tumorous ^rpartmrut The Double Life.?Col. George Harvey said at a banquet in his honor ir New York: "We editors like criticism, especially when it is of the very favorabh kind that I've received this evening. ."But not all criticism is favorable even for the most successful editors A good many editors, in fact, often fine themselves in the position of the rid old broker, whose little grand-niece said: " 'Uncle, how long do people live?" " "The natural span of a man's life, thie uncle answered, 'is, as the Gooc Book tells us, three score years anc ten." " 'Oh, then, you'll live to be 140 1. .inntn "> WUn l j uu, uiiviv . 'The old man looked around th( room crowded with relatives anc laughed heartily. " 'Why, no,' he said. 'Why no. How do you make that out?' " 'Isn't It true, then,' said the little girl, 'isn't It true what mamma sayi about you living a double life?'"? Washington Star. Many Amateurs.?Well, at this commencement we were talking of awhile back, there were several class reunions, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Dozens of old grads were bach and they talked a lot about themselves and a lot more about others not sc fortunate as to attend. "Most of our old crowd are married and happy," said one. "Married, anyhow," sand another with a grin that always accompanies this silly joke. "I accept the amendment," returned the first speaker, "but chiefly on account of poor Billy Tompkins. He had an unfortunate maritial experience." We hadn't heard of It and begged for particulars. "Why, the girl he married turned out to be a professional pickpocket." The man who had first spoken sighed but his eyes twinkled. "Well," he observed, "I guess the rest of us drew some pretty clevei amateurs?what ?" A Two-ip*ed Machine.?In the lobbj of a hotel they were speaking about speed fiends, the Philadelphia Telegraph says, and Congressman Wyati Aiken of South Carolina, recalled f story about Jones. One afternoon Jones was rambling along the boulevard when he rar across friend Smith. Handshake anc then some talk, which included th< war, the weather and automobiles. "By the way," said friend Smith recollectively, "I hear that you hav< been buying a machine." "Yes," proudly admitted Jones. "! brought her home about two weeks ago." "Some speed of course," returnee friend Smith. "How fast can the machine go?" "Well," answered Jones, with t smile that was half sad, "It depends altogether on who is timming it, myself or a country constable." Her Innocent Boy.?Aunt Rosa, whe had presided in the kitchen for man} years and was a person of high privileges in the family, came into the library in a highly flustrated state wiping her fat hands upon her apron says the Literary Digest. She was plainly both distressed and indignant She addressed herself without preamble to the master of the house. "Mister Willie," she said, "please suh, len' me >15, suh. Dey done 'rest my boy 'Rastus ag'in. Dey got hinr shet up in Jail, an' dey 'fuse to lei him out 'lessen I pays bail." "What has the lazy rascal been doing, Aunt Rosa?" "He ain't done nothln' 'tall, Mistei Willie?nothin' 'tall. De boy was Jesi a settin' on de do' step wiv a knife ir his hail', and' a onery nigger come by and fell on it, and rip hisself open? dat's all, suh." The Will and the Way.? His teacher was having a hard time explaining the lesson. "Tommy, you can learn this if yoi make up your mind. It's not one bit smart to appear dull. I know thai you're just as bright as any boy in th? class. Remember, Tommy, when there's a will, there's?'' "Aw," broke in Tommy, "I know al dat, I do. Me fadder's a lawyer, an I heard him say it lots of times." "You should not have interrupted me, but I am glad that your fathei has taught you the old adage. Car you repeat it to me?" "Sure. Me fadder says dat when der"8 a will dor's always a bunch o poor relatives." Meant Work For Him.?"You lool as if you'd lost the best friend you had in the world," remarked the man froir Patchogue. "What seems to be tlu trouble?" "My boss has notified me