8ETTLING THE TROUBLE European Powers Guarding Carefully Against Complications. London, Nov. 27.?The tension In the Balkan crisis is relieved by the news that the peace plenipotentiaries are continuing their negotiations and that Great Britain and Germany are working actively to gain a peaceful settlement between Austria and Servla. According to one Constantinople report, the difficulties of arranging a formal armistice are so great that the negotiations are taxing tne torm 01 seeking a basis for peace. The danger of the re-openlng of fr hostilities, however, is still serious. Apparently only an informal armistice of forty-eight hours has been agreed upon and it is reported that the Bulgarian forces are already moving closer to the Tchatalja lines and entrench^ ing themselves in readiness to renew the attack. The Turks have an army of over 100,000, and soon will have 130,000, for the most part fresh picked troops, behind the lines and it is certain, according to all the correspondents, that they will give a good account of themselves if fighting is resumed. V, Under these circumstances, with Adrianople and Scutari stil holding out Turkey is little likely to show a very yielding attitude in the peace negotiations. w + ?Ka Corvlonc hflVP A A 1 cpui i mau wnp ? immm K reached Durazzo appears to be premal ture. A wireless despatch of today's date brings the interesting: news that \ Albanian independence has been proclaimed there, that the Turkish governor is preparing to depart and that the town is accepting without opposition the new regime. What attitude the Servian army and government will assume toward this development should afford some idea as to whether, as reported, Servia is wil'ing to acceot the suggestion of an autonomous Albania. The greatest weight is attached in the diplomatic world to the seemingu ly we'l authenticated report that Great Britain and Germany are now acting in cordial co-operation on the basis of postponing all side issues until after the Turkish-Balkan war is settled. A reassuring statement also comes from St. Petersburg that Russia and Ausg tria do not desire to fight over a port in the Adriatic. Thus what anpeared to be an imminent danger of Europe being divided into two hosti'e camps seems to be dissipated for the time being at least. AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. No evening service. * ?-? TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. F. Anderson. Pastor. There will be no services Sunday. BAPTIST. Rev. J. H. Machen, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates. Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. I Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. Tracy Walsh. Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at ^ 10 a. m. Morning service at 11.15 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. fecial JJotires. Dr. Wilson McConnell will be in Yorkville at Dr. McDowell's office on Friday and Saturday. Nov. 29th and ?- 30th, and Monday, Dec. 2nd. Practice limited to Disease of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Edith's Dream. A play for school boys and girls wP be repeated by request at the Church p. Home Orphanage Saturday, at 7.30 p. m. Admission 15 cents, children 10 cents. Subscriptions for The Enquirer. Present subscribers to The Enquirer who desire to renew, or prospective subscribers who would like to have the paper until January 1, 1914, at the * price of a year's subscription, should see one of the following clubmakers: J. K Allison Hickory Grove Miss Carrie Alexander No. 6 Yorkville Miss Clara B. Alexander No. 4 Yorkville Miss Nellie A!lison Tirzah j W. A. Barrett Clover R. B. Black Lockhart R. A. Barnett.... Rock Hill Mrs. S. L. Biair No. 1 Sharon J. H. Bigham Sharon Claude Burns No. 2, Smyrna E. G. Brandon No. 4 Yorkville J. W. Bankhead Lowryville Miss Lottie Barnes ....No. 3 Yorkville James Biggers King's