Nainsook a 40 inch Nainsook, very g 40 inch Nainsook, a bett J W" See Our wonderfu Ihams and Percale; KIRKPATRICK SELLS IT I WWWWlMMWWIMAJWmilfWI THRIFT T MEANS PRO TUBIET HOW A 1 nlUr 1 WHAT( You may be consti question. The child at s young woman older pe ed in useful work ask t YESTERDAY You fore you may answer. ROW WHAT HAS H There are those who OMY are moving up Are You among them? If not begin NOW 1 T?ur rTD CT 1 11 JO mvj x NATI< With More than FIFTEEN Supervised by the United Stat you know and whom you have yet Progressive, tender YOU t strong institution. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS A SPEC] LIBERAL INTEREST PA 0. E. WILKINS, President "YOU HAD BETTER I Don't The Big Savings That "5 READJUST ! All of this week. Cotto: 11 Cost. VISIT OUR READY:T PARTM] : COAT SUITS At | SKIRTS From CAPES From < DOLMANS From MIDDY SUITS From SHIRT WAISTS From i We are proud of our lin invite you come and | McCONNELL DRY j THE CHEAPEST STOR WWW llPtlPWWWWWl IW Hinmmi 5 1U/1IN a lNUES NEX1 iale has far surpassed our ex lone New Customers have c fir patronage pleased with s We thank you for your p* rUE ANOTHER WEEK A x patrons and not a few otl rtu'nity to take full advantaj ided to continue this First A] -ac value First Annual Sale c value First Annual Sale I iy quality, 35c value Sale P ingham, very heavy Sale P] First Annual Sale Price or Shoes and Oxfords -'rice LIN BARGAI * ;f *? STINATE-1 ' ? i f Doing That Spring Sew- j: ther Comes Do It Now i the warm weather sets in jl hot weather feeling. See jl nghams, Percales, Voiles, i. lings, Cambric, Nainsooks, t here a wonderful selection ?? 1.1 .1 l!l* A _ O patterns ana qualities to * Prices just right % [hams | 32 inches 39 CTS. ! \ 32 inch 35 CTS. o 32 inch 29 CTS. 3 25 CTS. t - 1.19 CTS. j; 3 a l e s :: in Shirting and Dress <; arks, Blue and Grays, ;; very large assortment ;f 25 CTS. to 39 CTS. a Yard g CLOT H | 18 CTS. Yd. | g Cloth $2.39 o ; Cloth $2.68 o :Cloth $2.98 j; SOOES J! 55 CTS. i 59 cts. ;; ood 35CTS. er quality 39 CTS. 110 CTS. Counter Ging- \; BELKCOMPANY f X)R LESS ODA Y- I FIT TOMORROW HD WHY?' )F THE FUTURE? mtly asking yourself the ichool, the young man, the rsons all who are engaghemselves this question, i can answer. The day beTODAY But TOMORI1 IN STORE? by THRIFT and ECONthe hilltop to SUCCESS. TODAY ONAL BANK OF YORK YEARS of continued PROGRESS, es Government, Managed by men long known, who are Conservative he Service and Protection of this r.-VL FEATURE ID. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier IE SAFE THAN SORRY" ii mmiiiMMHiHyiiiiii an 11 mi i ill i Forget fou Can Make In Our Big MENT SALE a Goods at Manufacturing O-WEAR DEENT YOU WILL FIND no ! $2.00 to $15 00 $15.00 to $40.00 $15.00 to $35.00 $4.50 to $15.50 50 CTS. to $8.50 e of Ready-to-Wear. We i see it. GOODS COMPANY E IN SOUTH CAROLINA 111 III 111 111 111 WIII III Ml 111 III I VIM 111 SALE I WEEK j pectations in volume a ome and learned that our goods, our styles j itronage. ? b the request of many jjj lers who haven't yet v ?e of our Low Prices j anual Sale until Next J te to see us. f INTEREST YOU $ larked down ? Price 15 CTS. t rice 24 CTS. Yd. { 'rice 25 CTS. Yd. 5 rice 28 CTS. Yd. 20 CTS. Yd. ) is are Low. J N HOUSE ( I AM PREPARED TO INSURE TOUR AUTOMOBILE, and will furnish the kind that will cause you to congratulate yourself on being a "DISCRIMINATING BUTER" In case your car Is destroyed or damaged. The companies In which I plaoe this class of business, have built up a imuuu'wiuc icpuuiuuii auiuu? uiouiera, covering a period of more than 50 years, for INVARIABLY GIVING A SQUARE DEAL. If you never have a loss it makes no difference whether you are Insured in a "Square Deal Company" or not, or for that matter whether or not you are insured at all. SAM M. GRIST All Kinds of Good Insurance. , PRICES ARE LOWE