Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 07, 1913, Image 3

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? Law students at Georgetown University at Washington are telling of a dramatic scene in a classroom a few nights ago. in which Dr. Holmes Conrad, professor of law, and Caleb Power, the Kentucky congressman, were the actors. In a lecture to a postgraduate class. Dr. Conrad was denouncing public sympathy for criminals, and declared that some, through a mistaken public sentiment, were carried to places of power when released from prison. "Who was that man In Kentucky who killed another ?? ' ""> ?A AAnffTOM'" MkAd the professor of the class to illustrate his point. During the hush that immediately fell over the room, Caleb Powers, a student, sitting in the front row, rose to his feet with perfect composure, and. in a clear voice, said: "I am that man, doctor; I was not guilty." Dr. Conrad apologised, continued his lecture and afterward made a formal apology to Powers, saying he had not known the congressman was a member of his class. Powers spent eight years, three months and three days in Kentucky prisons fighting for his life. He was charged with complicity in the murder of Gov. GoebeL AT THE CHURCHES BAPTIST. Rev. Jaa H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday scnooi at 9.45 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. CHURCH OP THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh. Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7.30. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. No evening service. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. No other service. TRINITY MBT11U1J1ST. Rev. Henry Stokes. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. No evening service. ftperial gotiMg. Olivet. Sunday school at 2.30. Preaching at 3 o'clock. Henry Stokes, Pastor. Clover. Rev. J. H. Machen will preach at Clover, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. . i Hebron. There will be no service at Hebron Sunday afternoon. Saved His Foot H. D. Ely, of Bantam, O., suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctor advised amputation, but he refused and reluctantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve as a last resort. He then wrote: "I used your salve and my foot was soon completely cured." Best remedy for burns, cuts, bruises * ? * ? flnlv and eczema, uei a uu* wua}. 25c. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St Louis. y At Betheada There will be preaching Sunday, , November 2nd, at S p. m.. by Rev, J. B. S"wanh. " r-'" r ; A Consumptive Cough A cough that bothers you continually is one of the danger signals which warns of consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery will stop the cough, loosen the cheat, banish fever and let you sleep peacefully. The. first dose checks the symptoms and gives prompt relief. Mrs. A. P. Mertz. of Glen Ellyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured a stubborn cough after six weeks' doctoring failed to help." Try it, as It will do the same for you. Best medicine for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Money back if It fails. Price 50c St $1.00. All druggists, by mail, H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St Louis. ?? '-w? I Id I IMA A CV Vnbvmbk iv vLocal Druggist Who 8ol!$ Dodson's Liver Tone Guarantees It to Take the Place of Calomel. / If your liver Is not working Just right, you do not need to take a chance on getting knocked all out by a dose of calojnel. Go to the York Drug Store, which sells Dodson's Liver Tone, and pay 50 cents for a large bottle. You will get a harmless vegetable remedy that will start your liver without violence, and if it does not give complete satisfaction the druggiBt will refund your money with a smile. t* Knv a hnttle of DodSOn'8 LiV il JWU WUJ w er Tone for yourself or your children, you have insured your family relief from attacks of constipation, bilious* ness, lazy liver and headache. It is beneficial and safe for children as for adults. A bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone is something every man or woman should keep in the house. Your money is safe because you can > turn the bottle if it fails to satisfy. A ^ Dandy Darksy Dancers. The comedy element this season with Coburn's Greater Minstrels, all new company. Is headed by Governor Brown, for the past several seasons, one of the feature commedians with the Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels. Mr. Brown is acknowledged one of the best eccentric dancers in America, is a native Kentuckian, and possesses the inimitable ability for black face comedy, carrlcature, and reproduction only possible to southern born performers, and those intimately acquainted with the darkey * ? ?n A e? on nn/lman ana nis mtumei isms, no ?u dancer, monologlst and as "Sergt. Standemoff," In the laughable semimilitary farce comedy number, which closes the big show this season, "Gov." is given *an opportunity to bring out his talents and ability to the utmost, and is pronounced one of the strongest black face commedians in minstrelsy today. Tom Post ("F'om Vaginny, sah,") is also one of the capable funny men and commedi1 ans, and has been with this company in former seasons, excelling as a coon shouter and singer. Harry L. Ford, another clever black face performer (formerly with Field's) is one of the neatest soft shoe dancers in minstrelsy, and is seen in the first part and the big dancing act in the Olio "Underneath the Tennessee Moon," in his solo dancing. Charles Vermont, Ed Fisher, Carl Helman, Jas. Wilson, all new faces and all capable performers and dancers form the balance of this season's fun folks. Everything new this season. Don't forget the date, November 14, at the ^ ? An oaln at Vnrk Imperil Jiuuac. Bvaw v... wv ? . ' vllle Hardware Store. * ' Ancona Mill. Rev. El El Gll'esple will preach at the Ancona Cotton Mill, Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Nervous and Sick Headaches Torpid liver, constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get relief. They stimulate the different organs to do their work properly. No better regulator for liver and bowels. Take 25c. and invest In a box today. At all druggists or by mall. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Special Notices. Nearly Every Child Hat Worms Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleasant candy form, aids digestion, tones the system, overcoming constipation and increasing the action of the Hvar Tn nerfftctlv safe for even the moat delicate children. Kickapoo I Worm Killer makes children happy I and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try I it Drug stores or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Site Cfottcn Utarhft. November 7, 1913. j Sharon 138c 44c , (32. lbs) Hickory Grove 13gc 40c ( Guthriesville 13jc 40c McConnellaville 38|c Yorlcvllle 13Jc 37 Jc Tirxah 13ic 37jc , Rock Hill . ISfic 37Jc i ! WORK or CHAXNGAHG j Report of Operations During the 1 Month of June. ' Office of Supervisor of York County. ? Yorkvllic, S. C.. June 30. 1913. n URING the month of June there | 1?' was enrolled on the cnaingang a total of 39 hands. The average number working during the month was 36 a day and the total number of days ' worked was 1.046. During the month ' one-half a mile of road was graded. THOS. W. BOYD. Supervisor. D. D. COOK ? DENTIST ? i ' 1 CLOVER - - - - S. C. i 89 f tf 1 AT THE LYRIC |i PROGRAMME FOR THIS AFTER- 1 NOON AND TONIGHT? I 1. "J. A. Hibbard's Claim"?A West- I em Broncho story. 2. "The Protactory'a Oldest Boy"?A Drama. 3. "Silly Sex"?A Comedy. FOR TOMORROW? 1. "Golden Gate Park and Environs" ?Showing1 all the most wonderful J California scenery. " 2. "Told In the Future"?A Drama. 3. "Proposal By Proxy"?A very funny Comedy. Admission?5 CTS. and 10 CT8. J J. L. McMANUS, Manager. J YORKVILLE OPERA HOUSE ! ONE NIGHT ONLY J Friday, Nov. 14th. J. A. COBURN'S j GREATER yx a SCORE wrgy rut v/ \ OF FAMOUS K,N65 ?F >7 V FUMNY rV MWnKWUCH t Xr vl^ Presenting an All White Company. Everything New?Every Season? Beautiful Ensemble Spectacle?(A Gala Night Aboard a Battle-Ship.) "JOLLY JACK TAR8 At" PLAY" Splendid Scenic Production of a Mod- ^ em American Dreadnaught and the Men who Man Them. . THE GREAT BIG FUN SHOW i And All that is New In Minstrelsy. 1 Splendid Male Choir. Sparkling 3 Comedy. Unexcelled Dancing, High- ? Class Minstrel Vaudeville. ( THE SHOW YOU KNOW PARADE AND BAND CONCERT Seats on Sale next Wednesday at the . Yorltville Hardware Store Prlc?s: $1, 50 Cts., and 25 Cta. Ample Protection Every Dollar, yes every Penny? that you place in this BANK is Fully Protected Against Loss by YOU? UNCLE SAM is constantly watchIn the doings of this Bank. Keep an eye on us to see that we do not violate any of the Banking laws. Our BOARD OF DIRECTORS is known to you personally and they are men who have an interest in the ' success of this Bank. BURGLAR INSURANCE? To pro- , tect you against loss from a visit of j a gang of "Yeggmen." YOUR ACCOUNT IS WANTED? < At this Bank, and we will promise j and give you every service that a good Bank can give YOU. No matter if you ! cannot begin with a big account?be- ! gin with what you have?Begin TO- 1 DAY. 3 First National Bank Of Sharon, S. U. W-H-Y-IS IT THAT MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY STANDS SO WELL IN EVERY COMMUNITY THAT IT HAS EVER BEEN USED? WRITE ; For Booklet telling of remarkable cures, testimonials from people you know. Special Booklet every woman should have. Remedy Sales Corporation CHARLOTTE, N. C. From Dealers Everywhere? Or $1.00 per Bottle? 6 for $5.00 by Parcel Post. Buy an IRENE n i lr/ir KAISUL And You Will Have the Best At the Price?See CARROLL FURNITURE CO SOUTHERN TEACHERS' AOENCT TEACHERS with Certificates wanted immediately: 7 at $60; S at $50; 11 at $40; 5 at $35. Direct from school officials. Special enrollment. Act immediately. W. H. JONES, Mgr., Columbia, S. C. 89 f.t 2t* SIX ROOM HOUSE ON Acre Lot In town of Clover for Sale or exchange for Farm. See or write me at once at Clover. N. E. DICKSON. 85. f. t.f. ATTENTION, FARMERS-RIGHT NOW is the time to sow WHEAT and OATS. It is a foregone conclusion that Corn will be HIGH next spring. Sow OATS NOW and save yourself against having to buy corn. We have the best quality of RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS Clean and Pure and our price Is well within your reach. We have Leap's Prolific and Fulta Beardless Seed Wheat. Sow a few icres of wheat. We sell OLIVER Turn Plows in all sizes?They are recognized as the BEST. Our prices are the lowest We ilso have Double Drag Harrows. Call ind see them. It will give us pleasure to show you you and serve you. We are Local Agents for the ROTAL rallors?Makers of the finest Made-toMeasure Clothes for men who care. G. W. WHITESIDES & CO. SHARON", S. C. Fixing Things BUGGIES AND WAGONS, FARM TOOLS, j SHRINKING TIRES, SHOEING HORSES and MULES \nd doing such things as that is our justness and we are RIGHT ON THE TOB?Every day in the week?Almost jvery hour in the day. You know you ivill find us at the NEW SHOP to the ear of the OLD PARISH BURNT LOT?Ferninst the Hardware Store? ?ome up either Lane to the back side | >f the lot?You'll find us. ( We'll do your work?Do it Right? Do it Promptly?Do