|r > ? I HUMORS | WITH SP | America's Last Conflict ^ .... As a Trs i A war produces its humor no less than its tragedy, and sometimes the dividing line between the two is so faint as to be almost unrecognizable. ^ Some wars are more humorous than others, Just as plays vary In the number of laughs they get over. In this respect our late war with Spain and the resultant Insurrection in the Philippines might be classed as Uncle Sam's funny war. It began to produce humor before a shot was flred and continued to produce long after peace was established. There is the tale of the Spanish dlplomat who was bragging about the prowess of his nation to an Englishman. The war, which the world hourly expected, would be only an outing for the Spanish army and navy, ac* cording to the enthusiast He had never visited America. The English man had. "It will be simple," he said. "We will capture a city on the seacoast somewhere, say in Georgia, land an 1 army of 30,000 or 50.000 men and march up the coast to New York, taking all the cities on our path". 1 The Englishman smiled. 4,TT " 1 ^ "I* wlcrhf hft Hnno ICS, lie 9aiu, 11 iu; painting the other. Fish can be packed in salt exactly as side meat is packed. All that is necessary is to cut off the heads and clean the fish ready for eating. Then pack in salt the same as hog meat would be packed. During the school year boys and girls often spill ink on their clothes or on the table. To remove the stains saturate with kerosene and let stand fifteen minutes, then wash out the stain. This will also remove fruit stains. When you churn and churn, and the butter simply won't come, put honey into your cream at the rate of one teaspoonful of honey to one gallon of cream. It works wonders and never fails. If the vegetables are withering, pack them In moist sand. To Clean Marble?Take two parts common soda, one part pumice stone and one part finely powdered chalk; sift through a fine sieve and mix with water; then rub it well over the marble and the stains will be removed. Wash the marble with soap and water and It will be as clean us it was when new. To Clean Sinks?Wash the sink well with water and soap; take a flannel cloth, moisten with coal oil or gasoline and rub well. Furniture Polish?Put a half pint of turpentine in a tin basin, add two ounces of bees-wax cut in small pieces and put in a warm oven. Stir constantly. Apply to furniture with a piece of broadcloth or woolen rag and ruh w(>ll with another cloth. Stain Remover?Mix three ounces of spirits of wine, three ounces of powdered French chalk and five ounces of pipe clay. Make into rolls about the length of a Anger. Apply to silk or woolen goods by rubbing on the stained spot and then brush the spot well. When a serge garment becomes shiny, it may be renovated by sponging with a saturated solution of borax and water followed by a sponging with clear water. When almost dry press with a warm Iron on the wrong side. This usually removes all the shine. A rougher cloth is Improved by rubbing the surface with Ane sandpaper, which brings up the nap. Children's white furs often become too soiled to be cleaned by merely rubbing with dry meal or chalk, and in this case moistened bran is useful. Lay the furs Aat on the table and rub with bran moistened with warm wa ter. Use a piece of white flannel to rub the bran on, continue rubbing till dry. and then rub with dry bran. Follow this with French chalk, dusted in against the grain of the fur, then shake this out, and beat the fur carefully with a flat beater. Do you save the bleached leaves of celery? Dried for winter use, these leaves make a savory addition to soups. Is cider unprocurable for your mince meat? Try using coffee instead?one pint of coffee to one gallon mincemeat. To clean a raincoat, use soap and water and not gasoline, as that will Injure the rubber. Lay it on a flat sur face and scrub lightly with soap and water; rinse with clear water. Do not wring. Put on a coat hanger and hang out to dry. ? a iyj.tisBiu;nuseiis wuinou ims invented an Individual street car strap for the use of persons who do not care to touch the straps usually provided in cars. REAL ESTATE Now that the fall season has opened up, and money is going to be more plentiful, can't we do some business together? Call in and let's talk the matter over, anyway. Yes, I have sold the H. T. Williams residence. You remember I told you to "hurry." But, say, I have numbers of other attractive bargains. The Mrs. Berry Cottage?On West Jefferson Street is a nice proposition. I am going to sell it, too. Want it? The W. L. Wallace Residence?On California Street, will suit you. See me. Or possibly, you would like a nice lot on which to build. I have it. The Walter Rose Place?Of 87 acres, one mile from town on the Charlotte road, is an interesting proposition. Call and see me. Also see me about a nice farm on the Sutton Spring road. The price is right and the quality of the soil is good. my list. Geo. W. Williams HEAL ESTATE BROKER. TAX NOTICE?1913 Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville. S. C.p Sept 12, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on WEDNESDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1913, and remain open until the 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL AND LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1913, without penalty; after which day ONE PER CENT penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of JANUARY, 1914, and TWO PER CENT penalty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUARY, 1914. and SEVEN PER CENT penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH to the 15TH DAY OF MARCH, 1914. and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 10th, until Wednesday, the 31st day of December, 1913, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note.?The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. 1 Grow More Coi ? Plant Simpkins * The earliest Cotton in " from Planting to Bale. 1 2 Linter. We sell the only Gent b Seed?Direct from His F ^ Price $1.25 Per Bushel. A Liberal Discount If Ordered V On every order sent U5 ^ off this price. Order r 5 W. H. MIXSON SEED CO. ^ 98wi3t Sole Distributors i FOR THE BEST GRADE OF PURE, RE-CLEANED APPLER SEED OATS SEE ME. MY PRICE 18 RIGHT. J. M. FERGUSON. . I Watch Our Big SacriHc HELP! F GREA \ I \ WE HAVE HAD / HAND, CONSISTING ( ] NISHINGS AND REAI SAID:44 ONE CAN'T H WE ARE PUTTING T1 ! OUR CREDITORS A. THAN TO PAY 8 PER I RIFICE SALE WILL D i in this advertise: ficing prices whi( ing prices. our p let live. but duf | selling at cost j men's and bo One lot of Men's Suits, all w< to $20.00 Suits-^-Sale Pric I One lot of Men's Worsted Price ; One lot of Men's Black Tibet I Price One lot of Cravenette Overc ' only, $12.50 Coat?Sale I Boys' Suits in Blue Serge and < and plain, Guaranteed al Price One lot ot Suits, $2,945 suits? MEN'S AND I i Men's Pants from Boys' Pants from COUNTERPANES - One lot of Wool Nap Blanket* North State Blankets, all woo Counterpanes, all White, extn ; ?Sale Price Center Table Covers, in Mex lot at a bargain, worth $1 Same as above in several 50c 0 I Ladies' Shawls and Scarfs, all Shawls from [ LADIES', MEN'S AND CH Men's Underwear from Ladies' Underwear, in light w goods?Sale Price Ladies' Bleached UnderwearLadies' Extra Heavy Underw Children's Union Suits, in ligh . Heavy Weight?Sale Price.. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FATHER TO i Children's Shoes from Ladies' Shoes from Men's Shoes from LADIES' REA1 One lot of Ladies' Coats, full 1 value $18.00?Sale Price . (As Long as One lot of Sporting Coats, in Pink, Gray and Red, wort One lot of Misses' Coats, wort! j One lot of Children's Coats, ir worth $1.79?Sale Price ., One lot Ladies' Coat Suits, $1 ij Price HOSIERY?LADIES', MI ' Ladies' Hose, in Black only . 12 i-2c Hose?Sale Price .... 15c Hose?Sale Price Ladies' Heavy Ribbed 19c Ho 50c Lisle Hose, Double Heel a | Gauze?Sale Price Children's Hose from Men's Hose, in Mixed Gray .. German Yarns, in White, Bla Sale Price Engineer Hose, Black only, 25 Silk Hose, in all colors, and j Price I LADIES' AND MIS j; In all Wool, all Colors?Red,' Price One lot of Ladies' Shirt Waif All Linen, the B. A. B. ) Price (As Long as TRUNKS AND Suit Cases from Trunks from Yorkv ; Next Door to i y tton to the Acre I ' Prolific Seed the World?Ninety Days ^ Very Prolific and a Good line?Mr. Simpkins' own ^ arm. a 25 Bushels at $1.15 $ Before January First, 1914 ? ? before Jan. 1st take 10c low?the time is short. CHARLESTON 2 for South Carolina U /\?*n An f/\ < IA uuiaca iui lyiiviug When you want a Turnout?a Stylish Rig?please remember that you can get what you want at a reasonable price at the Livery Stable of PLAXICO A SON, (James' Old Stand), and j you will get what you want when you ( want It. PASSENGER TRANSFER ' We solicit and give particular attention to the transfer of passengers and i baggage to and from all trains, night ' or day. If you are going away, we'll i take you to the train; if coming in. we will take you home. Tell us your wants. GENERAL DRAYING. We also solicit the patronage of all ' who have draying of any kind?Light or Heavy?We will do your work ' promptly and charge only a reasonable price for our services. M. E. PLAXICO A 80N. Our S e Sale Will Contii IELP!! HELP!!! ^ T SACF i FLOATING TRADE UP TO I OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SI )Y-TO-WEAR. YOU HAVE 01 ELP A LOT, BUT A LOT CAN MIS STOCK UP FOR SALE BEC ND WE MUST HAVE THE C/ CENT ON THE MONEY THAT EVELOP AND IMPRESS YOUI went is true, so we wan1 ;h we place before you. olicy in doing business 1ing this sacrifice sale \ \ND below cost. come ys' clothing doI, in Blue Serge, $15.00 e $948 Suits, $15.00 Suits?Sale $7-48 Suits, $10.00 Suits?Sale $4-98 :oats, Rain Proof, Black 'rice $6.48 Gray Worsted, in Norfolk 1 wool, $5.50 Suits?Sale $3 48 up to $3.98 Sale Price $1.98 joys' pants $1.48 and Up. 39 Cts. and Up. a r a tkTTrnmn AIM JJ -DIZAIN JtVUi 1 O 5?Sale Price $1.89 1 $4.00?Sale Price $2.79 1 size, $1.50 Counterpanes 98 Cts. ican Drawn Work?One .00?Sale Price 39 Cts. ines?Sale Price 19 Cts. Wool Scarfs, from 19 Cts. Up. 21 Cts. on Up. ILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 371-2 Cts. and Up. eight, unbleached, 25 cts. 19 Cts. -Sale Price 21 Cts. ear?Sale Price 45 Cts. t weight?Sale Price. .21 Cts. 39 Cts. ; FAMILY, FROM GRANDTHE BABY. 50 Cts. and Up. g8 Cts. and up. $1.49 and Up. DY-TO-WEAR ength, Satin lined, actual $6.98 they Last.) all colors?Green, Cerise, h $8.98?Sale Price $4.98 h $4.98?Sale Price $2.98 1 Bearskin and Corduroy, $1.29 2.50, $15.00, $18.00?Sale $7.98?A Few Left SN'S AND CHILDREN'S 5 Cts. 9 Cts. 10 Cts. se?Sale Price 12 1-2 Cts. ind Toe. Ribbed, in a fine 23 Cts. . .5 Cts. and Up, in all colors. 5 Cts. nlr nrtrl P.rav OCC T-TnSP v-'v J -J~ . 15 Cts. c Hose?Sale Price.. .15 Cts. in fancy 50c Hose?Sale 19 Cts. ;SES* SWEATERS White, Black, Blue?Sale 89 Cts. on Up. >ts, Strictly Tailor-Made, .Vaist, worth Si.^o?Sale 89 Cts. They Last). SUIT CASES 98 Cts. on Up. $1.48 on Up. ille Ba rille Hardware Store THINK TWICE The man who thinks twice before letting loose of his money is on the sure road to fortune. You will never write a Bank check without thinking twice and often three times, while the loose dollars jingling In your pockets go like hot cakes. i Others are pleased with the BankiLff service we offer. WHY DON'T i YOU TRY IT? The Bank of Clover, CLOVER, 8. C. Now Open My RESTAURANT is now Open on ! the Second Floor of the McNeel Building. and I am ready to serve the hungry with flrst-class Meals or Special Orders at all hours. When you feel like eating, come and see us?Upstairs. I WANT EGGS and will pay 25 CTS. a Dozen for all the Fresh Eggs that are offered. Bring them In. CLOTHES PRESSING? Don't forget the ROYAL PRESSING CLUB Is always ready to do your CLEANING, PRESSING, DYEING And we will give you good work and prompt service. Bring your, work or Phone us and we will send for them and return the work promptly. R. D. DORSETT , treet Bt me Until the Bai iVE NEED THE tIFICE 5 JOW. WE HAVE AN ENOF iOES AND CAPS AND LADIES iTEN HEARD OF HENRY ER( HELP ONE." BUT THIS IS N< JAUSE WE HAVE OBLIGATIC LSH. WE HAD RATHER SACB WE OWE ON THE STOCK OF t MIND THAT EVERY WORI r YOU TO COME AND BENE! OUR PRICES HAVE ALWATi AND TRANSACTING BUSINEj VE HAVE WIPED OUT LIVIN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Tl DRY GOODS A Dress Ginghams, 32 inches wid OClIC X 1 Same as above, 27 inch 12 i-2c Percales, 36 inches wide, 12 1-: Riverside Plaids, 10c and 12 1-; Flannelettes, in all colors, 12 IKimono Goods?15c goods?Si Outings, in all colors, 10c and ] Cotton Flannels, Bleached and goods?Sale Price All Wool Flannels, in all colc ange?Orange color both Sale Price Red Flannels, 25c goods?Sale White Flannel, 50c goods?Sal Same as above in Red, 50c goc Gray Flannel, 25c goods?Sale Wool Goods, $1.50 goods, all \ $1.00 Goods?Sale Price 50c Goods?Sale Price 39c Goods?Sale Price 25c Goods?Sale Price tueacning ana uomesucs Bleaching?Sale Price ioc and 12c Bleaching?Sale Pi Domestic 3-yard Sheeting, extr Sale Price ioc Goods?Sale Price Unbleached Sheeting, 39c gooc Table Linen, White and Red, fi Table Napkins, from Towels from Lace Curtains and Curtain Gc Pair, and ONE LOT LAE Biggest Values Ever Shown City of Yorkville?Bla $7.50 Skirt, in brocaded goods, One lot of Skirts, in all wool ! Price $2.48 Skirts?Sale Price One lot of Ladies' Petticoats?1 ors, worth $3.50?Sale Pri One lot ot Heatherbloom ret frill, 18 inches deep. $1.25 ] $1.00 Petticoats?Sale Price .. 75c Petticoats?Sale Price Flannelette Petticoats and Nif Sale Price CORSETS AND Ml Misses' Girdles Corsets Men's and Ladies' Handkerchie Silk Handkerchiefs, in all coloi Oil Cloth, White and Marble, 2 In Colors?Sale Price 10 BALLS COTTON THREAD ... SPOOL COTTON Competition Thread, two spool Richardson's Silk Thread Button Hole Twist LADIES', MEN'S AND CH WOOL AI Biggest Values Ladies' Kid Gloves, in all col PnVo Same as above, $1.00 Gloves? Men's Gloves, Undressed Kid, i Infants' Gloves and Mitts, fron Men's and Ladies' Woolen Glo rgain j :: McNeel Building HORSES WE have them?a bunch of nice animals and can suit almost any horse buyer. If you want a Fancy Driver or an all round Family animal. Bee us before you buy. We will sell you at Right Prices or give you a Fair trade. JAMES BROS. YORKATLLE - - 8. 0. INTEREST There are more kind* of interest than the kind you pay for money when you borrow from a hank. There la a PERSONAL INTER* EST. the kind that the officers of THIS BANK feel In Its customers ?an Interest which prompts us to do whatever we possibly ean to encourage and to aid those who give us their patronage. Sank of Hickory Grove inner! niter Is Furled CASH! > ALE!! tmous stock on >' and gent's fur3uin, who once dt the question )ns to meet to j [ifice the profit goods. thesac) we print here j ?it by the sacrirs been just livss is to live and G PRICES AND ARE HIS IS ALL WE ASK. ND NOTIONS le, in all colors, 15c goods 10 Ct* goods?Sale Price 8 Cts. 2c goods?Sale Price 8 Cts. 2c goods?Sale Price.... 5 Cts. and 8 Cta. 2c goods?Sale Price. .8 Cts. ale Price 10 Cts. per Yd. 12 i-2c goods?Sale Price 8 Cts. Unbleached, 10c and 15c 8 Cts. and zo Cts. \ >rs, White, Red and Or ways wool, 25c goods? \ .. 10 Cts. as long as they last Price 17 Cts. le Price 39 Cts. ids?Sale Price 39 Cts. Price 17 Cts. Yool?Sale Price 89 Cts. 79 Cts. 39 Cts. :[ 23 Cts. 17 Cts. 7 i-a Cts. 5 Cts. rice 8 Cts. ; a quality 12 i-2c goods? , 10 Cts. } 8 Cts. i Is?Sale Price 33 Cts. oni 10 Cts. on Up. 30 Cts. per Set on Up. I 9 Cts. on Up. I >ods from 39 Cts. on Up per 8 Cts. per Yard. >IES' SKIRTS in York County and in the ck, Blue and Brown. all wool?Sale Price.. Serge, worth $3.98?Sale ; $2.48 $i-79 in Messaline Silk, all col- j ice $1.69 | ticoats with embroidery Petticoats?Sale Price 89 Cts. 69 Cts. 49 Cts. *ht Gowns, 75c goods? 44 Cts. 1SSES' GIRDLES 10 Cts. 39 Cts. and Up. fs from 1 Cent and Up. rs, from 19 Cts. and Up. 55c goods?Sale Price 19 Cts. 16 Cts. i 5 CTS. 4 CTS. s s Cts. 4 Cts. Spool, j i Cent per Spool. ILDREN'S GLOVES?IN I. sJD KID. Ever Shown lors, $1.25 Gloves?Sale 89 Cts. Sale Price 39 Cts. in all styles, from 19 Cts. Up. 1 5 Cts. and Up. ves from .. 19 Cts. and Up. House :: Yorkville, S. C.