Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, July 04, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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WHY THE FARMERS QUIT. President Barrett Issues a Statement on the Situation. President C. S. Barrett of the Farmers' Union, has issued the following rather tart statement: To the Officers and Members of the Farmers' Union: This is a chapter on "quits," being for the benefit of the brother who is weak-kneed or faint-hearted, peevish as a chicken with the pip and ready to quit the Farmers' Union at the drop of the hat. A smaller percentage are yielding to these special reasons than ever before in the organization's history, but the number needs still to be lessened. Just run your eye over a few of these causes for "quitting," and if the temptation ever strikes you to use one of them as an excuse, remember that Barrett urged you to pay some strong man to take you back of the barn and give you wnat you usea 10 get oeiore you ceased to fit neatly over your father's knee. You quit because we had stock companies, and you didn't believe in the principle. You quit because you thought we didn't have co-operation in its true sense. You quit because a little of your money was stolen and you imagined you couldn't get another honest officer, at the expense of a little effort. You quit because somebody told you you didn't run with a crowd of "one"gallus" fellows; you've found out since what a lie that was, but perhaps youj haven't the manhood to confess it. You quit because you thought they J shouldn't have pensioned Mrs. Gresham, one of the noblest acts the organization has to its credit. You quit because they gave me a present of one thousand dollars?and let me tell you I didn't want to take it, because I knew just how you would feel. You quit because we were trying to do too much. You quit because we were not doing enough. You quit because a few salaries were raised and you'd rather give your money to an outside fakir than somebody trying to help you and bold enough to tell you unpleasant truths. You quit because some organizer, or officer, told you a lie, forgetting that the organization, and its principles, are bigger than any man or set of men. You quit because you did not get any immediate personal benefit, forgetting that revolutions are not wrought overnight and that perhaps the fault was yours for not co-operatln?r nrnnarlv and sacrificing a little Of your fancied independence. You quit because there were so many poor, ignorant folks in the Farmers' Union, forgetting that every man is his brother's keeper, and that the son of that poor devil you turn your nose up at may be marrying your daughter tomorrow or giving you orders the day after. You quit because women were allowed to Join, yelping that they had no place in your meetings and "ought to be at home where they belong"?forgetting that the woman makes the home and that one of the first principles of the Farmer's Union is trying to better the home. You quit when cotton reached a good price or failed to reach a good price. You quit because we didn't go enough or too much, into politics. You quit because you thought there were some grand rascals among the members, especially the leaders, forgetting that there are just as many in the churches and tjie secret orders and that it's your business to stay in and help turn them out. I could multiply these "quits" indefinitely. There isn't any use. You'll recognize a good many of them, and be too stuck up to admit it. Eut Just let me remind you. brother. that while in some states we are going to halt for a spell, and perhaps iMiuk time, this organization is here to stay, from a national standpoint. It Is here to transform rural life In America, to get a square deal for the farmer, to abolish mortgages on farms, to eliminate the demagogue, to make to tvhlnh the farmer contributes so liberally return to the farmer a little more In taxes. Take a broad view of the situation! Get off your own little ant-hill. Bear this in mind, as the final test?you wouldn't kill yourself if everything went wrong, your crops failed, and your faith in human nature petered out. Well?the Farmers' Union Is just life. So when you begin to meditate leaving it for some petty, fool