It Satisfactorily? ind do it at Fair Price?And we will v,o?i, ?nu fnr vour YOUR business. Tfiomasson Repair Shop T. K. THOMASSON, Manager. COFFEES-We buy COFFEES in immense luantities and are thus enabled to get :he very lowest prices and the very jest Coffeea If you are a Coffee user xy us on your next lot. We have a ( Jig variety of Coffees with a good -ange of prices and can please you in sither Green, or Whole Grain or in ground Roasted Coffee. We please < jther folks?we can please you. If you want the BEST Tea?Drink * PERRI-WALLA. It is *T. BUGGIES? I If you want any kind of vehicle? See ua We are Specialists in Buggies ' ?know them from end to end?from Ire to top?we have them at all jrlces and can please you in Quality tnd Price. We will sell you for Cash >r on Liberal Terms,to suit YOU. See us for WAGONS. We have 'em. See us for FARM TOOLS?the Best. CARROLL BROS Long Sweetenin' Yes, ma'am, we have it, Good? fust as good as can be made. It is he NEW CROP OPEN KETTLE < CEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Try a jallon. A phone order will bring it. UJSO HAVEFRESH CELERY, .. i FRESH CRACKERS. KEG PICKLES. MORRIS' HAMS and BREAKFAST BACON. THAT FRUIT CAKE? You are going to make for Thanksfiving, Christmas and New Year's will >e better if you will make it NOW and et it "ripen." Come to this store for four Fruit Cake "gredients". We can < mpply everything needful except the ibility to do the baking. We have GRAPE-FRUIT. W. E.FERGUSON 1 If Yoa Need a Horse Come and see us about It before vou buy. We have a bunch of really ?;ood horses, bought especially for this market and we are here to sell you? either for Cash or on good paper ana to give YOU A FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL in any trade we may make with you. If you want to buy we will sell you?if you want to trade we will trade. Come and let us show you our HORSES. They're good. JAMES BROS. YORKVILLE - . S. C. BLUE BIRD We sell the BLUE BIRD TURN PLOW, and Points and Repairs for same. This is the Plow formerly sold by Mr. Willis. Also sell Points and Repairs for OLIVER Turn Plows. VULCAN TIIE BEST? Farmers who have used the VULCAN Turn Plow say it is the Best Turn Plow they ever used. We guarantee every Vulcan Plow. If not satisfactory you can return it and get your money back. Come and get One Pound of Coffee and One Dish with each pound. We sell 20 pounds of Good RICE for i nn fiva Pnnnrla of Good COFFEE for $1.00. One sack of Good FLOUR for $2.60. Received this week another barrel of that good Home-Made Molasses? the kind that everybody likes. Also opened another Fresh Cream Cheese. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE CITY MARKET TI1IS IS THE PLACE TO GET THE CHOICEST BEEF AND PORK? Just what you want for Your table. We handle nothing but the BEST. Our Cured and Boiled Ham, by the pound, always gives satisfaction. We have on hand a big lot of Very Choice Butter, bought from the most careful buttermakers in the country, and selected with the especial purpose of pleasing particular people. WE BUY AND SELL EGGS. We handle OYSTERS all the time, and FISH on Saturdays, and do our best to see that we handle only the BEST. We pay the highest market price for Bull Hides. We are on the Job. C. F. SHERER. BOX SUPPER AT the residence of Mrs. W. P. Comer, on Saturday evening, Nov. 8, at 7.30 o'clock, under auspices of the Clover Eaptlst Sunday School, th? proceeds to be used to help repair the church. The public is invited. KATIE STROUP, FANNIE PRICE. Com. HORSES AND VEHICLES WE would like the people of Yorkville and vicinity to know that we are in the livery business at the James Stand In the rear of Stroup's Store, anil ore nrpnnrwt tn srive everv variety of first class service on short notice. We have good horses and good vehicles. We cater to the commercial trade as well as the transient and pleasure trade. We will do your draylng at most reasonable rates, and if you want to go to or from any train at any hour, all you have to do Is to notify us. We will take your trunk to the depot or from the depot to your home. We will plow your garden at a very reasonable price, and you need not hesitate to ask us about anything you might need in Livery. If it isn't convenient to see BLAKETLY PLAXICO at the Barn or on the street, Just call him up through Phone No. 48.M. E. PLAXICO & SON. Printers' Ink Costs Money? TO use H judicially in a g juu iuymiment. Hundreds, yea thousands, read the newspapers the carriers deliver in the boxes and homes on the eight different routes leading out of Torkville. I know a lot of old men, young men and middle-aged men who- read the advertisements that the papers publish, and many things in our advertisement if it was not for the notice in the paper, I believe would not be asked for. It shows you what you want to sell or what you want to buy with money. The wife, mother or sister mentions a few articles, such as Seeded Raisins, Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, Evaporated and Sundried Peaches or Canned Peaches or Dried Apples. A farmer thinks of an Axe, a Mowing Blade, Axle Grease, Soap?Toilet ar Laundry, Tobacco?Brown's Mules. I tell you that I am still buying HIDES?Dry and Green. W. H. HERNDON KUUtlN G~ COVER YOUR HOUSE PROPERLY?IT PAYS. O O O O O? WE HAVE ?O O O O O 0 GALVANIZED HOOFING O 0 1, 2 and 3-PLY . O 0 COMPOSITION ROOFING, d 0 RIDGE ROLLS, O O VALLEY UN, O 0 LEAD WASHERS, O 0 ETC., ETC. O 0 0 O O SEE US OOOO Yorkville Hardware Co. - % We recently received the Prettiest line of Pictures Both large and small in size ever shown in Yorkville; the prices running from 5 CENTS UP Let as show Yoa Shieder Drug Store THE NYAL STORE COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST HEATERS TIIE FUEL SAVERS We have a complete stock of COAL and WOOD HEATERS, GRATES. Coal Vases, Scuttles, Coal Tongs and Pokers. See us before you buy anything In this line. We can save you money. VADV T?T TT5 ATTTTTD IT PA i wxvxv run?iiui\u vv< 0f" Typewriter Ribbons?All kinds? At The Enquirer Office. | Saturday' j At The * 1,000 YARDS BEST 6 CTS. APRO (J SATURDAY?(None Sold to ] J 1,000 YARDS A C A TICKING?\ L ?SATURDAY ONLY?YARD V FOUR BOLTS, GOOD 50 CTS. S? PANTS?SATURDAY?YARI THREE BOLTS 35 CTS. GOOD URDAY?'YARD A THREE BOLTS 25 CTS. PAN" k OX LY?YARD V 1,000 YARDS BEST OUTINGS, I! f SHADES?SATURDAY?YAH ? Shoe S ? ONE LOT QUEEN QUALITY SIR p and Gunmetal?Not this seasc ' values?ON SALE SATURDA P One Lot CHILDREN'S AND MISI season's styles?Former price! ? ON SALE SATURDAY?PAIF ? Coat Suits ? We are offering SOME SPECIAL 1 /I COATS. Ask to see our lines of S Z We have the SUITS and the COA' X and the LOWEST PRICES. VISIT THOMSON'S STORE Z SHOES, MILLINERY. HOSIER! J GET THE BEST QUALITY AND | THETHOI WANTED A FEW mrat-Class MILK COWS. Fresh iifenilk. Phone No. 66. Torkville. or seW FERGUSON BROS. V . y . , GINNING DAYS WlTH the week beginning Novem ? t Der lotn, we will operate our GINS on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY. R. M. BRATTON, CRAWFORD GIN CO.. 2t WILLIAMSON BROS. MOVED We have moved Into the New NICHOLS BUILDING on East Liberty Street, and Invite our friends to visit us in our new quarters. We expect to keep the Freshest and Beat Goods that the market afforda See us for all kinds of? > Staple and Fancy Groceries Country Produce . School Supplies. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. NichoU Bld'g. . East Liberty St. SEE /. W. Johnson FOR SALT MACKERELLARD? HAMSBREAKFAST 8TRIP8? ?COFFEE8 AND TEAS. /. W. JOHNSON THE COFFEE AND TEA STORE. Life is a Series Of LESSONS: i. While We Begin to Learn Young? We Never Get Too Old To Increase Our Knowledge SYSTEM is a primary element in financial matters. After paying living expenses, observe the law of systematically depositing part of your wage's In an investment account in THIS BANK. Careful attention to this great law of finance will make you practically independent 8tart your Interest Account Here? NOW. First National Bank >, YORKYTLLE, 8. C. "You Better Be Safe Than Sorry." OUR LINE OF ? ??lu" ' 1 . . . Dress Goods IS STILL COMPLETE IN SERGES, POPLINS, CREPES. RATINE, orVGHAMS, OUTINGS, ETC., ETC., ETC. A COMPLETE LINE OF MDTS'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS FROM $1.98 TO $12.50. McCONNELL'S THE HOME OF $15.00 MADE-TOMEASURE SUITS. Repair Work If your Watch. Clock or Jewelry of any kind, Is In need of repair, bring it to me and I will put it in go del shape in short order. Satisfactory work guaranteed. WATCHES ' If you want to buy a Watch or Clock, come and see me before you buy. I have a large stock of these goods on hand and should you want a soecial kind of timepiece not in my stock, I will be pleased to get what you want on short notice. Come and see me before buying. T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. W For the Beet Job Printing tend your orders to The Enquirer Office. s Specials jj w imson's j >N CHECK GINGHAMS? Q ( 1 i Merchants)?YARD O Kj m VORTH 18 CTS. YARD? > v* 12 1-2 CTS. J CASSIMER FOR MEN'S j ) 39 CTS. 4 PANTS JEANS?SAT- d 29 CTS. j TS JEANS?SATURDAY f 19 CTS. ? * LIGHT AND DARK QQ pecials ^ )ES. in Patent, Vici A rn's styles, but good $1.98 5 9ES' SHOES?Not this 3 were 11.50 to 12.50? 98C 2 and Cloaks j VALUES IN LADIES' SUITS AND * UITS and COATS before you buy. rS?the QUALITIES, the STYLES J ? CT/^TiIIVn # run. nit 1 ijwuo, viA/nu.iu, . r AND UNDERWEAR?YOU'LL J THE IX)WEST PRICES HERE. J MSONCO. | Coat Suit We have just receive Ladies' Coat Suits ! buyer for the Charlo t is in New York n< anything that is "goo are easily worth 50 I than our Price. We h in two lots? $12.50 SUITS, all Colors, all Sizes-Special $15.00 to $20.00 Values$4.00 Black COATS-Spi Other Black GOATSm < n/\ A rw+a anon t.UAia~ If you need a Coat Su is the TIME to buy an KirkpatrickThe Big Store With ' HOUSEHOLD 1 NECESSITIES Almost every home sooner or later j has use (or a Fountain Syringe, a Bulb Syringe, Rubber Water Bottle, Rubber Face Bags, Atomizers. It is generally recognized that these goods are usually hard to get In good Quality. . Such is not the case at this store. We now have a complete line of RUBBER GOODS and oan sell you any of these articles and GUARANTEE the qual- , Ity. We have some we do not Guarantee?and some we do. See us for ' your needs. ICE CAPS?$1.00 to $1.60. FACE BAGS?75 Cts. to $1.25. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES?$1 to $3. < BULB SYRINGES?50 Cts. to $1.00. WATER BOTTLES?$1 to $1.50. 1 ATOMIZERS?50 Cts. to $1.60. YORK DRUG STORE. THE REXALL STORE. McGILL BROS.'S GIN WILL be operated hereafter only on THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS and , SATURDAYS, of each week. \ 88 2t McGILL BROS. Clothing, t Hats For Me MR. BUYER: IF YOU ARE 1 VALUES IN CLOTHING FOR YOt WILL SAVE YOURSELF TIME AI A SHORT CUT TO THE CLOUD STOCK THAT IS BIG ENOUGH A> YOU A WIDE RANGE FOR SELE YOU OUR CLOTHING, UNDERWI Men's MIXED GRAY SUITS Men's FANCY WORSTED SUITS Men'e BLUE SERGE SUITS Boys' MIXED SUITS Boys' BROWN SUITS Boys' PLAIN SERGE SUITS i Men's PANTS?Good patterns % Boys' PANTS?Popular styles and t We have a very complete stock of ] WEAR, in all sizes and weight OVERCOATS FOR Men's OVERCOATS Pfivs* OVERCOATS Men's SHIRTS?Pleasing Patterns Boys' SHIRTS?Nice Patterns Men's HATS?Good Styles and Sh; 50 CTS., $1.00 Boys' HATS?Styles that will pleas< WHEN YOU ARE SHOPPING?C TO SHOW OUR GOOD MERC The CLOUD C A/TiA. A/T1A A/TiA /ftA/ft ^ A.J./f>A ^ TwT TwT TVT TWT tyTuJ QTTTu^ WTw " j tbi?g Bargain i j Our Banner is off but our Price i House is in existence. Gome t i vince yourself that the Quality < i to buy your Winter's supply of Save your hard earned money 1 Money refunded on any un i miles and up. ! DRESS GOODS AND NOT 9 | Domino Ginghams, No Limit Calicoes, Standard Prints, 8c and 10c ' Dress Ginghams, all colors, 12Jc good Percales, 36-ins. wide, fast colors, 12j ! Riverside Plaids, 10c and 12Jc goods, | Flannels, All Wool, Red, White and C ; 25c goods, Orange color, all wool. White and Red 50c Goods, ] Cotton Flannels, 15c goods 12 1-2 CI at 8 1-3 CTS. Yard. I Outings, 12Jc goods at 8 1-3 CTS; 10c ; Woolen Goods, Black, Blue, Slate ai goods j All Wool Goods, 54 inches wide, 81.50 All Wool 50c goods I All Wool 39c goods ; All Wool 25c goods ] Blankets?Woolnap, $2.50 and 83 Bla Children's Blankets, one in box, 81 qi Cotton Blankets for children, per pa fnnnternanes extra. size. 12 White S a Ladies' Silk and Messaline Petticoats, ! and $5 values?Special at i CURTAINS One or 2 piece to the window, in tan i ; $2 and $2.50 Curtains, 98 CTS., $1 MEXICAN DRAWN WO ; Center Table Covers, 115 In lot?big shown for $1, for j Same as above, 50c pieces for Sanitary Diaper Cloth, 24 Inches wld 10 yards to the piece 27 inch Diaper Cloth, extra quality TABLE LINENS IN W HITE A : $1.00 goods at 79 CTS.: 75c goods at goods at 29 CTS. Yard. | YORK V ILL McNEEL BUILDING ' ?? ?*?* ? +?4+?+ ? ? s and Sepai id a big lot of seat us by the tte Store, who dw looking for d." These Suits *er Cent MORE ave placed them i Fancy Mixtures, \ $9.85 \ Special $13.95 \ icial $2.98 | $3.98 to $15.00 1 $4.98 to $25.00 lit or Coat, now d the PLACE is Belk C 5 The Big: Stock Vote Thesefhree 1?A GOOD STRAIGHT FLOUR? Single Sack $2.45 Lots of Five Sacks $2.40 Lots of Ten Sacks $2.35 8?"SILVER LAKE"? A Full Roller Patent Flour? Single Sack $2.75 - Lots of Five Sacks $2.70 Lots.of Ten Sacks $2.05 I?LEAP'S PROLIFIC SEED WHEAT At $1.50 Per Bushel, f. o. b., Sharon, S. 0. This Wheat was grown by Mr. W. r. Smarr, and was given up as being is One a field of wheat ever grown In :hese parts. It Is therefore "Improved!" Too, being grown here. It Is "cll natlzed," and therefore better for S; 2., than the northern grown seed. Send orders early, as our supply Is imited. Shannon-Smarr Co. SHARON - - S. C. . FOR SALE FOUR good Horses. Cheap for cash 1 or on satisfactory terms. York/ille R. F. D. No. 7. 87 tf.3t* J. C. WALLACE. , iiimmmmm Jnderwear n and Boys looking for really good irself and your boy, you nd also money by taking cash store?we have a id varied enough to give mmrav ttrra nr a vrrr ma ailahu iLl **B ?T I IV 04AV ?? ^ SAR. HATS. SHOES. ETC. \ $8.00 to $12.00 $12.50 $10.00, $15.00 ? $2.00, $2.50 $8.50 $2.50, $4.00, $5.00 $1.00 to $5.00 >atterns 50 CTS. to $2.00 ! MEN'S and BOYS' UNDER- % a, ajt Popular Prices. * MEN AND BOYS J $7.00, $10.00, $15.00 $1.50 to $4.00 50 CTS., 75 errs., $1.00 50 CTS. apes?A11 Sizes? ? , $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $8.00, $4.00 ; boys 25, 50, 75 CTS. and $1.00 ALL AND SEE US?WE LIKE HANDISE. > ASH STORE. ?? A/flA AAA J4X. W^S^r T^T VXXTV KvwxjJ XSTV wyi vuys?ijuiui u< is are on and will be on as Ion] o our Store during these TWO >f our Goods is Better and the Pi Underwear, Clothing, Dry Goo< )y trading with us. Come SATl satisfactory purchase. Railroad f IONS. MEN'S q rvrvj Y-i One lot of Men s ?'ptr' biggest values < 4 CTS. Guaranteed all i ? pt?' *15- *18 and 120 * 'T^dfcre: L,-?9?Wor"ei ) range colors. 