Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, January 07, 1913, Image 3

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f - on January 14, still it is interesting to speculate on who would lead the light on the two sides were an ad- : ministration fight to be launched in the general assembly. Speculating along this line is interesting, for much . of the success of a legislative, as well as any otner ngnt, depends in a large measure on the ability of the leaders. -It must be borne in mind that in picking the probable leaders the fact that the majority of the general assembly is composed of new members makes it easy to overlook possible material, for many of the new mem- ' bers are unknown, and strong leaders otien develop out of the new material, replacing those of long service. If this doesn't happen this session ' one will be surprised, for never was there a more favorable opportunity \ for developing strong legislative leaders. Many familiar faces will be * missing in both branches this year. * Some of the prominent men of the r 4* last legislature did not stand for re- y flection, wnue outers went auwu iu t uefeat, being replaced by delegations of opposite political complexion, this being particularly true of Spartan- , burg, where a strong anti-Blease rj delegation, except one, was defeated . and in their places strong Blease , men sent up. The legislature last year was overwhelmingly anti-Blease ~ and by reason of the fact that half of t the state holds, over, most of the . leaders in that body will be on hand ^ again this year. Anti-Blease senators as Clifton, of Sumter, Sullivan, of ? Anderson, Hall, of Cherokee, Lawson, of Darlington, hold over. In ad? ? dition, Senators Carlisle, of Spartan- Jj burg, and Johnstone, of Newberry, and Christensen, of Beaufort, were , re-elected and these, reinforced by t the others of similar political faith, . will be on hand prepared to lead the fight on the administration if it * comes. On the Blease side, leaders r like Senators Strait, of Lancaster, ? Appelt, of Manning, hold over. Senator Johnston, of Greenwood, replac- es Mr. Waller, increasing the Blease following. These and others of like political leaning will be present to back the administration of Governor Blease if a fight is launched. Sen- 0 ator J. B. Green, of Marlboro, a j strong anti-Blease man, died last summer and his place will be taken p by former United States Senator c , John L. McLaurin. Both factions v ^ claim him. In the house, prominent c M anti-Blease leaders like W. F. _ w stovpnsnn. of Chesterfield. J. J. Evans of Marlboro, P. T. Youmans, of Richr land, and others, reinforced by form- er Speaker R. S. Whaley, of Charleston, and others of the new members will compose the membership and be F ready to lead the onslaught on the 1 administration If one Is started. On ? the Ble&se side of the house, George J R. Rembert, of Richland, "Josh" " Ashley, of Anderson, and others were * returned and reinforced by new members as C. C. Wyche, of Spartanburg, e and others will be there ready to de- c fend the policies of the governor and A answer the attacks of their oppo- E nents. The Blease following in the house is much larger this year than e last and just how large it is, no one 2 knows exactly yet. Certainly they have more than one-third and thus the governor's veto of any measure _ will be effective, for it takes two thirds vote of both branches to override the veto. However, it is believed that surface harmony will prevail at least during the first part of the session, and the general indications are that there will not be a repetition d of the stormy scenes of last session, t< when the governor and the general assembly locked horns in a bitter and a prolonged struggle. It is the hope of 1 the people, apparently, tnai mere wm _ be less politics and more constructive ~ legislation. TRUSTS THE CONVICTS 1 QAMSurnor of Orogon Has Revolutioniz' ed Conduct of Stato Prison. In the "Interesting People" department of the January American ? Magazine, appears an article about _ Governor Oswald West, of Oregon, who likes to trust men. He let a life-term murderer out of prison r long enough to earn money to pay off a mortgage on his father-in-law's b home, the money having been spent r to hire lawyers to defend him. Foi- I lowing is an extract: "Out in Oregon there is a gover- nor who believes in men?even though they have sinned against society and 1 have been committed to the keeping J of the penal institutions of the state. 1 Oswald West believes in men to such r an extent that sixty-two per cent of a the prisoners serving time in the o Oregon state penitentiary are out 'on honor,' as it is called. A consider- ? able number of these are earning an honest living outside the prison walls, entirely independent of any prison 2 discipline or oversight. The rest are i 'trusties' working for the state at t, other public institutions, or building <j roads without being guarded, fre- t; quently one or two hundred miles away from the prison, and often in _ mini} seiucu iiuinvus uv uic vuummj where escape would be comparatively easy. And yet fewer prisoners try to get away under this system than C in the old days when the guards stood by armed with repeating Winchesters. "One of Governor West's first ex- "] periences in trusting men was to re- -i lease temporarily a murderer serv- 1 ing a life sentence, simply on his word tl of honor, in order that he might earn C sufficient money to pay off the in- b debtedness on his father-in-law's M home which had been mortgaged in tl order to raise money for his legal -- defense. About the middle of last r' January the man reappeared at the a penitentiary after an absence of near- r ly two years. Tm back,' he said to the warden. 'The mortgage is paid.' ? ?"When the present executive of E Oregon came into office the state penitentiary had a reputation that was anything but enviable. Discipline was _ administered through methods that had long been outlawed in many penah institutions. "Over one-third of the prisoners were unprovided with work of any * kind. Guards with loaded rifles --1 watched every foot of the prison property, and went with each group of prisoners that was sent outside the walls. "Governor West has changed all this. He has put every able-bodied man to work. He has removed most of the guards. Over 200 of the 450 1 men now under sentence at the Salem institution are outside the wall 55 daily without guard of any kind, * trusted to return at night and honor r bound to do a fair day's work. "When they betray his trust, as oc- * easionally happens, he has been known to lead the posse that under- 1 took their capture. One such escap ed 'trusty.' whom he ran down after * a hard chase, said to him as he took 1 him in custody: 'Who are you. the e sheriff?' 'No,' replied the executive, 'I'm the man to whom you lied.' " AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. J Prayer meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. BA1TIST. n Prayer meeting Wednesday evening * at 7.30 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Rastor. t Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ( at 7.30 o'clock. ( 8 Special Jlotires. J 8 Southern Railway Schedule Changes f On Charleston Division Effective t Sunday, January 5th, 1912. t On and after Sunday, January 5, * 1913, the following change in schedule of Southern Railway passenger trains on Charleston division will be made: Train No. 113 (Northbound) between Rock Hill and Blacksburg. S. 1 VC.. at present leaving Rock Hill at r? P. M., and arriving Blacksburg 6.35 P. M., will leave Rock Hill 4.25 P. M., r "Vand arrive Blacksburg 6 P. M.. making c direct connection with train No. 38 t for Washington. Philadelphia and New J .J^rk, leaving Blacksburg 6.13 P. M. F Rebuilt Typewriters?"Good as ever"?At The Enquirer Office. Keep the difference in your pocket. J Social $otires. Buy Your Frost Proof Cabbage Plants from F. 3. Cannor tfeggets, S. C. 1,000 to 4,000 at *1.25. 6,000 to 9,000 at 11.00. 10,000 to 15,000 at JO.S-O. Special prices on larger orders am latisfaction guaranteed. 97 t Apr. 1. ^ TRIED AND PROVED GUARAN TEE. Man Bought a Bottle of Dodson's Live Tone, Then Took It Bank and Asked for His Money and Got It. " A man recently tried out the guaran ee which the York Drur Store give! vith every bottle of Dodson'a Livei tone. He bought a bottle and thei rent back to the drug store and sai< he medicine hadn't helped him. This druggist just reached Into hli auh register and took cut a half dob ar, the price of the bottle of Llvei Tone, and handed it back to the genleman. But he didn't take the money le owned up that he was just tryng the guarantee and, a a matter 01 act, he had found Dodso 's Liver Tom he best remedy for con tipation anc lillousness he had ever .rted. "Why," le said, "my wife wouldn't he withoul , bottle in the house for anything. It'i he best thing in the world for th< rhole family, and the medicine that ] refer to take or to give to my chil[ren for a lazy liver." The York Drug Store sells Dodson'i Jver Tone and guarantees it to atari he liver without violence. It is taking he place of calomel everywhere. U ou buy a bottle and don't find thh ileasant-tastlng vegetable liquid th< lest thing to start a lazy liver, he will iand your money back with a smile. OBITUARY . Died?December 17, at the resident f his brother, Mr. J. Frank Wallace Ht ALEXANDER WALLACE, in th< 2d year of his age. The funeral tool ilace at Beersheba, the services being onducted by Rev. T. P. Burgess. H? k-as a member of Ramah Presbyteriar hurch. HYMENEAL Married?At the home of the bride's larents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Guy, rieai lOwryville on Decemter 31, Miss IAUDE GUY and Mr. J. HAROLE ,EWIS. The ceremony was performs <y Rev. F. A. Drennan. pastor of th< resbyterian church of l^owryville. At the residence of the bride's parnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark, on Deember 26 by Rev. T. P. Burgess, Miss lLICE CLARK and Mr. ROBERT J IROWN. At the residence of the bride's mothr, Mrs. D. W. McCarter on Decembei 6 by Rev. W. E. Lowe, Miss ETHEI IcCARTER and Mr. SAMUEL EDWARD STURGIS. (The (Cotton JRarfeet. Yorkville, January 7.?Cotton 13c. New York, Jn. 6.?Spot quiet; midling uplands 13.30, nominal. The cott>n msirket closed steady as follows: Jan. 12.93; Feb. 12.55; March 12.58; ,pril 12.57: May 12.58; July 12.54; Aug 2.43; Sept 11.85; Oct. 11.70. NOTICE. A LL persons owing us on account oi .1. Lien, will please settle at once. 99 t.f. tf McGILL BROS. ESTRAT VXQ D ED and Black Spotted Boar, aboul Lli 50 pounds. Disappeared a weeb go. Will appreciate Information tOBT. ASHLEY, No. 4, Yorkville. lt< 30 CENTS FOR BUTTER FAT rHE Yorkville Creamery Association paid 29 cents per pound foi utter fat, December delivery and il eceipts for January exceed those for >ecember, will pay 30 cents or more. It 2 L H. NORRIS, Manager. FOR SAjuE OR RENT [3 ESIDENCE now occupied by Mr L4 T. P. Moore, near Lockmore Mill *wo story building, electric lights unning water; garden, large yards nd lot; outbuildings. See me at nee. J. M. STROUP. 2 If. tf TIME TO PAY. A LL persons indebted to me bj Open Account, Note, Mortgage Jen or otherwise, are hereby notified o mrke settlement of same at once "his applies to every one?no excepions. J. M. STROUP. 2 t. f. 4t BRIDGE CONTRACT Iffiee of the Board of County Commissioners of York County. Yorkvllle, S. C., January 6, 1913. WT OTICE Is hereby given that on 31 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, at 1 o'clock a. m., I will let a contract for tie building of a Bridge over Allison 'reek on the Rock Hill and Clover road etween the N. B. Campbell and W. T. icholls places. Plans and speciflcalons may be seen at the time and place tated. The successful bidder will be equired to give bond in double the mount of his contract. The right is pserved to reject any and all bids. THOS. Y7. BOYD, Supervisor of York County, iy order of the Board, ANNIE C. WALUACE, Clerk. 2 t 2t 7 l-2c Ginghams 3 l-2c Ye liave just received another Cast if 7 l-2c Apron and Dress Ginghanu Kirkpatrick-Belk Co. FOR SALE 7 1*2 Acres?At King's Creek staion. 109 1-2 Acres?li miles from Tirah station. A beautiful 5-room cotage. 3 tenant houses; plenty of wood tViic lonH makes a bale tc he acre. The home c>' John Cumptell. 84 1-4 Acres?7-room dwelling, 3 enant house. 2 of them have 4 room! ach; one has 3 rooms; has 3 gooc tarns on the place. Property of Johr 3. McCarter. Will cut this Into small r farms. J. C. WILBORN. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. COltRT OF COMMON PLEAS Tames Smith and John Smith, Plain tiffs, against David Smith and Sallii Smith, Defendants.?Summons fo: Relief?(Complaint Filed). To the Defendants Above Named: ^7"OU are hereby Summoned and re JL quired to answer the Complaint it his action, which has this day beet iled in the office of the Clerk of th< ?ourt of Common P-eas for said bounty, and to serve a copy of youi mswer to the said Complaint on th< ubscribers at their office in Yorkville South Carolina, withlri twenty day! ifter the service thereof, exclusive ol he day of such service; and if yot ail to answer the Complaint wlthir he time aforesaid, the plaintiffs ir his action will apply to the Court foi ho relief demanded in the Complaint Dated: 3rd day of January, 1913. FINLEY & MARION, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. NOTICE. "o the Absent Defendants, David Smith and Sallie Smith: Please take notice that the Sumnons, of which the foregoing is ? opy. together with the Complaint ir his action, was filed in the Office ol r. A. Tate. Ciera or court or commor 'leas for York County, at Yorkville C.. on the 3rd day of January, 1913 FINLEY & MARION, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. an.7|13 2-12 t 6t The Everything Store We always carry a full stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, i BOOTS AND SHOES. HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. Remember: Tliat If You Trade Here rj You Will Got 100 Cents Worth or Goods for Every Dollar You Spend. ; J. M. STROUP r 1 Motto: Quality and Right Prices. 1 ; Ttm ? OUR PLANT ? Which we own, is equipped with Air Compressor, Pneumatic Tools, Polish' ing Machines, Surface Cutter and all necessary equipment for turning out First-Class Work. Be sure to see us - before you place your order. ; PALMETTO MONUMENT CO. i JOS. G. SASSI, Proprietor. [ YORKVILLE, S. C. ! Something To Eat WHEN YOU THINK OF SOMETHING TO EAT, WE WANT ^ YOU AT THE SAME TIME TO THINK OF THE ) YORK SUPPLY CO. | We have everything for Man, Horses ' and Mules, Cows, Hogs and Chickens. Also when you think of some' thing to DRINK, we carry an ex' cellent line of COFFEE for 25 Cts. 1 per pound. Whan vnn fhlnlt nt 'RTTIT.OINO Or REPAIRING a House, be sure to see . us?If you do not, we both loose mon ey. , Received: Three Car Loads of BRICK last week. We are prepared and are making very close prices on . FLOUR. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLE3ALE AND RETAIL One More Line I have decided to add the Buying ' and Selling of Stocks and Bonds to my line of business, and offer my ser> vices to all who desire to Buy or Sell the stock of any Cotton Mill, Oil Mill, Bank or other Corporation, or r any character of Bonds. No charge will be made except where transactions are completed, and then only the ' usual brokerage. ? ABOUT INSURANCE ? ; I shall continue to furnish All Kinds L of Good Insurance to those who may ; favor me with their patronage, and guarantee that the rates charged will be as low as the lowest and the wares supplied as good as the best in everything except Life Insurance, and in I that, what I offer?the Mutual Benefit ?is better than other. SAM M. GRIST. THE MAN WHO BUILDS t Wants and has a rieht to exnent tn apt the very best Lumber and Building Supplies that his money will pay for. That is what you get when you buy from us. With a knowledge born of ' years of experience, we know what , Lumber ought to be and can furnish I our customers with the right kind of , materials. When you are ready to . build, come and see us for the Lumber needed? ? FLOORING, CEILING, WEATHER BOARDING, SIDING, sills, joists, sheeting; SHINGLES, FRAMING, DOORS, WINDOWS, FRAMES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ETC. You will find our Qualities and our Prices just right. ! J. J.KELLER & COMPANY At McFarland's NO. 4, YORKVILliE i i You will find a complete assortment ' of all kinds of Farm Suppllesr? Everything to eat, as well as the many things that you will need to prepare your land, plant your crop and cultivate it to the best advantage. DRY GOODS AND SHOES You will also find at McFARLAND'S a well-selected stock of DRY GOODS and SHOES. Including practically ' everything you will need to wear. I have ' the goods, low expenses and my prices are low enough to make it worth your while to do at least a part of your trading at this store. M. A. McFARLAND Plnckney Road. No. 4, Yorkville FOR SALE AT a sacrifice price. We have two medium and one large size Fire' Proof Safes. Call and examine. Office wi luanuiaciuring uo. I 98 f <t W. B. MOORE. i +*+ ?*? + >{ ?*$ +?+ ?*$ +*+ x i I i4 Business * February 4th, 1910, we op r v 011 a Cash Basis, and we have A books today. The growth oi . f than satisfactory and we attri j 9 conducting a Cash Business, i H A A 7 r?rt/*f f rv / ? f\nf i?nn r? 11 r IM | A VV C CA^cti iu v.uiiiiuuv uui uv r 0 For the benefit of our cust ^ on approval, expecting these ! V once. Some have taken adva a ? 7 to stay on our file too long. Is i X we have always done; so if ii r pay for our goods when you ? send for the money, then pic V time to send anything on app A We want your business?have I X to try even harder during th . having what you want?But \ i " ' | Kirkpatricl +?* +?+ *?* +?+ ?+? ?+? ? ? ?4 MONEY TO LOAN. ON First Mortgage on Real Estate. THOS. F. McDOW, Atty. 1. t f. TURKEYS FOR SALE I HAVE limited number of nice Birds for sale at 15c a pound. Address. Yorkville No. 4. C. H. SMITH. 1. f.t 2t. PAINTING See me at the York Furniture Co. Dealers In Wall Paper, House Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Stains. Use Flatknot. the best interior finish, all colors. ALLEN WHITE, Jr., The Painter. pprn CTiirr VLjL/U J 1 UI 1 I make a specialty of FEED STUFFS for Horses, Mules, Cows. Hogs and Poultry, and handle only the very BEST grades of Feed. If you want Feed for? HORSES and MULES, COWS, HOGS, POULTRY? I have It and you will find the Quality right and the Prices right Let me have your orders. See me for Corn, Oats, Mixed Feed, Scratch Feed, Shorts, et<;. DON'T FORGET? That I sell the Best Flour on the market, and that my prices are right. J. M.FERGUSON REAL ESTATE REMEMBER IF YOU put off purchasing one of those beautiful King's Mountain Heights Lots, the other fellow will get the Lot that YOU want. See me at once. WATCH MY LIST If YOU have any property to sell? See that I HAVE IT. A Great Bargain: The P. B. Parish Home Place, 214 Acres, Just beyond the Incorporate limits of Yorlcville, on King's Mountain road; 6room dwelling; 3 tenant houses and outbuildings. Terms. Geo. W. Williams REAL ESTATE BROKER. FOR SHOES SEE J. Q. WRAY. SHOES have always been a specialty with me, and when. you need Shoes it is always to your interest to see me for what you may need. I have the Styles, the Qualities and the Right Prices, and when you buy Shoes at Wray's you will get Exactly what you pay for and full value for your monI ey. I satisfy others in Shoes?Let me have a chance to satisfy you. 5 CTS. AND 10 CTS. COUNTERS. This is the place where you will save the nickels and dimes and find many articles that you have been paying more for, that are on these counters at 5 Cts. and 10 Cts. Be sure to see these counters when next you visit this store. J. 0. WRAY Blank Books We have supplied quite a large number of Business Men with the BLANK BOOKS that they will need during 19 IS, and want to supply a few more. Come and see us for what you need. We have: Single and Double Entry Ledgers Journals and Cash Books Day Books, Memorandums, Etc. And also have a full suDply of the smaller things that you will need, including Pens, Pen Staffs. Inks, Eras CIS, JUJbU. I ABOUT DRUGS? When you have to buy Drugs or Medicines, we are sure that you will find It to your Interest to do your buying at this store?Others do. Suppose you try it. We use nothing but the BEST of everything in compounding prescriptions, and use every care and precaution to prevent errors. You will find our prices most reasonable. Shieder Drug Store THE NYAL STORE G. H. O'LEARI REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR FURNITURE, STOVES, HARNESS, SADDLES, or ANYTHING IN MY LINE, THAT I HAVE A NEW, CLEAN LINE TO SELECT FROM? QUALITY AND PRICES SECOND TO NONE. A SIMPLE COMPARISON WILL CONVINCE YOU. ASK FOR IT. G. H. O'LEARY M5> +*+ ?*? +&* ? ? +#* ?*? *?+ ; Statement | ened up our store for business # not got a single name on our ? f our business has been more h ibute this great success to our y more than to anything else. ? isiness on a Cash Basis. f oiners we have sent goods out ft to be returned or paid for at ? ntage of us and allowed these y low, we must treat all alike, as x t is not convenient for you to X make purchases or when we ? ase do not ask us the "second j? roval, for we Will Not Do It. V worked hard for it and expect A e year 1913 to please you by 5 ve must have the money. y k-Belk Co. j Tip WT'-iP Vwv wTw Vwv wV Ww w1!* LADIES' COAT SUITS I HALF PRICEl All along during the present season The Thomson Go. ij has been selling Quality Goat Suits, Goat Suits of Style, S Goat Suits of Distinction and Glass, at Prices you could I well afford to pay. At Prices that have made every 2 Lady feel sure that she was getting Full Value, Best I Quality and Best Style for her Goat Suit money, and we I haven't made a sale that we didn't feel sure when we F made it, that we were giving Full 100 Cents value for ' every Dollar spent here. Today we begin giving Coat Suit buyers MORE THAN THEIR MONEY'S WORTH ?Today we cut Coat Suit Prices in HALF?Just Half former prices?There are about Twenty-five Suits left and while they last Oar Coat Suits Go At Just HALF Price Children's Coats, Extra Values, at $1.98 THE THOMSON COMPANY ^MBBaggga? A Furniture Pointer Qar ^ew Quarters We beg to announce that you will Right NOW 1b a good time to buy now find us located In the McNEEL Furniture, whether you buy from, us Block, next door to J. Q. Wray, and or from some other dealer. We say we will be pleased to have you call on NOW, because Furniture prices have us when ever It Is convenient for anybeen during the past' year steadily thing in our lines. We will continue advancing, and the tendency NOW is to carry the same lines as heretofore upward. Of course, you'll always be and at all times will be ready to serve able to buy "cheap" furniture, but at our trade to the best of our ability, the same time you will be paying a If you are not a regular customer of higher price than you did last year ourTs, we will be pleased to have you perhaps, or a few years ago. The up- become one and are sure that we can ward trend is steady and buying now ?lve you entirely satisfactory service is good business sense. If you expect In Qualities and Prices, to buy Furniture this year, the best OUR THANKS? ai!r? that Uvml9 f"d+>,weKar! Are tendered to -wur many regular _ ^ b"y lt the be8t customers and friends for the patron auvauutge ai in is siore. uur biock ^yen U8 during: .the paat year, 18 * aIfe,wnd 11 J8 v^f!ed, ?*">ugh to and we wish for all the. very best of satisfy the most particular. When everything: during' 1913, Including the you are ready to buy Furniture and best of good health ^d unbounded House Furnishings, Rangea Cooking prosperity Stoves, Paints Oils, Etc.. be sure te p w?en need of Heavy or Fancy see us. We will give you the benefit aroceries, come and see ua We will of the Lowest Possible Prices. , ggjj yOU Good Goods, Good Quality y I P? , f% and at the Right Prices. iork turmtare Co. Yorkville Banking & Mer. Co. i Coat Suit j 7 7 | The Winter is Before as and want t a Coat Suit at a Bargain, see as Today. I Lot i?Coat Suits?Odd sizes?Sold up to $10.00. 2 Special $4.98 || y Lot a.?Coat Suits?Sold up to $12.50 ! r Special $7.50 j I Lot 3?Coat Suits?Sold up to $16.50 Z ? ' Special $10.48 ? J J*ot 4.?Coat Suits?Sold up to $25.00 - J J Special $i4<95 9 W All Ladies' and Children's Coats at J ONE-FOURTH OFF. 3 I Kirkpatrick-Belk Company J XMAS In The Past 1912 We enter 1913 with fair prospects, x wili be prepared to fill all your Hard, earnest, intelligent work, performed month after month, with modWants for CHRISTMAS. Come and esty but with the sure touch of the man who knows, brings its reward in see me. preferment and emolument. To many the process often seems slow, but the I have everything in OYSTERS, rewards come when they are most mttitq rrnT wpv fHANHU'BRTii's needed and appreciated. We are at NUTS, CELERY. CRANBERRIES, Qur p,ace of bu8,ne8s generally from COCOANUTS, etc. 6.30 o'clock in the morning until 8 to ... . . . .. 10 o'clock and after. Our stock of evLet us have your orders in time so erything we sell is fairly fresh, and you won't be disappointed. calls your attention to Mackerel,White ? i ? . __ , , ? .... Fish, Peas, Beans, Dried Apples. Best N. C., and Pennsylvania PLAIN peaches, Canned and Evaporated; BUCKWHEAT on hand. Sausage, Salmon, Ham, Beef, Corn, Tomatoes and Preserves. Happy New Year to everybody. LOUIS ROTH W. H. HERNDON I Now Is The Time To Save I 1 % IT DON'T WAIT UNTIL SOME INDEFINITE m* TIME IN THE FUTURE TO BEGlfo TO 9T S A V E A PART OF YOUR EARNINGS "W* ; The longer you put it off, the less are your chances of becoming independent. Begin NOW by starting an account with THIS Bank. ; $1.00 Will Start an Account and Your Money Will \ Earn 4 Per Cent Interest, Compounded Quarterly. The National Union Bank, 1 ABSOLUTELY SAFE Rock Hill, - - - S. C. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITS : WITH THIS BANK W. J. RODDEY. President. IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier. CITY MEAT MARKET rr ?p , M, EGGS AND BUTTER WANTED H0YS6S flflfl IfilllCS . .Tlie City Market will liandle all the Errs and Butter it can Ret and . marltet price ,or Oomn & McGill Have When you want Choice STEAKS or ROASTS come to the City Market. We / hfitn nf f IfkllpY make a specialty of the Best Home- liwtf Ul Vlvl/Cli Raised Stall Fed Beeves and also sell the Choicest Western Meats. WE HAyE JugT Q0TTEN IN A JUST ARRIVED? CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND A shipment of BONELESS BOILED MULES, PERSONALLY SELECTED HAMS, CURED HAMS and BREAK- BY US FOR THIS MARKET. AND FAST BACON. We sell these by the WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND Pound, the Whole Ham or Whole THE PUBLIC GENERALLY TO Piece of Bacon, and all of it is of the COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE best quality. AND WHAT OUR PRICES AND CATTLE AND CALVES? TERMS ARE. At all times we will buy all the FAT CATTLE and all the VEAL CALVES aiiinkj jl m^cii i we can get. See us when you have any uuinn a mcgill t0 8e,J; Clover, S C. THE CITY MEAT MARKET C. F, Sherer, Prop. 94 sw tf OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK' 1 There is a man, by name, Mr. Denny, . \ Who is wise and saves every penny. S?l \HE TRADES SS'M e """" And the dollars he saves?they are many. j * We Do Not Sacrifice Quality In Order To Quote Low Prices We have set the Standard of Quality High Coupling with it a Price made as Low as a Moderate Margin of Profit Will Permit. Your Interests are Conserved by Trading With Us Yorkville Hardware Company Watch DONT Repairing FORGET n.l.lMM IfAA. 1Q19 nlAAOA l^Ui IUQ IliC 6UUU Jf vAl ifftO remember that SPECK IS DOING BUSINESS IN YORKVILLE, and be- TO CALL ON sides carrying a complete line of Jew- . jnuvonw elry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut 1 * w * J"j_ BUJI Glass, Pine Chinaware, Tableware, POR THE BEST COFFEE? Lamps, Etc., I am also prepared to do AND ALSO FOR THE all kinds of repair work on Jew- rpst nnAnim of elry, Watches and Clocks. Every Job I do MUST SATISFY YOU, and I will MOLASSES? be right here to make good when you ALSO FOR are not satisfied. Bring me your SNOW WHITE, Jewelry, Watches and Clocks that are avAnmDTrm ?vn In need of Repairs. You will find my SNOWDRitT aad charges reasonable and my work en- PURE LARD, tirely satisfactory. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler ' ^ JOHNSON Going At A Bargain WE STILL HAVE A FEW LADIES' SUITS, LADIES'. J MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS; MEN'S AND BOYS' j SUITS; MEN'S AND BOYS' PANT8, AND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. A COM PLETE LINE OP UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THAT WE || OFFER AT A BARGAIN. COME AND GET YOURS. If ^lou^Cast^^to^J Mpw Yotir Appier Seed Oats ^1 ^ As soon as the land is in condition to plow, make it a point to put in a . tew acres of Fall Oats. It is a decid( edly paying proposition from almost VJl V/v/ tlllek O any standpoint. See me for the Seed Oats that you will need. I have the best grade of APPLER SEED OATS, There are three things that we wish and sell them at 75 OTS. a Bushel, for you for 1913: H'i'i|<l/Hit FOR GRADT"~ When you sow small grain, be cer?HEALTH tain to use a liberal supply of Fertil PROSPERITY izer- -another paying proposition?I can supply your needs. ?HAPPINESS HOG FEED? This is our Sincere Greeting to You . ir you "* "ff* 7 J * 8 * to put on the finishing fat before the and Yours. killing. Come and see me for any kind of HOG FEED that you need. I If ? }Q have it and at the right price. IflCLUIirlLiLL 3 If you need Turn p10*"- pi?w Moulds, Plow Stocks, Trace Chains, * Collars, Hames, Banckbands, etc., see THE HOME OF W. L. DOUGLAS me for your needs. SHOES ,N YORKVIIiliE ^ R A POLICY OF SOUNDNESS. The policy of this institution is as liberal as sound Banking will permit, every dollar deposited is carefully safe-guarded and every patron Is accorded courteous treatment and careful consideration. - ' ' : *! t A connection with this strong, conservative Bank is Indeed a business asset and we urge you to take advantage of our facilities and let us help you grow. t This is the first week in the year, and the week when almost everyone decides to do better. While we are enthusiastic about doing the right thing, let us do the most logical right thing by starting a BANK ACCOUNT? ' No Matter How Small. Loan and Savings Bank S. M. McNEEL, President J. P. McMURRAY, Cashier ~ ATTENTION COMPANY L NOTICE. A MEETING of the members of T\URING the year 1913, beginning Company "L," First Regiment S. 1J January 1, our price of Shoeing C. National Guard Is hereby ordered will be 12 1-2 Cents per Shoe, to be held In the Armory next FRI- W. L. HOGUE DAY NIGHT, JANUARY 10, to con- JACKSON REPAIR CO. aider the desirability of going to JOHN and G. W. KNOX. Washington on March 4, on account 1. f.t 2t of the Inauguration. 2t. PAUL N. MOORE, Capt LEWIS LONG STAPLE COTTON SEED, at $1.00 a bushel. _ Apply to R. L. GROVES, piORXER Store Room and up-staira 101 R P* D* N5 ^ Yoricville, S. C. of Bratton Building, Jefferson and : Congress Streets. Will rent sepa- ? , _ _ , .. , rately or together. Apply to Send The Enquirer your order* for 1 3t. R. A. BRATTON, Trustee. Commercial Printing. | OUR HATS ARE OFF j Ana oesiaes we are maKing our Dest^oow 10 our customers ana S Friends for the Very Liberal Patronage Given to the YORK DRUG 5 STORE during the Year 1912. To everyone of you we are obliged J and extend our Thanks and Best Wishes to You and Yours during V } the New Year, 1913. } I OUR RESOLUTION { z For the New Year is to Continue to give Patrons of the 1 V YORK DRUG STORE the very best possible service that we .can ? give. Bring your wants to us. If you cannot bring them. Phone ? v them, and if you Cannot Phone, then Write us. We Will Serve You ? " Promptly. C I YORK DRUG STORE I - > i'.' L : *