reason, let it soak into your head that you are hurting yourself worse than the organization, and that you are losing the best chance in history to get a square deal for yourself, your wife, your sons and your daughters. CHAS. S. BARRETT. Union City. Ga., June 20th, 1911. RAIN IN THE POINT. Review of Crop Conditions Throughout the Summer and Now. iVrn-npondenc* Tb# Yorkvllle Enquirer ' Point, June 30.?In the Enquirer of June 27, it was stated that I had said there had been no rain in the Point since April. That was an error. There was a fairly good shower on the 8th of June, enough to bring up cotton, except in extremely red ground and a light shower on June 26. Except these two showers, we have not had rain to amount to anything since April 15. Cotton on sandy land came up in May, is looking fairly well and will possibly make half a crop. There is very little sandy land here, as we are in a very red section. Cotton which has come up since June 8 has not had moisture enough to take root, unless the weath er sets in extremeiy mvuiauic very short time and we have a late fall, the late cotton will not make the seed. The prospect for a corn crop is not very good. The wheat and fall oats are very good. The water supply is lower than since 1881. There is no fruit and the gardens are practically burnt up. W. P. Boyd. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock. METHODIST. There will be prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 8.30 o'clock. ASSO. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN There will be prayer meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 6.15 o'clock. Special Notices. Allison Creek, Beersheba and BethShiloh. Rev. T. A. Burgess will preach at Beersheba next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, a. m.. at Allison Creek on Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., and at Beth-Shiloh at 3.30 p. m., Sunday. Vacation During July. My churches have given me a leave of absence during the month of July and there will be no service in either of them until August. W. E. Lowe. Excursion Rates via Southern Rwy. Rock Hill, S. C.?Account Winthrop College Summer School. Tickets will be sold July 11, 12 and 13, limited July 21st, 1911. Monteagle and Sewanee, Tenn.?Account Monteagle Bible School and Monteagle Sunday School Institute, tickets will be sold July 1st, 8th, lf?th, 22nd, 29th, August 11th, 12th and 18th. 1911, limited to reach original starting point, returning not later than September 5th, 1911. Atlantic City, N. J.?Account Grand Lodge, B. H. O. E. Tickets on sale July 7th, 8th and 9th, limited to reach original starting point, returning not later than July 20th, 1911. Huntsville, Ala.?Account National Colored Primitive Baptist Convention of U. S. j\., tickets on sale July 17th and 18th, limited to reach original starting point, returning not later than midnight July 26th, 1911. For information as to rates, etc., apply to Ticket Agents, or address J. L. Meek,, Asst. Gen'l. Passenger Agent Atlanta. Oa., or W. E. McGee, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. T&~ New type, good stock and knowing how, is what makes The Enquirer's job printing satisfy its users. OBITUAHY. Died?At his home at Smyrna on Saturday, July 1. WYLIE C. SPENCER, aged 39 years, 6 months and 13 days. The Interment took place at Canaan on Sunday. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. in the probate court. By L. R. Williams, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS JOHN DOWRY has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Miss JANE TEMPLETON, late of the county aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden_at__ York Court House on the 19th. l>ai ur JULY, 1911, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 1st day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven and in the 135th year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. Probate Judge of York County. 53 t 2t IT IS ONLY THE FOOL That rails at fate. The wise man knows that he is the carver of his own destiny, and if dame fortune does not come his way he saves his earnings and catches her at any rate. Invest a dollar in our Savins Department, add to it weekly or monthly and find yourself close upon her way. Bank of Hickory Grove J. L. Williams. W. M. McConnell. J.L. WILLIAMS & CO. BARGAINS i 62 Boys' Black, Blue and Brown < Russian Blouses, all Wool Serge Suits, $5.00 to $6.50. Will not last long at the price fixed by us, and will make your boy an excellent Fall Suit. Price $2.98. Sizes 3 to 7 years. 38 Pairs Men's $5.00 to $6.00 Pants, i nicely made?all this season's goods? just a few the factory had left, at l $Z98 the Pair. If you will look at these, you will 1 buy. Come and see our line of 25 Cts. Silk Ties at 10 CTS. , J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. 90" The Home of $15 Made-to*Order SUITS. DOCTORS WRITE PRESCRIPTIONS, THAT'S THEIR BUSINESS. WE FILL PRESCRIPT ^NS, THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. There is something about your Physician's Prescriptions that's different from most anything else in writing. It means more to you than wealth? it means Health. You want it filled quickly, delivered promptly, and above all you want the best ingredients called for. We make a Specialty of Pres iptions?Try US. We promise to fill your Prescriptions accurately and use the Purest Ingredients. Clover Drug Store, R. L. WYLIE, Prop., CLOVER, ----SC. WINTHROP COLLEGE. SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION* The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Wlnthrop college and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 7, at 9 a. m. Applicants must be not less than 15 years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 7 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson before the examination for Scholorahln oYflmlnatlnn hlonWa Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 20, 1911. For further Information and catalogue address Pres. D. B. Johnson. Rock Hill, S. C. 34 f4t MONEY TO LOAN. ON first Mortgage on Real Estate. Terms easy. THOS. F. McDOW, Attorney. 99 t.f tf A GOOD LETTER FI Messrs. McCain & Parham, General Agents, Columbia, S. Gentlemen: Under the policy which I carry the protection is ample, and the p< be purchased anywhere. The "Sot along conservative lines, and, in n one of the strongest financial instit The fact of Its being a home co in South Carolina, together with herein, commend It to the patrona Yours very EI ('. \Y. WALLACE, Dlstric Office Over J. S. Price's Office?0| POSITIVE p The Management of The NATIONAL is under the direction of ca perience, Sound Judgment men whose ability to succe affairs is best told bv the I Institution Maintains. Tlie account of every p: (iovernment laws which dei nation ol the hank's books I require each stockholder to the amount of stock he hole The National ABSOLUT! Rock Hill, W. J. Roddey, Pres. fthf (Totlnn iflnrltfl. Yorkvllle, July 4.?Cotton 16.25. New York, July 3.?Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points lower; middling uplands 14.70; middling gulf 14.95; salei 19,574. Cotton futures opened steads and closed steady as follows: Julj 14.41; Aug. 14.42; Sept 13.57; Oct 13.27;. Nov. 13.27: Dec. 13.27: Jan 13.27; March 13.32; May 13.37. Of Interest To Y O U Look over this list and tell me what you need. Toilet Cream, Violet and Mennen's Talcum Powder, Toilet Soap flavoring 01 au kimus, Meuuiumiuiu. Sarsaparilla, Liver Medicine, Lax fos Liniment?all kinds; Vaseline, Tootti Picks, Oil, Turpentine, Paregoric Vick's Pneumonia Salve, Corn Salve, Quinine, Fruit Jar Rubbers, extra Tops, Jelly Tumblers, Bowls and Pitchers, Glassware of all' kinds, Pen, Pencils, Ink, Tablets, Linen Box Paper Just call for what you want, I havd it M. A. McFARLAND, Yorkvillo, No. 4, Yorkville, 8. C. Phono No. 171 21-2. Tiling Just now while it is so dry that other farm work is slack, is a good time to put in that Drain Piping, Culverts, Sewers, Well Lining, etc., that you have been "going to do" later on. Do it now. We have the Tiling in 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 and 24 inch sizes and you will find that our prices are just right. Come and see us for what you want today. Yorkville Hardware Co. A TOP DRESSER To fill the demand, I have ordered and just received a Top Dresser for a late application to the soil. The analysis is 4?7J?2j. It is Ammoniated with Nitrate of Soda and recommended to give better satisfaction than Nitrate, because It contains all three elements of plant food. And it is a good deal cheaper than Nitrate. Those wanting any, will do well to get it as soon as possible, as I may run short. LOUIS ROTH. T^UI? A/I A unr A \TV 1 riL iurvuuvjan 1 PIANO At $135.00 With Stool is open to your eyes and ears at any time. Some day you'll pay $125.00 more for one not so good. See it and hear it then, form your own conclusion. I have on hand two brand new, beautiful Organs. They must go cheap. Every Instrument sold on reasonable time. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. R. J. HERNDON FLY SCREENS THAT FIT If you are going to have Fly Screens on your doors and windows don't you think that it will be wise to nave Screen Windows and Doors made for your windows and doors, so that they will just exactly fit? A fly can come through very small cracks and unless your screens fit you might Just as well not have them. OUR FLY SCREENS FIT. Let us measure your Doors and Windows and make your Screens. They'll fit. and they'll last longer than the other kind and the cost is nearly as small. Phone us to measure your Windows and Doors. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY U)M A GOOD MAX. Columbia, S. C., April 10, 1911. C. in your company I consider that olicy contract is as liberal as can ith-eastern Life" is ably managed ly opinion, is destined to become utions in South Carolina, mpany which invests all its funds the other considerations outlined ge of every citizen of the state, respectfully. )\\IN G. SEIBKLS, 'Manager. t Agent. Yorkvllle, S. C. iIM?site Court House. BIHHBMHHnHHHHnH tection UNION BANK refill bankers of Wide Exand Conservative Ideas; ssfully manage the Bank's ligh Standard Which This itron is protected by strict nand a semi-annual examiiv a public accountant, and i be responsible for double Is. Union Bank, SLY SAFE - - s. c. Ira B. Dunlap, Cashier. I t ..ERSKINE -ie DUE WEST, SO U SEVENTY-FJ J* t Offers thorough instri \ matics, Languages, Hi ; ^ cal, Mental and Moral ! Good Chemical Labo ; ^ Literary Societies, an 1 , Christian Association ? ; - Apply for illustrate * j. s. mof: 4s 4? Specials:Swift's Lard, Bacon, Hams and Breakfast Strip. Snowdrift and Snow-white Lard. Velva, Evangeline and Karo Syrups. Heinz Pickles in barrels. Chase and Sanborn Coffees and Teas. I still have 550 pounds of 20 cents Coffee. I. W. JOHNSON DONTDOI You'll wani Some.? *, * The money many men "fc start them on the road to true once begun to travel this rc never turns back. It's a comi Make OUR Bar LOAN AND S.A Safety Boxes for RentWe have been selling Bread a little more than 3 weeks. By the time you read this "ad", we will have sold 1.000 loaves. All the ladles are profuse In their praises of our excellent bread. Said a gentleman to us recently: "I'm unwilling for my wife to bake bread over a hot fire with the thermometer in the 90's, when I can buy such excellent bread. We've been selling a lot of Wheat Sacks lately, and we're willing to sell a lot more. Important! We have a big lot of Mason's Fruit Jars, and Jar Tops and Jar Rubbers. We know that the ladles 1 will endeavor to put up every apple, peach, blackberry, etc., to be found. We keep a good line of fresh Groceries. And we keep nice Canned Goods. And we keep the prettiest and sweetest Candles. Ladies, listen! We keep Spices, and Pepper, and Flavoring Extracts, Nutmeg, and Cloves. Old Dutch Cleanser, Bon-Ami, and all kinds of Soap and Washing Powders. Lots of Sugar, Coffee and Tea. And Smoothing Irons, and Sifters, and Dishes, and Glassware. HERNDON & GORDON. Strange /4s It May Appear Notwithstanding the fact that It has been thoroughly demonstrated by grueling investigations and otherwise during the past few years "that all life , insurance companies are not about the same," still there are individuals here and there who still pretend to believe that "they are about the same," It is not my purpose to try to argue with that class, for the reason that life is too snort. I nave no lault to find witn the individual who for any reason, prefers to carry his insurance in a company that cannot point to a clean record from every standpoint covering its entire existence for a period of 50 years or more, and does not guarantee as much, aside from its record, as does the Mutual Benefit, because of the fact that he pays the freight and has the right to choose his route. There is no reason to doubt the fact that any man who will make an Intelligent and impartial investigation of the Mutual Benefit's contracts, its record, etc., cannot be induced to accept a policy in any other company. There is really a big difference in companies, even among the best, and as you. of course, really want to buy the best, you will do well to let me show you what the Mutual Benefit will do for you. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, LOTS FOUR 50x150 nice, high, dry lots on Herndon Heights for sale at most stunning prices. See me. Prices reasonable and the trimmings. W. H, HERNDON. 47 t 4t NEW BATH ROOM EVERYBODY Invited to enjoy a luxury?a first-class bath-room? | Just try It once and you'll come again and tell your friends. Price 25 cents. I A first-class, up-to-date City Barber I Shop. L. G. BABER, Prop. 4 * A COLLEGE.. t ?? r UTH CAROLINA ?fr [FTH YEAR , 4 action in Bible, Mathe- 4 istory; Physical, Politi- & Science. 1 ratory, well appointed i active Young Men's ^ 4 d catalogue at once to ^ FATT, Pres. 4 4 4 4 BUILDING MATERIAL We can furnish you everything yoi need with which to build a house. W< have Brick, Shingles, Iron Roofing Painted and Galvanized, Dressed Lumber and Framing, Doors, Sash, Blinds etc. We have one Quart and Two Quarti Mason Fruit Jars. J. H. Wilkes Ground Horse Feed Cow Feed, and Chicken Feed. Thes< are the best feeds on the market. YORK SUPPLY CO. 'HAT! " Tjr s 1 - /?-v. n >ol away" in one year would independence. When one has >ad by banking his money he ortable feeling. ik YOUR Bank. iVTNfiR RANK. -$2.00 and $3.00 Per Year. * e We would like for every lady In th< whole of York county to come and se< our Standard Rotary, Central Needlt Bar Sewing Machine. It la easily th< farthest advanced In Sewing Machlrn construction during the last half cen tury. It permits the running of th< machine without giving the back tha "S" twist that causes so many bad aches after a day of hard sewing Come and see the Central Needle Bai Standard?It Is the best ever. YORK FURNITURE CO. MILKO Cow Feed. This is a new cow feed thai Is being introduced in this vicinity and tnose who nave iriea 11 say uwi It is the best yet. It insures a bU and quick increase in the milk flow I big improvement in the butterfat and keeps the cow in good physical condition. If you are furnishing milk to the local creamery feed your cows on Milko Cow Ffed and notice the improvement in the quantity and the quality of your milk. Just try a sack and you will continue to use It. IIOKSE FEEI)? Come and see me for Horse and Mule Feed. I have the Ground Alfalfa and Corn, Corn and Oats. Buy your PEAS early if you expecl to sow any. They will be higher later I can supply you at the right price. J. M. FERGUSON. NOTICE PURSUANT to a resolution of the Board of Directors of The Bank of Hickory Grove, determining upor an increase in the Capital Stock ol said Bank from Ten Thousand Dollars to Twenty Thousand Dollars, a meeting of the Stockholders of said Bank is hereby called to be held in the Banking Rooms of the Bank of Hickory Grove, Hickory Grove, S. C., al 10 o'clock a. m., on FRIDAY, JULT 14TH. 1911, at which time and place the matter of said increase of Capital Stock of said Bank shall be considered J NO. S. WIDKERSON, President. N. M. McDill, Cashier. 47 t 4t FOR RENT. TWO New Houses, 4 and 5 rooms each, corner of Jefferson and Church streets. Apply to 39 t.f tf J. R. KILLIAN. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES See us for your Automobile Supplies. We keep everything In necessities and conveniences. See us for 0IL8?We have Packard Oil, Woirt Head Oil, Motorol, Autolene, Polarlne and Speedway Grease, Tires and Inner Tubes, Filtered Texaco Gasoline. Presto Gas Tanks?'Will sell you new Tanks or exchange new filled Tanks for empties. RIDDLE AUTO COMPANY. F. C. RIDDLE, Proprietor. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY i Til? Fancy Grocer? ! Fresh Arrivals LEMONS AND BANANAS, CANDY AND CAKES. SWIFTS' PREMIUM HAMS. BONELESS HAMS. PICNIC HAMS. ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS, PIEDMONT ALE. JELLIES AND PRESERVES, APPLE BUTTER, 1 COOKING OIL, SWEET PICKLES. SOUR PICKLES, MACKEREL HERRING AND WHITE FISH, SNUFFS AND CIGARS. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. ; Everything For the Toilet By this, we mean everything you need from the standpoint of beauty i good health, cleanliness and comforl during this hot weather. Every toilet article and preparation we handle answers every one of these requirements Whether you want Toilet Water, Face Powder, Cold Cream, Toott Powders or Paste, Sachet Powders , Perfumery, Soaps, Sponges, Brushes Shower Baths or anything in this line you will find we have exactly what you want, the way you want it. Star Drug Store Special Sale Of GINGHAMS We are offering for the next few days PRINCESS GINGHAMS?the kind that usually sells for 6Jc per yard?for 5 cts. Par Yard. See u? early and get first choice In design. Our stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, etc., is also dally increasing Call in and let your wants be satisfled. J. M. STROUP. Sterling Silver Goods. Just now I am showing an especially nice line of STERLING SILVER WARE and invite all who wan goods of this kind to come and se< what I have to show. You will fine here better qualities, better patterns newer styles and much lower pricei than elsewhere. At least come anc see. My stock includes a lot of piecei especially suitable for wedding sifts cut glassis always in order for wedding gifts, and I am showing a very complete assortment in all sizes from th< omoiioot tr\ tho lorcpsit Will ha nlaaa? ed to show If you will come In. T. W. SPECK, THE JEWELER. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll CARROLL BROS. SHINGLES i s We have just received a carload ol - Heart and Sap Shingles, that are right - both as to price and quality. i Before you buy a Farm Implement, t see us. We have what you want?w? c will probably save you money. We have a good stock of Weeders or i* hands and would like to have youi order for one. Walking and Riding Cultivators Drag and Disc Harrows, and almost everything needed on the farm ir implements and Supplies. Try a sack of GALLIGO Flour. II Is the kind that makes the cook smile, The first sack will convince you of its quality and you'll be back for the next one. Try GALLIGO. t CARROLL BROS. - |A Spring Tonic Take the YORK DRUG STORE'S , SARSAPARILLA. It will drive out all impurities of the blood and put your system in fine fettle for the spring and summer months. Get a Dottle today and begin feeling better tomorrow. You will be pieasea wun Its quick results. It will improve your , appetite, drive away that tired feeling J and make you feel better on general | principles, (let it here. 'YORK DRUG STORE THE BEST EVER We still have a car of the best Stall Fed Tennessee Steers that ever hapI pened in this part of the country. All meats are well refrigerated before It is cut. If you are not one of our customers. you are missing a treat In the way of good meats. THE CITY MARKET, C. F. SHERER. Prop. i ? I W High Grade Carbon Paper, 8J xl4 Inches. $1.50 box. 100 sheets, at The Enquirer Office. ...Shirt 1 Ladles' WHITE LAWN SHIRT WA Now? LADIES' LI1> Ladles' LINEN COAT SUITS In Tai LADIES' Ladles' BLACK VOILE and PANA1 and >10.00?Now on sale at? LINEN AUT All Ladles' LINEN and REP-AUTO On Sale At MILLII TRIMMED HAT, All Ladies' and Children's TRIMMJ These were $3.60, $5.00, $6.60, $ sale at one price?Your choice Big line of Ladles' SAILORS, in Wh COLORED Big line of COLORED MUSLINS, now at? One lot 20c COLORED FLAXONSSUIT CASES j Vacation time is here and we can si or BAG. We are showing a big 1 SUIT CASES. Ladies' WICKER SUIT CASES? Men's SOLID COW HIDE SUIT CA! MEN'S STRAW HATS-On All Men's and Boys' STRAW HATS, price. THE THOMSO | YORKVILLE BUGGY CO ; FARMING ; IMPLEMENTS Because Steel Points wear so much longer than cast points. It is much . cheaper for farmers to use the cele- 1 brated Blue Bird Steel Plows. We : have them. Also Cutaway and j Smoothing Harrows, Wagons, very ' low Buggies and everything in the line. Sawed Wood delivered toy time. j Small Cottage to Rent. I Yorkville Bu^y Co. , - ? ? ^ W All kinds of Typewriter Ribbons > at The Enquirer Office. I t STRAW HA1 WE BOUGHT AN UNUSUAL! HATS FOR MEN FOR THIS SEAS ^ PORTION OF WHAT WE BOUGF ^ LEFT. WE MEAN TO CLOSE TH 4# ED BELOW OUGHT TO INTERES ^ YOU'LL GET ABOUT THREE MC A WHOLE LOT OF SOLID COMF At All 50c STRAW HATS?Now Go Al * Men's $1.00 STRAW HATS?Now < 4, Men's $1.50 STRAW HATS?Now < * Men's $2.00 STRAW HATS?Now i I At Men's $5.00 PANAMA HATS?Now } ^ Ladles' SAILOR STRAW HATS fr< 1 4, Ladles' TRIMMED HATS?were $: . Now Go At ? At Ladles' TRIMMED HATS?were $1 1 Now Go At 5 At And so on through the line. ' + LOW CUT SHOES, r 4* In our SHOE DEPARTMENT At Prices on LOW SHOES for Men, 1 good time to buy that extra pair oi ' '* Men's $5 LOW CUT SHOEfe?Nov ~ Men's $3.50 LOW CUT SHOES?N A, Men's $2.25 to $2.50 LOW CUT SH ^ Ladles' $3.50 LOW SHOES?Now A? Ladles' $2.50 LOW SHOES?Now i Ladles' $1.75 LOW SHOES?Now < ' At Children's 75 Cts. and 85 Cts. LOV Now Go At . a Children's $1.00 LOW CUT SHOES - Children's $1.25 LOW CUT SHOES a^ Children's $1.50 LOW CUT SHOES - V I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY O At ME A CALL. IT IS NO TROUBL J J.Q.WRAY; V* TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO Yi ; S PIEDMON1 f .-.HOI ; 1 ? Is Now Open and We Are Be * take care of you. I ? For Information as to Ral M dress, t W. O. JOHNS - ICTIMG'S CREEK s eA*AXA*A*A*A?U*A*A*A*A PUT SOME M NO YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS j GOOD EARNING POWER; HEALTH AND ABLE TO W Now Is the Time to Save?Now ; A few fleeting years and you are pla have not made preparation for thes j hard with you. We all have the Idea that we v grow old. If you will reason with realize that this is Impossible. We but we will not have the "snap" am | Few have a valid excuse for no Offers you all of its protection and them at your service, and they are i The FIRST NAT YORKVIL1 PAYS 4 PER CENT COMPOUNDE SO. E. WILKIN'S. President. I nil 111 Ml til Ml? ?<m? i Mi Ml Ml Ml i Waists... IST8. 11.25 and $1.35 values? 98 CT8. JEN SUITS i?Now on Sale at Half Price. SKIRTS MA SKIRTS, values $5.00, $8.50 1-3 less than regular price. O COATS COATS, $6.00 and $7.60 valesHalf Price. ^ERY S $1.98 EACH ED. HATS reduced to one price. | 7.50 and $10.00 values?Now on $1.98. ite, Burnt and Black?Price 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Each. MUSLINS 12 |c and 16c values?On sale 10 CT8. the Yard. ?Now on sale at 15 CTS. Yard. AND BAGS iipply you with your SUIT CASE Ine of LEATHER and WICKER $1.50, $2.00 and $8.50. SES at $8.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00 Each. e-Third Off Regular Price. now on sale at ?1-8 off regular N COMPANY G. H O'LEAKY Spring Fancies There Is no doubt about it! Vudor Porch Shades are the Bast, Newest and Most Durable Porch 8hades on thla narket. Prices according to slxe? ?.50 to $6.50 put up on your poroh. I am showing an exceedingly pretty issortment of summer Art Squares In ancy Japanese Mattings. Also in Sranite Carpet. Call and see them. G. H. O'LEARY. WW All kinds of Typewriter Ribbons it The Enquirer Office. S REDUCED I 4? LY LARGE LINE OF STRAW ION. WE HAVE SOLD A GOOD 4? IT. WE HAVE A GOOD MANY [EM OUT. THE PRICES QUOT- " 5T YOU. BUY A STRAW NOW. ef? INTHS WEAR OUT OF IT. AND ORT: 4? t 38 CTS Each. So At 75 CTS .Each. T Go At 98 CTa Each. 3o At $1.48 Each. v t Go At $8.98 Each, jl )m 25 CTS. Up. v 1.25 to $1.50? Jk 98 CTS. Each. 5.00 to $2.25? gl.aa Each, v 4? \T LOW PRICES + r we are offering especially low *4? Ladles and Children. Now Is a ? I Low Shoes that you need. V r Go At $3.98 Pair. . ow Go At $2.98 Pair. V OES?Now Go At $1.98 Pair. , Go At $2.98 Pair. "I? 3o At $1.98 Pair. . 3o At $1.38 Pair. r CUT SHOES? . r.8 CT8. Pair. T I?Now Go At 75 CT8. Pair. ?Now Go At 98 CTS. Pair. V !?Now Go At $1.10 Pair. N GOODS OF ANY KIND. GIVE ^ E TO SHOW GOODS TO YOU. THE LEADER J B* ? ? immmTHfiinTiinifiiTii 7 SPRINGS J r E L j ;tter Prepared Than Ever to 3 J tes at Hotel or Cottages, ad :i i J ON, Manager J - - - - S. C. 3 *AKA*A*AKAXA*A*AKA*A MWY AWAY I l/l!lil n rr i W BE STRONG, WITH A VIGOROUS WITH GOOD ORK. ' | while you have the opportunity, iced on the resting list and if you le declining years things may go .-ill live a long time; but will not yourself for a moment, you will ! may retain considerable vigor. 1 cannot do the active work, t at least saving some, all of Its facilities and places nany. IONAL BANK, LE, S. C. :d four times a year. R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier.