Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 21, 1911, Image 3

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AT THE CHURCHES. METHODIST. Rev. J. F. Anderson. Pastor. Sunday Services.?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Service at Yorkvllle at 11 a m.. St. Paul at 3 p. m., and Clover a) 8 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school al 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock Evening service at 8 o'clock. BAPTIST. Rev. F. M. Satterwhlte, Pastor. Wnnrinv Services?Sundav school al 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock Evening sen-ice at 8 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. J. L. Oates. Pastor. Sabbath Services?Sabbath school 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. No evening service. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. T. Tracy Walsh. Rector. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock, The annual election will take place immediately after morning service. fecial JJotires. At York Cotton Mill. Rev. J. D. Oates will preach at the York Cotton Mill Chapel on Sundayevening at 8 o'clock. At the County Home. Rev. E. E. Gillespie will preach at the County Home Chapel at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. Hay at Beeraheba. Rev. S. H. Hay will conduct communion services at Beersheba on the Fifth Sunday. April 30, preaching commencing Friday morning previous. 2t A Card of Thank*. \Ve desire thank our kind neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. W. W. Alexander, J. S. Alexander, and Carrie L. Alexander. It* ft ft . m ;J ^T^U' /' Mr. M. S. Herr of the International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn, N. Y., will deliver a lecture at the Opera House on Sunday, April 23rd, 3 p. m. Subject? "Heaven and Hell." All welcome. No collections. $hf Ofotton Jftarhet. Yorkvllle, April 21.?Cotton 14 7-8. New York. ADril 20.?Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling uplands 14.95; middling gulf 15.20; no sales. Futures opened steady and closed firm as follows: April 14.73; May 14.80; June 14.86; July 14.86; Aug. 14.56: Sept. 13.39; Oct. 12.90; Nov. 12.82; Dec. 12.81; Jan. 12.77; March 12.88. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS I HAVE for sale for hatching purposes pure Wycoff strain White Leghorn Eggs at one dollar for 15, or $6 per hundred. D. A. LEE. Fort Mill, S. C. 32 t.f.j-1 COTTON SEED T HAVE a limited quantity of A Broadwell's Double-Jointed that I will sell to first applicants. R. H. G. Caldwell at Sharon, can supply you. W. C. THOMSON. Bullock s Creek, S. C. BERKSHIRE PIGS FOR sale at Bratton Farm. See me. BUN BRYDGES. 30 f.t 3t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of York. IN THE PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams. Esq., Probate Judge of YorK County. WHEREAS L. B. BROWN, has applied to me for Letters of Administration, with will annexed, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mrs. MARGARET E. THOMPSON, late of the county aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 6TH DAY OF MAY. 1911. to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Conl tbio ?il veil linuei 111 > naiiu auu nvm, una 19th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven and in the 135th year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. Probate Judge of York County. 32 f 2t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. IS THE PROBATE COTRT. By L. Ft. Williams, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS L. B. BROWN, has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of G. C. THOMPSON, lute of the county aforesaid deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the ?TH DAY OF MAY. 1911. to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and Seal, this 19th day of May. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and in the 135th year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. Probate Judge of York Oountv. 32 f 2t Sunshine Scratch A jTK w tuuu. Is u perfectly dry grain mixture, made from the purest, cleanest grain. It is scientifically balanced, will aid in producing healthy, vigorous birds and help till the egg basket. Contains no (irlt. We have Scratch Food for baby chicks and grown ups. SI N'SIMM-: Horse and .Mule Feed if what your stock needs this season of the year. Composed of Alfalfa meal, cracked, recleaned corn and sound, whole oats?no dirt. A properly balanced feed. You will be pleased with the result if you will only try it. If you will see us for your Shoes, Groceries and Plantation Supplies we will try to make it to your interest. YORK SUPPLY CO. PRIZE WINNING BEEF CATTLE WILL pay 5J cents for the cow. steer or heifer that wins the first prize for Beef Cattle at the cow show, I and cents for the cow that wins the second prize. We want this kind of ' Beef for our customers. CITY MARKET, C. F. SHHERER, Proprietor. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE c T AM offering: Automobile Insurance X at either $3.00 or $2.00 per $100 per vear. in the Livernool & London & Globe Insurance Co. The rate depends I on the scope of the indemnity desired. Both kinds cover loss or damage by t tire originating anywhere from any cause. Ask for particulars. SAM M. GRIST. HA >CA KA KA *A V.A *.A R 1 OUR CONSTANT AIM ? 5 J IN RETURN FOR THE PATRONAGE ^ OF OUR CUSTOMERS IS TO 3 GIVE THEM 5 ^ The most courteous considers ; tion, the greatest safety, the ? J most liberal accommodation to ? 1 ^ be obtained from any banking institution which is consistent ? J and conservative. a j ? , * YOUR BUSINESS J 2 SOLICITED. ? t ; THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ? * OF SHARON. ? < A Rambling and Nixed Advertisement Those beautiful Guitars that you've been inquiring about, have arrived. Come at once and get one. Also a line of Harps from 5 cts. to 60 cts. We yet have a small lot of Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes. Get them and plant i them. We have a full line of Kingan's Picnic Hams?they're fine. We believe that we've got the biggest line of Soaps of any house in town, and we keep a half dozen different kinds. And just here a word for the ladles especially: Don't forget to keep yourselves well supplied with Bon-Ami and Old Dutch Cleanser. A word to Farmers especially: We've just received for your special use a lot of new 6 1-2 inch Hoes. Get them now. Something else that will interest you: A lot of White Lake Fish?they are fine. In fact we keep just about anything and everything to be found in a first-class grocery store. Something of special interest: A lot of the nicest Dried Apples we've ever handled. HERNDON & GORDON. J. L. Williams. W. M. McConnel! J.L. WILLIAMS & CO. 53.50 Low Cut Shoes at 52,50 LUCKY PICKING?125 pairs of Men's Sample Oxfords of the EndlcottJohnson make, in Patent Leather. Gun Metal. Tans, all the new 1911 lasts and toes, high tie?Choice per Pair. $2.50. Ladies' Velvet Low Shoes at $1.25 to SI.50 per Pair. Patent Leather, four straps, $1.25 to $3.50 per Pair. Silk Hose at 48 Cks. Pair. SPECIAL PRICES ON MEN'S NEW SPRING SUITS. 300 yards 40-inch Unbleached White ?- * r?ra v.mI V^IULIl, Al u ... It pays to trade here?If we can't save you money, we don't expect your trade. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. Tlie Home of $15 Made to Measure Suits. J. M. ST ROUP. Karo Syrup We furnish this syrup of extra quality at SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON. It is a white syrup of delicate , color and flavor and is used not only for table purposes, but also for MAKING CANDIES. ETC. See us also for DRY GOODS, SHOES. And in fact all kinds of Merchandise. J. M. STROUP. I^tprlinor ks 1.v1. Silver Goods. Just now I am showing an especially nice line of STERLING SILVER WARE and invite all who want goods of this kind to come and see what I have to show. You will find here better qualities, better patterns, newer styles and much lower prices than elsewhere. At least come and see. My stock includes a lot of pieces especially suitable for wedding gifts. cut glassis always in order for wedding gifts, and I am showing a very complete assortment in all sizes from the smallest to the largest. Will be pleased to show if you will come in. t . w . speck, the jeweler. "Yours to Serve" i See me today about those goods you need. I have them: Plow Stocks. Turn Plows, Plow Molds, Plow Points, Guano Plows, Cotton noes, cultivators that take a row at a time. Plow Lines, Hames, Chains and Rakes. Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Beans, all I kind of Canned Goods, Dry Goods, all . kinds, bought when prices were low. I represent three large Shoe houses, and . see me before you buy. My Shoes are ( made-to-fit and give service. Don't forget that 1 keep almost everything you need in Dress Goods. Please remember that the country store is do, ing for you what the rural routes have done, can you do without them? I>-t me know your wants. M. A. McFAltLAND. Yorkvlllo P. I). Xo. 4. PLAY BALL The time of the year has come when a young man's fanev turns to Baseball as well as love. Get the Baseball spirit boys. Also i ? ! ihi' hnl.it i.f irninv t<> the riirht t<? I my your? i ? BASEBALL GOODS ? \\V are carrying a full line of REACH'S goods. {.ml yon know the name REACH spells "quality." They J have a guarantee. If you want anything in the sporting goods line, see us. We expect to he here in business a good many years. The only way we can do it. is by treating everybody right. That's our policy. Clover Drug Store, R. L. WYI-IE, Prop., CLOVER, ----SC. Free Souv By the BRUGUIER CHEMl Relieving firmly that there is no ot sneli excellent face and massage erean llel-Ron Peroxide Toilet Cream, we eager to have YOlT give this erean trial. Remember: it is guaranteed contain Peroxide of Hydrogen. Per Itle Is not only antiseptic and purifyl i>n? i< sliiriitlv bleaching, liavinj tendency to wliiten the skin. As a fet ing inducement we have authorized dealers named !>elow to give free u each purchase of a 25c jar of BeMS?n PEROXIDE TOILET CREAM nil three of the following articles: A BEL-BON FACE CHAMOIS (Guaranteed Wa&hah A BEL-BON COMPLEXION CLOTH. A BEL-BON VANITA' CASE AATTH PC This is a most remarkable offering i we expect to have hundreds take adv tage of it tomorrow. We would ask t you cut out the attached order to p sent at the toilet counter of your del when you make your purchase. York Dri *A *A *A ?A KA * * Xi m * What Is a 9 ^ ONE SAYS IT IS A PIECE C ^ MEDIUM, SAYS ANOTHER; , ? THE THIRD: SOMETHING "Y y YOUR FRIEND, SAYS THE ' 9 Yes, a dollar Is more than thes 4 life. You worked hard yesterday A spend It in a minute and be none t 4 the only tangible thing you have f< ? The iov. the nrivilege. the worr ^ lent past. The dollar Is yours toe] J start anew. Keep it and tomorrow ^ your care of yesterday: or you it 3 dollar and the next day and the m yesterdays?strong, capable, willin 3 comfort, when your body is too w< The dollar being a part of yo 3 health to take care of your future " lars. in order to secure full service ! ^ "THE CARE FOR THE YESTI jj TIIE TOMORROWS." ? I The FIRST NAT j YORKVIL j O. E. WILKIN'S. President. Y? T * T* T* Y* T4 Y* Y* Y* Y* Y Cot*i shi 1909, by C E Zi CHEERY IT doesn't take man to make a room I home-like, and even if there is a f is good, the room won't look ban you put into a room you don't g( in furniture is conspicuous, mayb catalogue, but you will always f home and in the room where y< difference between trash and g< before it goes into any home. V our goods accordingly. York Furnitu J. M. BRIAN COMPANY The Fancy Groccrw EASTER GOODS Come and see us for EASTER GOODS. We are showing nice lines of EASTER EGOS. EGG DYES. CANDIES. CANDY BOXES. CANDY BASKETS. EASTER LILIES, EASTER POSTCARDS. Don't forget us when looking for EASTER Novelties. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. If You Expect to Build See us for the Plans. See us for the Lumber. See us for the Hardware. See us for the Paint. See us for the Shingles. See us for the Brick. See us for the Lime. See us for the Cement. See us for the Laths. See us for the Doors. See us for the Frames. See us for the Sash. See us for Best Prices on Lumber. Bring us your Logs for Sawing. J. J. KELLER & COMPANY 3^** Typewriter Ribbons and Carbons at The Enquirer Office. enir Offer CAL CO. of NEWARK, N. J. I I Tills order Is good only until each dealer's allotment of these souvenirs Is exhausted. le.) I * j PP ' BIII.NG Deliver to 1 THIS each purMid i ORDER chaser of Belan-*! : Bon Cream, one hat*! each, Bel-Bon Face ?re-it I Chamois, Complexion dcrl ! Cloth and Vanity Case. ug Store. i ?A *A *A *A PA *A PA ?A ?A *A I i Dollar ? 5 IF PAPER: CIRCUITING ^ \ PROMISE TO PAY. SAYS ? OIT MAY BORROW FROM ? HARD UP." e. That dollar is a part of your M and earned a dollar. You can he richer; but you did not. It Is * >r the whole day's existence. y have all gone in the great, si- ? lay; you spend It and tomorrow you may play, for the reason of ? _ lay work tomorrow for another ? ?xt. until you have long years of ? I g to toil for and keep you In C ?ak to toll. _ ur life and as you guard your c ; so should you guard your dolfor the past. g ARRAYS PROTECTS YOU FOR jl IONAL BANK, ? LE, S. C. f R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier. ? ? ? Y* Y* Y? T* V* T* r! mmerman Co No IS HOMES. y pieces of Furniture ook comfortable and >iece or so less and the furniture s, but no matter how much trash it the true home effect. Trash e it doesn't look that way in the ind it that way when you get it ou intend putting it. Now the )od furniture is apparent to us I ^e know the difference and buy at re Company. !; j Live Stock Insurance j Ktm-k owners are reminded of the fact that as local agent of the Ameri- 4 can Live Stock Insurance Company of If Indianapolis. I am prepared to insure ^ Horses and Mules against death from If any cause. See me for particulars. ^ Thia Mumnnnv ic thp oiili' niio nfforlnc mf this class of indemnity in South Cam- ^ lina. J SAM M. GRIST All Kinds of GOOD Insurance. jj 3 I AM HEAQUARTERS FOR J Chase and Sanborn's * Coffees and Teas ; ?????J HEINZ M X Pickles and Pickling Vinegar. ^ SWIFTS * Hams, Lard and Breakfast Strip. ^ ??????? J I ALSO SELL ^ A' South Carolina and Tetley's Teas. ^ I. W. Johnson, s ?W All kinds of Typewriter Ribbons at The Enquirer Office. I \JALh I portant for your health, being necnK J?. ?HW Va L essary for the care of the teeth, the G^fr\ I ?kln. your clothes and your hair. fijg J) v' j^Sti JT&X ^^2 Xo one likes to use poor Brushps. They are annoying and do not V/ f give good service and are really exc '?i I * ~q pensive, because they do not last. ^gT\ W /^VfrTTT ?