Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 17, 1913, Image 3

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AT THE CHURCHES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service 7.30 p. m. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 o'clock. No other service. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. Henry Stokes, Pastor. Sunday Service*?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m., BAPTIST. Rev. Jas. H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. No other service. CHURCH OP THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. T. Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m.. with special service of intercession for Sunday, schools. No other service. She (Ifatton Jftarhei. Guthriesvllle, Oct 17.?Cotton, 13jc. Sharon, Oct. 17.?Cotton, lSJc. Tirzah, Oct. 17.?Cotton, 13c. Hickory Grove,Oct. 17.?Cotton, 13lc. Rock Hill, Oct 17.?Cotton, 13Jc. Yorkville, Oct 17-?Cotton, 13|c. Cotton Seod. Per Bu. Guthrlesville 87|c. Sharon (32 lbs.) .... 43c. Tlrzah 37c. Hickory Grove S8c. Rock Hill 371c. Torkvllle .... 35c. HYMENEAL T i ... =| Married?October 11, 1913, In Gastonla, N. C., at the residence of Rev. J. C. Galloway and by Rev. J. C. Galloway. Mr. HAROLD D. DAWSON, Jr.. and Miss MATTIE L. MARLET. Serial At Hickory Grove. Rev. J. H. Machen will conduct services at the Hickory Grove Baptist church next Sunday at the usual hour. A Gentle and Effective Laxative. " - ---? 1st. A mild, genue sum oucvU>? .? atlve Is what people demand when suffering from constipation. Thousands swear by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio. Tex., writes: "They are. beyond question, the best pills my wife and ^ I have ever taken." They never cause pain. Price 25c at all druggists, or by mall,?H. E. Bucklen & Co., w Philadelphia or St Louis. At the Ancona Mill. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. Rev. Henry Stokes will preach at 7 p. m. Eczema and Itching Cured. The soothing, healing medication in Dr. Hohson's Eczema Ointment pene* trates every tiny pore of the skin, clears It of all impurities?stops Itching instantly. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointments is guaranteed to speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. Eczema Ointment is a doctor's prescription. not an experiment All druggists or by mail, 50c. Pfelffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St Louis. Floral Fair. King's Mountain will hold its annual Floral Fair October 29 anf 30. The public Is cordially invite*' A hearty welcome awaits all who attend. .. ... :v. . * ?. . ! s.r-7 J Mrs. J. B. Goforth, Mrs. R. C. Baker, ' Miss Crawford Sledge, Com. Women Who Get Dizzy. Every woman who Is troubled with fainting and dizzy spells, backache, headache, weakness, debility, constipation or kidney troubles should use Electric Bitters. They give relief when nothing else will, improve the health, adding strength and vigor from the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., says: "Four doctors had given me up and my children and all my friends were looking for me to die, when my son insisted that I use Electric Bitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good." Just try them. 50c and SI.00 at all druggists or by mail. ?H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Philadelphia. Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Preaching at 3.30. p. m. Henry Stokes, Pastor. The Family Cough Medicine. In every home there should be a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, ready for immediate use when any member of the family contracts a cold or a cough. Prompt use will stop the spread of sickness. S. A. 8tid, of Mason, Mich., writes: "My whole family depends upon Dr. King's New Discovery as the best cough and cold medicine in the world. Two 50c bottles cured me of pneumonia," Thousands of other families have been equally benefitted and depend entirely upon Dr. King's New Discovery to cure their coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Tvery dose helps. Price 50c and $1.00. All druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. FOR SALE OR RENT MY Residence and lot on North Congress Street See me at once. Mrs. M. H. METTS. 83. . tf. 3t. THOMASSON REPAIR SHOP T. K. THOMASSON, Mgr. WE ARE NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AT OUR SHOP IN THE REAR OF THE YORKVILLE HARDWARE CO.'S STORE. WE WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE, BEST WORK AND THE FAIREST PRICES. WE REPAIR BUGGIES AND WAGONS, FARM TOOLS, ETC., AND DO HORSE SHOEING. LET US DO YOUR WORK. Thomasson Repair Shop Horses and vehicles WE would like the people of Yorkvllle and vicinity to know that we are In the livery business at the James Stand In the rear of Stroup's Store, and are prepared to give every variety of first class service on short notice. We have good horses and good vehicles. We cater to the commercial trade as well as the transient and pleasure trade. Wo win do vour draving at most reasonable rates, and if you want to go to or from any train at any hour, all you have to do is to notify us. We will take your trunk to the depot or from the depot to your home. We will plow your garden at a very reasonable price, and you need not hesitate to ask us about anything you might need in Livery. If It isn't convenient to see BLAKELY PLAXICO at the Barn or on the street, just call him up through Phone No. 48. M. E. PLAXICO & SON. WANTED A FEW First-Class MILK COWS, Fresh In milk. Phone No. 66, Yorkville, or see FERGUSON BROS. 779 f. t tf FOB RENT. MISS Kate Carroll farm, li horse farm. 3 miles west of Yorkville; also the McCaw-Kennedy place, light 2 horse farm in cultivation, in Bullock's Creek township. Both farms nr? in good state of improvement and cultivation. See D. E. FINL.EY or SAM JOHNSON. Jr. 82. tf. 2t DON'TSend out of town for a TINNER to do your Roofing. Guttering and Sheet Metal Work, as I am on the Job at all times. All work Cash. G. W. KUNZ. CLERK'S SALE. Stat* of 8outh Carolina. County of York. OOUBT or COMMON PLEAS B. N. Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Sanelia Johnson, et al, Defendants. BY virtue of a Decree of Foreclosure in the above stated case, I will expose to Public Sale in front of the York Court House Door on MONDAY, THE 3RD DAY OF NOVEMBER, 191S, between 11 A. M., and 2 P. M., the real estate described as follows: A certain tract of land lying on the west side of Clark's Fork Creek, waters of Broad River, bounded by th? lands of W. M. Faulkner, W. 8. Plexlco on the east, of Zion churcn on the west, and W. M. Crawford on the north, beginning at a post oak; thence south 10 west 49.50 to a postoak; thence south 34 east 28 to a stake; thence north 40 east JO to a gum; thence north 30 west 10 to a stake; thence north 37 east 27 to a post oak; thence north 84 east 13 to a post-oak; thence north 75 west 28.25 to a gum; thence north 29 West 25.50 to post oak; thence to the beginning corner, containing 87} acres, more or less, being the same tract of land conveyed to Levi Johnson by John McOill on the 31st day of May, 1881, deed recorded in Deed Book C-3, page 358. Terms: Cash, purchaser to comply within one hour or the premises to be resold at his risk, purchaser to pay for papers. J A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. Yorkvllle, S. C.. S. C.. Oct 15, 1913. 84. f. 31. A REMEDY THAT FOR TWENTY YEARS HAS BEEN CURING SCROFULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM AND INDIGESTION IS SURELY SOME REMEDY. THIS IS THE RECORD OF MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND SPECIAL FOLDER FOR WOMEN. Remedy Sales Corporation CHARLOTTE, N. C. Vulcan Plows The VULCAN is the best chilled Plow. Price is not the- only Consideration when buying a Plow. The VULCAN is well constructed of best n)aterij&l, molded to run steady and do' flrst-ctass work with ICasf possible draft. Landslide, Standard and Point are interlocked, prevents strainr ing out of shape. Moldboard is ribstrengthened, rendering mold-break age to tne minimum, omu ncvc? Full Chilled, Always Sharp. Points of Charcoal Iron, Long Snout Chill. It Is the strongest, best wearing, most economical chilled point made. Do not forget the corrugated points stay sharp longer, wears better, plows hard ground easier, and costs no more than plain points. VULCAN SUB-SOIL PLOW? "Plow deep while sluggards sleep, "And you will have corn to sell and to keep." Sub-soil has been advocated for generations, but not practiced to any extent. To be practical, you must break the soil at a uniform depth. It must do the work with lest possible draft. We have the sub-soil plow that will do the work and do it well. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Cheese We got the most votes for having the best cheese. That Molasses we talk so much of through The Enquirer is still going. Some Karo. Another shipment of Hams?buy and save from 5 to 7 cents a pound. Juicy Mackerel and White Fish. We received on Tuesday Canned Hominy, Beans, Kraut, Corn and dried California Peaches?elegant fruit. We have some Dried Apples and Unpeeled Peaches. Bring me eggs if you have them. Some demand for Butter. Sweet Potatoes. Bring me you Cow, Calf, Goat and Sheep Skins or any other skins large enough to be used, aenorioltv with thf? hair On. W. H. HERNDON SHOES ~ We now have a full line of Ladles' FINE SHOES Cotton Line in Patent, Gun Metal, vici Kiu, xans ana nea viei. !W. L. DOUGLAS For Men at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 The best Shoe on the market in Dress Shoes. A full line of Work and Heavy Shoes for Men, Women and Children, at Reasonable Prices. McCONNELL'S THE HOME OF $15.00 MADE-TOMEASURE SUITS. Mr. Sportsman The bird season will open now in a few weeks and if you want to get the birds you shoot at, it is up to you to use the VERY BEST ammunition, and this means that you should use WINCHESTER and CLUB SHELLS. We have them, with all of the popular loads as to powder and shot, and you can use these well known shells with the assurance that they will do business as they should. Our Prices are LOW for the BEST Shells. DON'T FAIL TO SEE US? OLIVER CHILED PLOWS?easily the BEST; for Farm Tools, Guano for Grain, Rice Bran and Mill Feed, Buggies, Wagons and for Builders' Lime. Before you buy a WAGON or a BUGGY, see US. We have the goods and the RIGHT PRICES. CARROLL BROS. FINE HORSES ^ "1- V if fm About ten days ago we received an extra choice bunch of Horses at our Yorkville Stable. Many people nterested in horses have called to see our Horses. That they were pleased Is evidenced by the number who have been to see and the number of exchanges we have made. We may have Just the horse you want. Come and see. JAMES BROS. YORKVILLE - - 8. O. COTTON UP The HIGH PRICE of Cotton should enable every fanner to buy all the Insurance he wants. we seu Lire, nnt ? LIVE STOCK Insurance. D. E. BONEY, Agent, Yorkvills, S. C. THE CITY MARKET Nice Fresh Oysters Friday Night and Saturday. Fish on Saturday. BECAUSE I make It my business to look after that very question, the CITY MARKET is the place to decide what to have for Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. The CITY MARKET handles only the choicest beef and pork and it cuts both to suit the notion of people who know. There is no other place in town where a Customer can buy a single pound of Raw Ham. or a. pound of choice Boiled Boneless Ham ready to eat. I keep both. I have choice all Pork Sausage, and also good Mixed sausage. I keep the best cheese to be found In this section, but the price is 30 cents a pound. People who have good beef cattle to sell should talk to me. I want nothing but the best; but for the best I am willing to pay. C. F. SHERER, Proprietor. How Do You Feel After Eating? One should feel good natured and satisfied. That is the way every one will feel if the digestive organs are work Ing properly. No pain or distress should follow a hearty meal. If there is pain or uncomfortableness you need NYAI/S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS. A dose directly after eating will prevent all troubles. These Tablets stimulate the digestive organs, thereby -increasing the secretions of gastric juices, which insure perfect assimilation. Shieder Drug Store , t*? THE NYAL. STORE .-r?... ~i?: ? :?: : Time to Eat Again And the place to get the Right Things to Eat is at W. E. FERGUSON'S. New Goods are arriving at ** * ^ ? ? * ~ V* T-J i crV-? ocf mis Store uruueriea ui mo U1DI1V.I. Quality that will please you?Things that you will be glad to have on your table. Here are some of the new goods? PREPARED BUCKWHEAT VELVA MOLASSES CHEESE, MACCARONI DILL PICKLES in Cans BREAKFAST STRIP, HAMS VOTAN COFFEES, TEAS CREAM OF WHEAT, OAT MEAL SHREDED WHEAT. A phone Order?No. S4?Will bring prompt deliveries. Try it. W. E.FERGUSON INTEREST There are more kinds of Interest than the kind you pay for money when you borrow from a bank. There la a fekhunal. muaf EST, the kind that the officers of THIS BANK feel in lta customers ?an interest which prompts us to do whatever we possibly can to encourage and to aid those who give us their patronage. Bank of Hickory Grove LAUGHAND THE WORLD LAUGHS WITH YOU?WEEP AND YOU WEEP ALONE We all know this to be a true saying; DUl 11 18 not any mure u ue, man.? BE RICH AND THE WORLD WILL SEEK YOU? POOR AND THEY TURN AND GO SAVINGS ACOUNTS pay 4 Per Cent Per Annum, and the Interest is Added Four Times a Year. Let Your Money Help You Work. First National Bank YORKVTLLE, a O. "You Better Be Safe Hian Sorry." HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Almost every home sooner or later has use for a Fountain Syringe, a Bulb Syringe, Rubber Water Bottle, Rubber Face Bags, Atomizers. It is generally recognized that these goods are usually hard to get in good Quality. Such is not the case at this store. We now have a complete line of RUBBER GOODS and can sell you any of these articles and GUARANTEE the quality. We have some we do not Guarantee?and some we do. See us for your needs. ICE CAPS?51.00 to 11.50. FACE BAGS?75 Cts. to 51.25. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES?51 to 53. BULB SYRINGES?50 Cts. to 51.00. WATER BOTTLES?51 to 51.50. ATOMIZERS?50 Cts. to 51.50. YORK DRUG STORE. THE REXALL STORE. That Buggy You Intend To Buy See us about it. We can Interest you in Quality, Style and Price. The Buggies we offer are known for their Lasting Qualities?They are not experiments in these parts. They have been sold In this section for years. The Tyson & Jones always gives satisfaction and the Sumter Buggy Is a very close second In all that a Buggy ought to be. Tea, see us before you I liu; . MULES? Before you buy, come and see what we have to offer. We can get together on Price and ihe Terms. SMOAK-BROWN CO. i imw wwiwiwiiiMiiaiiiiwifwiiH | First iff ^ 1 311 Ston J Q ll/l THAT O f Q H BANKS J AGED / Mill ^(iMiiyiiiyMiiyiiaiayi FINE... FURNITURE We carry a very complete line of Furniture and most of It Is of high quality, but if you want an especially nice Suit of Furniture or a single Special Piece of Furniture, it will give us pleasure to make a Special Order for What You Want. We are in_close touch with some of the largest Furniture lactones in ui? country, and can get what you want Promptly, and at aa close prices as you can get anywhere. If you want something special, see us. DON'T FORGET? That we are specially well stocked on Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Heating Stoves and can furnish you with just what you want and at " prices that are Right. See us before buying. CARROLL FURNITURE CO -arTi4_/T\ & VwV tiTW wv wTV Trzirr tiTW VtiTV *50 I SHOES! p IF' I . ,i L ' ? . t ^^=== * 1 . - t I WE CANNOT SAY TOO WE HAVE THEM FOR I MEN'S SHOES, WOMEN'S S] BOY8* SHOES, OHIIjDREN'S I NOT ONLY THE LARC | FROM, BUT OUR VALUES | EVERY PAIR GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. \ WE SELL NOTHING BUT P WE HAVE THEM IN ALL LEATHERS AS WELL AS 't SHOES. . IF IT IS SHOES, THE T7~ .1 a _1_ IivirKpatncK THE BIG STORE W1 ,t. 1^til Al^liti fT^A(T^ rtiL^ttr ^ *V\'jFV ZV TTJP VwV tjkTW wV VwV w YOU Get MORE tor your Cotton In Sharon. You Get MORE for your Seed In Sharon. And you pay LESS for your Goods ?If you trade with? Shannon-Smarr Co. "Satisfaction or Your Money Back." SHARON - - S. O. I See Our Coat < I IF YOU WAN1 Si 1 NEW DRESS GOODS 36-fnch All Wool Novel *' 36-ln. All Wool SERGI 3 6-inch Wool POPLIN; p 45-in. Special SERGE, " Wool Mixed PLAID, at % NEW WASH GOODS Best Quality, Good Col iv; CLOTH, at Yard? '' . 27-in. GALATEA CLOI ^ 32-in. Amoskeag DRES L 36-in. PERCALES, at HOSIERY SPECIALS ^ Misses' Extra Good Ri ^ Ladies' Fine Gauze HC I: Burson Guaranteed HC 1 The "Little Lady" HOS '' the Best in the W r Ladies' Real SILK HOS I' LADIES' NEWEST COLLARS? *1 The very best Styles obti I SILK MESSALINE V; 36-inch Heavy Weight J i J1.00 Quality, all C NEWEST HANDBAGS Thd vprv lntest Shnnps i I I ^ NOVELTY STRIPE MESSALIN1 . H The Newest Strleps in a g CALICOS?5 CTS. SPECIAL Light and Dark Colors I The CLOUD < EE? I W. Johnson FOR t ' SALT MACKERELLARD? HAMSBREAKFAST STRIPS? ?COFFEES AND TEAS. i w inuNcnN i* rr iiviiiiwi! THE COFFEE AND TEA 8T0RE. Hwf) uim wi m hi iwm ui in if m National Bank 1 Sharon, S. C. ! f Fob ??er j i To Think I >NE OF MY BEST NATIONAL J IS LOCATED IN SHARON? 1 J CONSERVATIVELY MAN- $ 1ND ABSOLUTELY SAFE. | ?I?HHiailiHH UMiO Lanterns LET US SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. . WE HAVE THEM FROM , . 50 CTS. TO $1.25 ALSO HAVE LANTERN GLOBES AND BURNERS. Yorkville Hardware Co. +0 *&+ ?+ & ? ? ? +?+ ?*? +?+ SHOES! - -"V MUCH ABOUT OUR SHOES. >. i ? .- ' THE.; WHOLE FAMILY? 90ESV BTG MISSES' SHOES, SHOJ^ iEST fe+OCK TO SELECT CANNOT BE EQUALED. D TO GIVE REASONABLE SOLID LEATHER SHOES. THE NEW STYLES AND THE GOOD OLD STAPLE PT.APE TO RTTV- TS - Belk Co. I [TH THE BIG STOCK * -fiA. /n XAX AXA AAA - A-*ITJ? WV wtV VWV WTW "WT VTW tiTF Western Cream Flour. We have just received a carload of Western Cream Flour. This Is the brand of Flour?First straight Patent?that we sold last summer and it Is the Flour that so many people who tried it were so thoroughly pleased with. It's equal to the Flour that most dealers sell for their "Best." Don't forget MELROSE, if you want the Very Best Flour. OTHER THINGS We have a fresh barrelj)f Mackerel, New Crop Buckwheat Flour, ?esi Cream Cheese. If you need Fence Wire, we have it?and our prices will satisfy you. Yorkville Banking & Mer. Go. Suits and Coats I r THE NEWEST I ty BROCADES, at Yard?50 CTS. ? -? sn rrrs li?, ui iaru? ~ S, at Yard? 25 CTS. the $1 quality, at Yard 75 CTS. Yard? 25 CTS. ors, 36-in. KINDERGARTEN 15 CTS. 'H, at Yard? 12J CTS. 5S GINGHAM, at Yard?10 CTS. Yard? 10 CTS., 12J CTS. bbed HOSE? 10 CTS. )SE? 15 CTS. iSE, for Ladies, pr.? 25 CTS. . I E for Infants and Children? orld?Pair 10 CTS. :E, at, a Pair?25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 ainable in Ladies* COLLARS? 25 CTS., 50 CTS., 75 CTS., $1.00 SILK MESSALINE?the best -*? -? ? rq rrrs uiui o, ai i ai u? n BAGS?Specially priced? 25 CTS., 50 CTS., $1.00, $2.00 .11 Silk MESSALINE, at 08 CTS. CALICO?Yard 5 CTS. SASH STORE. | j tr SHOES A S COOLER WEATIIER Z l\ YOURSELF AND MEM /% WISE IF YOU WILL \ J GOOD SHOES THAT !W IS NOT A POOR SHOE f. cttt.t.v m'ftnTO nip pnirt1 a< I DY OR "CHEAP JOHN" ABOU1 J THE PETERS AND HER C We have selected these two v Shoes because we are thoroughly own and the experience of our tr J SHOE VALUES DO NOT EXIST J of Shoes you can certainly And s I thoroughly please you in Quality, ! A ?Come and see the PETERS line THE SHOE OP PERFECT Si J Men's "HIGH GRADE'?