Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, August 16, 1912, Image 3

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? The people of the United States ^ produced more whisky and rum and smoked more cigarettes during1 the fiscal year 1912 than ever before In the history of the country according to the preliminary annual report of Royal E. Cabel, commlsrioner of internal revenue, submitted to Secretary MacVeagh last Tuesday. The consumption of whisky was exceeded only by the year 1907, but beer drinking fell off by a substantial percentage. The unprecedented smoking of 11,221,624,084 cigarettes exceeding the record of 1911 by nearly 2,000,000,000 amazed treasury' officials who were unable to account i'or the enormous increase. ? Stored in warehouses the country over are 263.786,070 gallons of whisky and rum, the greatest on record. In Kentucky alone are stored 158,000,000 gallons which exceeds the amount of whisky and rum in the whole United States ? eleven years ago. The record products tion of these Intoxicants for 1912 was 188,000,000 gallons or 13,000,000 gallons greater than 1911. The consumption of whisky and rum for 1912 was 133,377,458 gallons, the nearest approach to the record of 134,031,000 gallons in isuy. i The consumption of beer for 1912 was . only 62,108,833 barrels, a decrease of over 1,108,000 barrels as compared with 1911. ? John P. Scruggs, well known for many years as a deputy collector of internal revenue, died at his home in Greenville on August 12. Mr. Scnffegs f. was a Confederate veteran and was 72 years of age. AT THE CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. R a Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. BAPTIST. ? Sunday services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. TRINITY METHODIST. Rev. J. F. Anderson, Pastor. Sunday services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning Service at 11 o'clock. No other service. * CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP^ HERD. Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services.?Sunday scnooi ai 9.45 a. m. No other service. * Special Satires. Clover Circuit. There will be preaching next Sunday at Clover at 11 a. m., and at King's Mountain Chapel at 3.30 p. m. H. Grady Hardin, Pastor. Meeting at Union. A protracted meeting during which the pastor will have the assistance of Rev. W. J. Nelson of Rock Hill, will be commenced at Union next Monday night. W. E. Lowe. ** Church Conference. Every member of the Yorkville Baptist church is earnestly urged to be present at a very Important church conference to be held on next Sunday morning. August 18, immediately after ^ Sunday school. Fulplt Committee. WHY NOT POLLOCK? ECZEMA. TRY ZEMO. Has Cured Worst Cases and You Can * Prova it for Only 25 Cents. Yes, try Zemo. That's all you need do to get rid of the worst case of eczema. Zemo is positively guaranteed to stop itching, rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a pimpled face 4 smooth and clean. Zemo is a wonder and the minute applied it sinks In. vanishes, leaves no evidence, doesn't stick, no grease, just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid and It cures. This is guaranteed. Zemo is put up by the E. W. Rose Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and 9old by all druggists at $1 for the large bottle and at 25 cents for the liberal size trial bottle. Try one * 25-eent bottle and be convinced. York Drug Stors. m / ?AwrwiriATCS pnn nppiCE For U. S. Senate. N. B. DIAL. For Congrese?Fifth District. D. E. FINLEY, W. P. POLLOCK. G. W. RAGSDALE. For Solicitor?Sixth Circuit VJ. HARRY FOSTER. J. K. HENRY. For Houss of Representatives. J. R HALLE. A. EUGENE HUTCHISON. S. N. JOHNSON, W. B. RIDDLE, w O. L SANDERS. ~ Dr. J. H. SAYE. CLARENCE W. WALLACE. For State Senate. JAMES E. BEAMGUARD. THOS. F. MCDOW. For Sheriff. HUGH G. BROWN. M - S. S. PLEXICO. JOHN S. SANDIFER. For Clerk of Court. JOHN R. LOGAN. For County Auditor. BROADUS M. LOVE. 4 For County Treasurer HARRY E. NEIL For Superintendent of Education J. C. WILBORN. JOHN E. CARROLL For Coroner. L W. LOUTHIAN, ? ROBERT WESTMORELAND. * For County Supervisor. ARCH S. BARRON. THOS W. BOYD. For County Commissioner. W. A. AYCOCK. WHITE W. JACKSON. M. B. LOVE. T.ADD J. LUMPKIN. JOS. W. SMITH. Township Supervisor?Bullock's Creek. JAS. E. BANKHEAD. J. E. LATHAM. J. S. PLEXICO. Magistrate?Broad River Township. J. MASON McGILL ?. u. j\. ami in. ^ Magistrate?Bethel Township. J. D. BOYD, HORACE E. JOHNSON. Magistrate?Ebenezer Township. R. M. ANDERSON. J. A. HOWE. *< Magistrate?Bullock's Creek Township J. L?. DUNCAN. OBITUARY. Dtkii?In Russellville. Ark., on July 25. 1912. MARY ELIZABETH. Infant daughter of Mr. and Trs. T. A. Matthews. aged 1 year an- 6 months. $he (Totton diiarliet. +> : _ Yorkville. Aug. 16.?Cotton 13 cents. New York, Aug. 15.? Cotton spot closed (|uiet; middling uplands 12.00; middling gulf 12.25; sales 100 bales. Cotton futures closed steady as fol lows: % Jan. 11.61; Feb. 11.69; March 11.74; May 11.83; Aug. 11.42; Sept. 11.41; Oct. 11.59; Nov. 11.61; Dec. 11.66. Special $otirw. At Philadelphia. Rev. J. F. Anderson will preach at Philadelphia Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. It Portion of Address Issued by N. B. Dial. Candidate for U. S. Senate. To the Democratic Voters of South Carolina: I have not criticised or said anything unkind about either of my opponents. However, they are both old men, and Edgefield County has held the senatorship for thirty years. Senator Tillman has been an exceedingly able man. and has attracted a great deal of attention. He has had all the honor we can possibly bestow upon a southern man. having been In office twenty-two years. Therefore, I think he is making a mistake to ask the people to re-elect him to a six-year term. I am not asking him to resign, or running against his term of office, but am asking the people to elect me to succeed him. He says his health is too feeble to allow him to make any speeches: he has not been to a single meeting. If he is too Aa m.^lm n/VM.-V oa Vila Vlonlf Vl I ICTUIC tu niaivr Dvriuc o^oviicd, 1110 iicanu I must be too weak to discharge the duties of the office. In the nature of things there cannot be a substitute in a legislative body. If the senator is ill, his seat is vacant. You can obtain an agent in nearly any other business in the world. It would not do to say that he can pair; we do not send men to the senate to pair. Besides this is only a temporary device. We expect to elect a Democratic president, in which event the work devolving upon the senators will be very great, such as having appointed new postmasters, revenue ofTlI cere, consuls, etc. Besides, we want constructive legislation. It is more important to have two senators now than it has been since 1860. No doubt. Senator Tillman has great Influence with the departments, but the heads of these departments will be changed if Wilson is elected, and younger men appointed. The senator taught us for twenty-odd years that a man should be strong, otherwise he should not ask for public office. Suppose the best man you can think of, whose health is in the condition of Senator Tillman's, desired election to any office, how many votes do you suppose he would receive? I do not claim to be the best man in the state for this office, but have made a success in a modest way, and I do know the requirements of all of our people. I believe and know that I can be of service to them, and would appreciate your suffrage and influence. PICNIC AT SMYRNA THE public is invited to hold a BASKET PICNIC In connection with the County Campaign meeting at Smyrna on Wednesday, August 21, 1912. R. T. CASTLES. HICKORY GROVE A Gala Day on August 22d. CI OUNTY Campaign meeting. MuJ sic by the Hickory Grove Band. Picnic dinner on the grounds. Baseball in the afternoon. Everybody invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. W. T. SLAUGHTER, It For Committee. W. O. W. PICNIC THE public is invited to a W. O. W. Picnic at King's Creek, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd. Speeches by State Manager W. T. Slaughter, Judge W. D. Klrby, Hon. R. A. Dobson and the County Candidates. Music by String Band. JOHN R. LOVE, Clerk. 