Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, July 12, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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I $1.25 LINEN SHEETING?90 inches Wide? 98 CTS. $1.00 LINEN SHEETING?90 inches Wide? 79 CTS. 75c LINEN SHEETING?90 inches Wide? 59 CTS. Yd. 1 10-4 BLEACHED SHEETING?35c Value? 29 CTS. Yd. 10-4 BROWN SHEETING?35c Value? 29 CTS. Yd. 10-4 BROWN SHEETING?30c Value 24 CTS. Yd. Best Yard Wide PERCALES? 10 CTS. Yd. i 25c BROWN LINEN?Yard Wide? 19 CTS. Yd. I w RRftWN LINEN?Yard Wide? I. I. ~ 23 CTS. Yd. Yard Wide 20c BROWN LINEN? A 15 CTS Yd. 1 COAT'S SPOOL COTTON A 4 CTS. THE SPOOL. n Spread the Ne\ PS ^ apV" hyij W = W UH customer nas xnc on I wfe MEN'S I ? MEN' ?>; Men's Solid Blue and Striped Work ^ SHIRTS? 39 Cts. Men's >8.50 SUITS?N< fei Men's Soft Collar SHIRTS in Blue, Men's tin no otttts v S Tan. White and Stripes- 44 Cts. ?*en.a J,1?'0? J ite Boys' SHIRTS 39 Cts. Mens >12.50 SUITS..> m ??????????? Men's >15.00 SUITS?N g Boys' 50c PANTS? 39 Cts. Men's >18.00 SUITS?N a* Boys' >1.00 PANTS? 79 Cts. ? , * _TTI? ? ?> Men's >1.25 Finck's OVERALLS? Mens >20.00 SUITS? N 95 Cts. Your choice of any >25, ^ Men's OVERALLS? 79 Cts. | Men's and B I I UNDEI || Men's Silk Finish SOISE 1 Small Wears ERS?Now f __ __. Men's 50c NAINSOOK S. ? Now St Men's 50c NECKWEAR 39C ? . XT t TXTa^T., TTXTT~ Mens NAINSOOK UNIO || Men's 25c NECKWEAR 19C ?Now Men's GAUZE SHIRTS a jr Men's LINEN COLLARS 12C ments?Now || Men's 25c SUPPORTERS 19C Men's 25c GAUZE SHIR' js| Men s 50c SUPPORTERS 39C Men's 50c Elastic Seam M Men's 10c SUPPORTERS 8C . Men's Scrlven Elastic Se Men's $1.00 BELTS 79C If Men's 75c BELTS 69C BOYS' UN g Men's 50c BELTS 39C ? Boys' 50c NAINSOOK SI * Men's 25c BELTS 19C OW m Boys' Porus Knit SHIRT m Boys' Nainsook 50c UN] I J0\ MEN S 0)i ^ I a Edwin c,app 50 00 OXFORI P M Crossett $4.00 OXFORDS?? W JmU Men s Abbott $3.50 OXFOR m ^yCW AU Men's ,3 00 OXFORDSf| kSTiJ/ i All Men's $2.50 OXFORDSI J MENZEAS ^lens $3.50 Menz Ease SHO] ^ I Men's $3.00 Menz Ease SHOI P I One Lot Men's BROGANS? t I Dress Goods, Silks, Domestics, 1 DRESS GOODS k 50-inch $1.50 SERGES?Now $1.28 Yd. ^ 50-inch $1.00 SERGES?Now 79 CTS. Yd. 50-Inch $1.60 TAN SKIRTINGS?Now $1.28 Yd. ? 50-inch $1.00 PANAMAS?Now 79 CTS. Yd. ^ 45-Inch $1.00 VOILES?Now 79 CIS. Yd. 42-inch $1.00 MOHAIRS?Now 79 el's. Yd. 40-Inch 75c SERGES?Now 69 tTTS. Yd. if 40-inch $1.00 POPLINS?Now 7J? CTS. Ytl. ffi 36-inch 75c POPLINS?Now 69 CTS. Yd. m All 36-lnch SERGES, MOHAIRS and SUITINGS?50c Oual? Ity?On Sale at 39 CTS. Yd. t All CREAM DRESS GOODS? REDUCED 2? PER CENT. H SERGES. MOHAIRS MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. 1 SILKS SILKS $1 Yard Wide $1.00 TAFFETAS In Black. White and All Shades m ?Now "? CTX. Yd. m All Yard Wide MESSALINES? $1.00 Quality?Black, |w White and Colors?Now 70 CTS. Yd. All 50c CHINA SILK in Black, White and Colors?Now gK SO CTS. Yd. If All SUESINE SILKS in White and Colors?Now 10 CTS. Yd 9| 36-Inch Black TAFFETA?1.50 Quality?Now $1.20. Yard Wide $1.50 Black PEAU I)E SOI SILK?Now SI.20 Yd. MP CREPE METEOR?Black, White and Colors?$2.50 QualW ity?Now $1.80 Yd. V fl ALL FOULARDS AND CREPK De CHENES REDUCED. I NOTIONS TOILET SUNI j? Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs? ^ ,, ? 5 cts. Good Toilet Soap? II Ladles' Plain Linen Handkerchiefs? 4 Cts. j m 8 Cts. 4711 White Rose Olvce zta Indies' Hemstitched Linen Handkerw, chiefs? 12 Cts. Float Talcum Po\v< gH ladles' 25c Hemstitched Handker- Colgate's 25c Tootli Pa: sG chiefs? 19 Cts. 51 Ladies* 50c Handkerchiefs? 39 Cts. . , _ . m Ladies' 25c Hose Supporters? 19 Cts. Corylopsis 2;.c Talcum 28 Ladies' 25c Belts? 19 Cts. H Ladies 50c Belts? 39 Cts. Colgate's 25c Tooth Po ;w Ladies' 50c Hand Bags? 39 Cts. m Indies' 25c Hand Bags? 19 Cts. Lyon's 25c Tooth Powd 1 Ladies $1.00 Hand Bags? 79 Cts. Mentholatuin?25c Six |g ?Vaseline? 9L Rain or Shine this Sale Continues for Tooth Brushes? |SS ten days. 8 Cts., 12 ( SB Every thing reduced from 25 to 50 Per Shaving Brushes? m Cent. Hair Brushes? Sc These Prices make much to choose 19 Cts., 39 I jof from and little to Pay. Dressing Combs? W THOMSON 10 Cts., 19 < -:Save Yow THOMSO UCgUIIllV. (/ 77/75 Afi Thui ND CLOSES MONDAY, JULY THE 29 ly, Friday, Saturday, Mark The Date vs to Every Noc ollars worth of Men's and Boys' Clothing gathered from A HLOSS BROS., KIRSCHBAUM and MILLER'S Famo -Including the New Shades and Staple Grays, Blacks and Extra Clotl need at Prices you can Afford to Pay at THOMSON'S, id your family with this Season's Goods. We GIVE E me Chance at this Store?any Hour in the Day?for Any $15.00 PRIESTLEY M S SUITS I BOYS' dw $1.98. f *7 48. I Boys' J2.60 SUITS?Now UU row $8.98. Boys' $3.00 SUITS?Now ow $9.98. Boys. j3 50 SUITS?Now ?W IJioa Boys' J5.00 SUITS?Now ow $14.98. .00 SUIT In Stock?Now Boy8' *6-50 SUITS?Now $17.98. Boys' $1.50 WASH SUITS oy's Underwea I WEAR TT SHIRTS and DRAWHIRTS and DRAWERS? ^ N SUITS?Dollar Garments I ^ 79 CTS. jJ nd drawers?50c Gar- j '! . "T 39 CTS. "If If | ! T . TS and DRAWERS?Now [$,' ff * ? ?*. tt it: ; u. ^ DRAWERS?Now |. i " . i 39 CTS.GarmenU ~H" | | "fi" * am drawers?Now 4i^'4f l 69 CTS. Garment. p" [J; 4 -f DERWEAR ^ t 1 SIRTS and DRAWERS? 4 Ij.' 1* ^ * 39 CTS. Garment. [I1! j TS and DRAWERS?Now "ff I !|f- 4f . 19 CTS. , 1 , 1 I 1 Ik [ON SUITS?Now 4 4' 4 tig} * 39 CTS. Garment. ///S '/, //A/j/^TA j [FORDS CXJir^i? c >S?Now $1.98. :::: for MEN, -Now $2.48. ?Now $1.98. Here You F SHOES en an([ Children f BS?Now $2.98. 9 2S-no,v 92.39. Styles in All Leah Now 89 CTS. l?alr. Hosiery and Underwear-An A HOSIERY Ladles' $1.50 SILK HOSE?Now $1.29 Pair. Ladles' $1.00 SILK HOSE?Now 79 CTS. Pair. Ladles' 50c SILK HOSE- -Now 39 CTS. Pair. Indies' 50c LISLE HOSE?Now 39 CTS. Pair. Ladles' 25c GAUZE HOSE?Now 19 Cts. Pair. Ladies' 15c GAUZE HOSE-New 12 CTS. Pair. Ladies' 10c HOSE?Now 8 CTS. Pair. Ladies' Gray HOSE?Now 8 CTS. Pair. Children's RIBBED HOSE in Black, Tan and White?Now 19 CTS Pair Children's Ribbed 15c HOSE in Black, Tan and White?Now 12 CTS. Pair. Children's Black Ribbed Hose?Now 8 CTS. l?air. Children's 25c SILK SOX in White, Pink and Light Blue?. . Now 19 CTS. Pair. Children's PLAID TOP SOX?now 12 CTS., and 19 CTS. Children's TAN SOX?now 10 CTS. Pair. TABLE DAMASK Linen DAMASK?$1.50 Quality?Now $1.29. Linen DAMASK?$1.25 Quality?Now 98 CTS. Linen DAMASK?$1.00 Quality?Now 79 CTS. Linen DAMASK?75c Quality?Now 89 CTS. Union DAMASK?50c Quality?Now 29 CTS. Cotton DAMASK?35c Quality?Now 25 CTS. Cotton DAMASK?2?c Quality?Now 19 CTS. TABLE COVERS?$1.50 Value?Now 98 CTS. dries. Remember the Opening Day of tl md 8 cts. cake, be Bargains Galore at Thomson's for > rine soap- You Remember Thomson's. Sales. Y< 19 Cts. Cake. ier-8 cts. Box. But Meet Your Friends at Thomson's. ste? 15 Cts. Box. 1 ?i5dct7box. riiXT til HPTTf "j'sz. lllCj lill e?19 Cts. Box. 'ts- and 19 gtj. . YORKVILI Its., and 69 Cts. - WHEF Dts., and 39 Cts. * Money S FOR = NCOi uly Cle ERCHANDISE CAl RSDAY, ? TH- TEN BIG DAYS. n n I ? r Lome nam or dninel t >k and Cor .merica's Best Makers and Shown h us Suits will be on Sale here for Ten Blues. Come Yourself and bring y ling Valu< This Sale simply Means that Ob ;QUAL RIGHTS TO ALL and-SPE< Article. COME?Will be glad to see [OHAIR SUIT SUITS $1.98. Men's $2.S9. Men's $2 69. Men's "e?:s Mens $4.48. Men's ?Now 98 CTS. Men's r Hosiery Men's Negligee Sh [en's $1.50 CLERMONT SHIRTS?Now [en's $1.00 CLERMONT SHIRTS?Now [en's $1.00 and $1.25 CLERMONT Soft < SHIRTS in Cream and White only?> ' 98 C len's 50c GARLAND SHIRTS?Now TRUNKS adiea' $20.00 Roller Tray Fiber TRUNK adies' $15.00 Roller Tray Fiber TRUNK 12.50 Fiber TRUNKS?Now 10.00 Roller Tray TRUNKS?Now 8.50 Canvass TRUNKS?Now 5.00 Canvass TRUNKS?Now 3.50 Canvass TRUNKS?Now AND OX WOMEN AND < d Shoes and Oxforc or Dress or Work-a hers at Factory Prii I valanche of Barge ?DOMESTICS.? All CALICOES? 5 CTS Yd. Good APRON GINGHAMS?S Cts. Yd Yd. ANDROSCOGGIN BLEACHING? 8 Cts. Yd. A. F. C. GINGHAMS? 8 CTS. Yd. A. C. A. TICKING? 12* CTS. Yd. Best BROWN SHTETING?7 Cts. Yd. Yd. LONSDALE CAMBRIC?12jc Cts. Yd. Yd. Best 15c DRESS GINGHAMS?12c Yd. Good GALATEA CLOTH? 11c Yd. Best SHIRTING CHE\TOTS?8c Yd. ?SKIRTS? Ladies' *10.00 SKIRTS? $6.98. Ladles' $8.50 SKIRTS? $5.69. Ladies' $7.50 SKIRTS? $4.98. Indies' $6.50 SKIRTS? . $4.39. Indies' $5.00 SKIRTS? $3.39. Ladies' $3.50 SKIRTS? $2.39. SHIRT WAISTS All WHITE SHIRT WAISTS?Values $1.00, $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50 on one table at one price. Your choice?98c. lis Sale is Thursday, July 18th. G ou for Ten Days. Everything Sol ou Get Honest Merchandise at Pric Come the First Three Days, Thu )MS0N ( .E, SOUTH C IE YOU GET OU and Wait:WANTS aring Sale RNIVAL rr tw f nTF v tULi 10 m. Remember the First Three Days Thars\E HERE THERE'S ROOM FOR ALL!! ner. Tell your Fi ere at FACTORY COST. Superior i Dayls at FACTORY COST. Dressy I IE DOLLAR will do the work of TWO ijl CIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE?Every S NOW $9.98 | JlPl MEN'S PANTS $1.50 PANTS?Now 98 CTS. FELT $2.00 PANTS?Now $1.39. $2.50 PANTS?Now $1.69. 13.00 PANTS?Now *t Qfi J 3.50 PANTS?Now $2.39. I $5.00 PANTS?Now $3.39. I All llpn^C $6.50 FANTS?Now $4.39. | illf J and Shirts at 1 lirts WE HALF H iffi&IWOVB/L Men's 50c SILK SOCKS?Now .... TOl ? HllL) Men's 25c GAUZaj SOX?Now 89 (rrs' EHi Men's 15c GAUZE SOX?Now Co,lar jjJiwm Men's 10c sox?Now ,ou P Men's Gray Work SOX?Now in. Mill. /g|gMen's 50c SUSPENDERS?Noi ;i!) ( is. Men'8 25c SUSPENDERS?No -BAGS$10.00 LEATHER BAGS?Now :s?Now . $8.50 LEATHER BAGS?Now ..no $6.50 LEATHER BAGS?Now *i?.w?. 00 LEATHER BAGS?Now S?Now i \? $3.50 LEATHER BAGS?Now SU198 \T 12.50 BAGS?Now ??: ?: W SUITCASES $7.98. [ Qne Lot LEATHER SUIT CASES?Price $0.79. All $5.00 LEATHER SUIT CASES?Now QH $8.50 COW HIDE SUIT CASES?Now $10.00 COW HIDE SUIT CASES. .Now $1.98. $15.00 COW HIDE SUIT CASES?Now W -WWW FORDS m. Misses' $3.00 OXFORDSMisses'$2.50 OXFORDS?P niTTf r\n T7X.T Misses' $2.00 OXFORDS? JlilLUKLN Misses' $1.50 OXFORDS? Children's OXFORDS?Nc Children's SANDALS?No' Is for Men, Worni-day Wear. New rins for Every Family in Every MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Ladies' 50c GOWNS?Now 39 CTS. Ladies' 75c GOWNS?Now 69 CTS. Ladies' $1.00 GOWNS?Now 79 CTS. Ladies' $1.25 GOWNS?Now 98 CTS. Ladles' $1.50 GOWNS?Now $1.29. Ladies' $2.00 GOWNS?Now $1.59. Ladles' $2.50 GOWNS?Now $1.98. Ladles' 75c SKIRTS?Now 69 CTS. Ladies' $1.00 SKIRTS?Now 79 CTS. Ladles' $1.25 SKIRTS?Now 98 CTS. Ladles' 25c PANTS?Now 19 CTS. Ladies' 50c PANTS?Now 39 CTS. Ladies' 75c PANTS?Now 69 CTS. Ladles' 25c CORSET COVERS?Now 19 CTS. Ladles' 50c CORSET COVERS?Now 39 CTS. Children's PANTS?Now 8 CTS. Children's 25c FERRIS WAISTS?Now 19 CTS. Ladies' GAUZE VESTS?Now 5 CTS. Ladies' 10c GAUZE VESTS?Now 8 CTS. Ladles' 25c GAUZE VESTS?Now 19 CTS. Infants' 15c VESTS?Now 12 CTS. Ladies' White APRONS? 19 CTS. Ladles' Gingham APRONS?Now 10 CTS. Ladles' $1.00 Long SILK GLOVES?Now 79 CTS. ALL LACE CURTAINS SOLD AT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN REGULAR PRICE FOR TEN DAYS AT THOMSON'S. ome and bring your family. There will ?N0 d as Advertised in Every Department. Common pins . Good Brass Pinses You can Afford. Don t Stay Away wlre Halr pln8_ rsday, Friday and Saturday. side comhsBack Combs? lOMP A NV == Agate Buttons? A TX y^VT TX T A Pearl Buttons? AROLINA. Cotton TapeLinen Tape? . Y | -Stickerie Brald^? /\ | j I J ?? Children's Hose S HMBHBHnHHM 11 Best ioc WHITE LAWN? 8c Yd Good Sheer 15c LAWN? iac Yd Sheer 20c LAWN 15c Yd p Fine Sheer 25c LAWN? 19c Yd. 25c FLAXONS? 19c Yd. 20c FLAXONS? 15c Yd. \ 15c FLAXONS 12c Yd. 25c SOISETTS?All Shades? 19c Yd. 25c POPLINS?All Shades 19c Yd. \ Colored LAWNS?.I2$c and 15c Quality? ioc Yd. | English LONG CLOTH? 98c Bolt. 25c WHITE WAISTINGS? 19c Yd. i5c WHITE WAISTINGS? iac Yd. GOOD PEARL BUTTONS 3 CTS. DOZEN iends to Come ???^ CLOTHING, SHOES, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, MEN'S HATS, MEN'S SHIRTS, MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 1 MEN'S PANTS, B TRUNKS, BAGS, Q SUIT CASES. STRAW AND PANAMA J : HATS f i Straw Hats Reduced One Third factory Cost OSE 39 CTS. Pair. Small Wears I 19 CTS. Palp. 12 CTS. pair. Men's HANDKERCHIEFS 4C 8 CT8. Pair. Men,g pure LJnen HANm:BR% 8 CTS. Palp. CHIEFS 10C * 39 CTS. w 19 crs. Men's Pure Linen HANDKER^ CHIEFS 12C Men's 25c HANDKERCHIEFS 19c $7.98. JH' fa Men's 60c HANDKERCHIEFS 39C $3.98. \Ti $2.98. i flM P. A W cnr.i.ins 10T. ** . MT """ " Mi 25c OXFORD LACES 19C $3.48. ? 10c OXFORD LACES 8C * $3.98. $6.79. $7.98. $11.98. DREN'S OXFORDS Now $2.48. iow m $1.98. . -Now $1.69. Now $1.29. >w ...? 18 CTS., 69 CTS., and 98 CT8. iv 98 CTS., $1.39 and $1.69. Ladies' Oxfords Ladles' Queen Quality $3.50 OXFORDS?Now $2.98. Ladies' Queen Quality $3.00 OXFORDS?Now $2.48. Ladies' Boston Favorite $2.50 OXFORDS?Now $1.98. Ladles' $2.00 OXFORDS?-Now _ $1.69. caaies common ?ense ?i.ou UAf UKiia?now ^ $1.29. i One Lot Ladles' OXFORDS?Now 08 OTS. Pair. Department for Ten Days. TABLE DOILIES $5.00 TABLE DOILIES?Now $3.98. $4.00 TABLE DOILIES?Now $3.19. $3.50 TABLE DOILIES?Now . $2.98. $3.00 TABLE DOILIES?Now |SJi. $2.50 TABLE DOILIES?Now $1.98. $1.50 TABLE DOILIES?Now $1.29. $1.00 TABLE DOILIES?Now 79c Ladles and Children's PARASOLS sold at Half their regular price for tea days at Thomson's. EDGING AND INSERTIONS 50c EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS? 39c. Yd. 75c EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS? ?9c Yd. 45 Inch EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS?$1.00 quality? 79c Yd. 45 Inch $2.50 EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS?Sale Price? $1.89 Yd. 25c EMBROIDERY BANDS? 19c Yd. 50c EMBROIDERY BANDS? 39c Yd. 75c EMBROIDERY BANDS? ?9c Yd. One lot EMBROIDERY? 5e Yd. One lot VAL LACE EDGING and INSERTION?S l-2c Yd. 0 One lot VAL LACE EDGING and INSERTIONS? 3Jc Yd. ? One lot VAL LACE EDGING and INSERTIONS?10c and H 12Jc values? 80 Yd. TlONS. ?SILK PETTICOATS 1 Cent Package Ladles' SILK PETTICOATS, black and Colors?Value $3.00?On sale at? 4 Cents. Pk. f-, gg Each1 Cent Pk. Ladles $5.00 SILK PETTICOATS? 8 Cts. and 19 Cts. *3'98' lad,e8' *6-50 silk petticoats 8 Cts. and s. made from good taffeta?Price $4.98. 8 Cts. Pk. 4 Cts. Box. ??? ??1? 1? 8 Cts. and 19 Cts. known as the Merchants who 3 for 5c. 4 Cts. and 8 Cts. **" 35 advertised, and make your 4 Cts. and 8 Cts. hard earned dollars do double duty, we 3 Cts and 8 Cts. Doz. want to meet you, and when you see o fop C o lor a \,i?. mon#y w0 MVe you we ara sura we 4 Cts. 8 Cts Pk w'" k* better friends. Come and Supporters? bring your family. 8 Cts. and 19 Cts. TH0M80N > CHHHHnn