tumorous department His Preference. "De bishop we had befo' dls one w%s a skimpy Jittle pusson wid de dyspepsy and a sad face," s&ld brother Hawhee. When he came to our house to dinner he et a little o' dls and a speck o' dat, took a pill or a tablet, and 'lowed wid a sigh dat man was of few days and full o' trouble, and dat If any of us was saved 'twould be only by fire. But de new bishop am a big', po'uy gen iemeu, mu a loud laugh. At de table he retches out and rakes in de combustibles wld a high hand, and 'nounces dat most everybody will go to glory, and dem dat don't 'rive in a char'ot will come on de yaw! yaw! last load. Whilst I likes a cherry religion 'stid of a long-faced one, I b'lives de way times is, dat I puhfers a skinny saint wid no appitlte to a big hungry one." His Own Fault. "Sir your daughter has promised to become my wife." "Well, don't come to me for sympathy; you might know something would happen to you, hanging round here five nights a week." Her Point of View. One night alter repeating her usual prayer little Ruth was heard to add: "And, O Lord, bless my brother Tnmi He lies, he steals, he swears. All boys do, us girls don't Amen." Sometimes. A teacher was telling her class little stories in natural history. and she asked if any one could tell her what a ground-hog was. Up went a little hand waving frantically. "Well, Tommy, you may tell us what a ground-hog is." "Please, ma'am, it's ground sausage." Ottawa Evening Citizen. Anything for Delay. "Private Blank," said the Colonel severely, reprimanding a doughboy for a minor breach of military regulations, "what would you do if I should tell you that you were to be shot at sunrise?" "Gosh, Colonel," replied the Yank, watching the shadow of a grin steal over his officer's face, "I'd sure pray for a cloudy day." Indianapolis Star. * Sorry He Spoke.?"Any of you got a very old uniform?" asked the sergeant. A private, scenting a new one, proudly displayed his frayed edges and stains. "It isn't fit for much, is it?" commented the sergeant. "Parade at twothirty for a coal-fatigue."?Tit-Bits. A Proper Start?"So your husband refused to buy you an automobile?" "Not exactly refused; he said I ought first to become familiar with machinery in general, so he bought me a sewing machine."?Boston Transcript. She helped Him.?A shy young man once said to a young lady: "I wish, dear, that we were on such terms of intimacy that you would not mind calling me by my first name," "Oh," she replied, "your second name is good enough for me." Mother's Error.?"It's no use. Mother will never learn society ways." "How now?" "I found her in the kitchen to-day cooking tripe and stirring it with her lorgnette." To Measure the Peace Confab.?Bacon?"I see the Allies gained 1,200 meters yesterday." Egbert?"Must have attacked a gas-works, I suppose."?Tit-Bits. Mother Knew.?"Ma, what does the 'homestretch* mean?" "Making a flftoen-dollar-a-week alcm nrminri mv SOn."?Boston Transcript. Why They Lasted. "I am surprised to see you have such a quantity of preserves left over from last year." "Nobody could get the lids off," explained the housewife briefly. Louisville Courier-Journal. His Intent. "A room? Yes, sir!" said the clerk of the Golcondo hotel. "Will you have a room with bath?" "No, I reckon not," replied the gaunt Mlssourlan, "I aim to be home by Saturday night." No Cause for Worry. Insurance examiner: What did you say your grandfather died of? The subject: Well, sir, I can't remember rightly, but I know It was nothing serious. Preferable. "It is said that half a raw onion, rubbed on the head every night just before retiring and allowed to remain until morning will cure baldness." "Probably," replied old Festus Pester. "But I prefer to be bald." cy'How many lumps of sugar do you take In your coffee?" "I wish you'd