Mt. Robert Lee Brandon No. 2 Clover Sam Brown Filbert Miss Lena Caldwell King's Creek m B. R. Carroll Yorkville Marion Curry Guthriesville Miss Mattie Belle Campbell ....Tirzah C. A. Carroll No. 7 Yorkville W. H. Crook No. 1 Fort Mil! B. J. Currence No. 8 Yorkville a i ? wKAII v. Ait AttllUCl ^atliyuca u oau ^ Miss Addle Caveny ...No. 1 Rock Hill Miss Effie Davidson No. 3 Cover Floyd Davis No. 2 Clover J. W. Y. Dickson No. 5 Yorkville A. D. Dorsett Yorkville Miss Minnie Enloe Clover Herbert Ferguson .. ..No. 8 Yorkville Horace T. Foster Hickory Grove N. S. Ford No. 4 Clover 4S. A. Faris No. 1, Clover V. C. Faulkner Cover E. B. Faulkner No. 4 Clover E. L. Ford No. 4 Clover Mrs. M. A. Gaston No. 1 Bullock's Creek J. D. Good Sharon m Lewis Good No. 1 Yorkville Mrs. R. H. Gwin No. 2 Sharon T. J. Hopper No. 6 Yorkvi'le O. R. Huddlcston ...Rock Hill R. T. Howe Rock Hill Miss Mary Jackson Newport W. F. Jackson No. 7 Yorkville William Jones Yorkville Mrs. C. L. Kennedy Sharon G. W. Knox Clover * W. S. Lesslie Lesslie Louise Lilley No. 1. Filbert Stanhope Love No. 1 Filbert W. W. Love No. 7 Yorkvi'le Webb Moore No. 3 Yorkville Miss Maggie Morrow No. 5 Rock Hill Miss Sallie McConnell McConnellsvflle T. V. McFadden Rock Hill A. W. McFarland No. 3 Yorkville Mio? rtoealo MoPartfr No 1 Clover Orover McFarland Clover fam G. Maloney No. 2 Sharon Ernest Mlekle No. 1 Sharon Pa'mer Moore Guthriesvi'le W. H. Moore Rock Hill Miss Marie Moore ....No. 3 Yorkville Miss Grizzle Mullinax No. 1 King's Creek W. A. Nichols Smyrna >Mrs. W. C. Pearson No. 5 Rock Hill Mrs. John M. Smith Clover E. L. Pressly No. 3 Chester Lee Pursley No. 4 Clovr Mrs Relle Plexlco No. 1 Sharon Eva Ridd'e No. 2 Cover W. T. Smarr Bullock's Creek V Miss Sarah Russell No. 1 Sharon J. F. A. Smith No. 1 Yorkville J. R. Shllllnglaw No. 7 Yorkville Mary A. Sherer No. 1. Sharon J. P. Sifford Clover G. L. Suggs No. 8 Yorkville rirlnr thoror . Kn 1 ShflTOn Lester Watson ..No. 1 Hickory Orove W. W. Wyatt Smyrna Miss Lizzie Woods No. 3 Clover Jeff D. Whitesldes Hickory Orove R. W. Whitesldes Smyrna Mrs. S. D. Younglood Clover Tho?. S. Younglood Sharon B. W. White Filbert ? A C. tvhite King's Creek ~ Miss Minnie Wallace Filbert She (fotton Jflnrhet. Yorkville, November 29.?Good middling cotton, 13J cents. ?prrial Doiirrs. At Smyrna. Rev. C. H. Nebors will preach at Smyrna Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. o'clock. At York Mill. Rev. E. E. Gillespie will preach at the York Mill, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. , F-ee Bible Lecture. Mr. a. it. AicMiuan 01 rsew iorx, will deliver a free lecture in the Yorkville Opera House Sunday aftrrnoon at 3 o'clock on the "Life. Death and j Hereafter." Everybody welcome. Seats free. No collection. It Mrs. L. B. White. MAKES PIMPLES GO I Remarkable How Zemo Clears the Face of Pimples and All Other Blemishes. With the finger tips apply a little Zemo to the ?kin, then see the pimples and blackheads vanish. Zemo is a liquid, not a smear, leaves no trace, just simply sinks in and does the work. You will be astonished to find how quickly eczema, rash, dandruff, itch, liver spots, salt rheum and all other skin diseases are cured. Zemo is put up by the E. W. Ross Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and is regularly sold by all druggists at $1 for the large bottles, but you can get a liberal size trial hnttlo for only 25 cents. And this trial bottle is guaranteed. You surely will find Zemo a wonder. Get a bottle now from York Drug Store. York Drug Store. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons Indebted to the estate of W. L. Caldwell, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned at once. Persons having c'aims against said estate should present them duly proved, within the time prescribed by law. S. A. CALDWELL, Administratrix. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE on East Liberty Street. Apply to J. P. WHITE. 95 3t St* FOR SALE THE Pannle B. McCaw residence and lot between Miss Rosa Lindsay and J. S. Brlce. Lot 100x260. House has lights, water and sewerage. Six rooms and bath and .dressing rooms. 4t 94 J. S. BRICE. W. K. HAMILTON HOME PLACE Q /I A ACRES. Bullock's Creek tJrx.Township; 110.00 per Acre up to December 1st. next. Apply to J. S. PRICE, and C. E. SPENCER, Attys. CO f Rf OO * V MONET TO LEND ON Improved Farms in York county, repayable in five easy, annual installments. Interest: Seven per cent if loan is $ 1,000 or over; eight per cent if under $1,000. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, $8 f aug. 1 Attorney at Law. TAX RETURNS FOR 1913 Office of the County Auditor of York County, South Carolina. Yorkville, S. C., November 29, 1912. A& required by statute, my books will De opened at my otflce in xurkvule on vVEDNESDaY, JANU1, 1913, and kept open until r thRUARf 20, 1913, tor the purpose of listing tor taxation all PERSONAL and ReaL PROPERTY held in York county on January 1, 1913. All returns must be made in regular form and it is preferable that they be made by the proper.y owner in person to me or my assistant, direct, on ulanKs proviued for the purpose. The returns must be duly sworn to either betore me or my assistant, or some other ollicer qualiried to administer an oath. All items of realty, whether farms, or town lots, must be listed separately. Returns made on proper blanks, and sworn to before an officer qualified to administer an oath and forwarded to ? V.?. m.mImAamaA VMA ! Knf/\ttA PoKwnorif me uy i t-gisici cu mo.ii ucivtc x-1 ui uu> j 20, 1 j 12, will be accepted. All taxpayers are particularly requested to inform themselves as to the number of their respective school districts, and where they have property in more than one school district, they will please make separate returns indicating the location of each piece of property. The school districts in which there are special levies are as follows: Nos. 22. 23 and 27, in Bethel township; Nos. 6, 13, 14, 29, 33, 43 and 51 in Eethesda township; Nos. 9, 20, 38, 40 and 44 in Broad River township; Nos. 9, 15, 20,'38, 40 and 48 in Bullock's Creek township; Nos. 12, 45, 46 and 52 in Catawba township; Nos. 7, 12, 32, 35, 36 and 43 in Ebenezer township; Nos. 26, 28 and 39, in Fort M.ll .ownship; Nos. 2, 21, 22, 37. 41, 44 and 49 in King's Mountain township; Nos. 11, 20. 21, 33, S5, 42, 43. 47, 48 and 49 in York township. For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns, and for the greater convenience of taxpayers, I will be at the following places on the dates named: At Eethany, (McGlU's Store), Monday, January 6. At Clover, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 7 and 8. At Bethel, (Ford, Barnett & Co.'s Store), Thursday, January 9. 4 * D/\ln4 /of lToi>nAi>'o) nn T?r^ov /\V * Vlllli vai A At** pv* M / VII * I January 10. At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's Store), on Saturday, January 11. At Smyrna, on Monday, January 13. At Hickory Grove, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 14 and 15. At Sharon, on Thursday and Friday, January 16 and 17. At Eullock's Creek, (Good's Store), on Saturday, January 18. At Tirzah, on Monday. January 20. At Newport, on Tuesday. January 21. At Fort Mill, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday January 22, 23 and 24. At McConnellsville, on Monday, January 27. At Ogden. on Tuesday. January 28. At Coates's Tavern. (Roddey's) on Wednesday, January 29. At Rock Hill, from Thursday, January 30, to Wednesday. February 5. And at Yorkvllle. from Thursday. February 6, until Thursday. February 20. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except Confederate soldiers over the age of fifty years are liable to a poll tax of $1.00. and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their resnective school districts in making their returns. It will be a matter of much accommodation to me if as many taxpayers as possible will meet me at the respective appointments mentioned above, so as to avoid the ru?h at Yorkville during the closing days. l?ROADTT We are showing an especially nice line of Heavy LAP ROBES, Large In - Size, Pleasing Designs, Splendid Qualities and at Right Prices. Come and see them. You will need one when driving or automobiling this winter. HORSE BLANKETS? A merciful man is merciful to his beast. It is the humane thing to have q a first-class BLANKET to throw over your horse when you stop after a drive or when your horse is standing in the stable. Come and let us show you some good ones?Prices just right YorLviHe Hardware Company. TOILET SOAP As cold weather comes on there is more liability of chapped hands and faces from the use of Impure Toilet Soaps. Come and let us show you our line of TOILET SOAPS?-It includes almost every thing In fine Toilet soaps that you can desire. And if you are particular about your Toilet Soap we especially want you to come and see what we have In Toilet Soaps (or particular people. A CREAMS AND LOTIONS? |[ Our stock of Toilet articles Includes practically all of the desirable Face Creams and Lotions for chapped faces, r lips and hands, and besides these we 1 have a complete line of Colognes, Ex- * tracts. Talcum Powders, Tooth Pastes, Towders. etc. LET US SERVE YOU. YORK DRUG STORE ' THE REXALL 8TORE n Farmers? Vi SHOULD KEEP A BANK ? ACCOUNT F Because their Bank Deposit Book D affords them a complete record of ^ their cash receipts, while the stubs p of their check books are a perfect F record of Expenses and Payments. # ^ Paying any debt with a Check is much safer than with money. First National Bank " ? / ur biiaron, ?. u. \ The Onlyl TO INDEPENDENCE SYSTEMATIC SAVIN No matter how small your Regularly Place a Part of Th< Bank, you will very soon find y Your Money Will Earn 4 Compounded Quarter The National ABSOLUTE Rock Hill, THE UNITED STATES GC WITH TH] W. J. RODDEY, President. I Reversible Disc Plows j We want to buy One Three-Horse Reversible Disc Plow, second-hand, In good condition. SUNSHINE EGG and DEVELOPING MASH is truly a wonderful product. It is exactly what a hen needs to lay an egg every day. This Egg Mash should be fed in connection with Sunshine Scratch Feed. Received another shipment of nice R. II. P. SEED OATS y If you want OATS see us before you C( buy. & Do not forget our closing out prices '? on some odds and ends of SHOES. If P we can fit you we will surely save you ^ money. k When you think of Building or Repairing a house be sure to see us. We " carry everything in stock with which to build or repair a house. L YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. [ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Big Sale >F MEN'S AND BOY8 CLOTHING. HURRY 18.00 SUITS?NOW $12.48 12.60 SUITS?NOW $9.98 10.00 SUITS?NOW $7.48 8.50 SUITS?NOW $5.98 7.60 SUITS?NOW $4.98 ITHER BARGAINS AND CUT RTOES ALT. OVER THE SURE? ALE CLOSES DECEMBER 24TH. McCONNELL'S THE BEST MULES We have a carload of the BEST :ENTUCKY and MISSOURI MULES ver brought to Yorkvllle. We lay peclal emphasis on the BEST, beause that is what we have. Disintersted judges will tell you that our laim to having the BEST Mules ever rought to Yorkvllle, is correct. We will be pleased to have every nan who wants a Mule or a pair of iules, come and see what we have. Ve can please you, no matter how exiting you may be as to size and qualty. Our Mules are all Young. Fat, n Perfect Condition, and you will find hat our prices are JUST AS NEAR JTfiHT AS PRTCES CAN BE MADE. Ve will sell you for the cash or on pa>er with liberal terms, or we will rade with you. Come and see us beore you buy a Mule. We have the Ight goods at right prices. SMOAK-BROWN CO. YORKVILLE. S. C. For Your Cake Come and get your Ingredients for our FRUIT CAKE. We have? SEEDED RAISINS CURRANTS CITRON CHOCOLATE ROYAL BAKING POWDERS FLAVORING EXTRACTS PULVERIZED SUGAR GROUND SPICES WHOLE SPICES CLOVES CINNAMON FRESH COCANUTS ' ? 