said, "are responsible for the gambling that is going on in Yorkville, because they set the example." L Maintaining an unforgiving spirit is V another cause of backsliding, the evangelist continued. The man who proiesses Christianity and maintains an unforgiving spirit is a liar, says God. I tell you the man who has malice in his heart and maintains his name on the church books is a walk4S ing liar. Harboring unclean thoughts and desires tends to backsliding, Mr. Ham said. That kind of thing will lead a man away from communion with his God. Backsliding begins in a man's hpn rt In pointing' out evidences of back-1 sliding, Rev. Mr. Ham said that when a man began to lose his interest in I and respect for thte word of God; when he was more satisfied to read the papers on Sunday than he was to read the Bible, that man is fast on the road to a spiritual wreck. Growing fondness for worldly amusements is another evidence. There are people in this audience tonight," declared the evangelist, "who * have spent more on the picture >how * in the last year than they have in the work of God in five years." My friends, said Mr. Ham, I am telling you straight from the should#er of your short comings There is no doubt that God is needed badly in Yorkville. What I am saying to you is in a spirit of love and prayer that you will get right with God. I tell you that if you are satisfied with your condition that you are in a bad condition. What the world needs is more preachers to tell the people of their sins. Those of you who make all manner of excuses to your pastor for not attending prayer meeting, are backsliders. Discontent with your pastor and the conduct of the church are evidences. Backsliders become faultfinders. Most of the church memebrs of this town are a bunch of "mollycoddles" like that. I want you people to see yourselves and wake up. You are dead and don't ^ know it. You are like the man who, * having become drunk, came home with some limburger cheese in his ^ pocket. He sat by the fire and the odor of the cheese soon began to fill the room. The man went to sleep. His little son came into the room and rinding his father asleep ana a norri^ ble odor pervading the room, ran to ? his mother and exclaimed, "Ma, pa's dead and don't know it." There are two words which I have asked God to give me a clearer conception of. They are "eternity" and "lost." Backsliders have no conception of either of these. What this congregation needs to do tonight is to grasp the awful meaning of these two words, to realize their condition and to repent. Although you may have the reputation of being Christians you are not living up to your profession. The cure for backsliding is repentance, reform and renewal of your covenant with Christ. It is up to you. LOCAL LACONICS Admitted Them Free. All the school children who went to the Rock Hill fair and marched in the procession were admitted to the fair grounds free of charge. Will Go to State Fair. At a meeting of the student body of Winthrop college Wednesday mornT ing it was unanimously decided to visit _ the state fair in Columbia next week. The Winthrop girls will probably visit the fair on Friday. A special train will take the Winthrop girls to Columbia. * Keeter-Jenkins. Miss Ethel Keeter of Grover, N. C., and Mr. J. H. B. Jenkins, Jr. of Rock Hill, were married at the home of the bride's parents at Grover Wednesday afternoon, the ceremony being witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends of the young couple. Mr. and will rpRide in Rock Hill. mio. i. ? Ashe Wins Suit Chester Reporter. Oct. 21: At Lancaster. Tuesday, Mr. W. N. Ashe, who sued the Southern railway for being ejected from a train in this city in January, 1913, while en route to the corn show, damages being asked for to the amount of $3,000, was awarded $500 actual damages and $1,000 punitive damages. A motion for a new trial was made and will be argued during the term. Getting Exhibit Ready. County Demonstration Agents Jno. R. Blair and A. A. McKeown are in Columbia getting York county's exhibit in the state fair next week in shape. While the York county exhibit at the state fair last year was one of the most attractive and complete, it is expected that the showing this year will be far superior to all * previous efforts. Miss Minnie Lee ^ Garrison, York county Canning club agent, is also in Columbia getting the Canning club exhibit in place. Cotton Belt Will Exhibit. Among the numerous schools which will have exhibits of their work at the ^ state fair next week is the Cotton Belt school