Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, August 23, 1912, Image 3

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The Georgian Primary.?Approxi 0 matel.v complete returns from Wednesday's state Democratic primary in Georgia, show that John M. Slaton, president of the senate, secured the gubernatorial nomination by a popular majority over opponents of 50,000 votes. He was opposed by Hooper Alexander of Dekaib and Joe Hill Hall of Bibb county. United States Senator A. O. Bacon was renominated by an equally large majority, defeating H. H. Perry of Hall county. Congressman Charles L. Bartlett was defeated for renominatlon in the sixth district by J. W. Wise of Fayette, by a plurality of 209. % Judge Charles F. Crisp easily won the nomination for congress in the third disi. .ct as did Congressman Thomas M. Bell, in the ninth. In the eleventh district, Randall Walker, according to incomplete returns. Is ahead of Judge T. A. Parker by a nar# row margin. Other congressional nominations were uncontested. The race between J. D. Price and J. J. Brown for commissioner of agriculture is # close. Practically complete returns Indicate the nomination of the following state officials: For railroad commissioners: Joseph F. Gray, Savannah; George Hillyer, Atlanta, and Paul Trammell, Dalton, renominated. Attorney general; T. S. Felder, renominated (not T. B. Feider.) Prison commissioner: T. E. Patter^ son, renominated. Pension commissioner: J. W. Lindsay. renominated. State school superintendent: M. L. Brittain, renominated. State court of appeals: Judge J. R. Pottle. For the following offices there were no contests and the Incumbents have been renominated: Secretary of state: Phillip Cbok. Comptroller general: W. A. Wrfght. State treasurer: W. J. Speer. Commissioner of commerce and labor: H. M. Stanley. ^, Justices S. C. Atkinson, Joseph Lumpkin and Warner Hill of the supreme court and Judge Ben Hill of the state court of appeals. w i m i "The Hundred Reasons."?With regard to 98 of the "100 reasons" sent out ~ by the "Jones publicity bureau" why ** Blease should not be re-elected, some of them have been disproved, some of them .are too contemptible for notice, some of them carry their absurdity on their face, and all of them, circulated by the "Jones publicity bureau" will Increase the Blease majority. As to the other two, we are unable to pass an opinion upon them, the "Jones publicity bureau" having marked them "omitted."?Newberry Herald and Jfe News. AT THE CHURCHES. 'FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. ^ Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 8.30 o'clock. ? * mw TittwnDXITTTt DPTT.QPV. ASnUtlA I Hi nor vimi m > i TERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. BAPTIST. Baptist?Sunday school at 10 a. m. ^ Evening, service at S.15. conducted by Rev. J. M. Ham rick of Forest City, N. C. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. F. Anderson, Pastor. Sunday services?Sunday school at ^ 10 a. m. No other service. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services.?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. (Ephphatha Sunday; special collection for the mission to deaf mutes in the * southern dioceses.) -Special Uotires. York Mill. . ^ Rev. J. L. Oates will preach at the York Mill Sabbath evening at 8.30 o'clock. A Card. To the Democratic Voters of the Sixth Judicial Circuit: Because of absence from the state on business in the opening of the cam> paign, a special term of court for Fairfield county beginning on the 5th of August after my return, several deaths among my neighbors and now a case of fever in my own home has made it impossible for me to take the active part in the campaign intended. ^ Hence my interest in the primary elec* tion must be submitted to your kind consideration without much ado on my part. J. K. Henry. For Truth. Self and God. To the Voters of South Carolina, Especially