SHARON PERSONALS. \ Correspondence The YorkrllU Enquirer Sharon, November 25.?Rev. W. A. Hafner, has returnetd to Fort Mill after preach ins: a week for Rev. W. B. Arrowood at Sharon. Mr. John Pratt and family of Tlrzah expect to move to Sharon. Miss Bertha Young, of Chester Is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. M. Graves at Sharon. Miss Clyde Cain, of Sharon, has taken charge of the school at Clarke's Fork. Misses Fannie and Sarah Young* blood of Sharon, have been visiting at Pineville, N. C. Mr. S. G. Gilflllen, of Gastonia, has been spending a few days at Sharon with relatives. ^ ?Will Thomas, a negro, was taken from a magistrate's constable by a party of masked men at a point about fourteen miles above Newberry at about 10 o'clock last Friday night, and was chained to a tree and his body riddled with bullets. The negro was being brought to the Newberry jail by k Constable Gary G. Johnson on a warA rant charging Thomas with the murW der of Spurgeon Johnson, a white man who was assassinated in the upper section of the county near the Laurens ^ line some weeks ago. The warrant had ? been issued by Magistrate William Dorroh and the negro was arrested in tne community in- wnicn jonnsun killed. Constable Johnson was halted by the mob at a point in some thick woods Just beyond Little river bridge. He says when the mob approached him they demanded the prisoner and that he refused to deliver him over and shot off his pistol, thinking to "bluff" the mob. He savs he was told that if he did that again he would be killed, and that he was entirely surrounded by the masked men and had to surrender. He said the mob then told him to get down the road quickly, and that he obeyed. They struck his mule, he says, and before he had got very far he heard the firing of guns and pistols. He says he thinks he heard over a hundred shots. He and Magistrate Dorroh went to the scene Saturday morning and found the dead body of I the negro still chained to the tree. F Magistrate Dorroh immediately notified Sheriff Buford. The sheriff had Just returned from a trip in the lower part of the county, where there was a considerable disturbance last night, and. in company with Constable Can non O. Blease and others, he lert immediately for the scene. It was Impossible to elicit any further facts than those given by the magistrate's constable. Coroner John Henry Chappell held an Inquest the verdict being that the negro came to his death at the hands of unknown parties. Thinks It a Good Idsa.?The Yorky ville Enquirer, referring to the scram, ble for the Chester postofflce that seems to be presaged, although the incumbent has more than three years still to serve, says this: "Why don't you tell them to submit it to a primary to be participated In by all the patrons of the office, including the rural routes? That is the good old Democratic way of settling such matters." It is the right way, too, and the one, we think, that should be adopted here in Chester, if the applicants for the office of postmaster prove to be as numerous as they are said to be.?Chester Reporter. AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting: Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. FIRST PRES)/ X'*AN Rev. E. E. Of ,stor. Prayer meotlnp^"*V - - ?y even'ng "%t 7 o'cl *k f ?fecial Dotires. Oyster Supper at Sharon. There will be an Oyster Supper at Sharon in the Shannon-Hope Store building, on Thanksgiving night, under the auspices of the School Improvement Association. It Committee. Thanksgiving Services. r Union Thanksgiving services will be held in Trinity Methodist church on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, and the sermon will be preached by Rev. J. He Machen of the Baptist church. The offering will be made for the benefit of the various orphanages, and contribuI tors are requested to enclose their contributions in envelopes with instructions as to where they desire the contributions to go. ZEMO FOR DANDRUFF. You Will Bo Surprised to See How Quickly it Disappears. No more dirty coats from dandruff heads. Zemo stops dandruff. Apply it any time with tips of fingers. No smell, no smear. Zemo sinks Into the pores, makes the scalp healthy, makes ^ the hair fine and glossy. Zemo la prepared by E. W. Rose Me^'clne Co., St. Louis, Mo., and Is regularly sold by all druggists at $1 per bottle. But to enable you to make a test and prove what It will do for you, get a 25-cent trial bottle fully guaranteed or your money back at York Drug Store. FEEL RIGHT ALL THE TIME ? Don't Let Periodical Spella of Lazy Liver Ruin Your Temper and Spoil Your Work. If your liver doesn't behave right all the time?If It sometimes stops working and you become bilious and "headachy"?don't take calomel, but try Dodson's Liver Tone. You are safe In taking Dodson's Liver Tone. It's a harmless, pleasant vegetable remedy that starts the liver without stirring up your whole system as calomel often does. It Is especial'y good for children who need a liver tonic once in a while, but who should not be dosed with strong drugs. Dodson's Liver Tone is sold by the York Drug Store. This store guarantees It with a clean open and shut guarantee?your money back with a { smile if it fails to satisfy you. Price. J SO cents a bottle and your money is as safe as if you had it in your pocket. If you ne^d the medicine you need it badly?If it doesn't satisfy you?your money back. Buy a botle from the York Drug Store today under this guarantee. &he (fotton JRarhel. Yorkville. November 26.?Good middling cotton 13J cents. New York. November 25.?Cotton spot closed steady; middling uplands 18.80; middling gulf 13.05. Sales none. Cotton futures closed barely steady as fol'ows: Nov. 12.38; Dec. 12.87; Jan. 12.44; March 12.46; May 12.44; July 12.36. TURKEYS FOR SALE YOUNG M. B. Toms, at 12.50 each3t. tf. N. S. BLACK. LEWIS LONG STAPLE ONE hundred bushels pure seed at 31 per bushel. A. L. BLACK. Yorkville. 2t 94 ft. FOR RENT . fTI WO Horse Farm with two houses JL on Smyrna No. 2, 9 miles from Yorkville. Apply to me at Filbert. 3t tf. W. L. PURSLEY. STRAND GOLD BEADS LOST ON streets of Yorkville Sunday. Reward if returned to It LOUISE BARRON. FOR SALE THE Fannie B. McCaw residence and lot between Miss Rosa Lindsay and J. S. Brice. Lot 100x260. House has lights, water and sewerage. Six rooms and bath and dressing rooms. 4t 94 J. S. BRICE. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE on East Liberty street. Apply to J. P. WHITE. 96 3t 3t* TO JOIN CANNING CLUB YORK county girls who desire to join the Canning Club will please write me, Rock Hill No. 3, giving name, age and address. MINNIE LEE GARRISON. 95 6t TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Miss MARf GILFILLAN, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned at once. Persons having claims against said estate, should present them duly proven, within the time prescribed by law. j R. R. LOVE, Executor, 95 t 3t URATTON FARM. Phone No. 132. Two fine bred Bull Calves for sale at reasonable figures?Right blood to head a herd; also two full bred Guernseys and several Grade Cows. We want more customers for Cream I and Milk. Stove Wood, split and sawed to length, delivered on short notice. J. MEEK BURNS. Manager. THE BEST MULES We have a carload of the BEST KENTUCKY and MISSOURI MULES ever brought to Yorkville. We lay special emphasis on the BEST, because that is what we have. Disinterested judges will tell you that our claim to having the BEST Mules ever brought to Yorkville, is correct. We will be pleased to have every man who wants a Mule or a pair of Mules, come and see what we have. We can please you, no matter how exacting you may be as to size and quality. Our Mules are all Young, Fat, in Perfect Condition, and you will And that our pr.ces are JUST AS NEAR RIGHT AS PRICES CAN BE MADE. We will sell you for the cash or on paper with liberal terms, or we will trade with you. Come and see us before you buy a Mule. We have the