$5.00 a I L Men's "DIAMOND SPECIAL"? f Men's "18-CARAT"?$3.50 a i Men's "CASCADE"?$3.00 Men's "BLACK DIAMON L Men's WORK SHOES, All Grade* v 91 HERMAN SHOES?MADE BY UNCLE SAM'S SOLDIE 5 A vorv Inrcp ner PAntaen nf t A Uncle Sam's Soldier and Sailor 1 X the HERMAN SHOE FACTORY. 1 two grades?93.50 and $4.00 a Pal m of the very best material by the V of workmen for people who wa t Quality In their Shoes. No bette ? than are HERMAN SHOES. Ask Z MAN REGULATION ARMY SHO Try one pair and you will buy ano m } WE HAVE HEADLIGHT C ? Dry Goods J Rice Meal won -anna I am now supplied with RICE MEAL. This Is not to be confounded with some rice meal sold by some dealers, but Is nothing but rice bran, and costs as much as the genuine article. See me for GENUINE RICE MEAL for your hogs. LOUIS ROTH Big Ben .. ...1.. .. ? Are you acquainted with Big Ben? If not, you certainly ought to be. Big Ben is the name of the Best Alarm Clock that has ever beeri; built. BIO BEN is always on the job as a time-keeper and never goes to sleep in the early hours when you depend on him for an early train or to go to work. Just wind him up before you go to bed, and set the alarm hand at the hour that you want to get up and Big Ben will call you right on the minute. He will either call continuously or call awhile and rest awhile. Big Ben sells for 12.50. but is worth more to the man who wants a reliable "Helpyougetup." T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. MOVED We have moved Into the New NICHOLS BUILDING on East Llb?i? ami lnd(? nnr friends tO erijr oucci, auu << ? visit us In our new quarters. We expect to keep the Freshest and Best Goods that the market affords. See us for all kinds of? Staple and Fancy Groceries Country Produce School Supplies. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. -I- out- C..? I ihnr+v St. mcnoiB oiu y< ? ? - cole's Original hot blast heaters THE FUEL SAVERS We have a complete stock of COAL and WOOD HEATERS, GRATES, Coal Vases, Scuttles, Coal Tongs and Pokers. See us before you buy anything in this line. We can save you money. YORK FURNITURE CO. If You Buy V LUMBER, in large or small quantities, rough or dressed, for any purpose, It is to your Interest to see us for prices before buying. We carry an immense stock and can supply your needs promptly from our yards. See us for everything you need for Building or Repairing?from the foundation to the last shingle of the roof. We carry Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Mantles, Balustards, Window Frames, Shingles, Glass, Putty, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Laths, Lime, Cement?in fact, everything necessary for building or repairing, also all kinds of Builders' Hardware?Nails, Hinges, Locks, Window Weights, etc., etc. You will find that our prices are Just exactly right and fair. Come and see us. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY W For the Beet Job Printing send your orders to The Enquirer Office. ' \ Fz $10,000.00 STOCK\\ COMES ON YOU WILL DOUBTLESS NEED TO BUY SHOES FOR I BERS OF YOUR FAMILY. WELL, THIS BEING SO, YOU WILL BE j ISIT OUR STORE AND SEE THE TREMENDOUSLY BIG LINE OF I # E ARE OFFERING TO THE INSPECTION OF OUR TRADE. THERE I ! VALUE IN OUR IMMENSE STOCK?EVERY PAIR WE HAVE IS J T WHICH WE OFFER THEM?THERE IS NOTHING OF THE SHOD- I ' THE SHOES TO BE FOUND IN THIS STORE. COME AND SEE. LMAN SHOES SHOES FOR LADIES " | yell-known lines of We have a very complete line of Shoes for the X ' convinced by our Ladles?all Styles, Sizes, Leathers, Prices. Let us V ade that BETTER show you. ? From our stock Women's "HIGH GRADE"?$3.50 and $4. a Pair. ? omethine that will ^Vomen s "PAR EXCELLENCE ??$3.00 a Pair. j Style Fit and Price Women's "18-CARAr'-$2.50 and $3.00 a Pair. Z y ' ana ce Women's "BLACK DIAMOND"?$2.00 a Pair. ? ' Women's "NIAGARA"?$1.50 a Pair. VTISFACTION FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS 'air- ' Yes, we have a complete line of Shoes for the 3. -$L00 a Pair. Boys and Girls?have the famous "WEATHER- J BIRD" Shoes?famous for their good qualities, good I JL, J,* ? ?<> ? t>_ styles and reasonable prices?See them?They're T TZli* worth seeing?Worth Buying? * 3 ?J? VJr nn ?>?{-, Boys' and Girls' Dress Shoes?$1.00 to $3.50 a Pair. I .&u to ?4.uu a nur Boys> an<J Glrla, Heavy shoes?$1.00 to $3.00 a Pair. FAMOUS SPECIAL?For the Man who wants a High Class, X R BOYS? High Cut, Comfortable. Long Wearing Shoe, we . . hsvc the Peters "TUG-OF-WAR" in 16-inch I Boys aw" made by Klucher style, made o( the very beet leather and t They are made m an exceptional value at the price W OO a Pair. I r. 'Aney are raaae CANVAS AND TENNI8 SHOES f very highest class A nt Extra Wearing CANVAS SHOES?All Styles and All Sizes. ? r Shoes are made TENNIS SHOES?Black and White?All Sizes. v ; to see the HER- f E. It is a winner. RUBBERS?We have all Grades and Sizes of RUB- X ther. BERS for Men. Women and Children?New stock. 1 >VERALLS IN ALL SIZES. L M. STROUP Groceries j <CM>KN>KKyKK>l ? QUALITIES 1 The cTV7irc?Kf Best I I LtShu ^th LOWEST PRICES Thomson Co.'s Is the Best Place to Bay. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Prepare for cold weather by buying your underwear and hosiery at thomson co.'s before our sizes are broken. men's ribbed undershirts and drawer8. men's and boys' union SUITS, LADIES' VESTS AND PANTS, LADIEff AND MUSES' UNION SUITS ARE HERE IN ALMOST ALL QUALITIES. -':t7 7 I?UNDERWEAR ??? .+ '[' . .'-"7'' Men's Heavy Ribbed UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS? . $1.00 the Garment. Men's Ribbed SHIRTS and DRAWERS? 50 CTS. the Garment. Men's Heavy Ribbed UNION SUITS?Price $1 and $1.50 Garment. Men's Heavy Fleeced SHIRTS and DRAWERS?50 CTS. Garment. Boys' Heavy Fleeced SHIRTS and DRAWERS 25 OTS. Garment. Boys' Ribbed Shirts and Drawers?Price 50 CTS. the Garment. Boys' Ribbed UNION SUITS?Price 50 CTS. the Garment. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed VESTS and PLANTS 25 CT8. the Garment. Ladies' Heavy Fleeced VESTS and PANTS 50 CTS. the Garment. Ladies' Ribbed UNION SUITS?Price 50 CTS. and $1.00 Garment. Misses' RIBBED VESTS and PANTS?Price 25 OTS. Garment. Misses' Fleeced UNION SUITS?Price 50 CTS. the Garment. MEN'S HOSIERY Men's SILK PLAITED HALF HOSE, Black, Navy and Tanextra good at the price 25 CT8. the Pair. Men's SILK HALF HOSE 50 CIS. the Pair. Men's Heavy HALF HOSE 15 CIS. the Pair. Men's WOOL HALF HOSE 25 CTS. the Pair. BBMBMBBR ~ THOMSON COMPANY'S WHEN YOU ARE READY TO BUY MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MEN'S SHOES. DRY GOODS. SILKS, NOTIONS, MILLINERY. ETC. WE HAVE THE QUANTITIES, THE QUALITIES, THE STYLES AND THE LOWEST PRICES. VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED ON THE RIGHT STYLiBS. WIS WiULi ALWAXB titLi fLitHAOEjU iu hava ikj\J VISIT THIS STORE. MAKE IT YOUR STORE TODAY. THE THOMSON COMPANY QUALITY IS OUR SLOGAN A New Interest Quarter I BEGINS IS OUR I SAVINGS DEPARTMENT I OCTOBER ISth I WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON ALL DE- J| POSITS IN THIS DEPARTMENT AND ALSO ISSUE Jj CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT REARING 4 PER CENT J INTEREST IF LEFT THREE MONTHS OR LONGER. 1 DEPOSITS MADE WITH US DURING THE COUNTY |j I FAIR AND AS LATE AS SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK, |? WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM OCTOBER 15. |j IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY A PATRON OF THIS BANK, 'M WE WANT YOU TO BECOME ONE. % ALL VISITORS TO THE YORK COUNTY FAIR ARE || CORDIALLY INVITED TO MAKE OUR BANK HEAD- || QUARTERS. M I Peoples'National Bank ROCK HILL, - 5. C. Under United States Supervision I ,