\ /yk t)ur Brushes are durable, from the HM Wr I P Imported Military' Hair Brushes, W|V J Jj jV^f | JjlvB \ l?r an*' nre rnaC^P l? SU'1 your ,n'Bvld? "" % - Our first consideration In selling ~H a Brush Is to give you the MOST No 90 service for your money. This Is nnre Important to ua than the profit we make, and more important to you i han the price you pay. THK STAR DRUG STORE i If You Exoect to Buy { ? A. ? BUY THE BEST AND YOU WILL BUY HERE?WE SELL THE BEST COOKING STOVE MADE?THE FAMOUS GRAND OAK. We have sold dozens of these famous Cooking Stoves and if there has ever been a complaint about their cooking and lasting qualities, we haven't heard of It. The GRAND OAK STOVE Is not the most expensive stove that you can buy?You can pay more and get less? pay less and get less?But If you want the BEST you will be safe In buying a GRAND OAK. Before you buy a Cooking Stove or a Range come and see what we have?get our prices?We have the goods, the Qualities speak for themselves and our PRICES ALWAYS GET THE BUSINESS. Carroll Furniture Company. Men's Work Shirts, I Finck's Overalls, I Boys' and Girls', I Jack and Jill Oxfords I And Sandals. I WORK SHIRTS If you want the best Work Shirt?made to stand any test?You want to get in touch with the M. W. S. Shirt? the Guaranteed Shirt. I ? The M. W. S. Shirts are the biggest shirts, size for size, of any shirts made. The sleeves all have patented facings. The M. W. S. Shirt once used, always used. Price 50 Cts. I ... FINCK'S ... I: DETROIT SPECIAL OVERALLS I ^ They wear like a Pig's Nose. You get fuller sizes. You get | better quality. You get better wear. You get the best Overall | Made when you buy the FINCK'S. We are showing a big line of 1 this Overall. In sizes from 30 to DO waists, on sale at $1.00, $1.25 H 1 and $1.50 the Pair. I r JACK AND JILL BROAD TOE OXFORDS AND SANDALS FOR CHILDREN These Hand-Made Children's Oxfords have the wearing qualities. They are made with wide. Mannish Toes, which give comfort to every child's foot. We are showing all sizes in Tan, Patent and Gun Metal in this Jack and Jill line. Call and let us show you. Jack and Jill Tan Oxfords, sizes from 5 to 8 Price, $1.25 Jack and Jill Tan Oxfords, sizes from 8 to 11 .Price, $1.50 Jack and Jill Tan Oxfords, sizes from 11J to 2 Price. $1.75 Jack and Jill Patent and Gun Metal Oxfords, sizes 5 to 8 Price, $1.25 Jack and Jill Patent and Gun Metal, sizes 8 to 11....Price, $1.50 Jack and Jill Patent and Gun Metal, sizes 11J to 2....Price, $1.75 Big line of Jack and Jill Tan Barefoot Sandals, for Boys and Girls, in all sizes. I*rice. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the I'alr. The Thomson Company, ? ? WHERE YOU FIND QUALITY MERCHANDISE ? h i i * *A WA *A *A *A *A *A ?A *A PA *A *A *A ?A *A *A ?A *A *,A *A - ? * F Special Low Prices on Rebuilt Typewriters ? Within the past few days we have secured some very low prices 011 Guaranteed Rebuilt Typewriters?Typewrit- x ers rebuilt in a thoroughly equipped factory by skilled work- . men who know their business. Every Rebuilt Machine we * offer has New Type, New Platens, all worn parts New, ? r? New Nickeling and Enameling, and Guaranteed by the Re- ? y builders against defects for one year. We can furnish you ? any make of machine you desire and save you from $25.00 % yi to $60.00. * If you need a Typewriter at all. one of these machines ? will meet your every requirement. Remember, that we do ? not offer you a machine that is brand new?we couldn't at x the price; but offer a Typewriter that for writing qualities ? and smooth running is equal in every respect to a new ma- * chine of like manufacture. ()f course, if you prefer to pay the agent of a typewriter factory the price of a new machine ? ?