Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 01, 1913, Image 3

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OUT AT HICKORY GROVE Debate Postponed Till Next Thursday?Graded School in Its New Home?New Business Activities? The Track Team. Hickory Grove, April 1:?The entertainment that was to have been given last Friday night by the Hickory Grove Literary society was postponed until Thursday night, owing to the illness of one of the debaters, Rev. H. B. Hardy. Quite a great deal of Interest has been aroused among local people on account of the programme, and there is little doubt but that a large crowd will be present Thursday night The Wllkerson-Mllling Co., Is a new enterprise for Hickory Grove which is about ready to begin business. This firm will deal in wholesale groceries and crockery. The new firm has erected handsome and commodious storerooms in the main business block of the town which are nearlng completion. At least two men will be put on the road in the Interests of the new firm. Rev. W. A. McAulay of the A. R. P. church of Spartanburg, preached two able and Inspiring sermons in the A. R. P. church of this place on Easter Sunday morning and night. Rev. Mc, Aulay is a preacher of force and ability and the services were attended by a large crowd of local people as well as a number from the surrounding country. The Hickory Grove Graded school moved into the handsome new school building last Tuesday. Fitting exercises were held to commemorate the event Prof. R. H. Holliday in opening the exercises, congratulated the people on their interest and co-operatlon with him in erecting the new building. He said it had seemed that he had asked more of them than they had been able to give, but they had responded liberally with money and sympathy in erecting the present building which was a credit to the people of Hickory Grove and the surrounding country. He introduced Mr. W. T. Slaughter, chairman of the board of trustees, who spoke of the duty of each individual student of the school in caring for the new building and grounds. The patrons of the school had erected the building, and it was up to the students to keep it in good condition and to take a new pride in the school as well as in the town. The students now had a good building and competent teachers, Mr. Slaughter said, and it was up to the students to keep the right track and tae the greatest possible advantage of their opportunities. An excellent quartette, composed of Messrs. Barron Whisonant, Sam Wllkerson and Misses Lucile Rabb and Irene Montgomery rendered some excellent songs during the exercises. Quite a large number of patrons and others Interested in the school were present. Mr. W. W. Blair who has been laying the cement sidewalk in this town has about completed his work. This work has been delayed for some time on aco?unt of inability to get material P to lay' the walk, but it is now rapidly nearlng completion. The cement walk extends along the main business block of the town to the Southern depot. and is a great improvement to the looks of the town. Messrs. J. T. Smith and Joe Leech have also been making some very extensive improvements on their dwellings. The Hickory Grove High school track team has been picked from a large number of contestants and the boys have been training hard for several weeks. A good team will be sent to the state meet in Columbia, April 24 and meets will also be secured with " " - " * * A AU various high socnis uirougnoui me county. The local representatives in the pole vault and shot put contests have not yet been selected, but the remainder of the team is as follows: One mile run?Stock Slaughter. One-half mile run?Horace Foster. One-fourth mile run?Ralph Castles. 120-Yard low hurdles?Ralph Castles. 100-Yard dash?Joe Leech. 220-yard dash?Joe Leech. High Jump?Barron Whisonant. Broad jump?Barron Wnisonant. Hickory Grove has for the past two months been the shipping point of a number of North Carolina lumbermen who are engaged In cutting timber on Bullock Creek, about five miles from this place. Most of the logs are of poplar and oak and are being shipped to Linville, Lenoir and other North Carolina mills. This kind of timber is in great demand and about seventya five car loads have been shipped from here. It is evident that there is still plenty of fine timber on Bullock Creek and the lumbermen will be kept busy in this locality for some time. Quite a good deal of walnut wood has been secured in this region, which is being , shipped to Germany for use in the fine furniture and other shops of that country. Helping