Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 25, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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I Best Quality?Lowest Prices ? This is an Opportunity?a veritable H ' [: Bonanza of Money-Saving Price || Offerings?a Profit-Sharing Sale j for People who want Quality merp chandise at "Racket Store" prices. ? Thomson Co. offers you the High/\n4> ? /! /I /\ /\ 4" CA^A/\MAklA IC9I uinuc ui v^icau, ocaauiiauic Merchandise at Factory Cost and Less. There's much to Choose and Little to Pay?Act Quick. THOMSON'S Is the Place. Get Acquainted with vjt | High Quality and Low W p. Prices at this Sale. Ji .uii'iwW tgUffliPiTI *tv\ ii v# PREAD THE NEWS TO EVERY I 1 GEST AND BEST VALUES IN I . % TO BE FOUND IN ADD THIS S 1 1 ) MORE YOU BUY THE GREATE I ** ICAL BUYERS?DO YOUR WI1 | DISE?CLOTHING, OVERCOA1 HATS?ALL AT FACTORY TO CO^ ..EXTRA VALUES IN ni tr?-n Thousands of Dol | Winter Cloth t* * America?Arc tat Factory Pi Than Most R< Make the Vali Would Like t Find It at Th< Bring Your E Men's Suits in Bit Mixtures?Sal Boys' Suits in Blue Sale Prices Two lots of Boys' < to ?; vears?Sa ; j im'nii'iBuin wrumm | SALE OF MEN'S j I MEN'S UNDERWEAR Best Quality Heavy Fleeced UNDERSHIRTS and DRAW ?Sale Price, the Garment? WRIGHT'S HEALTH UNDERWEAR '> \ One Case WRIGHT S HEALTH UNDERSHIRTS and DR ; ERS, for Men?Special Sale Price, the Garment? > f Men's Best Ribbed UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERSi 4 Price, the Garment? > [ Men's Ribbed UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, Extra Hea Sale Price, the Garment? Men's Ribbed UNION SUITS, Medium Winter Weight I Price, the Garment? 89 CTS., a Boys' heavy Fleeced SHIRTS and DRAWERS?Sale Price, Garment? Boys' Ribbed SHIRTS and DRAWERS, Medium Weig Sale Prlcb, the Garment? Boys' Heavy FLEECED UNION SUITS?Sale Price, the ment? Boys' Ribbed Medium Weight UNION SUITS?Sale Price Garment? QUALITY DOMESTICS 32-inch DRESS GINGHAM. Best Quality?Sale Price, Yard? 27-inch DRESS GINGHAM, all Colors?Sale Price, the Ya Yard Wide Best PERCALES, in all Colors?Sale Price, Yard? GALATEA CLOTH. In all Shades?Sale Price, the Yard Best Quality OUTING, in all Colors, Plain and FancyPrice, the Yard? CHEVOITS, in Stripes and Solid Colors?Sale Price, Yard? * Best CALICO, In all Colors?Sale Price, the Yard? ANDR08C0GGIN BLEACHING, Best Quality?Sale Price, : y. Yard? I LONSDALE CAMBRIC, Yard Wide?Sale Price,, the Ya BERKELEY Yard Wide CAMBRIC?Sale Price, the Ya 12 CTS? 16 CTS? and TABLE DAMASK, NA TABLE UAMASK Bleached TABLE DAMASK. In Union and Pure Linen, wi from 65 to 72 inches?On Sale at? 39 CTS., 69 CTS., 89 CTS., ai TABLE NAPKINS, in Union and Pure Linen?On Sale at, Dozen? 89 CTS., $1.29, $1.89, $2.98 a DIAPER CLOTH 27-inch DIAPER CLOTH?Sale Price, the Bolt? 24-inch DIAPER CLOTH?Sale Price, the Bolt? 18-inch DIAPER CLOTH?Sale Price, the Bolt? LADIES* COAT SUITS, LADIES' COAT SUITS in Black, Navy, Brown, ( penhagcn and Mixtures?Specially Priced for T Sale?At $8.98, $9.98, $11.98 anc 1 Ladies' Coat Sweaters, in Red?Sale Prices If 98 CTS., $1.29, $1.98 ar Children's and Misses' Coat Sweaters?On Sale at 89 CTS. and $1.2 I n VERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHIL f III DURING THIS SALE VISIT I H STORE YOUR STORE AND TEL f I1] WILL HAVE A BETTER CHAN< I i^BRING YOUR POCKETBO | 28TH AND THE SALE CONTINUES y One Lot Ladies' $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes?Sale j| Price?Pair 98 CTS. II One Lot Children's and Misses' Shoes?worth P $2.00 and $2.50?Sale Price?Pair 69 CTS. a^THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED THANKSG! THOMSON COMPANY'S THOMSON MID- WINTl BEGINS FBIDA1 COME the Opening Day?Next Frid Friends a Real Favor by telling then offering its Customers?Quality Got this Sale and Save Money for Chri I1'* " ' ? , . s * ONE?THIS IS TO BE THE ONE GREAT MONEY-SAVING EVEN QUALITY MLKU WAN LUSH, AT fAUUKI 1U turiSUMfiK TKli^lirSECTION?YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS CARNIVAL OF B R WILL BE YOUR PROFITS?THE QUICKER YOU BUY THE BET NTER'S BUYING NOW?DO IT AT THOMSON'S?DO IT THE FIRST PS, PANTS, UNDERWEAR, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SILKS, DOME ISUMER PRICES?REMEMBER THE DATE?FRIDAY, NOVEMBER MEN'S AND BOYS' QUALITY lars' Worth of Men's and Boys' Fall and MEN'S OVE ing Gathered from the Best Makers of Men-S winter Overcoats in Blac s Here for You and You Take Your Pick Cravenetted Cloths-the ki, -ices?Our Clothing Is Different-Better rainy Prices sady-to-Wear Garments?Our Sale Prices ues All the Bigger?Picture the Suit You MEN'S ODD o Have?Then Come Here for It?YouTl One Lot Men's Odd Coats, taker jmson's at a Money-Saving Price. Come. $15 to $20?Sale Price for C toy?He Deserves Good Clothes. Come. MEN'S WORl ick, Blue Serges, Browns, Grays and " - - - J - T J ey IXr_ e Prices $7.98, $11.98, $12.98, $14.98 jho wmwiiwi-xw wu ? BOYS' SUITS "?"J ev"y <l3y ? at Factory Prices i Serges, Grays, Browns and Mixtures $2.98, $3.98, and $4.98 MEN'S DRES BOYS' OVERCOATS From our big stock we can pleas Overcoats in Gray and Tan, in ages 3 wants Pants?Large or sma lie Price $1.98 and $3.98 Quality you want?Sale Prii UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, I MEN'S SHIRTS TSRS Men's Fine Dress NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Best Quality In 44 CTS- Plain White and Colors?Each? 89 CT8. Men's Colored NEGLIGEE SHIRTS?Each? - 3? CTS. AW- Men's CHAMBRAY SHIRTS, In White and Blue, with Collar 60 CTS. Attached?Sale Price, the Garment? 44 0T8. ?0leCTS. Men'8 Heavy Colored WORK SHIRTS?Sale Price, the Gaf ment? 44 CTS. 44 CTS. Men's Heavy TOP SHIRTS for Winter Wear?Sale Price, the -Sale Garment? 44 CTS. ind $1.29 Boys' COAT SWEATERS, In Gray and Red?Sale Price? , the 44 CTS., and 89 CTS. 22 CTS. Qne Lot Men-S COAT SWEATERS?Sale Price? 98 CTS. :hir"cTfi ?ne Lot Men'8 COAT SWEATERS?Sale Price, Each? $1.29 44 Clis. Qne Lot Men,g CQAT SWEATERS?Sale Price, Each? $1.98 39^(71*5. One Lot Boys' CAPS?Sale Price, Each? 22 CTS. , the One Lot Boys' and Men's CAPS, In SergeB and Colors?Sale 44 CTS. Price, Each 44 CTS. SALE OF DRESS GC IMLfiOM I . r<8~CTS Erown and Bleached CANTON 10heCT8 Ten-Quarter Bleached SHEETING To CTS J Ten-Quarter Brown SHEETING? 9 CTS. / CASSIMER, fom Men's Pants?Sa ^6(^8 WOOL JEANS, for Men's Pants? .J CTS' VoSii I Plain and Twilled WOOL FLANI 81OTB /^*0 rillK i > Sale Price, the Yard? rd_ A- c- A- FEATHER TICKING?! 12 CTS. Good STRAW TICKING?Sale Pr rd? ictfr Heavy Brown 3HEETING and SI 19 CTS. Sale Price, the Yard? PKINS, BLANKETS, SHEETS, QUIL BLANKETS dth8 Both Cotton Fleeced and Pure Wool BLANKETS, In all i<l *1 28 WOOL BLANKETS?Sale Price, the Pair? the *2-98. *3-98' *4-48 and 94 98 ti.1 ?<t as Cotton Fleeced BLANKETS?Sale Price, the Pair? ,,d 89 CTS., $1.24 and $1.69 COMFORTS 89 CTS. BED COMFORTS, Good Size?Sale Price? 89 CTS., and $1.29 79 CTS. BATH ROBE MATERIAL and CORD to Match?Sale Price? 69 CTS. '' $2.98 and $3.98 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COAT 2o~ ALL Ladies' Trimmed Millinery, Regardless of Former his Prices?One Sale at ONE-THIRD LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. W* ALL Ribbons and Trimmings?On Sale at Twenty Per Cent Reduction id $2.48 Ladies' and Children's Aviation Caps, White and Red? On Sale at 90" 44 CTS. and 89 CTS. Children's Toboggans, White, Red and Brown?Sale 19 Each Prices 30"" 19 CTS. and 39 CTS. ,D IN YORK COUNTY WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY F THIS SALE THE OPENING DAY?COME, WHETHER YOU WISH L YOUR FRIENDS TO MEET YOU AT THOMSON'S ON FRIDAY, NO :E AT THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS OFFERED IN THIS SALE? OK AS NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED TO ANY ONE DURING TH FOR TEN BUSINESS DAYS?TEN DAYS OF UNRIVALED BARGA! The THO YORKVILLE - BEST QUALITY-LOWEST PRICES IVING DAY?THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913 COMPANY'S THOMSON COMPANY'S 7.R SALE I NOV. 28TH, 1913 lay?Bring Your Family. Do Your Many i of the Great values that Thomson Co. is )ds at Racket Prices. Do your Buying at istfflas. You'll Save at this Sale. Come. . Ii; K sjsssTi^^ T OF THE YEAR?A TIME WHEN YOUR MONEY WILL DO ITS GREAT -THE STOCK FOR SELECTION IS IMMENSE?IT IS CLEAN, STYLISH :ICH BARGAINS IF YOU ARE WITHIN A SCORE OF MILES OF THOBi TER WILL BE YOUR CHOICE OF THE GOODS WE OFFER?THIS IS A ' DAY OF THE SALE?YOU HAVE UNLIMITED CHOICE FROM THE 1 STICS, COAT SUITS, COATS, HOSIERY, BLANKETS, QUILTS, SHEETS : 28TH?NEXT DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING-COME RAIN OR SHINECLOTHING.. ..SHOES FOR EVERYBQ RCOATS Selling You Shoes at Factory Prices Is Lik< 1 , t-% , o 1 Money Into Your Pockets?The Shoes V k and Dark Steel Gray, Best to be had?Queen Quality, Bostoi nd you'll want on cold, Ladies?Crossett, Reed, Bates and Mei $8.98, $9.98 and $11.98 for Men?Shoes for Children?Shoes i Work, for School wear?All Go At Fact COATS Ladies' Shoes in Patent, Gun Metal and Tan, i from Suits worth from Button, for Dress wear?Sale Prices $1.1 hoice $4.98 Ladies' Shoes for Every Day Wear, Lace and Sale Prices $1.39 ? PANTS Men's Dress Shoes, in Patent, Gun Metal j rking Man's Friend- Uce and Button-Sale Prices $a.S ear, and you buy them Men's Ev'V ,Dl)'JW.ork shoes-the famous J a, j a t> . Black and Tans?Easily the Best V $t.a9 and $1.79 the Pair on the market_Saie pribes $,.98, $ IS PANTS Boys' Work and Every Day Shoes, in Black ai 1 Sale Price ' $1.29,$ ;e almost any man who Children's and Misses' Shoes, for School or Di 11 we can fit you in the ?Patent and Gun Metal, Lace and But ces $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Prices 98 CTS., $1.48, $1 1ATS, HOSIERY, SWEATER: MEN'S GLOVES >; u Men'a WOOIi GLOVES, in Gray and Navy?Sale Price, the * Men's Pure i Pair? 22 CTS. and 44 CTS. Price, tli Men's Dressed KID GLOVES, Best Quality?Sale Price, the Men's Pine < Pair? 89 CTS., and $1.20 ' Navy?S Men's Undressed KID GLOVES, Lined and Unllned?Sale Men's WOOI ? Price, the Pair? 89 CTS^ and $1.29 Men's COTT< Men's Heavy Buck Guaranteed WORK GLOVES?Sale Price, the Pair? 44 CTS., and 89 CTS. Men's Heavy Men's DRIVING GLOVES, Lined and Unlined?Sale Price._ Price, th the Pair? 44 CTS., and 89 CTS. Men s uray < Men's 8TJSPENDERS?Sale Price, the Pair? 22 CTS., and 44 0T8. Men's SUPPORTERS?Sale Price, the Pair?22 CT8., and 44 CTS. Men's NECKWEAR?Sale Price? 22 CTS., and 44 CTS. A J Men's HANDKERCHIEFS?Sale Price? 4 CTS., 8 CTS. 11 CTS. Every Man MEN'S HATS Suit Ci < Men's FELT HATS, In all this Season's Styles, In Black and Quality Colors?Sale Price 98 CTS., $1.29, $1.98, $2.48, $2.98, $4.89 MEN'S OVERALLS wear. Shirt Men's OVERALLS, made from the Best Heavy Denim?Sale r. *, . Price, the Pali-- 89 CTS., and 98 CTS. friends on 1 10ds, silks, domestic: 5TJCS H?Sale Price, the Yard? .1TAC n WOOL SERG O rvnc an.l 14 r?ro ill \ S I 1 V)1p THflMfifl FLANNELS?Sale Price, 9 CTS., 10 CTS., and 12 CTS. f-|QQf\Kp^^^]PL WOOL DRES 1?Sale Price, the Yard? K'^\ ' 29 CTS. > ( HM' 9 * - ? / CREAM DRE -Sale Price, the Yard? * ? . Mb ?n Sale ( 22 CTS., and 29 CTS. ???&## ? fr - Yard Wide SI Lie Price, the Yard? 39 CTS. S<U? PrlC Sale Price, the Yard? Tard Wlde T 19 CTS., and 29 CTS. V.'--.Yard? s'EL, In Red and White? Yard Wide B1 22 CTS., 29 CTS., and 44 CTS. ' : F ' Sale Price, the Yard?12} CTS. /? CHINA SILK Ice, the Yard? 8 CTS. / Yard? 3A ISLAND, Yard Wide? Plain CREPE 7 CTS. Sale Prlc _______ : 'Ut't VfTC ? ' TS AND PILLOW CASES ON SALE WHITE QUILTS White BED SPREADS, In all SizeB and Extra Heavy Quail- Children'* HC ty?Sale Price 89 CTS., $1.28, $1.98 and $2.98 MARSAILLES QUILTS?Sale Price? $8.98 Utica Bleeche Single BED QUILTS?Sale Price 69 CTS. Ladies' HOSE SHEETS Ladles' SILK Bleached SHEETS, with Seam In Center?Sale Price? 39 CTS. Plain Hemmed Bleached SHEETS, 81x90?Sale Price? 69 CTS. Hemstitched Mohawk Bleached SHEETS, 81x90 inches? Large Size H Sale Price 89 CTS. DAMASK and PILLOW CASES?Sale Price? 10 CTS., 15 CTS., 22 CTS., 29 CTS. LINEN DAM; SWEATERS AND MILLINERY AT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS Ladies' SKI] Price? Ladies' Long Black COATS?Sale Price, Each? $3.98 and $4.98 Children's B Ladies' and Misses' Long COATS, in Navy, Brown, Ladies' SILI Tan and Gray?Sale Price, Each? $7.98, $9.98, $11.98 Price? Children's Long COATS, in Red, Gray and Blue? One Lot CL Sale Price? $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 ALL AND WINTER GOODS AT FACTORY PRICES?PRICES THAT W TO BUY OR NOT?WE'LL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU?GLAD TO SHOW T VEMBER 28TH?YOUR FRIENDS WILL BE HERE?WE'LL LOOK FOR 1 BARGAINS THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS BARGAINS THA IS SAl^Ui?IT IS ifsrui TU ?*VJiKYUUJL?Y tihjM.hjM.li IN GIVING?DAYS THAT YOU WILL REMEMBER AS CARNIVAL BAR N COMPANY SOUTH CAROLINA SALE BECIW8 FRIDAY, NOV. 28 ??M? Best Quality?Lowest Prices Read this Page Carefully. It will Save You Money. We here offer i $40,000.00 of Quality Merchandise to select and choose from and we want to distribute this immense 1. .L _ I - V t. aiutn. iu ilie uuiiicb ui i uik. tuuu ty and to do this quickly we Mark n Prices Down to Factory Cost and B Less. Are You Coming? Sure. 9 Mark the Date. Rain or Shine. g i THOMSON'S Is the Place. I f Extremely Low Pricesi 1 Meet Extremely High I Quality in This Sale / I EST BUYING*?BUYING ITS BIG- ? [, VARIED?THE BEST THAT IS ? ISON COMPANY'S STORE?THE ffl SALE FOR WISE AND ECONOM- B BEST QUALITY OF MERCHAN- 9 i, TOWELS, MILLINERY, MEN'S B -COME THE OPENING DAY. B ^ -n , ; " r r ? ^ DY AT FACTORY COST.. i Putting Real Ve Sell are the jjfM JiftVlff "X i Favorite for iz-Ease Shoes or Dress, for ?', ^8, $2.69, $2.98 1 and $1.69 Pair I ^ |8, $3.48, $3-98 / 12.48 and $2.98 .98, $2.48 Pair S AND GLOVES II MEN'S HOSIERY II SILK HALF HOSE, Black. Tan and Navy?Sale I m ie Pair? 44 OTS. 8 gS Gauze Lisle Threaded HOSE, Black, Tan and 8 N ale Price, the Pair? 21 OTS. . HOSE?Sale Price, the Pair? 31 OTS. GN HALF HOSE?Sale Price, the Pair? M 8 GTS., and 12 OTS. RIBBED HALF HOSE, Black and Tan?Sale { jffl e Pair? 12 CTS. 11 :OTTON HALF HOSE?Sale Price, the Pair? 9 8g 2 OTS. I RUNKS, SUIT CASES, HANDBAGS 11 and Every Woman needs one of these Trunk?' S || ises or Bags?Thomson's lines are of Superior jj i ?All go at Factory Prices. 111 J is a good time to buy Hosiery, Gloves, Neck- II s, Belts, etc., that you will want to give your 11| Christmas?Factory Prices Save Money. I e| s, Ere. I - DRESS GOODS AND SILKS | ES, in all Widths and Colors?Special Priced at >N'S for Ten Days?Sale Price, the Yard? Eft 44 CTS., 69 CTS.. 89 CTS., and $1.29 S GOODS, in Whipcords and Mixtures?On Sale 3S ard? 44 OT8., 69 CT&, 89 CTS., and $1.99 g !SS GOODS, In Serges, Mohairs and Broad Cloth? H it, the Yard? 44 CT8., 69 CTS,, 89 CTS., tad 91.29 :LK MESSALINES, in all Shades, Best Quality? ?8 e, the Yard? 79 CTS. 52 AFPETAS, in Black and Colors?Sale Price, the 1| .91.29 ack PEAU DE SOI SILK?Sale Price, the Yard? || 89 CTS., and 91.29 || , in White, Black and Colors?Sale Price, the 51 44 CTS., 69 errs., and 89 CTS. I DE CHINES, 27 Inches Wide, in all Shades? If e. the Yard? 99 CTS. Kg AT FACTORY COST I HOSIERY . ibiuki, DiacK ana ian?oaie rnue, me ran? 0 CTS., 12 CTS., and 10 OT8. (J SHEETS, Site 90x90?Sale Price? M CTS. , Black, White and Tan?Sale Price, the Pair? 9 CTS., 12 CTS., and 10 CTS. HOSE?Sale Price 80 CTS., and 80 CTS. TOWELS UCK TOWELS?Sale Price, Each? 10 CTS. I HUCK TOWELS?Sale Price, Each? 10 CTS. V8K TOWELS?Sale Price, Each? 44 CTS. i AND BELOW COST I RTS, in Navy, Black, Gray and Tan?Sale 11| $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98 I M ear Skin COATS?Sale Price $148 | If <L PETTICOATS, Black and Colors?Sale | i $1.48, $3.98 and $3.98 I W 'RTAIN SCRIM?Sale Price, the Yard? g i 10 CTS. | Sj ILL MEAN MONEY-SAVING? 1 If {OU OUR GOODS?MAKE THIS I i ifOU?COME EARLY AND YOU ? || T WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. j i ER THE DATE?FRIDAY, NOV. I i GAIN DAYS?COME. | M BEST CALICOES?Yard 5 CTS. *1 BEST BLEACHING?Yard 8 1-2 CTS. I g A C A FEATHER TICKING?Yard ? 1 12 1-2 CTS. II WOOL JEANS for Pants 11 tft f!TR on r.TS on f!TS War A I Si s ? - ?, -J - - ?I 03 | ssssssl