to the Church Members: On next Tuesday when you cast your vote, don't forget your promise to God, as a member of the church. God's all-seeing eye will be upon you, \so let us prove by the number of votes that we cast in the right way, that we are for the right; also that we mean to be on God's side for the upbuilding of humanity. It* R. E. Montgomery'. ^ STOPS SCALP ITCH Dandruff and Every Form of Scalp Disease Cured Quick by Zemo. It is simply wonderful how Zemo goes after dandruff. You rub a little of it in with tips of the fingers. It gets right down into the glands, stim0 ulates them, stops the itch, and makes the head fine. No, it isn't sticky! Zemo is a fine, clear, vanishing liquid. You don't have to even wash your hands after using Zemo. And what a wonder it is for eczema, rash, pimples and all skin afflictions. A 25-cent trial A bottle at York Drug is guaranteed to stop any skin irritation. Zemo is prepared by E. W. Rose Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and is regularly sold by druggists at }1 a bottle. But to prove what it will do at trifling expense, Zemo is now put up in 25 cent trial bottles. ^ York Drug Store. The Marley Pardon. Columbia, S. C., August 21st, 1912. The Yorkvllle Enquirer, Ycrkville, South Carolina. .? Gentlemen: ? It has been brought to my attention that there is a report being ciftulated in and around Yorkville to the effect that Mr. B. F. Marley paid to Gov. Blease the sum of $750.00 for the par' don' of his son, L. G. Marley. I enclose you copy of affidavit in re ? .y ? mnffar f mm \fr T-T T> KU.ru IU l?C IIIUUVI, tlVIU MA*. A*. Marley, which I will thank you to publish with an appropriate Introduction. Yours very truly, Fred H. Dominick. (Copy). ^ STATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Lexington. Personally appears before me H. D. Marley who says upon oath? 1st. That he is informed and believes that there is being circulated In . the town of Yorkville and vicinity a report to the effect that he, the deponent, made a statement to a certain party, or parties Indicating that B. F. Marley, the father of deponent. paidJoj Governor Blease or his representatives, the sum of seven hundred and fifty ($7 50.00) dollars for the pardon of L. G. Marley, brother of deponent; 2nd. That deponent has no knowledge of any money being paid to any one whatever for the pardon referred to; that he does not believe that any money was so paid, and that all statements to the effect that such a sum of { money, or any other amount, was paid for such pardon, or that deponent made statements to such effect, are absolutely and unqualifiedly false. (Signed) H. D. Marley. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 19th day of August, A. D., 1912. (Signed) Ira C. Carson, (L. S.) Notary Public, S. C. WHY NOT POLLOCK? Special polices. Notice. Rev. W. B. Arrowood will fill his regular appointments next Sabbath, preaching at Woodlawn in the morning at 11 o'clock and at Harmony In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Preaching at Tirzah. There will be preaching at Tirzah A. R. P. church on the fourth Sabbath of August. 20th instant, at 11 o'clock a. m.. by Rev. J. N. Less lie. 2t W. E. Gettys. County Home. Rev. J. L. Oates will preach at the County Home Sabbath afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. ?he Ofotton Jflarhet. Yorkville, August 23.?New cotton, 12 cts. New York, Aug. 2.?Spot closed quiet middling uplands 11.80; middling gulf 12.05; no sales. Futures closed steady as follows: Jan. 11.24; Feb. 11.28; Mar. 11.35; May 11.43; Aug. 10.01; Sept. 11.02; Oct. 11.24; Nov. 11.28; Dec. 11.32. WHY NOT POLLOCK? J. S. Wllkerson N. M. McDill A :i, t? unci oui*. Hickory Grove Realty Co. REAL ESTATE HICKORY GROVE, S. C. FOR SALE 301 Acres?2} miles from Hickory Grove; gray and red soil; 150 acres in cultivation, 75 acres in fine wood land; four tenant houses; plenty of water. $20.00 per Acre. 114 Acres?4 