MERE-MENTION. All of the southern and central portions of Germany were badly shaken by an earthquake Thursday night. Marty public buildings were cracked, and the people were thrown Into a' panic. The property damage is estimated at $10,000,000 The primary election to select a successor to Hoke Smith as governor of Georgia will take place on December 5th. >?.... Ben Leath, a corn club boy of * Walker county. Ga., this year produced 214 buShe's of corn .on one acre, at a profit of $182 Emperor . William of Germany, on Friday, or. deretl the arrest and confinement o; I his son. Crown Prince Frederick William. in his quarters In Danzig,' for thirty days, because . of his having precipitated a scene In the reichstag receutly .".Six men were killed at spy's KOCK, Mom., rriUtt}, nucu ?... ethpty passenger train ran into thej caboose of a work train Rev. Henjamin Graham, a prominent Methodist minister of Atlanta, has resigned as a member of the Georgia conference and filed suit for divorce against his wife, charging jealousy and cruelty to his children by a former marriage The engineer and fireman of a Pennsylvania railroad train Were fatally injured and a score oT^more were hurt, when the engine jumped the track at Monmouth Junck tion. X. J? Friday afternoon The strike of street cleaners in New York has been broken, and the city's streets are being rapidly cleaned up by strikebreakers Dr. Geo. R. Lunn, the newly elected mayor of Schenectady, N. Y? spent only J30 In his campaign for election... .The thirty-seventh annual. convention of the American Fankers' association Is In session In New Orleans this week... .Four young , men. aged 18 to 22 years, were arraigned at"Petersburg. Va.. Saturday, on a charge of highway robbery. Within two hours they had been convicted and sentenced to twelve years each In the state penitentiary. They were captured at Weldon, X. C., the previous night Alvin Lindquist, of * Rscanaba, Mich., went to the police of that city Friday and asked to be arrested for the murder of Alvin Fogarty, explaining that he killed the latter on Oct. 18th, five miles from his home, and Friday morning on going to Lake Michigan to fish he found the body of his victim in front of his own door Twelve thousand barrels of Kentucky whisky were destroyed by fire at Owensboro. Ky., Friday night Prof. R. L. Moon. principal of the public school at Lumber City. Ga.. was shot twice, though not seriously hurt, by D. Z. Willis, Friday afternoon, because Prof. Moon had whipped Willis' son A Bibb county, Ga.. farmer this year made a clear profit of J4.100 on twenty-four acres planted to sweet potatoes. Last year, planted In cotton, he realized a nan One oerson was killed and twenty-five were Injured In Brooklyn, X. Y., Friday night, by a gas explosion under one of the main down town streetc of the city The second trial of Dr. B. C. Hyde for the fnurder of Col. Thos. H. Swope. by poison. Is in progress at Kansas City. Mo. The Jury was completed Saturday. after twenty-two venires, including 1.060 names, had been drawn. The taking of evidence will probably begin Wednesday. ? The annual meeting of the South Carolina conference is to be held at Bennettsville. beginning November 20. I ....i, AT THE CHURCHES. PRESBYTERIAN. Ing at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting op Wednesday even. TRINITY METHODIST. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, in - . l . ' Special JoiitM. At the Baptist Churoh. Rev. W. J. Nelson, pastor of the First Baptist church of Rock Hill, will conduct services at the Yorkville Baptist church on next Sunday morning, i November 26. Each member is earnestly urged tb be present, and the public generally is cordially invited to hear Mr. Nelson. 