Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 28, 1919, Image 4

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tumorous Ilcpartrntnt Changed in Transit. One of the methods of communicating from one officer to another in the trenches is to give the message to one of the privates and toll him to "pass the word along" tho line until it reaches its destination, viz., the officer at the other end. The following story will show how a serious message can be destroyed on " J ?a mnnl b lis journey irviu uiwuvu ......... Lieutenant A., In charge of one end ' of the British line, told the private in front to "pass the word along:" to I Lieutenant B.:. "Wo are going to advance. Can you send us re-enforcements?" When Lieutenant B. received the message it was like this: "We are going to a dance. Can you send us three and four-pence?" Strand Magazine. Boosting His Business. The vicar's appeal had been a most eloquent one, and had even penetrated the depths of Mr. Blacklelgh's granite organ. The latter came forward and offered ?50 for the fund. The worthy cleric was overjoyed. "I don't know your name, sir," he cried; "but I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you! May your business prosper, sir!" Then there was a solemn hush, and the committee looked askance at their vicar. "What's the matter?" whispered the clergyman, turning to the chairman. "Well er that donor is an undertaker!" Pittsburg Sun. The Retort Crisp. After a grand review of German troops of Potsdam the kaiser called out to the officer commanding the Prussian guard, in a voice loud enough to be heard by all the distinguished guests who were grouped in front of the palace: "Pick me out 100 men from the Prussian guard!" Then taking the arm of King Edward VII., who was there, he said, "Come with | mo." He escorted King Edward very ( delicately round the hundred men and then said banterlngly, "Well, do | you think you could find a hundred men In England to beat them?" "I don't know so much about that," ^ promptly replied the late king, "but I could easily find fifty who would try." 1 The Argonaut. I , I About Time, Too. An officer inspect- j lng sentries guarding tho line in Flandors came across a raw-looking yeoman. * ' "What axe you nere ior: liv aoi\cu> I "To report anything unusual, sir." "What do you call unusual?" "I dunno exactly, sir." "What would you do if you saw live battleships steaming across that held yonder?" "Sign the pledge, sir."?Tit-Bits. Surely they have as much right to vote as any other woman." his wife began Indignantly. "I am not denying that, my dear," mildly explained Mr. Wise; "but it is a waste of time. Don't you reallxe that a cook or housemaid never remains long enough in one position to be entitled to a vote?" Mrs. Wise, recognising the wisdom of this, canceled her engagement by telephone.?St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Question of Taste.?One morning Mr.' Smith was heard talking to himself while making his morning toilet in a manner that denoted much per ttrhoflnn "I wonder," said Mrs. Smith, "what's provoked father now?" "Oh, it*8 nothing much, mother," answered little William. "I just put a tube of sister's oil-paints in place of his tube of tooth-paste." Tit-Bits. Eternal H. C. of L. "You have the , privilege of naming these anihials," said Eve, admiringly. "That isn't so much," replied Adam. "The influential chap is the one who , will evontually put the price-tags on those that are sold for meat." Wash- ' ington Star. A Self-Acting Jury. A jury recently met to Inquire into a case of suicide. After sitting through the evidence, the 5 twelve men retired and, after deliberating, returned with the following verdict: | "Tne Jury are ail 01 one mina iemporarlly Insane!" Jersey Journal. Alas, Too Lato! Beggar "Please, , Blr, I've a sick wife: could you help me out?" | Passerby "I can give you a job next week." Beggar "Too lute! She'll be able to go to work by then." Boston Transcript. Secondary Consideration. Widower "I suppose that when you recall what a handsome man your first husband was you wouldn't consider me for a minute?" Widow 'Oh, yes, I would. But I wouldn't consider you for a second." Orange Peel. No Time for Pikers. "John," exclaimed the nervous woman, "I believe there is a burglar in the house." "I haven't time to fool with small fry," was the sleepy response. "I've spent the entire day fighting regular profiteers." Washington Star. No 8ottlsd Residence. Where are you going to lecture tonight, my dear?" inquired Mr. Wise of his wife a prominent equal suffrage lecturer. "I am to address the Cooks' and Housemaid's Union," she responded. Her husband laughed. "I see nothing to laugh about. Kept His Word. Harold "I thought you made a resolution not to drink any more." Percy "I did." Harold "But you are drinking as much as ever." Percy "Well, that isn't any more, is it?" Pearson's Weekly. Up-to-Date Beau. Ma "There is one thing about Edith's young man, dear, you don't have to get up every night to send him off." Pa "No, thank heaven, one of our girls has picked out a self-starter." Boston Transcript. Then It's a Chorus. "Does a woman always have the last word?" "No; sometimes she is talking to a woman." The Widow. You Knew Who. The new version; I "When the devil was sick he turned to a parliamentary form of government." St. Joseph News. SAFE, GENTLE I BRIM For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has enabled suffering humanity to withstand attacks of kidney, liver, bladder and stomach troubles and all dlseasefl connected with the urinary organs and to build up and restore to health organs weakened by disease. These most Important organs must be watched, because they filter and purify tha blood; unless they do their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, difficulty when urinating, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago all warn you of trouble with your kidneys GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CapCHOICEST FRUITS My line of FRESH FRUITS Apples, Oranges, Banani^s, Lemons is ol the very choicest qualities- When you wa"t Fruits good Fruits, I can supply you. SHIVAB GDTGER ALE I have this popular Ginger Ale. It is easily as good as any ale sold on this market better than most others can supply you by the bottle or the dozen. Mav I? FRESH BREAD I also sell the very best FRESH BAKER'S BREAD, put up in sanitary oiled wrappers. Call on me when you next want the better kind of bread. Also have full line of National Biscuit Co.'s Fancy Cakes and Crackers. Yorkville Canr y Kitchen I STARTING A i i The gratifying servi i can and doe3 render to V group of men starting a J because it is practical. J START AN ACCOUNT WITH S? And you start to grow powerful, deposit Is too small to be recciv< the lirst steps towards the goal I THE LOAN AND I THE BANK FO i III III I. IbsJ !>!; Save thel Ipi Keep your LIQUIDS a FOR BUCK,WHITE,TAN AND ( THC F.P.DAULKY CORPOR VULCAN TURN PLOWS Every farmer who ever owned and operated a VULCAN Turn Plow will tell you that the VULCAin Is the easiest running and longest iasting turn plow to be had. We have just received a carload of Vulcan Turn Plows and Repairs?We mean the sure enough, Genuine, honest-to-goodnes, cross-ourhearts Vulcan Plows and Repairs?no imitations or "Just-as-good. See us for a Vulcan and Genuine Repairs. ALSO SEE US FOR? FLOUR?a car just in. WIRE?Barbed and Chicken Wire. FEEDSTUFFS?Horse and Mule Feed; Hog and Chicken Feed, and the always satisfactory Dairy feed?Spartan Grains?more milk, more butter. Don't forget the Vulcan Plow. Don't forget us when it is Flour. FERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD IW Typewriter Ribbons and Papers at The Enquirer Office. Annou We beg to announ supply of Home Savir among those of our Sa1 them. The word got o or other that we had Banks and several of t ready been put out. We keep the key bank. When the depc the bank or has a suffh of money therein, the brought to us to be op amount contained tliei ited and entered on tlu partment book. X YV?olr/\? MA /-I 1 PPayIA xi? uiancd uu uincxc are, old or young, whit you place your Savii with this bank, we will the use of one of th< long as the account rei books. Save your pennies, lars will take care of t We pay 4 Per Cent W ALL BUSINES mi pi r. t. r.ni nay^ggy' I PresU 03? REMEDY fGS SURE RELIEF sulea are the remedy you need. Take three or tour every day. The healing . oil soaks Into the cells and lining of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. New life and health wfll surely follow. When your normal vigor has been restored continue treatment for a while to keep yourself In condition and prevent a rwitrn nt tha disease. Don't wait until you are Incapable of fighting. Start taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money If you are not satisfied with resulta But be sure to get the original Imported OOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. In three sizes. Sealed packages. At all drug stores. TIME TO PLANT NOW THE SOONER YOU GET THEM IN ' THE GROUND THE BETTER THE CHANCE OP MAKING A FAIR POTATO CROP. See us for Irish Potato Seed. To be sure we have the Cobbler and the Red Bliss, the most popular varieties and best producers in this vicinity. YES, when the Gardening feeling gets in your bones of course you will i want seeds the right kind of seeds for i early vegetables. See us for what you want. We have the Garden Seeds that grow best in this section. AND INCIDENTALLY No matter what you might want in the - - " - ? ? J t?A*vt(hr nmporloa it way 01 r mitj nuu cmnu; u>vw..v., .. is worth your while to see us for your wants. People who know, say that our prices are LOWEST. SHERER & QUINN IEW BUSINESS? i ce that this strong Bank 5 a single individual or a J , new business is efficient ? THIS STRONG BANK TODAY. . J _ Let no man think that his first z Ml with courteous attention. Take y the Goal of Power. 