miles from Hickory Grove: good, deep soil; 75 acres in cultivation; new 6-room dwelling, good out-buildings, practically new; four tenant houses. A bargain at $30 per Acre. 70 Acres?1 mile from Hickory Grove; 40 acres in cultivation, balance In wood; good 3-room tenant house, barn and crib. $30 per Acre. 75 t^cres?In Cherokee county; 40 acres In cultivation; S mile from U school and one mile from Salem church. No buildings. $15 per Acre. 134 1-2 Acres?1J miles from Hoodtown; about 60 acres in cultivation and good, strong land. Good house and barn. $12.50 per Acre. J. W. H. Good?House and lot in Hickory Grove; near new Graded school. A bargain at $1,150.00. We have other valuable lands here and in South Georgia, for Sale. Write or call on us for particulars. HICKORY GROVE REALTY CO. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC THERE WILL BE A SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC HARMONY CHURCH (PINCK NEY ROAD) NEXT THURSDAY AUGUST 29TH TO WHICH THE PUBLIC IS MOST CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME WITH WELL FILLED BASKETS. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons indebted to the estate of L. J. CRAWFORD, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned at once. Persons having claims against said estate should present them to us, duly authenticated, within the time provided by law. inuM n pbawpord. JA&*F.~CRAWFORD. ' 65 3t* Executors. BRATTON FAR3I. Phone No. 132. Two fine bred Bull Calves for sale at reasonable figures?Right blood to head a herd; also two full bred Guernseys and several Grade Cows. We want more customers for Cream and Milk. Stove Wood, split and sawed to length, delivered on short notice. J. MEEK BURNS, Manager. MEDICAL COLLEGE I OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON, 8. C. MEDICINE AND PHARMACT. Session opens Oct 1st, 1912, ends June 2d, 1911. Unsui passed clinical advantages ottered by the new Roper Hospital, one of the largest and best equipped hospitals In the South. Extensive outdoor and Dispensary Service under control of the Faculty. Nine appointments each year for graduates In medicine for Hospital and Dispensary services. Medical and Pharmaceutical Laboratories tecently enlarged and fully equipped. Department of Physiology and Embryology in affiliation with the Charleston Museum. Practical work for medical and pharmaceutical students a special feature. For Catalogue, Address ROBERT WILSON, JR., M. D.. Cor. Queen and Franklin 8ts., Charleston, 8. C. MORE and BE 7 (Political Ad Of the hundred reason adv Bureau, why Governor Blease two that were omitted must 1 hood in the other ninety-eight to leave nothing to stand on. The two "omitted" reaso of minds that would try to c People's Candidate could be j | too fiendish even for their con has answered all the charges able to make: but cannot be < they cannot even think of. Next Tuesday the people c wards of 60.000 clear and com Blease should be re-elected, ai the newspapers will he printii happened to the old ring. Just Picked Up ONE LOT OF MEN'S SILK AND KNIT TIES ?ALL OF THEM WORTH 25 CENTS EACH? BUT YOU TAKE YOUR CHOICE AT ONLY 10 CENTS EACH. McCOMELL'S THE HOUSE THAT VALUES ARE BUILDING RAPIDLY. SHORT A little, but expressive word. During the hot weather we've been running a little Short of Bread and have been obliged to disappoint many | customers. However, we've Increased our orders and hope that we will not again be Short on Bread. We are Not Short on other things In our line. Just received another lot of Swift's Empire Sugar-cured Picnic Hams. Best Flour, fresh Meal, fresh ' ^ tt <?