express yourself accurately," commented the irritable person. It isn't a question of how many I take, but how many I get." Washington Star. Young fellow, why aren't you in khaki r "For the same reason my gooa woman, that you are not in a beauty show a matter of sheer, absolute physical unfitness." Sydney Bulletin. Inexpensive Tonic. "What is the best appetizer you know of?" asked Smith. "The absence of the price of a meal." replied Jones. Knoxville Journal and Tribune. How Could He. "Do you think your son will forget all he has learned at college?" asked a friend. "I hope so," replied the father. "I don't see how he can earn a living playing football and baseball." Quite Willing to Do It. "What your wife needs," said the doctor, "is change of air." "Well," the penurious husband replied, "I'll get her an electric fan at once." But a Worm Sometimes Turns. A "conscientious objector told a tribunal the other day that he wouldn't kill a worm. As the poet so touchingly puts It, "A fellow feeling makes us wondrous kind." Passing Show. itT "Our birthstones are supposed to control our destinies. What Is your birth8tone?" "Judging from my experiences, I should say It was a brickbat." Judge. | IS REAL GERMAN AMERICAN. Pure Prussian on a Dark Night Sends Hum All Wrong. However much one may object to the German lingo, when grunted by a Prussian, It sometimes came in very useful when spoken by a man. A good story touching this is told in The Stars and Stripes (Paris, France). It appears there is a Corporal Kaler, who was not regarded with favor by his comrades, chiefly because he was born and raised in Germany. Outside of that he seemed to be "a regular fel inw" Worst of Ul. he had to carry around the sinister name of Wllhelm, wished upon him In Munich, twentythree years ago, at a time he couldn't help it. When he grew up, strange to say, he became a Socialist, with a rooted aversion to the government in general and to the "Clown Prince" in particular. How he set himself right with the doughboys is told as follows: With these convictions, smelling the battle from afar, he cried, "Ha! Ha!" and deserted from the German navy shortly before the war broke out, at a time when his ship happened to be in Hoboken. Therefore, while three brothers were serving in the German army, he was out of reach in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Then came a time when America decided to enter the war. So did Wilhelm?the very next day. His knowledge of German made him a handy man about the regiment when it was ordered Into the line, but it was not as an interpreter that this knowledge served him in good stead during the savage, free-for-all, wideopen warfare which marked the passage of Company M from the Ourcq to the Vesle. He us SH JfPOLIi %f KEEP YOUR |:JM LIQUIDS AND PASTES. [$ TAN. DARK BROWN OH uiib.. r"~~ Cthi M.dauiy teaeCSfr itTnotyour it's Kidney disease la no respecter of persons. A majority of tho 111a afflicting people today can be traced back to kidney trouble. The kidneys are the moat Important organs of the body. They are the fllterers, the purifiers, of your blood. Kidney disease la usually Indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pain in loins and lower abdomen, yall stones, travel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All thaee derangements are nature's Ignaie to warn you that the kldneya need help. Tou ahould use GOLD MKDAli Haarlem Oil Capsulea lmmei | JUST A WORD AS 1 I ANOTHER YEAR IS UPON 1 | policies of the past as far as possi i best service in every department. ing backward except to see when ! be improved upon and where imp \ BETTER GOODS FOR YOUR M I that is where our service will be | it a policy of this Store to give Oi the Casual, the Very Best Possible ; and this policy will be rigidly adl ! Again, we extend the complii I one and all a year of bounteous ] ' and happiness without measure, of the past and invite a contlnuar I Remember, please, that we s] or Every Day Wear for Men, W Wear Clothing of the dependable ing Shirts, Neckwear, Underweai Dress Goods and in Domestics, an i are certain of finding at this star ; that is fair to You and fair to us. ! give us the opportunity during 19 I SHOES J. M. S ttmyi mi hi m i mi i j FLANAGAN'S | BOWLING G i New car of wheat just re< i ed to furnish you Flor i at MILLER'S PRICE! ] Mr. Farmer: In lots of \ save you money. j Bran and Shorts at 2 Cts j sacks to put it in. FLANAGAN w mw m i w hi w mm iii iwih m t I MR. FARMER. IT Wl S* ro GET OUR PRICES CHASE. WE ARE IX POSI'J THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY SPECIE 5 rice meal. dairy f FEED, chicken i ) YES, WE HAVE S< y Arriving every day and jjj MR. FARMER, PL] V That wc especially solicit your pt PRICES and COURTEOUS TREA 3 We wish "You and Yours a Pr< 5 FARMERS HARDWA! along the edge of their woods wit! evident intent to surround them. Th< German order was straight ahead,.anc from where Kaler and his pals laj quaking in the underbrush, they coul< see an endless succession of grey leg! trotting by. Then, sharp and authori tatively, a voice from the bushes or dered: "Gehen Sie zur rechten Seite.' The column veered off obediently t< the right, and before it could be steer ed back again Kaler and his buncl had made good their escape. Another example for his promptnesi in using his knowledge of German an< also his clear understanding of thel machine education follows: | Again when, from his vantage-poin on the edge of the woods, the corpora saw four German prisoners brea! away from an American who was try ing to bring them in, he called ou across the field: "Kommen Sie voruber." The escaping four stopped dead ii their tracks, wheeled, and hustlei docilely over to the spot whence th' voice had issued, and a moment late Kaler had them covered and starte< for the rear. Those were his fourpri soners. Another Boche he killed with hi; rifle and another died at the end o Kaler's bayonet. In spare moment between such tasks, he harangued th< prisoners on their sin of working fo the Kaiser. But how could they hel] themselves' they asked plaintively "Why, that's easy, come and flgh with us," said Wilhelm. His Miss. Said the city friend to < friend who had just moved into th< the suburbs: "What do you missmos' since you moved into the country?" "Trains." The Result. Dyer "Is Dr. Deuir well up in his profession?" Ryer "What he doesn't know aboul medicine would fill a cemetery." Judge. OE m SHESB SHOES NEAT^T FOR BLACK, WHITE, r.J! J / ! OX-BLOOD SHOES. -%/]' ( /I ( C LEATHER. V] V] I 10Hl,UMiTtP. mTrJOO.M.Y.") 1 HEART 1 YOUR KIDNEYS I dlately. The soothing, healing ojl stlm mates tne Kidneys, relieves lnnammations and destroys the germs which have caused It Do not wait until tomorrow. Go to your druggist today and insist on GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor returning and will bless the day you first heard of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil. After you feel that you have cured yourself, continue to* take one or two capsules each day, so as to keep in first-Class condition and ward off the danger of other attackB. Ask for the original Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Three sizes. Money refunded if they do not help you. inmimwwiwwiwmmiiiiii i> TO THE YEAR 1919 j US and this Store will continue Its j Ible, of giving its Patrons the very We are going forward not look- ] ;in our service to our patrons can I rovement is possible in the way of j [ONEY you can rest assured that improved. We have always made ] jr Patrons, the Regular as well as ! ! Service in all of our various lines j lered to in the future, nents of the season and wish for prosperity, abounding good health j We thank you for your patronage j tee of same in the future, pecialize in good Shoes?for Dress . omen and Children; in Ready-to- j kind; Gents' Furnishings, includ- j r, Hosiery, Hats, etc.; in Ladies' d assure you that at all times you e the Quality you want at a price We want to serve you. Will you ! 19? : TROUP SHOES 1 I milium mm Milium** man miii aii Hmmynmiitmaii ROLLER MILL REEN, S. C. seived and we are preparir of Guaranteed Quality 3. 500 lbs. or more we can >. per pound, if you bring l-9t & COMPANY wntnwiywwfwfww m ui wm n flll1.00. u] Wholesale Distributors for the Caro- al Unas, Jno. M. Scott & Co., Charlotte, te N.C. 01 Sent by mail on receipt of price. 01 Sovereign Remedy Co. 1215 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. ji AND Jolt ( DID YOU GET THAT CUIUS! i M' BOOK THAT WE SENT YOU? IF V4 OIK CHKISTMAS BANKING CLU1 J COME IN AND JOIN ANYWAY. 1 Jx YOU CAN START AVITH 10 C I W CENT. YOU INCREASE YOU1 ) ? v AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN 50 V 34 10-CENT CLUB Pi 5-CENT CLUB Pi I :?2 2-.CENT CLUB Pi J 1-CENT CLUB Pi i fi WE ALSO ILVVE 50 CENTS, $1. i I wJr. YOU PAY IN THE SAME AMOUNT 11 Jvj JOIN TODAY. PUT THE CIIII i THE FIRST NAT & YORK - ' SJ' "You Had Better Be I > md V 4 . .A-?QE?Ai6i i can be positively \ idiator won't freeze 1 ing anti-freeze pre para- ] sure of Alcohol or any [ \ rates with water. N ate or Steam j es not evaporate with j sufficient for the whole || eakened by leakage ot the II trough the overflow pipe Ijj and Easy | h the most economical | le market. It is very III vater and pour into the rad- ffj to protect a Ford to 5? be- H o packages to protect to 5? \ j o protect to 25 below zero. M Harmless J j ?es not injure rubber, any kind. It does not 1 is less rust with Johnson's 1 water alone or with a comPoint of Water r is 212?. The boiling 1 te boiling point of John- | rom 225? to 250? depending | if used. j j Bv I WARE COMPANY I0ST CERTAINLY WE ARE OBLIGED TO YOU fo: ie business given the YORK DRUC CORE during 1918. We hope tha ir service has been entirely satisfac ry and we hope that we may have i ntinuance of the friendly relation* :isting heretofore, in any event we ap eciate your business of the past. We wish for you and yours that 191! ay be a banner year in your affairs b3 ay of Prosperity and Happiness an< e hope that you may accomplish lot ! things that you consider wortl hile. Call on us when we can serve you ill on us whether you need our ser ce or not. We'll be glad to see you 'ORKDRUGSTORI TAX NOTICE?1918 ffice of the County Treasurer of Yorl ' County. York, S. C., Sept. 17, 1918. JOTICE Is hereby given that th * TAX BOOKS for York Count; ill be opened on TUESDAY, th iTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918, an< imain open until the 31ST DAY 01 ECEMBER, 1918, for the collectioi : STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL an< OCAL TAXES, for the fiscal yea 118, without penalty; after whicl ly ONE PER CENT penalty will b Ided to all payments made In th onth of JANUARY, 1919, and TW< ER CENT penalty for all payment ade in the month of FEBRUARY 119, and SEVEN PER CENT penalt; ill be added to all payments mad< om the 1ST DAY OF MARCH, 1918 > the 15TH DAY OF MARCH. 1918 id after this date all unpaid taxes wil ) into executions and all unpaid Sin le Polls will be turned over to th :veral Magistrates for prosecution h jcordance with law. It is my desire to attend differen irts of the county for the convenienc ' ovnovioro no hopplnfftrp- hilt OWini ? the exacting nature of my duties a member of Local Exemption Boari o. 2, I am required to at all time 3 within call of the office of th oard and must remain at the Count; :at. All of the Banks of the county wil Ter their accommodations and facili es to Taxpayers who may desire t iake use of the same, and I shall tak easure in giving prompt attention b 1 correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my of 2e will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books will be mad p by Townships, and parties writini sout Taxes will always expedite mat :rs if they will mention the Townshi] Townships in which their propert; properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. 75 t 4t IT IN I Jlfe [.MAS BANKING CLUB PASS SO, BRING IT IN AND JOIN M B. IF YOU DIDN'T GET IT, TS, 5 CENTS, 2 CENTS OR 1 L I PAYMENTS THE SAME >'EEKS: jg \YS $127.50 \YS 63-75 VYS 25.50 AM \YS 12.75 fk 00 AND $5.00 CLUBS, WHERE ASC EACH WEEK. fK jDR?N IN, TOO. I0NAL BANK | - s. c. S Safe Than Sorry." VS MnWMMMWIWIMMMMMIfMMWMMI I Meal an | i THE TIME TO BUY IS CAN BE The outside demand f< ! | especially Meal, is someth: !; who want Meal should tat j! gly. OUR ROLLER MILL Is its own Best advertisement, i | Increased patronage from all < i sections of the County and satis| i fled testimonials as to the supe11 ' rlor quality of the output tell the ! i [ story. We are here for servi ]; giving complete satisfacti( | YORKVULE COHO ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOB 1019 r Notice of Opening of Books of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. Auditor's Office. December 2. 1918. PURSUANT to the requirements of the Statute on the subject, Notice is hereby given that my books will be i opened in my Office in York Court- < house, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1ST, 1919, for the purpose of listing for taxation all PERSONAL and REAL PROPERTY held in York County, on January 1, 1919, and will be kept open until the 20th day of February, 1919, and for the conveni- t ence of the Taxpayers of the County. I t will be at the places enumerated below ? on the dates named: At Bullock's Creek, (Good's Store), J Saturday, January 11, 1919. "kT * Tnmm wvr 15 At IMttWyUl L, iliuuuav, 1919. At Fort Mill, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, January 14, 15, and 16. 1919. At McConnellsville, Saturday, January 18. 1919. At Ogden, Monday, January 20, 1919. At Coates's Tavern, (Roddey's), Tuesday, January 21, 1919. At Rock Hill, from Wednesday, January 22, to Tuesday, January 28. 1919. At McGill Bros.'s Store, Thursday, J" January 30, 1919. ' At York, from Friday, January 31, e 1 to February 20, 1919. All males between the ages of a 1 twenty-one and sixtv years, are I'ahle 3 to a poll tax of $1.00, and all persons " so liable are especially requested to i give the numbers of their respective I } school districts In making their re- I ' turns. BROADUS M. LOVE, 3 Auditor York County. 1 Dec. 3. 1918 97 4t { ; WITHOUT CHARGE i i | ' OWING to the fact that a number of 5 _ recently discharged soldiers or their representatives have called on me for ' information and advice as to their 1 Government Life Insurance, I have 3 concluded that many are without ade- ' quate appreciation of its value and are 1 liable to be misled by others who, e though honest, may cause them to act ' y contrary to their best interests, there- * s fore I offer my services in the matter j of fully explaining the Government In- : 7 surance and giving such information 3 and advice to any soldier or his repre j sentatlve who may call at my office, _ and will do so cheerfully and WITH- 1 j, OUT ANY CHARGE, e SAM M. GRIST All Kinds of Good Insurance. y I PREMIUMS TO ENQU :o: REVISED OFFER TO T AND PAY SUBi :o: HTHE WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD A OF THE RESTRICTIONS thai the time of the publication of The it gives us pleasure to be able to ret liberal offers to Clubmakers. The price of a Single Subscript year is $2.50. The price when Returned thr February 1, 1919, is $2.25. OFFER TO UL. We have the following liberal o ? i all conditioned on the same rules ai i ing, Including the following: CLUB MAKERS may return names i y 1 ing that the Clubmaker is responsible for i per week until February 1, 1919. ALL NAMES MUST BE PAID FOF I RUARY, 1, 1919. . | FIRST PREMIU] S l For the LARGEST CLUB we will pi I j I SECOND PREMI1 f | | For the Second Largest Club we will I |! Third Premium, 112 | < | For the Third Largest Club we will I | i at $30.00. [ I | TWO 42-PIECE D1 I J i For the Fourth Largest Club we will ( j I together at $25.00. | I [ TWENTY DOl ( j I For the Fifth Largest Club we will j [ I | FORTY -TWO PIEC f I For the Sixth Largest Club we will | | ? $12.50. M J I SAME AS I 1 For the Seventh Largest Club we wil I | $12.50 Cash, j J i TEN DOLLAR; '. I | For the Eighth Largest Club we will j ] i EIGHT DOLLAJ 1 I | For the Ninth Largest Club we will g I | OTHER PI FOR FIVE NAMES Three-Biaded P ' j I the handle, worth $1.60. FOR SIX NAMES Chicago Automat I J I FOR EIGHT NAMES Willard Self' | 1 Four-Bladed Pocket Knife, with name and i ! j | FOR TEN NAMES Year's Subscrij " j i Willard Self-Filling Fountain Pen, that n I I [ FOR FIFTEEN NAMES A Thirty-o; ' J I FOR TWENTY-FIVE NAMES A F j , ? at $12.50. ' [ For a less number than FIVE NAM j | COMMISSION on all names over and abov ; I of Premiums mentioned above. THIS IS IM1 I ' Please remember. That under no circ I [ the paper for LESS than the Subscription P 1 j I i The Publishers are bound not to violate thii | NEW SUBSC K r*. aftmlouiklo r?n Dd^mlvr 1. ! J I SUBSCRIBERS VIIE PAPER 'FROM THE i ' I [ UARY. 1920. FOR THE PRICE OF A YEA I I l to renew this offer to New Subscribers. AND REMEM J I l It is bat * short time until FEBRUA I j | 175.00 and 150.00 are to be won in sh Send names in as fast as you get th L. M. GRIST'S S< 1 J ! YORKVILLE - d Hulls I NOW WHILE THEY j! HAD )r both Meal and Hulls, ing fierce. Local people !? :e notice and act accord- j | COAL We now have an adequate snp- i [1 ply of excellent Domestic, Steam i ( and Forge Coals, and arc taking j , 1 care of the requirements of cus- i tomers In the town as well as , the country. ce and when we fail in >n we want to be told. j j , N OIL COMPANY j HI CUT SHORT A COLD TAKE A CALOTAB rhe New Calomel Tablet That Is Entirely Purified of Nauseating and Dangerous Qualities. Of all the medicines lh the world he doctors prize calomel most highly o break up a cold overnight or to cut ihort an attack of Influenza, grippe, tore throat or a deep-seated cough md possibly to prevent pneumonia. Mow that all of its unpleasant and iangerous qualities have been renoved, the new kind of calomel called 'Calotabs" is the doctors' ideal treatnent for colds, etc. One Calotab on the tongue at bed ;lrae with a swallow of water, that's ill. No salts, no nausea nor the ilightest Interference with your eatng, your work or your pleasure. Next norning your cold has vanished and . .'our whole system is purified and re- j 'reshed. Calotabs is sold only in orirlnal sealed packages, price thirty-five :ents. Your druggist recommends < ind guarantees Calotabs by refunding he price if you are not delighted, idv. i?AL ESTATE AGENCY FOR SALE 48 Acres Of land near New Zion J :hurch. Will sell cheap. I Five Room House A Good Store 3u*laing and two Acres of Land, at Filbert, belonging to Mr. E. L- Wood. 92 Acres Of good, level land, with t-room house, joining Floyd Jackson's ' Store place, it u a No. 1 1 \rw. Six-Room House On 62 acres of : rood land, on Howell's Ferry road, 3 , niles from Courthouse 118 Acres Land 6-r dwelling, 3-r : enant house, 1-2 mile of Zion church i ind school. ' 200 Acres Of saw timber and woodand, within mile of Zion church. Saw :lmber worth price of whole tract Two Vacant Lots 90x300 and lOOx 225 feet, on King's Mountain street. : Building Lot 60x225 feet, on west J tide Wright avenue. 137 Acres 7-room dwelling; 2 tenmt houses. Known as the Will Walaoa Plci?e R mtlfis smith of Yorkvllle. Level land. Lot?Near Graded school?90 feet 1 front; 200 feet deep. On shady side of ' the street. See me about It. C F. SHERER- Real Estate. IRER aUBMAKERS i HOSE WHO RETURN j i j SCRIPTIONS. HAVING WITHDRAWN SOME ] i, [ t were resting on newspapers at i ] Enquirer's Prospectus for 1919, ' j urn in a measure to our old time J i ion to THE ENQUIRER for one J i ; ough a Clubmakcr and paid by i 1 i UBMAKERS ffers to make to CLUBMAKERS, J I J ad regulations heretofore obtain- ( 1 , at they get them, with the understand- I ? each subscription at the rata of 6 cents 1 | j I before ?.00 P. M., SATURDAY, FEB- J | j M, $75.00 CASH i \ ay SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, CASH. | | j JM, $50.00 CASH ! 11 pay FIFTY DOLLARS, CASH. J S -Piece Dinner Set ' ! ' s give one 112-Piece Dinner Set, valued INNER SETS ] 1 give Two 42-Piece Dinner Sets, valued i j J jLARS CASH ? J I J rive TWENTY DOLLARS. CASH. I j j E DINNER SET f t give a 42-piece Dinner Set, valued at I | ^ ABOVE . ! | I I give a 42-Plece Dinner Set, valued at J i S IN CASH [ N give Ten Dollars in Cash. IS IN CASH ' | ^ ive Eight Dollars in Cash. \ , .\ IEMIUMS | i|j. ocket Knife, with name and address in l [ f ic Pencil Sharpener, worth $1.50. j l! jl Filling Fountain Pen, worth $2.00, or I [ ft address in the handle, worth $2.00. 1 i ' ition to The Yorkville Enquirer, or a I 1 ^ 'tails at $3.00. I J ae Piece Dinner Set, valued at $7.00. ! jj orty-two Piece Dinner Set that retails i ft ES, Cash Commission, and also CASH | 1 F e the number necessary to secuie any | J H ?ORTANT j i )f Eugene Franklin, deceased, with the Probate Court for York county, on December 16, 1918, notice is hereby given :hat on January 16, 1919, I will make application to said court for my dia- i charge from further liability in 4 nection with said estate. J. T. SMITH, Admr., Estate Eugene Franklin. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of York. IN THE PROBATE COURT By L R. Williams, Esquire, Probate V - J -a V^?l. juuge ui xvitv v/uuuwj llfHEREAS, G. C. McFARLAND has applied to me (or Letters of Administration, with Will annexed, on ill and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of T. A. McKARLAND, late of the County aforesaid, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite acd ad.monish all and singular the kindred . h* and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to he holden at York Court House on the 15TH DAY OF JANUARY. 1919, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Qiven under my hand and seal, this 17th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen and in the 143rd year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS, Probate Judge of York County. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN R. HART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR *AT LAW. Prompt and Careful Attention to All *1 Business Undertaken. Telephone No. 69. YORK, S. C. 76 f.t - It J. S. BRICE ' Tfifr '- Jl Attorney At Law. ; ^ Prompt Attention to all T -Tf' Business of Whatever Nature. Office Opposite Courthouse. OR. WM. M. KENNEDY DENTAL SURGEON Office on Second Floor of the Wyfie Building. Telephone Office. 9*; Residence lit Enquirer Clubnaker* .Until February 1, 1919, the prioa of The Yorkville Enquirer in clube, la i't.'/f. a vaar Affpp that date the nrica will be $2.50 a year. Subscribers whose subscriptions expire after February 1. may have the benefit of the Club Rate by paying the subscription price over to a Clubmaker before that . > lute. Mo Clubmuker is authorised to receive an annual subscription for lew than (2.25. Any of the following will send in names at the price stated, provided the amount is paid on or before February 1, 1919: Mrs. W. L. Adams No. 6, Yorkville Miss Nellie Allison Rock 11111 Mrs. J. E. Adams No. 2 Clover Miss Dell Alexander Yorkville K. A. Harnett Rock Hill J. H.| Higham Sharon J. W. Bank head Lowryville Miss Lottie Barnes Guthriesvlllo W. A. Barrett ; Clover VV. D. Bank head No. 1 Sharon Mrs. S. L. Blair No. 1, Sharon D. H. Barry Ebeuezer Miss Nannie Rarnett Yorkville Miss Maggie Bolio No. 2, Yorkville Emily C. Boyd. No. 8 Yorkville Mrs. I. P. Boyd No. 7 Yorkville Claud Burns No. 1 Yorkville James Bigger No. 4 Yorkville Leon Castles Smyrna A. B. Clark No. 1 Yorkville Miss Margaret Clark Yorkville jB Mrs. R. A. Carroll YorkvlnW?^^B Rebecca Carroll No. 1 Sharon VV. H. Crook - Fort UU1 J. C. Choat .No. 4 Rock Hill m J. C. Dickson No. 1 Yorkville, fl| Mrs. L. L. Dow die Bullock's Creek JH Miss Ethc Deas Na t Clover a n nivnn In n \ Na 9. VnrlrvlllA M J. S. Dunlap No. 5 Rock Hill jLj| E. M. Dickson No. 6 YorkvUle Robt. Davidson No. S Yorlcvllle [ 'rank Dagnall Hickory Grove Mrs. M. C. Dunlap Rock Hill L F. Ford No. 4. Clover JM L. G. Ferguson YorkvUle eH Mrs. W. e. Feemster McConnellavUle ^ I. S. Glasscock No. 1 Catawba Sam M. Grist YorkvUle ZJlco Grant YorkvUle Mrs- Bell Gwin .No. 2 Sharon Miss Blanche Glenn Clover Mrs. M. E. Harper No. 8 YorkvUle Miss Virginia Harper ....No. 8 YorkvUle 1 P. Hutchinson .....Rock HU1 Mrs. Mamie Hope No. 7 YorkvUle Mrs. J. H. Howell No. l. Hickory Grove ?. D. Hopper _Clover T. J. Hopper No. 6 YorkvUle Hiss Mary Huey No. 5 Rock HS iV. F. Jackson No. 7 YorkvUle Miss Rena Jenkins No. 1 Sharon Mrs. Walter Morrison YorkvUle Miss Mary Jackson Newport Mrs. W. W. Jackson _No. 6 YorkvUle _ Jfe H. Keller YorkvUle Mrs. C. L Kennedy Sharon j.# J. W. Knox : Clover Jeorge Laws YorkvUle 3. R. Love No. 8 YorkvUle j V. S. Lesslie Lesalie r. Stanhope Love YorkvUle Iarry Millar No. 6 YorkvUle '. J. McSwain YorkvUle ?eo. A. McCarter No. 4 Clover liss Sallie McConnelLMcConnellsvUle . . M. Mitchel No. 1 Yorkvlllo liss Mary McFarland -No. 4 YorkvUle liss Grizzle Mullinax, No. 2. King's Creek Irs. J. A. Maloney No. 2 Sharon liss Marie Moore No. 3 YorkvUle ^ oseph R. Moss No. S YorkvlUe . B. Matthews No. 4 Rock HU1 Irs. T. C. McKnight No. 2 Sharon Irs. J. B. Mickle McConellsvllle V. A. Nichols No. 2 Smyrna b G. Nunn Rock Hill Irice Neil No. S YorkvUle Irs. K. F. Oates No. 2 YorkvUle )ugene Poplin Filbert ,oe Pursley No. 4 Clover liss Lola Parrott Filbert IlssMaggleParker No. 1 Filbert Ira. J. S. l'laxico No. 1 Sharon . C. Pursley No. 1 YorkvUle irice Quinn Smyrna liss Mamie Roberts YorkvUle Irs. T. H. Riddle No. 2 Clover Irs. W. R. Robinson....No. 6 Yorkvtlle .lien Robinson -No. 1 YorkvUle liss Macie Ramsey, No. 2 Hickory Grove . F. A. Smith No. 1 YorkvUle [. A. Sherer Sharon ulia Sherer YorkvUle /illle Sherer No. 1 Sharon [ugh Sherer :No. 1 Sharon liss Margaret Sherer No. 2 Sharon , A. Shilllnglaw No. 2 Sharon Irs. FredLSmarr Bullock's Creek P. Sifford Clover Irs. J. M. Smith C!ov*t eptha Smith -No. 4 YorkvUle ? i ^ h liss i'eari anuiinguiw tiu. ?, ivikmud m , K. Scoggins Rock Hill I red Scogglns .? Hickory Orove fl a I ph St roup ? Smyrna [iss Edna Thomas No. 1 Rock Hill ? J. Williams No.' 4 Clover dflH|| . W. Whitesides Sharon [iss Maggie Wood Clover H ernle Watson Hickory Grove sff D. Whitesides, No. 2 Hickory .! Grove I 7. M .Wallace .No. 1 Smyrna B 17. W. Wyatt Smyrna M . C. White King's Creek uay Whitesides Filbert K Willlfnrd No. 2, Rock Hill [iss Susie Wood ? Clover [iss Lizzie Wood _ No. 3 Clover [iss Sn 1 lie Wood Cannon Mill [iss Louise Youngblood No. 2, JflHR _:Yorkvllle H [rs. T. P. Youngblood XHH No. 6 Yorkvllle Clubmakers are advised that they re not required to send cash with the ames. Names may be retturfled as )rmerly, and must be paid for on or S efore February L 1919. I H