rigm gooas at ngni prices. SMOAK-BROWN CO. YORKVILLE, S. C. A Word to Procrastinators If you owned a dwelling worth $10,000, ao you think you would wait until next week, next month or next year before insuring against Possible loss by fire? No you would not wait until tomorrow. Yet you say you are not reaoy to insure your life for the protection of your wife and children or creditors, but hope to do so latlr. brother, I can explain to you why you are so particular about the house, that may never burn, and so procrastinating about the life that is sure to end sooner or later?possibly within six months. If your house should burn without insurance, the loss would fall on YOU! Eut if you die without any Life Insurance, or less than enough to comfortably provide for those you | profess to love, the loss would ran on THEM. If you have no Are Insurance you are carrying the risk. If you have no Life Insurance, your family and creditors are carrying the risk; but when you are gone without Life Insurance you will not be able to hear the kind things (?) your family, neighbors and creditors will have to say about you, as you would in case your house should burn uninsured. See? The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company during the past 67 years, has paid out to beneficiaries over $300,000,000: But Not One Cent of This Huge Sum Was Paid to the Beneficiaries of Those Who Expected to Insure. But Did Xot Do So. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. HOUSE OF QUALITY AND EXPERIENCE We have THE Goods, and THE Experience. so we can afford to Guarantee Satisfaction to Our Customers. See Us about Your brder. PALMETTO MONUMENT CO. JOS. G. SASST, Proprietor. YORKYILLE. S. C. JUVENILE BICYCLES We have Just received a large shipment of Bicycles for the little folks, and if you are going to give your Girl or Boy that Bicycle that you have been thinking you would give them, or that you have promised to give them, now is the time to see about it. while we have them in stock. We have them at different prices and in different sizes and' can fit your boy or girl and your pocketbook. See about it at once. VELOCIPEDES?Also have a good I line of Velocipedes for the little fellows who are too small for a bike. EXPRESS WAGONS?Yes. we are ready to supply these too. All s'zes and at just the Tightest kind of prices. GUNS IX)It THANKSGIVING? If you are going hunting Thanksgiving Day, you will probably need a GUN. Come and let us show you the Guns we have. Got In a shipment yesterday and have them at all kinds of prices and can fit you in quality and price. Just come and see us about Guns. It will be easy for you to make a selection here. Won't you try it? Carroll Furniture Co. G. H O'LEAItY RFMRMFR THAT WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR FURNITURE, STOVES, HARNESS, SADDLES, or ANYTHING IN MY LINE, THAT I HAVE A NEW, CLEAN LINE TO SELECT FROM? QUALITY AND PRICES SECOND TO NONE. A SIMPLE COMPARISON WILL CONVINCE YOU, ASK FOR IT. G H. O'LEARY 22 Thanksgiving jjjj Tomorrow would be Th; was not appointed for Thi ? will have many things to be J J arrives. Make it a point to the good things of this life. a you take home to your goo ?2 sister a box of the world-fai |?? HUYLER'S CHOCOLAT1 | BENEDETTO ALLEGRE | Such a remembrance wouli mf your thoughtfulness. And jx the quiet, that there is noth and Chocolates to warm the 8 Y?r WANTED C^ROPPER for two or three plows J on Scott Wilson Farm near McConnellsvllle; white family to occupy large dwelling. Also wanted several colored croppers. Apply to WILLIS WILSON at the Farm. 93 t.f. 4t f THE THANKS i ^ Are Tendered to livery uni a Business Given It During t V We assure you most heai t highly appreciated, whethei ? great or small in volume. 1 just the same. We thank yi S* to you our best wishes for happiness. We hope that Day rolls around you will 1 that your favors to this Bar The FIRST NAT ? YORKVIL * O. E. WILKINS, President. _ I You Are Invited To do YOUR banking business with the BANK OF CLOVER. We are here to serve YOU in every legitimate business way and we have the facilities to meet YOUR every requirement We solicit your business because we know that we can handle it to your entire satisfaction and will appreciate your favors. We want your business because our prosperity depends on your prosperity and your business. If you sell your cotton away from Clover, we will be pleased to cash the checks drawn on other Banks. Deposit YOUR money with THIS Bank?Pay YOUR bills with checks. The Bank of Clover, CLOVER. S.O. 1 I Li n JZWTrki The Foundation of ever fessional is money. Save yc PORTUNITY for you to i investment will surely come. ON Saving, and you will ge way to do so. tsamr- Male* HTTP Ran We Pay 4 Per Cent Inter Loan and Si The Best Place To buy your FEED STUFFS for horses, cows, hogs and poultry, is at the store that makes a SPECIALTY of FEED STUFFS, and as I make a Specialty of Feed Stuffs MY STORE is the BEST PLACE for you to buy. See me for MILL FEED, RICE BRAN, HORSE AND MULE FEED, OATS, ETC. Right Qualities at the Right Prices. r? VT7? lii u ocma/ 1 still have a few bushels of SEED RYE. Sow a few acres. I IIAVE CRIMSON* CLOVER SEED. DON'T FORGET? That VOIGHT'S ROYAL is easily the PEST Flour to be had on this market. Try a sack. It will please you. J. M.FERGUSON. Yesterday we received ? Buy Them at 20 Per Cent Dis 20 Per Cei1 ON ALL LADIES' CO ON ALL LADIES' AI ON ALL MEN'S AND ATT r?T7 TUTC WE* 17! 14 This reduction puts one of Coat Suits, Ladies' and Misses' down to prices that make ever value. You will find here the i choicest fabrics and in wantabl that for these Seven Business I work of a Dollar, or $4.00 th< work of a $10.00 Bill. If you Coat Suits, Coats or Clothing q CLOUD CA I W. O. HARSHA WO Bonbons g anksgiving if Thanksgiving irsclay. But anyway, you oj 1 thankful for when the day C* show your appreciation of ^ As a suggestion, suppose 'd wife, or your mother, or Co nous *2 ES AND BONBONS or x? :tti's bonbons. fcf :1 make them thankful for * then, too, we'll tell you on ling like a box of Bonbons cj ; heart of that best girl. } k Drug Store FOR SALE THE Jas. E. McAllley Home Place, belter known as "The White Place," 233 ACRES, on public road, In half mile of Bullock Creek church and school. Good 7-room painted dwelling; new barn and three tenant houses. For terms, see the undersigned. 2t. JAS. E. McALILEY, Sharon, S. C. wfwnq ? j mm nwwtiiwww OF THIS BANK j e of Its Customers for any j :he Good Year 1912. v rtily that your patronage is ? r that patronage has been 1 We appreciate your favors ou, and at the same extend A YOUR future welfare and y ere another Thanksgiving lave grown in wealth and J ik may be larger in future. ^ IONAL BANK, j LE. S. C. II. C. ALLIEN, Cashier ? nMmm KER-CHOO Yes, you are sneezing now, and by tomorrow you will have developed a cold that will take you a week and possibly a month to cure. If you only had a box of Shleder's LAX-A-COLD tab lets and took a few, you would not have any cold. If you have neglecte'd yourself you must use LAX-A-COLD tablets any way and Nyal's COUGH SYRUP In connection. 25c per box. Shieder Drug Store ? THE NYAL STORE ? y success, business or pro>ur money and a good OPmake a profitable business , Begin Saving and KEEP t ahead. There is no other k YOUR Bank est on Savings Accounts. ivings Bank I CAN SELL YOU COTTOLEXE, SNOW WHITE, SNOWDRIFT AND PURE LARD. ALSO WESSON'S COOKING OIL. /. W. JOHNSON ibout Forty Coat Suits?You count?See them Quick it Discount AT SUITS, *D MISSES' COATS, BOYS' SUITS r L. the snappiest lines of Ladies' Coats, Men's and Boys Suits y one of these garments a big /ery newest styles in the very e colorings. And Remember, )ays Eighty Cents will do the ; work of $5.00; or $8.00 the 1 are wise you will buy your [uick. SH STORE ,W, Manager. !+? ?+? ? ?4? 