SOUTH GROWING WHITER. Negro Majorities Disappearing In Cer tain Southern States. South Carolina and Mississippi ar the only states with more negroe than whites and it will not be Ion before they have white majorities, s the present rates of increase of th two races. All over the south th proportions of white to negro resl r-s" dents is growing steadily. Twent years ago Louisiana and Florida als had more negroes than whites. Floi Ida gained -bo many new white inhat Itonts in the decade between 189 and ^ 1900 that the twelfth censu showed a white majority of 67,00< This lead is now 140,000. Louisian passed into the white column In th same period by 65,000 majority, an this majority is now about 160,00( South Carolina has 835,843 negroe to 679,162 whites, but the whites ar increasing three times as fast as th ---? - 1?I*., ICC Cfi negroes anu me niajuuij u> iv?,?v negroes may be overcome in the nex ten years. The South Carolina negr majority dates back ninety years. I was a natural corollary of rice am cotton, but it is not often found in in dustrial communities, and South Car olina is becoming a manufacturin state. The negroes increased 6.8 pe cent In South Carolina between 190 and 1901 and the whites 21.8 per cent Mississippi expects to get into th white column by 1925. The more rapid increase of th white# is due not only to the growtl of manufactures. It is explained ii part by the growth of the materia prosperity and intelligence of the ne groes themselves. They are able b go where they think they can bette themselves In one way and another and they know more about other com jnunities. We do not mean tha South Carolina is driving out the ne groes by oppression. In spite of Gov ern?r Cole Blease, the treatment o the negroes In South Carolina is be coming more liberal, largely because the whites no longer have any fear for their supremacy. Nor do we in tend to assert that the negroes wh< leave the state really better them selves. It is enough that they follov the hopes raised in them by theii reading and by reports that read them from other sections. Actually we are convinced that the negroes an better ofT in the south than anywhen else. The diffusion of the negroe: throughout the country is, however a great gain for the south. It give: Massachusetts and Michigan first ham knowledge of race problems anc tends to assure the south freedom from interference or rash condemns lion. The influx of new white set tiers from other states is a gain t< South Carolina and the entire south Still more so is the uplifting of th< more backward southern whites ma has come with the development ol manufactures and diversified farm ing.?Knoxvllle Sentinel. Joseph Pulitzer's Ideals.?On th< day the cornerstone of the World's building was laid, October 10; 1889 Joseph Pulitzer wrote: God grant that this structure be th< enduring home of a newspaper forever unsatisfied with merely printinj the news?forever fighting every font of wrong?forever independent?forever advancing in enlightenment ant progress?forever wedded to trulj democratic ideas?forever aspiring t( be a moral force?forever rising to e higher plane of perfection as a public institution. God grant that the World may forever strive toward the highest Idealsbe both a daily school house and e daily forum, both a daily teachei and a daily tribune and Instrument o1 Justice, a terror to crime, an aid tt education, an exponent of true Americanism. Let it ever be remembered that thii edifice owes its existence to the public: that its architect is popular favor; that its cornerstone is liberty and Justice; that its every stone comes front the people and represents public approval for public services rendered. God forbid that the vast army following the standard of the Work should in this or in future generation! ever find it faithless to those ideal) and moral principles to which alone i owes its life and without which would rather have it perish. Cold Woather At Last.?The colt wave, says a Washington dispatch o yesterday, has tightened its grasps 01 the country from the Rocky Mountain! eastward to New England ar.d southward as far as northern Texas ant across the gulf states to northeri Florida. Temperature below freezinj is reported from most of this territory Weather bureau officials said n< warmer weather is in sight for t couple of days, at least. The first zero weather of autumn ii reported from Huron, S. D. From thii extreme cold, temperatures range to - above at Moorehead. Minn., 16 at vai entlne, Neb., 10 at Sioux City, la., am 16 at St. Paul. Northern Texas expe rienced the coldest weather for th< season. At Amarillo it was 16, and a Abiline 32. Extending eastward tern peratures were: Oklahoma City, 26 Fort Smith and Little Rock, 28: Mem' phis, 30: Nashville, 28; Asheville, N C., 30. In the lake region and east ward cold weather is accompanied bj snow. Special llotices. Quarterly Conference. Rev. T. C. Q'Dell, Presiding Elder o the Rock Hill district, will preach a Trinity Methodist church, York villi Saturday at 11 o'olock, and hold th fourth quarterly conference of York vllle circuit. All official members ar especially urged to be present. Card of Thanks, 1 take this means of aeknowledgini the indebtedness of myself and famil] to the numerous kind friends wh have given us so much generous as sistance and sympathy in connectioi with the illness, death and burial o mv son, W. W. Boyd. It* S. M. Boyd. I Best J I Dress Gooi Shop where you will you wl TER VARIETIES. BETTER ST you will find at THE THO.MSC) not buy any but the best qualit money will buy its FULLEST 1 Wt? u*r\u 1 rl ho nloosioil tn hav county come To THOMSON'S ar GOODS and SILKS. We would is Good Style. Good Quality. G< do not ask you to buy unless yc evidence of Good Value for yoi coming and seeing our goods, with what you see. We want j you come to THOMSON CO.'S. chase when you come, that Is p< the goods, and ask tiuestlons as and what will suit you. Ask tin SILKS, then buy if you want to THE GUIDE TO YOUR BUYI Trunks, Suite Everv man and every woman a SUIT CASE and a HANDBAC to have, aside from its value a furnishes the only private safe! has. where various articles may meddling fingers. If you travel and a HANDBAG are indispens people. They give an air of pr us show you the good TRUNK! can sell you for just a little moi Trunks and very low priced Hi prices in between. We can plej SUIT CASES and BAGS. Ask Remember. THOMSON CO. the Ladies' Shoe for those who J THE THC AT THE CHURCHES. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates, Pastor. e Sabbath Services?Sabbath school ,s at 10 o'clock a. m. Morning: service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 8 o'clock. it e CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. e I Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at y 10 a. m. Morning service at 11.15 ? o'clock. No evening service. * BAPTIST. Sunday school at 10 a. m. No oth0 er services. is > FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor, d Sunday Services?Sunday school at 1 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. s Evening services at 7.30, conducted by e Rev. G. G. Mayes of Greenville. e 1 TRINITY METHODIST. :t Rev. J. F. Anderson, Pastor, o Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. T. t C. O'Dell, presiding elder, will preach d at King's Mountain chapel at 11 a. m., - and at Yorkville at 7.30 p. m. j Spiral $otrcrs L ~ e York Cotton Mill. e Rev. E. E. Gillespie will ->reach at the York Cotton Mill chapel on Sunn day evening at 7.30 o'clock. It J ; : Notice. 0 The pastor of Bethesda church r wishes to announce to the congrega', tion through The Enquirer, that he - will be away next Sabbath; but Rev. t J. B. Swann will preach at 3 o'clock - p. m. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. It J. J. Harrell. f Excursion Rates e Via Southern Railway to? 9 Columbia?Account Colored State " Fair. Tickets will be on sale Novem5 ber 6th to 10th, inclusive, limited un" til November 11th. v Richmond, Va.?Account National r Convention, United Daughters of the 1 Confederacy. Tickets on sale Novemf ber 4th, 5th and 6th; limited to No9 vember 20th, 1911. 