Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, July 06, 1915, Image 3

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REVIEW OF THE FIGHTING Operations Continue on Extensive Scale on All the Fronts. The campaign in the Dardanelles again has been brought to the forefront by an official report from Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton, commanding the British forces, which tells of desperate fighting on the Gallipoli peninsula. From June 28 to July 5, 5,150 Turkish soldiers were killed and 15,000 wounded, according to Gen. Hamilton's estimates. In the series of fierce engagements the allied troops were supported by the British destroyer Scorpion, which cut down masses of the Turks. Gen. Hamilton reports that the Turkish commander, Enver Pasha, was in the Turkish trenches on June 29. It is reported unofficially from Constantinople by way of Berlin that the British themselves lost 10,000 men during the last twelve days fighting around Seddul Bahr. M In the east the strongest Russian opposition to the Austro-German advance is being offered between the Pruth and Dniester rivers. At other points the Austro-German progress continues. While comparative calm has reigned during the past 24 hours in the west the Germans report a success on the previous day at Le Pretro forest, where the French were compelled to evacuate trenches, 1,000 unwounded French soldiers being taken prisoners. On the Moselle a French blockhouse, with the men occupying it, was blown up in a German attack. A dramatic story comes from Queenstown of the escape of the British steamer Anglo-Californian from a German submarine, which with greater speed, overhauled the steamer and sought to send her to the bottom. The captain of the Anglo-Californian manoeuvered his vessel for hours, until a shell blew him from the wheel. Then his son took his place and British destroyers came to the rescue. Nine I of the steamer's crew were killed by shell fire and eight were wounded. THE GERMAN NOTE. Diplomats Still Trying to Reach Satisfactory Settlement. It is learned, according to a Berlin cable, that a preliminary exchange of views is proceeding between the United States and Germany regarding the nature of thee forthcoming German reply to the American note respecting submarine warfare and the Lusitania incident This is responsible for delay in the delivery of the German note, transmission of which to the American government was expected yesterday. Efforts of the diplomats on both sides are directed toward evolving through an informal discussion, a formula for a note acceptable both to Germany and the United States, and it is believed the note when presented will have a reasonable chance of furnishing a basis for a satisfactory settlement of the submarine problem. . In consonance with this plan the German undersecretary for foreign affairs, Dr. Alfred Zimmerman, and the American ambassador, James W. Gerard, conferred Saturday, when the nature of the draft of the note was outlined to the ambassador and discussed. It is understood that Mr. Gerard has informed the state department fully as to the outline of the note, and instructions from the United States are awaited before further steps are taken. Some officials of the German foreign office have for several days denied themselves to American newspaper callers to prevent the nature of the deliberations from leaking out. There is reason to believe, however, that these have in view the attainment of some means for insuring the safety of Americans traveling on passenger ships, possibly by some plan of certifying the cargoes of the vessels. Details of the plan present greater difficulties than the principle itself, because the Germans wish to preserve as great a freedom of action as possible to interfere with shipments of war supplies to Great Britain. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ? juage m. jTinmn 01 me- rum judicial circuit, is ill in a Columbia hospital with fever. ? Considerable damage was done by Are Saturday night to the Jones Mercantile company, at Lancaster. ? Roselle White, a small negro boy, was run over and killed by an automobile in Greenville, Saturday night. ? The corporation fees payed annually by the corporations to the state I treasurer, amount to $94,322.05 this year. ? The town of Eutawvillj was visited by a destructive fire on Saturday, property valued at several thousand dollars having been destroyed. ? Governor Manning delivered an address before the annual convention of the State Rural Letter Carriers' association in Florence yesterday. ? The plant of the Enoree Manufacturing company at Enoree, Spartanburg county, has been sold to J. N. Westervelt of Greenville for $200,001. ? Warren Sturman of Augusta, was drowned on Sullivan's island, off Charleston yesterday morning when he was caught in the undertow and dragged to sea. ? A mistrial was ordered Saturday in the case against Jesse Clem, a white man, who was being tried at Greenwood for the murder of J. C. Whitman. The tral consumed a day and a half. ? Attorney General Peeples and Solicitor George B. Timmerman of the Eleventh judicial circuit, will appear before Governor Brambaugh in Harrisburg, Pa., tomorrow at a hearing in the matter of extraditing Joe Giant, colored, who is wanted in this state for alleged murder. ? Baxter McLendon, the evangelist, closed his four weeks' revival in Anderson Sunday. More than 5,000 persons attended the final service. More than 4,000 conversions were made during the meeting. Mr. McLendon was given a voluntary collection of $1,700. ? Following an examination by the South Carolina dental examiners, the following young men have been granted license to practice dentistry in the state: Timothy Hardin, NVinnsboro; S. W. Breeland, Hoily Hill; J. R. Secrest, .Monroe, N. C.; H. M. Tarpley, Spartanburg; W. H. Bannister, Belton; I. P. Carr, Sumter; E. M. Gaffney, Charleston; W. Y. Quarles, McCormick; C. A. Buist, Blackville; S. L. Jeffries, Gaffney; R. R. Pope, Winnsboro; J. R. Thompson, Anderson; J. G. Park, Winnsboro; E. 13. Williams, Pacolet; M. S. Ellist, Simpsonville; J. M. Buddin, Turbeville; R. H. Park, Winnsboro; B. J. Hammett, Jr., Blackville. ? Deputy Sheriff Raleigh Boulware, who was shot during the battle at Winnsboro a few weeks ago, died of his wounds Saturday night. Deputy Boulware was about 30 years of age and was unmarried. He was buried in Winnsboro yesterday. Boulware is the fourth man to lose his life as a result of the shooting, the others being the negro, Jule Smith, Sheriff Hood and Clyde Isenhower. The other deputies who were shot at the same time, are getting along nicely and will be out in a few days. ? What is the first legal definition of "intoxicating liquors" rendered in this state, at least, under the gallon a month law, was made in an order by Judge Ernest Moore, filed in the clerk of court's office in Charlotte last Saturday, in the case of the Greer Drug company against the Atlantic Coast Dine, in which Judge Moore rules that the railroad should deliver to the plaintiff a carload of "Best Tonic," a liquid of hops and malt, the court holding that although the tonic might contain as much as 5 per cent of alcohol it was not an intoxicating liquor within the meaning of the act, and did not come into conflict with the gallon a month law. Intoxicating liquor, Judge Moore rules, is one "to be drunk for the pleasure of drinking," and is not liquid taken as a medicine. This order of Judge Moore is believed to have a far-reaching effect in this state in the operation of the gallon a month act, which prohibits the importing of more than a gallon a month by a person, firm and so on, of any intoxicating liquors, containing more than 1 per cent alcohol. Heretofore the delivery of malt and hops, used as tonics, has been technically prevented by the gallon a month act. because hops and malt were believed to be a beverage and contain more than 1 per cent of alcohol, and the Atlantic Coast Line refused to deliver quantities of more than a gallon a month of this liquid to individuals or firms a month. Now, according to the ruling of Judge Moore, all the hops and malt tonic desired by drug firms can be brought in, because he rules that the liquid is not intoxicating liquor in the meaning of the act, but is a medicine. It is presumed that individuals can also import any quantity of this tonic, having onau'pr it ia for medical purposes. MERE-MENTION The Belgian steamer Bodugnat, was torpedoed and sunk Saturday by a German submarine off the English