4?4 ?40 4?4 ? There once was a m feSrWh0 for heating, fe ??1 l n hi[jj I hi i ji? And he phoncu tuu?? it was . I There Are Occa ? When your main fire is aban ? need a small Oil Stove. Or ] ? advantage in your spare bed rc expectedly. You will find it ? ordinary cool weather, and es t factory in the bath room. G - about our Oil Stoves, or bette ? home. Every one is Guarante | WW If It Is Hardware We I i YorkvilleH /*V,MJjl /T^A/Tl A/T^A JiXJi A wV vTtSJ T^T Y*rTr? WV WVtfJ V1 HOUSE FURNISHINGS It is just about time to start your Christmas shopping, and while you arc about this pleasant task, make it a point to visit this store, where you will And, besides a most complete line of FURNITURE in a wide range of qualities, a full line of almost everything that comes under the head of HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Let your Christmas gifts be something substantial, something that will be a lasting remembrance. Let us suggest Rocking Chairs, a China Closet, a Book Case, Art Squares, Rugs, or any one or more of the scores of things that add to the comfort of the home. You'll And this store ready to supply your ideas and at just the right prices. MATTING REMNANTS?We are now offering a large lot of Matting Rem? A T PAQT DPT ATI7 PAQT uaiiu AX uv/ui auu uijuv f? We want to move them, hence the low prlcea Just come and see. YORK FURNITURE CO. Removal and I A Great i : Hundreds have visited our gan. Everybody came expec away satisfied. Everything is ber Sale continues to Decern about twenty-five cases of Ne Sixteen new cases of the famo marked at Sale Prices. BIG SALE ON LADIES iladies'1 Coat Suits? Ladies' Coats? Children's Coats SHOES! SHO Our $10,000 SHOE Stock 1 cases of Ladies' Tan Shoes, La< BIG SALE ON MEN'S A Every Suit In Our Big Stc Men's Suits?Sale Prices Boys' Suits?Sale Price ^ Men's Pants?Sale Prices Boys' Pants?Sale Prices Men's oc Underwear All Shirts, Socks, Suspenders, KIRKPATRIC Our Store Closed Thar The Last Word? O IN SCISSORS and SHEARS is the celebrated CLAUSS SCISSORS and SHEARS. I am now showing a very complete line of these very high class goods and will be pleased to have the ladies call and see them. There are Pocket Scissors, Embroidery Scissors. Manicure Scissors, and Shears for all kinds of purposes, from the lightest to the heaviest work. And then, too. the quality. Whew! but it is good. So good that EVERY PAIR is ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED, and the prices? Well, they're very modest. Let me show 'em to you. T, W. SPECK. The Jeweler. BE HONEST Buy your FRESH MEATS AT SHERER'S MARKET. Good, Choice Meats at Popular Prices. You can get everything in the Vegetable line, In season, at SHERER'S. All kinds of CANNED Goods. BUTTER and EGGS at SHERER'S. Also FRUITS?Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. I WANT EVERYBODY WHO OWES ME TO PLEASE PAY UP ^AT ONCE AS I NEED THE MONEY. AND THERE IS NOTHING LIKE BEING HONEST. If everybody would pay their debts, And nobody Cheat nor Lie, It would be so near like Heaven here. There'd be no need to die. OLD GEORGE THE BUTCHER. McFarland's Specials From TODAY until the close of my Anniversary Sale I will sell ALL WOOL, ENGLISH SERGE Sl'ITS AT $12.50 PER SUIT. ALL WOOL, BLUE SERGE SUITS AT $9.50 PER SUIT. AMOSKEAG GINGHAMS AND UTILITY GINGHAMS AT 7 CTS. PER YARD?7 CTS. ON SATURDAY NEXT To every customer buying goods to the amount of $15.00, I will give One Good Alarm Clock, FREE. Make It a point to visit this store before the close of this sale?Nov. 8. M. A. McFARLAND R. F. I). 4 PINCKNEY ROAP. ? ?+ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?+ EEKLY LIMERICK j $ an, by name Mr. Grove, * It the need of a small Oil Stove. $ Lill Uffl He came to I Aw' l OUR STORE | ' ^*iere we ^ave i them Galore, I |asc wnat we needed, by Jove." ^ siona/ Fa// Da>s f doned. That is the time you & perhaps you could use one to ? 10m, when company comes un- ? ample for ordinary rooms in ? pecially convenient and satis- * Dme and let us tell you more S r still, let us send one to your ? ?d to Satisfy You. j| iave It?Riteprice. ? 1 I arawarev>.u. j m.