2t The Deacons, A Pertilixer Straightening Out. Readers of farm papers and agricultural columns of county papers often run across such enquiries as "What's the difference between Thomus Phosphate and Basic Slag?" "Shall I use Thomas Phosphate or Basic Slag under corn?" etc.. etc, irU/vmnf, DKf fertilizers. ifhc Cotton tftnrhct. YorkvlUe, November 21.?Cotton, 9c. New York, November 20.?Spot cotton closed dull, five points lower; middlipg uplands. 9.45: middling gulf, 9.70; sales, 600 bales. Cotton futures clpsed steady, as follows: January, 9.04; February. 910; March 9.16; April. 9.20; May. 9.24; June, 9.26; July. 9.29; August, 9.39; September, 9.31; October, 9.34; November, 9.18; pecember, 9.34GINNING DAYS AFTER this week I will GIN only two days a week?Thursday and Friday. JOHN F. SMITH. 92 f.t. 2t i?? intuit: iuui i/i/iiuk I beg to remind the farmers of this section that I am prepared to insure their cotton on their farms for any period from one to twelve months. On the basis of the present market price. If insurance is carried as long as six months, the average cost per bale per month figures a "fraction over 16 cents. The companies fn which I insure cotton on farms are as strong as the strongest, and each of them is noted for its square dealing. There has never been a time during my long experience in the fire insurance business when I was better prepared to fully protect the interests of those who entrusted their insurance to me than right now. If it does not suit you to call, you can reach me at any hour, day or night, by telephone. If you fail to get me at my office. No. 124,#call my residence, No. 77, and if ^ I am not there, just tell my folks your insurance needs, and they will be attended to promptly. 8AM M. GRIST. Al{ Kind* of Good Insurance. Vf U- C- Smith No. 3, Rebuilt Typewriters. Guaranteed perfect, $63.00. See The Enquirer. BRIDGE CONTRACT TO LET. Office of the County Board of Commitiionert of York County. Yorkvllle, November 21, 1911. NOTICE is hereby given that on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1911, at 11 a. m., in the Office of the County Board of Commissioners in Yorkville, a contract will be let for the erection of a bridge over Crowder's Creek at Thompson's Mill. The said bridge is to be of iron or steel and to have a span of fifty feet and a roadway of twelve feet. The cylinder piers are to be 23 feet high. Plans and speciflhoflAno m a \? Ko ooon fit thf* nlfLPP of the bidding on the day mentioned. I The successful bidder will be required to give bond in double the amount of his contract, for faithful performance. The right to reject all bids is reserved. THOS. W. BOYD, Supervisor. 93 t 2t "Creamy Flour" "Well did you ever see flour that looked so creamy as Voight's Royal? ^ I never did. And I never saw flour | that made bread that was quite its ( equal." A Yorkville lady made these remarks after trying a sack of Voight's | Royal Flour?and we are qufte sure that every housewife who tries a sack i of Voight's Royal will agree that It is a flour of ROYAL QUALITY?the one i perfect flour sold in Yorkville. Let us send you a sack "TODAY. If you prefer a Second Patent Flour that is as good as most dealer's best, try Cream of the Lake?it's a winner. See us for FEEDS?All kinds, right qualities at right prices. J. M. FERGUSON. J i Smart tailored gowns for the Winter Season, Simp;.: frocks for all occasions? for little ones as well as grown-ups. Novel transfer designs that may be used in making dainty Xmas gifts, ALL IN THE BUTTERICK FASHION SHEET FOR DECEMBER J Get a FREE copy when you visit our Pattern Department. NEEDLE DEPARTMENT [ NEW FANCY WORK DESIGNS < RECEIVED TODAY. I Colored Pillow Tops 10o, 25c and 50c i Pillow Cases, all Linen $2.00 Pair 3 Towels, all Linen 50c, 75c $1 Each j Scarfs, all Linen 48c to $3.00. Table Covers. Round and Square I 35c to $3.00 J. & P. Coats' Crochet Cotton 4c Sp. j Colored D. M. C., fast colors 2 for 5c. White D. M. C. 4c 1 Dexter Darning Cotton 4c < Special Sheet Sale ; 85 Cts. value sold everywhere for $1.00. ] Extra fine finish. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 69 CENTS EACH. (See Window). Kirkpatrick-Belk Co. No Trouble To Show Our Goods. It's Worth While For you to visit our store and look over our stock of Furniture, Furnishings, Rugs, Stoves, etc., and get our Eefore Moving Prices. Not only will our Quality Furniture Interest you, hut you will be more than pleased at our Reduced Prices. Come and see us TODAY. ART SQUARES. We would be highly pleased to have you call and see our Art Squares. We have them in all the popular sizes, in the different desirable shadings and very rich designs that will please the most particular, and the prices, well they are so low down we hesitate tp name them in print. One of these Art Squares would make a most delightful gift for your wife on Xmas, and the cost, value considered, will be very small. Let us show you. YORK FURNITURE CO. SPECIAL TAX ELECTION. *To Be Held at Lesslie Station, Saturday, December 2. NrOTICE is hereby giyen to the qualified voters of Catawba School District No. 5. that an election will be held at Lesslie Station, in said district on SATURDAY, DEC. 2D, 1911, at which election the qualified voters of the said school district will vote for or against a Special Levy of 4 mills for the support of the schools of the said district. The polls will be opened at 8 a. m., and closed at 4 p. m. Eligibility to vote is limited to those who pay other than poll taxes, and who must exhibit registration certificates and tax receipts. The trustees will serve as managers of election. W. S. LESSLIE. W. S. BOYD. R. W. PATTEN, Trustees. 91 t 2t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ^ x.. ' _ r ' v/ VrfOuniy ot lorn, IN THE PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams. Esq.. Probate Judge of Yora County. YVhkrkas J. J. HOWE has applied Vt to me for Letters of Administration with will annexed, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of HARRIET E. "VVATSON. late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 28TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1911, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 13th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and in the 136th year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS, Probate Judge of York County. 91 t 2t OYSTER 5! UPPER TEWS, FRYS AND ALADS ERVED The Ladles' Aid Society of the A. R. P. church, will serve Oysters?Fried and Stewed; Salads, etc., in the Kennedy store room, opposite the postoffice. WEDNESDAY EVENING. November 22, beginning at 5 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. O. E. GRIST, for Com. GREAT SAVING PRICES AT McCONNELL'S CASH STORE. AO Yds. Calico in Remnants, for $1.00. Hamilton Hickory at 11 Cts. Yd. Jefferson City Best Jeans 35 Cts. Yd. Heavy 36 in. Unbleached Sheeting At 7 Cts. Yard. Best Androscoggin Bleaching At 81-2 Cts. Yard. Men's $10 Black Rain Coats $7.50. WATCH OUR BARGAIN COUNTER. McConnell Dry Goods Co. Sucoessors to J. L. Williams & Co. We Yet Have On Hand several sacks of Seed Wheat. Somebody had better get it ind sow it quick. Good Things To Eat: A kit of nice White Fish, much cheaper than you ? ? rtlrtA Uomo an t'ttlCII IIICIII. OUUIC mvc Iiauin, rarbell'8 Cream Cheese?so good that f you don't like we will refund your noney?good Flour, fresh Meal, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, best Pickles, :he prettiest Rice, White Cabbage, Coffees, Dried Fruit, Toasted Corn Flakes, Oat Meal, Sugar, fresh Cakes, cheaper than you can cook them; full ine of fresh Canned Goods. Also a food line of Confectioneries. Specials: A nice lot of fresh Raisins, Oranges and Apples. A good line of Tobaccos?both for hewing and smoking, and Cigars. Musical Instruments: Violins, Guiars. Banjos, Accordeons and Harps. Hardware: Dishes, Smoothing Irons, Grindstones, Pocket Knives. A big ot of Brooms, Well Buckets, Tinware. HERNDON & GORDON. IF YOU WILL NOTICE How the small amounts you spend count up at the end of the week or month you will appreciate an Account in our Savings Department. By merely saving a part of this even small expenditure you can have an Account with us. Start with aa little aa a Dollar If you like, add to it as often ae possible?have Money in the Bank. Bank of Hickory Grove Pare North Carolina Buckwheat Flour You want it and of course we have t. What? Pure New Crop North Carolina Buckwheat, and this with our flew Crop New Orleans Molasses will make a dish that Is?well, any way i'ou know there's nothing that's better, [jet us send you some of both Today. We also have Huyler's Cocoa and Huyler's Chocolate?Always the Best. Try Bouillon Cubes?Delicious, Appetizing, Strengthening. Call on us for the best in FLOUR? we certainly have it. Ask your next 3oor neighbor. See us for Farm Implements. Just received a car of Oliver Plows ar.d Repairs. Get your plows in shape. See us for Stalk Cutters, Harrows, Buggies. Wagons, etc. CARROLL BROS. Next ti^e you walk by the store, we wish you'd stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben, He18 the finest sleepmeter made?the best looking ?the best built?the best running. You needn't take our word for it, we keep him m the window; you can see for yourself. $2.50 Tbl? l? the clock th y ire idrertiling in the bit magizinei IJt'Mtlfs BIC? IIKX, I sell otlicr Alarm Clocks as Ixnv as 75 CTS. An es|MH*iall.v good Guaranteed Alarm Clock for $1.00. Call and see 'em. T. W. SI?KCK. The Jeweler. LUMBER If you need any kind of Lumber, either Dressed or Rough, Green or Kiln-Dried, come and see us for what you need. We can supply your wants at the Right Prices. If you want Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Window Weights, Locks, Hinges, Nails or other Building Sup* plies come and see us before you buy. If you expect to Build or Remodel any buildings see us about the work before making any contracts. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY For Bigger Crops, F fl -- ! - I deeper at tne least exp use a LYNCHBURG ' Lynchburg Runs Light See us about a Lynchbu YORKVILLE HAR] Just Arrived? This establishment is continually in receipt of FRESH. SEASONABLE GROCERIES OF QUALITY. If you < buy the Groceries that go on your table at this store you are certain to get GOODS OF QUALITY as well as the 1 RIGHT PRICES. Among our newest arrivals are RAISINS. CURRANTS. CITRON. 1 for fruit cakes. J OAT MEAL of choice quality. ( Best grade N. O. MOLASSES. ? You are always sure to find a full variety of the best of everything In 8 Groceries at this store. Let us serve ( you. You'll be pleased. 8 We thank-those of our customers who have settled their accounts, and t ask those who are yet due us on ac- f count to make settlement at once. Yorkville Banking & Mercantile Co. I CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU THE ROYAL TAILORS IS THE L IX? ESTABLISHMENT IN THE \ Tl/i Civ fif/f ffnil 1 fic UIA I/(g IIU^I I.?ALL PUKE WOOL. 2?A LEGAL GUARANTEE V 3_100 PER CENT PROC I?A WOOLEN GIBRALTAR. 5?PERMANENT STYLE AN1 6?SIX-DAY SCHEDULE REMEMBER WE ARE HEA We carry the celebrated PETERS' well-known brands. See OUR line ed at the Wonderful Values We Ar of Before. I- We also have some good valuet SWEATERS for the ladles, and < men. Come and let us show you. Our stock of Heavy and Fane; we will be more than pleased to qui J. M. W E ARE SAVING OTHERS MONEY ON FLOUR. Why don't ' YOU try us? We know we will sell you better Flour for less money than you are buying. Come and see us. We sell SHOES that please you In three ways?PRICE, COMFORT and SERVICE. We want to sell you your Shoes for the entire family. We have c Shoes for men, women and children, t We have some good home-made j Bow Baskets, for feeding and sowing ? grain. t Wagon Breechbands and Double { Lines, Hames, Gears, In fact everything you need on a farm. I BUILDING MATERIAL We carry a good assortment and a J large stock of Building Material In ' stock all the time. Shingles, Galvanized and Painted Roofing, Framing, ' Dressed Lumber, Doors, Mantels, * Window Sash, Blinds and FYames. t See us when you want to build or re- t pair a house. t Give Us a chance to Save You mon- f ey on Flour. OTTDTJT V PGMDAMV I UI\l\ ourrij i wvsavaa mi GLENN & ALLISON. Baggies, Harness, Etc. 0 We have on hand a very complete line of BUGGIES WAGONS HARNESS , LAP ROBES, Etc. ( And will certainly make it to your in- ? terest to call on us for anything in these lines before you buy. < A FEW MULES. We have a few MULES that we are offering at prices that will interest you. WE'LL EXCHANGE? We would be pleased to exchange a few Buggies and "Wagons for Mules < or Horses, if you want to trade. GLENN & AUJSON 3 WANTED The Farmers Whq gxpeqt tQ 30w WH1AT ? To know that we are prepared to furnish them BLUE STONE , At 10 CT8. Per Pound. Come to us when you want ANYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. V/e Are Always Glad to Serve You. Clover Drug Store, R. L. WYLIE, Prop., CLOVER, - - - - 8. C. Tv/?/J/j AI 1 IUUC ni 1 SHERER'S For all kinds of Choice Fruita qnd ( Vegetables, Canned Gooda, Cheeae, * Eggs and Butte^, call on or phone Olc^ George, the Bqtcher. Ghqi^e Beef, Por|c, Ve^l and Sausage J D^TIy. Mutton every TM?*day, Fraah Fi'sh an Saturdays, Gentlemen from the oountry can qet a Goad Dinner, cooked to suit their appetite, aerved from 12 to 1 o'clock. Price, 35 Cents, At Sherer's. Why .don't You trade at Sharer's? Sure man, it will do You Good. The money you save on Rations, Will pay for Rent and Wood. 0 \j I) G EO RG E ] THE BUTCHER. BRATTON FARM WE have some full Berkshire PIGS and SOW SHOATS for sale. Also Jersey and Grade Cows and Heifers. See us at once. s J. MEEK BURNS, Manager. 1 86 t.f. tf I I >low Deeper-to plow I | ipnsp fnr mule nnwer I , rURN PLOW. The er and Lasts Longer, rg. DWARE COMPY G. H O'liEAKV j MY STOCK OF: < Furniture ( 1 *UGS, STOVES. HARNESS AND , iADDLES Is up to Its standard in QUALITY, and my CLOSE PRICES J ire In keeping with low priced cotton. Remember In buying HEATERS ind COOK STOVES, that my PIPE Is Guaranteed Absolutely .Against Teleicoping. A Call and Comparison of Quallty md Prices will convince the Intelligent Buyer. G. H. O'LEARY. THK ROYAL TAILORS LINK. ARGEST MERCHANT TAII/ORVORLI> i al Features Are 1'ITH EACH GARMENT. 'ESS SHRUNK. > PERFECT FIT. DELIVERIES. DQUARTERS FOR SHOES SHOES, as well as several other of SHOES and you will be amaze Offering at Prices Never Heard i i in COAT SUITS. CLOAKS and 3USTOM-MADE CLOTHING for Y Groceries is very complete and ote you prices. STROUP SCHOOL SUPPLIES Perhaps you have never given much :onslderation to their purchase, but hink for a minute of the long days the lttle ones must spend in using them tnd how much pleasure and satisfac;lon it means if everything is Just like hey want it. % I Something that does not suit Is a teen disappointment and now is the ime that your children are forming ] lablts and ideas that will have a great nfluence on their future. I We have taken all of these features nto consideration in buying our SCHOOL SUPPLIES and the chll- 1 Iren will receive the same prices, If hey 'come alone as you do. We have he SCHOOL BOOKS in now, and can urnlsh any books you need. Star Drug Store 4 Gasoline Until further notice we will supply >ASOLINE at the following prices: DIME GALLON 15 CT3, SIX GALLONS 73 CT3, See us for the BEST DRY BATTERIES, AUTOMOBILE and ENSINE OILS, GREASES, Etc. RIDDLE AUTO COMPANY. P. C- RIDDLE. Proprietor. SEEDS HAVE CRIMSON CLOVER RED CLOVER , AND ALFALFA SEED IN STOCK. I LOUIS ROTH. i THIS BANK ENJOYS > \ POSITION OF 3 STRENGTH : /VND SAFETY That Is Impregnable. We solicit ' your banking business with the firm assurance that your requirements will be met in a satisfactory and business-like manner, and with the absolute knowledge THAT YOUR MONEY IN THIS BANK WILL BE SAFE. First National Hank Of Sharon, S. >t acres In cultivation, balance In timber, Price, $15.00 per Acre. A beautiful lot and residence of Mrs. Ada E. Faulconer. On East Liberty street, 100 feet front, about 400 feet deep; Joins Rev. E. E. Gillespie and Hon. G. W. S. Hart. Price on Appli* sation. House and Lot?In the town ol Forkvllle; Joins lot of C. H. Sandlfer; one story, 5 rooms. Price, $1,600. 180 Acres?24 acres bottom land; 1 dwelling1 house, 11-2 story, 5 rooms; fine barn; 1 tenant house. Price, $11 n Acre. 160 Acres?Joins lands of Mrs. Mattie Nichols, A. H. Jackson, R. A. Bratton and others; 1 house, 1 story, 4 rooms; 100 acres under cultivation; 40 or 50 acres In timber; land Is a little rolling, but very productive Price, $21.QKi an Acre. J. C. WILBORN. Vorkville. S. C. '.J. Ml. BRIAN COMPANY The Fivnoy CVroeerw NEW ARRIVALS CHEESE, FRESH HAMS. VELVA SYRUP. KARO SYRUP. WESSON COOKING OIU HERRING AND WHITE FISH. All kinds of CANDIES. We have the largest stick of Candy in town. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. YORKVILLE BUliCJY CO WAGONS AT LOW PRICES We are going to sell lot of Farm WAGONS At VERY LOW PRICES. If you want one it will pay you to See us at once. MOWING MACHINES. It is time you were buying a MOWING MACHINE for your fall mowing. We have good ones in stock and would be pleased to show you. See us for BUGGIES, HARNESS, Etc. York vi lie To. New Goods SELF-RISING AND MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT (Pancakes are in season now), MAPLE SYRUP, A FRESH SHIPMENT OF . CHASE A SANBORN'S COFFEES. 1,800 POUNDS OF CANDY, GOING AT 10 CENTS PER POUND. /. W. JOHNSON Bargains! Bargains! BARGAINS! We have just purchased the HILLKENNEDY STOCK, amounting tc OVER $20,000.00 And consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS, WAGONS, STOVES and everything else carried in a general store. In order to reduce this stock QUICK we are offering BIG VALUES. We will not make prices on paper. You can't tell anything about paper prices, but Come to the Old Shannon & Hope Building::: and see the goods and hear the prices. We will take pleasure In showing rqu through?No charge for looking. Numbers have come through curiosity and went away with big bundles tnd glad they came. COTTON IS CHEAP BUT OUR BARGAIN PRICES ARE CHEAPER -SO COME AND GET THE BAL iVNCE ON YOUR SIDE. KENNEDY BROS. SHARON, S. C. TO THE PUBLIC HAVING opened up a GROCERY business In the room recently va ated by Mr. H. P. Jackson, I adopt his method of announcing the same o the public, and solicit a share of ,'our patronage. Yours respectfully, P. E. CLINTON. Clover, S. C., Oct. 30, 1911, 87 t 4t.. Va Oliver No. 5 Rebuilt Typewriter!, ncluding tabulator and back spacer, 57.50. Guaranteed perfect. See Th? Enquirer. It Is Our I Purp' TO HANDLE ANY BUSINESS ENTR FAIR AND LIBERAL MANNER AS i ERS RELATION WITH THIS BA PROFITABLE. ASIDE FROM THE AFFORDED. THIS BANK HAS THE 1 BEEN-ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS. . MADE SAFETY ITS FIRST CONSID The National U I ' ABSOLUTELY Rnrlr Hill - - I I W. J. Roddey, Pres. Ira The Best CAN BE HAD AT Of course you can shop wl everything offered by other mere iinpin;, mike it a point to visit in eertiinly get the very best in tin yn en the sme qnlities hive '.been sharply reduced on al RIGHT NOW is the BEST TIMI is the BEST PLACE. J. Q. W I fmmmmmmiwwmmmnMmmm THE FEELING 0 i EXPERIENCED BY OUR CUSTOM] worth a great deal when FACT THAT, THEIR FUNDS THAT EVERY PRECAU' | liOOKINO TO TH1 tection i'' ? i Our Fire Proof, Burglar Proof Steel ? Locks made, offers quite an objection I l: i through and steal. We do not think I PROTECTION. I ' YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND US | EXTEND ACCOMMODATIONS TO O I WITH SOUND BANKING PRINCIPL | LOAN AND SAV Safety Boxes for Rent?$2.< mmimmMk Ml ****** TAX NOTICE 1011 Office of the County Treasurer of York P( County. ? Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 16. 1911. NOTICE is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on MONDAY, the 16TH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1911, and remain open until the 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1911, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL AND LOCAL TAXES for the fiscal year 1911, without penalty; after which day ONE PER CENT penalty will be added to f all payments made in the month of VjI, JANUARY, 1912, and TWO PER ?? CENT penalty for all payments made ? In the month of FEBRUARY, 1912, and SEVEN PER CENT penalty will be added on all payments made from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH, to the 15TH DAY OF MARCH, 1912, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single 1 Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accord- i \T ance with law. V And at Yorkville from Monday, No- A vember 13, until the 31st day of De cember, 1911, after which day the nenalties will attach as stated above. HARRY E. NEIL, T F Treasurer of York County. *- a 74 f 4t with ?? such IW High Grude Carbon Paper, 8| xl4 Inches. $1.50 box, 100 sheets, at an The Enquirer Office. I Savings Accounts an A Rvar ?inoo man has iiqpH mnnpv as r ; have been arguments put forth and e In Its possession, in favor of saving it. But there has been one argument been largely neglected and that is this: A SAVINGS ACCOUNT ELI If we Just think, it will occur to us evil In the transactions between man j ness of the individual man. I FEAR IS THE FOUNDATI Fear renders t> man weak and wea | It isn't fear that \\v. have when we h? ; bank, and can go to end check It out th a business misfortunt or a death in ti It is a fact that we do not fear thesi money in the bank to meet them. W j thoughts and energy .'n producing and ; rather than In fearing a consequence. The greatest of a'.i problems, partii Bread and Butter problem. The more a man FEARS the Bre | farther he is away from it. Every dollar that a man Is able to Is Just that much farther away from fea (he solution of the main issue. "YOU HAD BETTER BE SAf The FIRST NATIO YORKVILLE, I "YOU HAD BETTER BE SAF O. E. WILKINS, President. I iif|> ^ ^ ^ ? ose USTED TO US IN SUCH A TO MAKE THE CUSTOMNK SATISFACTORY AND EXCELLENT FACILITIES ADVANTAGE OF HAVING AND OF ALWAYS HAVING ERATION. nion Bank, SAFE B. Dunlap, Cashier. Values VV KAY'S NOW here you please and see hants, but after all your J. 0- Wray's, where you Qualities at Lower Prices elsewhere. Our prices I New Fall Goods, and E to buy, and WRAY'S RAY 1 . . , I F SECURITY 1 ERS AND DEPOSITORS IS THEY CONSIDER THE ARE SECURE AND TION IS TAKEN EIR PRO\ lafe, with the very beat Time :o the thief who would break 1 you can afford to be without rkady and willing to ur friends consistent j ies. INGS BANK. ! do and $3.00 Per Year. > ipular Novels 19 and 39c HINA GOODS At Cost and Less ork Drug Store ARE YOU HUNGRY? so, come to the CITY MARKET nd have your appetite satisfied some of the good Meats we have, as Western and Native Beef, Sausage, Mutton, Cured and ;less Boiled Ham in any quantity, of best quality. C. F. SHERER. mwiiiHiiifwiiiiiiiwwww iiitidote for Fear medium of exchange, there xamples cited by men large and one example that has MI NATES FEAR I that fear is the cause of the and man, and the unhappi ON OF GREED kness renders him dishonest, ive the actual money In the ie minute we have an illness, le family. ! e emergencies when we have e are free to use our time, in the pursuit of happiness. cularly to young men, is the ad and Butter problem the put In a Savings Account he ir and Just that much nearer i K THAN SORRV." NAL BANK, S. C. E THAN SORRY." R. C. AUjETN, Cashier It' IBM H II