THERE HAS BEEN A SLIGHT decline In prices on Staple Cotton Goods, and if you are wise you'll buy all of this sort of goods that you may need for some time to come, RIGHT NOW. We do not look for prices to stay down in fact we feel sure that the farmers of the South are Roing to win in this cotton light and then prices will skyrocket again. Buy your supply of Staple Cotton Goods NOW. WE HAVE THE OTAPLES And offer them at the lower prices, and while Wholesale Prices are down we'll be glad to supply your needs. Come and see what we have. Our stock is wonderfully complete NOW. YOUR MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT We are showing the New Spring Samples and Style Sheets for Men's Madeto-Measure Clothing. Come and let us measure you NOW. Priced right. G. W. WHITES1DES & CO, SHARON - . S. O. " I HAVE IN STOCKLATELY RECEIVED V A VERY CHOICE LOT OF /% PRESERVES AND APPLE BUTTER. STILL HAVE \ MINCE MEAT. I LOUIS ROTH ARE YOU PREPARED TO MAKE A REAL START AT YOUR FARM WORK? If npt sure about it, suppose you call on us for some of the things you are sure to need ForPLOWS, HARROWS, FORGES, TRACE CHAINS, BACKBANDS, CLEVISES. PLOW LINES. HEEL SCREWS. COLLARS, BRIER CUTTERS, Etc. In fact anything and everything that will help you to make your work eaaler and more efficient. , PAINTS? Yes, sir, we have It YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND US Ready to SERVE and to 8ATISFY. Try Ua YORK HARDWARE CO. i GROCERIES I ..MAKE -A ..SPECIAL ..STUDY OF GROCERIES You get the benefit My Line is Complete My Qualities are Unsurpassed My Prices are the Lowest Consistent with the Quality. CROWN PATENT FLOUR Try a sack of Crown Patent Flour. It pleases our most particular customers and we would be pleased to have your name on our list of satisfied users. Right NOW is a good time to lay in a supply of FLOUR and COFFEEBoth are likely to advfcnce soon. Let us supply you. ' FRESH VEGETABLES Eat more of them for better health. See what I have on hand. MP Charleston and Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Plants, postpaid, 25 Cta. 100. J. D. HOPE, Sharon, S. C. FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHARON, - - S.O. UNCLE SAM & Makes a strong combination In the matter of Banking. We are the Company in the firm, and Uncle Sam la the General Superintendent, and he makes it his special and particular business to look after the SAFETT of ' the Deposits made by patrons with the Company. When you deposit your funds with this Bank you can rest as easy as an old shoe on the fact that your funds are SAFE. When you aro in need of the services of a SAFE bank come to see us. We are here to serve you in every way that Uncle Sam allows us to serve and Uncle Sam is very liberal lq his llmi' with people who do business with one of his National Banks. If not already a patron v??his Bank we Invite you to become one. Let Uncle Sam assure you Safety, and let us look after t-ie details of your businesa J. S. HAKTNESS, Cashier. DC At CCTATr AL/1L LJi/ilL Become Independent .Buy Real Es* tate ana ride to euccete on the ad* vance. A few of my offerings: The Frank C. Riddle Place of ISO acres, 2 miles from York on the King** Mt. Road. 8-room residence, water and lights; large barn; 2 tenant houses; plenty of wood. One of the nicest farms In the Country. See me at oncc. 62 acres, 3 miles from York on Howell's Ferry Road. 6-room residence. A nice little farm. Want it? 33 acres on Pickney Rood Just out of York. 3-room residence and small barn. Branch runs through place. All cleared. A bargain. The J. S. Mackorell handsomo residence on King's Mountain Street Don't put off, you will regret it Remember, I 1-ave lots of others. Loans negotiated on farming lands. GEO. W. WILLIAMS REAL E8TATE BROKER Room 204. First Natl Bank Building. r ' WT> ' -Ai iv -Saj&Cj&L - :22 JiffC &3fc ' w .