Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 26, 1912, Image 3

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No. 9533. % REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank At Sharon, In the State of South CarCarolina, at the close of business. April 18. 1912: Resources: Loans and Discounts $ 71.090 79 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 106 02 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 196 52 Ifc. Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures 4,651 96 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 21,445 47 Due from approved Reserve Agents 13,351 48 Checks and other cash items 14 10 Notes of other National H Banks 490 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and Cents 163 19 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz.: Specie $3,498 95 Legal-tender notes. 110 00 3.608 95 ? M * UV TT a Keaempuon iuuu wiui u< ?. Treasurer (6% of circulation) 1.250 00 Total $141.368 48 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 25.000 00 Surplus fund 2,100 00 ^ Undivided Profits, less Ex^ penses and Taxes Paid.... 3,101 19 National Bank Notes outstanding 24,280 00 Due to other National Banks 104 97 Dividends unpaid 21 00 Individual Deposits subject to check 49,650 57 Demand certificates of deposit 3.648 78 Time certificates of deposit 33,075 18 Cashier's Checks outstanding 386 79 Total 1141,368 48 ^ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CouifTY of York, ss: I. J. S. HARTNESS. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. S. HARTNESS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of April, 1912. C. S. PRATT, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: J. S. Rainey, J. H. Say?, J. L. Rainey, Directors. 0 Statement of the Condition of the sCoan and fanngs lanb Located at Yorkvllle, S. C., at the close of business, April 18, 1912. Resources: Loans and Discounts ....3216,976 65 Overdrafts 9,007 36 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 30,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,200 00 Due from Banks and Bankers 58.454 17 Currency 10,382 00 Gold 297 50. Silver and other Minor Coin 2.354 05 Checks and Cash Items 1,597 67 Total 3330.269 40 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid In 3 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 46.000 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes' Paid 5,517 69 Due to Banks and Bankers 3 9,363 00 Individual Depos* its subject to Check 126.285 90 Savings Deposits 8,884 63 Time Certificates on 91R 7fi U1 . wv,?f*v .? Cashier's Checks. 536 71 Total Deposits 225,017 63 Other Liabilities, viz; Reserved for Taxes, Expenses and Interest 3.734 08 * -'^T.rllti .T.. '.. .'.$330,260 40 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. . . County of York ss. Before me came J. P. McMURRAY, Cashier of the above named bank, who, % being: duly sworn, says that the above . and foregoing statement is a true condition.of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. J. P. McMURRAY, Cashier. JSworn to and subscribed before me i this 25th dav of April. 1912. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Notary Public, South Carolina. i ar Correct Attest: ] B. N. Moore, W. W. Lewis, 1 C. E. Spencer, Directora * The Best $1 ft $1.50 Shirts Lion Brand. See Window Dislay Kirkpatrick-Belk Co. - PL A Y BALL ! j Get busy. Take an occasional afternoon often and take a turn at the really great national game. It will give you more energy and vim for the next day's game of work. See us for the necessary implements of the game. BASE BALLS?5 CTS. to $125. MITTS?25 CTS. to $5.00. ^ GLOVES?25 CTS. to $3.50. A BATS?10 CTS. to $1.00. " TOE and HEEL PLATES, MASKS, "DOCIE," Etc. ^ TENNIS BALLS?5 CTS. and Up. TENNIS RACKETS, NETS, Etc. Yorkville Hardware Co. THE RAGING MISSISSIPPI Is only a matter of general or secondary interest to you. Something that is of immediate and personal and ^ vital interest to you, is, Where can I get the Best Groceries?the Best Rations? Just arrived, nice Dried Fruit to make nice pies; large, sound Irish Potatoes, White Lake Fish. Just arrived, another lot of nice, Juicy, sweet * Picnic Hams; nice, fresh, new-crop Cabbage by express, fresh from the Land of Flowers; plenty of good Rice, plenty of good Coffee?barrel roasted coffee?Ground Coffee in 10c, 30c and $1.00 cans. Another 100 lbs. Lucky Flno Coffee with beautiful dishes as a premium; Teas, lots of Sugar; everything in Fresh Canned Goods. And ---? T J/lo Vf flol we Keep new sniucia anu uus, jicai Sacks, Brooms, Smoothing Irons, Tinware, Glassware, Guano Horns, and Musical Instruments, and a nice line of Notions. Don't forget our Ice Cold * Drinks. HERNDON & GORDON. ? The Difference Between a good and a poor preparation in business method is just the difference between system and eareless^ ih'Ss, between success and failure. Deposit your money with us and do your business in a systematic manner. * The Bank of Clover, OIiOVBR. 8. O. STORMS WE MAY HAVE STORMS AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. IS YOUR PROPERTY INSURED AGAINST WIND AND LIGHTNING? D. E. BONEY?INSURANCE Your Best Chance I have bought the entire stock of BUGGIES AND WAGONS formerly carried by the Yorkville Buggy Co.. and In order to dispose of them QUICK I am going to offer them at ? REAL BARGAIN PRICES ? If you need either a Buggy or Wagon come and see me QUIClf. I will certainly make prices that will Interest You and I will make the Terms Satisfactory to You, and Everything Will d. tn ha >a RenrO?ented. See me QUICK?as I mean to turn these Vehicles loose. W. R. CARROLL Paints, Oils and Varnishes TOWN AND COUNTRY PAINT MA8TIC PAINT THE KIND8 THAT LAST ALABA8TINE,?All Colors. If You Expect to Paint Your Home, Get OUR Prices On the Paints, Etc., before buying. See Us for Brushes, Glass, Putty. YORK FURNITURE CO. INTEREST There are more kinds of Interest than the kind you pay for money when you borrow from a bank. There la a PERSONAL INTEREST, the kind that the officers of THIS BANK feel in its customers ?an Interest which prompts us to do whatever we possibly ean to encourage and to aid those who give us their patronage. Bank of Hickory Grove Hickory Grove, S. C. Something Worth Knowing If you want to Paint your house, your barn, your fence or anything else we want to tell you something worth knowing, that I can furnish you the BEST PAINT at the LEAST MONEY. This is not talk?see me for prices and quality and I will prove my statement, i ooll hnth NEW ERA and PENINSU LA SEMI-PASTE PAINT. We g\laruntee our Paint. For renewing old furniture and floors, don't forget that VERNOLAC ACME QUALITY has no equal. Alabastine for plastered walls ?in all colors. Don't forget SHIEDER has got the Right Paint at the Right Price. I 100 votes on the Piano are given with i each J1.00 Cash purchase at SHIEDER'S. Shieder Drag Store THE NYAL STORE PLENTY MORE ROE SHAD TODAY I HAD TO DISAPPOINT A GOOD MANY LAST WEEK, NOT HAVING TNOUGH TO GO AROUND. PRICE NO HIGHER TODAY? 