67 f. t 2t BULLOCK CREEK TOWNSHIP FUND There having been some misrepresentation as to the status of the Road Fund In Bullock Creek township, I respectfully beg leave to submit the statement of the Countv Treasurer below: J. F. WATSON. Yorkville, S. C., August 14, 1912. Mr. J. F. Watson, Supvr., Bullock Creek Township, York County, S. C. Dear Sir:? Replying to your verbal request for a statement as to the receipts and disbursements of the Road Fund of Bullock Creek Township from July 1st, 1911 to July 1st, 1912, I beg to submit the following taken from my books: Bal on hand at settlement with State. July 1st. 1911 52.026 15 April 15th ,1912, from two (2) mill levy 831 49 June 15th, 1912, Transfer from Broad River Township 79 14 June 30th, 1912, from Com. Road Tax 1,218 00 Total 54,154 78 Disbursements. From July 1st, 1911 to April 15th, 1912 51,590 48 From April 15th, 1912 to July 1st, 1912 87 72 Total 51.678 20 Note: Difference between balance on hand July 1st, 1911, (2,026.15) and amount expended to July 1st, 1912 (51,678.20), amounts to 5347.95. Very respectfully, H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. Ladies' Ready-toWear Hats Jl'ST IN BY EXPRESS. THE EXTREME NEW STYLES FOR EARLY FALL WEAR. PRICES?$1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. McCONNELL'S THE HOUSE THAT VALUES ARE BUILDING RAPIDLY. GENERAL GREENE A famous military officer. Farmers, especially, know the meaning of Green. Some people are by nature and practice Green. Moral: We have just received a big sack of Green Coffee. Some will have no other except Green Coffee. Other Coffee At a Bargain. We sold all our tin cans, and have ordered two more gross. And our Mason's Fruit Jars go as fast as a poor man's troubles come. We want you to come in and look at a lot of new Enameled Ware?Just in. We have just about everything in Fresh Groceries and the prices are very close. We especially call your attention to Vasmar Syrup, nice Pickles, fresh Hominy and good Bread. Speaking of Bread: We have sold 14,730 loaves. See us for best Canned Goods. Don't stumble around In the dark?buy a good Lantern or Lamp. And we keep Candles, too. Some beautiful White Dishes and Glass Ware. Don't leave town without a Salt Brick for your horses and mules. Wanted: The party that left 2 pair of little tan slippers in our store to call and get them, as we don't need them. HERNDON & GORDON. There Will Be Good Pictures at the STAR THEATRE TONIGHT BLAIRSVILLE PICNICf There win be a basket picnic In connection with the Blalrsvllle campaign meeting', In the grove near J. C. Blair's, on August 23, and the public is invited to come with wellfilled baskets. J. C. KIRKPATRICK, J. E. LATHAM, Com. 67 f.t. 2t SOW RYE For a Cover Crop?It will make good pasture and will improve the land to turn it under in the spring, either for cotton or corn. The crop is reported to be short and the price is likely to advance?Might Pay to Buy Early. We sell the Southern grown Rye. which is much better for this section. Expect Crimson Clover seed in a few days. We have Woods' Scratch Chicken Feed, also Wheat, which is one of the best chicken feeds you can get. Let us sell you some Purina and Sunshine Horse Feed. Now is the time to start your hogs. We have Mill Feed or Shorts, which makes good hog feed. See us for Lumber and Building Supplies. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' WHY NOT POLLOCK? Wrap's Sj. Saturday a MEN'S SPRING AND SU1\ OFFERED AT AND THEM OUT QUICK. A few Two-Piece Suits for Me Sizes 34 to 37. Men's Low Shoes that were Ladies' Low Cut Shoes, that v Children's Low Cut Shoes? A Job Lot of Nicely Made W Prices to Close Out Qu Be sure to see Wray's I Here you will find lots of littl your home that you have been this department will show you dimes on the little things that Visit WRAY'S Tomorrov TqT~V HT THE BARG/ Something To Eat Digestion experts say that Cheese Is not only digestible, but Is one of the 1 most nutritious of foods. We have Cheese that is or extra good quality. Phone your order for a pound or i more. OTHER GOOD THINGS? Fresh Hams and Breakfast Bacon Fresh Kit Mackerel Bacon in Glass Jars Evaporated Apples and Peaches? Fine for Pies and Dumplings. Cucumber Pickles?Loose, Mixed. Fulton Yeast?Makes elegant bread. Jell-o?A delightful dessert. Jell-o Ice Cream Powder. Ice Cream Salt?Very economical. Come If You Can?Phone If You Can't. W.E. FERGUSON / *. e, fT* _e_ .T? .e e .~T^.e_ . .e_ a. iTu a.a. .e. "t.. , kl' t ijtt w i la/ t w i t 'x' 'a' " ta/ " 1A BANK IN WHICi THOROUGHl EVERY DEPOSITOR IN 1 his account, no matter how that he Is a part of the In measure for Its phenomem LET US HAVE YOUR B ?* COUNT. We promise you I X and every courtesy consist) | Loan and Sa I YORKVIL Bicycles Wp hnvo inst received n Inree shlD merit of Bicycles and can please all comers in sizes, qualities and prices. If you want a Bicycle, come and see us. Also see us for all kinds of Bicycle Supplies. Carroll Furniture Co. STAPLE ME] | 13 Yards Poe Mills BLEACP 12 i-2c Hamilton 11ICKORY1 ioc SHIRT PERCALE? iSc GALATEA? i ioc DRESS GINGHAMS? 1 12 1-2C DRESS GINGHAMS10c APRON G1NGHAMS? | 5c A PRC )N GINGHAMS? 25c A. C. A. Ticking? 36-inch BROWN LINEN? % 20c SILKS? | 10c LAWNS? ? Ladies' and Misses' Summer 1 Men's Summer One-Half HOi All STRAW HATS? | SUMMER UNDERWEAR See us for Colored P. K. THE CLOUD( FOR RENT COTTON Patch of two acres In Liberia quarter of Yorkville. Apply to Miss DAISY GIST. It* PICNIC AT BETHANY THE public is invited to hold a Basket Picnic in connection with the County Campaign meeting at Bethany on Tuesday, August 20. There will be music by a good band. JOHN A. RATTEREE. MOVED Wc are now located in the MoXEEFi BUILDING across the Street, Opposite the Old Place. There we think It will lie More Comfortable and Convenient for our Customers. THE HARRIS STUDIO SHELBY YORKVILLE fecials for nd Monday AMF.R PANTS ARE NOW BELOW COST TO CLOSE SEE THEM. ?i, were $10?Now $4.98. 3.50?Now $2.89 Pair, /ere $3.50?Now $2.50 Pair. At and Below Cost, hite Underskirts At Bargain lick. 5 Cts. and 10 Cts. Counters, e things that you need about 1 paying more for. A visit to how to save many nickels and you need. 1 and Monday. VRAY HN STORE The Cigarette Habit The Alcohol Habit The Tobacco Habit The Gossip Habit ARE AI.iL/ BAD HABITS. It appears that every man must have a habit. Why not have a GOOD HABIT? Get the Banking Habit. It only takes a dollar to start a bank account with us. The Bank of Clover, CLOVER, S.O. CAPITAL $50,000.00 ? SURPLUS $50,000.00. $ H Y0UW1LLFEEL I J AT HOME I TIIS BANK is made to feel that * small it may be, is appreciated? x istitution, and is responsible in a ? il success. X USINBSS OR PERSONAL AC- + In advance every banking facility i ent with Sound Banking. ? vings Bank | LE, S. C. I /T? /T? T\ /V . /T? it * .a. ,T i ,T~,.T^ /V. /T~. -# .T". Reserve and Capital A savings account answers both purposes. It is a reserve for times of hard snip, we&Kness, and wane. It is capital for use, when a business proposition offers. We Invite your account. First National Bank Of Sharon, S. 0. RCHANDISE UNO?for $1.00 ? ii Cts. the Yard 81-2 Cts. the Yard 11 Cts. the Yard 9 Cts. the Yard ? 10 Cts. the Yard 7 1-2 Cts. the Yard 4 Cts. the Yard 20 Cts. the Yard 10 Cts. the Yard 15 Cts. the Yard 8 Cts. the Yard IOSK? 20 Per Cent Off ? 20 Per Cent. Off At Cost and PUMPS? At Cost at 20 Cts. CASH STORE BIG SATURD* ALL A tremendous Leathers. This all Low Cut SI ?Many peoph g CHILDREN'S C C2 50c Infants' Soft ! flj colors?Sale Pi ^ 50c Infants' Lc Price 65c and 75c Chi] jjjj sizes 5's to 8's80c and 90c Chil sizes 8 1-2's to . $1 and $1.25 M JB sizes 11 1-2's to Big reduction on vas and Bucksl MEl G/5 We Show a Co: Shoes? ^2 Men's $1.75 Vici " Men's $2.00 and Metal and Pat< j Price JjjJ Men's $2.75 and and leathers K Men's Fellowcrai Oxford made? Men's Ralston an best $4.00 Oxfo Jg Men's Reynolds I P5 Low Toe? It will Pay yoi to Next Seasoi KIRK Kitchen AS YOU ARK NOfW DOING 1 IT IS PROBABLE THAT YOU O ADDITIONAL COOKING VESSE TERESTING AND ALSO TO REF OFFER GRAY ENAMEL DISH PANS?Ai GRAY ENAMELED RINSING PA GRAY ENAMELED PRESERVI> RLUE, WHITE ENAMEL LINED GRAY ENAMELED BERLIN KE' GRAY ENAMEL COLANDERS? Yorkvilie Hard1 SEED IRISH POTATOES I HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF OLD IRISH POTATOES. GREEN MOUNTAIN AND NORTHERN EARLY ROSE, FOR A SECOND CROP. LOUIS ROTH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE I AM prepared to Insure Automobiles against loss or damage by Are at 2 per cent on 1912 cars and at 2.25 on 1911 and older models. tf SAM M. GRIST All Kinds of good Insurance. WHV NOT POLLOCK? " I Young The Young Men of Toda; of the Future, and the one w POSITING HABIT will lay t! tion for BUSINESS SUCCES have a Savings Account and a amount is small. YOUNG MAN! START Y( TOD The National ABSOLUTE Rock Hill, THE UNITED STATES GOVE wr t'iis i W. J. ItODDEY. President. OXFC ir, Honda LOW SHOES stock to select 1 } is the greatest R< tioes. There is a lc 5 wear them all th< IXFORDS AND SANDALS Sole Oxfords, odd sizes and ice 25 Cts. rather bole Oxfords?Sale 38 Cts. d's Oxfords and Sandals, -Sale Price 48 Cts. d's Oxfords and Sandals, 11 's?Sale Price 68 Cts. isses' Oxfords and Sandals, 2 s?Sale Price 89 Cts. all Children's White Can<in Oxfords and Sandals? 25 Cts. Pair Up. N'S OXFORDS mplete Line of Men's Low /cry Pair Guaranteed. Oxfords?Sale Price $1.29 $2.50 Oxfords?Tan, Gun :nt, Lace or Button?Sale $1.79 $3.00 Oxfords?All styles $2.38 t Oxfords?the best $3.50 Sale Price $2.98 id Reynolds Oxfords?the rd made?Sale Price $3.48 $5.00 Oxfords?The New $3-98 1 to Buy a pair of a at These Prices, PATRIC] THE ORIGINAL ONE / . . I :? Snpriiik I ifOUR SUMMER PRESERVING, ] OULD EASILY MAKE USE OF j LS. TO MAKE IT MORE IN?UCE OUR LARGE STOCK, WE [ I 39 CTS. } NS?At 39 CTS. 3 JG KETTLES?At 15 CTS. \ PRESERVING KETTLES?At ? 39 CTS. ; ITLES, Tin Top?At 39 CTS. \ At 15 CTS. ware Company TURNIP SEED We have an extra choice lot of selected Turnip Seed from one of the best growers In the United States?a grower whose reputation has been built on Seed of Quality. Now is the time to sow Turnip Seed for an early fall crop. Get your seed at this store. We have the varieties and the best quall ties Name the variety wanted?We have It. YORK DRUG STORE THE REXALL 8TORE PLANTATION FOR SALE 1WANT to sell my King's Mountain township farm, three miles south of Bethany. There are 3343 acres, a good residence, and two settlements, and everything In first class condition. My reason for selling is that I am too far away to give It proper attention Terms for quick sale. See A. W. Rod.gers on the place, or write me Rock Hill No. 4. J. J. MATTHEWS. 65 tf : Man! j I v; / will be the Business Men j,: ho forms the MONEY DE- ^ he Strongest kind of Founda- ? S. Every young man should dd to it regularly even if the jjj )UR ACCOUNT HERE | AY I Union Bank, :LY SAFE ? - - s. c. I RNMENT DEPOSITS WITH BANK IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier. | )RDS Y AND AL MUST BE SC from. All Styles, eduction we have >ng time to wear L p vpiir. Rnv Thpt LADIES' OXFORDS ANE Here You Will Find Remark* Ladies' 50c Leather House Sli( Ladies' 50c Carpet Slippers?Si Ladies' $1.00 and $1.25 Leathei Sandals?Sale Price Ladies' $1.25 Kid Boudoir Be< pers?Sale Price Ladies' $1.25 and $1.50 Oxford ?Sale Price Ladies' $1.75 and $2.00 Oxford ?Sale Price Ladies' $2.00 and $2.50 Oxford ?Sale Price Ladies' $2.50 and $2.75 Oxford ?Sale Price Ladies' $3.00 and $3.50 Oxford ?Sale Price Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 Oxford Sandals?Sale Price BOYS' 0XF0R1 Every Pair Guaranteed to Be Boys' $1.25 Oxfords, sizes 9's Price ! Boys' $1.50 Oxfords, sizes 2 1-2 Sale Price Boys' $2.00 Oxfords?Tan, Gi Patent?Sale Price Boys' $2.50 and $3.00 Oxfords Oxfords, even to I I - BELI PRICE CASH STORE ~ ~ FI N D A W A Y < ' YOU COULDN'T HAVE A BE "FIND A WAY O j Eli Whitney did not find a machlr seed, But made one. Jefferson d ; pansion" at the time of the purchi ?He made one. Cyrus Field did between Europe and America?H You may not find a way foi income, but perhaps You Can Ma This YOU can do?You can i ent earnings. You can get a goo Department and we will compoun This is one way of making a We will be pleased to have "S YOU and YOUR account The FIRST NA1 YORKVIL "YOU HAD BETTER BE O. E. WILKIN8, President CALL ON ME For HEINZ'S SOUR AND SWEET PICKLES in Bbls. ROYAL, RUMFORD and GOOD LUCK BAKING POWDERS. SNOW WHITE, SNOW DRIFT, PURE LARD and COOKING OIL. SWIFT'S and KINGAN'S HAMS. Coffees, Teas and Spices a Specialty. I. W.JOHNSON ^ THOM; I.. Kemna | THIS ENT1 I HALF EVERY REMNANT ON SALE T1 Q ENGLISH LONG 9 25 Pieces Soft Finish ENGLISH L )P fWeek n LAWNS, 3 1-2 H 500 Yards of Good COLORED LJ 9 LAWNS, 8 C ?9 500 Yards of 12 l-2c and 15c COLC jl Week At H PAKASOLS I! g Ladies' and Children's COLORED gj Sale At | MUSLIN UN 9 REDUCED TWEJ m All Ladles' and Children's MUSLIN H SET COVERS?Reduced I MILLI! 9 98 CTS., $1.48 9 Ladies' TRIMMED HATS, worth *: U On Sale Tills Week At 9 OXFORDS, 49 (71 One Lot Children's and Misses' 0 11.50?Tills Week a| one Lot Ladles' OXFORDS, worth I THE THOMSC ALE l WEEK. IID! all Sizes, all yet made on ow Cut Shoes n Today. , , d? i * I SANDALS gg ble Reductions. CS >pers 39 Cts. tie Price 25 Cts. * Oxfords and 89 Cts. ^ i Room Slip- H 98 Cts. ^ 5 and Sandals ^ $1.09 s and Sandals ^ $1.48 s and Sandals $1.69 ?3 s and Sandals ^ $1-98 ft s and Sandals $248 s, Pumps and gj* $2.98 DS j Solid Leather. \ to 2's?Sale 32 98 ets. s's to 5 1-2's? ^ $1.29 ^ jn Metal and S $1.68 n Reduced. 1 o a > Carry Over 7 rsr\ )R MAKE ONE )TTER MAXIM THAN THIS: R MAKE ONE le to separate the coton from the ! Id not And a precedent for "Exase of Louisiana from the French ! not And means to communicate e made one. largely Increasing your present dee One. save at least a part of your presd rate of Interest, in the Savings d the Interest Four times a year. way. 'OU begin and will welcome both riONAL BANK, ?LE, S. C. : SAFE THAN 80RRY." R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. LUMBER If you need any kind of Lumber, either Dressed or Rough, Green or Kiln*Dried, come and see us for what you need. We can supply your wants at the Right Priees. If you want Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Window Weights, Looks, Hinges, Nails or other Building Sup* plies come and see us before you buy. If you expect to Build or Remedel any buildings see us about the work before making any contracts. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY. ? 1 nt Sale.. I RE WEEK I PRICE I US WEEK AT HALF PRICE, fij CLOTH, 98 CTS. ffl tONG CLOTH?On Sale This S 98 CTS. the Bolt, ffi CTS. YARD 9 lWN?On Sale This Week? nj 3 1-2 CTS. the Yanl. B 7TS. YARD 3 RED DAWNS?On Sale Tills 8 CTS. tlie Yard. ALP PRICE SUMMER PARASOLS?On HALF PRICE. DERWEAR ?TY PER CENT GOWNS. DRAWERS and COR20 PER CENT Tills Week. ^ERY 1 AND $1.98 2.00. $2.50. S3.50 and $5.00? 98 CTS., $1.48 and $1.98. S. AND 79 CTS. 'XFORDS, worth $1.00 and 49 CTS. Pair. $1.50 and $2.00?Hits Week 79 CTS. Pair. >N COMP'NY s';.-'^-v: .figrall