$75 to $100?that's vour business. If vou want a ma- * Ui ^ u. chine that will do your work and want to save the $25 to $60 * ??n tile deal, then that's our business. Here are a few prices: ? No. 5 Olivers?Serial numbers 183,000 to 200,000. ..$51.00 ** hi Serial numbers 200.000 to 220,000 .. .$53.00 ? Serial numbers 220,000 to 245.000.. .$54.00 ? No. 2 L. C. Smith?Serial numbers 35.000 to 55.000. .$55.00 ^ No. 4 Underwood?Serial numbers 200,000 to 245.000. $62. % No. 2 Smith Premier?I'p to Nos. 125.000 $41.00 ? ir No. 6 Remingtons?Nos. 100.000 to 125.000 $35.00 Nos. up to 175.000 $37-5? i y, No. 7 Remingtons?I'p to Nos. 200,000 $39.00 ? ?*? I11 all cases the buyer to pay express charges, varying g from $2.15 to $2.50 on each machine. ^ The above prices are only good until May 10th, as after ^ ? that date the Rebuilders withdraw the special prices offered ? us on business before that date, if you want a Typewriter ? J ?One that will satisfy you and do your work, and save you * si $2S to $60 this is your time to move. ? ? lo L. M. GRIST'S SONS. Typewriters and Supplies. ? a? ^ A ? T* ? T* T4 T4 T4 Til Til T? Til Til Til Til Til Til Til Til Til T* L Cotton Piece Goods AT SPECIAL PRICES. OUR BIG STORE IS FULL OF ALL THE NEW SFKlIMLi UUUUb. A ViSli TU UUK blUKHi WIl^L CONVINCE YOU THAT WE HAVE THE SAME QUALITY AT A LOWER PRICE, OR A BETTER QUALITY AT SAME PRICES. CURTAIN ETAMINE. 1,000 Yards Curtain Etamlne. new patterns, 15c qallty. Special Price - 10 Cta. Yard. 500 Yards 18c Curtain Etamlne, new patterns. Special, 15 Cta. Yd. 500 Yards 25c Morine, the new Curtain Cloth. Special, 18 Cta. Y'd. LAWN, LINETTE AND NEARSILK FOULARDS. 1,000 Yards 5c Colored Lawn - 3 Cta. 500 Yards Light Percales, 8Jc quality ...5 Cta. 1,000 Yards 7}c White Lawn ..- 5 Cta. 12 Jc Colored Lawns, new designs 10 Cta. Yd. 20c Irish Llnette, very sheer --..15 Cta. 25c Nearsllk Foulards. Looks like silk, wears better, 12} to 18 Cta. 25c Vassar Flouncings. Don't fall to see these 18 Cta. Yd. SHIRTINGS AND DOMESTICS. 40-Inch Unbleached Sheeting 5 Cta. Y'd. 36-lnch Sea Island, worth 8 l-3c..? 7 Cta. Yd. 36-lnch Heaviest 3-yard Sheeting. Special 7} Cta. Yd. Good Straw Bed Ticking 5 Cta. Better Straw Tick... 8 1-3 and 10 Cta. Amoskeag Feather Ticking. This Is an extra Special 15 Cta. 36-lnch Bleaching, good quality....- 5 Cts. Yd. 36-lnch Bleaching. 8 l-3c quality 7 Cta. Yd. Barker Mills, Poe Mills, "Our Special" Bleaching, Saturday and Monday, 10 yards to customer 8} Cta. Yd. Imitation Cannon Cloth, cftlled Embroidery Cloth 10 Cta. Yd. Genuine Cannon Cloth, branded. Our regular price, 11| Cta. Yd. OUR MILLINERY BUSINESS IS THE BEST WE HAVE EVER HAD. PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US TODAY. Kirkpatrick-Belk Company SELL IT FOR LESS. Financial Aid. WE WANT TO AID every local industry that merits co-operation, and will seek it of us. This Bank is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to be useful. The best way to have the co-operation of this strong institution is to be a depositor here, so that we can get acquainted with each other. Let us join forces and grow together. The National Union Bank, ABSOLUTELY SAFE Rock Hill, - - - S. C. W. J. Roddey, Pres. Ira B. Dunlap, Cashier. SPECIAL Home-Made Japanese Cake an(j ?late Sets $1.25 set New Orleans 5ee these in our south show window. WMf\V M /V fl rhey are imported and beautifully dec- jwfMM Ml Fk \ V h m irated Japanese ware. Each set in- \JMmA ludes seven pieces?a large Cake 'late and Six Serving Plates and the I have plenty of good HOME-MADE ipecial Price it $1.25 Per Set. Be sure MOLASSES, as well as NEW OR0 Ke them. LEANS and PORTO RIC0 ?< *" grades. fORK DRUG STORE T . . a Louis Roth. New Spring Goods 8EE the We are now receiving our Newest r\p/jVff/) V)/1 Jl/fffyfkjp iprlng Styles In Fancy and Family M ifJUf t/CC Jrocerles and can please the taste of ?TB ? , ill who want the best In Fancy Groerles of Quality. ^ e- f\ If it Is Seasonable and Good you Ufltlv vOmj/fl/lV :an usually find It here. I do not * mow just exactly what it is you want o eat, but just phone for it and I'll YORKVILLE, 8. C. lave it there In just a few minutes. There is one thing Just right sure, f you order your groceries over my For High Grade elephone you will get Groceries of SeSQua",y'Fresh and",he R"M MONUMENTS 1 have a lot of Choice California In finnitt and Marble. 'runes. ... W. E. Ferguson m,? ?a ^ ^ TOMB. STONES sold at reasonable prices. ___ . _____ Get our prices before you buy. THE PLACE TO SHOP. Just remember when you are shop- Piedmont Marble & Granite Co, ing, whether for Ladies' Goods or >r Gentlemen's wear, that you can j w GREGORY, Mgr. I ways find what you want at J. Q. I'RAY'S in Right Qualities and at Lou;g Roth, pres. & Trees. ,ie Lowest Prices. Today we call eseclal attention to _ . .he he,. Sh.ru GLENN & ALLISON. )r dress wear down to the best made . hirts for the man at work. Men's Negligees, 48 Cts. and Up. rn nnnnrn Men's Work Shirts. 25 Cts. and Up. Illfl PP lhn IjnnPrP Roys' Dress Shirts, 25 Cts. and Up. Ml II r.l AND ||1111 gl| Roys' Work Shirts. 25 Cts. and Up. IVIUIjIjU IIUIlULiU Men's and Roys' Ties, 5 Cts. and Up. Men's Linen Collars, 5 Cts. and Up. Roys' Collars, 10 Cts. Eaeli. . We have received this week anIK.VS CLOTHING? other carload of MULES and HORSES You can pay more for your Clothes for our trade, and we would be pleasnd not get as much value as you will e(j t0 ^ave all who are Interested in ere at our prices. Come and let us low you something good. cholce animals come and see our latest Men's 2-piece Suits, $6.98 a Suit. shipment when in town next Monday, Men's 2-plece Suits, much nicer, Salesday, or at any other time. ^tter made. $7.98 to $12.50 a Suit. This car of stock includes the finest Roys' Suits, $1.18 and Upward. Ik.,.,,,*. , Men's Extra Pants. 98 Cts. to $5.00. bunch of MARES that we have ever Roys' Pants, 35 Cts. and Upward. shipped to this market. Men's Overalls, 48 Cts. Make our Stable a visit. Wen's Overalls, extra good quality, * Cts. up ,0 60 GLENN & ALLISON IjuIIon' Collars, 5 Cts. and Upward. <<^^?? A few minutes spent in our store, tttv tup py? tt cnap oking over our goods, will convince xnti Wi^*AA 11 Bilwr >u that we have the Goods, the Varl- T HAVE bought the plant and good ies and the Qualities to please you, A will of the old brick shop in the id that our Prices are Just right. rear of Carroll Bros, store, and will J . _ _ continue to run it at the old stand. #| Am/ |3 A along with my shop on my premises ? IVri. X on South Congress street. Patronage of the public is solicited at both ___ _ __ places, and satisfaction guaranteed. FOR SALE R. E. MONTGOMERY. rHE Palmer Lot, on East Liberty 24 f.t tf street, Yorkvllle, 132 feet front, ??? nd 330 feet back; one of the most de- NEW BATH ROOM rable residence lots in tne iowr Dining this lot on the south Is another T7' VERYBODY Invited to enjoy a it of one-fourth of an acre, more or J2j luxury?a flrst-claas bath-room? ss, and both lots will be Included In Just try It once and you'll come again ime sale. Apply to C. E. Spencer, and tell your friends. Pries 25 cents, tty. at Law, Yorkvllle, or McD. AR- A first-class, up-to-date City Barber EDGE, Charlotte, N. C. Shop. L G. BABER, Prop.