10 12 1-2 CTS. MEN ^ ,o, C^s* One lot Blue Serg S.; 121c Goods, Boys' Pants from . _ ? _ Men's and Boys' < goods at 7 l-2c 50C Overalls at id Tan, $1.50 wT,lT1 98 CTS. MEN I goods 98 CTS. Men's Shirts, in E 39 CTS. Yard Army and Navy 23 CTS. Yard. Men's Work Shirt 17 CTS. Yard Shirts at .nkets $1.98 MEN'S 1 l?1Uy 49 crli Men's Neck Tie* pread $1.49 ^own in the c< all colors, $4 2S OTB. $1 79 Each Men s and Boys < MEN'S AN From 10 Cts. on {I color and white, LADIES'ME pair at 39 CTS. SWEATERS?^u* RK gain values froi ;gest value ever 39 CTS. One lot of Boys' S 19 CTS. Suits?Each e, guaranteed One lot Boys' $4 i 98 CTS. One lot of Boys' ] $1.19 (6 and $7 Sulti ND RED SHOES F 49 CTS 4 9c 11 W,H Pfly yOU tG 1 49 CI>.. 49C at 48; >4 ftn at $2.48 Pair. / E B A R G A ] \ +&? ?*? ?+ *+ ' . ? * { ? 'I J .. ' ' r I 'U i 'ate Coats \ i x ? $*d?? i I E^h^b^I kssk a fj^p-' ^sm mi llfl KBK W- f| . IK || ;: &K9B|isflw ^HmKBBB W I 99 JH ' v _________ Rice Meal Ki./i >< f1 '. " I'f', * ;*'.i!; /i; ywi FOR HOGS. I am now supplied with RICK MEAL. This is not to be confounded with some rice meal -sold by some dealers, but is nothing but rice bran, and costs as much as the genuine article. See me for GENUINE RICE MEAL for your hogs. LOUIS ROTH Will Yon Be to Absconder? Id making a talk on life insurance i prominent banker is quoted aa follows: "I say men ought to know anough to buy life Insurance and buy It.plentifully. It Is to the everlasting ame of good business men that a lot it enterprising gentlemen have to ipend hours, yea, even days, convincing them that life Insurance la a necessity and the very beet business proposition in existence." Another wise man is quoted as sayng: "The man underinsured or unlnmred, who complains of the high cost it living is an absconder if he dies, fou can live almost as cheaply as pour grandfather did if you will live ike he did. Men indulge themselves ind families without 'playing safe'? without applying ordinary common sense. Such a man indulges himself md family now at the sacrifice of his family in the future. He <* charging things twice to this account every lay." The man who carries an adequate imount of MUTUAL BENEFIT insurince can look forward to the future with the assurance that both he and lis family are absolutely safeguarded 10 far as flnancles are concerned. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. DICKSON'S MEAT MARKET CHOICE Beef, Pork. Sausage, Oysters, Fish, Vegetables. Produce wanted. Prompt service. You'll find us at the Rose stand. Qlve us a trial. DICKSON MARKET. FOR SALE OR RENT ON easy terms, Seven Room House with water and bath room. Possession given January 1st 1914. See me about it W. R. CARROLL. SJ./41A s a AkAA AAA WTA7 WV wa VSJ VWV WW TW* nvn MnndavI D | I as the Yorkville Bargain BARGAIN DAYS and conrice Lower. Now is the time is, Shoes, Etc., and you can IRDAY and MONDAY, are paid on $10 purchase, 10 AND BOYS' CLOTHING Clothing', just arrived. One of the jver shown?$26 Suits, Blue Serge, | wool, swell aged 912.48 Suits, in Blue Serge for $12.48 Suits, ' 1 Suits in all colors, ir >m $4.98 up S AND BOYS' PANTS ! es, actually worth $4 pair for $1.98 49 CTS. on Dp. Overalls?$1 Overalls at 79 OTS.; 39 CTS. S AND BOYS' SHIRTS ! Hue, Tan and Smoke colore, U. S. Shirts, $1.60 Shirts 75 CTS. s In Flannel and Blue Denim, 50c s? errs. kND BOYS' NECKWEAR ?One of the latest things ever juntry, 60c Ties, 39 CTS.; 39c Ties, Hollars, 8 CTS. on Up. D BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Jpward, In large variety of styles. N'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S e Merino wool?All colors?Bar in 41 CTT8. on Up. - BOYS' SUITS ! . uits, from 3 to 8 years, )3 and 84 91.48 and 85 Suits 99.48 Knickerbocker Suits, Mixed Gray, i, for 99.98 "OR THE WHOLE FAMILY give us a look. Men's 82.50 Shoes d 85 Shoes at 92.79; 83.50 Shoes [N HOUSE VRAY'S OLD STAND VTTi? TVT -www VwV