near Yorkville. The pupils of this school have built a large table which they will place on exhibition as a sample of the kind of wood work they are being taught to do. Many of the pupils of this school have become expert in the making of chairs, desks, book-racks and other things. It is said that the work of the Cotton Belt school in this regard is superior to that of any other school in York county. Traffic Resumed Over Catawba. Supervisor Thos. W. Boyd said yes terday that traffic had been resumed over the bridge on the Catawba river which fell into the water several weeks ago, carrying Contractor Z. V. Bradford and several workmen with it into the stream. "While the bridge is fefc passable at present," said the super visor, "we have not done all the work on it that we intend to do. Were a big freshet to come along now it might wash the bridge away. We intend to make it one of the strongest and safest bridges in the county." Had Two Races. " Messrs. R. E. McClure, E. X. Stephenson, Lindsay Templeton, K. X. Whitesides and a number of others enjoyed a fox hunt in the battle ground country this week. The party went to the home of Mr. Robert Whitesides above Bethany on Monday afternoon and the hunt started from there, a number of citizens of that portion of the country taking part. Two foxes were caught but not killed. It is said that foxes are plentiful in that section this fall, a number having been turned loose in the sping. Alexander-Aycock. A wedding which came as a complete surprise to the friends of the >oung couple was that of Miss Clara Alexander of R. P. D. No. 4 to Mr. Benjamin Aycock of Albermarle, X. C\, which event took place in the r II SI UiClllUUlSI. UI1U1 L il Ui UUIUIIIUIU Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Dr. S. A. Steele, officiating. The bride is well known in this section. For a number of years she has been teaching in the public schools of the state. Mr. Aycock is a prominent young business man of Albermarle where he and his bride will reside. Much Booze For Fort Mill. Fort Mill Times, Thursday: Although it would seem a little early for the "soaks" of the community to be laying in their annual supply of Christmas booze, the whiskey receipts at the local express office during the last few days are said to have been almost equal to those usually arriving for the few days im> mediately preceding the Christmas holidays. The Times is further informed that of the 29 money orders issued by the local postoffice one day recently, 23 of the orders went to Richmond whiskey houses. Death of Rock Hill Citizen. After a long period of ill health, Frank C. Whitner a well known citizen of Rock Hill died in a Richmond. Va., t, hospital on Wednesday morning, CertP bro spinal meningitis was the cause of death. Mr. Whitner was 55 years of age, having been born in Anderson county October 11, 1859. He went to Rock Hill with his brother W. C. Whitner in 1899. and has since residf ed there. Mr. Whitner was a graduate of the law department of the University of Virginia, but never entered the practice of his profession. Since going to Rock Hill he has been engaged in diversified farming and bore the reputation of being one of the best farmers of that section. He is survived by his father, Major B. F. Whitner of Virginia, and a sister, Mrs. W. L. Law of Rock Hill. The funeral was held in Rock Hill yesterday. AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Jas. H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Services in the Big Tent at 11 o'clock a. m. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock and at night at 7.30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. John W. Ham. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Olllespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Communion service immediately following morning service. Junior Endeavor at 4 p. in. Christian Endeavor at 7. Pvoninc service at 7.30. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sabbath school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. TRINITY METHODIST Rev. Henry Stokes, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. CHARLOTTE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Special Solids. For Men Only. Sunday, October 24th, at 3 o'clock p. m., under the big tent, Evangelist John W. Ham speaks to men only. Prof. Lyon sings. It St. Paul and Clover. St. Paul?Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Clover?Services Sunday evening at 7.30. P. W. Dibble, Pastor. Health and Happiness Depend Upon Your Liver. That sluggish liver with its sluggish flow of bile is what makes the world look so dark at times. Dr. King's New Life Pills go straight to the root of the difficulty by working up the action of the liver and increasing the bile. Dr. King's New Life Pills cause the bowels to act more freely and drive away those "moody days." 25c a bottle. For Women Only. Monday night, October 25th, at 7.30 o'clock, Evangelist John W. Ham speaks to women only. Prof. Lyon sings. All women welcome. Shiloh and Hickory Grove. Shiloh?Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Hickory Grove?Services Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. J. B. Talbert, Pastor. Every Home Needs a Faithful Cough and Cold Remedy. TlrU"? nhono-A on/1 nnl/lo on ?* ncii acaouno v-iiuu^v unu w?vtv ?-*pear?when you first detect a cold after sitting next to one who has sneezed, then it is that a tried and tested remedy should be faithfully used. "I never wrote a testimonial before, but, 1 know positively that for myself and family, Dr. King's New Discovery is the best cough remedy we ever used and we have tried them all." 50c and $1.00. At Union and Clover. There will be preaching at Union Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and at Clover Sunday evening at 7.SO o'clock. M. M. Richardson, Pastor. Special Union Service. Dr. Karl Lehman, general secretary of the International Endeavor Society of the South, will deliver an address in the First Presbyterian church Sat- i urday morning at 10 o'clock. -Vlr. Lehman is a young man full of en-! thusiasm, thoroughly consecrated and very attractive in his personality. All denominations are invited to attend this union service. , . A Wonderful Antiseptic. Germs and infection aggravate ailments and retard healing. Stop that infection at once. Kill the germs and get rid of the poisons. For this purpose a single application of Sloan's Liniment not only kills the pain but destroys the germs. This neutralizes infection and gives nature assistance by overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the free and normal flow of the blood. Sloan's Liniment is an emergency doctor and should be kept constantly on hand. 25c, 50c. The $1.00 size contains six times as much as the 25c. T"DO IT "DO IT NOW"?Over the desks c men you will find the Motto: to and has inspired many a : ING what to do is fully as ir witnessed the nerve-racking c SOMETHING, without know do. Such a person is like a i the mark it is an accident. E When you are out shopping Goods of QUALITY, STYLE consciousness will tell you t< that thought hits you in the Make a bee line of THOMSO and RIGHT PRICES?DO II ?LADIES We have been receiving large shi past few days and our stock and varied enough to please ing for SHOES that have Sty] Right Prices. We have Ladt Patent Leathers in all the Ne1 MEN'S YES, we have the Men's SHOES t al and Patents?Lace, Bluch< MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES? ?LADIES' C I I WE SHINE HERE. Have enoug in Quality, Style, Size and Pi LADIES Many Ladies have already bought Because we pleased them in can please you?Give us the < Priced at BOYS* C BRTNG YOUR BOY TO THOMS can please YOUR Boy and ou your Pocketbook laugh?DO : MEN'! STETSON and MONROE HATS Shapes?Priced at ?: : MILL THOMSON'S MILLINERY DEP.J Simply because it is giving and PRICES. That's reason Want a New Hat! Visit THC BARGAINS II YESTERDAY we received a ship Dishes. Water Sets, Bowls a an 1 is beautifully cut?Lots price and never "bat" their e CUT GLASS you'll buy it. C at the prices asked The THOMSO Olivet Sunday school at 3.15. Preaching at o'clock. Henry Stokes, Pastor. 013IT UARY. DiFJ)?At her home in Rock Hill on Tuesday morning, Mrs. L. J. OWENS, following a long illness. The funeral was conducted this morning by Rev. W. H. Stevenson and the interment was in Mount Holly cemetery. ilhe dfotton Jftarhft. New York, Oct. 21.?Cotton futures closed easy as follows: October 12.27; December 12.40; January 12.52; March 12.73; May 12.88. Spots quiet; middling uplands 12.40; sales, none. (October 22, 1915.) Cotton Seed Yorkville 12 60 Tirzah 123 57 Sharon 12 62 Hickory Grove 12J 62 Rock Hill 12 62 MASONS, ATTENTION VISITING the State Fair? You are invited to Lunch at 1221-A Main St. Open all day after 7 a. m. Dinner, Wednesday and Thursday. Auspices ORDER EASTERN STAR, Columbia. LONG, THE TINNER I AM located on East Madison Street, and am prepared to give good service In repairing and making to orden everything In the tin and sheet iron line. S. M. LONG. 2t LUMBER TO ORDER WE can furnish Pine or Oak LUMEER of good quality and at reasonable prices, at the mill or delivered. Address No. 4, Clover. 80 t 3t* McMACKIN & DEAL FOB 8ALE MY 7-room Residence at eastern outskirts of Yorkville. Also Farm of 97 acres 4 miles east of town. See me for a bargain. 84 t.f. 4t J. C. WALLACE. PURE APPLER SEED OATS AT 62| Cts. in large lots, 65 Cts. in smaller lots. Samples at York Drug Store and People's National Bank. CAMPBELL BARNETT, 84 3t Clover, S. C., R. F. D. No. 2. OATS AND VETCH?(2 BUSHEL WE have Oats and Vetch Mixture at $2 a bushel. Because of proportion of Vetch, purchasers should add from one to two bushels of oats, according to fertility of soil. More vetch on poor land, less on rich land. "AtYiKiiioHnn fnr noil building to be found. Mixture will be shown at Dr. Bratton's barn, in town, by him, or by J. W. Quinn, Manager, at farm. 73 f. t tf BRATTON FARM. J. H. 8AYE, J. L. RAINEY, President. Viee Preet. First National Bank SHARON. - - - 8. O. "IT IS WELL TO THINK WELL. IT IS DIVINE TO ACT WELL."? Horace Mann. YES, Mr. Mann, was and is quite correct. It is well to think well?better to act well. Some people are always thinking that they will "Start a Bank Account tomorrow." That is a worthy thought and shows that the individual's "think box" is working in the right direction?BUT?thinking will accomplish little. It takes some ACTING. Follow Mr. Mann through to the end and ACT?Start a Bank Account with the First National Bank of Sharon?You will be more than pleased after you ACT?After You make the START. You will be pleased with our service, with the convenience of paying your bills with your Checks and with the Safety of your funds. ACT TODAY. Make a small start?Your account will grow. J. S. HARTNESS, Cashier. "? i i n I. Warehoused umon As Security. The idea is prevalent that our farmers, t( secure the Best Price for their Cotton, must market it gradually. The Farmers and the Public Generally MUST KNOW that their Banks CAN and WILL HELP THEM. The mere knowledge of this fact, it is suggested, may be effectivo in sustaining the price of cotton. To obtain special consideration in the Interest Rate, it is required that Loans be based upon INSURED, WAREHOUSED COTTON. Along this line, "The BANK OF CLOVER will consider as favorable security Receipts issued by the Bowling Green and Filbert Warehouses, and offer our services to ANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS who may need any assistance in this manner of marketing this cotton crop. The Bank of Clover >1. Ii. Smith, Pres. J. A. Page. Cash. CLOVER, S. C. 1 MOW" I 11V/ TT if thousands of American business "DO IT NOW." It is a good motman to do his best. But KNOWnportant as DOING it. You have ifforts of some people trying to DO ing Just what they were trying to gun shot off at random?if it hits !ut "DO IT NOW" is a good motto, you will of course be looking for and RIGHT PRICE. Your inner > come to THOMSON CO. When region of thought?DO IT now? N CO.'S for QUALITIES. STYLES r now. : SHOES ?H? pments of LADIES' SHOES the is large enough, complete enough most of the Ladies who are lookle, Quality, Fit, Comfort and at the es' SHOES in Vici, Gun Metal and w Styles of Toes?Priced at $3.00, $3.50 and $1.00 Pair SHOES ?I?loo. Plenty of them. In Gun Met;r and Bals?Priced at $3.00, $3.50 and $1.00 Pair Blacks and Tans $2.50 to $3.50 :OAT SUITS ?I?I? h SUITS in stock to Fit all comers rice?At $10.00 to $22.50 i' coats their COATS at this Store. Why? Quality, Style, Fit and Price. We opportunity to try?Do It Now $7.50 to $15.00 LOTIIIXG OX'S for his New Fall Suit?We r prices for the Qualities will make IT NOW?Prices $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 5 HATS for Men?All the New Shades and $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 INERY ?: : IKTMEXT continues busy. Why? the BEST in STYLES, QUALITY i enough with most of the Ladies. IMSON'S. DO IT NOW. tf CUT GLASS ment of CUT GLASS?Vases, Fern nd Nappies?It is a beautiful line of Stores would charge double our yes. If you will come and see this >ur stock won't last but a few days $1.00 to $3.OS Each Piece or Set. >N COMPANY Money-Saving SPECIALS40 inch SHEETING?worth 8 l-3c ?At 5 Cta. Yard Yard-wide BLEACHING?At 5 Cta. Yard 10c Klondike OUTINGS?At 81-3 Cta. Yd. 10c HICKORY SHIRTING?At 81-3 Cta. Yd. $2.00 RUGS?At $1.00 Each Men s $15.00 SUITS?At $10.00 Each $2.50 HEAVY SHOES?At $2.00 COME TO THIS BUSY STORE?If You Don't Trade Here WE BOTH LOST MONEY. McCONNELL'S Affiliated With General Merchandise Exchange of New York City. LIFE IT CAN BE A 8UCCE88 OR A FAILURE. WHICH WILL IT BE WITH YOU? ? ? 111111 Look at the men who are successful In the eyes of the world. Ninety-nine out of every hundred started a Bank Account when they were young?and stuck to it And now, look at the failures. Very few of them have a Bank account now. Not speaking of when they were young. Perhaps you think you have not enough money to start an account. Haven't you a dollar? That's all It takes at THIS BANK. Just try It for a year or six months. If you do not wish to continue it you have lost nothing by the trial. Which Will It Bo?Success or Failure? IT'8 UP TO YOU. Bank of Hickory Grove HICKORY GROVE. 8. C. PIANOS AN WE CARRY a good stock of thesi will pay you to come and see these i OUR MILTON CLUB PIANO I Bargain. W. G. RE1D? Horses and Mares This week wc received a shipment of HORSES and MARES, and a few MULES. This is our third shipment of stock this fall. We have been well pleased with this business and we are sure that those who have .bought . Mules from us this fall will be con- , gratulating themselves before another summer has passed. In this week's shipment there are several CHOICE HORSES and NICE MARES, including BROOD MARES. , If You want a Horse or Mare NOW is \ the time to come for what you want. ( We believe we can please you in | the kind of Horse or Mare you want ana we ueiieve we tan yicaou juu the price. We'll Sell you straight or , Exchange with you, whichever you prefer, and we will give you "A Square Deal With No ltound Corners." JAMES BROS. I YORK TRUST COM ? Writes All Kinds of Insurance ^ Yourself, Yi Is it Good Business to Work and [ y allow it to be Lost by Fire? ' Is It Good Business to Be Without ^ Against Accident and Sickness Is it Good Business to Go Withou y Life, for the Benefit of Your ! Let Us Serve You with "Protectioi SOfllce In First National Ba O. E. Wllklns, Prest. R. C. Allc REXALL ? OLIVE OIL EMULSION ? A Pleasant Tasting Food Tonic, Combining the Tonic Properties of Hypopliosphites With the Nutritive Properties of the Finest Olive Oil REXALL OLIVE OIL EMULSION Is especially adapted to persons suffering from Pulmonary Affections, Coughs, Colds, Etc., during the period of convalescence?In other words it is a Rebuilder. If you are "Run Down" following that Cough or Cold, try a bottle of REXALL OLIVE OIL EMULSION. It will benefit you. YORK DRUG STORE State Agric Mechs F-A COLUMBI October 25 to 0< GREATLY REDU( SOUTHERN TICKETS Wlfjfi BE SOLD < And For Trains SclinlukHl to Arrlvi her 29th. Final Limit Xoveml Excellent Train Service Extra Coaches Will Be Provided < of the Travel. EXCELLENT MANY NEW A GREAT HARVEST JUBILE OPEN AIR E Parades of Natural Hesou FOB FULL INFORMATION AP W. E. MeGEE, Asst. Gen. Passenp S. H. M Announcemen J* We have decided to CLOSE OU1 our Grocery Department?Everythlnf included under this heading?Betweer Now and the 1st Day of January, 1916 The quicker we can dispose of Al Groceries the better we will b< pleased. To secure your help in disposing of this stock we offer? EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES, FEEDSTUFFS, ETC. AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. See us for anything you need in this line. Our CLOSING OUT PRICES will Interest You and Save You Money on Your Grocery Bills. Reduced Prices are Effective N?x1 Saturday to January l, i?io. R. E. HEATH COMPANY THE CITY MARKE1 Offers the Best Beef to be had, in al the choicest cuts. Offers Finest Cured Hams, raw 01 boiled, whole or by the pound oi slice. Has Fresh Fish every Saturday. Buys HIDES at the market price. Wants all the good, Fresh Eggs 11 can get, and all the Butter it car handle. Will take all the good, fat Cattle 1< can get. PHONE 74. C. F. SHERER, Proprietor. D ORGANS I WE are Exclusive Agents in York county for the following well-known, high grade makes of Pianos and Organs? MATHUSHEK, KIMBALL, MILTON, FABER PIANOS ESTEY. \M KIMBALL, | CARPENTER, ,9 PITTMAN V ORGANS i instruments on our floor and it and get our prices before you buy. at $248.50?On Easy Terms?Is a & SON, Rock Hill, S.C. BANCROFT Sat? SEE US FOR BANCROFT SEED OATS, APPLER SEED OATS, RED CLOVER SEED, SEED RYE. THREE ROW OAT DRILLS? We have them. Priced Just right. FRESH GROCERIESQUAKER OATS, (New Crop, Guar anteed); Supreme Hams, Irish Pota toes, Sweet Potatoes, Bacon?Fat Bacl and Streaked; Colonial Flour?it's th< Best ever; Fresh Corn Meal. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH? Always?is what you get when yot buy here. lIUKSJifRMlSee us when you need any?Oui price will sell you what you need. CARROLL BROS. \PANY, York, S. C. J ?To Protect Your Property, J Dur Family J Make Money, Buy Property and I ??.??????? y : Some Protection on Your Body ????????? 'I t Some Protection On Your Own z Family? ??????? y i That PROTECTS." # ink Building, York, S. C. A in, Treas. C. A. Boney, Secty. J | ONE OF THE j 11 BIG BELK STORES WHO BUYS AND SELLS FOR LESS MILLINERY COAT SUITS COATS SKIRTS DRESS GOODS SHOES CLOTHING HATS FURNISHINGS. Kirkpatrick - Belk Co. ultural and mical t n 1 - IV A, S. C. :tober 29, 1915 :ed rates via RAILWAY :>CT. 23RD 'IX) OCT. 28TII c In Columbia Heforc Noon OetoImt 1st. 1915. and Accommodations )n Regular Trains to Take Cure exhibits ttractions IE >ancing every night irees, Trades and Moral. PLY TO TICKET AGENTS OK er Agent, Columbia, or to cLEAN, D. P. A., Columbia, S. C. f ? TRY STROUP'S EVERY' 8The BESTI ; q ^ ^ ^ 52 t* JOB LOT OF SHOE | Men's Brogans, Extra Heavy Work O Shoes?Worth $2.00, $2.50 and $3 t/i Fit and Get a Bargain?NOW & Ladles' Dress and Work Shoes?All r P worth $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 a pa 2 Get a Bargain?NOW PH H HERMAN ENGLISH LAST?We et CO call to the attention of Gentlemer ular about their footwear, the H? t on the English last. They are sna i rj are comfortable, they are good " them in Lace and Button; Tan i Metal, Patent and Vlcl Leathers. 1 with Gray Cloth Tops; Tans wl Tops; Gun Metal and Patents wil W Corded Tips?An Ideal Shoe for 1 [d rT HERMAV'S HEAVY SHOES?Built Army Marching Last?Black and U and Flexible Caps?Price ' ? PETERS' ALL-FOR-WKAR SHOE | ~ Boys?the Best Heavy Shoe on Ph Styles and Sizes?Prices, for MenP-i $4.00 a Pair; For Bovs?$2.25 am W U x HER] W to The Herman line oi ^ the best on the pn arc maae on ti to Boys of the Ar 2 vSjcSajfr partments?No M and Wearing C ?*J Price. We als 5 ard lasts" or si X and Gun Metal will be pleased gj and Price?All ^ Best In Shoes - TRY STROUP'S?O? 'TIS A 1 Look Before You Leap | DURING the past six or eight I years I" have frequently heard the statement made that people had learned a great deal more about Life In, surance than they used to know, and t that the Individual who had made up his mind to insure his life was pretty apt to Look Before He Leaped. My observation is that "some" people have learned that all legal reserve or so-called "old line" companies, ARE NOT "About the tame. They have learned that all of them DO NOT treat all of their members in the same way, and that all have not records extending over a long series of years of a Square Deal to each policy holder, whether he knew what was his dues - under his contract or not?such a rec ord, for instance, as the Mutual Benec fit HAS. It is a fact that the average j buyer of Life Insurance buys from an Agent who "goes after him," regardless of what company the Agent represents, or the nature of the contract 1 he sells. Comparatively few seem to understand that while there is little difference in the net cost of Insurance r in any of the old, established, legal reserve companies, there is a vast difference in the Contracts. In view of the fact that the individual who buys the insurance "Pays the freight," it would seem to be only common, business i sense for him to "Look Before He Leaps," even though his own brother was the Agent who first caused him to I become interested in life Insurance. The Mutual Benefit is recognized all over the United States as being In a Class By Itself?the One that has Always Done the Most for Its Members, and I shall be pleased to show YOU if YOU care to be shown. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent OYSTERS BEGINNING i FRIDAY AND i SATURDAY NEXT? I WILL HAVE? NORFOLK SELECTS FOR SALE AT 40 CENTS A QUART. LOUIS ROTH Fountain Pens IF YOU use a Fountain Pen and want a New one?Buy a WATERI MAN IDEAL. IF YOU haven't a Fountain Pen and want a good one?Bay a WATERMAN IDEAL. IF YOU are hard to suit In a Fountain Pen, give me a chance and I can Fit your hand with a WATERMAN IDEAL. IF YOU want a Fountain Pen that is always on the job?buy a WATERMAN IDEAL. IF YOU would like to see a good line of Fountain Pens?let me give you a splendid opportunity by exhibiting my stock of WATERMAN IDEAL PENS?They're BEST. IT WILL give me pleasure to show you my line or w am. n. main IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS. T. W. SPECK, Jeweler Table Furnishings We are constantly receiving new goods for "Table Furnishings"?Dining Tables?Something that will appeal to and satisfy the appetite. Among our newest arrivals are? PORTO RICO MOLASSES PREPARED BUCKWHEAT RAISINS. CURRENTS. CITRON, PREPARED COCOANUT FLAVORING EXTRACTS. MACCARONI, SPAGHETTI. TUNA FISH? This is one of the most delightful of all the Canned Fish. Used principally for making salad when chickens are high and scarce and folks who know and use Tuna Fish, say it is in every way equal to chicken for salad. You might try a can for salad. It is good. SHOT GUN SHOT SHELLS? Sportsmen will please remember us when Gun Shells are wanted. We have the Genunine Winchester Loaded Shot Shells?everywhere recognized as the Best?We will interest you in prices. ' SHERER & QUINN rHING IN SHOES EXCEPT T1 Shoes for YO "The proof of the pudding," etc., everybody. We have been cla of the Best Shoes for Men, B Children to be found in this se a measure of Shoe values we Shoe sales this fall are the lari tory in this town. Wise peoj results?are not only buying evidently are telling other p< Qualities of Shoes to be had certainly believe that We H Good Shoes in all this section, we are giving our Shoe Cus Shoe Money?-Quality, Fit, O is possible to get elsewhere. 1 Irving Drew Shoes for Ladies; P< men, Boys and Girls; Herman 18 "ALL-FOR-WE Shoes and Dress and Cap To .00 a pair?Get a IRVING DREV $1.50 Pair We have the) . , . . your especia styles and sizes? Cloth Top, Pi ir?Get a Fit and in style, and $1.00 Pair Drew Shoes 1 and Low He ipecially want to ensily the Bet 1 who are partic- Best In Quail 3rman Shoe built PETFRS' seimi PPy In style, they S1* f M wearers. Have *h^ for M? and Black; Gun ana 8*yIe8? Al Black Gun Metal MEN'S BROG.4 th Brown Cloth Best Brogan i th Leather Tops^ SKUFFERS?W * tO $5 the SensjMe g on Uncle Sam's Blacks, Tans Ta2i RUBBER BOCr $3.50 to $4.00 Rubber Boots S-For Men and ftfSXwS the market?All 1 r "en' wo -$3.00, $3.50 and 9W When You 1 $2.50 a Pair. BEST that You MAM QUCkFQ PnP MTTM F Shoes for Men is unquestionably market The Army and Navy Hei be same lasts that are specified f my and Navy by the War and Na^ t only are the lasts the same, but t Qualities are the Same?the Best o have Herman Shoes in all the "i bapes in Tans and Blacks?Paten leathers. Wear Herman Shoes ai in Wearing Quality, Style, Fit, C< built into Herman Shoes for Men. J. M. STROUl FEAT TO FIT THE FEET"?W] Dorsett's Cafe AND LUNCH COUNTER IS NOW OPEN AND READY TO SERVE ALL KINDS OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT ALL HOURS We wish to announce that we have secured the services of Mr. Galnee MahafTey, a restaurant man formerly with the famous "Gem Restaurant" In Charlotte, who will have charge ol Alio PAIPP and T TTXirrrj nATTXTrpijiD vui vai u aitu uuiiv/ii vvuniuiVi We can serve anything that is good to eat ROYAL PRESSING CLUB. We Invite you to Join our PRESSING CLUB. Five Suits Cleaned and Pressed Each Month for $1.00. When you want your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed RIGHT, send them to the ROYAL PRESSING CLUB. R. D. DORSETT, Prop. LESSONS OF Children Are the Embod for Them to Realize This Training, Assistance anc When taught early to SAVE, am precept, Children generally cont and Old Age THIS BANK directs attentio to Save?the SAVINGS ACCOUN their OWN Personal Accounts an larly Adding to Them. $1 $1 $1 $1 ONE DOLLAR WIL1 FIRST N ATI yor" R. C. AliLEIN, Cashier. "You Had Better 1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR SALE Store House and Lot?In Sharon; lot 90x200 feet; double store room 45x80 feet, fully equipped with shelving and counters, ready for occupancy, and in good condition. Known ui Shannon & Hope store. A real bargain for quick buyer. 119 Acre Farm?1 1-2 miles from Sharon, known as the Stanhope Love place. There is a good 7-room house, good well of water, 2 tenant houses, 2 good barns for horses and cattle, 2 good pastures for hogs and cattle. Fine land with lot of good forest timber Buildings alone worth price asked for the place. King'9 Mountain Street Lot?60 feet front and about 250 feet back, between lots of J. A. Tate and H. E. Ferguson. Bargain for quick sale. E^arm of 185 Acres?With good six room dwelling house and three four room Tenant houses, well of water, and well watered with springs and branches; good orchard and pasture. Located on Howell's Ferry road, 4 miles west of Yorkville, adjoining lands of J. T. Feemster and E. N. Stevenson. Will sell all or part. R. E. Montgomery's?Congress St. Residence and Store Building. Lot Is 66 feet front and 340 feet deep. Twostory residence, containing 11 rooms, with electric lights and water. Good Store building of convenient size and fine location, only one door south of courthouse. Also a Blacksmith and Repair shop in rear of lot. The property is now paying 9 pen cent interest on the purchase price asked. C. F. SHERER. Real Estate. j .... NATUR] J BANANAS, ORANGES, or a * Is SEALED AND PROOFED AG 1. Ill i Preparing " FOR YOIJR TABLE We copy NA # NEVER TOUCHES this dellghtfi J YOUR COFFEE POT AT HOME, ? SAVE Your LUZIANNE CX I THE REILY-TA' ^ NEW ORL HE FEET ? TRY STROUP'S UR MONEYi > ???????'??? ^ is an old saw familiar to M timing that we have a line jjj ioys, Women, Misses and ~ ction. Taking SALES as q are glad to say that our ^ jest in our mercantile his- *3 >le?people who judge by their Shoes from Us, but ^ eople about the Superior pj at This Store. And We ave the Biggest Line of W , We further believe that tomers MORE for their : omfort and Style?than it I *ry Us on Your Next Pair. < Jters Shoes for Men, Wo- M Shoes for Men?the Best. G L- O M H AR" SHOES?For Women?Plain . e?Price per pair $3.25 | V SHOES?"Peerless for Women"? j se in all the popular styles, but call . I attention to the Gray and Black j"j itent, Laced Shoes. They are snappy ~ popular with good dressers. Have s 'or Ladies, in Lace and Button, High r/3 els?All Leathers?Drew Shoes are j at Shoes for Ladies who want the m ty, Style, Fit and Comfort. q ^?A Full line of Dress and Henry g l. Women and Children?All Leathers m II Sizes and Prices. Ask for Them. ^ LNS?Genuine Split Creedmore?the | on the Market?Pair $1.75 ' re have a full line of SKUFFERS? W >hoe for Boys and Girls?All Sizes, in ^ and Smoke?Lace and Button. ' rs AND SHOES?A complete line of 5 i?Priced at $4.00 and $4.50 Pair J ete line of Rubber Shoes in all sizes, r* nen and Children. We can suit you. X Buy Shoes At Stroup's You Buy the 2! r Money Can Buy. Buy Shoes Here. Q ~i ms one of X^r \ O rman's W? l w or the Wj V w tv D&- J/*/ M 2e Fit #/ //I * at t^ie M*/^S Stand- 3 ld y?u a Dmfort ? 3d B ? Correct Hats j* E DO IT ?<>- TRY STROUP'S 7 NEED WE MM FOR more than a year there hoa been a decided scarcity of the "long . , green," "filthy lucre," "coin of the realm," "hard cash," "legal tender," > and other "Mediums of Exchange," In 1 these parts. At least everybody has . been complaining that these articles have been scarce. During this time it , has been my pleasure to furnish Groi cerles to lots of people in this town - who complained of this scarcity?"On ( Credit." Lots of It Is "On Credit" yet. : At times It has been hard for me to get Cash enough to pay current bills. I Money Is more plentiful now. and as November 1st la almost here I think ?think It real hard?that the people who owe ME for what THEY have been eating this year Ought to Pay What They Owe Me. I Need It?Need it uignt mow ana win appreciate it 11 YOU will come across At Once?Pay Me so that I can pay the other fellow ?Do It Today. If You Owe Me I am Talking to YOU. W. E. FERGUSON ' CHILDHOOD iment of Possibilities; But They Must Have Counsel, L Example :: :: :: :: d encouraged by both example and :inue to be thrifty through Youth m to the Surest means of Teaching rr. Children quickly take pride in id easily acquire the habit of ReguL, OPEN AN ACCOUNT 91 $1 $1 $1 ONAL BANK K. S. O. O. E. WILKIN8, President. REAL ESTATE ; LOOK! Now Isn't This a Nice Seieo, UOn? The J. K. Hope Place: 70 acres, ' near Tlrzah, on Rock Hill and Clay 1 Hill and Yorkvilte and Fort Mill roads. ' 5-room dwelling; large barn; 2 tenant housed and other buildings; 2 wells? i one at house and other at barn. Ad! joins T. M. Oates, F. E. Smith and ? Mrs. Glenn. This is something nice. ! See ME QUICK. 1 The E. T. Carson Place: 186 acres; 8-room dwelling; S-room tenant ' house; large barn; crib, etc. Plenty ' of wood. Adjoins W. R. Carroll and others. Now is your time to see me. 1 Two Tracts?One 63 acres and the - other 60 acres?about 6 miles from Yorkvllle on McConnellsvllle-Chester road. First tract has 4-room dwell: ing; barn, crib and cotton house. Other tract has one tenant house. Each tract watered by spring and branch. Plenty of timber. Good, strong land, and the price is right Better see me. Town Property: My offerings here are very attractive. Can suit you either in a dwelling or a beautiful lot in almost any part of Town on which to erect one. Let me show you. Geo. W. Williams REAL ESTATE BROKER. U.II. TvnAuuritftr Rihbont. ~ku7 /?? j Carbons and Papor at The Enquirer Office. Prompt attention given to mail and phone orders. E*S WAY.... { nythlng Nature prepares for food, t GAINST DEADLY GERMS * ZlANNE I TURE In her work. Human Hand ul Coffee, FROM THE SACK TO J >UPONS For Valuable Gifts. t JfLOR COMPANY j iEANS, LA. W