60 CENTS. LOUIS ROTH XText, time you X ^ walk, by tne srorc, we wish you'd stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He's the finest sleepmeter made?the best looking ?the best built ? the best running. You needn't take our word for it, we keep him in the window; you | can see for yourself. $2.50 Thl? I. the clock th.y ate adrrrtlaiug in tlie bit marazmet T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. You can save a third to half by buying a Rebuilt Typewriter. See 'Hie Enquirer Office. ENDOWMENT INSURANCE. The average layman has the Impression that life insurance is a dle-to-win proposition, hut all who think this way are mistaken, because it is a fact that it is a winning proposition whether the assured lives or dies. The Mutual Benefit issues policies that guarantee to pay the assured the face of the policy in cash at the end of Ten, Fifteen or Twenty years, If living, or at prior death, whether that event occurs on the day the policy is delivered and paid for, or on any other day previous to the end of the Ten, Fifteen or Twenty year period. Policies carry- j ing this guarantee cost more than a | Ten, Fifteen or Twenty Pay life policy?a life policy being a contract in which the face or principal sum Is payable at death, but under the unique accelerative endowment plan of the Mutual Benefit a life policy is converted into an endowment and the premium is the same as is charged on any other life policy. The only difference being that instead of using dividends to reduce cost they are allowed to accumulate. The plan and its advantages cannot be satisfactorily explained within the space that is available, and if you are interested, and you should be if you are not, if you will indicate a desire for further information It will he mv^ pleasure to fur nls'li It. SAM M/GR1ST, Special Agent. FLORIDA FARMS High, Dry, Cheap and Productive of Early Crop*. I take this method of informing those who may be Interested, that I have Information of valuable, productive and healthy FLORIDA FARM LANDS that may be had Cheap and on Easy Terms. The lands are located around Trenton, Alachua County, Florida, and are largely the property of Wade & Bell, of which Mr. W. E. Bell, formerly of Yorkvllle, is a partner. Mr. Bell writes me that he has 300 acres under cultivation and on this farm may be seen Irish Potatoes now ready for harvest, Onions that will be ready in a week, Com, that will be ready for grinding July 15, and Watermelons that will be ready for shipment June 5th. Mr. Bell is not wanting to "sell out" or anything of that kind. He wants good York county people to come down and help Mm develop what he considers to be as fine a country as there is in the world. I have a lot of literature giving information about Trenton and Alachua County, that I will be glad to hand out or mail on application. See me and get in touch with Mr. Bell at once. J. M. BRIAN, 33 2t Yorkville, 8. C. OXFORDS! OXFORDS! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT? THT BEST QUALITY?THE LOWEST PRICE. KIRKPATRICK-BELK CO. AUTOMOBILES If you are thinking of buying an Automobile?SEE US. We sell the Ford Machines, which are recognized the world over as the biggest possible Automblle value for the money you pay. ?? ?" HO A I OA PAS occ uo nLgv rvn? AUTOMOBILE TIRES, AUTOMOBILE OILS, AUTOMOBILE GREASES, AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES. We have the Goods and we have the prices. Come and let us serve you. And remember, that if you want to buy an Automobile to see us about a FORD?It is the car that will give you your money's worth?It Is the car that will take you there and BACK and then some. SEE US TODAY. YORK FURNITURE CO. Just The Same We have been Headquarters for the past several years for the VERY BEST GROCERIES. We are Just the same today, only MORE SO. See us for FLOUR, MEAL. CORN, OATS, ' COW AND HORSE FEEDS of all kinds; MEATS, LARDS and all other STAPLE GROCERIES. See us for the CHATTANOOGA Turn Plow?the BEST on the market, and also for KENTUCKY Turn Plows, and all kinds of Repairs for both. We carry a line of Staple Dry Goods and will make you interesting prices. Yours for Business, Yorkville Banking & Mercantile Co. Don't You Need A STALK CUTTER A DRAG HARROW A DISC HARROW A TURN PLOW? If so, see us. We have the Right Goods at Right Prices and we will Sell You on Easy Terms. See us for anything you need on your farm, including Wire Fencing. FLOUR? Well, YeaWe certainly seem to have the Right Flour and the Right Price, to Judge by the volume of our Flour Sales. Suppose You see us about Flour. CARROLL BROS. BRING YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS TO ME AND LET ME FIT THEIR FEET WITH STYLISH AND WELL MADE SANDALS AND SHOES. I have all styles and all sizes and In all the popular leathers and at the Lowest Prices. This Ad is Worth 25c. To any one who cuts it out and brings it to me within six days from April 9th, I will give 25 cents worth of goods FREE with every $5.00 purchase. M. A. McFARLAND Pinckney Road R. F. D. No. 4. New Line LACES-lc to 25c Yd. New Line Embroidery Flouncing 25c to $1.50 Yd. K1RKPATR1CK-BELK CO. Sore Shoulder Male If you have a mule or horse with sore shoulder or sore back and will use one of our Cloth Collars and apply our Ointment, you can continue to work the mule or horse, and the sore will get entirely well. If you will give your milk cows some Pratt's Cow Tonic, you will very seldom have a sick cow. We sell Pratt's Cow Tonic. Golden Dent Seed Corn, Cook's Prolific, Marlboro Prolific Seed Corn, Cook's, King's and Simpkins' Cotton Seed. German Millet, Rape, Orange Cane Seed. Spring Tooth Cultivators, Drag Harrows. The Orange Cane Seed we are selling is fresh seed, raised 1911. Our reason for making this statement, Is our would-be-competitor is telling the people we are selling old seed. A word to the wise, etc. YORK SUPPLY COMPANY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GET THEM OUT EARLY THE TIME OF CABBAGE SETTING IS HERE AGAIN AND I AM READY TO SUPPLY ANY REASONABLE DEMAND FOR PLANTS. LET ME HAVE YOUR ORDERS EARLY. The Cabbage Plants that I sell are from one of the largest plant growers In the State. The plants are all openair grown and very hardy. Plant early If you want early cabbage. W. E. FERGUSON -BUY YOUR? Table Linen, Sheets, Quilts, etc. from KIRKPATRICK-BELK CO. ,(jL JfiL JK. JJL jS. jy. JjL .S. jS, X* T T T T T T T T T T + MISSES' AND CHI J SPLENDID ^ Children's Amoskeag GINGHAM 1 ?At ? Children's Amoskeag GINGHAM T ?At Children's Chambray GINGHAM T "P ?At ? Misses' Fast Color PERCALE. DRESSES?At Misses' and Children's MIDDY BL Tr to 18 years?At * Misses' and Children's "HYDE-GR V 8 to 18 years?At ^ Little Boys' TUB SUITS?Russian , Children's ROMPERS?At V "THE LITTLE ONE" ROMPERS * THE CLOUD< T T1 4* *f* "t4 Call on me for CHA8E & 8ANB0RN COFFEES I tA3 AINU OriUCO HAM, BACON AND BREAKFAST STRIPS SNOW WHITE SNOW DRIFT AND PURE LARD? J CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCOS. 1 I I W. JOHNSON THE FIRST NA YORKVILl I OFFERS ITS EVERY SAFEGUARD KNOW FOR THE SAFETY' AND SEC It is the custom of this Bank i EY TO ITS CUSTOMERS. The period at which you hav< with us, and when YOU NEED T ! over the season WE HAVE IT FC We want YOUR account and consideration. A good, liberal Interest paid < or longer, or if left in the "Savings Accounts opened in the SAV DOLLAR and up. The FIRST NAT | YORKVIL "YOU HAD BETTER BE O. E. WILKTN8, President. LUMBER If you need any kind of Lumber, either Dressed or Rough, Green or Kiln*Dried, come and see us for what you need. We can supply your wants at the Right Prices. If you want Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Window Weights, Looks, Hinges, Nails or other Building Supplies come and see us before you buy. If you expect to Build or Remodel any buildings see us about the work before making any contracts. j: J. KELLER & COMPANY. NURSES' REGISTER IN ROCK HILL r|T HOSE desiring the services of a 1 Graduate Nurse, call Phillips Drug Co., No. Phone 111, Rock Hill, S. C. 3t I fa rfl L*"-! |l|l^ at l^.f. fa.y. (ta t.(t? - -/T. .T, ? /T, I ^VVTVTVTVTVTVTvVVVTi^TVTVT^i w | FOR YOUR 01 ? SAVE PART OF YOUR INCOMI 5 YOUR SAVINGS IN 1 $ Your SAVINGS will not at all tii V frequently necessary that your moi 6 OPPORTUNITY is always km ? a BANK ACCOUNT. This is the ] X to YOUR satisfaction. It is the E Y both Large and Small. & We will he glad to he of any i | Loan and Sa I YORKVU I A.v^AfT*ALr^AiT-tAtTdrfor'*4?+T:M I Xw I fi'T 'A 4 'i' I V I' V*"r*' T '4' 1 J 1 4 'A' #" 'A' * " EARLY SUM STYLES Seasonable frocks for Street and House wear are shown in the Butterick Fashion Sheet for May FREE copies may be obtained at' our < Pattern Counter Kirkpatrick-Belk Co. ONE PRICE CASH STORE. FROM ANY CAUSE OWNERS of Horses and Mules are again reminded that I am prepared to insure their stock against death from any cause. No animal over 12 years of age Is Insurable. 20 tf SAM M. GRIST. ILDREN'S * WASH DRESSES J 'UB DRESSES. 2 to B years & 50 CTS. Each. " UB DRESSES, 6 to 14 years ,4, 50 CTS. to $1.00. ~ UB DRESSES?2 to 5 years ^ 25 CTS. to 50 CTS. LINENE and GINGHAM A $1.00 to $1.50 Each. " rOUSES of White Linene?8 <*. , 50 CTS. Each. ' ADE" MIDDY BLOUSES? , $1.00 Each. ~ or Blouse?At , 50 CTS. and 75 CTS. 25 CTS. (i ?At 50 CTS. *7 3ASH STORE J 4* ? *$ *1* 4* 4- *1* "J4 juiyiun i STAR THEATRE The Patronage of the STAR THEATRE Is constantly Increasing?the Pictures are being Improved as the patronage increases. Come and bring your friends TONIGHT. The pictures for Tonight are as good as you have ever seen in Yorkville and you will be pleased with them. STAR THEATRE TIONAL BANK~ I le, s. c. ; CUSTOMERS ! N. TO MODERN BANKING j lURITY OF THEIR FUNDS. to AT ALL TIMES LOAN MON- j ! 3 money you leave it on deposit 'O HAVE MONEY to carry you >R YOU. ; will give it every attention and i on Certificates for Three Months | i Department." INGS DEPARTMENT for ONE IONAL BANK, LE, S. C. SAFE THAN SORRY." R. C. ALLEIN. Cashier. ! CITY MEAT MARKET C. F. SHERER, Prop. ( BEEF There Is Beef of various kinds; but I handle only two kinds?Better and BEST, which means Stall Fed and the Dressed Product from the West. PORK AND SAUSAGE? I am putting in a lot of time buying nice hogs and handle Fork in all cuts, and Power Ground Sausage, Pure Pork and Mixed. HAMS AND BACON? Don't forget my Hams and Bacon, by the Pound, by the Strip or by the Ham. The Hams are skinned or Boll ea tioneiess. Many customers uuu h convenient to be able to buy a pound at a time. BEEP CATTLE? I am in the market for all the Beef Cattle I can get of the kind and quality I handle. I pay a good price and feed the cattle until ready for slaughter. People who have such cattle should notify me. Yours for Quality, C. F. SHERRIt. T'.t./L.r,.?..Tir. t.tf^^.t.tY.r?..Tt. ^" ^TVTVTq'TU'TWTwTwT^ " " m '* " PPORTUNITY | E REGULARLY AND DEPOSIT J 'HIS STRONG BANK. T Ties make you Independent It is T ney be deposited in a safe place. f ticking at the door of a man with x Bank that handles YOUR business ? lank that is looking for Accounts, jjj jervice to YOU we can. i ivings Bank ! ,LE, S. C. .n.,t-,r.,r, jllt, t lt. j,,Y. t t . r ,t,.r..r. r , f 1 rVTYT**1TYTVT'i1TVTVTVTvTVTVTV Come To See Us FOR YOUR EASTER NOVELTIES WE HAVE LILIES. BOXES. CARDS. EGG DYES, CANDIES. Etc. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. Ladies' And Men's OXFORDS We are showing LADIES' OXFORDS ?all Styles?all Leathers?At 98 OTS. Up to $3.00 a Pair. MEN'S OXFORDS?At $1.48 Up to $4.00 a Pair. 112 Pairs of CHILDREN'S OXFORDS ?All Leathers?At 75 CTS. and 98 i;io. roir up ig f^.uv rair, RUBBER HEELS for Men and Wo-' men?At 15 CT8. Pair. IT PAY8 TO TRADE HERE. McCONNELL'S THE HOME OP $15.00 MADE-TO-ORDER SUITS. Don't Forget the Date. OUR YORKVILLE STUDIO 18 OPEN ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY. BETTER MAKE AN E.. -EMENT FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY AND GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR WORK. The Harris Studios Shelby Yorkville Henrietta Oh, You Watermelon Juet about NOW la a good time tQ put your eeed In the ground. The sea son IB jusi a.uuui rigui turn uie woiiu Bunshine will make them come with a hump. Get your Seed at this Store ?We have a choice variety of 1 WaT ~ LON and s CANTALOUPE SEED. If you buy your Seed here you will have Pure Seed and Pure Seed make the best melons. YORK DRUG STORE THE REXALL STORE BOILER FOR SALE WE have for sale a first-class second-hand 12-hp. STEAM BOILER, complete with all trimmlngB, that we will sell cheap. Also an 8-hp. TOZER ENGINE. 4t L. M. GRISTS SONS. FOR SALE SCREEN DOORS and Screen Windows. Call on me at Sharon. It A. F. PLEXICO. 1 Electric Cooking Ask The Man About It CITY ELECTRIC PLANT W. B. DuPRE, Supt. \ 1 I rit rQ1 "l" 'itT VTAI * i I "I' '.a ' # A 1 f " -A7 'r V | WRAY'S PRIC1 I SPECIAL 10 MIN V FRIDAY, 26TH, 3.30 TO 3.40 P. ? ULAR 10 CTS. LAWN FO] ? to a Customer. ? SATURDAY, 27TU?3.30 TO 3.40 T DIES' BLACK AND BLUE X LY MADE AND REGULA Customer?For Only J SATURDAY, 27TH, from 4.30 TO J DIES' WHITE LAWN SH & 75 CTS. VALUE?Only Ono | And Additional Special 0ff< will save you money. | SHOES! SHOES! You Are Not Well Dressed Un V Are Right?You Will 1 2 Shoes Here?Right Qualit a and at Right Prices?Com 5 Men's $5 Oxfords, all leathers A Men's $3.50 Oxfords, all lcathe T Men's $3 Oxfords, all leathers f Ladies' $3.50 Oxfords, all leat Ladies' $2.50 Oxfords, all leat 2 Ladies' $2.25 Oxfords, all leat ? Ladies' $2 Oxfords, all leather Ladies' $1.75 Oxfords, all leath Children's Shoes?At 25 Cts. TRADE AT J. < /T\ t 'Ti-t. 1 .t. [L,L.r<if,,r^ ,T1A.T.. WTvtvTVTVTVTVT^T^'TVT'I'T^TT Buy Your Domestics at THOMSON'S 15 CENTS 500 yards of A. C. A. FEATHER TICKING 15 CT8. YARD. 12 YARDS FOR $1.00 12 Yards of Poe Mills SOFT FINISH BLEACHING?For $1.00 10 1-2 CENTS 500 Yards pf HAMILTON STRIPE HICKORY SHIRTING? Price 10 1-2 OTB. YARD. 10 CENTS ANDROSCOGGIN Yard-wide Best BLEACHING?Price 10 CENT8 YARD. 12 1-2 CENTS Best, Yard-wide PERCALES, all Colors, and Striped Shirt Patterns?Price 12 1-2 CENTS YARD. WIDE WALE PIQUE Big line of Heavy, Wide Wale WHITE PIQUE Just-received? Price 25 CENTS and 39 CENTS YARD. COTTON FOULARDS i-tcw, op ring rttucmii in oun r inisn, Mercerized pyuLARDS?Price IS CT8. YARD. STRIPED VOILES All Shades In STRIPED VOILES?60 Cts. quality?On Sale At S? OTS. THE YARD. PLAIN VOILES PLAIN VOILES In White, Heliotrope, Light Blue and Tan? ?Price 25 CENTS THE YARD. BORDERED BATISTE BORDERED BATISTE, 45 inches wide. In Stripes?Price 25 CENTS THE YARD. LONG SILK GLOVES S1.00 THE PAIR Ladles' 16 Button LONG SILK GLOVES. In White, Blacks, Champagne, Light Blue and Pink?Price 91.00 THE PAIR. LADIES' SILK HOSE Ladles' sAk HOSE in Black, Tan, White, Pink and Light Blue Price 50 OTS. THE PAIR. Ladies' Pure Thread, SILK HOSE, In Black?Prices 91.00, 91.25 and 91.50. Ladles' GAUZE HOSE, In Black, White and Tan?Price 25 CENTS PAIR. Ladles' BURSON HOSE, In Black?Pric** 25 CENTS and S5 CENTS PAIR. GAUZE VESTS Ladles' GAUZE VESTS?Prices 10 CTS.. 15 CTS., and 25 OTS.?Extra Slae. Infants' GAUZE SUMMER WRAPPERS?Price 15 CTS., 25 CPS. Children's Summer E.-Z. WAISTS?Price 25 CENTS. MEN'S SHIRTS Men's NEGLIGEE SHIRTS?New Spring Patterns, In Stripes and ! Plain White?Prices 91.00 and 91.50 Men's SOFT COLLAR SHIRTS, in White and Cream 91.00. Men's SOFT COLLAR SHIRTS, in Tan and Blue?Prioe 50 CTS. ; MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Long Sleeve Bleached VESTS?Price 50 CTS. and 91.00. Men's Nainsook and Check Athletic UNDERSHIRTS 50 CTB. ; Men's Solsette UNDERSHIRTS 91.00. Men's Nainsook and Check SHORT DRAWER8?Price 50 CTS. < Men's Solsette SHORT DRAWERS _ _ 91.00. Men's Summer ELASTIC SEAM DRAWERS?moo ov m. SCRTVEN ELASTIC SEAM SUMMER DRAWERS 86 CENTS. i STRAW HATS Men's STRAW HATS?All New Shapes?Prices 91.00, $1.50, $2.50 and $9.00. Men's PANAMA HATS $5.00 and $9.00. OXFORDS Men's CROSSETT OXFORDS?Tan. Patent and Ounmetal? $4.00 THE PAIR. Men's EDWIN CLAPP OXFORDS $9.00 PAIR. Ladles' QUEEN QUALITY OXFORDS and PUMPS?In Tan, ?; Patent and Ounmetal $8.60 apd $4.00 Pair. Ladles' BOSTON FAVORITE OXFORDS and PUMPS?In Tan. Patent and Ounmetal?Price $9.00 and $9.50 PAIR. R. T. WOOD'S FINE OXFORDS and PUMPS for Children and ; Misses In Tan, Patent and Ounmetal?Prices $1.00 to $2.50. i CLOTHING Men's and Boys' CLOTHING In Serges and Mixtures AT ANY PRICE. Come and see. We want you to see the QUALITY of OUR Clothing for Men and Boys. 1 1 ????? M?I?L?L?I?N?E?R?Y Don't forget that THOMSON COMPANY is right much In the Millinery business this season. Let us RETRIM YOUR HAT FOR YOU, or If you like, come and see what we have In PATTERN HATS and NEW SHAPES. We can PLEASE YOU If you will LET US TRY. DO NT FORGET THAT WE BACK THE QUALITY OF EVERY PIECE OF MERCHANDISE THAT GOES OUT OF THIS STORE?TRADE HERE AND FIND OUT. THE THOMSON CO. "* r-T--' JU 11IV11 V Vtivw) in ? irings for Monday that and f Come and See. goods?Special for this Sale 19 Cts. T SHOES! Clothing Prices Reduced I Jess Your Shoes whe" Prl" Rt,<l"Cti?n3nMean, ","Ch. *% th' I Find the Right J?an Who Would Dress Well at Small | ies, Right Styles ? Cost-Profits Are Forgotten Here. | * anH Men s $20 Suits At $13.48 Each. f e ana see. Men's $15 Suits At $9.48. f ?At $3.98 Pair. Men's $12.50 Suits At $8.48. $ rs?At $2.98 Pr. Men's $10 Suits At $7.48. # ?At $2.38 Pair. _ $ liers?At *? . Men's Extra Pants hers?At $1.79. This Is the Time to Buy Extra Pants?These 2 s?At $1.68. Prices Make It Easy to Buy Good Pants. lers?At $1.48. Men's $5 Pants?At $2.98 Pair. ? Pair and Up. Men's $4.00 Pants?At $2.78 Pair. Z Q. WRAY'S AND SAVE MONEY f iTnt,TntlT<AJ--* f^-'T'aA'r<Xir>-> 'n->-'T:iAiT:'^--t^AiTiAiTiALTiiiLTiALy'iAiT^AiT-'-A- T-i r- * jr. ~i'TVT*i'T'i' rrTTVTVTVTVTVTwTVTVTwTVTVTVTVTwTwTVTVTVTVT?i^VT J | In New Goods I j|| We have Just received and opened up our New Spring line of OX- 3 |f FORDS for Gentlemen and Ladies. Our line of these goods is very J :-|s complete and we will be glad to supply your wants In this direction ;:g no matter what you may desire. Visit us and let us show you some Jf I of the Newest Spring Styles. Our principal line of Shoes is the 'M ;|g famous FETTERS' SHOES?but we handle several other good lines. We also have a very complete line of CORSETS?the popular j| and always satisfactory C-B CORSETTS?which range In price from ,$j tfj 50 OTS. to $2.50. There are none better made. | 1 We carry a full line of ARROW BRAND SHIRTS and COL- pffl I LARS for Men. If you are particular Arrow Brand Collars will sat- .'J \M Isfy you. If you want a special style In Collars, we have It q :?J It looks now as if Spring has really set In, therefore let us 'a ijf supply you with GARDEN and FLO WEIR SEEDS. We have In Seed \f$ Irish Potatoes?The Irish Cobbler, PeerlesB and Red Bliss varieties. <3 We also have Onion Sets. 4 I J. M. STROUP I I THE EVERYTHING STORE | -' ?.. . , iT-.,t ais j i (r^jitna(TiSi<T)a(D4QI|(S'l"S ftaaa^ /t"^ /ra-i-11.4 j-i __? 'i' l?/ -*--j^ #- \x7^' tvf "v " w -? > ? ES SAVE YOU MONEY TODAY!; <> ITT^V? OAT I?0 SPRING DRESS GOODS. UTE SALES , . i! If You Haven t Already Bought Your < > m.?10 yards of reg- New Spring Dress You Are Fortu- <j R 50 CTS.?Only 10 Yards ^ _r ? ? _ . . _ . nate, Because At Our Special Reduc- <, ed Prices the Buying Will Come \\ r *-1 Easier?Come and See Our Offer- ? r i^oS vi n^' t ? ings?The Qualities and the Varie- | R $3.00 VLUE?One to a . & __ ^ _ j %t ? g9 ties are Here and the Prices Need No x Argument. Come Saturday. ? ? 4.40?1 WILL SELL LA- % irt waists?regular 50 inch Sicilians?At 39 Cts. Yard. * to a Customer?For only 36 inch Panamas?At 39 Cts. Yard. x ?o t>c vnoi> ;?r?Vi Vnii?? in Rlark Rrnwn and V