<* ?I oa oonn r\ Trloh Tin UUHrse nuiuuij, iuvc( ...... K. tatoes, best Pickles, lots of good Sugar. All grades of good CofTees, good Syrup, White Fish and everything else ( In good Groceries and Canned Goods. Isn't It Awful Hot? Not if you quaff our ice-cold drinks?on ice from 6 a. m. to "8 p. m. It seemed that we were overstocked on Mason's Fruit Jars? not so, however?they'll soon be all gone. Plenty of Tin Cans and Wax Strings. HERNDON & GORDON. Building Material t When you think of BUILDING MATERIAL. COVERING. REPAIR- ' ING, be sure to think of US. We have Painted and Galvanized Iron Roofing In 6, 7, 8 and 10 feet lengths. We i also have Paint for Iron Roofing. Linseed Oil, Harness OH. Machine Oil. Do not allow your harness and machinery to go to waste for lack of < a little oil. 1 Be sure to sow for a Cover crop for 1 the winter. We have Rye, Crimson and Red Clover. Rape and Hairy 1 Vetch. All are highly recommended. | Try a patch and be convinced. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j i i Making i Molasses i SEE US ABOUT A NEW CANE I MILL?THE BETTER KIND. WE SELL THE CELEBRATED , CHATTANOOGA CANE MILLS? , WHICH ARE EASILY THE ! BEST ON THE MARKET. WE HAVE THEM IN TWO SIZES?NOS. 12 AND 13. WE ALSO SELL EVAPORATORS. ? SEE US FOR PRICES. Yorkville Hardware Co. LUMBER | If you need any kind of Lumber, ] either Dressed or Rough, Green or ' Kiln-Dried, come and see us for what 1 you need. We can supply yojr wants ] at the Right Prices. If you want Doors, Sash, Blinds, j Frames, Window Weights, Looks, ' Hinges, Nails or other Building Supplies come and see us before you buy. If you expect to Build or Remodel any buildings see us about the work before making any contracts. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY. INTEREST! l i < I There are more kinds of interest 1 than the kind you pay for money | when you borrow * from a bank. < There Is a PERSONAL INTER- [ EST, the kind that the officers of ( < THIS BANK feel In its customers ; ?an interest which prompts us ] to do whatever we possibly ean 1 to encourage and to aid those who give us their patronage. Bank of Hickory Grove Hickory Grove, S. C. 7ER REASONS vertisement). crtiscd l>y the Jones Publicity ; should not be re-elected, the 3e the best, because the false- < has been so badly battered as ns suggest the devilishness reate the impression that the I fuilty of other things that are lprehension. Governor Pdease I that the opposition has been ' expected to answer those that i ?f South Carolina will give upincing reasons Why Governor id during the weeks following. lg a hundred reasons for what I ( Friends of Blease. Special Bargain Prices We are offering our entire line of Straw Ifats at absolutely net cost? $5.00 Genuine Panama Hats at $350 each. We are also offering all our White Canvas Oxfords at absolutely net cost. We will also give you a greatly reduced price on all our other Oxfords? many at even below cost. We will sell you a suit at prices so low that It has never been equaled before. Hosiery?We have Just secured the Holeproof Line, which is the most complete line of any kind of guaranteed hose in existence. This line contains every style?has all the new colors In many weights and several grades. Groceries?Swift's best Hams at? 18c per pound. 25 lbs. Sugar at? $1.50 per Sack. See us for Tobacco by the box?Lowest prices. T if cT?n rvTm j. ivjl. ^ i ivuur . AT THE STAR THEATRE TONIGHT BEFORE THE WHITE MAN CAME A Romance of Long Ago. HOW TO MAKE A REPUTATION A Great-Northern Film. STAR THEATRE If You Are Particular About the Furniture that goes Into your home, we want you to come and see the new lines of House Furnishings that we are now showing. Within the past few days we have received large shipments of IRON BEDS? Which everywhere are rapidly pushing the wooden bedsteads off the map. The Iron Beds are neater and are more easily taken care of. We have an elegant line of Iron and Metal Beds in the newest styles and would be pleased to show you what a good bed you can buy for just a little money. SIDE bUAKUS? Amongr our new arrivals la a new assortment of Side Boards. Every home needs a Side Board and If you want the best In style and quality for your money, we have It. Come and let us show you. EXTEN8I0N