? The virtual endorsement of Senator THlman for the chairmanship of the committee on appropriations by President Wilson, says a Washington dispatch of Tuesday was one of the obstacles overridden by the Democratic steering1 committee and the caucus when Senator Martin, leader of the conservatives In the upper house, was selected for the chairmanship on Saturday. An assertion regarding: this indorsement and a bitter arraignment of Senator Martin are features of Senator Tillman's speech to the caucus revealed by the publication of that address as a senate document. President Wilson's letter was written to Senator Tillman on Jan. 30, in answer to Tillman's request for advice as to which committee chairmanship he snouia seek in order best to serve the incoming: president. In his speech Tillman said he would not have sought to the appropriations chairmanship had he not felt that Wilson wanted him to take the place. Attacking Senator Martin, Tillman quoted remarks attributed to the Virginia senator at the Baltimore convention, declaring Wilson "had done nothing to deserve party honor unless to help wreck it In his own state." He also accused Martin of "double crossing" him on committee assignments in the senate. ? The next meeting of the state camp of the W. O. W., which is held every two years, will be in Charleston. AT THE CHURCHE8. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. B. E Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.45 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. Henry Stokes Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. BAPTIST. Rev. J. H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.S0 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 oclock. CHURCH OF THE? OUUU BUJsrHERD. Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services?Communion Service at 7.30 a. m. Morning: service at eleven o'clock. Annual .Easter election immediately after morning service. Sunday school Carol service at 4 p. m. Special JJotiqts. County Home I Rev. J. L. Gates will preach at the County Home Sunday afternoon at 3.30 p. m. York Mill Rev. J. L. Oates will preach at the York Mill Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. At Olivet Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Preaching at 3.30 o'clock. Henry Stokes, Pastor. At Hickory Qrove. Rev. W. A. McAulay of Spartanburg, will preach in Associate Reformed church at Hickory Grove, on Sunday, March 23Td, 1913. N. M. McDill. The Livingstone Centenary v? too inn Rniiv Gftv will be cele brated at Bethesda, Saturday, March 22nd. All talent money and free will o>Te rings will be received at that time. Pinner on the grounds. Jno. A. McMurray. Card of Thanks. In behalf of myself and family I wish to thank our friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy in connection with the illness and death of my mother. May heaven's richest blessings rest upon you and yours. Mrs. Wm. Ross. Sharon, March 20th, 1913. I (Advertisement). The Yorkville Postoffice. To the Patrons: 1. I stand for re-appointment as Postmaster at the expiration of my present term?squarely on my record. 2. 1 am now, and I always have been, heartily in favor of a Government postoffice building, and to that end I have always done everything that I could do, under the rules and regulation^ of the Postoffice Department. 3. The Department only pays me 3408.00 per annum as rent for the present postoffice quarters, but in order to get that amount 1 was required to install equipments at a personal cost to myself of at least $900.00, and out of said annual rent I have to pay at least $100.00 per annum for coal, water and lights. And the postoffice sDace would easily rent, for other pur poses, for what I get net out of the , Government rental. Each and every one of the above statements is true, and each and every statement in circulation to the contrary is untrue. Maggie M. Moore. March 20th. 1913. k York Baptist Association to Meat at Rook Hill. The fifth Sunday meeting of the York Baptist association will be held with the Park Baptist church, Rock Hill, on March 29-30. The following programme has been arranged for the meeting: Saturday?2 p. m.. Devotional service, roll call and organization; 2.30, State Missions. (1) The Sunday School and State Missions, Jackson t Hamilton. (2) State Missions Among Our Mill Towns, S. R. Brock. (3) State Missions and the Rural Churches, J. H. Machen. 3.30. Home Missions. (1) Work Among the Negroes, S. M. Grist. (2) Work Among the Aliens at Our Doors, W. J. Nelson. (3) |l Work on Our Frontier, D. W. Thomasson. (4) Housing Our Homeless Churches, S. P. Hair. 5.00. Adjournment Saturday?8 p. m.. Foreign Missions. 1. Missionary Education, (a) The Religious Press a Factor, W. S. Walters, (b) Mission Study, W. E. Lowe. 2. Missionary Activity, (a) Enlistment of Our Forces, L. Gunter, S. P. Hair, (b) The Best Plan to Raise Our Apportionments, S. R. Brock, W. J. Nelson. 9.30, Adjournment. Sunday?10.00 a. m.. Stewardship, Jackson Hamilton, W. J. Nelson, S. P. Hair. 11.15, Missionary Sermon, Rev. w S. P. Hair, Fort Mill. UT T \rA1onn S* Hair?"' Committee. ^ The Minstrels. Yes. that popular, laughing, funmaking. strictly all new feature attraction, J. A. Coburn's Greater Minstrels, Is coming with an all new company, the latest songs, the newest music, the cleanest comedy and the best entertainers he has ever carried. Everybody knows Manager Coburn, everybody has seen his big, rollicking, laughing show, his merry comedians, his excellent singers, and you know erinrt olonn mnnlpAl enlovable. and always returns bigger, better, and with new people and new features. Last season Mr. Charles Gano as the star comedian, was featured as a clevp er perfoi mer. He was found to be the best that has ever appeared with this popular company. Thousands laughed at his droll remarks, his songs, his fun, and his sketches. His latest efforts, "Progressive Political Oratory" and "Managerial Difficulties" are a scream, one loud laugh. He Is ably seconded by "N'lcodemus Glynn." another new face, a new comedian with the company, but a droll, quaint, laughable, negro character artist, whose efforts will attest his capable qualities as a laugh getter. The singing and the singers are better than ever, new voices, new faces, the latest and best In music and song. Don't if forget the date March 26, at the Opera House. fecial ffofirts. 1 Communion at Union. i There will be communion services at Union Baptist church next Sunday morning. March 23. A full attendance of all the members is earnestly requested. Deacons. g _ .... 1 &he c'otton Jfiarhef. \ Yorkvllle, March 21.?Cotton. 12|c. , SWEET POTATO SPROUTS I FOR Sale: Nancy Hall, Providence! Porto Rico and Triumph. April L and May delivery; $1-75 per 1,000 f. o. b. Florida. Tomato Plants, $1.60 per 1.000. Cash with order. F. E. HULL, Rock Hill. S. C. 23 f 3t REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION.; On Saturday, March 29 j AT 11 A. M. J IN FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE DOOR AT YORKVILLE, S. C. We will sell the? < H. H. BEARD, TWO-STORY, . SIX-ROOM HOUSE, * On Main street, joining the property of O. E. Grist, J. Bolivar Scott and I others. Size of lot. 100 Feet Front, by about 300 feet deep, and containing ? One Acre, more or less. Terms?Half Cash, balance 1st November, 1913, with 7 per cent annual Interest on deferred payments, secured by the property sold. The following Tracts of the SHERER LANDS, 4 miles west of Yorkville, and 21 miles from Sharon, will also . be offered. Tract No. l?About 45 f acres, joining S. T. Ferguson. Tract ^ No. 2?About 52J acres, joining tract No. 1. Tract No. 3?Joining tract No. 2, about 301 acres. TYact No. It? . Joining Nos. 4 and 5, about 52| acres, 5 Ppp Cent Cafti: 15 per cent, 1st November, 1913; 35 percent, 1st November, 1914, and 35 per cent 4 1st November. 1915, with annual in- J terest on all deferred payments at 7 per cent, secured by the property sold. Tract No. 2 is rented for about 2,000 1 lbs. lint cotton to a good tenant J. C. WILiBORN & J. EiXJAR POAG, 1 BROKERS g No business can grow, and continu* ? *- <-- i to grow; unless us mercninom ana policies are right. This store's business is increasing month after month and that is proof of the confidence of the public. Shannon-Smarr Co. "The Home of Walk-Over Shoes in ? SHARON. S. C. ? ? Why Change i FROM A CUSTOM THAT IS 8 CENTURIES OLD? The world began to use marble and , granite when it began to build memo- ' rials?the custom has been handed ' down through the years. We erect monuments because our forefathers set the example?we fashion them out of granite or marble, not alone for custom's sake, but because marble and granite still continue to be the BEST ^ substance obtainable. See us. We are Agent for the Stewart Iron Fence. PALMETTO MONUMENT CO. JOS. 6. SASSI. Proprietor. xviuiviujjii* a. v. i r t BICYCLES E If you can't afford a gas buggy you I can afford a BICYCLE. We have a < good line of wheels?all sizes and at J all prices?Prices that will please you. 5 BICYCLE SUNDRIES? Of course if you have a wheel you occasionally have need for Tires, or Inner Tubes, Bells, Tools, etc. You can get them here. And also we are prepared to repair your broken Bicycle promptly. Let us Re-tire your Go-Cart before summer comes. COME AND SEE US? For Picture Frames, House Fur- c nishlngs, Rugs, Stoves, Sewing Ma- c chines, etc. e Carroll Furniture Co. 1 s FJI- U g MUlt MIUUI JflCUlfC MONDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT e 'The Grotto of Tortare'1 A Thrilling, Sensational Hand Color. tl ed Picture of Life in India, in Two ? Reels. . Real Elephants, Leopards and Crocodiles play important roles in the production of this film. All previous efforts to enlist the services of the ter- _ rible, blood-thirsty, untamed Kings of the Jungle pale into insignificance when compared with this great TwoReel Picture of East India Life. Something startling and thrilling in films. Also The Surgeon, a Western Drama ?Lubrin Film. Regular Prices, 5 and 10 Cents. ? PROGRAMME FOR TONIGHT? 0 HOPE?A Red Cross Seal Story, by f James Oppenheim. Edison. a BILLY McGRATH'S ART CAREER? s Comedy. Essanay. s THE GOOD OP GOLD?Drama. Sellg. o ?ORCHESTRA MUSIC TONIGHT.? t i A SPECIAL TERM OF THE MOOT COURT ? WILL BE HELD IN THE ? Court House in Yorkville, Monday Night, March 24 . Court will convene promptly at 8 o'clock with the HON. WALTER MASSEY DUNLAP presiding, and the other regular court officials discharging their respective duties. This special term is called to try the case t of- < John Doe Against I. W. Johnson This is a suit for damages in the T sum of $20,000.00, for the alleged breach of promise to marry. Messrs. John R. Hart and J. Harry Foster will appear for the plaintiff, and Messrs. j Thos. F. McDow and J. S. Brice for the defendant. Owing to the rapid gains of the suffragettes (militant), the "votes for women" movement will be recognized by having six "suffragettes" and six "sufferers" (men) on the Jury. Admission for Adults. 35 Cts.; Children 15 Cts. The receipts will be devoted to a fund for the erection of a monument to Dr. Marion Sims. J. A. TATE, Clerk of the Nood Court. FOR RENT f AFTER April l, at $10 per month* T 6-room Cottage on Corner Jeffer- Ml son and Church streets, Yorkvllle. 23 f 2t J. R. KILLIAN. STRAY BLACK SHOAT os WEIGHT about 60 to 76 lbs.; short th tail; barrow. Disappeared March m 12. Information appreciated. ROBT. a 3HINN, Care M. I* Thomasson, York- fit rille No. 2. It* cli yc MARCH 26 AND 27 at WILL be our last Ginning Days for tu the 1912-1913 season. VICTOR COTTON OIL CO. ?a 22 t. f. 2t ]? Getting Ready I As I have to move soon to make ivay for the New Court House, YOU :an buy things CHEAPER than ever v)! it SHERER'S. I! ar ^apo rated Peaches 10 OTS. Ib. 3ood Canned Corn 10 CT8. a Can. 1 Jig Lye Hominy 10 CT8. a Can. tegular 16c Quart Bottle of Vinegar _ ?Now 10 OTS. ? Everything In stock will be sold Theap?For CASH. I am selling some very fine BEEF p iow?As good as ever was sold In forkvllle. f they take My House and I?t For the Ooonty Court House Seat, tome people will either have to work, Or They won't have much to eat. OLD GEORGE THE BUTCHER. Saturday ind Monday Specials- || lc Domino Ginghams?At 3S 1-2 OTS. Yd. Ml 5 Inch 25c Embroideries?Special gg 10 CTTS. Yd. I Inch 12Jc Embroideries?Special e? 5 CTS. Yd. Jtce Bands, White and Ecrue, 25c 41 goods and cheap at that?-Saturday and Monday? 15 CTTS. Yd. We will expect YOU Saturday or rr donday. Come. \ McCONNELL'S j WHO UNDERSELLS Yorkville Opera House ? ONE NIGHT ONLY ? TUESDAY, March 25 J. A. COBURN'S MINSTRELS PRESENTING AN ALL WHITE P1 COMPANY?COMPLETE NEW DDneDlUUT c tha RAffnrifnl ELECTRIC SCENIC SPECTACLE 'PALACE OP GOLDEN DRAGON." AND ALL THAT IS NEW IN ~ MINSTRELSY?THE GREAT BIG FUN SHOW, Featuring That Droll Comedian ? CHARLES E. GANO ? knd the Sweetest Singers in MlnMrely. Sparkling Comedy?The Latest dusio?Splendkl Dancing ? Startling Novelties?Daily Street Parade ana 3and Concerts. leets on Sale, Yorkville Hardware Co. !?rioes: Reserved Seats, 75 CIS. and $1.00; General Admission, 50 CTS.; Children, 25 CTS. A blood Builder The vigor of rich, red blood makes ife worth living. Materials for all lerve, mental or muscular forces must >e supplied by the blood. If you have any evidence that your >lood is Impure, now is the time to >egin taking >5 Nyal's Sarsaparilla Compound t purifies and enriches the blood. It :ures Rheumatism, Boils, Pimples and ill forms of Skin Troubles at 50c and >1.00 a bottle. Shieder Drag Store I ? NYAL STORE ? vm rnwvFMiFNT I ILI11 UU111 L11IL111 That Is what people are saying of >ur 8-Day Alarm Clocks?Wind It ince a week. It Is a good time-keepr and sells for $2.50 Bach. 1IG BENS? These Alarm Clocks?I have sold everal dozen?are waking people ip all over the United States. They Ive universal satisfaction to would>e Early Risers?Price, $2.50 Each. I have other Alarm Clocks at lowr prices. FOUNTAIN PENS? If you want the Genuine Waterman Ideal" Fountain Pen or a Parker 'Lucky Curve" NPen, I have them? Lit Prices. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler "WRT T ni" ? iJLjux^x^v/t :r thi tit: th< "Yes." w, "That you, Mother?" PI] "Yes, child! What is the matter?" ni "Oh, Mother! That horrid husband ca; f mine has just brought in a friend qq or supper; cook has gone?no fire. jze .nd they are In a hurry to get back to 9 ome business engagement. What pa hall I do?" ,)|( "Don't bother, Dear. I will send gfl iver my Electric Grill and Percolaor, and you can nave the beasts feed- e? ng In a few minutes." "Oh, you darling! What would we ge lo without Mothers and Electricity?" SEE OUR "TALKING" MAN, ^ City Electric Plant M EASTER 5EE US iT>R YOUR EASTER NOVELTIES. \VE HAVE READY FOR YOU A 'RETTY LINE OF THESE. CANDY BASKETS, BOXES, WHITE AND PURPLE LILIES, EGG DYE. POST CARDS AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA EGGS. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. !! j louse Furnishings FLOUR ~ ... . . Say, Mr. Farmer, Isn't It about time < ?hnrt tirn? mhin Hhl? ? you were buying that 600 or 1,000 r*r vmi !?ni nr^rhit flnH h!r/?nH pounds of FLOUR that you are need- j J onniL thatin?? a^nm lng or will need soon? When you are ere a space that would Just accom- ready t0 buy gEE ug We buy our Bnie?nnA0rt innarf ?m!5P1whl^fvnf. FLOUR IN CAR LOTS, and set the 3 X* *nnt\?S? SnZ' Jmp ?nA VERY LOWEST PRICES and OUR if f^rnUMnI fnr hlr that CUSTOMERS GET THE VERT LOWrn ^n ffnrt i ?hi ortSI EST PRICES. This Hsuse has been thin ntnrr Vr hn7rth? S2 Headquarters for the BEST FLOUR . rr thp phw thl sjnnnrAB^n for year8?We shall take care of that In nlmi.. th^t^Hil reputation. If you want the BEST tl 1 rV vlnr n'?t atnrtin!r 2^,1 Flour of the Grade you prefer at the tlsfy your most exacting demands as jxiwest possible price, then SEE US. styles and qualities, and you 11 find nw,L,J?Z\, VnijT.TL '? ??n r?? At nnr nriopR lust as ncAr piffht Every sack of Flour we sell is Guari prices can be made anteed. If It is not as we represent it, l p can be made. tben pjeaae do UB tbe favor 0f bringThe first time you are passing our ingr Jt back. We don't want you to ay, drop into our Store and let us keep It. When you are ready to buy ow you the many things we have In FLOUR we will give you the LOWEST i ock. We'll be pleased to show you prices and the BEST goods. er our stock, and if you please to $?? ua f0P antj [>rafl Harrows, J ly. then we'll be pleased to sell, but Turn Plows, Cotton and Com Planters, >ur looking will not put you under Cultivators, eto. ly obligation to buy. Come! Look! We have a lot of Cow Peaa. , York Furniture Co. CARROLL BROS. , i i ^ A AAA a/TV A /TV A/TV /TV A/TV /TVA/TV A/TV /TVA/Tv A/TV A /TV A/TV A/TvA A/TV A AAA AAA Tti^T TU7T UTTtaP tPvw QtW tSTVTP li?V tJTIP TUT Tw*r ^ GENTS' FURNISHINGS I i TOMORROW WILL BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY YOUR I 1 TOGOERY?THOSE NECESSITIES THAT QO TO MAKE A WELL-DRESSED MAN?BEFORE EASTER, THE DAY ! DAME FASHION HAS SET APART AS THE BEGINNING OF THE REAL SPRING. COME AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR ? LINE OF SHIRTS, COLLARS. CUFFS, TIES, HOSIERY, ETC. YOU CAN BUY FURNISHINGS HERE AND THE QUALITIES AND OUR PRICES WILL BE QUITE TO YOUR LIKING. The $1.26 FAULTLESS SHIRT 91.00 The $1.25 FERGUSON McKINNEY SHIRTS $1.00 The $1.00 FERGUSON McKINNEY SHIRTS 75 OTS. 4 The 76c FERGUSON McKINNEY SHIRTS 50 CTTS. J Men's 76c SOFT SHIRTS ' 50 OTS. 'j ARROW BRAND COLLARS, all sizes Two for 25 OTS. i Men's TIES, good styles and shades 25 OTS. and 50 OTS. Men's HOSE SUPPORTERS 10 CTS., 15 OTS., 25 CTS. 1 Men's BELTS 10 CTS., 15 OTS., 25 OTS., 50 OTS. 1 "? - ti a t ** rinon -ii ^?i vw . w, t UNDERVESTS and DRAWERS, all sizes 15 C7T8. to $1.00. Men's HATS, all sizes, good styles 50 CTS. to $5.00 H Men's SUITS, splendid values $6.00 to $15.00. Men's SHOES and OXFORDS, all leathers $1.25 to $5.00. ] Men's EXTRA PANTS, all sizes $1.00 to $6.00. Come and Let Us Show TOU. We have the goods and our prices will please you. H The CLOUD CASH STORE. | rv a -t./ftA /rv A/n a/tva /jhAA .r./t^A a/Tv a -rtAvn /tv A/rv a./t.j, StI* waw wTt'i' Vr^krT VA'TVI? VW tiTvw Wv wTw wV wTU' W WTw WV ;eed irish Lumber*/\nn A m/\"n ri our yards are now full of 1 II /\ I I In ^ LUMBER, and we can quickly supply , V-/ i 1 1. 1 / the wants of anybody who wants LUMBER, either Rough or Dressed, t tt a -ir-c *xt ttxtt TtfTTKn Ai/nTTM n Green or Kiln Dried. If you need any I HAVE AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT DUMBER for any purpose, see us of MAINE stock, of Jour order will be filled promptly and you will find that our prices are SEED IRISH POTATOE8 t0 your liking?Not as low as < were prices a few years ago?but as t IRISH COBBLERS, Low as yon can find elsewhere. Don't j Bay Rough or Dressed Lumber, Floor- , BLISS, lng, Celling, Weather Boarding, Joists, j PEERLESS Sleepers, Sheeting, Doors, Windows, t r nuiies, eu;., uuui juu bcc ub wiu s"-' EARLY ROSE and our prices. HEBRONS. If you expect to put up any kind of a BulMlng, let us make you a price. RICE IS RIGHT. gee as for lime. Cement, Brick, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Potty. LOUIS ROTH |J. J. KELLER & COMPANY ! Thanks To All. II *- ' u THOMSON'S SALES PEOPLE WERE BUSY Tuesday and Wednesday, showing the ladies of Yorkville and surrounding country, the New Styles in Ladies' and Children's Spring Headwear. The many comments heard regarding our display were most gratifying, and we wish to thank all who attended our Opening for their presence. And < we again extend a most cordial invitation to the ladies who were unable to attend our formal Opening, to make our store { an early visit and let us show you the New Spring Dress materials and Millinery. Come. COTTON CREPES 5 New materials, very stylish and the demand is great. You'll find these at Thomson's, in Plain White and Colors, 1 with small stripes. 25 CTS. the Yard. VOILES AND RATINE Plain, White Voiles with Ratine Stripes, "Soft and clingy." < The Yard 75 CTS. Plain Crepes and Voiles in White, with small embroidered dot?The Yard 75 CTS. 45 inch Embroidered Voil Dress Patterns, in Lt. Blue, Tan, Pink and Bulgarian designs?Price $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 the Yd. NEW SPRING SKIRTS j Ladies' New Spring Skirts in Whipcords and Serges, in Tan, Gray, Black and Navy. You want to see these new stvlp Skirts nuick. while we have vour size. Price $5.00, $6.50, $8.50 and $10.00. QUEEN QUALITY OXFORDS When you wear Queen Quality Oxfords, you get Style, 1 Comfort and Quality, all in one. We are showing a Queen Quality Oxfords in Tans, Gun Metal, Vici and 1 Patent?At $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. c 90* Visit THOMSON'S for your early Spring purchases 1 in Dry Goods, Silks, Clothing, Oxfords and Millinery. Send r Us Your Mail Orders. Orders Filled Dav Received. THE THOMSON COMPANY | 1 - FERTILIZERS -|Mrs. W. H. Herndon ( The season Is on now for FERTIlr- uncr* wiuice uwtwiuiouiuiu * ERS. We are prepared to supply ?,?r Sate? 3 trade In all grades In any quan- Please, In giving your orders, state fi V from One Sack to Carloads. From which of these varieties you prefer: ? 3 Standard to the Highest Grades. Thanksgiving Queen (White), e sell Guano, Acid and Potash, Acid Dolly Dimple (Yellow). j losphate, Kalnit, Muriate Potash, Vallls (Yellow; took prize for the best r trate Soda, Cotton Seed Meal. We bloom In 1812). j n give you an attractive price on Maud Dean (Pink). t tton Seed Meals, also other Fertil- Ongawa (Golden Amber), rs. Plack Hawk (Garnet). <1 W Carload of Soda received today. Col. D. Appleton (Yellow). ?Jes having spoken for same will Florence Pullman (Cream; took prize , *se call at once. In 1912). '. , , , F !ED IRISH POTATOES? Mrs. Herndon (white; took prize in We sell Red Bliss, Irish Cobbler, 1911. irly Rose. Real nice seed. Mrs. Wheeler (Bronze). . We have Slmpklns' Prolific Cotton Nellie Prockett (Pink). ... r ed and Pope's Prolific. No deliveries will be made before Seed Corn for sale. March 30; but orders can be sent In Landreth's Garden Seed. now. Plants will be delivered at W. Onion Sets, White and Yellow. H. HERNDON'S Store, or out at "BROOKHAVEN." Phone No. 68. 11 rORK SUPPLY COMPANY. ?r n HFRNDON WH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL W. H. HtiKINUUIN CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS FOR EASTER AS USUAL, WE'RE READY FOR THE EASTER TRADE IN CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS?THE CHOICEST PRODUCTIONS OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST BONBON MAKERS? BENEDETTO ALLEGRETTI AND HUYLER. OUR EASTER LINE INCLUDES CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS IN QUARTER, HALF, POUND AND TWO POUND PACKAGES, FRESH FROM THE MAKERS, AND MORE EN ROUTE. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING EXTRA CHOICE FOR YOUR LADY FRIENDS AS AN EASTER REMEMBRANCE, NOTHING IS EVER MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS. PAAS' EGG DYES? Will give the little folks endless enjoyment In coloring Easter eggs. We have the famous PAAS' EASTER EGG DYES, put up In FIVE CENT Packages, and each package contains Eight distinct Colors, as well as SIX Transfer Sheets. Buy early as our supply is limited. YORK DRUG STORE-The Rexall Store PUBLIC CORN GRINDING . ^ WE are prepared to Grind Corn on the Ear. for feeding, on Tuesdays M and Fridays. Also to furnish Stove Wood, sawed and split, on short notice. ^ More customers wanted for Dally Milk A Supply. Phone 132. BRATTON'S FARM. J. Meek Burns, Manager. 2t ff PAINTING I See me at the Tork Furniture Co. I Dealers In Wall Paper, House Paints, 311a Varnishes and Staina Use Flat- w knot, the best interior finish, all colors. ALLEN WHITE. Jr., The Painter. ri^ts , T% 17 mat Buggy you Intend To Buy , See ua about it We can interest J rou in QuaUty, Style and Price. The I Buggies we offer are known for their B Lasting Qualities?They are not ez- M aeriments in these parts. They have m been sold In this section for years. rhe Tyson & Jones always gives sat- V Isfaction and the Sumter Buggy is a i very close second in all that a Buggy A aught to be. Tes, see us before you Is >uy. I Jfl VIT7LE8? j Before you buy, come and see what H we have to offer. We can get together ffl an Price and the Terms. | SMOAK-BROWN CO. * ; \4 FENCE WIRE 1 When you are ready to buy the 1 WIRE for the fence you Intend to ] Julld, come and see us. We have THE WIREJ?As good as ever was made? ind we want to sell it. Henoe our prices will please you. WAGONS? Don't buy a Wagon until you see the DWENSBORO. .This wagon has been an the market for years and is as good i Farm Wagon as Is built and our prices and terms will satisfy you. FARM TOOLS AND SUPPLIES? f See us for Plows, Plow Shapes, If Singletrees, Trace Chains, Backhands, K stc., and for Heavy and Fancy Gr? series?Meats, Lard, Flour, Sugar, H -orn, Oats, Feed Stuffs, Etc. ;|f REMEMBER?That Dunlop's Pat- H ant Flour is the Best ever. forkville Banking & Mer. Co. A ANNOUNCEMENT i I have recently bought the Clothes Cleaning and Pressing business, here- ? ofore conducted by Mr. D. M. Hawkns, and In the future Mr. Hawkins vlll be In my employ. In consolldatng the two establishments I am sure awai hat I can promise even better ser- seasc dee than our patrons have been get- reme lng In the past, and respectfully so- you icit a continuance of the patronage of nesssverybody who has Clothing in need we 1 >f CLEANING, PRESSING and RE- with 'AIRING. MUL If you have work of this kind, let is know by 'phone and we will call 'or It promptly, do satisfactory work P 1 ind return your garments at the earll- a >8t possible moment HOB If not already a patron of the ROT- W( tL PRESSING CLUB, we will appre- and date any work you may be pleased to we c rive us. Start Today. ment Royal Pressing Clab 9h"T R. D. DOR8ETT, Proprietor. ' LI VI CALL ON ME = FOR X1TTOLENE? J . , ?CHICKEN FEED f ?NO WHITE? I ?SUGAR 1 SNOWDRIFT? ^ ?COFFEE / PURE LARD? J ?TEA J ?SPICES { 1NION SETS AND SEED IRISH POTATOES /. W. JOHNSON J Farmers? F, SHOULD KEEP A BANK * ACCOUNT Qj because their Bank Deposit Book .ffords them a complete record of Qt heir cash receipts, while the stubs speci if their check books are a perfect CER ecord of Expenses and Payments. my t 5aylng any debt with a Check is shipj nuch safer than with money. can't First National Bank dTti IF VI Of Sharon, S. C. It at want OABJ CITY MEAT MARKET 11 butter and egos. ^ The Butter and Egg market Is not 10 lively now, but we are still taking l11 the butter and eggB we can use. When you want Choice STEAKS or j tOASTS come to the City Market We Gf re nake a specialty of the Best Home- cialty talsed Stall Fed Beeves and also sell er flti he Choicest Western Meats. celve rUST arrived? jacka A shipment of BONELESS BOILED IAMS, CURED HAMS and BRBAK- 22 'AST BACON. We sell these by the 'ound, the Whole Ham or Whole Mece of Bacon, and all of It Is of the A est quality. A L :attle and calves? /i. f At all times we will buy all the FAT hereb IATTLE and all the VEAL CALVES Armo /e can get. See ua when you have any NIGH o sell. Frlda; THE CITY MEAT MARKET 22 . C. F. Sherer. Prop. ELIJAH |l i|l This is a pictur m O / ^ than of all ^ strands of Spring Opening^ An Unqualified Success I Truly a REAL SHOW, both in the Millinery and Dress Goods Departments. Judging from the Sales in both Departments?Separately and Together?this has been our Best Opening, it you did not get to attend our opening Days, Come anyway, any time that is convenient to you, and we will be glad to show you, whether you wish to buy or not. Bring us your Old Hat and let us Retrim it?Make it appear NEW. I SPECIAL VALUES I NOVELTY DRESS GOODS I $1.00 45-inch Embroidered Voil Flouncing?Special ft 59 CTS. Yd. $1.50 45-inch Embroidered Swiss Flouncings?in colors A --Special 98 CTS. Yd. I $2.00 45-inch Embroidered Voil Flouncings?in colors ^ M ?Special $1.50 Yd. |g $2.50 45-inch Colored Embroidered Batiste?Special ft $2.00 Yd. I. 15c Cotton Foulards?all colors?Special 10 CTS. Yd. ft 15c Plain White Crepe?Special 10 CTS. Yd. t 15c Colored Tissue?Special 12J CTS. Yd. ft 20c Colored Checked Flaxons?Special 15 CTS. Yd. ft 18c White Checked Flaxon and Linens?Special | 12* UTS. Yd. V 18c Colored Poplins?Special 15 CTS. Yd. I 25 Colored Soisettes?10 to 20 yard lengths?Special 15 CTS. Yd. ^Hundreds of other Specials not Advertised SEE BIG 5c COUNTER ioc Colored Madras? 5 CTS. ioc Linen? 5 CTS. ioc Cannon Cloth? 5 CTS. 7$c Quilt Calico?? 5 CTS. ft i2|c Solid Color Chambrays? 5 CTS. I 9"Also Many Other Specials*^| 3 Kirkpatrick-Belk Co. I SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK J -MULES? 77,af Liftfe Mr. Farmer, Just a word: We are 'A of the fact that the 1913 Mule /I V A \T >n is very nearly over; but please f vlW Y Off 1TC imber. That every day In the year \JftI ft VI ft Vlftf ? will find us at our place of busi?The Stroup Stables?and that *? >? ** J?8 ?I tH?R8ES- We?w111 always "rv^e Up." and. toe. she will be Outleased to have you call on us and e you that we will always be in growing her Childish Ways?and you ion to give you a SQUARE DEAL , trade or in a straight sale. haven't had her PICTURE taken since :SE8? she was in Long Dresses. You don't e have, a nice bunch of Horses, if you want a Saddler or Driver, exactly want to keep her as she lean probably meet your require- . . _ _ . t ^ ? a as to quality and price. Let us but Tou Want to Keep the Memory. r you, please. iilSiSSSSL THE HARRIS STUDIO YORKVTLLE - - 8. O. SHELBY YORKVTLLE "creating a reserve | IS NOT DIFFICULT ONCE YOU START TO SATE f MONEY SYSTEMATICALLY ? J It you ever expect to be Independent Financially, through your 5 own efforts, you must MAKE THE START. There are TWO things L that MONEY SET ASIDE will do for YOU? FIRST?Money Saved and set aside will Protect You Against Mis- I fortunes, and? SECOND?And very Important?It will place YOU in position to 7 take hold of opportunities. w There Is no better Life Insurance han a snug SAVINOS AC- y COUNT and one that Is more prompt to pay. Let THIS BANK serve YOU In so many of the good ways that h It can. - . - t The FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 1 YORKVILLE, S. C. J "YOU HAD BETTER SAVE THAN BE SORRY" J O. E. WILKIN 8, President. R. C. ALLIEN, OMhler 3 lni?4I rcr A T*!? A.NCY [) IPC Don't you think it time to own your LVVfViJUIVll^iJ own home? The Building and Loan enables you to do so on the monthly rent plan. Take your choice. Tou iALITY IN GROCERIES is a can't be hurt: alty at my store and unleae the M. M. White residence on Lincoln s I buy are QUALITY GRO- avenue., Yorkville; 2-story 7-room IES, then I don't offer them to dwelling (brand new, too) on lot 90x rade. The goods go back to the 320 feet Don't delay. >ers. If you want the Beet in Miss Ida DeLoacfa residence. You y Groceries you can always find know it Enough said, you want at this store. If you M. E. Plexico residence. Of course come and make your select- it is nice. Phone us What you W*nt. I'll Spencer-Dickson residence. Yes, ie rest and do it quick. certainly. Come in. m.T vnrr WAVt Mr8, w- 8- Pet<5r8 residence. Room rHAT YOU WANT for three houses. Don't let this slip Is in season you are sure to find you* . my store. Try me out when you W. L Wallace residence. Delay is something good. dangerous. pt.avto? And Iw?n? besides those beautiful BAUJC PLANTO? King's Mt. Heights lots?they are still lave them. Please remember. being developed??I have the property rj ^ rT,,/x.T recently opened up by C. E. Spencer, V. E. FFiRli 11 SON around his dwelling. Streets graded. You can't help being satisfied here. Txit ma ohntv vnil __ __ "hie Waiter Rose (O'Farrell) Place, SE JACKSON REPAIR CO. about 1 mile out of town on'Cnarlotte >R Painting, Picture framing, road; 87 acrea; 1 tenant house. Rent(uggy tops and wheels. All kinds ed for 1,600 lbs. cotton. For the prespalr work. Horseshoeing a spe- ent rent goes with place. Hurry. Special attention paid to prop- The Walter W. Lore Place, 117 ting of shoes. Your work will re- acres; 1 mile from town, on Lincoln prompt attention at our shop at road, Is the kind to buy. You know a on Bros. good thing when you see It. Look at Yours truly, this. And don't forget the JACKSON REPAIR CO. Lowry (Panlue) Place, 212 acres, 1} 2t* t.f. miles from Delphos. It's up to you If you do. . , , mmTinrmT/w _ Sanders-Store Place; 88 acres; BulTTENTION COMPANY L lock's Creek township. See me. L members of Company "L," _ ... irst Regiment S. C., N. G., are f Tpn \A/ WllllSmQ y ordered to attend drills at the ucu' vv ?V 11110,11*0 ry. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY mtatTC RROKFR ITS. at 7.30, from and after REAL &8TATE BROKER. y, March 21. PAUL N. MOORE, Captain. 9V Use the Best Stationary, Its the 8t' cheapest. Ord*r it from The Enquirer. ?OD FENCE I e of Ellwood hog fence. More of this style is used I other makes combined. In connection with several I plain barbed wire, it puts up a fence that is abso- 1 pig-tight and will also turn large stock. 1 ,Wv. 26INCH - DO IT NOW WHILE YOU CAN DO - NOTHING ELSE. What?;Putup n/VAAAAAAAAAA/l and cheapest of Wire fences, and 111 J fry wood Is the BEST wire to use. It has i M V n VV U V Vb irTTTrt *>een te8ted 'or years and Its staying rOT7TA/Tf\7\AA/w\7T/V qualities have been demonstrated In I"#*. MMHHMKAA /nvftt scores of hundreds of tests. See us V VVUUUtf roMV irVArl for the Wire you need. We have it. wrwii^ Yorkville Hardware Co.