*- A/T*-*. XJ4X ill^A AJ4 ?/ vTw wv v w VW wVw Wv w * sl ?I flOW 70 GET CHEAP FERTILIZER Come to CARROLL BROS., and buy a STALK CUTTER, and use it on your cotton and corn lands instead of carrying off or burning the stalks. Cut them up .and then use an OLIVER Chilled Plow and'turn them under, and then get one of our TONGUELESS DISC Harrows and smooth your land and cut up all that is left together with the clods. The above method will be worth more to your land than the fertilizers you would ordinarily use to the acre. Come and see us and let us give you some facts on. We sell on easy terms. Remember?OLIVER Chilled Plows are guaranteed against defects. See us for Wagons, Buggies, Drag Harrows, etc. CARROLL BROS. iemodling Sale Success Store since this big Sale beting Big Bargains and went sold as advertised. Rememiber 31st. We have received w Goods since Stale be^an. us Godman Shoes just in and > SUITS AND COATS $5.98 to $18.98 $3.48 to $18.98 89 Cts. to $3.98 ES! SHOES! must be reduced. Three new ce and Buttons, ND BOYS' CLOTHING >ro Reduced for This Sale, $3.98 to $18,98 98 Cts. to $7-48 98 Cts. to $5.48 39 Cts. to $1.79 38 Cts.; 75 Cts. Suit. Hats, Etc. Reduced K-BELK CO. iksgiving Day. Reversible Disc Plows We want to buy One Three-Horse Reversible Disc Plow, second-hand, In good condition. SUNSHINE EGG and DEVELOPING MASH is truly a wonderful product It Is exactly what a hen needs to lay an egg every day. This Egg Mash should be fed in connection with Sunshine Scratch Feed. Received another shipment of nice R. R. P. SEED OATS If you want OATS see us before you buy. Do not forget our closing out prices on some odds and ends of SHOES. If we can fit you we will surely save you money. When you think of Building or Repairing a house be sure to see us. We carry everything in stock with which to build or repair a house. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WHEAT We got Eight Bushels and have more on the way. Yes. bill of lading for lot No. 2, and an order for more has gone forward. It may be, in some people's opinion, that it is getting too late to sow. Among some of the best crops I ever saw. wheat was sown Christmas week, some in January and even a small lot in February. I do not advocate too late sowing. Some years crops are fair, other years not so good. Just a3 it goes with almost my other crop. Look at last year's cotton crop. You know how short some cotton crops are for 1912. Say, if you want a splendid MOL\SSES, try our PENFORD brand. It's simply fine?10 Cts., 25 Cts. and 50 Cts. a Can. If it don't suit?YOUR MONEY BACK. W. H. HERNDON ti r? r>i iile Lveryining orore SEE US FOR COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS and COMFORTS. Also for SWEATERS. FASCINATORS. UNDERWEAR, and In fact everything that Is required by cold weather for your comfort. REMEMBER? That we always carry a complete line of GROCERIES, and would also be pleased to satisfy your needs In this direction. J. M. STROUP quality ana IfiffM Prices. I | THOM ? COAT SUITanc ! If The QUALITY Has Not B* I? has. Make THOMSON'S S | PLACE THIS WEEK for L * Underwear. Come Yourself ? THOMSON'S. We will be gl S quote prices whether you wish | LADIES' CC * $10.00 and $12.50 Coat Suits? + $15.00 Coat Suits?This Weei ? $18.00 and $20.00 Coat Suits?' A $25.00 Coat Suits?This Week I UNDERWI * Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Vests a * . Week ? Boys' Heavy Fleeced Union Si f Wright's Heavy Fleeced Men'i $1.00 value?This Week | BLANKETS AN ? Pure All-Wool 11-4 Blankets| Pure Wool 11-4 Blankets * Wool Blankets, full 11-4 size? | Cotton Fleece Blankets?Price BED DOB All Colors and Sizes?On Sale | 98 Cts., $1.4! ? REM EH | Thomson's Shoe Stock it C< * from the Smallest to the Large | in Dress Shoes, Work Shoes 0 ? Now is the time to buy your & you what we have in Shoes. + IT We are Headquarters ft J tions, Gents' Furnishings and ? Here You Buy Goods of Qua] * Satisfy You at the Price Y< 5 Known At This Store. ^ ffP Our offer of 10 per cent $ ferers holds good until Januar \ The THOMS( Thomson Co.'s Store will fc THE BEST Jhat Is the word that fully describes the HIGH GRADE RUBBER GOODS that we are now offering to our trade. There are as many different qualities of Rubber Goods as there are different grades of woolen cloths, and until we secured our present line the sale of Rubber Goods was a more or less haphazard proposition. We simply had to sell the best we could buy and let it go at that. We NOW offer our trade Fountain Syringes, Bulb Syringes, Water Bottles, Rubbing Tubing, etc., with a definite Guarantee as to Lasting Qualities, and assure you that when you buy these Guaranteed Rubber Goods you will not be disappointed. See us for your needs. YORK DRUG STORE THE REXALL 8TORE - HOW MUCH MORE TODAY THAN YOl AGO? ?? ? If you have SAVED A Pi matter how small?you are dependence. If you have longer, but Start an Accou Your Money Will Earn 4 P Compounded Quarterly The National ABSOLUTl Rock Hill, THE UNITED STATES G WITH TH / W. J. RODDEY, President. Horses and Mules Quinn & McGill Have, Them at Clover. WE HAVE JUST GOTTEN IN A J CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND j MULES, PERSONALLY SELECTED BY US FOR THIS MARKET. AND ' WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND ( THE PUBLIC GENERALLY TO COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE 1 AND WHAT OUR PRICES AND TERMS ARE. i QUINN A McGILL Clover, 8 C. 94 sw tf J ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? i Shoes! Buy Your Shoes at Wra X Qualities and Styles at the Lo ? MEN'S WORK SHOES?From ? MEN'S DRESS SHOES?From ? LADIES' HEAVY SHOES?From + LADIES' DRESS SHOES?From 1 MEN'S CLOTHING?ONE ? ALL MEN'S CLOTHING?All sizes f MEN'S EXTRA PAN' % Men's $5.00 PANTS?At $3,99 ? Men's $3.50 PANTS?At $2.48. ? Men's $2.50 PANTS?At $1.89, | ON THE 5 CTS. AND i fJIEJRE YOU WILL FIND MOl MANY SMALL THINGS YOU Nice GRAY PAN for $0 CTS. Nlc a CTfiL Nice Tin COFFEE PO' $ WARE for 10 CTS. the Pie* + CTS. Large BUCKETS for ? White Enamel ware, for 48 * DO YOUR FALL BUYING AT WR, I J. 0. WRAY, The ? ? ? +?+ ? ? +?+ ?+? *?+ ?4* SOW'S I I UNDERWEAR j ALE I == i ^ . _ . A ;n Keaucca; But the FKICE X TORE YOUR SHOPPING ? adirs' Coat Suits and Heavy & and Bring Your Friends to ad to show you our goods and $ i to buy or not. ? )AT SUITS | This Week $7.98 * ^ *> <>? ? rhis Week $12.98 ? $16.98 | SAR SALE * ind Pants, 50c values?This | 39 Cts. Garment * uits, 50c value?This Week ? 39 Cts. Garment ^ s Undershirts and Drawers 79 Cts. Garment ? D COMFORTS ? -Prices $5.00 and $6.00 $ $3.48 ^ -Price $3.98 the Pair a s $1.00, $1.50 and $1.98 Pr. J fOADTC * nr ui\ x o tjj at s J, $1.98, $2.48 and $348 Each. MBER | jmplctc for the Entire Family * 5?t We can fit you up either % r Shoes for Every Day wear. Winter Shoes. Let us show >r Dry Goods, Millinery, No- t Clothing. When You Buy lity?Goods That Will Fully $ au Pay. Make Your Wants 5 i reduction to Storm Belt suf- | y 1st, 1913. Come. ? | )N Company g >e Closed Thanksgiving Day. | Thnnherfininrt i wlli be prepared to fill all your wanta for THANKSGIVING except Tur&eya. I have everything in OYSTERS. NUTS, CELERY. CRANBERRIES, COCOANUTS, etc. i Let ui have your orders In time so you won't be disappointed. Best N. C., and Pennsylvania PLAIN BUCKWHEAT on hand. LOUIS ROTH I ARE YOU WORTH U WERE A YEAR \RT of your earnings?no ; just that much nearer inflat, don't put it off any At Today with This Bank, er Cent, r Union Bank, ELY SAFE - - s. c. OVERNMENT DEPOSITS [IS BANK IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier. Big Sale 3F MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING. HURRY (18.00 SUITS?NOW $12.48 (12.50 SUITS?NOW $8.98 (10.00 SUITS?NOW $7.48 (8.60 SUITS?NOW $5.98 (7.60 SUIT8?NOW $4.98 3THER BARGAINS AND CUT PRICES ALL OVER THE STORE? SALE CLOSES DECEMBER 24TH. McCONNELL'S 4 It |P QtVTX7 TWV wv WTW TU^T ^iTVTy VPiTV Shoes! I iy's and You Get the Best of ? west Prices?Try It 2 $1.25 to $8.50 $ $1.48 to $5.00