TABLE8? No dining: room Is quite complete unless It has an Extension Table. We ire showing: a new line of these?a variety of styles and at pleasing: prices. Come and let us show you how a little money will buy an elegant Extension Table if you buy it here. YORK FURNITURE CO. SEED RYE?If you expect to sow a few acres of Rye, see us for the best SEED RYE. We have It and wiU ho pleased to supply you. Flour Troubles Over If you have troubles with your baking. we want you to let us send you a Sack of PERFECTION FLOUR, ind your baking troubles will be over. There will be no more fussing with the cook as to what's the matter with the biscuit or the light bread. Try i sack of PERFECTION and you will t>e delighted with it, and your cook will get in a good humor and stay that way while the PERFECTION Flour lasts. Let us 9end you a sack of PERFECTION. If it is not what we claim 'or it. phone us and we'll glady send 'or It. Try it Today. CARROLL BROS. WHY NOT POLLOCK? Tornado Insurance The good town of Clover, as well as the surrounding country on last Satjrday afternoon learned from experience the destructive power of a full ?rown tornado. The readers of The Hnquirer are familiar with details. It Is to be sincerely hoped that neither Slover nor any other section will ever iiave another similar experience, but tvho can tell? Tornado Insurance does not purport to keep off tornadoes, but is only intended to indemnify the inlividual who carries it against loss or lamage in case one does come. The ?ost Is very low?$1,000 covering on a Jwelllng or furniture, or both, will only :ost $5.00 for three years, or $1.66 a pear. Can you arrord to De witnout it it that price? I am prepared to write It in the strongest companies in the world. See about it today. SAM M. GRIST, All kinds of GOOD Insurance. CALL ON ME For IIEINZ'S SOUR AND SWEET PICKLES In Bbls. % ROYAL, RUMFORD and GOOD LUCK BAKING POWDERS. SNOW WHITE. SNOW DRIFT. PURE LARD and COOKING OIL. SWIFT'S and KINGAN'S HAMS. Coffees, Tens and Spices a Specialty. /. W. JOHNSON Cin MEAT MARKET C. P. SHERER, Prop. We keep everything that is good in Lhe MEAT line, and handle only the BEST. STALL FED STEERS are a specialty with us, and also fine Western Beef. The Finest CURED HAMS to be had anywhere, Raw or Boiled, by the Whole Ham or by the Pound to suit the customer. Also Breakfast Bacon. We buy all the Butter we can handle and sell all the Eggs we can get. We are always in the market paying the Highest Cash Prices for Beef L'attle, Calves and nice Fat Hens. We study to please the trade, and if things are not right we take pleasure In making them right. Yours for quality, C. F. SHERER. * Something To Eat Digestion experts say that Cheese Is not only digestible, but Is one of the most nutritious of foods. We have Cheese that is of extra good quality. Phone your order for a pound' or more. OTHER GOOD THINGS? Fresh Hams and Braakfast Bacon Fresh Kit Mackerel Bacon in Glass Jars Evaporated Apples and Peaches? Fine for Pies and Dumplings. Cucumber Pickles?Loose, Mixed. Fulton Yeast?Makes elegant bread. Jell-o?A delightful dessert. Jell-o Ice Cream Powder. Ice Cream Salt?Very economical. Come If You Can?Phone If You Can't VV.E. FERGUSON "THOIV GLOVE I Is a name that means SOMETH1 It means that EVERT CORSET xij hc/ak ana iu tsu, rtni for $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 you cai FACTURED IN THE WORLD at We also handle CORSETS th THE CLOUD W. O. HARSH SEED IRISH POTATOES I HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OP OLD IRISH POTATOES. GREEN MOUNTAIN AND NORTHERN EARLY ROSE, FOR A SECOND CROP. LOUIS RQTH | NEW LACES i WE HAVE JUST RECEI\ X PALL LACES AND BANDS?A J LOW. A 10 Cts. Pure Linen Laces and In?e ? New Rands, White and Ecru C 108 Dozen Yards Torchon Laces i 1 Inches?Special See the New BOHEMIAN L * . KIRKPATRICK-B } THE ORIGINAL ONE MOVED We are now located In the McN'EEL BUILDING across the Street, Opposite