destroyed 3,300 buildings, rendering 15,000 homeless and entailing a property loss of $2,500,000 Frank Romeo, a murderer, was executed at the Utah penitentiary Thursday. The condemned S man was strapped to a chair and shot to death by a tiring squad A steamer left Baltimore last week for Amsterdam, loaded with 324,615 bushels of corn, two train loads....Ye Ho NaLa, titular dowager empress of China, died Sa.urday. She was the widow of Emperor Kwangsu, who died November 13. 1908 Thomas H. Plummer was in court at Pittsburg, Pa., Friday #n a charge of bigamy. Wife No. 1 with six children and wife No. 2 with one child, were both in court, and testified as to Plummer being an ideal husband and jt father. The court suspended sentence, t requiring Plummer to live with wife > No. 1 and support both families Percy Newkirk, a negro, was legally hanged at Gulfport, Miss., Friday, Just one month after he had killed the chief of police of that town Thirty-three T?/vkufa uofaronfl f\t thp Chiater i muiait viucio, vvw*u..w v. ?..v ' wars, were in New York last Saturday to take part in the laying of the cornerstone of a gigantic monument to be erected at Port Hamilton, New York harbor, as a memorial to the North American Indians. President Taft, the "big white chief" took part in the ceremonies Lord Haldane, lord high chancellor of England, will be the principal speaker at the annual meeting of the American Bar association nt Mon* treal, Canada. September 1st. This will be the first time on record that a lord high chancellor of England has left the empire while holding ofllce Judge Nathan B. Goff. of the United States circuit court, has been elected to the United States senate by the West Virginia legislature The Pennsylvania * railroad company will erect a $25,000,000 terminal station in Chicago... .The remains of seven children were burled in one casket at Pittsburg, Pa., Sunday. The children had lost their lives in a fire which destroyed their home on the previous Wednesday night A Bulgarian army aeroplane, while reconnoitering over Adrianople on Saturday, was hit by a Turkish shell and fell inside the lines. The aeroplanist was made a prisoner A surgeon at Montreal, Canada, on Saturday, performed the unusual operation of removing a bullet from the heart of a man who had been shot several days before. The patient is reported as improving Five out of ten strikers \ on trial at Hackensack, N. J., for the i murder of two railroad detectives in a i riot last fall, were convicted at that place Saturday and given sentences aggregating sixty years Ex-President Porfiro Diaz of Mexico, now living in Spain, has refused to make any comment on the situation in Mexico Exspeaker Joseph Cannon will retire from the house of representatives next Tuesday, after a service in congress of thirty-eight years According to a report Just issued by the commissioner of internal revenue, the United States consumed 94.000,000 gallons of whisky frnm-Julv 1st to February 1st, an in crease of 5,000,000 gallons over the same period the previous year. During the same period 8,500,000,000 cigarettes and 25,000,000 cigars were consumed A sleet storm during thirty hours ending Saturday morning, caused damage to k the amount of 11,000,000 In Chicago The Pennsylvania railroad has within the past thirty days placed orders for 12,305 freight cars, costing a total of $17,048,575 Grahame-White, the English aviator, is making arrangements for an aeroplane flight across the Atlantic. He proposes to carry four or five passengers and believes he can cover the distance in thirty to fifty hours. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. No prayer meeting on account of the protracted meeting at the Presbyterian church. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Services every morning at 10 o'clock and in the evening at 7.30, throughout the week, conducted by Rev. A. R. Shaw, of Charlotte. TRINITY METHODIST No prayer meeting on account of the protracted meeting at the Presbyterian church. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Services Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock and Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. ASSOCIAE REFORMED PRESBYTPDTA V J Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Special Jlotos. Oyster Supper At Mr. Foster Jackson's, Friday night, February 28, for the benefit of Concord school. Public invited. It At Allison Creek. These will be preaching Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, by the Rev. J. T. Dendy. Sneezing, Moping Fowls Have Roup. Cure them quickly with Conkey's Roup Remedy. Get it on money-back guarantee at York Drug Store. 14 4t* Wagons, Etc., at Cost. We offer our entire stock of Wagons, Buggies, Harness Implements and Hardware at Cost for the next 30 days. 14 f 2t. W. I. Wltherspoon Co. Preaching at Smyrna. Rev. A. S. Rogers of Rock Hill, will preach at Smyrna next Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., and at Cherokee Falls in the evening at the regular hour, March 2nd. R. T. Castles. Card of Thanks. We take this means of expressing to our friends, our gratitude for the assistance rendered, and the many deeds of kindness shown us, during the recent illness and death of our beloved mother. Blanche and Clyde Cain. York County Teachers The third meeting of the York County Teachers' association will be held at Winthrop College on Saturday morning, March 1st, beginning at 10.30 o'clock. It Buy Your Frost Proof Cabbage Plants from F. S. Cannon, Meggets, S. C. 1,000 to 4,000 at $1.25. 5.000 to 9,000 at $1.00. 10,000 to 15,000 at $0.90. Special prices on larger orders and satisfaction guaranteed. 97 t Apr. 1. DON'T LET YOUR LIVER GET LAZY Dodson's Liver Tone Will Keep It Working and Make You Feel Well and Clean?No Bad After Effects. If you have allowed your fear of calomel to keep you from toning up your liver when it gets a little sluggish and lazy?try Dodson's Liver Tone, and note how quickly and harmlessly it starts the liver and relieves constipation and bilious attacks. When you take Dodson's Liver Tone, you do not have to stay in the house all day. None of the weakening and harmful after-effects of calomel follow its use. Dodson's Liver Tone is a mild, pleasant, vegetable liquid that cannot hurt either children or grown people. Yet it easily overcomes the most stubborn and inactive liver without making you quit eating or working. These are not just claims. The York Drug Store backs up every one of these statements and agrees to refund the price of Dodson's Liver Tone with a smile to any person who pays his 50 cents for a bottle and isn't satisfied that he got his money's worth. Imitations of Dodson's Liver Tone are another proof that it is a good thing. Nobody ever imitates a poor remedy. Be sure you get the genuine Dodson's Liver Tone?the kind that is guaranteed. ?he (Cotton Iflarhet. Yorkville, February 24.?Good middling cotton 12J cents. OLD MAID'S CLUB AND "Tom Thumb's Wedding-" Frl day night, February 28, at Cottoi Belt School at 8 o'clock. Admission 15 cts. Public Invited. It* G. M. CARROLL. TIME TO PAY UP Subscribers to The Yorkvin* Enquirer on our clubs will pleasi settle at their earliest convenience. JOHN K. ALLISON. JEFF D. WHITESIDES. FOR SALE LIMITED quantity of Stoney'i Prolific (Mustard Seed) Cotton Seed. The most satisfactory cotton ] have ever planted. Price $1.00 pei bushel. W. DOVE. 1 fi t.f. 2t NOTICE. ALL members of Philanthrope Lodge, No. 32, A. F. M., are here> by notified that at the next regrulai meeting, March 3rd, the Proposed By< Laws and Amendments thereto, of th< Lodge, will be given a second reading A full attendance is requested. 16 t.f.2t F. E. QUINN. Sec. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR Sale- In Yorkvllle. The McLair property, which consists of ovei 100 choice building lots in the eastern portion of the town of Yorkvllle. Can be purchased in small or large tracts and on easy terms. This Is an attractive proposition for homeseekers business men and Investors. Apply tc Rev. J. M. McLAIN, Clover 8. C. 10 t. 4t. ALL SUBSCRIBERS WHO are on my club for the yeai 1913-14 would confer a favor bj paying up on or before March 12th It is impossible for me to see all of m> subscribers, or even a small numbei of them, myself, so I shall appreciate their promptness in the matter of settling up at once. In sending postal mo vnolro thorn nftV able at Yorkville. The club price ol subscriptions Is $1.75. STANHOPE LOVE. Clubmaker. Yorkville R. F. D. No. 1. oommtr wt w.v.nuciAOQb ITmW WE ARE AGENTS IN YORKVILLE for ED V. PRICE & CO., of Chicago, perhaps the best known of all the Merchant Tailors in the United States. Everything that Price & Co. turns out of its tailoring shops is the VERY BEST of its kind Call and see our SPRING LINE OF SAMPLES, let us quote you prices and take your measure. We Guarantee a Perfect Fit, Best of Quality and Low Prices. Let us show you TODAY. CLOUD CASH STORE W. O. HARSHAW, Manager. Attention, Farmers To Insure a MAXIMUM Crop at a MINIMUM COST, you should prepare your land with the Genuine OLIVER CHILLED PLOW And fertilize with the BEST FERTILIZER. You can get the OLJVEB PLOWS FROM US?in almost any desired size, and we have a MIDDLE BURSTER That is a real smooth article?it does its work satisfactorily and is a Time and Labor Saver. And, for the FERTILIZERS Let US tell YOU about OURS, and Quote You Prices. WE can do YOU good on FLOUR, too. Just give us a chance TODAY. Shannon-Smarr Co. ? SHARON, S. C. ? McCONNELL'S SPECIALS Three More Cases of Ladies' Oxfords opened this morning?All makes All Styles, All Leathers?At 98 CTS. a Pair, By Parcel Post, send $1.05. If nol satisfactory will return 98 cts. 600 Yards Kindergarten Cloth?Better than Galatea?At 12 1-2 CTS 1 Case Brown Linen?Special 10 CTS. Yard WE ARE MAKING BIG CUTS In prices on MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. You will find here the largest and most complete line in the city Come?We are looking for you. McCONNELL'S ' WHO UNDERSELLS Eight-Day Alarm Clocks 1 HA V Cj 1 nCiiM. i uu nave ucci used to the Alarm Clocks that must b< wound every 24 hours. I now offei my trade a Reliable Alarm Clock (a good time keeper) that Will run mort than Eight Days wltli one winding:, recommend this 8-day Alarm Clock t< those who want to be rid of the everj day winding. It is a good one and i sells for only $2.5( BIG BEX ALARMS? Everybody knows that Big Ber Alarm Clocks are as good as the best I sell them and they are guaranteed It is a 24-hour clock, steady or inter mittent alarm and thoroughly depend able. The price is $2.50 Each i aiso nave omer Aiitnii a. lower prices. 99~ See me for Waterman "Ideal" anc I?arker "Luckv Curve" Fountain Pens T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler You'll Find Us In the Barn In Rear of Mr. J M. Stroup's Store?This Ban We Have Leased for a Term o Years?We Expect to Stay. COME AND SEE VS? We have Mules and Horses tha we want to show you whethei you wish to buy or not. If yot do want to buy, we know that w< can Interest you in Quality and it Price. We have the Quality an< we make the Price Right. I NEXT MONDAY?SALESDAY? In addition to what we alread: have on hands, we expect to re ceive another car of Mules ant Horses next Saturday, and will bi glad to have you come and see ui before buying. We will certainly Give You a Square Deal Always JAMES BROTHERS, LIVERY ? SALE ? FEED STABLE.' YORKVILLE - - S. C. FOP SALE ~ 165 Acres?Near George R. Wallace, Joining Avery and Smith lands, ' 4 miles from Yorkvllle; 1 2-story 6room house; 3-horse farm open; 76 1 acres in timber; 3 springs, 3 streams. * Big, new barn; 2 tenant houses; half < mile of Beth-Shiloh church; 10 acres 1 ? of bottom land. $35.00 per Acre. i J. C. WILBORN. , FERTILIZERS [ We are prepared to furnish Fertilr lzers made from the BEST materials. We received a letter from the manufacturer saying: "We are prepared to "/vm oil irro d oo t\f ommnnlatAH goods In excellent mechanical condi, tion. We use in their manufacture ? 'm only the very best materials, such as r high grade Blood, genuine slaughter . house Tankage, and fine ground Fish. J We have Acid, Acid and Potash, ' * Kainit, Muriate Potash, 9-2-2, 8-3-3, 1 8-4-4, Nitrate of Soda all shipped and expected this week. Can make a good price on Cotton i Seed Meal. i Come to see us for everything you i t need in Plantation Supplies. : YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. , WHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL i wirwn r? PFHPIF ; WldL mw ; r To see us for FURNITURE and > HOUSE FURNISHINGS. They have | long since learned that we have the . goods and can supply their wants. A ' visit to our store now will be a reve- ] lation to Furniture buyers. We have f the largest stock we have ever carried J - and we are making prices as low as prices can be legitimately made. i If you want Iron Beds, Brass Beds, J Springs, Mattresses, Side Boards, Din- t Ing Tables, Dining Chairs, Rockers. etc., come and let us show you. YORK FURNITURE CO. | Presidential inauguration Washington D. C., > March 4th, $13.40 ? Via ? SOUTHERN RAILWAY ? Premier Carrier of the South t FARES?The Round Trip Fare from 8 Yorkvllle, S. C., will be $13.40, with J correspondingly low fares from ( other points, via Southern Railway. 8 DATES OF SALE?February 28th, 5 March 1st, 2d and 3d. * FINAL LIMIT?Tickets will be 11m- e Ited to reach the original starting c point returning before midnight F ** *- into. ...UU + Wrv C oi jxiarcn iuia, i jio, mm hw i privilege of extension to reach original starting point returning before midnight of April 10th, 1913, by deposit of ticket with Joseph Richard' son, Special Agent, Terminal Station, Washington, D. C., not later 1 than midnight of March 8th, 1913, " 1 and upon payment of fee of $1.00 at ' time of deposit. r For information regarding Tickets, Fares, Schedules, etc., call on Ticket Agent or address W. E. McGEE, t Assistant General Passenger Agent, > Columbia, S. C. W. IL CAFFEY, Division Passenger Agent, J Charleston, S. C. 5 1 THE GREAT COMEDY DRAMA \ "The Face At The Window" j By Author of "Those Dreadful Twins" e Will Be Presented By t The Hickory Grove Amateurs ; In tlie Hall of the t : New High School Building < AT HICKORY GROVE, S. C. ON Friday, February 28th 1 Doors Open at 7.30 P. M. Curtain Rises at 8.00 O'clock. This entertainment will be under the auspices of the Hickory Grove School Improvement Association for ' the benefit of the school. Come and see our New Building and enjoy an evening with us. Admission: Adults, 25 Cts.; Children, under 12 years, 15 Cts. . Not to Please Anybody Else In buying Life Insurance the first thing that should be considered is the age and financial strength of the Institution which you will make the trustee for those whom you are seek- . ing to protect. You should know exactly how long it has been in business j and whether or not during its entire ' career it has ever been guilty of any _ act that was contrary to either the ~ written or moral law, or whether it has ever or does now issue contracts j that cannot be as easily understood I . when read or explained by the lay- * man as the expert, and whether or not its average cost is high or low, as compared with other companies on similar contracts, and Remember: The time to lnvesthrate Is BEFORE you 'my; not afterward. Also remem- 1 ber that you are buying L'fe Insurance - to protect your family or estate?NOT 1 to please anybody else. You can't afford to experiment with life insurance, 1 for you won't be on hand when your policy matures?not unless you have an endowment. As you know, I represent the Mutual Benefit Life Insur1 ance Company of Newark, N. J., and , J have for fourteen years. It has been r in business 68 years. You can invesL tigate it without cost or incurring any * obligation. There are over 8,000 pol* icy holders in South Carolina, and ' over 500 in York County. | SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. ' W Engraved Calling Cards, Script lettering, 100 for $1.35, at The Enquiri er Office. AfT*t A ALTiA AlT1 A ro t..-1 VTW VVw W I mom New Sprin NEW WHITE COTTOX VOILESRATIXE STRIPES, WHITE VERY FINE, SHEER GOO DRESS G1 f RENFREW, 32 inch GINGHAM f< GALATEA C All New Spring Styles In all Shad t Waists?Price I MUSLIN UN \ FOR LADIES A? 1 CAMBRIC and NAINSOOK mat Covers and Pants?Styles and MEN'S SPRi: f New Spring line of MEN'S NEG1 and New Spring Colors?Price 9T VISIT THIS STORE EVERY HERE DAILY. WE ARE GLAD 1 * REMEMBER O THE THOMSO * ?+? +?* ?*? ?*? +?+ ?*< STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. | County of York. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons that the undersigned has withdrawn from and ceased relationships with the Yorkville Motor Car Company, and will not be responsible for any contracts entered Into or any iccounts opened or made in the name 3f said Company whatsoever. H. N. SINGLETARY. Dated, Feb. 20th, 1913. 16 t 4t FERRY'S sh.f.hs We have Just received a large aslortment of , D. M. FERRY & CO.'S GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS This brand of Seeds is always found to >e Absolutely reliable. ; Let us sell you SEED IRISH POTATOES IRISH COBBLER, RED BLISS. We will also be glad to furnish you with ONION SETS. J. M. STROUP THE EVERYTHING STORE, tf. B.?Octagon Soap?We are still jelling 6 Cakes for 25 Cts. Wachinorfnn's T V UUlllll^^Vxa u Monument [a the mark of a grateful country's regard. The monument you order from is will be the symbol of your affection 'or those at rest. We execute either the simplest or nost intricate monument work with iqual care and skill. As such work akes time, we suggest that you order iow instead of waiting until later. We are selling agents for the celeirated Stewart Iron Fencing. 'ALMETTO MONUMENT CO. JOS. G. SASSI, Proprietor. YOJIKVILLE. S. C. TRY IT IUST ONCE You are always glad to follow the eximple of wise and prudent men in all hings but banking. You have not got i prosperous neighbor who does not sarry a bank book. Why don't you? ?all today and make a small deposit as i starter. Try it just once and 'see If 'ou don't step a little higher when you ro home to your family. It is much ;asier to forge to the front with one of mr neat little bank books in your ocket. Don't take our word for this >ut try it, Just once. The Bank of Clover, j OIiOVBR, a. o. MIGHTY MITES , A TIP TO POULTRY RAISERS jj The very mild winter bids fair to >rlng an Immense crop of mites to rour chickens this summer. 8t?rt to ight them now?Today. Clean your >oultry yards thoroughly of all drop- j >ings and then whitewash all pens and ' ioops. Make your whitewash this way: V Take a half-bushel of unslaked lime, >ut it In a barrel and pour enough wa- < er on it to slack It thoroughly; cover I vith a sack and let it stand 24 hours; J hen thin with water to a consistency :hat can be applied with a brush, after Ldding one-half gallon kerosene oil. \.pply the whitewash to roost, pens, ences, coops, etc., and thoroughly iprinkle yards and runs with dry lime, rhis treatment will do much to keep ( he mites in check. Sprinkle lime on j :he places where your hens take their lust baths. Get your lime from us. rhe sooner the better. CARROLL BROS. 1 W Feed your chickens on CORNO , -uuiii 7 r* wu. Cabbage Plants ? TO INSURE A QUICK AND SURE J Z1R0P, PUT YOUR PLANTS OUT EARLY. Take no risk in Quality? 3et the BEST. You will find Fresh Plants of BEST Quality at my Gro- r :ery daily at 12 1-2 CTS per 100. My Plants are grown by reliable growers tnd I can furnish wanted varieties. SEE ME FOR ALL KINDS? Of Feed Stuffs, Grain, Flour, Meal, Etc. Fresh Vegetables, Choice Fruits ~ ind Candles, always in stock. Meet four friends on the Corner?the Railey Building?At SHARON. J. D. HOPE \ G. H O'LEAKY j ' c REMEMBER i THAT WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR TJItMTURE. STOVES, 1 Alt NESS, SADDLES, or ANYTHING IN MY LINE, THAT I HAVE A NEW. CLEAN LINE TO SELECT FROM? QUALITY AND PRICES SECOND TO NONE. A SIMPLE COMPARISON II WILL CONVINCE YOU. ? ASK FOR IT. n F G. H. O'LEARY ? v ? F 3 ?*? *?* ?+? +&+ *?+ ?*? ?+ ^ 50ACS i g Fabrics. -PLAIN WHITE, WHITE WITH 3 WITH EMBROIDERED DOTS , DS?NOW ON SALE. INGHAM 3r School Dresses, In all colors. } LOT H es, for School Dresses, and Boys' 15 CTS. and 18 CTS. Yard. DERWEAR *D CHILDREN erlals In Gowns, Skirts, Corset g Makes all new. vc; SHIRTS LIGEE SHIRTS, In Plain White 8 $1.00 and $1.50 DAY?NEW GOODS ARRIVING ro SEE YOU. b UR QUALITY IN COMPANY 1 it. .^1 rt? iT-iiTi iTi iti Lri >t T*. .t. r^ TVT wTw TvT TutT VTW C GUILTY A?S I maX ft was some day. Last jaturaay-to cut mUch %ur been a nice, clear day we would not have b The "WIZARD" said in 'Surely we Oi his opening announcement and we're having it, not only Saturday, but Saturday we have planned for another BigE WE HAVE THE BEST BARGAINS TO BE FOUND IN TOWN IN | TINWARE, ENAMEL WARE, GLASS AND UKUt'KKKi WAKE?GOING FROM 5, 10, 15, 25 and 48 CTS. EXTRA PANTS QITITQ A \in HAve to Be Seen to Be MEN'S AND 1 dUild AilU Appreciated. FLEECED LII $5.00 values $3.89 nVrOPHATQ $4.00 values $2.98 UNDE1 V/ f LIVljUA I O $S and $2.50 values SO Cta values? $2.38 Get Your's Early?They won't ODDS AND ENDS $2.00 and $2.50 values S8 last long at the prices we $1.29 are offering them. $20.00 values $11.48 H A 1 $18.00 values 0.08 We have best in allSty|eSi S $15.00 values $8.98 Cap8 $12.50 values $7.48 ^ ^ $10.00 values $6.48 $150 Va|ue_Sa)e prics Boys' Suits lt.00 Value?Sale Price $5.00 values $3.25 Pomomhor thprp arp nnh $4.00 values $2.48 ~ ^ $2.50 values $1.98 I but the "WIZARD" is on the $2.00 values $1.10 SLASH PRICES. Yorkville's Best V II STORE J. V\ "Ask Anybody YORKVILLE, PAINTING vrDTn ,7rDe See me at the York Furniture Co. J i\t\ f f f ,1 Af^ll * i >ealers In Wall Paper, House Paints, * >lla Yarnlshes and Stains. Use Flat- . ' :not, the best Interior finish, all colors. THOSE HAVING USED an ALLEN WHITE, Jr., The Painter. ph NAVASSA FERTILIZERS we AND WANTING THEM ^ ^ j^j I J AGAIN?CAN BE ACCOMMODATED. POT ATOES 1ALSO HAVE ~ ETEWAN? y? See me for your Seed Irish Po- VA.-CAROLINA ^ atoes and get them In the ground at AND A FEW he Earliest Possible Moment. OTHER BRANDS. \V< GOOD SEED (I have them) of ?OOD VARIETIES (I have them), ? y ^ 'LANTED EARLY Insures Better I J 11 I IH K I 1 I H Tleld. of Better Quality Potatoes. KJIU XX X XX J See me for your Seed. FAMILY GROCERIES? SEE ME for the Best Flour, T) 1? A I 17 CT A T17 1 |'>l? J_ X Jl/ ? WDon't forget that I specialize on ^ 'eed Stuffs?Have the goods and the SSttSSSSSS '' Ight prices. ^ You Want The,,,? see Me J r. M. FERGUSON Aplace J 117 Acre*?One mile from lncorpor- J ate limits of Yorkville on Lincoln road, ? T^1_ _ _ J recently graded and sanded by coun- k X ne VjOOU ty- Good 10-room dwelling; barn; 2 v tenant houses. Or for Lowry (Par- J - % due) Place of 212 Acres; 1} Miles L ot thp IJ Of! from De,phos- a H.lV' Don't you think you would like to 2 own your home? Then see me about j n our? a LOT, and let the Building and Loan I NYAI/8 COD LIVER OIL build you a house. Those King's Mt. 7 I'mttt einv Heights lots are unsurpassed. Or If 3 .v ~7. , , , 4 , you want a lot In Herndon Heights, 1,1 fou get every medicinal element of ^ave It. * he finest quality of Norwegian Cod Possibly you want a home ready to!? Jver Oil without the disagreeable move jn- Then the Miss Ida deLoach A aste. The use of our Cod Liver Oil residence; or the M. E. Plexlco resl- X b best where there is loss or weight, dence; or the Spencer-Dickson resi- y owerlng of vitality, any affection of denc6( or the Mra peters' residence, ? he threat, lungs or passages. Cures are nlce propositions. A olds after every other remedy falls. ^ TTr ....... " If you want to get fat use CjCO. VV . WllliaillS V EMrLSION.D LIVER REAL ESTATE BROKER. S ?rlce?50 Cts. and $1.00 Bottles. - # THIS IS THE PLACE? Shieder Drag Store to boy } ? NYAL STORE ? ^ COFFEE PLANTING f2Spcud M 19 13 er See me for all grades of? _ Fli Yes, not only Field Crops, but a ~~" MOLASSES. boi vlng has to come out of Old Moth- .. . ar? r Earth. A Garden Is. If prepared, AWO Ior TV alf the battle of life. Among the CHICKEN FEED? lany early seeds to be planted are RUMFORD BAKING POWDER y eas, Onion Sets. Cabbage, Early OCTAGON SOAP In lose and Red Bliss Irish Potatoes. svATrnmcn ?vn mTDP t mn ma rices are reasonable. Plant them, SNOWDRIFT AND PURE LARD. ,-ork them?you will not regret It. . ... rArrirnmr 1 eople are looking at the COVING- I \A/ If Iff /i/Vf l/V ha' 'ON Cotton, Corn and Pea Planter. wl] lave you seen It? I honestly be- - us leve It will be the best Invested $12.50 ou ever made If you expect to conInue planting Cotton Seed. It saves ^ Carbons for typewriter and penibor; It saves seed; it spaces, so hoe- ci! The Enquirer Office, $2.00 will Ka nhnonar fft VA11 I 4/V\ -? a.- TL* IS \ mm A uAll life vv V.UV?*|/V? fcvr UUA, I w inociv? I IIV l\MIU /VM iiatv- i W. H. HERNDON """ |,*yi"'' *3Q0 ** 71af Little I ELLW Gir/ of Yours I f| * ? * j |:i 'I This is a pict She'll soon be having her hair I m Ljj| -> ^ ^ ^ . than of 2 Done Up," and, too, she will be Out- I | Jl j Strands C rowing her Childish Ways?and you I ^ 1^1 . ^ .. . . ^ ^ . lutel1 laven't had her PICTURE taken since I he was in Long Dresses. You don't fcf plain barbed wire, it puts up a fence that is abso- I Y pig-tight and will also turn large stock. 26INCH ^ JT RIGHT NOW?What? Why. put up that ELIAVOOD WIRE FENC(VWVVV VW V y U y V ING that you have been intending to ' A A A A AA AA AAAAA/ put up tor 80 lon*- 11 ttu,Y Defore UUmU H H M ^ H ^ 'K H H H you be8ln your Spring farm work? I \| u \| |/ Vf \7 Vf U If il1 UUyi NOW is the best time to do it, and rrr/TTr/Cf\/\1 i^TOAj'OAyO! be8ldes you probably have more lelsore now than you'll have later. Of f V M H u n 1 MM a l f H I course, you know that ELLWOOD is the BEST wire you can possibly use, iMBMNRORnnwwMPoa'gsMHl Yorkvillc Hardware Co.