me riooa ouhb'?i??? retary of War Garrison's reports to President Wilson yesterday, continued to convey optimistic news of the flood situation in Ohio. His messages said that all places hitherto inaccessible, had been reached or soon would be, and that there was an abundance of food and relief supplies. He lauded the work of Governor Cox and summarizes: "The result is that from reports made to Governor Cox and to me, we are able to assure you, and through ^ you. the country, that there is no emergency in the state of Ohio due to the flood which has not been met and is not now being met." At the request of Governor Cox the secretary included In his report a message from the governor to the president thanking him for the Federal aid ' and the work of Secretary Garrison. Secretary of the Navy Daniels estimated that the value of the clothing from the navy clothing depot at NewYork to the flood sufferers reached $330,000.90 and that food supplied by the navy cost $72,094. Enrique Villegas, minister of foreign relations of Chile-, cabled Secretary Bryan the sympathy of the people of Chile In the loss of life in the Ohio and Indiana floods. * ? Union special of March 30, to the News and Courier: Detective Robinson of Anderson, and Detective Lee of Columbia, sent here by Governor Blease, assisted by Sheriff Fant, raided a place known as "The Chicken w Farm," just on the corporate limits of the town, this afternoon, and caught a number of men, some of them prominent, conducting a cocking main. The officers arrested all parties and brought them before the local magistrate, who admitted them to bail. A small quantity of beer was seized, the chickens and outfit were brought in and a supply of poker chips were also seized. The place is said to be owned and operated by Will May. Among those arrested was L. M. Charles, recently arrested by Federal officers on k a charge of fraudulent use of the mails and now out on $5,000 bond for his appearance at the Federal court. AT THE CHURCHES. - BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.45 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.45 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST Prayer meeting Wednesday evening %. at 7 36 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Services Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock and on Friday at 7.30 p. m. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBY v TEHIAN. Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. She (Cotton $hrhet. ^ Yorkvllle, April 1.?Cotton, 12\ cts. New York, March 31.?Cotton spot closed quiet: middling uplands 12.60; middling gulf 12.85; sales 6,200. Cotton futures closed barely steady as follows: Jan. 11.54; April 12.28; May 12.09; June 11.12; July 11.98; Aug. 11.88; Sept.'11.60; Oct. 11.54: Dec. 11.57. Special Hoticea. "The Choice of Lot." I will preach at the court house to men only, next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Subject: "The Choice of Lot ?Money or Family, Which?" P. G. Elsom, Evangelist. Buy Your Fro it Proof Cabbage Plants from F. 8. Cannon, Meggets, S. C. 1,000 to 4,000 at $1.26. 5,000 to 9,000 at 31.00. 10,000 to 16,000 at <0.90. Special prices on larger orders and satisfaction guaranteed. 97 t Apr. 1. Meeting of the " oajhers. The last meeting of the York County Teachers' association for this year ...in Ha Hoi,i nt Hlokorv Grove on Sat urday, April 5th. The following subjects will be discussed: Maury's Complete Geography, Manual Training vs. Athletics, and The Kind and the Value of Marking Pupils in Their Studies. A large attendance is earnestly de- < sired at this meeting. F. W. Moore, Sec. 1 Boys' and Girls' Clubs. i There will be a Joint meeting of the * Corn, Pig and Tomato Clubs in the < Court House at Yorkville, on Satur- i day, April 5, at 11 o'clock a m., for < the purpose of giving ti e boys and I girls a last opportunity to enter the Corn, Pig and Tomato clubs, and for the purpose of giving instructions as to the season's work. There will be talks by Superintendent of Educa- . tion Carroll. Miss Edith Farrott. State Superintendent of Canning Club Work; Prof. J. L. Carberry of the Depart- . ment of Agriculture, and Mr. John R. Blair of the Co-operative Demonstration Work. A full attendance of all the club members is desired. 25 WHETHER YOU U8E CALOMEL OR NOT 1 1 You Will Realize How Much Better t for You This Safe Vegetable Rem- 1 edy Will Be. j t The liver is such a delicate organ that most people have learned from , experience the danger of flogging it k into action with the dangerous drugcalomel. The York Drug Store sells 1 ru>nmmanrta TVntnon'n TJver Tone. It does just what it Is intended to do and no more. Dodson's Liver -4Tone cannot harm either children or grownup* and is an excellent preventive of chronic liver troubles. The Tork Drug Store sells Dodson's Liver Tone for 50 cents per bottle and every bottle sold Is guaranteed to give j satisfaction, and you get your money J back without a question if it fails you. Some remedies are sold in imitation of Dodson's Liver Tone?look out for them. Remember the guarantee. FOR SALE , P MR of nice Young MULES. 4 and I 5 years old, together, or separate- i ly; also two good Work Horses, and 8 i or 10 nice Shoats. s 26 tf. tf C. F. SHERER. i LOST ( BETWEEN my home and Yorkville A. R. P. church, last Sab- ] bath. Gold Watch, engraved "N. E. L." i Reward to finder. R. R. LOVE. s INDIA RUNNER DUCKS WE are prepared 10 iurmsn a limited number of INDIA RUNNER Duck Eggs at $1.00 per setting ( of 12 eggs. 26 t tf CITY MARKET. WHITE RUNNER DUCK EGOS SPENCER-Fischel strain?best of " all. $2.50 per dozen. Address No. 1, Filbert. Mrs. M. S. CARROLL. 20 t tf * NOTICE IS hereby given that, pursuant to a Commission issued by the Secretary of State, the undersigned, as a Board of Corporators, will open Books of Subscription to the Capital Stock of ANCONA COTTON MILLS in the office of W. W. Lewis, Attorney, at Yorkville, S. C., on Thursday, the 3rd day of April, 1913, at 9 o'clock A. M. The Capital Stock will be Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, divided into 2.500 shares of the par value of $100.00 each. J. W. CANNON, J. F. CANNON. SCHOOL TAX ELECTION ?T/^fnTnr< I. crl.-an fViat at |^kj IO HUiCwj 511VU >% 131 Lilly's Store, Filbert, in Filbert District, No. 21, York County, S. C., on SATURDAY. APRIL 19TH, 191 J, an election will be held for the purpose of determining whether the levy . for school purposes in said district shall be increased to Five Mills on the dollar, J. J. McCARTER, A. J. PARROTT, S. N. STACY, . 26 t 2t Trustees District No. 21. j Sweet Potato Slips ! I am now booking orders for the ] Famous NANCY HALL and NEW TRIUMPH Potato Slips, at $2.00 per 1 1,000. All orders filed as received. Will begin deliveries April 15th. Place ] your order NOW, and give date want- ] ed. Orders for 2,000 and upward de- i livered anywhere in the State FREE at prices quoted. Do it NOW. < Before you buy anything in GRO- 1 CERIES, get my prices. I have the 1 Goods, the Quality and the Price. I I want your business and will always < give you a Square Deal. ] J. D. HOPE SHARON - - - S. C. __ _ 1 TORNADO INSURANCE 1 Many Millions of Dollars worth of I property is destroyed each year by Wind Storms and when the returns ' are all in, it is quite likelv that 1913 has already broken all records, not- < witnstanaing ine iaci inu.?. umy uhdfourth of the year ha* parsed. Don't you think you would feel more com- l fortable if your Home. Barn and other I Buildings were protected by a TORNADO POLICY issued by one of the three strongest companies in the 1 world writing this class of business? all being represented in my agency? especially in view of the fact that each $1,000 you may carry will only 1 cost you $4.00 for a term of three ; years? DO IT NOW. , SAM M. GRIST All KINDS of GOOD Insurance. ] G. H. O'LEARl REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR 1 FURNITURE, STOVES, J HARNESS, SADDLES, or ANYTHING IN MY LINE, 1 i THAT I HAVE A NEW, CLEAN ] LINE TO SELECT FROM? 1 1 QUALITY AND PRICES ' 4 SECOND TO NONE. ( A SIMPLE COMPARISON WILL CONVINCE YOU. ASK FOR IT. . G. H. O'LEARY MONEY TO LOAN. ON First Mortgage on Real Estate. r THOS. F. McDOW, Atty. 1. t f. li C TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. 7 ALL persons Indebted to the estate 2 of LEVI JOHNSON, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to me at once. Persons having claims i against said estate should present " them, duly authenticated, within the V time prescribed by law. B. N. MILLER, Administrator. ? 26 t "To Him Who Hath Shall be Given" 8 Perhaps the above Is new to you. I It Is taken from a book that too few 1 read as often as they should. When translated Into Bank language It simply means: s "To him that hath deposited in our n Bank shall be given Interest on his money." Say, we want YOUR Banking Account. We want it regardless of its size. We know that if you start small ' that your account will grow, if you persist In it. We want your Checking Account because we know we can be of service to you and you will help us to grow. A Bank Account means lnJependence, self respect, freedom from the worries of today and the un;ertainties of tomorrow. Come and talk it over with us. DO IT TODAY, j The Bank of Clover, ODOVXR. m. o. The Beginning and End ? of Man is Dust * b: And unless we mark his final resting b place with a MONUMENT, he is soon forgotten. Don't have It said of you :hat you have forgotten YOUR dead, it Have a Monument of some kind to ci (how that you still remember them, a! [f the expense has deterred you. come :o us. We will furnish a fitting stone vlthln your means and ability to pay. We are Agents for the celeb rated Stewart Iron Fence ?at mptth MnwimnrwT rn - I 1 M V ITIVilVKUiAi ? w J08. G. 8ASSI, Proprietor. , YORKYTLLE. S. C. ** BUM'S SEEDS THE BEST | V( LOTS OF PEOPLE KNOW THIS. f< ind are showing their faith by buying 1( :heir Garden Seeds, Onion Seta, White p ind Yellow Dent Seed Corn at this h store. If You want to be sure of lie- ei suits In Your Garden Plant BUIS'FS n SEEDS. Buy them at THIS Store. tc 5ARDEN TOOLS? p! When you need GARDEN TOOLS? ? Hoes. Rakes, Shovels, Garden Plows, CVheel Barrows, etc., Just come to this store and get the BEST at the RIGHT PRICE. We've got 'em. FARM TOOLS? Whatever you may need in the way >f Farm Tools for Rapid and Econom cal work, we can suppiy u. Yorkville Hardware Co. w ARRIVED | YESTERDAYs Cl ?] 200 LADIES' READY-TO- d WEAR HATS?UP TO THE ^ MINUTE IN STYLES?AT J $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 AND $3.50 w EACH. P a; OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS C RIGHT?WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH. McCONNELL'S WHO UNDKKSISliUE) C to SEED TIME i It is time to plant your gardens. Dne of the first essentials to a good v' rarden is to have good Seed. We sell *1 [jandreth's and Ferry's Garden Seed? '1' Early Rose, Red Bliss and Irish Cob- ei t>ler Potatoes, Early Yellow and White 01 Dent Seed Corn. Red Clover Seed, P Rape Seed, Pope's Prolific Seed Corn. FARM IMPLEMENTS Ui Come and see us for Farm Tools? Disc Harrows, Drag Harrows, Acme ? Harrows, any of these will pay for Itself in one year. . John Deer Edge Drop Corn Plant- yt sr?the BEST PLANTER on the market. Spring Tooth Cultivators for cot- p ton and corn. Do double the work the ordinary harrow will do. We sell jverything you need in Farm Tools. Do not forget our three bargains? Wagon, Surrey and Horse. = For sale?Six Berkshire Pigs, six I weeks old today. Want them taken 3 away this week. | YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. \ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! SEED POTATOES See me for your Seed IrJslj Pont<u>ki and aret them in the ground at * :he Earliest Possible Moment. (j GOOD SEED (I have them) of ^ GOOD VARIETIES (I have them), ? PLANTED EARLY Insures Better A Yield, of Better Quality Potatoes. 1 See ine for your Seed. \ FAMILY GROCERIES? " SEE ME for the Best Flour, # Lard, Snowdrift, Sugar, Molasses, etc. V W~Don't forget that I specialize on ^ Feed Stuffs?Have the goods and the 1 right prices. M j. m. ferguson] Ij STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, J County of York. J IN TirE PROBATE COURT " ? By L. R. Williams, Probate Judge of A York County. WHEREAS J. R. KELLEY has ap- y plied to me for Letters of Ad- f ministration on all and singular, the A goods and chattels, rights and credits 1 of W. R. HORTON, late of the county C aforesaid, deceased: g These are, therefore to cite and ad- z monlsh all and singular the kindred ? and creditors of the said deceased, to >e and appear before me at our next V Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on A the 10TH DAY OF APRIL, 1913, X :o shew cause, If any, why the said V Administration should not be granted. Uiven under my Hand and Seal, this A 24th day of March, in the year X of our Lord one thousand nine \f hundred and thirteen and in the # 137th year of American Independ- A encp V L. R. WILLIAMS, ff Probate Tudge of York County. ? 24 t 2t 1 ATTENTION, VETERANS rHE Annual Meeting of Camp Mlcah Jenkins. U. C. V.. No. 704 b hereby ordered to be held Ip the ,'ourt House at Yorkville on APRIL TH. 1913, at 11 o'clock a. m. J. D. McCONNELL, Commander. 5 2t. Sweet Potatoes SEEM TO BE SCARCE. YOCJ will be Interested to learn that ve have a limited supply, and can ,1ve you a YAM at 91.25 per Bushel. >URE NANCY HALL and PURE >ORTO RICO at $1.50 per Bushel. We advise bedding in the old way? ince experience has shown this 1.0 be nore satisfactory than buying "slips." Send YOUR Order NOW. Remember WALK-OVER SHOES or Men are Best. We sell them. "Satisfaction or Your Money Back" Shannon-Smarr ? SHARON, S. C. ? 4 qlood Builder The vigor of rich, red blood makes fe worth living. Materials for all erve, mental or muscular forces must e supplied by the blood. If you have any evidence that your lood is impure, now is the time to egin taking Nyal's 8arsaparilla Compound ; purifies and enriches the blood. It jres Rheumatism, Boils, Pimples and 11 forms of Skin Troubles at 50c and LOO a bottle. Shieder Drag Store ? TSTVATi STORE ? \ Good CowIs a good Investment. With good at:nt!on she will go a good long ways iwards the support of a family. To 0 this she must get good milk-prouclng feed that will Increase the flaor of milk. I am selling a splendid >ed that increases the flow of milk, in )0 lb. sacks?$1.80 a sack. Some peole get tired living on the same diet I ave a barrel of good Mackerel at 5c ich and they are good. I am selling ice, good tasted little hams from 38c > 90c. You would be surprised how Dod they are. More new Cheese. The rice remains the same?25c. No use 1 advertising our Colfees. Our cus>mers say you auto try ours . W. H. HERNDON Farm Work Th? aonAnn ia far advanced and hen the seeding time does come, you ill of course want to make every Ige cut?you want to do away with ist motion. One of the surest ways nd best ways to raise good crops is torough preparation. Come see us! bout Turn Plows, Disc and Drag arrows and you will this year eerilnly need a Cotton and Corn Plantr. These implements are Money takers, lime Savers and Crop Proucers. They insure regular planting, ive seed and are econimical in use. have PLANTERS that are recogIzed as the BEST and we will be leased to tell you about them if you ill give us an opportunity. A Good Planter?Like Ours?will ay for itself in a year or two in time nd seed saved and better stands, ome and see us. CARROLL BROS. ANNOUNCEMENT I have recently bought the Clothes leaning and Pressing business, herefore conducted by Mr. D. M. Hawkis. and in the future Mr. Hawkins ill be in my employ. In consolldat:g the two establishments I am sure lat I can promise even better serce than our patrons have been getng in the past, and respectfully socit a continuance of the patronage of rerybody who has Clothing in need r CLEANING, PRESSING and REAIRING. If you have work of this kind, let 3 know by 'phone and we will call) >r it promptly, do satisfactory work id return your garments at the earllit possible moment. If not already a patron of the ROYL PRESSING CLUB, we will apprentA onv wnrk vnu mnv ho nlpnspd to Ive us. Start Today. Royal Pressing Clab R. D. DORSETT, Proprietor. I jSPEC 5 A KIRKPATRIC SILKS! j WE ARE SHOWN j NEW THI Id 25c PLAIN and DOTTED JAPON 3 36c 36-inch PLAIN JAPONICA S I 38c BROCADED WASH SILKS '7 76c 36-inch BLACK TAFFETA S J 7Be ALL SILK FOULARDS ^ $1.00 BROCADES?The Season's ? $2.00 40-lnch BROCADED CHAF T $3.00 40-lnch BROCADED "CREF Q $2.00 36-lnch PLAIN CREPE ME I STAPLE COl J All Colors In Best CALICOS ! J 10c 36 Inch Dark Colored MADR^ * 10c CHAMBRAYS?All Colors , h 10c LINENE (Cannon Cloth Finis if 7Jc DOMINO APRON GINGHAM 5 121c HAMILTON HICKORY 121 COTTON CREPES ,7 20c MIKADO KIMONO CREPES IS 18c COLORED TISSUE j 20c POPLINS?All Colors 11 35c BENGALINE?All Colors We are also showing Big Lines ol i A Etc., Etc. | MILLINERY J A We have received more thai J Come and see these. Let us RE^ ^ look NEW. \ Kirkpatrici X SATISFACTION OR 1 PAINTING See me at the York Furniture C< Dealers In Wall Paper, House Paint Olla Varnishes and Stains. Use Flat knot, the best interior finish, all color ALLEN WHITE, Jr., The Painter. pp\Trir ixrin i? runuju YY IIVEJ When you are ready to buy th WIRE for the fence you Intend t build, come and see us. We have TH) WIRE?As good as ever was madeand we want to sell it. Henoe on prices will please you. WAGONS? Don't buy a Wagon until you see th OWENSBORO. .This wagon has bee on the market for years and is as goo a Farm Wagon as is built and ou prices and terms will satisfy you. FARM TOOLS AND SUPPLIES? See us for Plows, Plow Shapei Singletrees, Trace Chains, Backbandi etc., and for Heavy and Fancy Ore ceries?Meats, Lard, Flour, Sugai Corn, Oats, Feed Stuffs, Etc. REMEMBER?That Dunlop's Pat ent Flour is the Best ever. Yorkville Banking & Mer. Go CITY MEAT MARKE1 BUTTER AND EGGS. The Butter and Egg mirket Is no so lively now, but we are still takini all the butter and eggs we can use. When you want Choice 8TEAKS o ROASTS come to the City Market W< make a specialty of the Best Home Raised Stall Fed Beeven and also sel the Choicest Western Meats. JUST ARRIVED? A shipment of BONELESS BOILEI HAMS, CURED HAMS and BREAK FAST BACON. We sell these by th< Pound, the Whole Ham or Whol< Piece of Bacon, aid all of It Is of th< best quality. CATTLE AND CALVE8? At all times we will buy ^11 the FA1 CATTLE and all the VEAL CALVES we can get. See us when you have anj to sell. THE CITY MEAT MARKET O. F. Staerer, Prop. House Furnishings Spring cleaning will be on now ii a short time and when this work ii over you will probably find here ant there a space that would just accommodate an odd piece of Furniture, oi a Rug, an Art Square. Now, when yoi And the spot that you want some special furnishing for, Just remember thai you can And just the wanted artlcl< at this Store we have the Furniture. the Rugs, the Squares in almos' onriloftfi vnHetv in Qualities that wll satisfy your most exacting demands ai to styleti and qualities, and you'll find that our prices are just as near rlgh as prices can be made. The first time you are passing out way, drop into our Store and let ui rhow you the many things we have lr stock. We'll be pleased to show yoi over our stock, and if you please t( buy, then we'll be pleased to sell, but your looking will not put you undei any obligation to buy. Come! Look York Furniture Co. All Kinds Garden Seen NANCY HALL SWEET POTATOES NORTH CAROLINA YAMS EASTERN YAMS, IRISH POTATOES?RED BUSS AND COB b??rs. canned goods. STRAWBERRIES. PEACHES AND APPLES, BEETS, PEAS STRING BEANS, CAN MEATS SAUSAGE. BEEF, SALMON CAPE CODFISH. WHITE fise AND MACKEREL, MINCB MEAT. O'e Can Plow Your Garden J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. INTEREST There are more kinds of lnteree than the kind you pay for mone] when you borrow from a bank There la a PERSONAL INTER EST, the kind that the officers o: THIS BANK feel in ita customer) ?an Interest which prompts ui to do whatever we possibly ear to encourage and to aid thos< who give us their patronage. Bank of Hickory Grovt Hickory Grove, S. C. T A X ij 1 J\ d tj T ?> K-BELK CO.'S j SILKS! ======== IG ALL THE | NGS IN SILKS |i riCA SILKS 15 0T8. Yd. f j !ILK 25 CTS. Yd. *3 25 OTS. Yd. f, ILK 48 CTS. Yd. ?7 48 CTS. Yd. Z?j Newest Things 75 CTS. Yd. V "J LMEUSE $1.50 * E METEOR $2.25 Yd. ? ? iTEORS $1.50 Yd. Zj TON GOODS p 5 CTS. Yd. ?! LS 5 CTS. Yd. Id 5 CTS. Yd. ? Jh) 5 CTS. Yd. La R 8 1-2 CTS. Yd. 10 CTS. Yd. VJ 10 OTS. Yd. f L 15 CTS. Yd. ?7 . r? 4 n r*nc V/l XII 1 ^ I'* via. -* mw 15 CTS. Yd. yj 25 (7TS. Yd. ? ! COLORED VOILES. BATISTES. A? MILLINERY jj n 100 NEW SHAPES this week, jj rRIM YOUR OLD HAT?Make It VJ k-Belk Co. I fOUR MONEY BACK V X FOR SALE Mrs. Drakeford residence, on the ). corner of Main and Jefferson streets. s't Harry Neil Lot, No. 1, Steele prop_ erty. , 11 Acres?Joining rear of above lot 30 Acres?On King's Mountain road, _ Joining King's Mountain Chapel. The price?91,500. Two nice new cottages on the corner of East Jefferson and Railroad ave. Front of Col. I. W. Johnson's residence. Price, $2,100.00. e 144 Acres?Joining J. C. Kirkpato rick and others; 7 miles from Sharon. E Price, 91,000.00. - 101 Acres?Known as the Sherer t place; 7 miles from Sharon. Price, 9735.00. 18 Acres?At Sharon. Price, 9700. One-Half Acre Lot and 6-room rese Idence in Sharon; Joining L. H. Good n and W. P. Youngblood. d J. J. Smith House and Lot?In Cloir ver. Price, $9,400.00. 6$| Acres?Half mile of Beersheba church; good school; 4-room house; good water, plenty of wood. $1,300.00. ' The Jim Bell house for sale, $1,750. ' 195 Acres?Near George R. Wal7 lace, Joining Avery and Smith lands, > 4 miles from Yorkvilie; 1 Z-story 6room house; 8-horse farm open; 75 ( acres In timber; 8 springs, 8 streams. Big, new barn; 8 tenant houses; half mile of Beth-Shiloh church; 10 sores > of bottom land. $S5.00 per Acre. 811-8 Acres?Joining F. E. Smith, ~ Ed Roddey and others; 2 good dwellrlngs, 40 acres In cultivation; good outbuildings. Property of J. M. Campbell. 101 Acres?Joining Harvey Hamel and Mr. Youngblood; good dwelling t and outbuildings; half mile of good t school. Price 895.00 per acre. 50 Acres?40 acres under cultiva_ tlon, good bam; 2 miles of Yorkvilie. 108 Acres?Joining the Klsers' land, near King's Mountain battle ground: i known as the Love Est lands. $10.00 Acre for quick sale. Offers wanted on it The Worthy Farm?At Sharon, conv slating of 67 Acres, nicely located on a public highway, 11 miles from depot ' Very cheap for quick sale. J. C. WILBORN. IB We WOULD SEND YOU AN ELECTRIC IRON ON TRIAL, WOULD YOU TRY IT OUT? > ir iuu riA v hj AiN x uorj ai all FOR AN IRON?THE CHEAPEST. NEATEST AND BEST, IS AN ELECTRIC IRON. WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK. CHEAP ? GUARANTEED FOR LIFE $2.25. City Electric Plant LumberOUR YARDS ARE NOW FULL OF LUMBER, and we can quickly supply the wants of anybody who wants LUMBER, either Rough or Dressed, Green or Kiln Dried. If you need any . LUMBER for any purpose, see us. Your order will be filled promptly rand you will find that our prices are Just to your liking?Not as low as were prices a few years ago?but as Low as you can find elsewhere. Don't Bny Rough or Dressed Lumber, Floor, Ing, Celling. Weather Boarding, Joists, Sleepers, Sheeting, Doors, Windows, Frames, etc., until you see us and get our prices. If you expect to put up any kind of a Building, let us make you a price. See us for Lime. Cement, Brick, Paints, Oils, Varnlsnes, Glass, Putty. ' J. J. KELLER & COMPANY | CALL ON ME t FOB COTTOLENE? ?CHICKEN FEED SNOWHITE? ?SUGAR SNOWDRIFT? 1 ?COFFEE PURE LARD? ?TEA 1 ?SPICES 1 ONION SETS AND SEED IRISH POTATOES I. W. JOHNSON i :REAL ESTATE SAY Don't you think It time to own your > own home? The Building and Loan ' enables you to do so on the monthly rent plan. Take your choice. You can't be hurt: M. M. White residence on Lincoln - avenue., Yorkville; 2-story 7-room I dwelling (brand new, too) on lot 90x ) 320 feet. Don't delay. (Miss Ida DeLoaeh residence. You know It. Enough said. M. E. Plexico residence. Qf course I It Is nice. Spencer-Dicluon residence, Yes. | certainly^ Come In. I Mrs. w. s. Peters residence, ?oam I for three houses. Pon't let this slip . you. I W. L. Wallace residence. Pelay Is ) dangerous. ; And Uston, besides those beautiful \ King's Mt, Heights lots?they are still ) b<??ng developed?I he1-' the property [ ic-^ntly opened up by C. E. Spencer, ' around his dwelling. Streets graded. > You can't help being satisfied here. \ Let me show you. Hie Walter Rose (O'Farrell) Place, ' about i mile out of town on Charlotte ? road; 87 acres; 1 tenant house. RentI ed for 1,000 lbs. cotton. For the present rent goes with place. Hurry. I The Walter W. Love Place, 117 i acres; 1 mile from town, on Lincoln . road. Is the kind to buy. You know a I good thing when you see It. Look at I this. And don't forget the , Lowry (Pardue) Place, 212 acres, U miles from Delphos. It's up to you if I you do, i Sanders-Store Place; 88 acres; Bullock's Creek township. See me. ! Geo. W. Williams RF.AT, ESTATE BROKER. That Buggy You Intend To Buy See us about it We can interest you in Quality, Style and Price. The Buggies we offer are known for their Lasting Qualities?They are not experiments in these parts. They have been sold in this section for years. The Tyson & Jones always gives satisfaction and the Sumter Buggy is a very close second in all that a Buggy ought to be. Yes, see us before you buy. . ! , ,U. MULES? Before you buy, come and see what we have to offer. We can get together en Price and the Terms. SMOAK-BROWN CO, --- S H ( At THOMSON THURSDAY, FRIDj COLGATE'S 25 C7TS. TALCUM?TWO BOXES FOR 25 CENTS. COLGATE'S DENTAL CREAM?19 CTS. PKG. MAI SAIF rS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND 8ATU1 ONE HUNDRED PAIRS MEN'S $4 PATENT, GUN METAL AND TA: ROW TOES?THESE ARE EXTRA WEAR OXFORDS?YOUR CHOICE COME EARLY AND GET YOl LADIES' H Ladles' Silk Hosiery?Black, White day, Friday and Saturday? Twenty-five Dozen Ladles' Silk Hosie ?Goods worth 75c and $1.00 Pali and Saturday?At 25 Dozen Ladles' Black Gauze Hofieday and Saturday? ...LADIES' GAl 50 Dozen Ladies' Gauze Vests?Hie Good Yard.Wide Bleaching Best CalicoGood Apron Gingham ITIWE WANT YOU TO SEE OU GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING. THE TH0MS0I THE ftinv flF SEED IRISH POTATOES er I HAVE AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT w OP MAINE STOCK, OF SEED IRISH POTATOE8 , up IRISH COBBLERS, * be BLISS, PEERLESS, er EARLT ROSE and fx HEBRONS. PRICE IS RIGHT. "J "l LOUIS ROTH i ANOTHER CON THE MANAGEMENT OF T] ORS AT ALL TIMER TO "L . TlON GIVEN IT BY THE PI SURROUNDING COUNTRY "THE BANK OF C I To those of our citizens who wli Induced by a feeling of positive faaf i SAFE DEPOSIT facilities for the ] valuable papers, Jewelry, etc., agains accidental causea This protection may be had at a ?$2.00 and $8.00 Per Year for a Bo Loan and Sa^ j! 8. M. McNEEL, President i -MULES ? SI Mr. Farmer, Just a word: We are aware of the fact that the 1913 Mule season is very nearly over; but please remember. That every day in the year i you will And us at our place of busi- m ness?The Stroup Stables?and that we will be prepared to supply you with anything you may need in either MULES or HORSES. We will always be pleased to have you call en us and assure you that we will always be in position to give you a SQUARE DEAL in a trade or In a straight sale. HORSES? We have a nice bunch of Horses, ? ? A - n.JJt-- i ana 11 yeu warn a oauurer ui hhtu, we can probably meet your requirements as to quality and price. Let us gj show you, please. JAMES BROTHERS, LIVERY ? SALE ? FEED STABLES YORKVILLE - - 8. O. p, I Spring Dri f Our DRESS GOODS DEPAUTM 9 the VERY NEWEST materials for ? X Ladles and for Children. If you ar< T ties in Dress Goods, as well as the 1 them at this store, and you will be J our Prices. We also have a very x and BUTTONS for Ladles' wear. T A SPECIAL IN SPI We recently picked up a SampU I J very latest Spring Styles, all nicely while they last they go at PER CI J SEE US for Ladies' COLLARS, y thing else that you may need in NO"! E. P. REID'S O] h Ladles, please remember that tl X the famous E. P. REID OXFORDS, a y styles in Tans, Black and White. V this line for Ladies?RUBBER SOL n on the feet as gloves on the handa ^ WALK-OVER SHO] J Men who wear WALK-OVER S else afterward when they can get W fit better, feel better than other Sho Oxfords for men. SPECIAL?A Leather Sole and Leatl PUMP?Special, Pair 5 The CLOUD Ci York County Fair ~ Yorkville Opera House ^ APRIL 10-11 ^ sts To 200 LOCAL CHARACTERS ** XA PRETTY CHORUSES? I CATCHY MU8IC IR FUNNY DIALOGUES ' to< Benefit of Winnie Davis Chapter, OA U. D. C.'s of Yorkville. an Under Direction Block Entertainment ha Company, Admission: 25 CTS., 35 CTS., 50 CTS. OF COMPANY'S \Y} SATURDAY PURE LINEN TORCHON LACE EDGING AND INSERTION? 5 CTS. AND 10 CTS. , oils u EtDAY, WE PLACE ON SALE .00 CROS8ETT OXFORDS?IN ST?PERFECT GOODS?NARBARGAINS FOR MEN WHO ! OF THE LOT $1.98 JR SIZE. OSIERY SALE and Tan?25c value?Thurs10 CT8. Pair, ry?In White, Tan and Black r?On Sale Thursday, Friday 48 CTS. Pair. -25c quality?Thursday, Frl19 CTS. the Pair. JZE VESTS... Price 5 CTS. Each. 5 CTS. the Yard. 5 CTS. the Yard. 5 CTS. the Yard. R LINES OF SILKS, DRESS OXFORDS, ETC. i COMPANYj QUALITY ? VERY CONVENIENT % That la what DeoDle are savins ot r 8-Day Alarm Clocks?Wind it ce a week. It la a good time-keepand sella for $3.50 Each. :g bens? Theae Alarm Clocks?I have eold feral dosen?are waking people t all over the United States. They ire universal satisfaction to wouldEarly Risers?Price, $2.50 Each. I have other Alarm Clocks at lowprices. )UNTAIN PENS? If you want the Genuine Waterman deal" Fountain Pen or a Parker /uclcy Curve" Pen, I have them? 1 Prlcea r. W. SPECK, The Jeweler fVENIENCE ehs INSTITUTION ENDEAVIVE UP" TO THE REPUTA- | EOPLE OF THIS TOWN AND AS ONVENIENCE" sh to enjoy that peace of mind ety, we suggest the use of our protection of their documents, t loss by burglary. Are or other s ? - a -u- a I 1 nuimntu cost cnurseu 00 nsuuu : X. I rings Bank r. P. MoMURRAY, Cashier HOES FOR EASTER It's only Nineteen more days to Easter, and everybody Is going to wear a pair of NEW OXFORDS on that occasion. I have )UGHT 1.000 PAIRS? In all the lateit styles, and they are ready for your Inspection. A visit to my store will quickly convince you that I am offering the very best values in LOW SHOES to be found anywhere In these parts. Come and take a look at my Shoe stock and Judge the qualities and prices for yourself. I am going to give away TWENTY PAIRS ABSOLUTELY FREE. Ask about them. < IE ME FOR YOUR NEEDS? I can supply them, and you'll save money by buying at my store. M. A. McFARLAND nckney Road. No. 4, YortcvWe >.ss Goods 1 ENT Is full to overflowing with ? spring' U-I1U oumuier I/Imacg tui w > looking for the newest novel- ? [ ime-tried Staples you will find a pleased with our Qualities and b complete line of TRIMMINGS r JUNG SKIRTS i Lot of Ladies' SKIRTS in the V made and in good materials? y 5NT OFF REGULAR PRICES. A GLOVES, HOSIERY and any- V [TONS. C ? FORDS ie CLOUD CASH STORE sells A ,nd is showing them in the 1913 Z re also have something new in y E OXFORDS. Aa comfortable See them. A ES FOR MEN X Shoes once will wear nothing * ralk-Over8. They wear longer, 7 e*. See our line of Walk-Over ? ler Heel WHITE CANVAS 8 CTS. \SH STORE. | eadlight Overalls We have received a complete as tment of HEADLIGHT OVER..LS in all sizes?for Men and Boyj. ladlight Overalls are the best made. 1RDEN TOOLS? If your garden calls you to work, irt right with the right Gardening ols. Let us show you what we ve. See us for Poultry Wire. Our Ices will please you. LNCY HALLSEED SWEET POTATOES. ISH COBBLER and JtED BLISS Seed Irish Pota :s. Both are good ror mis cnmaie. LRDEX AND FLOWER SEEDS Yes, v.'ft have them In large variety, d from the best growers. And also vo Onion Sets. J. M. STROUP