9 SAYINGS BANK j II THE PEOPLE" j HISHESl rather and |;i Shoes Neat ,nd PASTES JX-BLOOD (DARK BROWN} SHOES ATI ONS LTD., BUFFALO, H.H N ? BUICK CARS OAKLAND CARS The Best at the Price We are Local Selling Agents See Us About" Them HALL & WALLACE See The Enquirer Office for Typewriter Ribbons of All Kinds. ncement f ce the arrival of a limited) lgs Banks for distribution > rings Depositors who desire J ut some how | these Home ^^==x===5^orr7sr^ hem have al- iC""""" |lj;!||ij;! J^CKELS, to the small iJ|j| |ii j, t >sitor fills up ' cient amount it j Ml *~|f little bank is |j| j j| *~|T ened and the ^liilli.ii ein is deposj Savings De- d nee who vou " ffL ? ;e or black, if | .1$ ME1 n^s ^Account || r ^:; ^p|| mains on our frX ^ nickles and dimes; the dol- ^ hemselves. Cj ? J-J A.. i 1 . uompounueu quarterly. n S CONFIDENTIAL. ^ 10PLES BANK & IB, J. M. STR ,cm J. T. CRA Vice P SAFETY FIRST?P HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLU First Step in Treatment Is a Brisk Purgative With Calotabs, the New Nausealess Calomel. Doctors have found by experience that no medicine for colds and influenza can be depended upon for full effectiveness until the liver is made thoroughly active. That is why the first nt?n in the treatment is the new, nau- | sealcss Calomel called Calotabs, which is free from the sickening, weakening, and salivating effects of the old calomel. Doctors also point out the fact that an active liver goes a long way towards preventing influenza and is one of the most important factors in enabling the patient to successfully withstand an attack and ward ofT pneumonia. One Calotab on the tongue at bed time, with a swallow of water?that's all. No salts, no nausea nor Ihe slightest interference with your eating, pleasure or work. Next morning your liver is active, your system is purified and you are feeling fine, with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Druggists sell Calotabs only in original sealed packages, price thirty-flve cents. Your money cheerfully refunded if you do not find them delightful?(adv.) Regain Your Normal Weight You can add one-fourth to ! one-half pound a day by drinking a glass of this delicious digcstant with each meal. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Gives a hearty appetite, vigorous digestion, rich blood, clear complexion and firm flesh. Your money back on first dozen if not delightea. ' 'nil Grocers and druggists. Bottled and guaranteed by the celebrated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shelton, S. C. If your regular dealer I cannot supply you telephone YORK WHOLESALE GROC., Plstributors for York. FOR THAT COLD Take REXALL COLD TABLETS. Guaranteed to give satisfactory results and recommended for the treatment of colds in the head, together with the headache and fever that usually comes with a cold- Sure, they are good, and thousands of people are using them. FOR THAT DISTRESSING COUGH Take REXALL COMPOUND BARK Cough Syrup. It hits the spot and almost instantly relieves that distressing cough that keeps you and t^e family awake at night. It brings relief and helps to make the expectoration easier and less painful and Jarring to the system. It is so good and so efficient that its makers Guarantee Satisfaction. Oh, yes, you can get both bare. YORKDRUGSTORE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHARON, - - S- C. UNCLE SAM & CO Makes a strong combination in the matter of Banking. We are the Company in the Arm, and Uncle Sam is the General Superintendent, and he makes it his special and particular business to look after the SAFETY of the Deposits made by patrons with the Company. When you deposit your funds with this Bank you can rest as easy as an old shoe on the fact that your funds are SAFE. When you are 1 in need of the services of a SAFE bank come to see us. We are here to serve you in every way that Uncle Sam al-1 lows us to serve and Uncle Sam is very liberal In his limits with people who do business with one of his National Banks. If not already a patron of this Bank we invite you to become one. Let Uncle Sam assure you Safety, and let us look after the details of your business. J. S. HARTNESS, Cashier. | Farn ( The season is now on fo: < arrangements for the cult (crop. Many farmers have accounts wi others tell bring their 1 Jmmmm ' : | We lend u E | ceipts, real 3 property an 1 4 per cent T \y quarterly or issue 4 per ( ^ posit; we 2 counts and with the nai 5_3JI^IPcx Parted on Bl iMMCharge; you II-' !^S eiTy ?>onus charge for tl I! your Libert t*m advise you ] will lend y< value of yo per cent interest; we will h g) Federal Income Tax Retui ^ almost anything you wan ^ bounds of reason, and we wi TRUST C0MPA1 OUP, J. H. B. J] WFORD, O"6* residents. ROGRESS ALWAYS BUY IT AT CLOVER SOME CLOSE BUYERS continually buy their Furniture and House Furnishings at M. L. FORD'S AT CLOVER. They've learned that our prices day in and day out are somewhat lower than the average of prices for like qualities elsewhere. Yes, there's reason enough for it. Clover is a good, quiet town; living expenses are as low as anywhere else and the cost of doing business is probably lower here than elsewhere. Anyway, before you buy anything In Furniture, Furnishings Rugs, Mattresses, Beds, Springs, Stoves, etc., come and see what we have to offer In the way of quality and prices. If we don't happen to have In stock Just what you want, we know exactly how to get what you do want, and we'll be pleased to do so right quick. Make us a visit. M. L. FORD Licensed Embalmers and Undertakers CLOVER, - - S. C. The Bank of Clover CLOVER. - S. C. YOUR BUSINESSNO MATTER what your line be it Farming, blacksmlthing, well digging, merchandising or professional, ought to be, for your own personal satisfaction, handled through the Bank this Bank if it is most convenient to you. THE BANK WAY IS THE SURE WAY of knowing just how you stand financially. It tends to system in business affairs. It gives your business affairs a better tone with the man with whom you do business, but do not come into direct contact with. It will give you more confidence in YOUR OWN BUSINESS AFFAIRS. THIS BANK, right at your door, offers its services to help YOU to better business methods. We want Your Banking business and will do everything a good bank can do to merit Your business and your Confidence, and without Your Confidence; then of course, this Bank doesn't expect your business. But we believe we can have both to your advantage. JAS. A. PAGE. Cashier. THEY HAVE ARRIVED The Carload of STUDEBAKER WAGONS And the Carload of STUDEBAKER BUGGIES We have been telling you about, have arrived and are ready for your Inspection. If you need either a Buggy or a Wagon come and talk Quality and the Price with us. CARROLL BROTHERS LIME, BRICK, CEMENT LIME We have both the barrel Lime and the Hydrated the latter kind is of greater strength and it is pulverized. (It is a good time to use lime plentifully around your premises for disinfecting.) BRICK?If you need 100 or 1,000 or tens of thousands, see us. CEMENT?To be sure we have Cement ?plenty of It See us for your needLUMBER, ETC. For anything and everything in the way of Lumber?Rough, Dressed, or manufactured into Flooring, Ceiling, Doors, Windows, Balustrades, etc., see us before you buy. CEDAR SHINGLES?We sell the famous Red Cedar, the longest lasting and most satisfactory of all shingles. Yes, we've got the right price, too. LOGAN LUMBER YARD TAKE CARE OF YOUR 41r EYES YOUR EYES are without a doubt the most important organ of the body and should be taken special care of. You should have them carefully examined occasionally whether you wear Glasses or not If it be Real, Honest Service and Protection you want see Shieder, "The Optometrist"; if it "is Style you want, see Shieder also; if it DC tne I SCSI Oia.HM lliunrj 1-41 I uu;, juu want to see Shieder; but it It be a big lot of money you want to spend, see someo ne else. Ask the hundreds of glad souls who have been to see me about my work and prices, and see what the man that fit you with glasses did for your pccketbook. All Examinations Free D. L. SHIEDER, D. O. ters v you to make financial ivation of the coming i already placed their th us, and hundreds of us they are going to msiness to this bank. aoney on warehouse reestate, crops, personal d endorsement; we pay interest compounded l Savings Accounts; we 3ent Certificates of Deiccept Checking Acfurnish check books ne of the depositor imeach check, free of may deposit your Libwith us we make no tiis service; we will buy y .bonds, altnougn we not to sell them, or we 3U 90 per cent of the ur Liberty Bonds at 6 elp you make out your rn; in fact, we will do t us to do within the ill do it cheerfully. vr m I ENKINS, IP! BANK OF HICKOgIovE IIICKORY GROVE, S. G We invite your business and assure you that every courtesy I and accommodation consistent with good banking will be granted J. S. WILKERSON, Pres. W. S. WILKERSON, Vice Pres. L. M. ALLISON, Cashier, J. L. PLAXICO, Asst. Cashier. TJonlr nf Wiolrnrrr fi-rnvfl Ifc V* MAVUVA ^ WAWVW HICKORY GROVE. 8. C. PROFESSIONAL CAEfcS. J. A. MARION" ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW | Office opposite the Courthouse. Telephone N'o. 126, York Exchange. YORK, S. C. JOHN R. HART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prompt and Careful Attention to All Business Undertaken. Telephone No. 69. YORK, S. C 76 f.t It J. S. BRICE Attorney At Law. Prompt Attention to ail Legal Business of Whatever Nature. Office Opposite Courthouse. DR. WM. M. KENNEDY DENTAL SURGEON Office on Second Floor of the Wylio Building. Telephones: Office, 99; Residence, 166. I ^I | BRAMl j Meal an ; i THE TIME TO BUY II 11 CAN BI The outside demand f |! especially Meal, is sometl !! who want Meal should tal i i vi rrl xt I | C?X"XMX**X"X"X"XMXM:**X>*X>4 ] ! OUR ROLLER MILL i | Is its own Beet advertisemeni 1 Increased patronage from n! j i sections of the County and satis j l fled testimonials as to the supc I 1 rior quality of the output tell th I | story. ix~ We are here for serv II giving complete satisfacti 11 YORKVILLE GOTO I pipe ii out for v for, with Prince Albert, you've got a i hat cuts you loose from old stung t Made by our exclusive patented proc rom bite and parch and hands you alx hat ever was scheduled in your direct Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipp>eats the band I Get the slant that I nan ever longed for in tobacco! \ igure up the sport you've slipped-c Ubert quality flavor and quality satiafi foull talk kind words every time you Toppy rsd bag*, tidy rod tint, handsomm g dors?and?that ctatty, practical poant sponge moistsnsr top that hasps tho toht I J. Reynolds Tobacco Compa i ' : ~ i SOVEREIGN Tonic for Ever Builds Up Run-down Systems When your health has been undermined by worry or overwork, when your vitality is lowered, when you have that "don't care a rap" feeling, when your nerves are depressed, when your work appears too much for you, you are then in a run-down condition. Your system must be upheld by an active tonic. You will find it in Sovereign Tonic for Men. which gives new strength and ambition trie very help you need. Sovereign Tonic for Men is a real restorative, a blood maker and a nerve builder When your blood is impoverished through the want of Iron, which produces rich red blood and changes food into "living tissue" you will And the remedy in Sovereign Tonic. Each tablet contains 1 grain of PREPARED IRON with other blood and nerve products. You will be surprised and delighted with the new strength and vim Sovereign Tonic gives you. You will begin to feel the efficacy of the Sovereign Tonic after the first dose. Don't hesitate if you belong to the Army of "Hasbeens." Try Sovereign Remedy without delay and become once more a happy, contented member of society, receiving the full benefits of what is your just rights in the battle of life. Sovereign Tonic for Men will do : more to brighten the world, to dispel ; gloom, to make happy homes than all j the medicines that havo been com pounded. Tour druggist sells it or c<?n get it < for you. Always in stock at The York < Drug Store. ..Price 11.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. \ < Sovereign Remedy Co. < 1215 Filbert St-, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 1 i Dm* ExtaMr Bf fakta is Cm- I biting ths laAms EtUcsse I 1 ; da. Coughs, Pneumonia, Sorm mroae, laCrippe Succumb Rapidly When BRAME'S 'APOMENTHA SALVE >plied to the throat, cheat tad nostrils. It | ki up congeition, u atimulating and and- C ic, gives instant relief!. Will not (tain the ? Recognized by pbyiiciani and druggists J ?st effective. For tale at Druggista, 30c, (| $1.20 or tent prepaid by L : MEDICINE CO.. OITMllLgSBOIO.lLC g id Hulls 1 3 NOW WHILE THEY .|j( 3 HAD ; 'or both Meal and Hulls, j |i] ling fierce. Local people j! v ie notice and act accord- j! J J !.j COAL J i a We now have an adequate sup- J i J] ply of excellent Domestic, Steam ( I s and Forge Coals, and arc taking , l a care of the requirements of cus- i [ tomcrs in the town as well as i , 0 the country. J | t J i J ice and when we fail in ! \a on we want to be told. | \ IN OIL COMPANY jjl the smokegame with a jimmy F you're hankering for a hand- ? rhat ails your smokeappetite! jew listen on the pipe question ongue and dry throat worries! ?ss, Prince ^lbert is scotfree >ut the biggest lot of smoke fun inn I < -pal; rolled into cigarette it \ A. is simply everything any rou never will be willing to n once you get that Prince action into your smokes yatem! get on the firing line! i nd mmd half-pound tin Ami4 crystal piano humidor with ocoo in ouch perfect condition, uy, Winston-Salem, NcC Farm Mortgage Loans Made In Tork County through Attorneys C. E. SPENCER, York, S. O. JC- W. F. SPENCER, Rock Hill, & C. Interest rates low. Get ready for crops, improving the farm, buying land, and settling over-due claims. CAROLINA BOND A MORTGAGE COMPANY, Union National Bank Building, Colombia, - - 8. C. REAL ESTATE Become Independent. .Buy Real^Cstata ann riHa to fucetia on tha ad vane*. A few of my offerings: The Frank C. Riddle Place of 110 acres, S miles from York on the King's Mt. Road. 8-room residence, water and lights; large barn; 2 tenant houses; plenty of 'Wood. One of the nicest farms In the Country. See me at once. 62 acres, 3 miles from York on Howell's Ferry Road. 5-room residence. A nice little farm. Want it? 33 acres on Plckney Road Just out of York. 3-room residence and araill ijam. Bianch runs through place. All cleared. A bargain. The J. S. Mackorell handsome residence on* King's Mountain Street Don't put off, you will regret it Remember, 1 have lots of others. a. Loans negotiated on farming lands. GEO. W. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE BROKER Room '204. First Natl Bank Building. MASTER'S SALE. DY virtue of a decree of the Court of ^ Common Pleas, passed January 14, 1919, by Hon. R. W. Memminger, Presiding Judge, in the case of L G. Strauss et al. va Chas. W. Smith et al., I will sell to the highest bidder on Salesday. MARCH 3RD, 1919, within the legal hours of sals at York County Court House All that tract or parcel of land in the County of York and Stats of South Carolina, lying in the Town of York, an which is situated six small tenant ^ Housea. Adjoining the lots of Melvlna ** Atkinson, and of Beckham, and described as follows: Beginning on east side of Plnckney road and running S. 69.6 degrees. Hast 160 to a stake on Melvlna Atkinson's line; thence S. 12 degrees E. 261 feet with said Atkinson and Beckham line , to a stake; then N*. 66 degrees W. 620 teet to a rock on the East side of the Pinclcney road; thence N. 2S degrees E. 260 feet with said road to the beginning corner, containing ONE AND ONE-HALF ACRES more or less. See Deed Book 6-A, ~~ page 311. ihe above described tract may be lold in separate lots, or as a whole; or the property may be sold in lots and is a whole, the sale bringing more to 39 declared the legal sale; as provided J n the said decree, as the Master may ' lee in best. Terms of Sale: One-half Cash, and balance on a credit of one year with sight per cent interest from day of iale, secured by bond and mortgage of purchaser, such bond to provide for ittorney's commissions in case of col- ^ ection througn auorueyi, y .0 pay for papers, revenue stamps and ecording, and to have leave to pay ill Cash. a T. LANHAM, Master Spartanburg County. Feb. 14, 1919. i.3 t St TAX NOTICE?1918 )ffice of the County Treasurer of York ' County. York, S. C., Sept. 17, 1118. VOTICE Is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York County vill be opened on TUESDAY, the 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918, and emain open until- the 81ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1918, for the collection if STATE, COUNTY. SCHOOL and X)CAL TAXES, for the fiscal year ?. 918, without penalty; after which lay ONE PER CENT penalty will be idded to all payments made In the nonth of JANUARY, 1919, and TWO 'ER CENT penalty for all payments nade in the month of FEBRUARY, 919. and SEVEN PER CENT penalty? vill be added to all payments made * rom the 1ST DAY OF MARCH, 1919, o the 16TH DAY OF MARCH, 1919. nd after this date all unpaid taxes will intn oTBPtitlnn? anrt all nnnafrl Sin ;le Polls will be turned over to the everal Magistrates tor prosecution In .ccordance with law. All of the Banks nf the county will tter their accommodations and faclli=^ies to Taxpayers who may desire to nake use of the same, and I shall take Measure in giving prompt attention to 11 correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my ofIce will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be made ip by Townships, and parties writing j bout Taxes will always expedite maters if they will mention the Township r Townships in which their property r properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. I