, NAUSEALESS [ CALOMEL IS * BEST FOR FLU Doctors and Druggists Claim Calotabs, the Nausealess Calomel, Is Best Laxative for Colds, Grippe and Influenza. a* AVi/k oion nt a pnlH the time to take a Calotab, the perfected nausealess calomeL that has all the liver benefits left in and the sting taken out. Doctors say that there is nothing like it to put your liver right and keep your system in condition to resist and avoid colds, influenza and pneumoniaThe best insurance against influenza ? and pneumonia is a good active liver P and your physician or druggist will tell you that Calotabs is the most thorough and effective as well as the safest and most agreeable remedy for this purpose. , One Calotab at bed time with a swatlow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea, nor the slightest interference with your eating, pleasure, or work. Next morning you awake feeling fine with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Your cold has vanished and you are ready for work or play. Calotabs are sold by druggists everywhere in sealed package* price thirty-five cents. Your I money handed right back if you are not dengntea.?/ vaua . I < YES, SIR, this is truly a 'Growing Store." Just about three years ago we opened up in this city with a mere handful of Shoes. Our business and j our patronage has grown steadily ever ! since, and we believe that one reason of it has been our constant effort to give our patrons the FULLEST VALUES I?OSSIBLE FOR THE MONEY SPENT IN OUR STORE. We are continuing this policy with a steadily growing stock and some day j we are hoping to be quite a husky member of the Circle of Retail Merchants of York. Give us an opportunity to serve you. FEINSTEIN BARGAIN HOUSE THE GROWING STORE Use Phone 153 Use Phone 153 EAR EARM SIIPPMFS 1 Vlt A niuu uvi * Muk/ SEE US. Of course we refer to Farm Hardware supplies. Why? Simply because HARDWARE is our one line and we give our whole attention and , time to Hardware. This enables us to give you the service of Hardware. Specialists. See us for Plows, Plow Points, Mould Hoards. Drag Harrows, Standards, Trooc i Chains, Harness, Back Rands, i Singletrees, Plow Stocks, Shovels, 1 Forks, Rakes, Spades, Axes, etc. i > In fact, just anything- and everything i you might need in HARDWARE. See us about your wants. We want to help you. YORK HARDWARE CO. CITY MARKET WE WILL HAVE some FINE BEEF this week. Also PORK and SAU1 SAGE. WE SELLCURED HAM BOILED HAM and BREAKFAST BACON? Either whole or succu. WE EXPECT TO HAVE Plenty of OYSTERS this week? g Extra Selects. J W We will pay 10 Cents a Dozen for s Eggs this week. CITY MEAT MARKET C. F. SHERER. Prop M11111111111111i i u1111III!III11f11m111111111111111 < rHE FARMERS j lly Selected Animals for j| nspection. J! AND HAVE AT OUR BARN AS I FINE WESTERN MULES AS HAS < [ MARKET IV MANY DAYS. I ybody as to quality and style at the ( I *111 make terms to suit. Come and ( j 7 I8t L BROS. Betlmny jj llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ' tkct 1 christmas i Banking, f ifs&s i ***&&* !$ ) bank their money. . g# ;lub is the best way, bio- ** ed sum to deposit each m 3ent, 2 cents, 5 cents or si week with the amount ays $127.50 si ays 6375 ays 25.50 3c ays 12.75 fls the largest payment hj ^ance 'svm '? s1.0^,and $5.00 clubs, wk j AAlUUA'i' V? l.ivrv- x,? FIONAL BANK | s* c- B Safe Than Sorry." m WWWWWIVWWWWWIWWV CITY LOANS ;| d Town Residences. ( :y, through our Local Attorneys: i [ York, S. C. ! CER, Rock Hill, S. C. TERMS VERY REASONABLE j i ps, for improving the farm or i j mortgages. I , t MORTGAGE CO. Bank Building, r I -KiUr-tL i ? rid to let this Drug Store )rug Store service. ous New Year. KARMACY Clover, S. C. >RUG STORE" J3T Woodmen of the World Receipt iooks for sale at The Enquirer Office >r by Mail?30 Cents each. KIRKP, I OUR ANNUAL CI k CROWDS 0] k TAGE OF T] X ERY DEPA] X FICE FOR I X NUMBERS ( X IF YOU HA1 X BEEN, COM ? VALUE HE] ? TO SPEND ] ? ING, HATS, $ WEARING 1 THERE ARE WM v $ This Store is the ac Coats, Etc. ! ? keen to sell i { Clearance Sa ? gains to be hi X SEE LAST TUES1 I? Remember, t js " l . ! THERE WILL BE "S ? y THE LAW OF AVERAGE! ? much as to other things that co ,t. ing this as a guide, we can easili .