Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 28, 1913, Image 3

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THE COURTHOUSE LOCATION Citizen of Bethel Want* Light on Thinga Ha Does Not Understand. Editor of The Yorkvtlle Enquirer: With your kind permission, I dealre space in your paper to publicly ask a few questions on which I deRre light for myself and the public. To the courthouse commission: Why do you not build the new courthouse on the F. E. Smith lot, when you are offered the same without coat to the county? Why are you unwilling to accept the offer of Dr. R. A. Bratton to give you a suitable lot and $(.000 In cash for the present lot? If you were willing to accept $16, 000 ror trie present rot on saaesoay in November, why are yon not willing to accept $16,000 on salesday In January? Why were you more willing at one time to submit the location of the new building to a few cltlsens of Yorkville than you have since appeared to be] to submit it to a larger number? Why should all the people not be allowed to vote on the question? Would it not be a wise thing to acoept the F. E. Smith gift lot, build on It and then sell the present lot for $6,006 or any other reasonable sbm, and use that money either on the public roads or making such improve^ bbSSents as are commonly being held as necessary at the county home? I am asking these questions solely because they strike me as being perti. nent, and not from a desire to embarrass anybody. If the questions are proper, it will be a source of much satisfaction to me and I believe to a large part of the public to get a public answer. If the questions are not proper, then I beg pardon. Vorv r?sneetfullv. ' T. N. Dulln. Clover R. P. D. No. 2, Nov. 26. MERE MENTION Fourteen thousand employes of the General Electric company at Schenectady, N. Y.. have gone on a strike because of alleged unfair discrimination ara Inst some of the men The first bill Introduced In the new Mexican congress was one to ratify a concession to a Belgian syndicate to build 5,000 miles of narrow gauge railroad. Thomas Martin Bmmerson, president of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. died In Washington last Tuesday. following an acute attack of Indigestion. He was a native of Proble county. Ohio, where he wns born on March 20. 1851 R. W. Cobb, who was governor of Alabama from 1878 to 1880 died at Birmingham last Wednes * ??..? ..-ara The uuy. ttgcu ?lgw;-iuu. J v.. Lackawanna railroad is supplying its passenger trains with news bulletins by wireless telegraph. ? W. W. Flnley, president of the Southern railway, died at his home in Washington last Tuesday afternoon of apoplexy, after having beeiv stricken but a short while before. Mr. Flnley was born at Pass Christian. Mississippi on September 2. 1853. and first engaged, in the railroad business twen' -tr years later. He worked as a stenographer and then went through all the various branches of the service until feven- years ago he became president of the Southern. His promotion to the head of the great system followed the death of Samued Spencer who was hilled in a wreck on the Southern in forth Carolina. Mr. F1n!ey took an fcctive and intelligent Interest in the development of southern industries, and was held in high esteem throughout the south as well as throughout the country. AT THE CHURCHES A8SOCIATE REFORMED PRE8BY? TERIAN. Rev. J. Ll Oates, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. Henry Stokes, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. No other service. . BAPTIST. Rev. Jas. H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 0.45 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPumon Rev. T. T. Walsh. Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. No other service. V: ?perial gotkes. Nearly Every Child Has Worms Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleasant candy form, aids digestion, tones the system, overcoming constipation and increasing the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe for even the most delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it Drug stores or by mall. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Allison Crssk and Bsth-Shiloh. There will be preaching on the 5th Sabbath of November at 11 a. m? and 3.30 p. m., respectively. F. Ray Riddle, Pastor. A Consumptive Cough A cough that bothers you contlnu ^ ally is one of the danger signals which warns of consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery will stop the cough, loosen the chest, banish fever and let you sleep peacefully. The first dose checks the symptoms and gives prompt relief. Mra A. F. Mertz. of Glen Ellyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured a stubborn cough after six weeks' doctoring failed to help." Try it, as it will do the same for you. Best medicine for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c A $1.00. All druggists, by mail, H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Worth While. Note those club offers we are making1 and see to what extent It is worth your while to send in your subscription together with that one, two or three of your neighbors. Those little premiums have considerable value, and then after you have found out how easy It is to get up two or three names you may find it worth while to go after a still larger premium. Nervous and Sick Headaches Torpid liver, constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get relief. They stimulate the different organs to do( their work properly. No better regulator for liver and bowels. Take 25c. ---? In a hnr todav. At all I anu m?coi <>i ? , druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen I & Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Dr. Wilson McConnell Will be in Yorkville at Dr. McDow"" ell's office on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 28.th and 29th, and Monday, Dec: 1st. Practice limited to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 93 f.t. 3t Saved His Foot H. D. Ely, of Bantam, O., suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctor advised amputation, but he refused and reluctantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve as a last resort. He then wrote: "I used your salve and my foot was soon completely cured." Best remedy for burns, cuts, bruises and eczema. Get a box today. Only 25c. All druggists or by mail. H. E.1 Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St Louis. ?peefal Slices. LIVER QETTING LAZY? DONT STOP WORKING Take Dodeon'e Liver Tone and Go About Your Business. It will Liven Up Your Liver Without Harm. A bilious attack or constipation can be relieved in a short while by a spoon ful of Dodson's Liver Tone?me mna, i vegetable remedy that every druggist I guarantees. Just ask the Tork Drug Store about Dodson's Liver Tone. They know that It Is a harmless preparation that starts the liver without violence and puts you into shape without interfering with your habits. This store guarantees it to be all that, and will give you your money back if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone gives you quick, easy relief. Dodson's Liver Tone is for both grown-ups and children. It has a pleasant taste, and is safe and reliable. The price is 50 cents for a large bottle, and your 50 cents back to you If you tell the Tork Drug Store that it hasn't been a benefit to you. Don't take calomel and don't buy imitations of Dodson's Liver Tone? you may run into danger if you do. Buy Dodson's?the medicine that the York Drug Store recommends and guarantees. Site dfotton JjRarftet. November 28, 1913. Cotton Sood Clover 13 J 40 Sharon .... 131 50 f (32 lbs.) Hickory Grove 13 45 Guthrtesrllle 131 42 McConnellsvllle 131 45 Torkvllle 13J 401 Tirzah 131 42 Rock Hill ' 13J 41 HYMENEAL Married?At Sharon, on Tuesday evening, November 25, 1913, at 8 o'clock, by Rev. E. B. Hunter, Miss CORA SHERER and Mr. R. BRUCE WHIT ESI DES. In the Presbyterian church at Fort Mill, on November 26, by Rev. W. A. Hafner. Miss FRANCES HARRIS and Mr. MANLET LOVE. a a. i.W. a /v# 11? T D W!l_ Al lilt? rcoiucuvc ui ah. u. *%. li&ms in Yorkvllle, November 26, 1913. Mr. JAMES T. MITCHELL of Sharon, and Miss FLORENCE RERRY of Tlraah. Rev. J. L. Oatef officiating. SCHOOL TAX ELECTION NOTICE is hereby given that an election will be held -at Olive . School House in Olive School District No. 16, York County, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16TH, 1913, for the purpose of determining whether a special taax of two mills on the dol!ar shall be levied for school purposes in said district. ?' H. C. GOURLEY, . S. V. AYCOCK, t. c. Mcknight, Trustees Olive District No. 16. AT THE URIC | TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Renunoiation; (2) Everybody's Wearing Them: (3) ''Hie Aunt Emma" and "r.n/iiM, Bihw." W"'-8ATUR[$AY?(1) "His' Mother's Song"; (2) "Much Wanted Baby"* (3) "A Woman's Stragegem." There is a lot of good fun In Tonight's programme, and tomorrow night's programme will be fully-as en- r 9fte* theatre is swept 'and' disinfected after eacK" exhibition and" every effort is made 1 to ensure perfect sanitary conditiona We have made a contract to secure the recent especially filmed dramatization of Scott's Wofld Famed master-' I piece, "IVANHOE." There are four reels of it, and we have been able to $ secure It only at extra expense. The date of its presentation will be an- . nounced as soon as possible after we have been advised. Those of - our patrons who have not read t Ivanhoe, should do so at once. The service we are giving is up to ) the standard of the large cities. Admission: 5 and 10 cents. .. J. L. McMANUS Manager, W Place your orders now for Engraved Calling Cards for Christmas. _ "I?ilWii I! Monday, . SALESDAY?Come and see us. Let us show you our Horses. Get acquainted with us. If you see something: you like, we will make the price right if you want to buy?or give you a square deal if you want to trade? Come and see us JAMLS BROS. YORKYILLE - - 8. a THE OLIVER Mr. Farmer: If you have fall plowj ing to do, and don't use an OLIVER [ Turn Plow, you are certainly the loser. | The OLIVER is recognized the worldI over as the Best?Bcores and hundreds of York county farmers prefer the OLIVER to any other. Invest! gaie me udi v a wiuic juu wuj. ua about It?All sizes and Repairs. BUGGIES? The man buying a Buggy, naturally wants the BEST he can buy at the price he pays. We have no hesitation In saying that we can and WILL give you MORE for your Buggy money than you can get elsewhere. We have Buggies of low grade at low prices? High Grade Buggies at Higher Prices ?worth every dollar of our price and more. If you want the BEST, see US. We have it at the right price. CARROLL BROS $15,000 Stock at Live-Wire Prices THERE IS MONEY TO BE MADE BY ATTENDING OUR LIVE-WIRE SALE THAT COMMENCED TODAY, AND WHICH CONTINUES TO DECEMBER 24. THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING ARE SIMPLY REMARKABLE. COME AT ONCE AND GET FIRST CHOICE OF THE BEST. McCONNELL'S THE HOME OF S15.00 MADE-TOMEASURE SUITS. V Send The Enquirer your orders for all kinds of Commercial Printing, if you want the Best. [' THE CITY MARKET , Where People Get Things Good To Eat. BEEF AND BEEFSTEAK This Is our specialty. We give our time and attention to the securing of only the most desirable cattle for slaughter, and everything we offer is extra choice. ? FRESH PORK PRODUCTS Anything the customer wants in this line is to be had here, and if Cured Meats are wanted instead, wel sell Ham, Raw or Boiled, by the I pound or otherwise. BUTTER AND EGGS I We pay the highest market price 1 for both of these commodities, and come pretty nearly being able to supply every call. FISH AND OYSTERS We get frequent shipments of ] Oysters and handle only the best qual- ; ity to be had. Fresh Fish on Saturdays. I C. F. SHEKER, Prop. j For ChristmasWe have all the ingredients that ( . you will need for making your Fruit and other Cakes. Let us j supply you. / I WE ALSO HAVE? j Nice Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Oranges, Etc. You will want Cranberries for your Christmas turkey and other meats?We have them. . Fresh Cocoanuts. In fact we have everything you will need for your Holiday spreads. J.M.BRIAN COMPANY. SHOES SEE J. M. STROUP FOR YOUR SHOES AND YOU WILL GET THE VERY BEST SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN ?DRESS AND HEAVY SHOESALL SIZES. AND STYLES?AND PRICED SO YOU CAN AFFORD TO WEAR THE BEST. . PETERS SHOES? This is our leading brand, and it is almost if not altogether a world-leader in Shoes?PETERS Shoes have the Quality and the Style, the Snap and the Fit that make them worth buying and worth wearing?Ask to see our line of PETERS Shoes for men, wo- . men and children. HERMAN ARMY SHOES? <] Uncle Sam's Navy and War Department have both put the stamp of ap- t proval on HERMAN Shoes?Ask to see HRRMAK ARMY SHOES if VOU want 1 Shoes that have the lasting qualities. > J. M. STROUP HORSES AND VEHICLES WE would like the people of Yorkviile and vicinity to know that we are in the livery business at the James Stand in the rear* of Stroup's Store, and are prepared to give every variety df first class .service on short notice. We have good horses and good vehicles. We cater to the commercial trade as-well as the transient and pleasure trade. We will do your draying at most re&sonable rates, and if you want to go to oY 'from any train at any hour, all" you have to do is to notify us. ' We will take your trunk to the depot or from the depot to your home. We will plow your garden at a very reasonable price, and you need not hesitate to aak^ua about anything you might, need in Livery. flg If it isn't convenient to s^ BLAKELY PLAXICO "at the Barn "or on the street, just call'him up through Phone tfo. 48. ... M. E. PLAXICO A SON. SUBSCRIBE? FOR E THE ENQUIRER; LIBERAL PREMIUMS FOR CLUB- ] MAKERS WHO RETURN NAMES. NOW IS THE TIME for Subscrlb- I era to THE ENQUIRER to Renew J their Subscriptions and for prospective 1 New Subscribers to get the benefit of 8 Club Rates. The price In clubs is c $1.75 for a Year, or $1.00 for 8ix Months. * We are offering Nine Competitive Premiums, with an aggregate value of 1 $326, to be given to the nine Clubmak- J ens making the Nine Largest Clubs. Besides these Nine Competitive Pre- ( miums we'are ofTering an attractive * list of smaller premiums, but including good values for Clubs of from Two ' Names On Up. Each Clubmaker gets full value for all the work that he or she may do. For full instructions to Clubmakers and specific details as to the various ~ fho mnrn nvtonHnH piCIIUUlU Ulici D( act CUV IIIW* V vn%v.(%>v?. I advertisement being published from time to time, or write for information. Two names paid for constitute a Club and entitle the Clubmaker to a premium. New Subscribers whose names are sent in previous to January 1, 1914, are entitled to the paper until January 1, 1915 for the price of a year's subscription. After January 1, 1914, New Annual Subscribers will receive the paper for a year from the date of entering their names. L. M. GRIST'S SONS, Publishers. I For Thanksgiving.1 D I WILL BE PREPARED TO b FILL YOUR WANTS IN THE t WAY OF NUTS, FRUITS, CRANBERRIES, Etc. PLENTY OF OYSTERS. 1 I HAVE SOME FINE POUND CAKE J PLAIN, AS WELL AS WITH RAISINS. LOUIS ROTH ? < c Our Big Semi-Annual ' Sample Sale Is Now Onj We have the very best line of ' these Seasonable GOods?Everything in NOTIONS?Hosiery, Underwear, etc.; Ladies' COAT , SUITS. LONG COATS. Men's and Boys' SUITS, OVERCOATS, \ WORK SHIRTS, NEGLIGEE t SHIRTS. TIES, etc., etc., at WHOLESALE PRICES j t You SAVE 25 PER CENT to 33 g PER CENT by buying your bill at { this sale. ^ "The early bird gets the worm." Take a tip from us?BE ON TIME! Shannon-Smarr Co. The Home of Walk-Over Shoes In [ SHARON - - S.C. SALE OF PEBSOEALTY ON TUESDAY, December 2, 1913 at my home, beginning at H o'clock a. in., I will sell to the high t bidder, a lot of good baled hay a number of patent bee-hives, rlcl in honey, horses, cows, wagons, i buggy, farm Implements, and somi household furniture. J. L. WHITESIDES. Yorkville No. 5. It FOR SALE 341 Acres?Known as the John A Black-Henry Massey residence. Ad 4<-v 1 I ID AA A nHnronn a H r%i haPu has a beautiful 8 room residence good bottom land; fine farm. Wll divide this Into small tracts, and 1 bought as a whole for quick sale will take ISO.OO Per Acre. Two Good Houses?On King1! Mountain Street. 240 Acres?Joins Frank Riddle an< D. M. Hall; 2 good houses, 2 barns near King's Mt. Chapel. Price $52.54 111 1-4 Acres?Joins B. H. Mc Swain, Andy Hafner and others; i houses; 2 horse farm open; 6 milei from McConnellsvllle, S. C. Price? $15.00 Per Acre A New Cottage and 2 acres, In Fll bert. 130 Acres?Of land, 3 miles of Tlr zah. $22.50 per Acre 101 Acres?3 miles of Tirzah. $3flA?. 180 Acres?The Estate lands of JoS' sph Smith, near James Land. Price $20.00 per Acre 207 Acres?2J miles of Lowryvllle ) good houses on It; good barn. Prlc< 125.00 Per Acre. 146 Acres?2 miles of Bethany; I food houses. Price $15.00 Per Acre food terma One Lot?In Clover, 75-fL fron ind 310-ft. deep. Price $1250. , One Cottage?in Filbert, I acre lot 100-ft. front; 6-room house; goot Darn. Price $2,000. 157 Acres?Joins the Smarr Estat< ands and Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell; 5-roon louse; 8-horae farm under cultlvaion; 2 tenant houses; store, barn, and >ther out-buildings. Best gin and mil stand in the county. Property of O B. Berry. 45 Acres?Joins Mrs. Beard, John T Wilson; 4-room house; orchard, bot torn land, spring; near church ant school; good barn. Property of Dr W. A. Hood. 200 Acres?On the west side of th< oad?the J. W. Gladden Home Place: loining J. W. Ware, Sam Love and >thers. $30.00 an Acre 34 Acres?Adjoining Joe Bill] iackson In Bowling Green neighborlood. 1 good 7-Room House; 24 icres in cultivation; good orchard: tear good church and school; all lecessary out-bulldings. Spring, well md stream. Price $2,100. 140 Acres?2 miles from Sharon Wee 2-story, 7-room dwelling, 2 good enant houses, 2 good barns, fine orchard, bottom land, spring and itreams. 1 3-4 miles of a church ind in a splendid community. The Kliaa McCarter?Residence and j'arm near Clover. Hie J. M. Connelly?116 Acres neai rirsah. 209 Acres?5 horse farm in cultivaion. $4,000.(M Hie James Bell?Residence, hai >een newly painted and repaired?it ii eady for a quick sale. 70 Ame?\'Al?nn ThnmaMon land: .'-story house; on sand and clay road forkvllle to Clover. $55.00 per Acre 11$ Acres?Near Filbert?Thomasion land, adjoins above tract 140 Acres?The beautiful river farm >f J. J. J. Robinson. Produces 26 tc 10 bales per annum. Makes corn and >ates to sell; 10-room residence; larg* 3am. 30x30, shedded; Double Cribs ihedded; two Tenant Houses; Ginlouse, 40x40. One and a half mllei >f fine school; 6 miles Hickory Grove 5rlce $4,200.00 3est bargain in the county. I will ihow you. Call or write at once Perms to suit. 41 Apres?One mile Filbert; good Residence; new Barn and new Crib; ine Land; C. W. Bechtler. $1,600,011 40 Acres?1| miles Tlrzah, on Yorkrille ..and Rock Hill road; property o< lllen Hail. One Dwelling and barn; > acres In Timber. Price $1,000.0C 580 Acres?The beautiful and ferile farm of R. M. Anderson; about 1 nlles Rock Hill, 8 miles Yorkvllle; 2tory 8-room House, painted; verj arge new Barn; everything In tiptoe t T ! U..A| vm?K1 In klirK. mayo. uauu xo xovoi, uu |/ui/nu u?bueay?very attractive. 180 Acres?Estate of Joseph A Smith. One mile from Sandy Flal School house. A nice two-story sevenoom dwelling. Three good tenanl louses. Price $4,800.00, 200 Acres?Three miles from Union curt house. One new eight-room louse. All necessary outbuildings 'rice 83.000.0C 62 1-2 Acres?Between Santuc and Jnlon Court House. On public highway. Known as. the Knight Place 'rice $1,800.00. 70 Acres?Known as the Bob Let >lace, 2 miles from Yorkville on the 'inckney Road, adjoining W. L. WUlams and others. A nice cottage, rood well water and a two horse farm pen?Price. $2,200. 157 Acres?At New Bethel church 'rice $1150 Per Acre. 82 Acres?At C. C. Hughes store? ind Gin. One of the finest small arms in the county. Much of the and produces a bale per acre. Propsrty of W. F. Jackson. Prices lese han $50.00 per acre. 125 Acres?Two miles of Bethany, 'roperty of A. A. Lockrldge . Two Houses and lots in the town of Clover, adjoining Ralph Adams and liners, rrice, ?i,iuu. win sou ornately. 124 Acres? Adjoining Home Orihanage and Joe Dickson in Yorkville. Vn ideal farm for sale quick. 100 Aores?Surrounding McElwec ichool houce. Property of Simpson Jove. 88 Acres?Adjoining Qoo. McCarer and A. D. Bigger. 40 acres in lultlvatlon. One 7-room house and ?ne 5-room house? $17 Per Acre. Tlie T. P. Moore residence In Yorkllle. Five Houses and Lots In Clover, roperty of F. E. Clinton. Price, i 1.500. Rented for $180 per year. 2.7 Acres?In Clover; fronting on ,'hurch and Bethel streets. One 300m dwelling. Price. $1,000. Jolna tobert Jackson and others. 114 Acres?31 miles Hickory Orove. Beautiful home of J. F. Wataon. $30 >er Acre. SOI Acres?3 miles Hickory Orove. 120.00 per Acre. 80 Acres?The beautiful home and arm of Arthur Boheler; 1 mile Smyria station; nice, painted cottage; new iarn: double crlba. Price. $3,000. Ill Acres?Near Sharon. Known ai he Wylie place. Price $15 per acre, 400 Acres?Lowryville. $8,00.00 100 Acres?Delphoa. Price $1,800. 82 Acres?Delphos. Price $3,200, SO Acres?Delphos: Will Clinton. >rice $1,000.00 30 Acres?Filbert Price $1,500.00 100 Acres?Tlrzah; J. M. C. Price $2,500.00 TEN beautiful Building Lota or lope property. Pay $5.00 a month, Sirs. Drakeford residence, on the mrnai. nt Main anS .T?ff arson streets. Harry Neil Lot, No. 1, Steele propsrty. Two nice new cottages on the corner >f East Jefferson and Railroad ave ^ront of Col. I. W. Johnson's resllence. Price. $2,100,00. 18 Acres?At Sharon. Price, $700. 56J Acres?Half mile of Beersheba :hurch; good school; 4-room heuse, ;ood water, plenty of wood. $1,300.00, 165 Acres?Near George R. Walace, joining Avery and Smith lands, \ miles from Yorkvllle; 1 2-story 6 oom house; 3-horse farm open; 7G icrea in timber; 3 springs. 3 streams, 3lg. new barn; 2 tenant houses; hall nlle of Beth-Shlloh church; 10 acref >f bottom land. $35.00 per Acre. 81 1-2 Acrea?Joining F. E. Smith, 5d Roddey and others; 2 good dwellngs, 40 acres in cultivation; good out)ulldinga Property of J. M. Camptell. 60 Acres?40 acres under cultlvaIon, good barn; 2 miles of Yorkville. The Worthy Farm?At Sharon, consisting of 67 Acres, nicely located on a tubllc highway, li miles from depot 'ery cheap for quick sale. J. C. WILBORN. GREAT OFFER Return ten subscribers to The Enluirer and get a 31 piece Dinner Set See prospectus. L. M. GRIST'S SONS. ' -?I- ? . . . ! 10 - i BUYING for Ten o from the LARGES' the Middle Man's r | Gastonia, Salisbury, ' x SPECIALS IN All Table Linens at Special ) TABLE DAMASK j NAPKINS to Match LADIES' AND CHIL Our Stock Children's UNION SUITS Children's VESTS and PA!> Children's SLEEPING GA] Ladies' Bleached VESTS ai Ladies' UNION SUITS COTTON GC ioc DRESS GINGHAMSioc 36-inch OUTINGS?Sp 1 cc Hamilton HICKORY? L > 15c Punjab PERCALES?S 7 i-2c DARK OUTINGS? LADIES' AND CHILDI [ : Fifty Ladies' and Children*! These Bought Under 1 Children's $2.00 COATS?S Children's $3.50 COATS?S Children's $5.00 COATS?S Ladies' $4.00 BLACK CO^ Ladies' $7.50 COATS?Spe Other COATS?At Ladies' $12.50 COAT SUIT Ladies' $20.00 COAT SUIT Other SUITS?At W0* SEE THE NEW KIRKP I I || TORim J*., j NINE TIMES out of Ten th | . the family. Men mean well enoi ' y Ing money In the Bank, but they ' ~1ng. They have not learned the ' K work of two In buying, and laylr "1 rainy, day that Is sure to come. S 1 y and mothers do not save there Is J comes, the family is like a ruddei I j EVERY WOMAN SHOITLI > 5 THIS BANK pays particular atl No matter how small the deposit i 1 v ful consideration that Is bestowed 1! Loan and Si , f Is a SAFE BANK. It Is a STRC , j EST In the country and in there \ k \ WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOL ;]a s. M. McNEEL, Prest , Ot^tsjOKItytoiytsx: Jgggj^gggmmmmmmmmmrnmam Cat Glass : Sterling I . Do Your Christina Shop At SP1 ?NLY TWENTY-SIX DAY! , HOLIDAYS WILL BE 0> CHRISTMAS SHOPPING GIFT THINGS THAT YO i .BUY?THEN MAKE IT SPECK JEWELRY STORE AND | OUR LINES OF HOLIDAY I CUT GLASS, ART CHINA?WAI FOR THE SEASON OF 191S?E NEWEST PATTERNS IN SILVE SEEN HERE?AS HANDSOME 1 FIND IN THE MORE EXCLUSJ BUT THE PRICES ARE MUCH I I DURING THE PAST TJST PLEASURE OF SELLING A GR CUT GLASS AND ART CHIN BEST BUYERS FOR WEDDING MAS SOUVENIRS. MANY OF 1 THE ADVANTAGE OF SEEING LARGER STORES?BUT THE CAN DRAW YOUR OWN CONC LET US INSIST THAT YOU GOODS AT YOUR EARLIEST C PLEASED TO SHOW YOU. YO , A GIFT THAT WILL JUST SUP TO PAY. IF YOU COME EARI WAIT UNTIL THE LAST OF T1 SHOP EARLY AND BE SURE T T. W. - THE JE WILL SELL OR SWAP GOOD Young Mule, young combination horse and 2-horse wagon. ; Bargains. C. F. SHERER. 92 t.f. FOR RENT. rp WO brick store rooms in Hickory X Grove. Possession January 1. See . or write me at Hickory Grove. * ? TJ VI T A PVSflN 9 1 1.1. A*. M. ' " FOR SALE OR RENT ON easy terms, Seven Room House with water and bath room. 1 Possession given January 1st. 1914. 1 See me about it. W. R. CARROLL. "Typewriter Ribbon*?All kind*? At The Enquirer Office. J jfg^ ^l'rS' i | "J| | " THI nt ?l III >11IH iMIitllli rEN BIG f the Largest Stores in ti T MANUFACTURERS rnfit Stnrpfi in Nnrfh ( 1 Villi t/wi VW ?u i va ?M > Greensboro, Waxhaw, TABLE LINENS Prices for Thanksgiving Week. 19 Cts. to $1.19 Yard. 75 Cts. to $3.98 Dozen. DREN'S UNDERWEAR : Is Complete. 35 Cts. and 48 Cts. ITS 25 Cts. and 48 Cts. RMENTS 48 Cts. nd PANTS . 35 Cts: Up. 48 Cts., 75 Cts., 98 Cts. IODS SPECIALS Short Lengths 5 Cts. Yd. ecial 7 x-a Cts. Yd. 10 yds. to customer 10 Cts. Yd special xx x-a Cts. Yd. Special 5 Cts. Yd. tEN'S COATS AND SUITS 9 Coats Received This Week? Price and Sold Same Way. pecial 51.50 ? Ipecial $3.48 Special $2.98 lTS?Special $3.98 cial $4.98 $5-95 to $35.00 lS / $9.85 S $13.95 $10.00 to $35X>0 I THINGS IN MEN'S AND LADI1 ATRICK - E THE BIG STORE WI e women are the Money-Savers of z igh; they know the value of hav- y haven't learned tne xnacic or sav- m trick of making one dollar do the I ig the other dollar away against a V 0 it often happens that if the wives C no saving done, and when trouble ? rless boat in a storm at sea. ? RUN A BANK ACCOUNT 1 tentlon to the accounts of women. I may be she receives the same careupon the largest depositor. ? ivings Bank I >NG BANK?one of the STRONG- Jf Is SAFETY. INT. j. T. J. P. McMURRAY, Cashier. ? 1 Silver : Art China s ShoDDine Early? ECO.'..".. $ more and the christmas r us. begin now to do your }?making up the list of u want to see and want to a sure thing to visit the see the new gift goods. goods?sterling silver, 3 never so pretty as it is verything is new and the ;r and cut glass are to be ! in designs as you would ve metropolitan stores? j ess. i days we have had the eat many pieces of silver. A TO SDMF np yorkvtlle's \ PRESENTS AND FOR CHRIST[HESE CUSTOMERS HAVE HAD OTHER GOODS AT OTHER AND T BOUGHT AT SPECK'S?YOU LUSIONS. COME AND SEE THE HOLIDAY 'ONVENIENCE. WE WILL BE U MAY FIND SOMETHING FOR T YOU AT A PRICE YOU WANT jY?IT MAY BE GONE IF YOU ?E HOLIDAY SHOPPING DAYS. ; ro VISIT SPECKS. | SPECK WELER - ?????mmgr DON'TSend out of town for a TINNER to do your Roofing. Guttering and Sheet Metal Work, as I am on the job at all times. All work Cash. G. W. KUNZ. OPEN TO EVERYBODY It ought to be an easy matter for almost anybody to get one of those premiums offered for smaller clubs for The Enquirer. Tell your neighbors what you are after, and ask them to help you get It. L. M. GRIST'S SONS. W For the Best Job Printing send your orders to The Enquirer Office. A National Bank I Sharon, S. C. j fy Mints Are nhing Every Day | 11 KING DOLLARS. YOU OUGHT ? SAVE A FEW OF THEM, AND I & | ULD SUGGEST THAT YOU ? ,i RT A SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN 9 j S BANK, WHERE IT WILL BE 7 < E AND EARN YOU INTEREST." J j ' > iJw9\l STORE! he Two Carolinas, enabl IN THE UNITED ST Carolina at Charlotte, Statesville, Sanford?W MEN'S AND B< Every Suit We Show Is ! Men's $10.00 WORSTED SUIT! Men's $12.50 WORSTED SUIT! Men's $15.00 WORSTED SUIT STYLEPLUS SUITS?Special STROUSE BROS.' SUITS Boys' SUITS?6 years to 14 yea Boys^ BETTER SUITS-6s to 1 Boys'PANTS Men's PANTS MEN'S AND BOYS' This Is the Store to Buy Yo Men's 50c Heavy Fleeced Vests Men's 68c Inter-Lock Fleeced Ve Men's $1.00 Wright's Fleeced V Quality, not Seconds Men^i $1.00 Wright's Fleeced Se Men's $1.00 Wright's Ribbed Se Men's Union Suits Boys' Union Suits SHOES! SHOES Have just received Our Third Sh GODMAN SCHO The Best Shoes made for the cheaper than any other make. SI ?Men's, Women's and Children' ES* BATH ROBES?SEE WIND< SELK COM TH THE BIG STOCK Now Open My RESTAURANT is now Op?n on the Second Floor of the McNeel Build- . Ins. and I am ready to serve the hungry with flrst-class Meals or Special Orders at all hours. When you feel like eating, come and see us?Upstairs. I WANT EOG8 and will pay 36 CTS. a Dozen for all the Fresh Eggs that , are offered. Bring than in. i CLOTHES PRESSING? ] Don't forget the ROTAL PRESStvc1 ptttd tm >1?aM M./tv <Ia va11. A11LT V>UUL) AO BiirajB icou; %%r uv /v?? , CLEANING. PRESSING, DYEING , And we will give you good work and 1 prompt service. Bring your work or Phone us and we will send for them and return the work promptly. t R. D. DORSET^ I , . ., i t ? ' 1 r? Ar SOW OATS We have some very fine Seed Oats, 1 Bancroft, Ninety-Six, Appier and Red Rust Proof. We will sell you a good ' Red Oat at 70 Cts. Per Bushel. We have Fertilizer for Oats and Wheat. ] FLOUR?Now may be a good time t to buy Flour?will sell you a good I Flour at $2.50 Per Sack. < Hog Feed, Rice Flour or Meal, i HOG FEED?Rice Flour or Meal, 1 Rice, Bran and Mill Feed. ITranh RHfiS and Praam CHEESE ' for Sale. Ground Horse Feed, Cracked Chicken Feed, Ground Meat Scraps, Oyster Shells. Feed these to your chickens and they will lay eggs. We have Fresh EGGS and Cream CHEESE. COFFEE??Do you drink Coffee? If so, you want a good Coffee. We will sell you a real good coffee, five pounds for One Dollar. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESAIiE AND RETAIL SALE OF PERSONALTY. ON TUESDAY, December 2, at 11 o'clock, a. m., I will sell at my residence Personal Property as follow*: ' Four good Mules, Corn, Fodder, Bal- 1 ed Straw, Surrey, Buggy, Harness, I 3-Horse Disk Plow, Riding Cultivator, I and Stalk Cutter combined and other articles. JOHN M. CRAIG, < 2t Nov. 18-28. IT IS A PICK UP See our offer with reference to 4 Dinner Sets. It is great L. M. GRISTS SONS. AAA * -w. * ^ A. A1A/ TwT TwT wTw www t Nnw IC 7 C iivrr Mkj i I And CLOUD'S J W NOW is a good time to buy an< place to do your buying. To* duced Prices on good* that y " and let us show you what ; J Store NOW. } ioc OUTINGS ioc PERCALES ) 12 i-2c PERCALES J ioc CHEVIOTS 61-4C SHEETING 1 ? top <sRKKTTNG ) IOC SHEETING f 15c KINDERGARTEN CLCVI ) 12c GALATEA CLOTH ? 25c POPLINS { 15c CURTAIN SWISS J 12c CURTAIN SWISS V ioc CURTAIN SWISS T Best 100 BLEACHING 2 ioc TICKING, 9 Cts.;i2 i-2c 1 J 15c TICKING x Ladies' Silk Petticoats?At J LADIES' COAT SI ? $11.00 Coat Suits at $8.50; $ $15.00 Coat Suits at $11.50; J $20.00 Coat Suits at $17.50; ^ $25.00 Coat Suits at $20.00. J LADIES' COAT f $5.00 Coats at $4.00; $6.50 Co; jj $6.00; $8.^0 Coats at $7.00; v Uoats at 910.00; 915 00 v>ua J Children's Coats? $1.50, $3.00, ! The CLOUD C I W. O. HARSHA 1 AAA * ** * <??./? AAA AAA *> *VTlV Wv VTW vTJTT riTTXff w w t Ww V? ;&'/ *-p . t 5 - 10 ; ?B? lesus to buy direct ATES, Saving you Mnnrnp Cnnrnrd. holesale and Retail. 3YS' SUITS Special at the Price. S $7-95 S $9-95 'S $1348 tij-oo $15.00 tO $90.00 rs 98 Cts. 8s $1.50 to $10.00 25 Cts. to $a.oo Pair ^ 98 Cts. to $6.50 Pair UNDERWEAR . ur Heavy Underwear. and Pants 37 1-2 Cts. sts and Pants 48 Cts. Each ests and Pants?First 89 Cts. ootids 75 Cts. conds 75 Cts. 98 Cts., $1.50 and $2.00 48 Cts. * ( SHOES! ipment of the Famous OL SHOES ? money?25c to 50c a pair hoe* for the Whole Family s. 3W DISPLAY "TP* PANY | nr MANICURING If the feet of your horeee or Mules need "manicuring," brine them to? THOMASSON'S REPAIR SHOP And the job will be done in a manner that will be thoroughly satisfactory to your animals and to yourself. IUSFAUR WORK? That Is our specialty?all kinds of Wagon, Buggy and Farm Tools?Let us do your work?Prompt Service? Best Work?Right Prices?Back of Yorkvllle Hardware Co.'s Store. ftwiasson Repair Ship T. K. TH0MAS801T, Manager. HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Almost every home sooner or later las use for a Fountain Syringe, a Bulb Syringe, Rubber Water Bottle. Rubier Face Bags, Atomiiiera It la fen3rally recognised that these goods are usually hard to get In good Quality. 3uch Is not the case at this store. We now have a complete line of RUBBER 300DS and can sell you any of these articles and GUARANTEE the quality. We have some we do not Guarantee?and some we do. See us for rour needs. ICE CAPS?11.00 to $1.1#. FACE BAGS?71 Cts. to $l.tt. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES?#1 to $$.. emr.n avwrvntss-^Kft Cts to 11.00. iVATER *BOTTLE8?f to f i.K*. ATOMIZERS?6 0 Cta to ll.BS. YORK DRUG STORE. THE REXALL STORE. raBMOfO WHEN you hare what Is styled the "blues." the effect Is de-presilng. When you tell about It that is expressing. If you do not, that Is supjresslng. Meanwhile, look nice. Our pressing helpa Send to the 8ANIrARY ELECTRIC PRESSING CLUB >r Phone 241. C. W. MILLER. Prop. WAITD A PEW First-Class MILK COWS, ljL Fresh In milk. Phone No. ft, forkvllle, or see FERGUSON BR08. n aiftA AAA AAA AAA V twT VWW TWT WWW tfffi rrnir i tit IML ] fS THE PLACE \ 1 Cloud Cash Store is a good day we offer a variety of Reou need Right Now. Come X your money will do at this 8 1-3 Cts. J 8 1-3 Cts. A zo Cts. X 8 1-3 Cts. 1 5 Cts. A 7 Cts. J? 8 i-3 Cts. i . 'H 13 i-a Cts. fc io Cts. f ao Cts. I ia i-a Cts. C xo Cts. ( 8 1-3 Cts. 8 1-3 Ct*. k PICKING, ix CTS. ? xa i-a Cts. $1.65 and $3.98 C riTS REDUCED J /. m fnat finiti at trnoo: ? T-"?" ? 7 : $18.00 Coat Suit* at $14.50; c $22.50 Coat Suits at $18.50; S REDUCED ?2- ? ats at $5.00; $7.50 Coats at 2 $10.00 Coats at $8.00; $12.50 f ts at $ia.oo. $3.50. $3-50, $4 00 and $5.00 t ASH STORE. | lW, Manager. AAA itAA WW VW wtm? WT q?Vw Wf . .ar-lattr "mL .* v ' ' , ? '