Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, May 21, 1912, Image 3

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SPARING THE ROD. Correspondent Commends the Stand Taken by York County Father. Editor Yorkville Enqutrer: I wan* to take off my hat to that York county man who so beflttingly commended the teacher for chastising his boy. It is a blessed assurance that that boy has a father who is vitally interested in him and wants to see him become a man whom the world will recognize as something beyond the common. In that man the teacher has a helper in her work which she cannot too highly appreciate. If the schools of this country were patron ized by such patrons and teacners would do their full duty, lawlessness would at no distant day?or within the next generation at the farthest?be a thing of the past. Crime is bred in the homes where children are not taught to obey. We congratulate that boy for having such a father as he has?one whose whole heart is wrapped up in his welfare, and the teacher has a helper in her work she must always respect. That father (whoever he is, we don't know him), has read the book of Proverbs, and has rightly conceived the idea that it is a safe guide to correct living. If we recognize the fact that Solomon's wisdom was a special gift and for a special purpose and upon a special condition, then we can see why that sensible father took the course he did. J. L. 8. Wilkinsvllle, May 16. Brownsville Affair Revived.?President Taft, through his Ohio campaign headquarters last Saturday gave out a statement wnicn laia Diame ior the discharge of the negro soldiers at Brownsville entirely upon the shoulders of Colonel Roosevelt, who was then president. "On October 22, 1906, Inspector General Garllngton submitted to the war department his report upon the Brownsville affair. It concluded with the recommendation that every man in three companies of the Twentyfifth infantry colored, be discharged without honor and be forever disbarred from re-enlistment as well as employment in the government service. "On November 5 President Roosevelt i>ersonally directed that the recommendation of General Garllngton be complied with, and the order was issued on November 9." Mr. Taft. then secretary of war, had left Washington on a tour of inspection. The dismissal order was issued in his absence by General Oliver, acting secretary of war. "When Mr. Taft returned to Washington he cabled to President Roose- ( velt, who was in Porto Rico, asking that the order be suspended until further hMrine On November 21 Pres Ident Roosevelt cabled a reply denying1 Mr. Taft's request and directing that the order be immediately executed." The statement declared that President Roosevelt, while at Oyster Bay, later said that Mr. Taft had nothing to do with recommending or issuing the order. i ? Chester Foster, a lineman In the employ of the Southern Bell Telephone company at Newberry, lost his life last Friday as the result of contact with one of the city's electric light wires. ? The jury in the case of Gus Harris, charged with the murder of James Sprouse at Union on last Friday returned a verdict of manslaughter with a recommendation to mercy. He was sentenced to two years at hard labor. Harris and Sprouse seemingly had been good friends and Sprouse had talked with Harris, after which he accompanied Harris home, where he was knocked out of a chair and shot by Harris, dying several days later. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. There will be no prayer meeting this < week. TRINITY METHODIST. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 8.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 6.15 p. m. Services preparatory to communion will begin Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Services again Saturday morning at 11, and on Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Rev. E. G. Car- , son of Charlotte, will assist the pas- , tor. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. , $he (Cotton |ftarhet. Yorkville, May 21.?Cotton, 113 cts. New York, May 20.?Cotton futures closed quiet as follows: Jan. 11.32; Feb. 11.34; March 11.41; May 11.11; June 11.13: July 11.13; Aug. 11.17; Sept. 11.22; Oct. 11.28; Nov. 11.30; Dec. ii 3r, Special JJotices. The Winnie Davis Chapter Will mwt with Mrs. Fowler on Friday i morning at 11 o'clock. A full attend- i ance is desired, as there will be important matters to consider. Mrs. Hunter, President. i Clover Circuit. i The second quarterly conference will be held at St. Paul on next Sat- j urday, the services commencing at ' 11 o'clock a. m., with dinner on the grounds. Rev. T. C. O'Dell will preach at St. Paul Sunday morning with the communion service following the ' sermon. H. Grady Hardin, Pastor. Sunday School Rally. There will be a Sunday School Rally Day for Kind's Mountain township held in the Methodist church at Clover. S. O.. on the 4th Sunday, the 26th. inst. The officers of the association are making efforts to have a very enthusiastic gathering and from present indications we have every reason to believe we will have a very successful and profitable meeting. The services will consist of a morning and afternoon session and everyone who is interested in the welfare and influence of the Sunday school work will be welcome. W. T. Beamguard, Township Pres. WHOSE STEER? IT is red, with long horns, and about 18 months old. I took it up on May 12. The owner can have it by paying for this advertisement. L.. T. POWDI-E. No. 1. Hickory Grove, S. C. 41 t It AN ORDINANCE Providing for a Municipal Election. HE it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, the Town Council of the Town of Yorkville, S. C.: Section 1. That an election be held on Tuesday, the 4th day of June. 1912. within the Town of Yorkville, for tne election of a Mayor and six Aldermen t<> serve the Town of Yorkville as such for the next ensuinj? two years. Sec. 2. The polls will l>e opened at 8 o'clock a. m., and will close at 4 o'clock p. m.. at the Sheriff's Office in Yorkville. The prerequisites to voting in this election are the production f \fnnloinnt Rom'strntlon Oertlfirnte and proof of the payment of all taxes due and payable up to the date of election. Sec. 3. The following are hereby appointed to serve as Managers of said election, to wit: J. J. Hunter. C. H. Sandifer and J. K. Dowry. and are hereby authorized and directed to hold the same. Done and ratified In Council assembled in regular session this May 20th. 1012. J. B. PEC,RAM. Mayor Pro Tern. Attest: J F. YOUNORDOOD. Acting Clerk of Council. 41 t It ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CLERK OF THE COURT WE are authorized to announce JOHN R. LOGAN as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE manv friends of ,T. R. HAILE of Fort Mill, hereby announce him as i a suitable candidate for the State Legislature, subject to action of Primaries of Democratic party, WESTERN YORK. May 14, 1912. t 39 te ivn snxiivix jt WE are authorized to announce S. S. PLEXICO of Rock Hill, as a candidate for Sheriff of York county, subject to the approval of the Democratic party in the Primary Election. 38 tf FOR THE STATE SENATE I HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for State Senator, subject , to the rules of the Democratic party. ' 37 t te THOS. F. McDOW. WE are authorized to announce JAMES E. BEAMGUARD of Clover, as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 35 t te EGGS FOR HATCHING <2* 1 FOR 11 Indian Runner Duck tP A Eggs. Best stock. Call or address W. R. CARROLL. Yorkville, S. C. 41 t tf nr A D TUTC Ull/1 I1V iliiu IN MIND-More than 95 per cent of the "four fluehers" get called?Our line is a "legitimate straight"? We have a "full house" when it comes to patterns?and we "stand pat" with an "ace high" hand when it comes to a "show down" on quality in $15.00 MADE TO-MEASURE SUITS. McCONNELL'S i THE BARGAIN HOUSE STAR THEATRE T-O-N-I-G-H-T MAKE IT A POINT TO 1 SEE THE MOVING PICTURES I TONIGHT AND s TOMORROW NIGHT? BOTH NIGHTS WILL BE GOOD. Coming Soon?THE FALL OF TROY . ?One of the Finest Scenic Films ever produced. Watch for the Date. STAR THEATRE\ i ? FOR THE LADIES. I We are this week offering some escially attractive values in Embroidery | Flouncing? for Ladies' Skirts, and we ( would be glad to have our lady cus- l tomers call and see them. t 45 inch Embroidery Flouncing, was ji.au?mow 9i.i? Yara. c 45 inch Embroidery Flouncing, was i J 1.25?Now 98 CTS Yd. x 45 inch Embroidery Flouncing, was r $1?Now 89 CTS. Yard. SKIRTS! SKIRTS Ladies' Panama Skirts in Blue and Black, were $3.50?Now, to Close Out Quick $1.98 Each. Men's Extra Pants at Bargain Prices. Come and see them. When YOU are shopping, make it a point to visit WRAT'S. There is always something of interest here, and our prices will save YOU money. J. 0. WRAY i Who Pays the Freight? * While it is a fact that there are dozens of legal reserve or "old line" life insurance companies doing business in America today that are as safe as ( the United States government when it comes to meeting their obligations, and not one of them has ever failed to meet an honest obligation, it is also a iaci mat not one 01 mem issues contracts that are as liberal as those of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance C Company?guarantees as many privileges. It is a fact also that no privilege of any recognized value embraced in the contract of any of the old, established companies is not embrac- ed in those of the Mutual Benefit, and it is also a fact that the Mutual Benefit contracts embrace a number of Valuable Features that no other company offers. No company has a reputation equal to that of the Mutual Benefit of giving each individual member a square deal regardless of whether or not he knows hi3 rights. It has never had to be forced to give a square deal t by recourse to law, but has always, during the 67 years of its existence, | done so voluntarily. In view of the fact that the policy holder pays the 3 freight it is a duty he owes himself to ? Duy tne pest, and ne cannot get it except from the Mutual Benefit. A careful investigation will convince the > most skeptical. Look before you leap. I SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. TEACHERS' SCHOLARSHIPS In the University of South Carolina. ' THE University of South Carolina | offers a Teachers' Scholarship to one young man in each county. The scholarship is worth $100 in money and exemption from fees. ' The examination for entrance to the . University as well as for the Teacher's SrholflPahln will lie* holri ot thf> Pminttr I seat on Friday, July 12th, at 9 o'clock. Hesides regular college work, the University offers courses in Law, Engineering and Commerce and Finance. The health and morals of the students are the first care. Enrollment 443 students. Many improvements next session. For catalogue write to S. C. MITCHELL President, 41 t 3t Columbia, S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of York. CITATION. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS. L. M. WOOTAN, made suit to me to prove the nuncupative Will of JAMES BARBER, deceas ed, and for Letters Testamentary thereon. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said JAMES RARBER, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate to be held at Yorkville, S. C., on the 14TH DAY OF JUNE. 1912, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said nuncupative Will should not be received to be proven and probated according to law, and u-hv lr?ft?>rw twitnmiintarv should not be granted thereon. Given under my hand and seal, this 7th day of May, A. D., 1912. I, R. WILLIAMS, Judge of Probate. 37-47 t 6t "TOPSY TURVY" SHARON School Improvement Asso. , will present this play in the School ' Auditorium Friday evening:, May 31st. Admission 15c and 25c. Public invited. FRUIT JARS * c MASON'S IMPROVED FRUIT JARS ?two quarts, one quart and one pint 8 sizes. a Extra Tops for Fruit Jars. Extra Rubbers for Fruit Jars. Y Rock Salt for stock and cattle. \ Extra Points and Fenders for cultivators. WE SELL:? Pratt's Animal Retrnlator. Pratt's Poultry' Regulator. Pratt's Lice Killer. Pratt's Cow Tonic. Pratt's Colic Cure. Barker's Cattle Powder. Ivory end Fairy Soap. Clay and Whippoorwlll Peas. J Amber, < )rangp and Red Top Cane I Seed. | YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL u tl 81 T Call on me for ^?d a CHASE & SANBORN COFFEES a K TEAS AND SPICES JJ HAM, BACON AND F BREAKFAST STRIPS SNOW WHITE y SNOW DRIFT AND p PURE LARD? CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCOS.. /. W. JOHNSON J si Just The Same s K We have been Headquarters for the p' >ast several years for the VERY BEST 01 GROCERIES. We are Just the salne u oday, only MORE SO. See us for ^ FLOUR, MEAL. CORN, OATS, E tr COW AND HORSE FEEDS of II kinds; MEATS. LARDS and all p other STAPLE GROCERIES. See us for the CHATTANOOGA Turn Plow?the BEST on the market, ind also for KENTUCKY Turn Plows, tnd all kinds of Repairs for both. We carry a line of Staple Dry Goods md will make you Interesting prices. Yours for Business. n Yorkvllle Banking & Mercantile Co. I SANITARY Had you thought of what the word ^anitarv means? Well, think of it. or ook it up in your dictionary, and then nake it your business to come to our store and ask to examine our Soda Fountain and see if It is not sanitary. The working parts of this fountain ire all Marble and Silver, not a piece >f wood as large as a tothpick in it. Ir Nothing to absorb water or impurities ?Can't help but be sanitary. All our drinks are Pure, Cooling, ' Refreshing, Satisfying and Delicious. " 3ur Syrups and Fruits are Pure and w Wholesome?No adulteration or sub(titution. If you have never had a free drink at >ur New, Iceless, Sanitary Fountain, it _ s your fault. Just intimate same and ve will be glad to prove our state- a nents. I ShiederDrag Store THE NYAL STORE J Fresh < M A 1c xuiivaio ;; w Tresh Mackerel, Salt Herring, White Fish, p 5weet and Sour Cucumber Pickles, m Big Hominy In Cans, Kraut In Cans, tc Pure Honey, Tomato Catsup, gt banned Corn and Peas, p Apple Butter, Barrel Coffee, Coffee in Cans, J Quaker Oats, ? Toasted Corn Flakes, Jell-O, Jold Medal Tooth Picks, q All kinds of Candies, See us for Tomato Plants. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. f LUMBER fc If you need any kind of Lumber, *e' :ither Dressed or Rough, Green or " <iln-Dried, come and see us for what ,fou need. We can supply your wants h it the Right Prices. T If you want Doors, Sash, Blinds, o rrames, Window Weights, Locks, K Hinges, Nails or other Building Supolios come and Bee us before you buy. ^ If you expect to Build or Remodel ti Ib iny buildings see us about the work before making any contracts. Af I. J. KELLER & COMPANY, jj C. II O'LKAItY v ti 18 Vudor ,J PORCH SHADES S G. H. O'LEARY Apples On Ice We have Fresh Country CABBAOE. get them every day. You can get Choice BAL.DWIN AP'I.ES, right off the Ice, at Sherer's. When you want Osanges or Bananas ome to SHERER. How I can sell BEEF so cheap Is a ecret that others would like to know. But I will tell you what makes corn n0 bacon so high: 'he mule, he am grazing around, Vhile the negro am lying asleep; \'hlte man in town got a lien on his crop, !o the negro and mule ran eat. OLD GEORGE THE BUTCHER. ce creamTrIezers NOW?TODAY. or certainly TOIORROW, Is the time for you to see s about the ICE CREAM FREEZER hat you have been wanting for ever o long. We have a line of the BEST 'REEZERS ever put on the market, 'hey are well made of good material, 'hey will freeze easily and quickly, nd perfectly satisfactorily the most elicious Creams and Puddings. These Freezers do their work with minimum amount of Ice and with minimum expenditure of "elbow rease" as a motive power. If you rant the BEST FREEZER we have and at the RIGHT PRICES. Sizes: 1 to 8 Quarts. tEFRIGERATORS? See us for a Refrigerator. You cer linly need one and we can supply ou with the size you want at a most ttrartlve price. Also see us for Ice icks, Shavers, Lemon Squeezers, and ther hot weather necessities. Yorkville Hardware Co. Kodaks The YORK DRUG STORE Is now (lowing a very complete line of KOAKS?Priced from $1.00 to ne of these little cameras will help 3u enjoy your summer vacation more lan any other one thing will. The iodak Way Is the easy way to make Ictures, and keep an entertaining recrd of your outing experiences. Let s show you these KODAKS. Besides KODAKS, we will also car/ a complete line of FILMS, DEELOPERS, PRINTING PAPERS, tc.. In fact everything necessary to lake good photos. If you already have a KODAK relember that you can get your suplies here. If you haven't a KODAK ow Is a good time to buy one. YORK DRUG STORE THE REXALL 8T0RE [HE HARRIS STUDIO VORHVILLE S. C. BEGINNING SATURDAY, MAY 18TH?THIS STUDIO WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY EVERY SATURDAY? istead of Wednesday. Have changed the date by request of ie people of Yorkville, and nope it ill be more convenient for all. G. W. HARRIS 3UR SPECIALTY Ever since I opened this store my jeclalty has been FEED for Horses, ules, Cows, Hogs and Poultry and y business in these goods has grown eadlly. Why? Simply because I have ways sold the Very Beit Feeds at the ery Lowest Prices. If you have Horses, Mules, Cows, igs or Poultry to feed, come and let e show you why it Is to your interest i buy your FEED STUFFS from me. Before you buy FLOUR, come and >e me. I have the Quality and the rice. . M.FERGUSON. 00. W. Knox J. L. Stacy, President Sec. and Mgr. LOVER REAL ESTATE CO. CLOVER, S. C. 1. One 6-room House and Lot, situad In Clover on R.R. St.; good well and irn; large lot; fine situation. See us ir price. 2. Large Lot on King's Mountain St., U feet front, 310 feet deep; 5 good nant houses, one 4-rooms; two 310ms, and two 2-rooms; paying 9 per snt on $2,000. A good Investment. No. 3? S?O?L?D?. 4. Five beautifully located Lots, near igh School. See us quick for these, hey will not last long. Two sold; they are going fast, as we cpected. See them quick if you ex?ct to buy. They will not be any leaper. 5. 44 Acres?1 mile Clover; 7-room :>use, barn, well, etc. $42.50 per Acre. 7. 96 Acres?3 miles Clover; plenty of mber; 10 acres fine sure crop bottom nd; fine pasture; new, 3-room house. 8. 3 Lots on Bethel road, for quicV tie; 300 feet deep; nice location. 9. 5 Room House?80 ft. front; locat1 on one of the best residence streets i Yorkville. A bargain. Now, or ever, is your chance. See us for rice. 10. 301 Acres?4 miles west of Yorkille; large orchard of young fruit ees beginning to bear; 6 acres bottom ind; joins Elmore Stephenson. $17.50 er Acre. Good terms on this. 11. 100 Acres?Lying 1J miles north f Battleground; 100,000 feet of saw Imber. If you need timber now is the Ime to buy. Lumber is going up; wner will cut in July if not sold. Timer worth price asked. See us for a rice. 12. 6 Lots, nicely located, on New trooklyn street. Good terms on these. 13. Six Lots, fronting on Faires St.; lso 11-3 Acres fine pasture, immeiately in rear of lots. Will sell as a hole or cut to suit your taste. Proprty of Ralph N. Adams. 14. One 15 h.-p. Tolbort Tngine, 60 a.w Eagle Gin, one Pin Centennial otton Press, and one 36-inch Corn I ill, and Belt, in good condition. A iargain. $400.00. Come to Clover and buy property and elp a live town grow; but if you will o to Georgia, see us for prices on arm lands. We have them listed, and man on the ground to show them. CLOVER REAL ESTATE CO. J. L. Stacy, Sec. and Manager. GUTTERING [ AM now prepared to do GUTTER L ING. Let me show you how it ives your house to put it on. I also ut on Tin, Iron and Shingle Roofs, et me make you an estimate. See le for all kinds of Repair Work. All ork CASH. Phone No. 15. G. W. KUNZ. WIDE PIQ NEW IX3T W IDE WALE PIOUE AND ON SALE AT 25 C7TS., 29 C MARQU1 EMBROIDERED MARQUISETT Heliotrope, White and Pink, Blu< tub ; WASH SILKS in Stripes, Tan ai and White?Price P?L?A?I?X M?A?R?I Black. White. Pink. Light Blue. T K?M?B?It?(>?I?I)?F?H? We are showing a big line of E and 45 inches wide in Baby bat Wide range of EMBROIDERY Bi f Price 50 CTS.. 7." qua: ! BUY YOUR OXFORDS. CLO' THOMSON?YOU GET QUA THE THO irm 1 \Ji 111 PLEASE YOU WITH MOLASSES IN PORTO RICO?AS WELL A8 IN HIGHEST GRADE OF NEW ORLEANS. LOUIS ROTH WTVTwTwTVTwTVTVTwTVTV TVTV" | There's a , i In knowing that your funds e ? they can be had in whole or in ] ? element of risk Is eliminated. T number of satisfied customers on 4? have more. Give the matter a liti V convince yourself that you could ? count with us. & OT7R CUSTOMERS ARE C | Loan and Ss | YORKVII ?L A A ^ A ^ *L ?L A A (Ti A .^AiT^ A ltH A The Awful Fate? That befell Pompeii doeB not concern us as much as where shall we buy the things that we need?the things that we Must Have. Listen! Read! Consider! Pocket Knives, from 5c to 50; Knives and Forks, Scissors, Pneumonia Cure, Other Medicines, Note Books, Tablets, Pencils, Slates and Pencils. Envelopes, Musical Instruments, Collar Buttons, Combs and Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Handkerchiefs, Needles and Thread, Thimbles, Mending1 Tissue and Pocket Books. Now is the time to buy Curry Combs and Brushes. Of course you know that we keep a full line of GROCERIES?Good Flour, Fresh Meal, Cottage Hams, Excellent Fish, Sugar, Coffees, Teas, Rice, Cakes, Pickles, Molasses, Syrups, Vinegar, Quaker Oats, etc. Also good line of Canned Goods; Candies by the barrel. All sorts of good Tobacco; lots of good leather. HERNDON & GORDON. FOR SALE AVERY fine lot of Berkshire, P land-China and O. I. C. Pigs. Four weeks old May 25, at $2.50 each. One Milch Cow, a good one. All too cheap, but I am going to sell, so come and get yours. Phone, Hickory Grove, 18-4. J. L. WHITESIDES, R. F. D. 5. Yorkville, S. C. 35 t tf WANTED A GOOD Plug Horse. Call or ad urfsa me ui iui^viuc. i 40 2t A. D. DORSETT. | I Embroidery WEDNESDAY WE HAVE JUST RECEIVE] BROIDERY FLOUNCIVGS?AT t OUT" PRICE, WHICH WE OFF] !' IX)It THIS WEEK. IF YOU A. WILL TEH IT YOU. ; Lot 1. Good CAMBRIC and SW1 6 Inches wide?Special H Lot 2. 18 Inch Very Fine SW FLOUNCING?Cheap at 38 < r* Lot 3. 27 Inch Very Sheer SWISS 4!i inch CAMBRIC FLOUNC g Si>ecial Lot 4. 4f> inch SWISS aild CAME r to $1.25?Special I^ot 5. 4 5 Inch Very Sheer Embi > Worth $1.75 to $2.50 Yard, fi J NEW LINE PLAIN VOILE IKirkpatric ONE PRICE C WALE UES :s in white, just received TS.. 35 CTS., and 39 CTS. YARD. [SETTES ES?Tan and Green, White and i and White?Price * 39 CTS. Yard. SILKS id White, Blue and White, Pink 39 CTS. the Yanl. U?I?S?E?T?T?E?S an and Gray?Price 25 CTS. the Yard. Y F?L?O?U?X?C?I?N?G MBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS, 27 Irish Patterns?Prices 79 (7TS., $1.00 and $2.50 Yard. MDS INDS?Baby Irish Patterns? > CTS., $1.00 and $1.50 the Yard. LITY THING AND MILLINERY AT LITY AT THIS STORE. MSON CO. ? Cr\1f Vau L/C I lflC iJCIl IUU CULTIVATOR POINTS. PLOWS of all kinds, FLOW POINTS. COTTON HOES, All kinds of DRY GOODS at the Very CLOSEST PRICES. FARM SUPPLIES? For your needs about your Farm, whether It be Heavy or Fancy Groceries or Farm Supplies In general, come and see me. I have the Goods and I have the Prices that will interest you. BEFORE BUYING SHOES? Come and see what I have to offer in Qualities, Styles and Prices. M. A. McFARLAND Pinckney Road R. F. D. No. 4. Satisfaction 1 ?i O ire ABSOLUTELY SAFE and that ? jart at any time you desire. The ? We have the names of quite a ,; our books, but we would like to (> tie thought, and we think you will ^ \ not do better than open ah ac- 11 >UR RECOMMENDATION. j J ^, i ivings Bank l| XE, S. C. j! ? Li t". Jf.(T.iT. .t,|L| L. T". t ,f J,|f.^/T^ WATERMAN "IDEAL" FOUNTAIN PENS If you would like to see the most elaborate display of FOUNTAIN PENS ever made In Yorkvllle, call and let me show you the Waterman line. If you would spend your money for a Fountain Pen, spend It for a WATERMAN "IDEAL" PEN I have them at all prices, $2.50 and Up. In all sizes and can just exactly "fit" your hand. T. W. SPECK. The Jeweler. NOTICE. OWING to Increased cost of all kinds of Printing Material and advances on all kinds of Paper, all former quotations and prices for JOB PRINTING are hereby withdrawn. New quotations and prices furnished on application. L. M. GRIST'S SONS. May 14, 1912. NOTICE MY House and Lot on Wright avenue for sale. For terms apply to C. E. Spencer, Esq., Yorkvllle, S. C. wtf IDA die LOACH. . c I_ I ' opeciais & ALL WEEK > A RIG SHIPMENT OF EM- | A MANUFACTURER'S "CLOSE BR AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES 1 RE INTERESTED, THE PRICE [SS EMBROIIDERY, 4 to 10 CTS. Yd. ISS and 27 Inch CAMBRIC 2ts.?Special 22 CTS. Yd. > neilismciitu ur otanufru, [NOS, worth up to 75 Cts. Yd. ^ 43 CTS. Yd. RIC PLOUNCIXaS, Worth up 1 89 CTS. Yd. roldered VOILE FLOUNCIXOS or Quick Selling:?Special >5 $1.19 and $1.38 Yd. i IS. COTTON CORDUROYS. j l d~ilr~ i K-UtlK tU. | ;ASH STORE |[ SPLENDID WASH Fast Color PRINTED BATISTE, 1 and Floral designs?Special Beautifully PRINTED BATISTE 1 ?these are very attractive? Amoskeag, Fast Color DRESS GI hams on the market?For M 36 in Fast Color PERCALES, net Colors?Special At Splendid APRON GINGHAMS?S Best Fast Color CALICOES?Llgh ? 1 T A TTTXTO n rasi i/Uiur iieui ugures i ' Oenulne HYDE-GRADE GALAT1 ATTRACTIVE COT 16c STRIPED VOILES, In White 35c Satin Stripe VOILES, In Whit 26c MERCERIZED POPLINS in At 15c and 20c COTTON FOULARDS 25c STRIPED CHIFFON?For M THE CLOUD ???? We Keep Hand Disc Harrows, Drag Harrows, Walking . Cultivators, little Joe Harrows, Side Harrows, Weeders, and everything for your Oliver Chilled Plows. We want to call your special attention to Weeding and Walking Cultivators. These Implements will pay for themselves on any farm If used at the right time, In one season. We have something new and novel In the Buggy line. Come and see It Easy Terms if you want to buy. CARROLL BROS. FOR SALE "111J HEAT STRAW at 50 cents a 100 TV lbs., and Sorghum Hay at 80 cents per 100 lbs. THOS. N. DUUN, Clover, R. P. D. 2. 38 4t To The Wi IT IS A MIGHTY GOOD T THE BANK WHEN DULL YOU ARE OUT OF WORK TER LAY ASIDE A FEW D< MONTH AND BE ON THE 8 YOU WILL RECEIVE FOUI ALL YOUR 8A VI The National ABSOLUT Rock Hill, THE UNITED STATES GOV! tr THIS W. J. RODDEY. President. an MEAT MARKET C. F. SHERER, Prop. BEEF mere is jtseer or various kinds; out I handle only two kinds?Better and BEST, which means Stall Fed and the Dressed Product from the West PORK AND SAUSAGE? I am putting in a lot of time buying nice hogs and handle Pork in all cuts, and Power Ground Sausage, Pure Pork and Mixed. HAMS AND BACON? Don't forget my Hams and Bacon, by the Pound, by the Strip or by the Ham. The Hams are skinned or Boiled Boneless. Many customers And it convenient to be able to buy a pound at a time. BEEF CATTLE? I am in the market for all the Beef Cattle I can get of the kind and quality I handle. I pay a good price and feed the cattle until ready for slaughter. People who have such cattle should notify me. Tours for Quality, O. F. SHERER. [ Progressi The BUSINESS MAN Knowi Checking Account; so does the uj j likewise the PROGRESSIVE FA. BUSINESS WOMAN. We will be glad to initiate ; Checking Account, and show yoi | disadvantages. This Bank Pays 4 Pep Cent I i Savings Accounts. The FIRST NA' YORKVIJ ! "YOU HAD BETTER BJ O. E. WILKIN'S, President. BEST IN QUALITYWe wish to call your att cles that we carry In stock. I< sell our customers the HIGE EST POSSIBLE PRICES. Give that we have gained you as o GROCERIES?Fresh, choice K and Flours at the Lowest tatoes, Octagon Soap, 6 lasses. 70 Cts. per gal. HARDWARE?Horse and Muh louts, x~uunry vvue, * kinds of Plows, etc. CLOTHING?Boys' Pants?sizes $1.75; Men's Pants?rail si; Nice Blue Serge Suits at $ son's newest creations in Made-to-Measure Clothes the Best In the World. NOTIONS?Arrow Brand Collars, ment of Fancy Shirts, witl Underwear, Including the line of Ribbons, Braids, et< The Headlight Overalls ant ket?We sell them. DRY GOODS?All kinds of Dresi at the Lowest Prices. See See us for Calicoes, Gingha ory Shirting, etc. SHOES?All styles of Peters's S States Army Shoes for Mei In both high and low heels does' Oxfords?Gun Metal, in both Lace and Button HATS AND CAPS?Let us show NETED HAT; Best, Genuir of Men's Sailor shapes; se\ and by all means, be sure Men's Caps. I J . M . S THE EVERY [ GOODS VALUES In pretty, neat Figures, Stripes 10 OTS. In Side Bands, newest effects, At 10 OTS. NGHAMS?the best 10c Glngay Selling At 8 8-4 OTS. it designs In Light and Dark 8 3.4 OTS. mall Checks?At 5 CTS. it and Dark?At 5 C7TS. m Bind floral patterns?At 6 OTS. W 3A?Special for Maj At IS) OTB. || TON DRESS GOODS. ffl and Colors?Special At 191 OTS. $3 e and Colors?At 29 1-2 OTS. tip White and Colors?For May $2 19 OTS. m J?For May Selling At 12 1-2 OTS. M ay Selling At 19 OTS. CASH STORE | I WILL SEE YOU IN A FEW DAY8 WITH FACT8 i AND FIGURE8 ON Electric Cooking CITY ELECTRIC PLANT W. B. DuPRE, 8upt. Itr 8?nd The Enquirer your order* for Commercial Printing. jrking Man HING TO HAVE MONEY IN TIMES COME OR WHEN j FOR ANY REASON. BET- j 0LIARS EVERY WEEK OR jj 1AFE SIDE. t PER CENT INTEREST ON liiuo i/c^ruDii^ . Union Bank, SLY SAFE - - s. C. ; ERNMENT DEPOSITS WITH BANK IRA B. DUNLAP, Cashier. INTEREST There are more kinds of Interest than the kind you pay for money when you borrow from a bank. There Is a PERSONAL. INTEREST, the kind that the officers of THIS BANK feel in Its customers ?an interest which prompts us to do whatever we possibly tan to encourage and to Aid those who give us their patronage. Bank of Hickory Grove Hickory Grove, S. C. WW You can save a third to ball by buying a Rebuilt Typewriter. See The Enquirer Office. ye People i the value and convenience of a , p-to-date PROFESSIONAL MAN; RMER; and, too, the wide-awake ; you into the detail* of keeping a I i its many advantages?It has no nterest, Compounded Quarterly on riONAL BANK, j L.LE, S. C. ;i B SAFE THAN SORRY." R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. j ?in an aii ay i -LOWEST PRICES I ention to a few of the many arti- Ms t ia our constant endeavor to 50 [EST QUALITY at the LOW- ffi i us a trial and we will be sure $5 ne of our permanent customers. ~ lingan's Hams, the beet Sugars t Prices; Nancy Hall Seed Po- $? bars for 26c; New Orleans Mo_ |a i Collars, all kinds of Farm ffl and 6 foot; Enamel Ware, all jfiS 5 to 17 years?Prices, 25 Cts. to 1h zes?Prices, 50 Cts. to $6.00 Pair; m 10.00; Various styles of the SeaMen's Suits?Prices, $10. to $20. m from the Famous Royal Tailors? ? 2 for 25 Cts.; a complete assort- gsjj i and without collars; all kinds of ra famous B. V. D. line; a complete tm 2. Full line of Fancy Ties. Jg 1 Jackets are the Best on the Mar- M 3 Goods and Silks?Best Qualities fM them. Jj ims, Percales, White Goods, HickIhoes for Men; Herman's United i; all sizes of White Canvas Shoes $8 for Ladies; an elegant line of La- M Him Pal# Vlala Patanfa Tans? 3H . We sell Cat's Paw Rubber Heels. <j? you the MALLORY CRAVENte Panama Hats at $5.00; all styles feral styles of Ladies' Straw Hats; vS to see our nice line of Boys' and m rROUP I THING STORE M