that th? office will close at noon on Saturdays during the summer months," replied the Speuonk commuter. "I don't see why you should feel sc glum about that." "You don't, eh? Do you know whal that order means to me? It means that I'll have to spend my Saturdaj afternoons out in the hot sun weeding the garden, instead of sitting at mj desk enjoying the cool breeze from ar electric fan." Bobby's Choice.?Bobby and Elsie were told that there were two apples or the table for them. Being taught tc consider each other first, Bobby said: "Take your choice, Elsie." "No," said Elsie, "you take youi choice." Each kept insisting that the othei take first choice, but finally Elsie broke the deudlock by taking the biggest apple. Instantly Bobby's yese flashed and he exclaimed wrathfully: "Put that back and take your choice!' The Most Hateful Man.?The endseat hog is very bad, the hammockgrabber wuss, and he who borrows our last scad is a most hateful cuss; but he who drives our soul to sin, and makes us wart to bite, is the mutl who goes camping in the bathtub or Saturday night.?Houston Post. Her Tragedy.?"Why did you nevei marry?" "Someone proposed to me by phone and I told him yes. but I was so excited that I rang off without asking him who it was." Great Discovery.?"Why do yot constantly spray your throat with that ill-smelling compound?" "Greatest discovery of the age, m> boy. My wife never accuses me ol drinking now." I J1 : Reductior MICh TI 1 EFFECTIV1 One Quality < "AS U: ? Get Reduced Pi from i Yorkville Motor C 1 1 1 ; . ' : ! ^ COLLEGE^^MLOING r ROPER HOSPITAL i T=r tfjjj 5 MEALS ARE WHEN yoi your worl minutes * supper ? then t PERFECTION i helps you to hur i It lights at the t and cooks rapid! It regulates high raising or lower is easy to operai easy to re-wick. Sold in 1, 2, 3 a by hardware, fur ment stores ever NEW PERFEi I bake better bee . . iresh hotairpassi and under the i the steam, and ness. This is ai PERFECTION Use Aladdin or Diamonc to obtain the b 3 Stoves, Heatt I PERM OlligCK STANDARD ( i Washington, D. C. (New . Norfolk, Va. (BALTI R;^i?V. J?to i In Prices IELIN RES E JULY 19th [)nly--The Best SUAL" !ar Co. Medical College of the State of South Carolina. CHARLESTON, S. C. Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy Owned and Controlled by the State Eighty-seventh session begins October 1, 1915?ends June 1, 1916. Five new three-story buildings immediately opposite Roper Hospital. Laboratories of Chemistry, Bacteriology, Anatomy. Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Pharmacology and Pharmacy provided with new, modern equipment. The Roper Hospital, one of the largest and best equipped hospitals in the South, contains 218 beds, and with an extensive out-patient service, offers unsurpassed clinical advantages. Practical work in dispensary for pharmaceutical students. Two years graduated service in Roper Hospital with six appointments each year. Department of Physiology and Em. bryology in affiliation with the Charleston Museum. Ten full-time teachers in laboratory branches. For catalog address: OSCAR W. SCHLEE7ER, Registrar .Box 43 Charleston, S. C. July 6-20-27. aug. 10-24-31. ?rag|j6L^ 7S -^H*^="snmiqnnu 1 NEVER LATE a1 re behind with t, with only a few in which to get :he handy NEW Oil Cookstove ry. ouch of a match, ly like a gas stove. l or low, merely by ing the wick. It te, easy to clean, ind 4 burner sizes g niture and depart- g pwhere. I CTION OVENS ause a current of *s continually over ood ? drying out preventing soggin exclusive NEW advantage. i Security Oil ! White Oil est results in oil :rs and Lamps. Stion gtsmjEs I )IL COMPANY I Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. B MORE) Charleston, W. Va g Charleston, S. C. 2 ..SHINGLES.. SHINGLES A CAR OF SHINGLES SHINGLES NO. ONE'S SHINGLES SHINGLES A CAR OF SHINGLES SHINGLES No. TWO'S SHINGLES SHINGLES A CAR OF SHINGLES SHINGLES 5X18 INCH SHINGLES SHTNr.I.RS CYPRESS. SHINGLES SHINGLES SEE US SHINGLES SHINGLES FOR LOW SHINGLES SHINGLES PRICES? SHINGLES SHINGLES WE'LL SHINGLES SHINGLES MAKE IT SHINGLES SHINGLES WORTH SHINGLES SHINGLES YOUR SHINGLES SHINGLES WHILE. SHINGLES J. J. KELLER & COMPANY REAL ESTATE LOOK! Now Isn't Tliln a Nice Selection? The J. K. Hope Place: 70 acres, near Tirzah, on Rock Hill and Clay Hill and Yorkvllle and Fort Mill roads. 5-room dwelling; large barn; 2 tenant houses and other buildings; 2 wells? one at house and other at barn. Adjoins T. M. Gates, F. E. Smith and Mrs. Glenn. This is something nice. See ME QUICK. The E. T. Carson Place: 186 acres; 8-room dwelling; 3-room tenant house; large barn; crib, etc. Plenty of wood. Adjoins W. R. Carroll and others. Now is your time to see me. Two Tracts?One 63 acres and the other 60 acres?about 6 miles from Yorkvllle on McConnellsvllle-Chester road. First tract has 4-room dwelling; barn, crib and cotton house. Oth or tract has one tenant nouse. r>acn tract watered by spring and branch. Plenty of timber. Good, strong land, and the price Is right. Better see me. Town Property: My offerings here are very attractive. Can suit you either in a dwelling or a beautiful lot in almost any part of Town on which to erect one. Let me show you. Geo. W. Williams REAL ESTATE BROKER. Roofing At COSTWe have a lot of Good COMPOSITION ROOFING that we want to close out. It is as good as any roofing of the kind on the market?better than most roofings of the kind?We offer it AT FIRST COST while it lasts. If you can use any Roofing, now and here is your BEST place to buy. WAGONS AND BUGGIES Knowing Wagon and Buggy values as we do, we are in position to give YOU the Top Values in either Wagons or Buggies. Before you buy either, come and talk to us. Let us show you our goods and quote you our prices. ? 8 LBS. GOOD COFFEE, $1.00 ? We make a Specialty of COFFEES and always carry a big stock and a big variety. We believe we can please the most fastidious. Today we offer 8 Lbs. of Good Coffee at $1.00. This is GOOD Coffee?much better than you would expect at the price?measured by the Coffee you have been buying at around 15c a pound. Try this. See Us for Molasses Feed for your Mules and Horses. Priced right CARROLL BROS. WE'RE READY? " WHEN YOU'RE READY to Buy or Trade a Mule, Mare or Horse. We can satisfy you in Quality, Size, Age and Price, whether you want New Spring Styles or on down to a "Plug." Come to see US before you make a deal. We will give YOU "A Square Deal With No Round Corners." JAMES BROS. Palm Beach Suits Now, that the summer season is on, you are wearing your light-weight clothing, and frequent Cleaning and Pressing is necessary. Let us do your work. We will give you entirely satisfactory work at most reasonable cost. PALM BEACH SUITS? Cleaned and Pressed?50 Cts. per Suit. For Club Members?Cleaned and Pressed?25 Cts. per Suit. JOIN THE PRESSING CLUB? Let us clean and press your Clothes. Five Suits per month for $1.00. All work called for and delivered. We Guarantee our work to give Satisfaction. WORK FOR LADIES? We make a specialty of Cleaning and Pressing Ladies' Skirts of all kinds, and at Reasonable Prices. Phone us your wants. ROYAL PRESSING CLUB R. D. DORSETT, Prop. professional OUrds. T. L. GLENN Veterinarian OFFERS his Professional services at reasonable rates, to those in need of the same. Address, Yorkville, S. C., or Call Telephone No. 92. 46 f 13t DR. WM. M. KENNEDY ? DENTAL SURGEON ? Oilice On Second Floor of tlie Wylle Building?Opposite Post-office. Telephone?Office, 99; Residence 166. JAMES B7S?RLEY DENTAL SURGEON First National Bank Building YORKVILLE, S. C. IW Office Hours: 8.30 A. M., to 5.30 P. M. 3 f ly Geo. W. S. Hart Jos. E. Hart U A DT Sr U A DHT a ini\i u, a ini\i ATTORNEYS AT LAW Yorkville S. C. Witherspoon Big., Second Floor, Front. Phone (Office) No. 58. DIRECTORY OF YORK COUNTY A DIRECTORY of the White Men of York county of voting age, together with the postofflce address and occupation of each, may be had at the Bank of Clover, the Bank of Hickory Grove, the First National Bank of Sharon, the People's National Bank of Rnr-U Mill, iir from The Ennuirer Offiee at 25 cents a copy. This directory contains more than 4,000 names, and is of especial service and value for com mercial purposes. Published by L. M. GRISTS SONS. Chew^^li 5c. the packet or cent at all the bette "DOBS' Of or, Candied ove peppermintthe heart is d kaffai* iiritll U^tiV/1 TTIM1 "Bobs" is Oi ... FENCE WIRE... I * Just now, or shdrtly, when work with the crops slackens a bit, Is a good time to build your New Fences that you are needing; or to Repair Fences already up that need repairing. Do it Right Away. The sooner begun the sooner completed. When you are ready see US FOR THE WIRE YOU NEED. We have it?the BEST WOVEN WIRE FENCING MADE. The kind that is being used by thousands upon thousands of farmers all over the country. The kind that looks good before it is put up?the kind that looks good after It is put up?the kind that will stay good for years. Yes, come and see US for FENCE WIRE. Our prices will interest YOU. R. E. HEATH COMPANY STATEMENT OF CLAIM (Continued fror No. Voucher. DISBURSE 67 D. M. Benfleld. revenue stamp on 68 C. J. Forbes, supplies, Confederal 69 J. H. Sutton, work on road 70 Yorkville Hardware Co., Co. Hor 71 G. W. Sherer, supplies, Confedera 72 J. M. Miller, teams for moving ga 73 R. L Campbell, teams for movln 74 The Thomson Co., County Homj. 75 Campbell & Barnett, teams to mc 76 W. F. Armstrong, supplies, Confe 77 Shieder Drug Store, Co. Home, $2 $6.90 78 J. D. Flanagan, fodder for gang 79 B. N. Moore, jail, $34.53; courthc 80 Clover Hdw. Co., supplies for gan; 81 Jackson Repair Co., work for gar 82 Fort Mill Times, publishing Audi 83 Dickson Bros., supplies, paupers 84 R. T. Allison, press repairs, Cour 85. Error. 86 Gertrude Walker, copying for Suj 87 Dan Nivens, teams to move gang o8 Herald Publishing Co., Auditor's r 89 Yorkville Elec. & Water Plant, ji 90 G. W. Stroud, supplies, paupers . 91 Yorkville Elec. & Water Plant, ja 92 W. E. Land, supplies, paupers . . 93 Yorkville Elec. & Water Plant, jai 94 Joh;i Sterling, work at courthousi 95 Dr. T. R. Carothers, one lunacy lunatic, $12.56 96 Dr. W. G. Stevens, medical attenl 97 J. N. McDill, coffin for pauper . 98 T. B. Glenn, Magistrate, salary, 1 99 S. P. Wilson, repairing bridge .. 100 W. R. Rogers, salary as nightwal 101 W. E. Ferguson, supplies, Count: 102 YorK furniture uo., uo nomc, ? 103 Dr. M. J. Walker, attention Co. H 104 W. W. Lewis, Agt., premium on A 105 C. J. Forbes, supplies, Confederati 106 I. W. Johnson, supplies, Confedei 107 J. F. Moore, harness for gang .. 108 S. P. Wilson, lumber and work on 109 Herald Publishing Co., notice, Su 110 J. M. Ferguson, supplies, gang . 111 Mills & Young Co., supplies, Con 112 The Record Printing Co., notice, 113 Ferguson & Youngblood, supplies, 114 Travers-Wood Co., beams 115 Dr. J. N. Taylor, attention to pau] 116 C. Heeden, supplies, Confederates 117 M. L. Ford, pans for gang 118 H. W. Witherspoon, fodder for ga 119 M. L. Smith, meal for gang 120 The Record, advertisement of tax 121 Minnie Lee Garrison, balance on < 122 T. C. Barnett, supplies for gang . 123 Dr. M. J. Walker, one lunacy exai 124 T. E. McMackin, services on Boa 125 R. E. Montgomery, work for Cou 126 R. D. Alexander, work at jail ... 127 R. B. Hartness, expenses arrest of 128 R. E. Montgomery, work for gang 129 J. A. Tate, C. C. C. Pis., registerir 130 J. A. Tate, C. C. C. Pis., paid for \ 131 A. M. McGill. supplies, Confedera 132 Catawba Lumber Co., lumber and 133 W, E. Ferguson, supplies, Confed 134 York Supply Co., supplies, County 135 York Supply Co., supplies, gang . 136 E. L. Wood, corn for gang 137 J. B. McCarter, supplies, Confedei 138 J. B. McCarter, supplies. Confede 139 The Thomasson Repair Shop, woi 140 Kirkpatrick-Belk Co., supplies, C 141 Kirkpatrick-Belk Co., supplies, C 142 Kirkpatrick-Belk Co., pencils, Au 143 J. M. Stroup, supplies, County Hoi 144 J. M. Stroup, supplies for gang . 145 J. M. Stroup, supplies, courthouse 146 H. H. Windle, repairing bridge .. 147 Henry Grayson, fish for gang ... 148 J. R. Lindsay & Co., premiums on 149 J. A. Tate, C. C. C. Pis., salary, Is 150 Mrs. M. L. Armstrong, supplies, p 151 City Pharmacy, drugs for gang . 152 G. W. Stroud, supplies, Confedera 153 G. M. Carroll, supplies, Confeder 154 J. R. Kelly, automobile hire .... 155 Thos. W. Boyd, salary, first quarl 156 B. J. Currence. lumber 157 H. P. Jackson, supplies for gang 158 R. L A. Smith, Magistrate, salary 159 S. P. Wilson, lumber and work on 160 Jackson Bros., supplies for gang . 161 W. E. Land, supplies, Confederat 162 The Peoples National Bank, inter 163 P. W. Love, hauling for new Cour 164 Leader Iron Works, contract wat 165 Pryor Electric Co., work at Coun 166 Error. 167 M. A. McFarland, supplies, uonit 168 Carroll Bros., Co. Home, $27.18; j 169 Jno. F. Gordon & Co., supplies, C 170 Jno. F. Gordon & Co., supplies, C 171 Jno. F. Gordon & Co., supplies, Ci 172 Jno. F. Gordon & Co., supplies, C< 173 The Thomson Co., supplies, Count 174 W. R. Rogers, salary as nightwatc 175 Ferguson & Youngblood, supplies, 176 Yorkville Hardware Co., Co. t bridges, $20.90; jail, 50c; court 177 J. C. Kirkpatrick, salary two and 178 J. E. Carroll, Supt. Ed., balance < 179 U. M. Pursley, lumber for county 180 I. P. Boyd, Supt. Co. Home, sal., A ? * T " n.i 181 ur. J. 1. DUIIUll, -t vv. County Home, $25; 3 lunacy < 182 W. S. Percival, lumber for count} 183 L. R. Williams, four warrants foi 184 I* F. Waldrop, payment on font County Home 185 Minnie Lee Garrison, tomato clu 186 Rock Hill Supply Co., bridge mat /flt JHr ,r lewiest jjf Gum Jp hewed i^Bobs" two "Bobs" for a ;r stands and stores. 9 is the boy evervbodv. J y :r with peppy ?the heart of le gum. It gets every chew. ie Good Get! Choice MeatsWhen you want a CHOICE STEAK for Breakfast, or an extra Fine ROAST for your dinner, Phone Old GeorgeHe will please you every time. For Dinner?We have Cabbage, Potatoes and Turnips, White Beans and Butter Beans, and all kinds of Canned Goods. When You want Good COFFEE, Just come to SHERER'S?I have It. Don't Forget to Pay YOUR Beef Bill. I Owe Men in the country and They Want Their Money. Why can't we all be Honest? We can't help being poor. You pay Me, and I'll pay Them; Then We can get some more. OLD GEORGE THE BUTCHER S ALLOWED AND PAID. n Page Three). MENTS. Amount. deed 50 tes 8 50 30 00 ne, 312.52; gang, 386.75.... 99 27 tes 8 00 ng 5 00 g gang 8 00 6 91 >ve gang 3 00 derate 2 50 13.14; Jail, 31.75; courthouse, 31 79 10 00 iuse, 315.64 50 17 g . 18 62 ig 7 00 tor's notice 9 50 3 00 ity Home ... 2 97 jervisor's office 3 14 9 no lotice 16 75 lil, $18.89; courthouse, $9.80 28 69 6 00 til, $19.72; courthouse, $14.. 33 72 9 00 1, $15.55; courthouse, $8.80.. 24 35 e 25 examination, $5; conveying 17 50 :lon gang .. 11 00 16 00 st quarter 50 00 34 72 tchman 30 00 / Home 4 37 14.70; gang. $13.20 27 90 ome and jail 35 70 lUditor's bond 15 50 es 8 50 rates 6 00 11 75 bridge 25 57 perlntendent of Education.. 2 25 89 10 federates 36 00 Supt. Education 4 50 gang 52 00 127 50 pers 4 00 i 16 50 50 ng 20 65 40 00 levies 30 00 demonstration work for 1914 25 00 2 85 nination 5 00 rd of Education and mileage 24 90 nty Home 4 35 2 60 ' prisoner 3 00 ; 26 20 ig bonds County Officials.... 11 00 repairing typewriter 8 00 tcs 7 50 cement 99 51 erates 9 00 f Home 13 85 56 70 116 00 rates 8 00 rates 9 00 rk for County Home 6 55 ounty Home 19 82 ounty Home 26 35 ditor's office 48 ne 28 95 100 95 70 4 90 2 80 bonds County officials 30 00 t quarter 75 00 aupers 2 50 21 90 Ltes 6 00 ates 10 00 1 00 ter 250 00 53 91 20 33 , first quarter .. 50 00 bridge 24 41 35 65 es 9 00 est on Co. Home loan 720 00 ity Home 14 75 er and light, Co. Home .... 801 60 ty Home 141 47 ^derates 6 00 gang, $91.78 118 96 onfederates 4 17 onfederates 4 01 onfederates 5 68 onfederates 8 63 y Home 27 00 hman, April 30 00 County Home 15 82 lome, $7.85; gang, $65.95; house, $1.25 96 45 a half months 41 65 on salary 50 00 bridges 658 93 pril, $40; extra labor, $58.50 98 50 ic and jail, $35.71; operation examinations, $15 75 71 ' bridges 17 28 lunatics, $40; stamps, $1.. 41 00 ract plumbing and heating, 500 00 b work 37 50 erlals 2 85 Jo. Voucher. DISBURSEMENTS. Amount 187 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., stationery, Probate Judge ..... 2 90 188 Catawba Fertilizer Co., nitrate of soda, County Home 100 00 189 E. L. Wood, corn for gang 36 00 190 Neely Bros. & Smith, supplies, County Home - 06 17 191 Ferguson & Youngblood, supplies for gang 35 39 192 Kirkpatrick-Belk Co., supplies, County Home 9 00 193 W. M. McCarter, peas for gang 80 00 194 Yorkville B. & M. Co., supplies for gang 2 25 195 Yorkville B. & M., supplies for County Home 02 54 196 Rock Hill Hdw. Co., bridge material 13 42 197 Weston & Brooker, sewerage system, County Home 106 86 198 J. M. Stroup, supplies for gang 87 00 199 J. M. & C. R. McGlll, supplies, Confederates - . 24 00 200 Hickorv Ornve Hdw. Co.. nuliev for ferry 9 26 201 R. E. Montgomery, work for gang - 19 60 202 J. W. McFarland, supplies for gang 7 80 203 J. L. Strait, Coroner, salary - 20 83 204 E. M. Shlllinglaw, milk for gang 3 00 205 J. M. Stroup, supplies, County Home - 12 55 206 Dr. R. E. Sumner, autopsy and testimony 10 00 207 The Peoples Trust Co., premium on Coroner's bond 10 00 208 I. N. VanVoorhees, stationery, Superintendent Education .... 86 209 A. L. Wallace, Clerk, salary, $25; stamps, $1 26 00 210 Mrs. M. L. Armstrong, supplies, Confederates : 3 00 211 G. W. Sheer, beef for gang - 212 Gill & Neely Grocery Co., supplies, Confederates 10 00 213 McConnell Dry Goods Co.. County Home, $10.55; gang, $6;.. 16 55 214 R. Li. Scoggins, salary, self and guards, gang - 238 00 215 J. Frank Moore, work for gang 30 216 Yorkville Elec. & Water Plant, lights and water Jail and courthouse ...... 27 66 217 Wilkerson Mercantile Co., supplies, Confederates 16 00 218 G. W. Sherer, supplies, Confederates 8 00 219 M. E. Plexico & Son, livery hire, Supervisor l &u 220 J. M. Stroup, supplies for jail 16 65 221 John Ross, work at court house 6 00 222 J. Frank Moore, work for County Home 60 223 Mrs. G. W. Ruflf, eggs for gang 3 40 224 B. M. Love, Auditor, salary, 144.44; clerk hire, $12.50; stamps and incidentals, $3.52 61 85 225 Tork Publishing Co., printing claim blanks ... 2 00 226 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., six criminal dockets 7 68 227 Thomasson Repair Shop, work for gang 24 90 228 Truman D. Turner, livery hire, gang, $5; Co. Home, $1.60..., 6 50 229 R. L. Scoggins, cash paid out for supplies for gang 75 230 Dickson Bros., supplies, Confec.erates 3 00 231 J. E. Carroll, Supt. Ed., sal'ixy, $91.66; traveling expenses, $10.76; incidentals, $3.30 106 71 232 Paul N. Moore, coal, Co. Home, $2.76; gang, $4.22; courthouse, $9 16 97 233 C. C. Stewart, conveying prisoner to gang 1 60 234 P. W. Patrick, Agent, freight on cement for culverts 76 00 235 American Seating Co., payment on chairs, courthouse 100 00 236 R. L. Scoggins, freight paid for gang 1 49 237 G. W. Stroud, supplies, Confederates 3 00 238 The Smlth-Fewell Co., supplies, Confederates 12 00 239 Jim Hayes, pick handles for gang 4 00 240 Error. 241 Dr. W. G. Stevens, post mortem and dissection 10 00 "W 242 J. H. Westbrook, repairing bridge 5 00 w 243 E. E. Carson, conveying lunatic 9 90 244 I. P. Boyd, Supt Co. Home, work for gang 1 60 245 A. L. Wallace, Clerk, salary, Jan., $25; stamps, $1 26 00 246 W. R. Rogers, salary as nightwatchman, January 30 00 247 R. L. Scoggins, cash paid out for gang 7 15. 248 J. E. Carroll, Supt Ed., salary, Jan., $76; traveling expenses,. $17.85; Incidentals, $4.16 96 90 249 R. L. Scoggins, salary, self and guards 242 60 260 B. M. Love, Auditor, salary, Jan., $44.44; stamps, $2; P. O. rent, 60c 47 04 251 J. W. Smith, salary, January 16 74 262 W. W. Jackson, salary, January 16 74 253 I. P. Boyd, salary, January, $40; extra labor, $52 92 00 254 John Ross, work at courthouse 3 00 255 Thos. W. Boyd, inspection of railroad crossings, 1914 and 1916, $60; witness fees, $11.50 61 60 256 W. E. Land, supplies, Confederates 11 00 257 M. W. Haffner, lumber 91 47 258 H. G. Brown, S. T. C., salary and dieting for January 238 48 259 J. W. H. Good, lumber for bridges 68 12 260 J. M. Cook, beef for gang 5 10 261 H. B. McGuirt, building bridges 33 00 262 U. M. Pursley, mules 362 50 263 J. Howard Jackson, lumber 52 34 264 H. G. Brown, S. T. C., salary, April, $133.33; dieting, $128.80; conveying iunatic, $20; mileage, $6.20 288 33 265 F. H. Simpson, building bridge 6 50 266 Lincoln Oil Co., axle grease for gang 14 98 267 Greenwood Hfd. A Mfg. Co., stripes for gang 137 00 268 Virginia Bridge A Iron Co., balance on Fishing Creek bridge. 845 09 ... . ~ ~ ? , v. > _??....... ?1 m 20V J. n. ueiiys ei m, uorvinm uu uumu ui ,. .. 270 W. D. Moore et al., services on board of assessors 25 05 271 J. D. Whitesides et al., services on board of assessors 22 00 272 W. W. Miller et al., services on board of assessors ... 36 00 j 273 R. E. McFarland et al., services on board of assessors 12 00 1 274 M. A. McFarland, supplies, Confederates 12 00 276 T. W. Jackson et al., services on board of assessors 22 00 276 J. B. Ford et al., services on board of assessors ... 22 80 277 W. M. McConnell et al., services on board of assessors 23 00 278 J. T. Crawford et al., services on board of assessors 20 00 279 S. H. Epps et al., services on board of assessors 28 40 280 Underwood Typewriter Co., machine 112 75 281 W. R. Rogers, conveying lunatic 16 90 282 L A. Harris et al., services on board of assessors 22 00 283 Neely Bros. ft Smith, supplies, County Home 48 48 284 Neely Bros, ft Smith, supplies, gang 39 35 295 P. W. Patrick, Agent, freight on courthouse furniture 106 53 286 Neely Broa ft Smith, supplies. County Home 88 41 287 Fort Mill Times, teachers' notice 18 00 288 The Record Printing Co., teachers' notice 2 00 289 The Record Printing Co., tax notice 5 00 290 Henry B. James, difference on mules 326 00 291 J. C. Blair et al., services on board of assessors 22 30 292 J. E. Latham, salary, two and a half months 41 65 293 Piedmont Tel. ft Tel. Co., Co. Home, $4; gang, |2; jail, 85; courthouse, $5; tolls, 27.06 23 06 294 H. E. Neil, Treas., salary, Jan., Feb., Mar., April, 8183.33; clerk hire, 383.33; incidentals, 312 278 66 296 Dr. R. A. Bratton, services Co. Home and Jail 835.71; five lunacy examinations, 325 60 71 296 H. E. Neil, Interest on loans to County Home 23 10 297 H. E. Neil, Treas., stamps Jan., Feb., March, April 56 50 298 Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrlck, two lunacy examinations 10 00 299 Fort Mill Lumber Co., pipe ... 7 50 300 Adger Huey, repairing bridge 3 00 301 Taylor-Waters Construction Co., payment on Co. Home ...... 1,676 00 302 N. Q. Walker, payment on commissions on County Home .... 75 00 303 J. A. Tate, C. C. C. Pis., right of way Quinn estate 26 00 304 M. L Anthony, wood for gang 16 00 305 A. T. Cartwright, corn for gang 100 00 306 P. W. Patrick, Agent, freight for Court House 18 97 307 S. M. Neely, supplies for gang 18 45 308 J. W. McFarland, supplies for gang 10 50 309 I. P. Boyd, salary, May, 340; extra labor, 358 98 00 310 Carroll Bros., Co. Home, 37.79; gang, 388.45 96 24 311 Yorkville Cotton Oil Co., Co. Home, 3193.44; gang, 24.96 198 39 rs 312 The York Furniture Co., Co. Home, 340.10; courthouse, 323.50 63 60 313 R. L Scoggins, cash paid for gang 3 15 314 F. 6. Allen, transportation of prisoners 6 15 315 R. L Scoggins. salary, self and guards, gang 209 00 316 Adams Grain & Provision Co., oats for gang 66 06 317 Jno. F. Gordon ft Co., supplies, Confederates 4 48 318 The Smith-Fewell Co., supplier, ionfederates 3 00 319 Dr. W. G. Hill, lunacy, examination 6 00 320 I. W. Johnson, supplies, Confederates 6 00 321 J. N. McElwee, supplies, Confederates 27 00 322 L M. Grist's Sons, public printing 3 85 323 J. E. Carroll, Supt. Ed., salary, 391.66; traveling expenses, 35.30; incidentals, 34.19 101 15 324 Mra James Beckham, meals for jurors 21 00 325 G. M. Carroll, supplies for Confederates 10 00 326 E. M. Shillinglaw, supplies for gang 3 45 327 J. B. Scott, supplies for gang 26 25 328 W. R. Rogers, salary as nlghtwatchman 30 00 329 Mrs. D. B. Douglas, conveying lunatic 7 30 330 V. C. Stroup, supplies, Confederates 6 00 331 D. S. Peeler, supplies, Confederates 16 00 332 C. J. Forbes, supplies, Confederates - 17 00 333 White Rose Club, rent of room for teachers' examination .... 5 00 334 Dr. J. H. Saye, lunacy examinations, 315; post mortem, 35; conveying lunatics, 38.40 28 50 335 D. M. Benfleld, supplies for gang 20 00 336 A. L Wallace, Clerk, salary, 326; stamps, 31 26 00 337 J. M. Stroup, supplies for gang 46 50 338 J. M. Stroup, supplies, County Home 28 30 339 J. L. Strait, Coroner, salary 20 83 340 E. C. Bigger, lumber 16 96 341 Minnie Lee Garrison, demonstration work in April 75 00 342 A. Friedheim ft Bro., supplies, Confederates 18 00 343 B. M. Love, Auditor, salary, 345.83; clerk hire, 212.50; stamps and incidentals, $3.20 61 53 344 John Ross, work at courthouse 2 00 345 W. F. Jackson, supplies for gang 46 20 346 R. R. Love, fodder for gang 26 25 347 Sherer ft Quinn, supplies, County Home 25 05 348 R. E. Heath, supplies smallpox patient 3 90 349 Piedmont Tel. & Tel. Co., Co. Home, 32; gang, 32; Jail, 32.50; tolls, 34.99 13 99 350 L R. Williams, Probate Judge, warrants lunatics, 330; salary, 325; stamps, 31 - 56 00 351 Mrs. M. L Armstrong, supplies. Confederates 3 00 352 R. E. Heath Co., supplies, County Home 80 98 353 H. G. Brown, S. Y. C., salary, 3133.33; dieting, 358.40 191 73 354 R. M. Howell, repairing bridge 8 35 355 Lincoln Oil Co., axle grease for gang 4 02 356 Shleder Drug Store, Co. Home, 334.20; gang, 32.80; Jail, 33.55; courthouse, 31-95 42 50 357 W. E. Land, supplies, Confederates 8 50 358 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., work on Treasurer's machine 3 00 359 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, refund taxes 35 89 360 J. J. Keller & Co., Co. Home, 319.76; gang, 3195.09; bridges, 324.16; Jail. 313.73 252 73 361 Ferguson & Youngblood, supplies for gang 40 00 362 Kirkpatrlck Belk Co., supplies, County Home 21 31 363 H. E. Neil, stamps for May o uv 364 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, salary, $45.83; clerk hire, $20.86 66 69 365 H. E. Neil, Treas., commission collecting interest R. R. bonds 184 09 366 C. Heeden & Co., supplies, Confederates 7 60 367 C. Heeden & Co., supplies, Confederates 9 00 368 Wilkerson Mercantile Co., supplies. Confederates 16 00 369 The McClamroch Co., cement for bridges 94 60 370 Error. 371 The London Printery. stationery for Coroner 4 36 372 W. T. McClain, lumber and teams 20 00 373 Carroll Supply Co., supplies for gang 129 41 374 The Peoples Trust Co., safety box rent for two years 4 00 375 Carroll Supply Co., supplies, Confederates 7 50 376 The London Printery, stationery for Treasurer 3 35 377 York Publishing Co., notice of teachers' examination 1 50 378 Dr. J. J. Glenn, two lunacy examinations 10 00 379 P. W. Patrick, Agent, freight on disinfectants for courthouse 2 03 380 Will Porter, fodder for gang 5 90 381 S. T. Carter, State Treasurer, insurance premium on courthouse, jail and almshouses 515 00 382 W. L Baber, putting in pump at County Home 2 25 383 York Furniture Co., chairs for courthouse 1,443 12 384 H. E. Neil, Treasurer. Jurors fees 949 80 385 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, Jurors fees 372 90 386 H. E. Neil. Treasurer, witness fees ... 6 80 387 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, witness fees 186 65 388 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, Jurors fees .. 60 70 389 H. E. Nell, Treasurer, witness fees 4 15 390 H. E. Nell, Treasurer, Jurors fees 689 70 9oi ? re Np|] Treasurer. Jurors fees 1,083 00 392 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, witness fees 191 20 393 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, Jurors fees 1,254 10 394 H. E. Nell, Treasurer, witness fees 240 20 395 Neely Bros. & Smith, Co. Home, $58.04; gang, $31.18 89 22 396 Carolina & North-Western Ry. Co., freight on furniture for courthouse 120 06 397 H. E. Neil, Treasurer, stamps for June 10 00 $71,594 17 Respectfully submitted, ANNIE L. WALLACE, Clerk.