* in February and March. Are : | Heavy CANTON FLANNEL 36 Cts. ? ** rrrs UUUUB rtl llic ;aiu ill DRY GOODS IELK CO! .XeiR Lompun) " FOR LESS" 11 FLANAGANS I BOWLING G k j New car of wheat just re k | ed to furnish you Floi ] at MILLER'S PRICE ill Mr. Farmer: In lots of | save you money. | Bran and Shorts at 2 Cts j I sacks to put it in. |] FLANAGAN :* w w in wpm w in n? in uip i jr _ {! iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fj FEELING 0 i I I | The Depositors who ha1 our care have a feel jjj? X This strong Bank works with ai y y Its Officers and Employees c X X uable from every poinUof vi " n'o r?nnitni nnd large Surplu y business and personal requlr 11 THE LOAN AND r( { "THE BANK FO miuHiiiMiimMimmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 I I ? # ( > . again this year distrib- ? COST?the price this j; led that the freight rate j? Peoples Bank & Trust x i Occupied by the New -f mis week | ions for their Nitrate ? * * ?? Nitrate to go around, v ;ions, we jvould suggest ! I 7e this matter their at- ' < ? < o render the farmers of >ut the middle of FebCompany f H. B. JENKINS, Jr. ? ALL NEXT WEEK II d Lots that we are going E j e room for New Goods | le goods. See them. | RECEIVED BY EXPRESS About 300 Ladies' WAISTS Voiles, Jap Silks, Crepe-de-Chines, Georgettes See them in the Window display Priced $1.00 TO $8.50 WOOL POPLIN AND SERGE SKIRTS Priced at $5.00 to $10.00. POPLIN AND SILK DRESSES Priced at $6.00 to $15.00. LADIES' HATS In the Newest Spring Styles a splendid assortment Priced from $2 50 to $8.50 TT-TTTTZ ii COMPANY || MPANY AS ATTENDED BY I TO TAKE ADVAN jr. OFFERING IN EV- jr. LL. HARDLY SUF- X )K AT THE GREAT X 3- ON THIS STOCK. X IF YOU HAVEN'T X I AN EXTRA GOOD I >ENNY YOU HAVE X 3S, SHOES, CLOTH- t I YOUR NEED IN ? ITS. COATS. ETC.! ts, Dresses, Skirts, $ ts and the makers are f vantage that present | see the splendid bar- t IS VOW ON HERE. f kTURDAY, Feb. 1st. ? ROLLER MILL 1REEN, S. C. ccived and we are preparlr of Guaranteed Quality S. ' i 500 lbs. or more we can 3. per pound, if you bring l-9t I % & COMPANY I wmmmmmmmmmmmmm iimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimir F SECURITY | | vc placed their money in ing of Security. ? id for the Depositor all the time. I o-operate to make the service val- y ew. The Modern .Equipment, Am- a ; s assures prompt fulfillment of all y ements in the Banking line. ? SAVINGS BANK 1 R THE PEOPLE" lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll REAL ESTATE Become Independent. .Buy Real E tate and ride to success on the a vance. A few of my offering*: The Frank C. Riddle Place of 1 acres, 8 miles from Tork on the Klni Mt. Road. 8-room residence, wat and lights; large barn; 2 tena houses; plenty of wood. One of t ninnot forma fn tVia Pnnntrv Qpa r nt once. 62 acre9, 3 miles from York on Hoi ell's Ferry Rood. 5-room resldenc A nice little farm. Want It? 33 acres on Pickney Road just o of York. 3-rocm residence and ami barn. Branch runs through place, f cleared. A bargain. The J. S. Mackorell handsome re idence on King's Mountain Stre< Don't put off, you will regret it. Remember, I 1-ave lots of others. Loans negotiated on farming lane GEO. W. WILLIAMS REAL E8TATE BROKER Room 204, First Nat'l Bank Hulldln J. C. Parrott F. E. Moo LOGAN LUMBER YAR PARROTT- A MOORE, Proprietor* We have taken over the plant a good will of the business heretofc conducted by Jno. R. Logan, and a continuing the same at the Old Stai near the C. & N.-W. Depot. We are dealing in all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS Including Lumber, Brick, Shingl Lime, Cement, Paints, Builders' Hai ware, etc. OUR SPECIALTY Is in Shop Work for Contracto Builders and Private Individuals. We desire the public patronage a we are doing all that can be done the way of close attention, prorr service and lair prices to merit t same. we unaeruiKe iu give nusuiuis oai faction. LOGAN LUMBER YARD FIBST NATIONAL BAN sharon, - - - 8. c. START IT NOWwise veople of all walks In 1 have long since learned that it is go business to do business the Bank wi They* deposit their money with t Bank, where it is properly safeguard against loss by carelessness, Are or burglary they get rid of the worry having money at home or about th< person and "then pay all bills wi checks. This method prevents errc and insures more respect from t other man with whom you do bui ness. if you haven't an account with tl Bank, come in and let us talk it ov Small Accounts always welcome. J. S. HARTNESS, Cashie EAT MORE FRUITSITS HEALTHY During 1919, if you would have b ter health, eat more fruits. Good tors tell us that Fruit lots of itone of the best of all things for us eat for good health. That's where come in. You will always find Gc Fresh Fruits at this Store. That a Specialty with us Good Quality Fruits. Eat more for your healt sake. CANDIES,. CHEWING GUMS We also carry a large and var assortment of Choice Candles not of it high priced, but ail of It Pure fl of excellent quality. Also have a se< or more kinds of Chewing Gums. CIGARS AND CIGARETTES You will And in our Cigar case first-class assortment of Cigars a Cigarettes. Let us supply you with f "makin's" too. Don't forget that we also feed you Yorkville Candy Kitche THE BEST IN TOILET ARTICLI EVERY LADY is particular, and i is rightly.so, about the Toilet Artie she uses the Soaps, Toilet Watt Talcum and Toilet Powders, Fi Creams, etc. That is why we are particular in buying these articles, be sure that we buy nothing but Toi Articles of Standard, Recognized Qu ities that have stood the test of yei of service. When you, Ladies, want Toilet Ai cles of recognized merit, whether it SOAPS, TALCUM POWDERS, FA' POWDERS, CREAMS, Etc., cortle this store. We have __ a tremendou good stock and can please you in qu ity and price. Yes, to be sure we have full line BRUSHES, COMBS, Etc. CLOVER DRUG STOR] It. Ij. WALIbi, Proprietor. Phone No. 2 CLOVER, S. REAL ESTATE AGENC r FOR SALE t 18 Acres Of land near New Z church. Will sell cheapFive Room House A Good St Building and two Acres of Land, Filbert, belonging to Mr. E. L Wo 02 Acres Of good, level land, w 6-room house, Joining Floyd Jacksc Store place. It la a No. 1 F \rm. Six-ltooin House On 62 acres good land, on Howell's Ferry road miles from Courthouse 118 Acres Land 6-r dwelling, tenant house, 1-2 mile of Zion chui and school. 200 Acres Of saw timber and wot land, within mile of Zion church. S timber worth price of whole tract Two Vacant Lots 90x300 and 1( 225 feet, on King's Mountain street Building Lot 60x226 feet, on w side Wright avenue. 1?7 Acres 7-room dwelling: 2 t< ant houses. Known as the Will W lace Place 6 miles south of Yorkvil Level land. ' Lot Near Graded school 90 f front: 200 feet deep. On shady side 'he street. See me about It. C. F. SHERER* Real Estate. YES,ITWAS GREAT YES, we mean it. Our holiday bi iness was just about as good as could ask for?In fact we could har< take care of all of it. And this goes to show that people who trade Sharon have long ago learned that D. HOPE'S is the place at which to I the best values in the lines he undi takes to handle. Of course, most the folks in this section already kn it, but from the number of new fa< appearing at our counters a go many others have learned it too. DURING THE NEW YEAR? We are hoping that our friends a customers and the friends and custo ers of all other Sharon business houi will have a year of bounteous plei with the best of good health to enj their prosperity. .T "D. HOPE. Sharon. S. C CATTLE WANTED T AM In the market for One Hundi * Head of Young Cattle for past ing. Let me have your offerings person, by phone or by mail. H. FERGUSON, York, S. C. 4 t.f. FERTILIZER , dWE ARE IN* POSITION to make prices on FERTILIZER. We sell the 80 same well known, reliable brands as ?*g we have been selling for a number of :er year*? Jg PALMETTO, NAVAS8A, ne CHICORA, ARMOUR and MORRIS'S SUPREME. v PUT YOUR ORDER IN For Nitrate of Soda with Jno. R. u* Blair, as you can save quite a nice lit1! tie sum. til WE HAVE HOG WIRE? f" Barbed Cattle Wire, Chicken Wire. See us for SHINGLES, BRICK and all kinds of LUMBER. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY : 2ND-HAND WAGONS D i WE HAVE TWO SECONDi HAND WAGONS n(, ONE A ONE-HORSE SIZE, AND ONE TWO-HORSE SIZE. BOTH ARE IN GOOD RUNNING H ORDER. MOST LIKELY YOU 1 ' COULD USE ONE OP THEM. THINK SO? THEN SEE US ABOUT THEM QUICK - . -> THE PRICE IS RIGHT, es, OH, YES, WE ARE JUST *d- GETTING IN A LOT OF NEW WAGONS, TOO, IF YOU PREFER A NEW WAGON. T". 12 CARROLL BROTHERS iPt ;he " NEW GOODS ARRIVING New Springs Goods, we mean. Yes, to be sure, they are arriving Spring 1s _ almost at hand, and we know tnat a XV good many of our lady customers will be after doing their early spring sewIne Wp hnvp thf> New Snrinc: Goods . ?NOTIONS, GINGHAMS' OUTINGS, ' etc- Let us show them to you. SPECIAL PRICES? Ke On GINGHAMS. Also 35 Cts. qualod ity FLANNELETTES at 25 CTTS. Yard, iy- while It lasts. he COME TO SEE US FOR ed GROCERIES, HARDWARE and esby pecially for SHOES of quality. of YOUR SPRING SUIT? sir Let us have your order tor it. Have th the new Spring Style and Sample books "*s and we want to show you? May we? he 91 G. W. WHITESIDES & CO. SHARON - - S. C. lis THERE ML NEVER ! BE A BETTER TIME IF YOU ARE in good health and not under 14 or over 70 years of age, there will never be a better time than Right Now for that MUTUAL BENEFIT POLICY _ls that your moral obligation to your det0 pendents has been telling you that you we should get. Of course I am not exl0 I FOR THAT DISTRESSING OOUGH Take REXALL COMPOUNT> BARK Cough Syrup. It hits the spot and almost Instantly relieves that distressing ion cough that keeps you and the family awake at night. It brings relief and ore helps to make the expectoration easier at and less painful and jarring to the sysod. tern. It is so good and so efficient -ith that its makers Guarantee Satisfaction. ,n*8 Oh, yea you can get both here. ?l YORKDRU GST ORE I Have In Stock >d nw litis i i>tvv vnur NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES >0x $1.00 A GALLON. eni NEW CROP HOME-MADE MOLASSES? >n- (The Finest Ever) al- IN TINS AND BARREL? He $1.00 GALLON. ee, CABBAGE PLANTS? o' I WILL BE ABLE TO FURNISH THEM BY FRIDAY. I ALSO HAVE A LIMITED / STOCK OF BOYS' AND ~~ YOUTH'S ALL WOOL SUITS (Not Norfolk Styles) WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT . OLD (BEFORE THE WAR) PRICES. - LOUIS ROTH ?? o ! LIFE jef er- IT CAN BE A SUCCESS OR A FAILol URE. WHICH WIIiL IT BE WITH ? YOU? 0(1 Look at the men who are successful In the eyes of the world. Ninety-nine out of every hundred started a Bank Account when they were young and nd stuck to It m- And now. look at the failures. Very ses few of tliem have a Bank account now. lty Not speaking of when they were young |oy Perhaps you think ycu have not enough money to start an account Haven't you a dollar? Thr.t i.j all it , takes at THIS BANK. ?. , Just try it for a year or six months. If you do not wish to continue It you have lost nothing by the trial. Which Will It Be Success or Failure? red ITS UP TO YOU. litin Bank of Hickory Grove tf IIICKOKY GROVE. 8. 0.