1? T7* ome iiiariy rur xxicoc. ^J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. The Table Grill Is the latest development of ELECTRIC COOKING convenience for the dining table A FRYER. A EROILER, A TOASTER. ' A HOT PLATE. A BOILER? All In One, and it does Its work perfectly. . Hurtled Breakfast or Supper T~l 1 1 ?# An j a.II lucai mcai u nc|/aicu uu n ELECTRIC GRILL. ?SEE ABOUT IT. iity Electric and Water Plant Thanksgiving? DATES and PRUNES?both of the ew crops. P N. O. MOLASSES, and I also have Buckwheat Flour for the pancakes. IS COMING and as usual you will 'ant to make extra preparations for our dinner that day, but then don't ralt until Thanksgiving?you will ave to eat something between now nd then. Let me help you. I have: I O^O t NUTS and MIXED NUTS. ( RUITS?Grape Fruit, Oranges, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, Cranberries. RIED FRUITS?Raisins, Currants, Figs, Citron, Apples and Peaches. [APLE SYRUP and BUCKWHEAT. RESH POTATO CHIPS. RUIT CAKE In Pound packages?30 ( Cts. a Pound. ANDIES?A nice line and It is fresh. 1 VV.E. FERGUSON i i MONEY TO LOAN. "V N FIRST mortgage on approved / rpo] AfltfltP THOS. F. McDOW, Attorney. 92 f. t. tf. i Sure Wiry 3 IS THE HABIT OF f G. \ earnings may be, if you will mi to Your Credit in This ] rourself independent. ] Per Cent, ly. I Union Bank, LY SAFE - - s. c. )VERNMENT DEPOSITS [S BANK IRA B. DUXLAP, Casliler. TL~ I II/ J i #ie jluoL ff uru? | IN SCISSORS and SHEARS Is the ?lebrated CLAUSS SCISSORS and HEARS. I am now showing a very ompleie line of these very high class oods and will be pleased to have the idles call and see them. There are ocket Scissors, Embroidery Scissors, lanlcure Scissors, and Shears for all i Inds of purposes, from the lightest j the heaviest work. And then, too. le quality. Whew! but it is good. 80 ood lhat EVERY PAIR is ABSO.UTELY GUARANTEED, and the rices? Well, they're very modest. ict me show 'em to you. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. I The Place to Buy Building Supplies Is from the people who make a specialty of this line and are thoroughly acquainted with everything entering into house Building. We are at all times prepared to furnish you with everything needed for building or repairing your homes, your barns, fences, etc. We are always prepared to furnish Flooring, Ceiliug, Weatherboardlng. Framing, Shingles, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Frames, Builders' Hardware, Paint, Roofing, etc., on very short notice. We want your business and want you to see us when you have a want In our line. 11 V,., 11.1 l.t ,,. molro *?. /VU ^Apcv.1. IV UUI1U ICb UO IliaAC an estimate on your plans, whether you want Frame or Brick work. If you have Repair Work about the Home. Store or Office let us do the work for you. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY Wool I WHEN YOU BUY WOOL BLi BEST. TO GET THE BEST, ARE BUYING WOOL B L A N 1 SAYS WOOL BLANKETS. YOU ( A FACT. WE ARE SHOWING BLANKETS IN ALL COLORS. BC TER. PRICED AT $3. TEN QUARTER BLANKETS?PF COTTON FLEECE BLANKETS, F BED COl COMFORTS?All sizes and b pocketbook. Call and see what FORTS. PRICED AT 98 < WHITE BE! Vont Una nt WWTTE RFTY SP WOOL H MEN'S WOOL SOCKS. White LADIES' WOOL HOSIERY. E LADIES' FLEECE LINED H LADIES' S LADIES' $10.00 and $12.50 SUITS LADIES' $15.00 SUITS?Now LADIES' $18.00 and $20.00 SUITS LADIES' $26.00 SUITS?Now MILLI1 LADIES' AND MISSES' TR DUCED. Visit Our Millinery I READY TRIMMED HATS FOR J 1^" Our offer of 10 per cent ferers holds good until Januai The TH0MS( ira i cnco i There are more kinds of Interest than the kind you pay for money when you borrow from a bank. There Is a PERSONAL INTEREST, the kind that the officers of THIS BANK feel in its customers ?an interest which prompts us to do whatever we possibly ean to encourage and to aid those jvho give us their patronage.Bank of Hickory Grove Hickory Grove, S. C. ? it i i/r a nn r ! 1V1AIVI2/ A rRL J Of a Savings Account Bool ^ Boy, and then teach him tl Z his earnings or spending n 2 one of the best things pos ? spending in youth presag X your duty to help your be 1 courage him in doing bu: ? him a Savings Account W X will find that it is a good ? Four Per Cent, Compounded, ] The FIRST NA1 ? YORKVIL V O. E. W1LKINS, President. WHEAT We got Eight Bushels and have more on the way. Yes, b!ll of lading for lot No. 2, and an order for more has gone forward. It may be, in some people's opinion, that it is getting too late to sow. Among some of the best crops I ever saw. wheat was sown Christmas week, some in January ind even a small lot in February. I lo not advocate too late sowing. Some rears crops are fair, other years not so good. Just as it goes with almost my other crop. Look at last year's :otton crop. You know how short some cotton crops are for 1912. Say, f you want a splendid MOLASSES, :ry our PRNFORD brand. It's simply Ine?10 Cts., 25 Cts. and 50 Cts. a San. If it don't suit?YOUR MONEY BACK. W. H. HERNDON Specials n i nn i Saturday, Mondt We Place On Sale SATURD/ TWENTY NJ These come in Navy Blue, T Polo Cloth, with New Convert $10.00 values?Sale Price Other Coats, all sizes and coloi New Coat Suits, all sizes New Shoes, Marked At New Lot Men's Suits, Marked READ THESI i}c Apron Ginghams 31 Cts.' >c Calicos 31 Cts. >ic Calicos?American Prints 5 Cts. iic Heavy Sheeting 7 Cts. iic 40 in. Sea Island 5 Cts. ;*c Straw licking 5 Cts. iic 36 in. Bleaching 5 Cts. | >ic Cotton Flannel 5 Cts.) 10c Outings, all colors 7} Cts. 10c Cotton Flannel?Sale Price 71 Cts. 10c Fleece Lined Goods?Hale Price 8 1 -3 Cts. j 10c Cotton Sergos, good colors 71 Cts. iic Riverside Plaids 7 Cts.' B9" If You Don't Trade Wii KIRKPATRIC1 SATISFACTION OR Y HOW TO GET CHEAP FERTILIZER Come to CARROLL BROS., and buy a STALK CUTTER, and use It on your cotton and corn lands Instead of carrying off or burning the stalks. Cut them up and then use an OLIVER Chilled Plow and turn them under, and then get one of our TONGUELESS DISC Harrows and smooth your land and cut up all that is left together with the clods. The above method will be worth more to your land than the fertilizers you ...would ordinarily use to the acre. Come and see us and let us give you some facts on. We sell on easy terms. Remember?OLIVER Chilled Plows are guaranteed against defects. See us for Wagons, Buggies, Drag Harrows, etc. CAKKOLL BKOS. blankets \NKETS IT PAYS TO BUY THE YOU HAVE TO BE SURE YOU tETS. WHEN THOMSON CO. :an be assured that it is \ A LARGE LINE OF WOOL >TH TEN AND ELEVEN QUAR98, $5.00 AND $6.00 THE PAIR.' 1ICE $3.50 PAIR ull Size?PRICED $1.00, $1.50, $1.98 AND $2.50 V1FORTS ill colors at prices to suit your we are showing In BED COMZTTS., $1.48, $1.98, $2.48 and $3.48 D SPREADS READS?New patterns?On Sale i AO II U1 MM) MM) and M DO OSIER Y and Colors?Price 25 Cts. Pair. Hack and Gray. Prices 25 Cts. and 50 Cts. Pair, j OSIERT, In Black?Price 15 Cts. and 25 Cts. Pair. UIT SALE >?Now $7.98 $9.98 ?Now sialos $16.98 VERY IMMED HATS GREATLY RE)epartment for BARGAINS IN IEXT WEEK. reduction to Storm Belt suf y i st, 1913. Come. 3N Company Thanksgiving x will be prepared to fill all your want* for THANKSGIVING except Turkeys. I have everything In OYSTERS. NUTS. CELERY. CRANBERRIES, COCOANUTS, etc. Let us have your orders in time so ^ou won't be disappointed.. Best N. C., and Pennsylvania PLAIN BUCKWHEAT on hand. LOUIS ROTH SENT j k In This Good Bank to Your f tiat it is wise to save a part of loney, and you will have done x sible for your boy. Reckless Z es poverty in old age. It is z >y to learn to save and to en- x siness with the Bank. Start Z ith $1.00 in This Bank. You j investment. Paid on Savings Accounts. % IONAL BANK, i LE, S. C. R. C. ALLIEN, Cashier j The Everything Store SEE US FOR COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS and COMFORTS. Also for SWEATERS. FASCINATORS. UNDERWEAR, and In fact everything mill la requiicu uy wiu nn?uu >u> your comfort. REMEMBER? . That we always carry a complete line of GROCERIES, and would also he pleased 10 satisfy your needs in this direction. J. M. STROUP Motto: Quality and Right Prices. on Sale ay and Tuesday iY EW COATS an and Brown, made out of ible Collars. These Are Real $4.98 s $2.98 to $18.00 $6.48 to $18.00 Sale Prices. g At Sale Prices. 3 2 SPECIALS ? I 10c Itlverslde Cbevoits 8 1-3 Cts. 12 Jc Bed Ticking 9 Cts. 15c Hamilton Hickory 10 Cts. A. C. A. Feather Ticking 12) Cts. 25c Brown and Gray Jeans 19 Cts. 35c Gray Joans 29 Cts. 15c Punjab Percale?Best made 11 Cts. 12Jc. 32 in. Dress Gingham 9 Cts. 10c Men's, Women's and Children's Hose 5 Cts. eavy Gray Hoee 8 Cts. 25c Men's Heavy \\qoI Hose 15 Cts. th Us, We Both Lose Money. t-BELK CO. OUR faONEY BACK. | CLOT V The Weather Man has be< f this vicinity this fall and wint< j mild?it may change any da; V Buy at I. O. Wrav's, who is oi x Clothes for Men?Prices Redi 2 ALL MEN'S $20.00 SUITS?NOW V ALL MEN'S $15.00 SUITS?NOW ALL MEN'S $12.50 SUITS?NOW ? ALL MEN'S $10.00 SUITS?NOW 2 ALL MEN'S $8.50 SUITS?NOW v MEN'S EXTRA PAI A Men's $5.00 PANTS?At $3.48 Men's $3.60 PANTS?At $2.24. C BOYS' PANTS, from 4 to 18 yeari 1 SHIRTS?Men's $1.00 DRESS SH X 48 Cts.: 50c SHIRTS At 32 W OVERALLS?Men's $1.00 OVER r At 3$ Ota. THE RIGHT SHOES A' 1 I have a Job Lot of CHILDREN'! 2 quick?The PRICES ARE J V MEN'S WORK 8HOES?From MEN'S DRESS SHOES?From ? LADIES' HEAVY SHOES?From 2 LADIE8' DRESS SHOE8?From V CHILDREN'S SHOES?From SPECIAL BARGA ( Large HAND TOWELS?At 1 Large TURKISH TOWELS?At " UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, ? Men's FLEECED UNDERWEAR C Ladles' HEAVY FLEECED UNDI 2 Boys' FLEECED SHIRTS and D1 V DRESS GOODS?I AM OFFERIN f IN DRESS GOODS. COMI ( WHITE GOODS?A Job Lot of W 5 ON THE 5 CTS. AND Be sure to visit these Countei prised at the wonderful values fo1 a Nice GRAY PAN for 10 CTS. Nl t CTTS. Nice Tin COFFEE P< 7 WARE for 10 CTB. the PI CTS. Large BUCKETS for A White Enamel ware, for 41 ? If YOU need anything in my 1 V I ha\e the Goods and want to tu call and see my goods, then Judge $ J. 0. WRAY, Th I CAN SELL YOU COTTOLENE, SNOW WHITE, SNOWDRIFT AND PURE LARD. ALSO WESSON'S COOKING OIL. /. W. JOHNSON I YOUR PERSOh o ?> RECEIVES OUR PER8C O STITUTION IS NOT SO < I WANT AND APPRECIA1 II TER HOW SMALL IT M j| AND ARE GROWING? J [ MANY OP WHICH AfcE ; ; YOU WILL BE SURPRIl LITTLE RED TAPE TH OPENING OP AN ACCOl 0 1 Loan and Sa ? < > S. M. McNEEL, President ( f McFarland's Specials From TODAY until the close of my Anniversary Sale I will sell ALL WOOL, ENGLISH SERGE SUITS AT $12.50 PER SUIT. ALL WOOL, BLUE SERGE SUITS AT $9.50 PER SUIT. AMOSKEAG GINGHAMS AND UTILITY GINGHAMS AT 7 CTS. PER YARD?7 CTS. ON SATURDAY NEXT To every customer buying goods to the amount of $16.00, I will give One Good Alarm Clock, FREE. Make It a point to visit this store before the close of this sale?Nov. 8. M. A. McFARLAND if. r. u. ? rint/if.iE/1 nuoii.| SHOES Come and see Us for the Shoe very complete as to Stylet ties and for Prices well le that they are most reason The WALK-OVER SHOES i The E. P. REID SHOES The GROWN GIRL The C. & E. SH( And each of these are the Bes EVERY DAY SHOES ^ a-.I _f T? T\ CI UUr siock 01 r,very uay oi eludes Shoes for Men, Women you in Quality, Style, Fit and Be sure to see our Goods b line. Get our Prices. Then'll CLOUD CA W. 0. HARSHA HOUSE FURNISHINGS It Is just about time to Ht&rt your Christmas shopping, and while you are 1 about this pleasant task, make it a I point to visit this store, where you will And, besides a most complete line of ] FURNITURE in a wide range of qual- j itles, a full line of almost everything j that comes under the head of HOUSE I FURNISHINGS. Let your Christmas gifts be something substantial, some- ' thing that will be a lasting remem1 * ?* "o nsuat Rnr?lflnfir 1 MCV UO ovi00wu? . Chairs, a China Closet, a Book Case, Art Squares, Rugs, or any one or more | of the scores of things that add to the comfort of the home. You'll find this store ready to supply your Ideas and at Just the right prices. MATTING REMNANTS?We are now offering a large lot of Matting Remnants AT COST and BELOW COST. We want to move them, hence the low prices Just come and see. YORK FURNITURE CO. W Typewriter Ribbons?At The Enquirer Office. All kinds. ( HING! en very kind to the people of J ;r?the weather has been very % y?Buy your Clothes Now? h fFering unusual values in good J iced a Third?Come Today. GO AT $12.48 a Salt ) GO AT $9.48 a Salt 5 GO AT $8.48 a Salt I fiO AT 88.48 a Salt " GO AT $5.98 a Soli J ITS ALL REDUCED J Men's $4.00 PANTS?At $2.98 f Men's $3.00 PANTS?At $1.98 A i?From 89 Cts. to $1.50 Pr. Z IRT8 At 89 Cta.; 76c SHIRTS At V Cts. f ALLS At 89 Cts.; 50c OVERALLS J r THE RIGHT PRICE8 V 3 SHOES that I want to close out t , rU8T RIGHT TO DO IT. See 'em. g $1.8$ to $8.50 1 $1.48 to $5.00 L $1.25 to $100 7 $1.25 to $2.50 W 25 Cts. to $2.00 J INS IN TOWELS. 9 Cts. and 12 Cts. Each. ? 19 Cts. Each ^ WOMEN AND CHILDREN J 89 Cts. a Garment 9 1RWEAR 89 Cts. a Garment A ftAWERS 48 CtS. a Suit f G ESPECIALLY GOOD VALUES J 5 AND SEE WHAT I HAVE. ft 'hlte Goods at very low prices. 10 CTS. COUNTERS. I *s?You will be pleased and sur- : und on them ^ Ice GRAY PAN with bale, for 10 , 3T for 10 CT8. Big lot of GLASS 3 ece. Large WASH TUBS for 4$ 8 20 CTS. DISH PAN8, Blue and t i ore. J lino T ran HA VP VOTT UflVKY J m them into money. Give me a j the values for yourself. I i Home of Quality * Horses and Mules Qainn & McGill Have Them at Clover. WE HAVE JUST GOTTEN IN A CAR LOAD OF H0R8ES AND MULES. PERSONALLY SELECTED BY US FOR THIS ' MARKET. AND WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY TO COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE AND WHAT OUR PRICES AND TERMS ARE. QUINN A McGILL Clever, 8 C. # vt sw u AL ACCOUNT I >NAL ATTENTION. THIS IN- < t LARGE THAT IT DOES NOT ! \ PE YOUR ACCOUNT?NO MAT- ! \ AY* BE. WE HAVE GROWN? J [ -ON PERSONAL ACCOUNTS, $ SMALL. SO DON'T HESITATE. 5 SED HOW SIMPLE AND HOW f ERE IS ATTACHED TO THE ? TNT IN THIS BANK. < ! vings Bank jj J. P. McMURRAY, Caahier I I KERrCHOO Vfla t/Aii o pa nnu/ finH hv tomorrow you will have developed a cold that will take you a week and possibly a month to cure. If you only had a box of Shieder"? LAX-A-COLD tablets and took a few, you would not have any cold. If you have neglected yourself you must use LAX-A-COLD tablets any way and Nyal's COUOH SYRUP In connection. 25c per box. Shieder Drag Store ? THE NYAL STORE ? SHOES i that you need. Our stock is i, and is jamb-up as to Qualiave it to your good judgment able. We have? For Men. for Ladies. SHOES for Misses. )ES for Children. t in their class. FOR HARD WEAR hoes is very complete and inand Children. We can please Price. efore buying anything in our you'll buy here. * SH STORE W, Manager. CITY MEAT MARKET EGG8 WANTED?25 CT8. DOZ. We will buy all the EGGS offered until further notice, and pay 25 CT8. per Dozen for all we can buy. When you want Choice STEAKS or ROASTS come to the City Market. We make a specialty of the Beet HomeRaised Stall Fed Beeves and also sell the Choicest Western Meats. RJ8T ARRIVED? A shipment of BONELESS BOILED HAMS, CURED HAMS and BREAKFAST BACON. We sell these by the Pound, the Whole Ham or Whole Piece of Bacon, and all of It Is of the Dest quality. CATTLE AND CALVES? At all times we will buy all the FAT CATTLE and all the VEAL CALVES ve can get. See us when you have any 'n spll THE CITY MEAT MARKET C. F. Sherer, Prop. tr 8?nd The Enquirer your orders for ^ommereial Printing.