coast The czar of Russia has authorized a war loan of <500,000,000. James Marshall was convicted of interfering with a fellow workman in turning out war munitions of war at Glasgow, Scotland, Saturday, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment. A monument erected by the Federal government to General Greene of Revolutionary fame, was unveiled at Guilford courthouse, near Greensboro, N. C., Saturday, in the presence of a large crowd The Berlin newspaper Vorwarts which was recently suppressed for publishing the Socialist appeal for peace, has made its appearance again Miss Jane Addams, who has been spending several months in Europe interviewing various rulers in an effort to bring about peace, has returned to the United States The Kenyon "red light" law by which the segregation district in Washington has been abolished, has been declared constitutional by the United States supreme court Deputy sheriffs in Birmingham, Ala,, on Sunday, confiscated more than 1,000 gallons of liquor which was stored away in barns near that city. The sheriff of Jackson county, of which Birmingham is the county seat, has over $10,000 worth of liquor captured since July 1, when the law prohibiting storage of more than two Quarts of liauor went into effect Four persons were killed near Farmingdale, N. Y., Sunday,. when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by a train Vice President Thomas R. Marshall stated Sunday that he had received a dozen or more anonymous letters during the past three months, threatening him with death The Southern Baptist Missionary conference is in session at Ridge Crest, near Asheville, N. C According to a Petrograd dispatch of Sunday, a German warship was blown up by a Russian submarine last week. Press Party At Montreat.?It was the first experience of the North Carolina editors at going into religious retreat. They breathed the atmosphere of staid and prim Old L?ady Montreat and abided her rules and regulations for three days, and the first moderate enjoyment at the beginning grew into absolute delight and admiration at the last The women in the party did not bring their bathing suits from the trunks, because these suits were not cut after the fashion prescribed by Montreat etiquette; there was no need for the trick which pulls metal stoppers from bottles?for bottled goods, either carbonated or flat, are contraband at Montreat?and after the supply of cigarettes that was brought in on the clothes of the men had been exhausted, the air was unpolluted by cigarette smoke. But there was tonic in the air, a fine hotel, splendid fare, served by young women, and there was music, teas and classic entertainment. The editor who did not come out of the retreat feeling a better man, must be put down as unreclaimable. The coming of the members of the South Carolina Press association was an event hailed with delight. The fraternizing of the newspaper men of the two states was of the most cordial nature and was productive of the best of good fellowship. The joint session proved so popular a diversion, in fact, that it may be perpetuated. The South Carolina editors sprung the plan, and insisted on its adoption, that next year me rvorin taronna rrests association meet at Tryon, or some other mountain point along the line, and from there adjourn to Chick Springs and be the guests of the South Carolina Press association on a trip to historic Charleston.?Charlotte Observer. CLOVER SOCIAL. Younger Set of Hustling Little City Enjoy Themselves at a Surprise Party. CnrrMpoudsnc* The YorkrllU Knquirar Clover, July 1.?A large number of the younger seb of this place attended a surprise party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Pressly last evening, the entertainment being given in honor of Miss Jean Pressly. Misses Addie Matthews and Ella Youngblood acted as chaperons in the absence of Dr. and Mrs. Pressly. The young folks played "tag" and "stealing partners" until they were tired. After a time match cards were distributed and when all had found partners they repaired to the dining room where lemonade and cake were served by Misses Christine Smith and Elsie Pressly. After the refreshments had been served the guests went to the parlor where they Joined in singing "Tipperary," "Circus Day," and other popular melodies. It was late in the evening before the singing was over and the last of the guests had bidden the honoree "Au revoir." AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock on the church lawn. TRINITY METHODIST No prayer meeting this week. FIRST BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A. R. PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Special Jlotiffs Evangelistic Meeting. Rev. F. D. King of the Southern Baptist Convention's Home Board, will begin a series of evangelistic services at the Second Baptist church of Yorkville, on Thursday, July 15th. This is to be a union meeting, in which the pastors and people of all denominations will labor together. The public generally is cordially invited to attend and take part in these services, f. 2t J. H. Machen, Pastor. $he Cotton JjRarhet. Yorkville. July 6. 1915. Cotton 9 Cts. HVMENEAL Married?In Yorkville, July 3, by Ij. k. Williams, juuge 01 proua.it: ui York county. Mr. HARVEY BRICK and Miss LUCY THOMASSON, both of Rock Hill. In Yorkvillc. Saturday, July 3, Mr. DEWEY REEL and Miss PEARL RUCKER, both of Lincoln county, N. C., Probate Judge L. R. Williams of' flciating. TORKVILLE ROLLER MILL OUR extensive Roller Mill plant, recently undergoing repairs, will be in first class condition by July 1. A thoroughly competent miller, Mr. Jarrett, formerly with the Riddle MillPrompt and satisfactory attention. Corn Mill in operation every day. YORKVILLE COTTON OIL CO. 48 tf. a 8t. UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT COLORED PEOPLE ONLY. OUR place of business is at the Odd Fellows Hall. We have quite a handsome line of Coffins, Caskets, Robes and Undertaking Supplies Generally. We have a good Hearse and give prompt and efficient service, at reasonable rates. 28 t.f. 3m ISAAC WRIGHT, Jr., Mflr. FILBERT PICNIC A LI. C 1.- U..^. A knnrl jnl rvuic gpcorwivf wuu iti uv>v| Refreshments. THE people of York and surrounding Counties are invited to the biggest Picnic of the year on THURSDAY, JULY 29. A number of prominent public men have been invited, arrangements will be made for music, and Refreshments will be furnished. Good order and a pleasant time guaranteed. Everybody is expected to bring Baskets. 52 t.f td. W. L PURSLEY, Chm'n. WAIT FOR EVANS? WITH THE WATKINS LINE DURING the coming Spring and Summer I expect to visit every Farmhouse In York county. I am handling a complete line of the WATKIN'S REMEDIES. There are none better. Why do agents of other remedies say "It is good as WATKINS." 32 tf. 3m J. W. EVANS. Frozen DessertsThis is the season of all seasons for Frozen Desserts?Ice Creams, Puddings, Gelatines, etc. You can get the necessary supplies at this store?THE GLASS FRONT GROCERY. We have? BLUE RIBBON EXTRACTS, CHALMERS' GELATINE, (Shredded and Granulated). KNOX'S GELATINE, PETER COOPER'S GELATINE, JELLO, JELLO ICE CREAM POWDER, BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, BAKER'S COCOA, HUYLER'S COCOA, DOMINO SUGAR, ICE CREAM SALT. When you have a GROCERY want just remember this Store.?We have what you want. W. E. FERGUSON A Stitch In TimeAt least One PYRENE FIRE EXTINGUISHER should be kept in every dwelling, every store, and everywhere else that fire is liable to destroy valuables. It is the most effective fire extinguisher ever invented and, can be operated by anybody who has two arms with hands attached, and sufficient intelligence to read the short, simple instructions placed on each Extinguisher. It will extinguish fires caused by electricity or gasoline?in fact any fire in its incipiency. Every automobile should carry one?the insurance companies allow 15 per cent reduction in the rate on automobiles that carry them, but the owner of the A n aUlOmODlie mat IS IIUI msuicu uccuo one, or may need it, even worse than the fellow who carries insurance. The price of the Extinguisher with bracket to attach to car, is $7.50. SAM M. GRIST. JULY Clearance Sale 200 Ladies' TRIMMED HATS?Sold up to $3.50?At 25 Cts. Each. Hundreds of Pairs of OXFORDS At HALF PRICE. Colored LAWNS?At 31-2c, 5c and 8 1-3c Yd. 89c TABLE LINEN?At 48c Yd. Men's $18.00 SUITS?At $12.50. Men's $15.00 SUITS?At $10.00 Men's $12.50 SUITS?At $8.50 Men's $10.00 SUITS?At $6.98 Visit Us. See our Prices. The Summer Goods must be sold. No Baits?No Minute Sales?Nothing to Deceive You. McCONNELL'S WHO CUTS THE PRICE. Choice MeatsWhen you want a CHOICE STEAK for Breakfast, or an extra Fine ROAST J* r?u??? AM ior your uiiiuei, ruunc uiu uEu-gc? He will please you every time. For Dinner?We have Cabbage. Potatoes and Turnips. White Beans and Butter Beans, and all kinds of Canned Goods. When You want Good COFFEE, just come to SHERER'S?I have it. Don't Forget to Pay YOUR Beef Bill. I Owe Men in the country and They Want Their Money. Why can't we all be Honest? We can't help being poor. You pay Me, and I'll pay Them; Then We can get some more. OLD GEORGE THE BUTCHER. W Send The Enquirer your orders for high grade Commercial Stationery, Booklets, Law Cases, etc. THIS BANK While not as large as some others, is here to serve you and will serve you in every way that a good Bank can. We want YOUR Checking Account? Large or Small?and will give you efficient service both ways?Coming In and Going Out. SURPLUS CASH? If you have any Surplus Cash that you may not need for Three Months or longer, deposit it with this Bank on a "CERTIFICATE." Let it earn you something while it is "Resting." We are always glad to get acquainted with new folks?Come in and take a look at us. The Bank, ot Clover A I. li. Smith, I?reH. J. A. Pa&e, Cash. CLOVEK, S. C. DIRECTORY OF YORK COUNTY A DIRECTORY of the White Men oi lorn county ui vuiiiik kkc, iu^ciuci with the postofflce address and occupation of each, may be had at the Bank of Clover, the Bank of Hickory Grove, the First National Bank of Sharon, the People's National Bank of Rock Hill, or from The Enquirer Office at 25 cents a copy. This directory contains more than 4.000 names, and is of especial service and value for commercial purposes. Published by L. M. GRISTS SONS. W All kinds of Typewriter Supplies ?Paper, Carbons, Illbbons?At The Knquirer OHiee. I ... ..HAVE.. A CLAY PEA MIXED WITH A BROWN PEA FOR SALE. LOUIS ROTH THE CITY MARKET WE BUY AND SELL CHICKENS WE BUY AND SELL EGGS WE BUY AND SELL BUTTER? Good Butter. I We handle the finest HAMS to be had on the market, Wholesale and Retail. All the BEEF we sell Is of the choicest to be had?carefully selected Stall-fed animals?equal to anything 1 to be had In any butcher shop In ( America. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. C. F. SHERER, Proprietor. ! i Lookout Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes IF YOU WOULD MAKE A SECOND OR FALL CROP OF IRISH POTATOES, PLANT THE WELL KNOWN LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN SEED IRISH POTATOES. IT IS SELDOM THAT THESE SEED FAIL TO PRODUCE A SATISFACTORY CROP. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH SEED. Drink Lord Calvert Coffee?It's Good. CARROLL BROS. CULTIVATORS With the good rain of a few days ago, the Cotton and Corn and Incidentally the grass, will begin to grow. You, Mr. Farmer, will need CULTIVATORS for quick, efficient work to bring the best results. Let us serve you. Have several different kinds of Cultivators, including STEEL KING and SPRING TOOTH?both good. We have CULTIVATOR POINTS, from 1 to 4 Inches in width. Also Cultivator Bolts, Clevises, Handles, etc. What you want and need, we have it. We Sell Binder Twine.. Yorkville Hardware Co The Big M CLEARAJ Begins THURSD And Closes Satu (SEE FRIDAY'S ENQUIRER F WAS RECEIVED TOO L1 ... SPECIAL MIP Every Day Dun EXTRA SPECIALS I Every Day during Entire Sale we iA ^ rv.ll rnnvwwl 1 IU.1U it. ill., uniucn run xnpvu A Two to Customer?Each THURSDAY, JUL' We will sell every Woman or Gir Men) One Dross Pattern, wha 1 want to put in the dress, of 1 I.awns or Batiste?Yard. FRIDAY, JULY 9TH, A1 We will sell 200 Dozen Full 8-0 ?Six to Customer?Each SATURDAY, JULY 10TII . We will sell 5 Cts. Lawns, Calico, I Yards to Customer?Yard EVERYTHING IN OUR BIG S' DAYS?DON'T MISS THIS S KIRKPATRICl DUNLOP Flour We sell the well known DUNLOP FLOUR?Two kinds of it?DUNLOP'S BEST and MOTHER GOOSE SELFRISING. Either one of these Flours will please particular people. FRUIT JARS, RUBBERS, TOPS ? Of course the good ladies of Yorkville are going to put up all the fruit and vegetables that they can possibly can. Well, just remember that we will be pleased to furnish the GLASS JARS, EXTRA TOPS and RUBBERS. 1 ENAMELED MARE? If you need any kind of Enameled Cooking Ware, or Tinware, please remember that we have it and want to sell it?hence our prices on this kind of ware is just about the right notch. JELLO ICE CREAM POWDERS? All Flavors?makes Ice Cream making easy. Try a package and then you'll keep on using it. We sell "BOBS" Chewing Gum?5c. SHERER & OUINN W lltWiWt IMPIW WHfUf UHWWWI m | The Place to Buy I THE MAN WHO PAYS TIIE I EDLY WORTH HIS WHILE T f PAKTMF.XT BEFORE BUYING j HEAVY GROCERIES. We carry [ Family Groceries of Qualities tha ' lections include practically everyt I will find that OUR PRICES are w : We especially call your atten ! please you in Quality?We know t j See Us for all kinds of FEE Hogs and for Chickens. See us for whatever you ma; i and GARDEN TOOLS. | J. M. STROUP, T1 mmm MI ? * miiim WEDDING PRESENTSSTERLING SILVER PLATED SILVER CUT GLASS FANCY CHINA Come and let as show yoa how easy you can make selections at this good store. T \IT CDT?nV 1 . ?? UI JWYYWIWI Toilet Articles Now, with the hot weather comes a. growing demand from the ladies for more or less TOILET necessities? TALCUM POWDERS, FACE POWDERS, FACE CREAMS, TOILET SOAPS, Etc. As usual, the YORK DRUG STORE is ready for this service. Never before have we had a larger or more varied assortment of TOILET ARTICLES of real merit than we have right now. Ladies who deBire anything in this line will find it worth while to look through our lines of TOILET ARTICLES. YOUR TEETH Be sure that you take care of them. You can preserve them almost Indefinitely by proper treatment. Use the Tooth Brush frequently and with the Brush use some one of our many Dentifrices?Pastes, Powders, Liquids? whichever you prefer. If you have a choice, we have it for YOU. YORK DRUG STORE FRUIT JARSFRUIT JARSSAVE YOUR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AND AT THE SAME TIME SAVE TIME BY COMING TO FERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD FOR YOUR? FRUIT JARS?PTS. QTS., and HALF GALLON SIZES. WE ALSO HAVE PLENTY OF EXTRA TOPS and EXTRA CAN RUBBERS. OUR PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU. CANE SEED Sow as many acres of your stubble land in Cane and Peas as you can get in. This combination will make large quantities of cheap hay that is good, and at the same time will greatly benefit your lands. See us for the CANE SEED and for SEED PEAS. FERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING YOUR Old Machine, that runs so heavily that you dread to use it, can be cleaned up, readjusted and put in such condition that you will be delighted with it, and would as soon have it as a New Machine. The cost is not very great for this work and you will be pleased at the expenditure. Better get your machine in shape now for the spring sewing. You'll find me at The Enquirer office. LEWIS M. GRIST. WAI1 kinds of Typewriter Supplies ?Papci, Carbons, Ribbons?At The Enquirer Office. id-Summer (CE SALE AY, JULY 8TH rday, July 17th OR PARTICULARS?AS COPY ITE FOR Tins ISSUE.) ' IUTE SALES... ing Entire Sale N MINUTE SALES will sell at 10.30 to <11/ 0 Cts. Ribbed Vests / I'XC i i' 8TH, AT 9 A. M. l in our Store (No tever amount you H /* .0 Cts. and 15 Cts. JJ \,tS? ? 10.30 TO 10.40 A. M . unce Jelly Glasses, J Cdlt *T 10.30 TO 10.40 A. M. J or Ginghams?Ten IViC I rOllE REDUCED FOR NINE | ALE. K - BELK CO. | Palm Beach Suits Now, that the summer season is on, you are wearing your light-weight clothing, and frequent Cleaning and Pressing is necessary. Let us do your work. We will give you entirely satisfactory work at most reasonable cost. PALM BEACH SUITS? Cleaned and Pressed?50 Cts. per Suit. For Club Members?Cleaned and Pressed?25 Cts. per Suit. JOIN THE PRESSING CLUB? Let us clean and press your Clothes. Five Suits per month for $1.00. All work called for and delivered. We Guarantee our work to give Satis faction. WORK FOR LADIES? We make a specialty of Cleaning and Pressing Ladies' Skirts of all kinds, and at Reasonable Prices. Phone us your wants. ROYAL PRESSING CLUB * R. D. DORSETT, Prop. Your Groceries j BILLS WILL FIND IT DECID- j O VISIT OUR GROCERY DE- j AMVTHTYft IX FANCY OR a Complete line of Fancy and < t are beyond question. Our se- i hlng that Is In demand and you ell worth your consideration. i tion to Our COFFEES?We can j ve can please you in Price. DSTIJFFS?For Horses, Cows, t i y need In FARM HARDWARE J 1 ie Everything Store, i MUiMiuiiiitiiuiuttMiuiiiiyiui ANNO With the pui ty for investing y( ties, we have esta and have effected T ?Ni nt- C* AVMMANvr /\f 11 U5i vuiiifjaiij ui 000,000) whereby benefit of the com tained by that insl We wish to annoi a brokerage basis Ban! and Notes and other b purchase or sale of in\ to correspond with : INVES1 The Peopi i _____ SMOAK-BROWN CO. HORSES. MULES, VEHICLES. TYSON & JONES BUGGIES Before YOU buy your next Buggy? Now or Later?come and see us about the matter before you buy. We sell the well-known, thoroughly tested TYSON & JONES BUGGIES And we know and you doubtless know, that there is no better Buggy sold on this market . than the TYSON & JONES Buggies. Scores of York County people will tell you that they have never owned or used a Better Buggy than the Tyson & Jones vehicle and few of them that are as good. We can supply the kind of Buggy you want and you will find that our prices will give you the Maximum of Buggy Value for the Price You Pay. Come and see US about it whenever YOU are in the notion of buying a New Buggy. SMOAK*BROWN COMPANY WE'RE READYWHEN YOU'RE READY to Buy or Trade a Mule, Mare or Horse. We can satisfy you in Quality, Size, Age and Price, whether you want New .Spring Styles or on down to a "Plug." Come to see US before you make a deal. We will give YOU "A Square Deal With No Round Corners." JAMES BROS. Buy your Typewriter Ribbons, Carbons and Paper at The Enquirer Office. Prompt attention given to mail and phone orders. REAL ESTATE LOOK! Now Isn't This a Nice Selection? The J. K. Hope Place: 70 acres, near Tirzah, on Rock Hill and Clay Hill and Yorkville and Fort Mill roads. 5-room dwelling; large barn; 2 tenant houses and other buildings; 2 wells? one at house and other at barn. Adjoins T. M. Oates, F. E. Smith and Mrs. Glenn. This is something nice. See ME QUICK. The E. T. Carson Place: 185 acres; 8-room dwelling; 3-room tenant house; large barn; crib, etc. Plenty of wood. Adjoins W. R. Carroll and others. Now is your time to see me. Two Tracts?One 63 acres and the other 60 acres?about 6 miles from Yorkville on McConnellsvllle-Chester road. First tract has 4-room dwelling; barn, crib and cotton house. Other tract has one tenant house. Each tract watered by spring and branch. Plenty of timber. Good, strong land, and the price is right. Better see me. Town Property: My offerings here ure very attractive. Can suit you either in a dwelling or a beautiful lot in almost any part of Town on which to erect one. Let me show you. Geo. W. Williams REAL ESTATE BROKER. Until January 1, '16 FOR $1.00 CASHWe will Send THE ENQUIRER Until JANUARY 1ST, 1916. POIl A CliUB OF FOUIl Names at $1.00 Faeli. \vc will give a Three-Piece Sewing Set, Including Three Pairs of Scissors of \arying sizes. All names to be paid for by i Clubmakcrs on or before July 1. Ij. M. GRISTS SONS, Pubs. UNCEl rpose of affording >ur surplus funds in blish.ed an Investn i < an arrangement wi : New York, (total i we are enabled t< prehensive investm< titution. ince that this Departmei k and Cotton Mill Stoc igh class securities, if restment securities, you rMENT DEPAR1 \es9 Trust LOCK HILL, S. ( J. H. 8AYK, J. I- RAINEY, ~ President. Vie* Preet. First National Bank SHARON. 8. 0. IT IS NOT WHAT YOU MAKE; BUT WHAT YOU SAVE, that makes YOU RICH. Sometimes people get rich by other means than Saving; but no matter how rich they get, they do not stay that way unless they SAVE. Remember Coal Oil Johnny. He inherited millions as the result of a lucky oil strike; but he lost them be cause he would not SAVE. Remember Russell Sage. He would not buy a dollar shirt if he could make a seventy-five cents shirt do. Johnny was a spendthrift and Sage was a miser. We do not advise you to be like either of them. However, we would teach that freedom from debt and cash on hand is independence. And the way to have Cash on hand is to SAVE all you get that you do not actually need. JOHN S. HARTNE8S, Cashier. Get the Best i THE MERIT OF A BANK LI1 THEN ITS CHARACTER A> PLICATION OF THESE F ? DEPOSITORS AND The RESOURCES, Supervisi Bank?Plus its Equipment?Pr< PROTECTION. In order to facilitate YOUR and to place it on its soundest COUNT WITH THIS BANK. FIRST NATI YORKVH R. C. ALLE1N, Cashier. "You Had Better B FRUIT JARS IN ANOTHER WEEK OR TWO the good housewives of this vicinity will very likely be "putting up" their fruits and vegetables for winter use. When you are ready for FRUIT JARS please remember that you can find the FRUIT JARS AT HEATH'S? plenty of them, and along with the JARS we have the EXTRA TOPS and NEW RUBBERS. Let us supply your needs in FRUIT JARS. COFFEES AND TEAS? If you are a good Judge of Coffee and Tea and are particular about the Coffee and Tea that you use, call on us for your next supply when it is needed. We believe we can please you. R. E. HEATH COMPANY ftA m .t. n 1 AAAA AAAA /jn iTV V W ri/TwT ^TwT wWT WW vf ; 5ee 7ifo I TRUNK 1 For Four WE ARE SHOWING A STRONG L A AND BAGS?CALL AND SI X YOU TAKE YOUR V J PLEASE YOU IN A A ROUNTREE'S ROLLER TRAY F ? ?Best Brass Lock and Trim V Priced at LADIES' FIEER LIFT-TRAY 1 /1 Trays?Best Brass Lock and ' J CANVAS COVERED ROLLER-TI C ?Best Brass Locks and Trl 9 Straps?Priced at A STEAMER X GOOD CANVAS STEAMER TRI _ Trimmings?Priced at f Good Line of LIFT-TRAY CANT L Sizes, 34 and 36 inches. Prk ? ' BAGS AND S A We Are Showing a Big Line of HA a Popular Sizes?Priced at V $1.50, J WHEN YOU ARE SHOPPING R A THOMSON CO.'S?YOU'LL I i JUST RIGHT IN QUALITY AJ TO SATISFY ECONOMICAL | .. The THOMSOi -m .Ti-*- . sr\a tTk^.sn m cfXA, TtA* T TX7V VwV VwV wvw Q7VTI7 WT3P WENT. ou an opportunihigh class Securir lent Department, ith the Guarantee resources, $300, ) offer you the ent service mainit will also handle on :ks, Municipal Bonds you contemplate the are cordially invited rMENT Company J* Paint Now To properly paint your buildings, inside and outside, is a GOOD investment. Fresh paint not only improves the physical appearance of your buildings, but it adds materially to the life of your buildings. It prevents decay ?dry rot. GOOD PAINT rightly applied, PAYS GOOD DIVIDENDS. USE OUR PAINTS? We sell PAINT?Good Paint, as Good Paint as any dealer in the world. Paint that has been time tried and thoroughly tested right here in Yorkville and in all parts of York county. WHEN YOU ARE READY? To Paint, come and talk to us about your job?the Paint to use, its cost, and other information. We sell the kind of Paints that LASTS LONGER, GOES FURTHER, COSTS LESS. LUMPER PRODUCTS? Whatever you may want that is a Lumber Product?Doors, Frames, Sash and Blinds, Flooring Ceiling, Siding, Framing, Sheeting, Shingles, etc., see us before buying. T. T. KELLER & COMPANY Banking Service as FIRST, IN ITS STRENGTH; . D METHODS AND THE APOR THE BENEFIT OF ITS i THE COMMUNITY ? on and the Management of THIS ivide the BEST SERVICE and buainess?no matter what it is? basis?OPEN A CHECKING ACONAL BANK iLE, 8. C. O. E. WILKJNS, President, e Sale Than Sorry." LIFE IT CAN BE A 8UCCE83 OR A FAILURE. WHICH WILL IT BE WITH YOU? ? ? ?????? Look at the men who are successful In the eyes of the world. Ninety-nine out of every hundred started a Bank Account when they were young?and stuck to it. And now, look at the failures. Very few of them have a Bank account now. Not speaking of when they were young. Perhaps you think you have not enough money to start an account. Haven't you & dollar? That's all It takes at THIS BANK. Just try it for a year or six months. If you do not wish to continue It you have lost nothing by the trial. Which Will It Be?Success or Failure? IT'S UP TO YOU. Bank of Hickory Grove HICKORY GROVE. 8. C. dUAA AXJiX AAAA AAAA I gTT w IW wTwT WW WWJETV vl/ 5' omson's 5 i n i na i ana BAUd\ Vacation f J YE OF ROUNTREE'S TRUNKS W EE OUR LINES BEFORE J AC ATI ON?WE CAN l TRUNK OR BAG ^ IBER TRUNK?Size 36 inches J mings?Good Leather Straps? 9 $13.50 and $15.00 Each X 7RUNK?Size 34 Inches?Two V Trimmings?Priced at $10.00 n *AY TRUNKS?Size 36 Inches I Immings?Two Good Leather $10.00 Each J TRUNKS J JNKS?Best Brass Locks and ? $5.00 and $7.50 Each ? J AS COVERED TRUNKS?In I ?ed at y 14.50. $5.00, $6.50 ami $7.50 Each >UIT CASES W lND BAGS and SUIT CASES in J >2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and $8.50 Each X EM EMBER TO SHOP AT THE I 1ND THAT OUR GOODS ARE J OUR PRICES LOW ENOUGH BUYERS. X V COMPANY.. * /n AfflA AlvlA tTlAlTl TJ7 VTw TwT QtTW TWT VWV WW WV