9 Atlanta. Ga.?Account American Federation of Labor. Tickets will be 3 on sale November 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th . o?a nth limited to December 4th, | 3 191*1. I ' New Orleans, La.?Account Amerl- J ' can Bankers' association. Tickets to j 1 be sold November 17th to 20th, inclu- I " slve; limited until November 30th, [ 1911, unless extended at New Orleans > by depositing tickets and upon pay ment of $1.00 per ticket. i For information as to rates, tickets, t etc., call on Ticket Agents, or address: r J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta. Ga.; - W. E. McGee. D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. I d see our Fall showing of DRESS be pleased to show you just what tod Variety and Good Values. We >u see something that is convincing lr money. But do us the favor of Be neighborly?You'll be pleased mu to feel perfectly at home when If you don't want to make a pur rfectly agreeable to us. Ask to see to styles, what will make up well, e prices on our DRESS GOODS and ^buv. MAKE THOMSON'S GOODS ases, Handbags ought to have a first-class TRUNK, 1. A Trunk Is always a good thing s a traveling eomnanion. It often ty-depoxlt receptacle that Its owner be put away from prying eyes and or visit your friends a SUIT CASE able. They are marks of well bred osperity to travelers. Come and let 3. SUIT CASES and BAGS that we ley. We have very low priced good gh Grade Trunks and Trunks at all use you in size, quality and price in to see them. sells QUEEN' QUALITY SHOES? want QUALITY and STYLE. )MSON CO. I Real VA e* i #ie jiee I THUh Irp HIS is valuable pr< mile from the Grac and sold at Auctio I to the highest bidder. We as you can buy it the day NOTHING And nothing surer to give for growth and for enhanc and Spartanburg, which w Concert will be given "by t Come a Remember the D\ I SOUTHB I E. M. Al SEED WHEAT PURE Home-Grown RIPLEY, at $1.25 a bushel. Smyrna No. 2. 88 f.t3t* W. L. PURSLEY, GOOD HEADING I AM agent for the PROGRESSIVE FARMER, the best agricultural paper in the world, and for the Youth's Companion, which should be in every home where there are children. Call me up. Telephone No, 141. 88 f.t 3$ A. W. McFARLAND. 1 HARD TIMES When cotton is low and money is tight, a FIRE would hurt you more than at any other time, D. E- BONEY, Fire, Uive Stook end Life insurance, MUUH UBUOfcU To those of my customers who paid up their Accounts for Supplies and < Fertilizers last WEDNESDAY. NO- 1 VEMBER 1ST, I wish to extend my ' thanks and appreciation. To those whose accounts are still unpaid I only i want to say that I shall EXPECT A : SETTLEMENT WITHOUT UNNEC- I ESSARY DELAY. I need the money. I FALL PLOWING. Wise farmers are now doing all the 1 Fall plowing possible, and putting in i as much small grain and cover crops 1 as they can handle to advantage. If < you need Turn Plows, Repairs, Har- : rows or other Farm Implements come : and see me. I can supply you with Implements and Plows that are as < good as can be had. FARM FENCING. If you expect to do any Fencing this | Fall come to see me for the Wire. I sell the world famous Pittsburg Perfect Woven Wire Fencing?easily the Best, Strongest and Cheapest Wire Fencing on the Market. W. R. Carroll ! 99** Rebuilt Typewriters at The | Enquirer office. Guaranteed. We Would Like to With Our Prosp There is not a Farmer in tin a Hank Account. Your husine: after in tliis; Hank as the hnsini man. The amount of money yo small, is worthy of your most < have hills to pay. whether they I; Check, for future reference, and putcs of I'lifwid Bills. The National ABSOLUTE Rock Hill, W. J. Roddey, Pres. Estate LUABLE le Estat ?e Divided Into Lo iSDAY At 10:3 )perty, located about one-half mile fr led School and in easy walking dista n for division. This is an opportur make the terms, but you make the of the Sale. Our instructions are tc IS SAFER big profits than these lots in the t? ement in values. It is understood tl: ill mean much towards the growth lie Brass Band and many SILVER Out and Hear tin s One Man and Mi AND BUY LOTS AT ay, Thursday, Nov m HEALTH in\nrn;n if wiicwa, mgr. A SURE AND SPEEDY CURE FOR YOUR COLD C?ne that is easily taken and no unpleasant after effects. NYALS LAXACOLD Will cure your cold. Do not neglect a cold?Break it up ivlth LAXACOLD,, Only 25 CT9, a Box, Glover Drug Store, R. L. WYLIE, Prop.. CLOVER, - - 8. C. BUY IT NOWDon't put it off any longer. You are doubtless setting your pins to buy a COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH in time for the Christmas holidays. Don't tvait. Buy it now. We have them in ill styles and at all prices and can sell you Just the machine you want?just the machine you feel like you can afford. Come and see us about it today. If you already have a Phonograph remember us for the RECORDS. We always.carry a full- line of Records for both Cylinder and Disc Machines. Come and see what we have. Perhaps you'll find Just the piece of music that you have been wanting. But don't fail to see us for a Phonograph. a Carroll Furniture Co. MONEY TO LEND ON Improved Farms In York county. repayable in Ave easy, annual Installments. Interest: Seven per cent If loan Is J 1,000 or over; eight per cent If under $1,000. No broker's commlssio'ns. C. E. SPENCER, 7Stjun29 Attorney at Law. I UK) jrivf c i/uoiii(O0 | croas Farmers I County that should not have ss is just as carefully looked ess of the successful business i u have, whether it l>e great or careful consideration. If you ie large or small, pay them By 1 then There Can Be A o Dis i Union Bank, 1LY SAFE - - s. c. Ira B. Dunlap, Cashier. at At PROPER at Yorkvi >ts and Sold at > ; no\ 0 a.m. == oni the Court House and business ,nce of all the churches. This pr lity of a lifetime to buy the lots at ; price. This property can never 1 ? sell it without reservation. than REAL irifty, growing town of Yorkville. lat the electric car line is to connect of Yorkville, SOUVENIRS given away at thru t 1 Two Auctioneers v n i r\ r me a uaia uay . YOUR OWN PRICE 16tk, and Time of r & AUCTl GREENSBORl j. 1 - 4 CopTrlfht 1000. k,r F ! IF you would mal come and convey the i have them with you, you care in your furnishings for th essarily mean that they should and not trashy in any sense of t niture from our stock you will inent and knowledge, besides h ing that you are getting the hesl YORK FURr DAY FOR SETTLEMENT Will Be Here On Wednesday, Novem ber 1st, 1911. We want every person who owes us for FERTILIZERS, STORE ACCOUNT, BAGK {JEBf, pj ANY OTHER INDEBTEDNESS, TQ PAY US Ve bought again as cheap , ESTATE It ha* bright prospects Yorkville with Rock Hill ? of Sale. Talk It Sale, 10:30 a.m. 'ON CO. I 0, N. C. Zlixmfoun <*o. --Nc 4J ce your pests welmpression that you wish to should exercise the proper e spare room. It does not necbe expensive, but of good taste he word. I f you select the fursecure the benefits of our judgaving the satisfaction of know t possible value for your money. >JITURE CO. SEEDS I HAVE ?HIM90N CLQVKR HgO CLOVBR AND AUFAUPA 8EEU IN STOCK. LOUIS ROTH. REPAIR WORK I AM located in re$r 0|f Cqrroll Bros.' store and will do fill kinds of RKPAIR WORK in wood and iron. I will give prompt attention to all work at the shop and outside. Furniture of all kinds repaired. No shoeing. Terms, SPOT CASH. I will 'appreciate your work and give good service. See me. G. W. KUNZ. 80 f 3m WHEAT AND OATS I HAVE Home-Raised APPLER OATS at 75 Cts. and Home-Raised Re-cleaned SEED WHEAT at $1.40 a bushel. Address me at McConnellsvllle. J. T. CRAWFORD. 84 f 3t W You can save n third to half by buying a Rebuilt Typewriter. See The | Enquirer Office. MAKING IT IS NOT SUCH A HARD MAI RICH AND AT THE SAME r j SERVES OF ALL THE COMFOI Did you ever consider the powe Weil, that's the way the big in companies roll up their big assetsj pound Interest. They loan money loan that again?Interest on Intel j . When you open a SAVINGS AC less than loaning money?Loaning Just suppose at the age of 23' j ing $3.00 per week at four per cei when you are 33 years of age, you I at the age of 43 you will have $4, at 63 a total of $15,123.52. All a If everybody would start a Savi j Old Age Pensions would settle lts< KememDer, every aoiiar you sa i there to spend at some future tlrm ; against fear. Every dollar we SAVE after wi Is a dollar farther away from fear ' Is the object of the thing hoped fo 4 | The FIRST NA1 i YORKVIL i j "YOU HAD BETTER BE (). E. WTLKINS. President. ? -> ? ? ? SHC ABO' / **>7 A TF / I 3EL? I \ \ \\ WH/ I \ Vt IT F Godn 1IV \\\ 8h, \ V Unioi ^tr0' WE GUARANTEE EVERY I SON A RLE SATISFACTION. KIRKPATRIC New Goods SELF-RISING AND MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT (Pancake* are in eeaeon now). MAPLE SYRUP. A FRESH SHIPMENT OF CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEES. 1,800 POUNDS OF CANDY, GOING AT 10 CENTS PER POUND. /. IP. JOHNSON LUMBER If you need any kind of Lumber, either Dressed or Rough, Green or Kiln-Dried, come and see us for what you need. We can supply your wants at the Right Prices. If you want Doors, 8ash, Blinds, Frames, Window Weights, Looks, Hinges, Nails or other Building Supplies come and see us before you buy. If you expect to Build or Remodel any buildings see us about the work before making any contracts. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY THE EVERYTHING STORE WE WILL SELL YOU APPLER SEED OATS AT 75 CTS. PER BUSH. Just received another shipment of Enamel Ware. Come early and get first choice. We also have a complete line of LADIES' COAT SUITSAnd both Ladles' and Children's Sweaters and Cloaks. Fee us for PETERS' SHOES?The Shoe of Quality, Style and Durability. In fact we carry in stock almost everything from a Sewing Needle on up to the most costly merchandise, and it is always good for you to see us fore buying, J. M. STROUP Engine Fittings, Etc. If you need anything in the way of ENGINE FITTINGS?Come and see US. We have the goods and can supply you at the right prices. See us for CANVAS BELTING?1 to 10 Inches wide. In 4-ply Belting, i and 6, 8 and 10 inches wide In 6-ply goods. LEATHER BELTING. 1 to 4 Inches wide. ( Also see us for VALVES of all kinds; also for PIPING and PIPE FITTINGS. GAUGES, and everything else of this nature. If It is HARDWARE, we have It. i ?? rw i /-i iorkville Hardware to. About Coffee We have already sold 2,500 lbs. of that exoellent "LUCKY FINO" COFFER. Isn't that a .big pile of roaated coffee? And every grain of that coffee \va? good coffee. We have just received another 100 pounds of the same kind of coffee, and we just want you to see the Beautiful Dishes that came with this last lot of coffee. Another lot of Meal Sacks, 2-busheI and 2Jbushel size. Come and get these sacks and let us load them up with good things. Here are some things you like: Fresh Streaked Meat, Hams, Best Flour, Fresh Meal, Tarbell's Cheese, Sugar, and Coffee ? Parched and Green. To our-Country Friends, especially: A crate of big White, Fresh, Sweet Cabbage. A lady in the country recently paid us a very pretty compliment. She said: "It just made my mouth water to read your advertisement." See us for what you want. HERNDON & GORDON. m \n m m hi w iwiwwywrwrwpwpf j R I C H= 1 TEH TO BECOME DECENTLY ITME NOT DEPRIVE OURITS AND LUXURIES OF LIFE. r of Compound Interest? isurance companies and the trust ?by the simple principle of Comae Interest, take the Interest and rest?COMPOUND INTEREST. 3COUNT, it is nothing more nor ; it to the Bank. years you were to begin depositit interest. Ten years from now, t will have a balance of $1,904.44; 759.30; at 53 you have $8,970.48; , matter of Compound Interest, ngs Account, then the problem of ;lf. : . ive Is not the mere fact that It Is k Kiit I a t Vi oro a a a moral ann nnrf . ;t uui in iIIv ? c ao a IIIVI m ou|/pv* ? * s have obtained the needs of life, and a dollar nearer faith, which ir. IONAL BANK, LE, S. C. SAFE THAN SORRY." ij" R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. S E S CANNOT SAY TOO MUCH UT OUR 8H0E8. WE HAVE IEMENDOU8LY BIG 8TOCK TO ECT FROM. IF WE HAVENT