the Old Place. There we think It will l>e More Comfortable and Convenient for our Customers. THE HARRIS STUDIO SHELBY YORKVILLE $ T1 I FIRSTNATI f Y0RKV1L ? THIS Bank offers YOU what YOI m torn of this Bank to TAKE CAR 'f the times are tight or easy. 5 Every precaution Is taken to C of this Bank. Every dollar you i Z its more than a QUARTER OF & V No man can afford to be wl T inmK SO, DUl ne IS liusiancii. A1 A any Individual, is BETTER DON] * With your money protected t V est you' in the proposition. * WE invite YOIJR account and S The FIRST NA1 * YORKVII X "YOU HAD BETTER B! O. R. W1UKJNS, President. Reserve and Capital A saving* account answers both pUI punci, It li a regerve for timeg of hardghlp, weakness, and want. It lg capital for uge, when a buslnesg proposition offers. We Invite your account. First National Bank Of Sharon, S. C. NEW DRESS C ALL SHADES IN* NEW FALL ST DHRSK GINGHAM, 15 CTi DAYS NEW FALL STYLES IN AMOSKI ?NOW KIMONO NEW FALL STYLES IN KIMONC FALLO NEW FALL SHADES IN OUTH SHADES?PKICE THE THOMSC Canning Fruit If you want to can your fruit with the greatest ease and certainty of saving It, use ECONOMY JARS. We can supply you. Also have Can Tops and Rubbers. See us for BOWLS and PITCHERS, PLATES. CUPS, SAUCERS, ENAMELED WARE, TINWARE. And all kinds of good things to eat. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. I ISON'S I TTTTXTr1" I 11 1 ?1^ VJ [NG to every lady of this section. SOLD BY US IS GUARANTEED i'ECT IN FIT. It also means that > i buy the BEST CORSET MANUTHIS STORE. at sell for 25 Cts. and 50 Cts. CASH STORE [AW, Manager. SPECIAL SOAP SALE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY WE WILL GIVESIX CAKES SOAP 76 And One JAR CREAM 60 Value $1.26 ALL FOR 60 A Clear Saving of 65 Cts. PalmOllve Soap and Cream has no Equal. Only a few sales. Come Early. Will give 250 votes on Piano with each 60 Cts. purchase of above Soap and Cream. Shieder Drag Store ? THE NYAL STORE ? AND BANDS } rED OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF ^ LL NEW PATTERNS?PRICES y rtlon.H 5 CTS. Yard. h 7 1-2 CTS. to 50 CTS. Yd. Z and Insertions?widths 1 to 4 y 5 CTS. Yard. ACES. J IELK COMPANY h PRICE CASH STORE. TOILET SOAP In our South Display Window Is one of the finest displays of really fine TOILET SOAFS that we have ever made. It includes a line of Toilet Soaps that is the very best production of one of the leading soap makers of the United States if not the world, and is easily the equal in Quality, Delicate Odor, etc., of any soap made anywhere at any price. It is so distinctive in Quality and General Excellence that it will appeal to the discriminating taste of the most refined lady or gentleman who demands the BEST. See us for Soap?Toilet Soap?Toilet Soap that you will use with pleasure. . We especially Invite the Ladies to see our Soap display, in the window and in the show cases. We can please the most fastidious. YORK DRUG STORE THE REXALL 8TORE HE I ONALBANK J LE, S. C. ? J need in Banking. It is the cus- 0 E OF ITS CUSTOMERS, whether A protect the interest of the patrons ^ dace in this Bank is protected by Z IILLION OF ASSETS. T thout a Bank Account. He may ! 1 moneys received or paid out by ^ E THROUGH THE BANK. V >y night and by day, should inter- r I assure YOU of OUR appreciation. X riONAL BANK, j -LE, S. C. C SAFE THAN SORRY." ; R. O. ALLEIN, Cashier. J imi ?in Bicycles We have Just received a large shipment of Bicycles and can please all comers in sizes, qualities and prices. If you want a Bicycle, come and see us. Also see us for all kinds of Bicycle Supplies. Carroll Furniture Co. FALL INGHAM YL.ES IX RENFREW'S 32-INCII VALUE?SPECIAL FOR TEN 12 1-2 CTS. YARD, SAO 27 INCH DRESS GINGHAM 10 CTS. YARD. FLEECE ) FLEECE?ON SALE AT 15 CTS. YARD. UTING CG?BOTH LIGHT AND DARK 10 CTS. YARD. )N COMP'NY Specials / Bigger and I For Saturday BUY LIGHT WEIGHT PA1 AND MONDAY AND LAY THEM IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM T GOOD MONEY IN THE OPERA"] MEN'S $5.00 PANTS?TOMORRC MEN'S $4.00 PANTS?TOMORRC MEN'S $$.50 PANTS?TOMORRC MEN'S $3.00 PANTS?TOMORRC MEN'S $2.00 PANTS?TOMORRC BOYS' PANTS?TOMORROW an ALL MEN'S TWO-PIECE SUMM1 MORROW and MONDAY? TEN MINUTES' 8P1 From 2.30 to 2.40 P. M.?TEN 1 TEN YARDS to a Customer? TEN MINUTES' SPE4 10.30 to 10.40 A. M.?Nice WHIT a customer?Only Also on MONDAY?From 2.30 t< WAISTS, nicely made, well ONLY REMEMBER THE 5 CIS. There are many dandy bargal our customers are showing their a Instance, Large Sauce Pans, 10 C Open Kettles, 10 CTS. There are i Follow the crowd and get your s J. 0. ^ ST THE BARG> ?? WATERMAN "IDEAL" FOUNTAIN PENS If you would like to see the most elaborate display of FOUNTAIN PENS ever made In Yorkvlllei call and let me show you the Waterman line. If you would spend your money for a Fountain Pen, spend It for a WATERMAN "IDEAL" PEN I have them at all prices, $250 and Up. In all sizes and can just exactly "fit" your hand. T. W. 8PECK. The Jsweler. Motocyc "The Motorcycle with This is how an enthusiastic rider Indian's "flexibility" of speed cont The Variable Speed az This device enables the Indian rider to n speed from 4 to 60 miles an hour by mere the clutch lever the right degree. By this clutch can be "slipped" and the machine the speed best suited to the moment In other words, the Variable Speed and Fi Clutch is the means by which the motor p< to the machine at the will of the rider. This feature and magneto supplied wit] charge on all 1912 Model Indians. Ask for a fre# < Write R. E. JOHNS HAVE YOU AN ELECTRIC IRON? We have them In 3, 6 and 6 It), sizes. Guaranteed Two Years. We will sell you one at COST. May we send you one on Two days trial? Will be glad to do It. Just phone us. City Electric and Water Plant Do Your Oi YOUR EARNINGS WHETHER YOU PUT T IF YOU SPEND ALL Y ELSE DEPOSITS YOUR LOW THIS TO HAPPE1 COUNT WITH US AT 01 We Pay Four Per Cent In terly on All Savings. The National ABSOLUTE Rock Hill, TILE UNITED STATES GOVE W THIS ] I It Wrays. I letter Values I and Monday I *JTS AT WRAY'S TOMORROW R ASIDE UNTIL NEXT SUMMER, H 'O WEAR NOW?YOU'LL SAVE Bj noN. B )W and MONDAY? $3.48 Pair. H )W and MONDAY? $2.98 Pair. Bl )W and MONDAY? $2.48 Pair. M )W and MONDAY? $1.98 Pair. H )W and MONDAY? $1.68 Pair. d MONDAY 19 OTS. Upward. U 3R SUITS?Sizes 34 to 36?TO- K ALL GO AT HALF PRICE. ECIAL SATURDAY Jg fARDS GINGHAM or CALICO? H -For 25 CTS. ffl DIAL FOR MONDAY ? E LAWN WAI8TS?Only ONE to K 35 CTS. E?ch. B a 2.40 P. M.?We will sell SILK H finished?One to a customer? H $1.88 Each, m AND 10 CT8. COUNTER .. ns on these counters and many of S| ppreclatlon of our offerings. For ffl rrS.; Large Milk Pans. 10 CTS.: fl scores of bargains on these tables. H hare. fll VRAY I UN STORE "*? B This is The Place TO BUY YOUR GROCERIE8. See us for FLOUR, MEAL. CORN and OATS, and all kinds of COW and HORSE FEED. See us for MEAT, LARD, and the beat quality of HAMS. See us for SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS and EXTRACTS. See us for IRISH POTATOES, CABBAGE Etc. We are selling for CASH. Yours for business, Yorkfllle Banking l Mercantile Co. "Count the Indians On the Road!" ) 4 H.P. StifU Cjimim - . $2M le 7 HJ>. Twk CjU?r . . *25* a Thousand Speeds!" * describes his 1912 Indian. The toI is mainly due to id Free Engine Chitcb demonstration. ION, Gaffney, S. G. The Cigarette Habit The Alcohol Habit The Tobacco Habit The Gossip Habit ARE ALL BAD HABITS. It appears that every man must have a habit. Why not have a GOOD HABIT? Get the Banking Habit. It only takes a dollar to start a bank account with us. The Bank of Glover, OIjOVBR, ?. o. ?-I ?i*i Rsvriljitirr I I/ft lSUflflCfl? GET INTO THE BANK HEM THERE OR NOT. OU EARN SOMEBODY : MONEY. DON'T ALM, BUT START AN ACtfCE. terest, Compounded QuarUnion Bank, :ly safe - - S. C. RNMENT DEPOSITS WITH BANK IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier.