Wednesday, following a short illness aged one year. Funeral services wen held from Clover Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. A. A. McLean, anc the interment followed in the Clovei cemetery. Fort Mill Vital Statistics. Fort Mill Times: According to th< report of W. M. Carothers, regiftrai of vital statistics, there were 10 birth! und 10 deaths in Fort Mill townshii during the month of June. Of th< births, 8 were of white parents and i to negroes, while there were 4 death: among the white people and 6 amonj the negroes. Clover Vital Statistics. Dr. J. E. Brison of Clover, registrai of births and deaths for King's Mountain township, reports seven births and eight deaths in his territory during the month of June. Six births ../?? o un/) nna tn ml. wnu IU Willie ^Oinno oiiu wwv %W ored. Four white persons and foui colored died during the period mentioned. bethany Won. In a warmly contested basebal game played on the latter team'i grounds yesterday afternoon, Bethanj defeated Union by a score of 3 to 2 The game was featured by a numbei ot good plays on the part of each team Batteries: Bethany?Ferguson, Grayson and Faulkner; Union?Lawrence and Lynn. Want Levy Increased. A citizens' meeting was held in Rock Hill Friday, for the purpose of discussing the advisability of increasing the special school levy in that schoo district from four to five mills. Aftei some little discussion it was unanimously decided to ask the York county legislative delegation to introduce an act allowing the Increase. Trustees Appointed. Chester Reporter: At the meeting ol the creditors of Mr. S. W. Guy, trading as S. W. Guy & Co., of Lowryville before Referee in Bankruptcy C. W, F. Spencer, of Rock Hill, which wat held in this city yesterday, Mr. R. L L>ouglas was elected trustee, and Mes| srs. J. S. Darby, Sr., Jas. H. Glenn, f and S. R. Latham were elected appraisers. The schedule showed liabilities amounting to 320,130.32, with assets totaling 318,209.38. Ebenozer Sunday School Convention. The Ebenezer Township Sunday Scriool convention was held in Oaklanc Avenue Presbyterian church, Rock Hill, Sunday afternoon, delegates from a number of Sunday schools in the township being present. Among the speakers were Prof. J. C. Cork, Rev W. H. Polk, Dr. J. E. Walmsely, Prof R. C. Burts, and Mr. H. H. Milling Following are the officers who were elected to serve this year: President, J. C. Cork; vice president, J. A. Shurley; secretary, Miss Jear. Miller. New/ Teachers Elected. Miss Bettie Henry has been elected teacher of the Latta school on Yorkvile No. 7, and Miss Mary Byers ha? been elected principal of the East View school. Miss Byers has for several sessions past been in charge of the school in Newport, while Miss Henrj has been teaching out of the county, Two schools, Filbert and Philadelphia will begin their summer terms Monday, the former being in charge ol Misses Louie Belle Simrill, Willie Maj Grayson and Lizzie Woods, while the latter will be under the supervision oi Mr. J. R. Grayson and Miss Marie Moore. Wanted to See De World. Charlotte Observer: Willie McCracken, a 10-year-old colored youth of Rock Hill, S. C., was yesterday returned to his home by Special Agenl Louis Evans of the Southern railway The diminutive hobo was intercepted by Special Agent Evans as he alighted at the local station from the "blind" of a northbound train and was detained at police headquarters until his return this morning. A desire tc "see de world," was Willie's explanation of his runaway tour. The chaperonage of a hobo to his home is a new wrinkle In railway espionage and Willie is the premier honoree of such a happening. Will Celebrate Anniversary. King's Mountain Herald: It wai practically decided Thursday night that King's Mountain would pull of! a big celebration October the 7th, il being the 135th anniversary of the world-famous battle of King's Mountain. The grandsons of the Revolution will meet on that day to celebrate the turning point in the great war which resulted in American freedom. Governor Stewart of Virginia, has been prominently mentioned as the orator of the day, but no final selec^ tion has been made. The following officers were elected to direct the affairs of the King's Mountain Battle Memorial association: J. B. Thomasson, president, to succeed L. A. Kiser; F. E. Finger, vice president; Rev. C, K. Bell, secretary; R. L. Mauney, treasurer; W. A. Ridenhour, G. V. Patterson, M. E. Herndon, L. A. Ki?"? onH W S ntlllnp ?Yf>r>iitlv? com mittee. Fine Grazing Country. "Between here and Lockhart there is some of the finest grazing country I have ever seen," said Mr. Lu M. Harrison, a prominent and successful farmer of the Walnut Grove section of Spartanburg county, to a representative of The Enquirer last Tuesday. Mr. Harrison had just arrived in a car with his brothers, Messrs. F. M and Oliver Harrison, of the same neighborhood. "Yes," he went on, "for cattle raising purposes that country is equal to anything I have evei seen in Tennessee and Kentucky, and 1 do not believe you could find anything to beat it anywhere. Such deep, rich soil of a kind that will not wash away no matter how it may be abused, and which will grow anything. Il is the very thing for grain and grass and if fenced in and looked after as pasturage, it ought to prove a genuine gold mine." Mr. Harrison has been making a close and careful study ol the cattle industry for a number ol years past, is making a success of it, and his opinion is worth while. Problem Remains Unsolved. In its final presentment at the April term of court, the grand jury cited Supervisor Boyd to show cause why h( had not complied with a recommendation in the 1913 presentment of thai body to the effect that he make provision for the proper education of the McM&ckin children, who are inmates of the county home. In his return . last Wednesday the supervisor se1 forth that the grand jury was mistaken in thinking that it had given such instructions in its 1913 report. He wenl on, however, to show that he had done everything in his power in behalf ol these unfortunate children. He hac tried to get them into the Churcl Home orphanage; but that institution would not take them except the county pay a certain sum for upkeep, anc there is no authority of law for sue! payment. He had sent one of th< children to the Igitta school; but th< trustees notified him that the chile %?!/! ?/? cm t lu,rii I-Ja ho e SECOND BAPTIST P I Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning a > service at 11 o'clock. Evening service f at 7.45. Service for men only at . 4 p. m.. conducted by Rev. F. D. King. ?' v ! ? , p ?pfrial $otirfs ? I ?"? p ' Neuralgia Pains Stopped. p You don't need to suffer those agonizing nerve pains in the face, head, ii arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just b apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's A i Liniment; lie quietly a few minutes, a You will get such relief and comfort! t Life and the world will look brighter, b . Get a bottle today. 3 ounces for 25c, lc 1 at all Druggists. Penetrates without T I rubbing. ' la Clover and Union. p Clover and Union?Sunday school at ' 10 a. m. c W. W. Lipscomb, Pastor. H | Philadelphia and King's Mountain. Jjj , At Philadelphia?Services Sunday a morning at 11 o'clock. At King's Mt.?Services Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. i F. W. Dibble, Pastor. p, A Doctor's Proscription for Cough ii An Effective Cough Treatment. ^ One-fourth to one teaspoonful of , . Dr. King's New Discovery, taken as ,' needed, will soothe and check Coughs, ir f Colds and the more dangerous Bron- p chial and Lung Ailments. You can't , afford to take the risk of serious ill, ness, when so cheap and simple a ! remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery yj . is obtainable. Go to your Druggist to- K ' day, get a bottle of Dr. King's New (, . Discovery, start the treatment at ! once. You will be gratified for the relief and cure obtained. p ' _ o Rev. Dale at Hickory Grove. C The Mt. Vernon congregation, Hick- a orv Urove, wm piease unue in bcjvicts Sunday afternoon with A. R. P. services to hear Dr. Dale. He speaks at 4 o'clock. Our Sunday school at 3 _ , o'clock. H. B. Hardy, Pastor. Constipation Curod Overnight. I A small does of Po-Do-Lax tonight i and you enjoy? a full, free, easy bowel movement in the morning. No grip ing, for Po-Do-Lax is Podophyllin i (May Apple) without the gripe. Po- S] Do-Lax corrects the cause of Consti> pation by arousing the Liver, increas- ' . ing the flow of bile. Bile is nature's g; antiseptic in the bowels. With prop' er amount of bile, digestion in bowels s I is perfect. No gas, no fermentation, g' no Constipation. Don't be sick, nervous, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do- S: i Lax from your Druggist now and cure your Constipation overnight. : s: i Sunday School Convention. C1 . , Following is the programme of the j annual convention of the York Coun- S' > ty Sunday School Association to be g] t held in St. John's M. E. church. Rock Hill, on July 29-30: Thursday, July 29th. S] Morning Session. gj 11.00 a. m.?Devotional exercises conducted by Dr. P. B. Wells. [ 11.30?What this Convention Should _ s Mean to York County, by Prof. R. C. " Burts. J. 12.00?The Possibilities of Organized ' Work for Men and Boys, by Rev. W. ' H. K. Pendleton. ' 12.30?Enrollment of Delegates and J Announcements. Afternoon Session. 2.30?Conference for Workers?Cont ference for discussion of the Problem i of the Teen Age Boy, conducted by T r Prof. Charles R. Weeks, at the First I Baptist church. i Conference for discussion of the . i Problem of the Teen Age Girl, con ducted by Miss Ora Glenn at the First I Presbyterian church. ,M i Conference for discussion of the Y > Problem of the Adult, conducted by ? Rev. J. L. Gates. i Conference of County and Township V ? Officers, conducted at St. John's church s/ ; by Dr. J. E. Wamsley. ?, Evening Session. ^ : 8.00?Song Service. g! ) 8.30?Devotional Exercises, conduct- fi ed by Rev. Nathan Matthews. 8.45?Address by Dr. J. Henry Harms, president of Newberry College. Enrollment of Delegates and An iiuuiiuniiciu ui v^uiiiiiiiiirco. Friday, July 30th. > Morning Session. 10.00 a. m.?Devotional Exercises. r conducted by Rev. A. S. Rogers. 10.15?Bringing a Dead Sunday I School to Rife, by Rev. W. H. Polk, t 10.45?The Boy Problem of the Sunday School, by H. R. Tucker, t 11.00?The Girl Problem of the Sun- \V day School, by Miss Emma Powell, ^ 11.15?Why si Class Should be Or- tl r ganized, by Rev. Henry Stokes. K 11.40?The Place of the Adult Class jr [ in the Organized Sunday School, by b r Rev. F. W. Gregg. yi Afternoon Session. V j 2.30?Business Session of the Con- ,Y . vent ion. 1 o fhe Cotton IRarhet. f( * ? - ? ti r New York. July 15.?Cotton closed q i steady as follows: July 8.68; October . 9.10; December 9.37: January 9.46: ? March 9.70. Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 9.10; sales 400 bales. Smyrna and Enon. Smyrna?Services Sunday morning t 11 o'clock. Enon?Services Sunday afternoon at o'clock. J. B. Talbert. Pastor. WATKINS REMEDIES [ AM now beginning my second tour L throughout York County with a j 11 line of WATKINS REMEDIES. I m getting in New goods every week, ry WATKINS' Extracts, considered y scores of York County women to be ie very best for cooking. Hold your rders for the man with the WATINS LINE. f\ A. M A T TXT T7*TT A XTO 6 LI. Jill >1. W. Cgal hours of sale, I will sell at Pubc Auction to the highest bidders, the blowing described property to wit: 1. Mrs. L. V. Roberson?140 acres of md in Bethesda township, bounded y lands of Grin Poe, John Huey. axes, penalties and costs, $26.18. 2. T. A. Caston?Lot and building in lock Hill, on north side of Jones aveue, bounded by lots of F. B. Mills, P. L. Roddey, Catawba Real Estate o., designated at Lot No. 8, Block No. , Ward 1. Taxes, penalties and costs, 11.73. 4. Rebecca Dickey?Five acres of ind near Rock Hill, bounded by lands f Pride Ratterree, Lizzie Hines ana iny Massey. Taxes, penalties and osts, $6.32. 5. R. B. Edwards?Lot and two uildings, in Rock Hill, bounded by >ts of Hill Blake, Lizzie Gill, on Black treet. Taxes, penalties and costs, 15.17. 6. Emma Floyd?Lot and building i Rock Hill, bounded by lots of Green tecle, near Flint Hill Methodist hurch. Taxes, penalties and costs, 11.32. 7. W. F. Fair?Lot near Rock Hill, n Crawford street, bounded by lot of ohn Knox. Taxes, penalties and osts, $5.12. 8. Laura Garner?Lot and building i Rock Hill, on Black street, boundd by lots of Annie Hemphill and Geo. 'ickett. Taxes, penalties and costs, 14.31. 9. Henry Massey?Half acre of land n Flint Hill, near Rock Hill, boundd by lots of Steve Williams, Reese 'otts and W. L. Roddey. Taxes, penlties and costs, $4.97. 10. Odd Fellows' Blaney Lodge, No. 5-44?Lot in Rock Hill, on Black treet; bounded by lots of Mrs. Louise ^ray and Ira B. Dunlap. Taxes, enaltiea and costs, (4.42. 11. Reese Potts?J acre of land near ;ock Hill, on Flint Hill; bounded by >ts of Henry Massey, Lizzie Coleman, iobert Gill and J. W. A. Black. Taxes, enalties and costs, $5.00. 12. John Thompson?Lot and buildlg near Rock Hill, on Crawford street; ounded by lots of Joe Crawford, manda Anderson. Taxes, penalties nd costs, $17.98. 13. Jackson Vaughn?Lot and 2 uildings in Rock Hill; bounded by >ts of Geo. Robinson and Geo. Barnes, axes, penalties and costs, $17.99. 14. Martha Massey?56 acres of ind near Rock Hill; bounded by lands f Martha Massey, T. L. Johnson and ride Ratterree. Taxes, penalties and )sts, $19.63. 16. Cuff Davis?Two lots on Boyd Lill near Rock Hill; designated as >ts Nos. 40 and 41, on Cox's map, on ist side of Hoyle street. Taxes, pen Ities and costs, $7.09. 17. Mrs. M. P. Rawden?Lot at ewport; bounded by lots of W. J, tiller and N. E. E. Taylor. Taxes, enalties and costs, $4.83. 18. E. A. Kiser?112 acres of land i King's Mountain township; bound3 by land3 of R. M. Kiser, Preston loforth and D. P. Kiser. Taxes, penIties and costs, $9.67. 19. J. B. Martin?604 acres of land i King's Mountain township; bounded y lands of Preston Goforth and othrs. Taxes penalties and costs, $33,>. 20. Matilda Smith?Lot in Yorkille; bounded by lots of W. F. Mcknight, Allen Alexander and Mrs. S. . Ashe. Taxes, penalties and costs, 5.98. 21. Estate Minnie Taylor?Lot and uilding in Yorkville: bounded by lots f Phoebe Hunt, Sarah Beckham and '. & N.-W. Ry. Co. Taxes, penalites nd costs, $3.98. Terms of Sale: CASH. HUGH G. BROWN, S. Y. C. 57 f 3t .SHINGLES.. HIXGLES A CAIt OF SHINGLES HINGLES XO. ONE'S SHINGLES HINOLES A CAR OF SHINGLES HINGLES No. TWO'S SHINGLES HINGLES A CAR OF SHINGLES HINGLES 5X18 INCH SHINGLES HINGLES CYPRESS. SHINGLES HINGLES SEE US SHINGLES HINGLES FOR LOW SHINGLES HINGLES PRICES? SHINGLES HINGLES WE'LL SHINGLES HINGLES MAKE IT SHINGLES HINGLES WORTH SHINGLES HINGLES YOUR SHINGLES HINGL.ES Willi.I'.. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY H. SAYE, J. I_ RAINEY, President. Vice Prest. First National Bank SHARON* - - S. C. >EAD OR ALIVE? Are YOU worth more dead than live? We hope not. Compare Your ank Book and Your Life Insurance alley and see. There is of course wealth tied up in our brain and brawn", they represent art of Your living capital. These, lus Your Bank Book and other as?ts tell the story. You don't have to ie to win what's coming to You on our Bank Book. If You haven't an ccount at OUR BANK We would be lad to have you open one. It's the lend lu need and a friend indeed. JOHN S. HARTNESS, Cashier. ... FENCE WIRE... Just now, or shortly, when work ith the crops slackens a bit, is a | ood time to build your New Fences lat you are needing; or to Repair 'ences already up that need rcpair>g. Do it Right Away. The sooner egun the sooner completed. When r?u are ready see US FOR THE WIRE OU NEED. We have it?the BEST .'OVEN WIRE FENCING MADE, he kind that is being used by thouinds upon thousands of farmers all ver the country. The kind that looks ood before it is put up?the kind that >oks good after It is put up?the kind i?t will stav good for years. Yes, nme and see I'S for PKN'CE WIRE. ?ur prices will interest YOU. K. E. HEATH COMPANY SATURDAY A1 ... SPEC1 - $1.' 25 LADIES' WOOL SKIRTS, In B (5.00 to $8.00?SPECIAL VAL1 $1.11 LADIES' WHITE SILK SHIRT W rived?$1.50 Value?SPECIAL $1.4 LADIES' $2.00 WHITE CREPE E ?SPECIAL 19 CI Forty Inch 25 Cts. AWNING STR ity, in Black and Navy Stripe 10 YARDS BEST Quality HICKORY SHIRTI BARKER BLEAC One Thousand Yards BARKER MI MILLIN CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS?( 19 ( LADIES' TRIMMED HATS?On S 79 errs., MEN'S UNT MEN'S CHECK NAINSOOK UNI Short Drawers?The Garment SHOES?! LADIES' and CHILDREN'S OXFO Small Sizes?Values J1.50 to HOSIf Men's HALF HOSE. In Black and Men's GARTERS?Single and Doul Men's HANDKERCHIEFS Men's BELTS?Tan and Black Men's Four-ln-Hand WASH TIES Men's E. & W. Red Man's COLLAF Ladles' HANDKERCHIEFS PHOENIX SILK HOSE for Ladles. Ladies' OUT SIZE HOSE, in Whit THE THOMSO 99" All kinds of Typewriter Supplies ?Papei, Carbons, Ribbons?At The , Enquirer Office. LIFE IT CAN BE A SUCCESS OR A FAIL- 1 URE. WHICH WILL IT BE WITH < YOU 7 7 7 7 7 till |' Look at the men who are successful in the eyes of the world. Ninety-nine out of every hundred started a Bank Account when they were young?and tuck to it. And now, look at the failures. Very few of them have a Bank account now. Not speaking of when they were young. Perhaps you think you have not enough money to start an account. Haven't you a dollar? That's all It takes at THIS BANK. Just try It for a year or six months. If you do not .wish to continue It you have lost nothing by the trial. Which Will It Be?Success or Failure? IT'S UP TO YOU. Bank of Hickory Grove HICKORY GROVE. S. C. < Of Rebuilt Typewriters?As Good As ' Ever?At Enquirer Office. i \ ..EXCUI i . ? .t ! Asheville, Waynesvil 0 Brevard, Lake Tox j "LAND OF 1 " SOUTHERN Z 0 0 0 0 0? PREMIER CARRIE! | WEDNESDAY, J r A Ashe- Hei { ville. 1 Rock Hill. S. C 3.00 4 Yorkville, S. C 3.00 A Sharon. S. C 2.75 ? Hickory Grove, S. C. 2.75 ? EXCURSION' TICKETS will be gi J NESDAY, JULY 21, 1915. 5 EXCURSION' TICKETS will be C a Trains to reach Original Startii SJULY 26, 1915. GLORIOUS OPPORTUNITY FOR Jv Enjoy the Keuutics antl the Wond< X Mummouth Mountain Peaks s V That Spread Their Ozones fri * From an Altitude of 6,000 Feel X HIGH CLASS COACHES OX ALL J TO ACCOM31 A FOR FURTHER IXFORMATIO) X AGENTS OF SOVT1 imii UIMI tmm m MI mmmwm i Frozen Desserts- < This is the season of all seasons, for Frozen Desserts?Ice Creams, Puddings, Gelatines, etc. You can get the necessary supplies at this store?THE GLASS FRONT GROCERY. We have? BLUE RIBBON EXTRACTS, CHALMERS' GELATINE, (Shredded and Granulated). KNOX'S GELATINE, PETER COOPER'S GELATINE, JELLO, JELLO ICE CREAM POWDER, BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, BAKER'S COCOA, HUYLER'S COCOA, DOMINO SUGAR. ICE CREAM SALT. When you have a GROCERY want just remember this Store.?We have what you want. W. E. FERGUSON ! fln? thn Rnct R uci iiic i/tai JUT THE MERIT OF A BANK IJES THEN ITS CHARACTER ANI PLICATION OF THESE FO ? DEPOSITORS AND ' The RESOURCES, Supervisioi Bank?Plus its Equipment?Prov PROTECTION. In order to facilitate YOUR 1 and to place it on its soundest b COUNT WITH THIS BANK. FIRST NATIC YORK V ILL R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. "You Had Better Bo ND MONDAY ALS ... 98 lack, Navy and Tan?worth [JE $1.08 9 ?x\ew styles just ar$1.10 Kacli 8 iE CHINE SHIRT WAISTS $1.48 EACH. S. :IPED VOILE?Sheer qual?SPECIAL 19 CTS. Yard 79 CTS. NG?SPECIALTEN YARDS 79 C7TS. thing io cts. LLS BLEACIiiNG 10 CTS. YD. FRY )n Sale at 7TS., 39 CTS. and 69 CTTS. EACH 98 CTS., $1.48 and $1.98 Each. ERWEAR )ERWEAR In Shirts and 50 CTS. S9 C7TS. RDS, In Black and Tan?All 1.50?On Sale the Pair 59 CTS. :ry ? White. 10, 15 and 25 CTS. Pr. >le Grip 25 CTS. Pair 5 CTS. and 8 CTS. Each 50 CTS. and $1.00 25 CTS. Each IS 2 For 25 CTS. 1 CENT. 2 CTS. and 5 CTS. in Black 75 CTS. and $1.00 Pr. e and Black 25 CTTS. Pair N COMPANY ?mmmmmmai k Stitch In TimeAt least One PYRENE FIRE EXTINGUISHER should be kept In evjry dwelling, every store, and everywhere else that fire Is liable to destroy valuables. It is the most effective fire extinguisher ever invented and, can be operated by anybody who has two irms with hands attached, and suffljient intelligence to read the short, Ample Instructions placed on each Extinguisher. It will extinguish fires aused by electricity or gasoline?in fact any fire in its incipiency. Every lutomobile should carry one?the insurance companies allow 15 per cent eduction in the rate on automobiles ;hat scarry them, but the owner of the lutomobile that Is not Insured needs >ne, or may need it, even worse than ;he fellow who carries insurance. The srice of the Extinguisher with bracket to attach to car. is $7.50. SAM M. GRIST. W Buy your Typewriter Ribbone, Carbons and Paper at The Enquirer Office. Prompt attention given to mail ind phone orders. ISION.. | o J lie, Hendersonville, jj away, N. C., and t THE SKY" RAILWAY I It OF THE SOUTH ?0 0 0 0 0 1 IULY 21, 1915. Brevard * nder- Waynes- and Lake Ij sonville. ville Toxaway ? $2.50 $3.25 $3.00 J 2.50 3.25 3.00 7 2.25 3.00 2.75 L 2.25 3.00 2.75 ft ood Going on All Trains WED- % Jood Returning on All Regular X ng Point by Midnight, MONDAY, if SHORT SUMMER VACATION P erful Scenic Environment of the j iml Lakes and the Cool Breezes L >m the Wooded Peaks Coming P l Above Sea Level. TRAINS | [ODATE THE EXCURSIONISTS " S' APPLY TO ALL TICKET f IERN RAILWAY. jj SEED IRISH POTATOES I HAVE THE GREEN MOUNTAIN SEED IRISH POTATOES? (OLD STOCK)? FOR SECOND CROP PLANTING. LOUIS ROTH i anking Service i FIRST, IN ITS STRENGTH; > METHODS AND THE APR THE BENEFIT OF ITS THE COMMUNITY ? i and the Management of THIS ide the BEST SERVICE and jusiness?no matter what it is? asis?OPEN A CHECKING AC>NAL BANK iE, 8. C. | O. E. WILKIN'S, President. I Safe Than Sorry." I Roofing At COSTWe have a lot of Good COMPOS] TION ROOFING that we want to clos out. It Is as good as any roofing c the kind on the market?better tha most roofings of the kind?We offer AT FIRST COST while if lasts. ] you can use any Roofing, now an here Is your BEST place to buy. WAGON8 AND BUGGIES Knowing Wagon and Buggy valus as we do, we are in position to giv YOU the Top Values In either Wagon or Buggies. Before you buy eithe: come and talk to us. Let us show yo our goods and quote you our prices. ? 8 LBS. GOOD COFFEE, $1.00 We make a Specialty of COFFEE and always carry a big stock and big variety. We believe we can pleas tViA m not fn at 1/1 Irtna TnHov ti/a nffc 8 Lbs. of Good CofTec at $1.00. Th: Is GOOD Coffee?much better tha you would expect at the price?meai ured by the Coffee you have been buj Ing at around 15c a pound. Try thii See Us for Molasses Feed for you Mules and Horses. Priced right. CARROLL BROS. DUNLOP Flour We sell the well known DUNLO FLOUR?Two kinds of It?DUNLOP' BEST and MOTHER GOOSE SELF RISING. Either one of these Floui will please particular people. FRUIT JARS. RUBBERS, TOPS ? Of course the good ladles of Yorh vllle are going to put up all the fru and vegetables that they can possibl can. Well, just remember that w will be pleased to furnish the GLAS JARS, EXTRA TOPS and RUBBER! ENAMELED WARE? If you need any kind of Enamele Cooking Ware, or Tinware, please r< member that we have It and want 1 sell It?hence our prices on this kin of ware is just about the right note! JELLO ICE CREAM POWDERS? All Flavors?makes Ice Cream mal Ing easy. Try a package and the you'll keep on using it. We sell "BOBS" Chewing Gum?5 SHERER & QUINN THE CITY MARKE WE BUY AND SELL CHICKEN WE BUY AND SELL EGGS WE BUY AND SELL BUTTER Good Butter. We handle the finest HAMS to ' had on the market, Wholesale ai Retail. All the BEEF we sell Is of tl choicest to be had?carefully select Stall-fed animala? equal to anythli to be had in any butcher shop America. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. C. F. SHERER, Proprietor. WEDDING PRESENTS~ STERLING SILVER PLATED SILVER CUT GLASS FANCY CHINA Come and let us show you ho easy you can make selections i this good store. T. W. SPECK, Jeweler 15,000 Cans] WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 15,000 3-LB. TIN CANS FOR HOME CANNING USE. LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEE FOR YOUR SUMMER CANNIN* WE ALSO HAVE SOLDER, SOLDERING IRONS, FLUX, ETC.? NO MATTER WHAT YOU NEED I HARDWARE, WE CAN SUPPL YOU. TRY US. Yorkville Hardware Co BHT Rebuilt Typewriter#?As Good / Ever?At Enquirer Office. \ OXFOR1 And ALL Me FOR TEN At J. M I Every Pair of New fords, Pumps an Offered In This ANNOUNCEMEP* ?? )f L ~ FALL TAILORUS g * MONDAY ANE [f J JULY 19TH d 1 AN EXPOSITION OF THE N1 . v STYLES AWAITS Y ? X WE MOST CORDIALLY V THE TIIOMSO u ? YORKVIE " V EXHIBITORS a } ISAAC HAMBURGER & SONS le C Merchant Tailors ;r V Special Representative In Charge, is A ?r Toilet Articles Now, with the hot weather comes ~ a growing demand from the ladies for more or less TOILET necessities? TALCUM POWDERS, FACE POWDERS, FACE CREAMS. TOILET _ SOAPS, Etc. As usual, the TORK DRUG STORE is ready for this ser8 vice. Never before have we had a larger or more varied assortment of * TOILET ARTICLES of real merit than we have right now. Ladies who desire anything in this line will And it worth while to look through our lines It of TOILET ARTICLES. y YOUR TEETH 'I Be sure that you take care of them. _s You can preserve them almost indeflnitely by proper treatment. Use the Tooth Brush frequently and with the l(j Brush use some one of our many Dentifrices?Pastes, Powders, Liquids? whichever you prefer. If you have a 'd choice, we have It for YOU. YORK DRUG STORE in ' Our Bigges t C 8 Closes Saturday vertised. We ?e tinue" ld IF YOU HAVE NOT GOTTEN YC FUL VALUES, DON'T DEL he SALE CLOSES?ATTEND TH ed DAY ta' Extra Specials . FRIDAY, JULY 1( We will place On Sale exactly 3 Dresses?Sold up to J2.50?Ss SATURDAY, JULY 17TH We will sell 10 Yards Best Har customer UN AD VERTISED SPECIAL SATU] We will sell Every Woman or Glr gain"?We will not say what You will be "Interested." SATURDAY AT 3.3 We sell to Men and Boys only, a to see what It is?We won't t !5 Per Cent Here. I rROUP. I IDAY, JULY 17TH I Bargain Shoe Counter Refilled Miss This Sale. Everytb KIRKPATRICK-1 REMEMBER?-THAT THIS SA wl NIGHT, Jl at Palm Beach Suits Now, that the summer season is on, you are wearing your light-weight ? clothing, and frequent Cleaning and Pressing is necessary. Let us do your work. We will give you entirely satisfactory work at most reasonable cost j, PALM BEACH SUITS? [ | Cleaned and Pressed?50 Cts. per 1 , Suit For Club Members?Cleaned and Pressed?25 Cts. per Suit JOIN THE PRESSING CLUB? Let us clean and press your Clothes. Five Suits per month for $1.00. All work called for and delivered. We ia Guarantee our work to give Satiss faction. 3. WORK FOR LADIES? We make a specialty of Cleaning and Pressing Ladles' Skirts of all kinds, and at Reasonable Prices. Phone us your jvants. N ROYAL PRESSING CLUB Y It D. DORSEri', Prop. W Send The Enquirer your order* for high grade Commercial Stationery, Booklets, Law Cases, etc. WAll kinds of Typewriter Supplies it ?Paper, Carbons, Ribbons?At The Enquirer Office. | !5?|.Dis Men's, Ladies' and 1 9S, SANDALS n's STRAW and P DAYS-SALE L STROUP Spring and Summer Style id Sandals in Our Big Sto< Sale at 25 % Reduction CASH Saves You t I .J. M. SI ^ SALE ENDS SATUF JT [G FX POSITION * TUESDAY { AND 20TH jjj BWEST AND LATEST FALL # OUR INSPECTION. ^ INVITE YOU TO CALL. X N COMPANY iLE, S. C. X I 1 UtKCU-VIUIVUCU WE HAVE BEEN BU8Y ON OUR JULY CLEARANCE 8ALE 153 Pairs Ladies' Oxfords?worth $2.50 to $3.60?sizes 2js to 4s? To Close Out at 48 Cts. a Pair. Ladies' Dresses in Voiles, etc., values up to $6.50?At |1.98 Men's Clothing Now Going at OneThird Off Regular Prices. It is \ A Good Time to Buy?Come. Come?You Will Not Be Disappointed. McCONNELL'S ? WHO UNDER8ELL8 ? it and Best ice Sale Night as Addo not "ConSales. >UIl SHARE OP THE WONDER\Y?BUT COME BEFORE THE IE BIG SPECIAL SALES EVERY In Minute Sales JTH AT 3.30 P. M. !7 Ladles' House and Street ile Price .... .50 OTS. Each *fW! SA oa nv\ 4A 4A A U > IU.OU IV 1V.1V nil ton Hickory?10 Yards to 79 CTS. S AT 11.30 O'CLOCK A. M. ItDAY 1 in our Store an "Extra Barit is until hour of sale?But 10 O'CLOCK, P. M. i "Special Bargain"?Come ell. for Saturday's Trade. Don't ling in the Home Reduced. IELK COMPANY LE CLOSES ON SATURDAY JLY I7TH. REAL ESTATE LOOK! Now Isn't This a Nice Selection? The J. K. Hope Place: 70 acres, near Tirzah, on Rock Hill and Clay Hill and YorkVille and Fort Mill roads. 5-room dwelling; large barn; 2 tenant houses and other buildings; 2 wells? one at house and other at barn. Adjoins T. M. uates, F. E. Smith and Mrs. Glenn. This is something nice. See ME QUICK. Tlie E. T. Carson Place: 185 acres; 8-room dwelling; 3-room tenant house; large barn; crib, etc. Plenty of wood. Adjoins W. R. Carroll and others. Now is your time to see me. Two Tracts?One 83 acres and the other 60 acres?about 6 miles from Yorkville on McConnellsville-Chester road. First tract has 4-room dwelling; barn, crib and cotton house. Other tract has one tenant house. Each j tract watered by spring and branch. [ Plenty of timber. Good, strong land, and the price is right. Better see me. Town Property: My offerings here are very attractive. Can suit you either in a dwelling or a beautiful lot in almost any part of Town on which to erect one. Let me show you. Geo. W. Williams REAL ESTATE BROKER. ;count | Children's I pumps.- I 'ANAMA HATS I NOW ON I 's A