REVIEW OF WAR ACTIVITIES Situation as it Appeared from London Viewpoint Yesterday. Announcement by the British admiralty of the sinking near the English coast of two British passenger steamers by German submarines with an attendant loss of upward of 150 lives, was the most important war news of the day so far as the British public was concerned Both steamers crowded on full speed in an effort to escape, and the fact that they were overhauled, shows that Germany now has some of her most modern submarines engaged in the blockade operations against the British isles. Outside of the sinking of these two ataamaya fho nn)\r npisa of imnortance yesterday was of the renewal of activity by the Russian Black sea fleet, which bombarded forts on the Bosphorus, and the announcement from Petrograd that the Baltic fleet had been re-lnforced by modern lighting units, presumably dreadnoghts built in Russian yards. The battles in the Carpathaian passes are proceeding with ever-ln^ creasing violence. The Russians now ^ hold the western passes and are advancing into Hungary, but the eastern passes remain in the hands of the Germanic allies, who, however, are strongly pressed by their re-lnforced adversaries The situation is unchanged in east Galacia and Bukowina. In north Poland the Germans claim to have driven the Russians from Tauroggen, which they stormed. In the west the mine warfare continues without any important changes in the position of the two armies. At the request of the shipyard owners, the British chancellor of the exchequer, has promised to submit to the cabinet a proposal to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in Great Britain during the war. The Case of the Eitel.?While every precaution is being taken to guard against possible violations of ? ? >.. n.?, American neutrality u even ?.? ? man commerce raider Prinz Eitei Fried rich makes a dash for the sea through the Virginia capes, says a Washington dispatch of last night, naval officials here are almost a unit in the belief that the Eitel will cruise no more until the war is over They think Commander Thierichens is enjoying the trouble to which he has put British and French cruisers patrolling the Virginia coast and is awaiting the expiration of the time limit given him for repairs before interning his ship. Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British ambassador, called at the navy department and it is understood, assured Rear Admiral Fiske, aide for operations, that the warships of the allies would not come within the three-mile ' limit or otherwise violate neutrality. It was learned yesterday that Great Britain had made representations to the state department in regard to the Eitel, taking the ground that in allowing the ship to dock, clean and repaint, the port authorities at Newport News had not observed the Hague treaty stipulations against increasing the naval strength of the ship under such circumstances Department officials, however, do not accept this view. ? Dr. Charles Richmond Henderson, professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, and a lecturer of international prominence, died in Charleston yesterday, following an illness of only a few days. AT THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 7.30 o'clock. . ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. I Prayer meeting at 4 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon. TRINITY METHODIST Prayer meeting Wednesday after-1 noon at 7.30 o'clock. Special Notices. A Box Suppor. At Philadelphia School House, Friday night, April 2d, 1915, from 7 to 10 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. May Russell, Marie Moore, Teachera The Ladies' Aid Society Of Beersheba church will meet at the home of Mr. D. C. Clark on Wednesday evening, April 7th. A full attendance is desired. Mrs. J. D. Land, President. Returned Missionaries. Mr. and Mrs John Lake and Mrs. Entzminger, returned missionaries from China, will attend the Baptist W. M. U. institute of the Northern Di^ vision, at Gaffney, April 9th and 10th, ^ and will take part in the programme. ^ Mrs. S. S. Frew, Asso. Supt. Tribute to Mary Adella Westbrook. On March the 13th, 1915, Mary Adella Westbrook, daughter of Milas and Frances McCullough, and wife of W. Herbert Westbrook, died after lingering for several months. Her suffering at times was severe, but she bore it all in quiet resignation; never murmuring a word. She assured her pastor that she was perfectly resigned to God's will. She was happily married to W. H. Westbrook on March ISth, 1902. To this union was born five children: Louise, Ralph, Christine, Maurise, who survive her. The baby died two days before she did. In the death of Sister Westbrook the church has been bereft of one of her most useful and pious members. She was a teacher of a class in Sunday school. She was devoted to her work, as teacher. It was an assistance to her husband, who is superintendent of the Sunday school in the Methodist church at Lockhart. In the death of Sister Westbrook the community is bereft of one of its most charitable neighbors. She was always ready to help the sick and the needy. All speak of her in the highest praise. It was never inconvenient for her to entertain God's servants. Many preachers shared the hospitality of her home. She will be missed! As her body was carried out of her home in the beautiful, white casket, an emblem of her spotless life, her heart-broken husband felt the stroke as no other, the loss of a devoted wife, and the children, the loss of one of the most tender and devoted of mothers. it was to hear them crying for mother, now dead. But her work is done, and she rests in the bosom of her God. To her, death had no sting, for her life was a ray of a sun-beam, and her death was as the setting of the sun in its beauty, sending back its beautiful halo. J. R. Copeland. Killian. S. C., March 26, 1915. Excursion Rates for Field Day. I Southern Railway Authorizes Special & Low Round Trip Rates and Special Train Service On Account of Field Day Exercises. Yorkville, S. C. On account of Field Day Exercises, Yorkville, S. C., April 3rd, the Southern Railway will operate special train from Fort Mill to. Yorkville, S. C., and return on the following schedule: Leave Fort Mill, 8.30 a. m.; Rock Hill, 9.10 a. m.: Old Point. 9.17 a. m.; Newport, 9.20 a. m.; Tirzah, 9.33 a. m., and arrive at Yorkville, 10 a. m. Returning special train will leave Yorkville at 5.00 p. m., arriving at Rock Hill. 5.45 p. m.; Fort Mill, 6.30 p. m.. same day. Extra coaches will also be provided on trains Xos. 113 and 114 for accommodation of visitors from King's Creek, Smyrna, Hickory drove, and Sharon. The following round trip rates will apply: From? Adults Children Fort Mill 75 .40 Rock Hill 50 .25 Tirzah 30 .15 Smyrna 60 .30 Hickory Grove 50 .25 Sharon 40 .20 ' For further information apply to .Local Agents or write to S. H. McLean, D. P. A., Columbia, S. C. $0fn&l Uotires Delegates to Gaffney. Delegates expecting to attend the Baptist W. M. U. Institute of Northern Division, to be held at Gaffney, S. C., April 9th and 10th, will please send their names at once to Mrs. G. G. Byers, Gaffney, S. C. Every Association officer, every Society president and every Sunbeam leader, and all who wish for better fitness for service. should be there. Railroad rates, round trip, from: Fort Mill,; kock tiiu, *z.-?u, Torkville, $1.60. Mrs. S. S. Frew. 25 f. t 2t Field Day Exercise*, Yorkville. S. C., April 3rd, 1915. On account of the above occasion, the C. & N.-W. Ry. will have on sale Special Round Trip tickets from all points on their line within the state of -- * - -rr 1...IIU ?ha SOUtn Carolina, lO lumvuic, ui utv rate of one and one-third regular fares. Minimum 50 cents. Tickets on sale April 3rd, good returning April 4th, 1916. H. L. Summitt, Agent. OBITUARY. Died?at her home in Rock Hill, Thursday night, Mrs. IDA KIMBRBLL Deceased is survived by her husband and three children. The interment was in Laurelwood cemetery, Rock Hill, Friday. At his home in Chester, Saturday, A. P. VARNADORE, aged 71. The deceased was a member of Co. F, 23d regiment, during the war between the sections. He is survived by several children, among whom are Mr. Banks Varnadore of Yorkville. HYMENEAL Married?By Rev. W. H. Polk in Rock Hill, March 15, Miss MARGARETE A. PICKETT and Mr. JOHN I. HAYES. &he C^otton $Rarhet. New York, March 29: Cotton futures closed steady as follows: May, 9.57; July, 9.87; October, 10.17; December, 10.36; January, 10.43. Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands 9.65; sales 2,400. Yorkville, March 30. Clover 9 36 Tlrzah 9 ? Sharon 9.15 35 Yorkville 9 36 BABY'S CAP LOST WHITE, Crocheted, between my mother's residence and my home via Filbert. Will appreciate return. R. C FAULKNER, 4, Yorkville. It MULES AND HORSES I HAVE Four Cheap MULES and Two HORSES, for sale at bargain prices. Address No. 5, Yorkville. 26 tf. 2t B. B. FERGUSON. BREAD AND CAKE SALE THE Ladies' Aid Society of the A. j R. P. Church will conduct a Bread and Cake sale at the store of W. E. Ferguson, Friday afternoon, from 3 to 6 p. m. COMMITTEE. 26 t It NOTICE I AM now ready to serve the Public with Groceries, Shoes, Overalls, Hnniprv etc.. at Lowest Cash Prices. I ask for a share of your patronage. Also have for sale 1 No. 43 Chattanooga Plow. 1 Moffatt Cotton Planter, 1 Guano Distributer, 1 1-horse Wagon ?All In good working order?at a bargain. See me or write me, at New Zlon church, Yorkvllle, S. C., Route No. 1. N. S. FORD. 26 t. f. 2t RELIABLE WHITE MAN WITH flrst-class references, wants work on farm for self and horse, northern part of county preferred, from April 1 to August 1. Address. "P. D.." Care of The Enquirer. WANTED TWO Young Ladies to work in Cloth Room In nice mill town, good people, good churches and cheap board. Wages, $30.00 per month when learned. Address "R," care of this Office. 23 f. t 4t SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING YOUR Old Machine, that runs sc ' heavily that you dread to use it, can be cleaned up, readjusted and put in such condition that you will be delighted with it, and would as soon have it as a New Machine. The cost is not very great for this work and you will be pleased at the expenditure. Better get your machine in shape now for the spring sewing. You'll find me at The Enquirer office. LEWIS M. GRIST. FOR SALE I HAVE a limited amount of Cleveland BIG BOLL Cotton Seed. I made twelve bales of this cotton on about nine acres, weighing 452 pounds per bale. The Georgia Experiment Station snvs this is the Best cotton for the Piedmont section. I also have a lot of Georgia Heavy Fruiter Seed, which is also a fine cotton. Price $1 per bushel at my farm or f. o. b. Yorkvllle, S. C. H. G. BROWN. 16 t tf W Typewriter Ribbons?All kinds? At The Enquirer Office. fit ANOTHER CAR OF STOCK? YESTERDAY WE received our second car of Choice KENTUCKY and TENNESSEE MULES and MARES. This car includes a number of Extra Choice Mules and several nice Driving Horses, and several nice Combination Horses, we want you to see wnat we have. We want to supply you. We can please you whether you want the BEST or on down the line of work animals to just a "Plug." We are in the Horse and Mule business to SATISFY OUR TRADE, and to make a fair profit. If you want anything in our line it will always be to YOU INTEREST to see US before you buy or trade. We will give YOU a Square Deal With No Round Corners. JAMES BROS. ? THE SAVI IS XOT SO BAD AS Till NOT SO COSTLY AS T1 The Man with the SAVING the ONE that can get along withoi without HIM. TIIE SAYINGS HABIT Means Sound Sleep, Good Difc Independence. The Best Tonic w< SAYINGS B. There are no microbes in it to st is a GUARANTEE of Good Beha a ?? 0m mm mb a mm a , hlK5 I NA I If YORKVIL It. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. You Had Better B< Thank You THURSDAY NEXT WILL BE AI?UIL 1ST, and if YOU owe US on Account or otherwise, we shall certainly expect to receive YOUR Check that day. We have been Just as patient as we know how to be. But it is now necessary to make certain changes in our business, and to make these changes we must have all outstanding accounts settled in full, and 01 iiKront nhnnt' YOU 11119 19 Wlljr TT V u>v u>Dv... paying US what YOU owe. To those who have already settled we again | say "Thank You." To those who are yet behind we say THAT WE EXPECT YOU TO PAY OX OR BEFORE THURSDAY. We must have the money. We hope YOU will give this matter YOUR immediate attention. J. J. KELLER & CO. ONION SETS As soon as you can get your ground in shape, be sure to put in some Onion rininno q ro hotter flavor ed than fall Bet plants, although the fall planting is said to make larger Onions. Let us supply you with the ONION SETS you will need. NANCY HALL POTATOES? Are easily the best of all Sweet Potatoes grown in this section. Be sure to "bed" some seed for slips. Let us supply you with the Pure Seed. FEED STUFFS? We make a specialty of FEEDS for Horses. Mules, Cows and Poultry. If you have occasion to buy anything of this kind, let us make you prices. TOBACCO If you use Chewing Tobacco, we want you to see our stock before you buy your next supply. It is varied enough to please all chewers. See us for FARM HARDWARE. FERGUSON & YOUNGBLOOD FIELD DAY-NEXT SATURDAY, APRIL 3, will be York County Field Day in Yorkville. We are hoping that it will be a nice day and that there will be a big crowd in Yorkvlle?Everybody is invited to come. When you come to Yorkville and want CHOICE FRUITS?All Kinds, LOWNEY'S CANDIES?10 Cts. Lb.. STONE'S CAKES?10 Cts. Each, Call at the GLASS FRONT GROCERY, opposite the postofflce. CEREAL FOODS? At this season of the year CEREAL FOODS?Rolled Oats, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat, Shredded Wheat, and Cream of Wheat are much in demand. You'll find all these here?and they are FRESH. COFFEES AND TEAS? When you want Choice Coffees and *1 CflS, SCC US* vrc nave C11VU511 ??? - eties of both to satisfy any taste. W. E. FERGUSON 1 I HAVE-Crushed Oyster Shells -For Chickens 1 Ct. Per Lb., or 75 Cts. Sack of 100 Lba. LOUIS ROTH AT THE LYRIC FRIDAY "THE HOUSE OF FEAR" "The House of Fear" is one of those intensely interesting human interoat Hmmnn that will keeD you key ed to the highest pitch of expectancy from first to last. Much of the picture was made at night and is a wonderful piece of night photography. Be sure to see "The House of Fears" Next Friday. [ Be sure to vote on the "MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY." Admission: 5 Cts. and 10 Cts. J. L. McMAXUS, Mgr. ' "Best Fire Medicine" About a year ago, I accepted the agency of the Pyrene Fire Extin- ; guisher for York county, and announced the fact in an advertisement in The Enquirer, and explained what the extinguisher would do, and also announced that the insurance rate on all automobiles carrying Pyrenes would be reduced 15 per cent, but to my sur- | prise, sold comparatively few, and quite naturally, I think, came to the conclusion that owners of burnable property either doubted the claims made for the Pyrene as a fire extinguisher or attached no importance to being in position to extinguish ! incipent fires. I sold two Pyrenes to the Clover Cotton Manufacturing Co, They were installed in the picker room. Following unsolicited letter was received March 20, from Mr. M. L. Smith, treasurer and general manager of the company: Clover, S. C.. March 20. 1915. Mr. Sam M. Grist, Yorkville, S. C. Dear Sir: Please send us six cans Pyrene. This is the best medicine for a fire we have ever used. We often have fires in our picjter room, and have never used hose since we put in Pyrenes. Yours respectfully, M. L. Smith, Treas. You may see the day when you would gladly pay $100 for the use of a Pyrene Extinguisher for three minutes, and won't be able to get it. Like I Insurance, it cannot be bought if you I wait until you need it. Those who buy in anticipation of the need, get them for $7.00. SAM M. GRIST, Agent. BtT All kinds of Typewriter Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Typewriter Paper, at The Enquirer Office. NG HABIT I 3 DRINK HABITIK CIGARETTE HABIT HABIT never gets laid off; he is ut You; hut YOU cannot get along estion, Cool Judgment and Manly i know is the \XK BOOK eal awav vour nenee of mind. It vior. ONAL BANK LE, 8. C. O. E. WILKIN'S, President, e Safe Than Sorry." [ DREW ?tt 3S how unle yfc with ff insu ^mr\ be a style ^M) all lineTlie Cleopatra?A Patent Pump, wit kidney heel?a beautiful shoe I The Mrs. Vernon Castle?A Fane Patent Strap Pump I The Colonial?As neat as its ancestrt name?Patent Pump, kidney he< and dull buckle $ The Colonial?Neat as a pin, Pater Pump, dull kid, Cuban heel $3.3 Vlei Kid Oxfords?Rubber heel, bul for comfort and easy walking $3.5 The "Mary Jane"?A Patent Pumpits name suggests comfort $3.0 Kid ^58^) E HOLEPROOF HOSIER We have received our Spring PROOF HOSIERY FOR MEN, CHILDREN. HOLEPROOF HOSI now than ever before. HOLEPRO< weight?Seamless and Comfortable, to Wear Six Months Without Holes that time the Makers make them G PROOFS at this store?See them i Popular Shades. Men's Cotton Ho! Ladies' Holeproof, six pairs, 92.00 Six Months. Men's Silk Holeproof months, $2.00 per box. Try a few be pleased with their Stylish Appea GENT'S FUR We have an elegant line of M Arrow Brand Shirts and Collars, Chesterfield Hats, in Black and va big line of Men's LOW SHOES in I the newest Toes and in all the good to show you these goods. .'.J. M. STROUP, Th< J. H. 8AYE, J. L. RAINEY, President. Viee Prest. in V hrst National Bam : SHARON, - - - a O. < An account with the First Na- j tional Bank of Sharon means safety for your money; utilization j of the full earning power of your ! money; less chance of loss; sound j financial standing; more general satisfaction. 1 It will mean that you will be \ still more interested in us and we will be still more Interested In you, and this will contribute to the advantage of both of us. JOHN S. HARTNESS, Cashier. Best Groceries We have many of the best things to ( be had In Groceries?Best Qualities. i We have? I Country Canned Beans?12 Cts. Can. Country Ground Meal?Choice. Perfection Flour?Best of All. Kippered Herring?Both in Oil and , in Tomato Sauce?Good, too. COME AND SEE US? We can supply you with almost ev- 1 erything in Groceries that is good, and every article we sell is Guaranteed. ] OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS? We have Just received a carload of GENUINE Oliver Chilled Plow Repairs. Of course we can furnish the i Plows too. CARROLL BROS. i | FIVE -J? I We Are Prepared to NEW COAT SUITS 126 New COAT SUITS received New SILK DRESSES and S! SKIRTS. MILLINERY New SHAPES and FLOWERS 9 Us Your order for that Eas I CORSETS fl New Models WARNER and W | NOVELTY COTTON GOODS? I New COTTON GOODS on Coun SILKS New SILKS received this week All the pretty Spring colors S OXFORDS AND PUMPS I We can Fit and Please almost and COLONIALS. Good va dren. CLOTHING I We have received a full lin CLOTHING?No better Clot STROUSE AND BROS.' an BOYS' SERGE SUITS. HATS AND CAPS I Big line of STETSON HATS. I and Boys. | Trade With Us and 1 j KIRKPATRIC TIIE MG STOKE WIT 42^ Get Better Re: ^ cellen H ' ^ Used, LI (I f|Fn?3^ we E I pM ? >\( and Pumps-Correct . i for Easter Wear tl EXT SUNDAY, APRIL 4TH, will a Saster Sunday, and of course the S lea will be dressed in their best in Is bration of the day. But no matter S stylish may be your Hat, or how sh your Fashionably-made Dress, b ss your footwear is In keeping is i your costume, YOU will not feel F you are dressed "Just right." To re correct footwear you should q ure to have a pair of IRVING DREW G OXFORDS OR PUMPS. V 'e are showing the new Spring '.s in all the newest shapes and in * ~ TTf? MtAwi ??ai? r\ baa tVtia tl eninci ??vv c waul juu iu occ una ?Come TODAY. I I' Oxford?Soft Cap and Medium a eel W.00 J "Baby Doll"?Ankle Strap Patent ? imp?very neat $8 t llsh Walking Shoe?This is provg to be one of our beat sellers? j ery lady who sees it wants a pair id already we have had to make a cond order. It is a wonderfully e mfortable walking shoe $3 k Y IN ALL SHADES I ti supply of the famous HOLt- a WOMEN, BOYS, GIRIB AND y ERY, always good, are better 3F Hosiery are stylish and llght. And Six Pairs are Guaranteed . If any of the Six pairs fail in ood. Come and see the HOLE- , n White and in BufT and all the % leproofs, Six Pairs, $1.50 a Box; ^ a Box and Up; All Ouaranteed a, three pairs, Guaranteed three pairs of HOLEPROOFS?You'll ranee and their wearing quality. NISHINGS EN'S FURNISHINGS, including Stylish Neckwear, Stetson and rying shades. And also have a 'eters and Herman makes, in all leathers. We'll be much pleased ; Everything Store.*. J Waterman Pens I am now showing a new line of the famous WATERMAN "IDEAL" al- _ ways ready Fountain Pens. It Is certainly a handsome line and there's a pen here to fit every hand?yours Included. There are all sizes of Pens in this lot, and there's a wide range of .. prices. Come and let me show you. 1 [f you have never used a WATERMAN "IDEAL" you have missed part of the pleasure of a good Fountain Pen. There are other good Fountain Pens, of course?the PARKER i, "LUCKY CURVE" for instance. I 0 jell it, too. I can "Fit" your hand A with either make. Can fit your purse ^ too. Let me try. See Me for INGERSOLL Watches ?#1.00 and Up. K A BIG BEN is the best alarm clock. e: B T. W. SPECK, Jeweler a ii POSITIVELY 5 I DNLY FIVE SUITS PER MONTH L ALLOWED TO MEMBERS OF MY f>RE38ir Drug Co., and am better prepared f :han ever to serve good meals and * lunches. I have secured the services of Mr. b, D. M. Hawkins, an expert presser and ? :leaner and will guarantee satisfaction 21 ill the work of my pressing club. J W Club members, Again?Only five o: luits per month allewed members. K. D. DORSETT, Proprietor. I] Phone 149. y< ,s EASTER | j Supply Your Wants, i 1 Saturday and more Today. Also HIRT WAISTS and SEPARATE / received almost every day. Give ter Hat TODAY. ( . B. CORSETS. ters Today?Never shown before. C . See the $1.00 SILK POPLIN? I C , at 50 CTS. I anybody in OXFORDS, PUMPS lues for Men, Women and Childi e of Men's and Boys' SPRING 01 hlng made for the price than S d STYLEPLUS. Big values in IC C ifou Will Be Pleased 1? K-BELK CO. (I II THE BIG STOCK 1 N ra suits From Your Kodak ?1 ui ?t U> Do Your Finishing?Ext Workmanship, Best Materials Orders Filled Same Day. se nlarge the best one in :h roll free of charge. 'rices are No Higher than you for the Ordinary Kind. 11 NOVELTY CO. | 51, COLUMBIA, 8. C. I :ane seed- ' We have a good supply of AMBER nd ORANGE CANE SEED. Be sure hat you sow a cane patch for feed nd another one for syrup. Get your leed from us and you will get pure, lew Crop Seed at Right Prices. EED POTATOES? We have the Bliss and Irish Cobler Seed Irish Potatoes, and the lancy Hall Sweet Potato for bedding. >ure seed from reliable growers. Nancy Hall 'Taters for table use. 1ARDEN SEEDS? We sell Ferry's and Lake Shore (arden Seeds?both are dependable. VATER-GROUND MEAL? We are supplying our customers rith high grade Water Ground Counry Meal. It Is good. iIGHT BREAD? We sell Baker's Bread. It is good nd we keep It FRESH. SHERER & QU1NN SMOAK-BROWN CO. HORSES, MULES, VEHICLES. Good Mules When TOU are ready to buy & fULE to help with your Spring plowng, see us before your buy. We have number of FIRST-CLASS ANIMALS nd can probably suit you In Size, Colr and especially in the PRICE. At east It is well worth your while to ome and see what we have and talk he matter over with us before you lake a trade or buy. TYSON & JONES BUGGIES. We sell this well known Buggy and rmly believe that it is easily the 'ULL EQUAL of any Buggy that has ver been sold on the Yorkville maret. There have been scores of them old here and all have given satlsfacory service. Should you want to buy Buggy now or a little later on, do us be favor of coming to see us about TYSON & JONES. If we can't show ou the REAL VALUE for your coin, rhy. we won't expect you to buy. THE SMOAK-BROWN OO. >ee Us For Disc and Drag Harrows At Low Prices. SEE US FOR j arm Hardware and 4 ? m i 4 harden Tools. j SEE US FOR SEED POTATOES. Yorkville Banking & Mer. Co. LIFE r CAN BE A 8UCCE8S OR A FAILURE. WHICH WILL IT BE WITH YOU? ? ? 111111 Look at the men who are successful 1 the eyes of the world. Ninety-nine ut of every hundred started & Bank .ccount when they were young?and luck to it And now, look at the failures. Very sw of them have a Bank account now. fat speaking of when they were young. Perhaps you think you have not nough money to start an account, [aven't you a dollar? That's all it takes t THIS BANK. Just try it for a year or six months. ? you do not wish to continue it you ave lost nothing by the trial. /hich Will It B#?Success or Failure? IT'8 UP TO YOU. lank of Hickory Grove HICKORY GROVE. 8. C. J UTCHEN IARDWARE When your good wife asks you to uy her a given piece of KITCHEN ^ARE, please remember that you are tore than likely to And the article le wants at this Store?and It will be f Good Quality and the Price will be ilght We carry a full line of TINWARE, ENAMELED WARE, ALUMMUM WARE, KITCHEN KNIVES, ORKS, SPOONS, Etc. Let us supply our needs. ;azors? If you shave yourself and want a AZOR that you can depend on? Ither a SAFETY or the old style ORINARY?See us before you buy. lso see us for STROPS, STROPERS, BRUSHES. SOAP, Etc. Yorkville Hardware Co VERY LOW RATES 1 ACCOUNT 'anama-Pacific International Exposition SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Opened Feb. 20, Closes Dec. 4, 1915. Panama-California Exposition Ipened Jan. 1, Closet Dec. 31, 1915. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA VIA Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South. Tickets on sale daily and limited 90 iys for returning. Good going via fie route and returning via another, top-overs allowed. One Way Round Trip Via PortFrom Fares, land, Oreg. olumbia, S. C $82.45 $104.24 harleston, S. C.... 85.15 106.85 rangeburg, S. C....82.15 104.79 umter, S. C 84.15 105.55 amden, S. C 84.15 105.04 lken, S. C 79.15 102.45 heater, S. C 82.90 102.32 ock Hill, S. C 82.90 102.32 partanburg, S. C....81.50 101.00 reenville, S. C 80.00 101.00 reenwood, S. C 79.20 101.00 ewberry, S. C 81.10 102.81 Proportionately low rates from other lints. Also very low round trip ites to Seattle, Wash.; Portland, regon, Vancouver, B. C.; and many her western points. Full information regarding the vaous routes, points of Interest, schedes, etc., gladly furnished. Also derlptlve literature sent upon relest. Let us help you plan your trip. Why pay Tourist Agencies when our rvlcea are free? Address s. h. Mclean, District Passenger Agent, Columbia, 8. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M? Washington, D. C. H. F. Cary, G. P. A , Washington, D. C. W. E. McGee, A. G. P. A., Columbia, S. C. ? McCONNELL'S SPECIAL T V-Field Day Sale A ^ WE ARE GOING TO SPREAD OURSELVES NEXT SATURDAY? I * YORK COUNTY FIELD DAY?AND OFFER TO OUR TRADE , V J THE GREATEST VALUES EVER OFFERED BY ANY DRY T , GOODS HOUSE IN YORKVILLE. WE WANT YOU TO COME | Z TO YORKVILLE?ALL YOUR FRIENDS WILL BE HERE? " " BRING YOUR WHOIJE FAMILY AND MAKE THIS STORE J } YOUR HEADQUARTERS. SPECIAL RATES ON ALL RAIL- L 4 ROADS ARE OFFERED TO YORKVILLE NEXT SATURDAY ? 3 ?OF COURSE WE WILL EXPECT YOU. COME. T A SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES L I 200 Ladles' HOUSE DRESS, made of Blue Chambray and Percale, y J The Neck, Sleeve and Waist Is finished with piping; the length k Is 54 inches; the bottom is 72 inches in width?Take Your A A Choice?SPECIAL FIELD DAY PRICE 25 CTS. Each. V 144 HAREM VEILS?Sold everywhere at 39 Cta. and 48 Cta. Each y y All the rage?worn everywhere?A Field Day Special 10 CTS. 2 BARGAINS IN SKIRTS I J Ladies' 33.60 SERGE SKIRTS?SPECIAL $1.08 Each f J Ladies' 35.00 SERGE SKIRTS?SPECIAL 82.08 J All here in the Newest Styles and in the Popular Shades 7 Puttv. Brown, etc.. etc. You'll be surorised at the values. C A FEW EYE-OPENERS IN STAPLES { 3,000 Yards 7 1-2 Cts. APRON GINGHAMS?At 3 1-2 CTT8. 2 6,000 Yards 8 1-3 Cts. DRESS GINGHAMS?At 5 CTTS. Yd. I 5v 15 Cts. HAMILTON HICKORY?SPECIAL 10 OTS. * f 6 Cts. UNBLEACHED SHEETING?SPECIAL 3 1-2 CTTS. Yd. f 9 8 1-3 Cts. UNBLEACHED SHEETING?SPECIAL 5 OTS. 1 ? 10 Cts. and 12 1-2 Cts. PAJAMA CHECKS?SPECIAL 1 1-2 CTTS. T A -~~ DRESS CREPE * A All the Newest Styles and Patterns are here and at UNHEARD OF V y PRICES. We want to show you. COME. $3.00 CREPE-DE-CHINE and LACE WAISTS?At 98 OTS. I A 75 Cts. and 89 Cts. WAISTS?At 48 CTS. Each * I SILK and MESSALINE PETTICOATS?Specials at $1.48 to $1.98 V V CREPE-DE-CHINE PETTICOATS?Special $1.08 Each * WT EXTRA SPECIAL?300 MATTING RUGS?Size 18x36 ? A Inches?Each 5 CTS. z J OTSee Our READY-TO-WEAR HATS for Ladles and Children. V I W We Are Going to Offer Many Unadvertlsed Bargains All Over J x the Store. SATURDAY. Inoaire About These. L K A FIELD DAY CANDY SPECIAL-15 CTS. LB. ? ONE POUND OF 40 CTS. CHOCOLATE CANDY FOR 15 CTS. / 3 The selection Includes Cocoanut Creams, Almond Creams, J I Chocolate Fudge, Pineapple Fudge, Chocolate Nougatlnee, y V Chocolate Almond Terns, Pecan Tops, Walnut Tops, Choc- a olate Bon-Hons, Chocolate Marshmailows, Chocolate Peanut A h Clusters, Chocolate Orange Creams, etc.?All Goes 8ATUR- | X DAY At One Price?Per Pound 15 CTTS. y J SILK HOSIERY A Of course, if you are particular about your clothes?the way you ? X dress, the style of your clothes, etc., you want SILK HOSIERY P y ?You can find what you want at this GOOD STORE. We have 1 SILK HOSIERY In all the New Shades?Battleship Grey, S&nd, a A Putty, Black and White?Specials at C f 25 CIS., 39 CPS., and 50 CTS. Pair. ? V EXTRA SPECIAL ? One Lot 50 Cts. SILK HOSE, Seconds, I Scarcely noticeable defects Two Pain for 25 CTS. A A wr COME! WE WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AND TAKE I X CARE OF YOUR BUNDLES, ETC. C I ... McCONNELL'S ... ;i J YORKVILLE'S GREATEST BARGAIN STORE ^ I ..WE HOPE YOU'RE COMING.. j t WE MOST CORDIALLY INVITE EVERY VISITOR TO YORK- * [ VTLLE NEXT SATURDAY?COUNTY SCHOOL FIELD DAY? I ( MOTHERS, FATHERS, TEACHERS, SCHOOL CHILDREN? V I EVERYBODY TO MAKE THEMSELVES AT HOME AT THE T ? YORK DRUG STORE?WE WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSI- J < BLE TO ADD TO YOUR COMFORT AND THE PLEASURES 3 { OF THE DAY. f I ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS k f OF COURSE WE WILL BE PREPARED TO SUPPLY EVERY- f BODY WITH THE BEST ICE CREAMS AND SOFT DRINKS J AND WE HOPE TO HAVE THE PLEASURE OF SERVING X YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS. > ' SCHOOL SUPPLIES A ' INCIDENTALLY, WE WANT YOU TO REMEMBER THAT THE I YORK DRUG STORE ALWAYS HAS A FULL SUPPLY OF SUP- V 1 PLIES FOR THE SCHOOL ROOM?PENCIL AND INK TABLETS, f COMPOSITION AND EXERCISE BOOKS, PENCILS, PENS, PEN ^ HOLDERS, INKS, ERASERS, RULERS, CRAYONS, RUBBER- X BANDS, MUCILAGE, PASTE, ETC. 7 ALSO REMEMBER, THAT THIS STORE IS HBADQUAR- # TERS FOR KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES. 3 PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE WILL HAVE AN ELE- * GANT LINE OF SPECIAL EASTER CANDIES. j /. YORK DRUG STORE .\ | travel sups ARE BEING EAGERLY SAVED IN YORKVILLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. YOU GET A MILE IN TRAVEL FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND WITH THE THOMSON COMPANY? DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES. SHIEDER DRUG STORE? DRUGS, MEDICINES, CANDIES, MAGAZINES, PAINTS, OUB, S. L. STEELE? GROCERIES, FRUITS, WHITE HOUSE COFFEE, TEAS, ETC. YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO.? SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, KITCHEN WARE, ETC. LYRIC THEATREMOVING PICTURES?AS GOOD AS CAN BE SEEN?COME. We Especially Ask?the Ladies to Visit the Thomson Co., Before Buying? MILLINERY THOMSON CO.'S MILLINERY OPENING LAST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WAS MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN WE HAD HOPED FOR. FRANKLY, WE WERE SURPRISED AND MORE THAN PLEASED AT THE LARGE NUMBER OF LADIES WHO HONORED US WITH THEIR PRESENCE. Many were the pleasing compliments passed upon the display of Pattern Hats, and these Compliments must have rung true, because during the two Opening Days we had the pleasure of taking MORE Orders for Hats than at * > U any previous Spring display. And to get tne oruers we uuu u um?8ary not only to have the HATS of Style and Quality, but we must have the RIGHT PRICES. The Volume of sales indicates that we have this'season all three of these requisites?QUALITY, STYLE and LOW PRICES. We are sure that we never had prices quite so LOW for High Class Millinery, and we are quite willing to leave the Style and the Quality to YOUR Judgment. A fair comparison is all that we ask you to give our Millinery. If you will do this YOU will certainly wear Millinery from THOMSON CO.'S this season. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, ETC. We are not only proud of Our Millinery and our Millinery Sales ?we are also more than proud of the beautiful stock of DRESS GOODS that we are showing our trade. We have what you want and we have It at a price that you can afford to pay, and in Qualities and Styles that you will be pleased with. Come and let us show you Our New Spring Dress Goods, Silks, TrimmingB, Etc. ARE YOU COMING TO YORKVILLE, SATURDAY? WD HOPE YOU DO AND HOPE YOU BRING ALL THE LADIES AND CHILDREN WITH YOU?IT WILL BE A GREAT DAY IN YORKVILLE NEXT SATURDAY?FIELD DAY FOR YORK COUNTY SCHOOLS. WE WILL ALSO BE PLEASED TO HAVE vniT MAVTn THOMSON CO 'K HEAHOITARTFTRS WHEN YOU COME TO YORKVILLE?TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO MEET YOU AT THOMSON'S?LEAVE YOUR BUNDLES. WRAPS, ETC., AT THOMSON'S?AND THEN WE WANT THE LADIES TO SEE OUR SPRING MILLINERY AND SPRING DRESS GOODS, BUT ANYWAY WE'LL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU MAKE THOMSON CO.'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN TOWN SATURDAY. ASK FOR TRAVEL SLIPS When you trade at THOMSON'S ask for TRAVEL SLIPS?A MILE FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND IN CASH?NO SLIPS GO WITH APPROVAL TICKETS?ONLY FOR CASH ON THE SPOT TRANSACTIONS. BUT WHEN YOU SPEND A NICKEL, A DIME OR MORE. ASK FOR TRAVEL SLIPS?A MILE FOR EACH DOLLAR YOU SPEND. TL. TUftMQfiAl . .. ine lnvmoun cijitu ahi .. WE SELL ONLY FOR THE CASH