HICKORY GROVE NOTES. 9 Entertainment of the School?Social | Affairs?Personal Notes?Other Mat- C iers. ? Correspondence ot the Yorkrille Enquirer. Hickory Grove, November 29.?On 1 Thursday evening an entertainment J was given by the pupils of the high school department for the benefit of the library. The programme consist- ? ed of songs, recitations, an essay and debate: Resolved, That the Negro I Should Have Higher Education. Fol- V lowed by a play entitled "Jumbo Jum." a A nice little sum was realized. A Mrs I^ura Allison has been quite ei sick for the past week. la Mrs. J. W. Leech is at Henderson- B ville, N. C.. visiting her sister, Mrs. a Justice. F Miss Ella Wilkie, who is teaching at C Gaffney, spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Miss Mabel Harkness of Sharon, l, spent Thursday with Miss Annie Belle 1 Hough. I On last Friday evening Miss Sallle y, W. Allison entertained a number of her e: k friends at her lovely country home. s<" I four miles from town. The guests b; "were delightfully entertained with ti ^ games and music. Shortly before tak- a K ing their departure they were invited to the dining room, where they were _ served with delicious refreshments. ~ This home is noted for its hospital- * ity and all pronounced this a most en- ^ joyable occasion. Those present were Misses Sallie V. Allison, Cleo Leslie, 4 Maude Good, Emily, Eva and Ona Wy- k I lie, Clara McElroy, Ola Wilkerson, 4t Ruth Martin, Miss Titman and Miss % Ward law of Sharon, Messrs. J. S. Wil- ^ kerson, X. M. McDill, Sam Leech, J Clarence Slaughter, Lunsford Wylle, ^ Hunter Adams. John Whiteside and 3 Edward Byers of Sharon. Prof. Walker Whittaker, superinten- 3 ' dent of the Greelyville High school. Mr. Wlghtman Whittaker of Wofford ^ college, and Mr. Paul Whittaker, who * is attending Newberry college, spent ^ last week with their parents. Rev. and * Mrs. Whittaker. 4 Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Plaxco of Sha- m ron, spent Thursday at the home of 4 the latter's sister, Mrs. J. W. Castles. % Miss Luclle Martin, from Due West, ^ visited her sister, Miss Ruth Martin, J during the Thanksgiving holidays. ? Messrs. J. W. and E. L. Holliday, ' ^ brother and cousin of Prof. R. H. Hoi- I liday, were in town a few days last V week. ? Miss Eva Wylie began work at her f-j school near Gaffney this week. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | W. T. Slaughter, which has been very * ill. is now rapidly recovering. M A Thanksgiving service was held af ? ^ the A. R. P. church Thursday morning 4 by the pastor. Rev. G. L. Kerr. ? w? ^ ** WKIannont r>f PhPStftr. ^ mi. x. m. .? , is in town on business. J? Mr. Croswell Slaughter, who has been ^ in Augusta, returned home Thursday. M i TWO PICTURES. * J Look First on This and Then Look on ^ That. * Editor Yorkville Enquirer: < Picture No. 1.?A beautiful grove for ^ a back ground; a neatly painted, at- 3 tractive school house, with surround- * ings clean and neat. Mount the piazza 3 steps, pass through a hat, cloak and , fuel room, and behold the interior; a floor clean, desks well kept, a beauti- * ful vase of flowers on the teacher's ta- 3 ble, a few pretty sprays of autumn ? leaves here and there in the room, ^ fifteen or twenty bright-faced pupils, ? and an earnest teacher. There you have a picture of the Latta school near J? Yorkville. as I saw it on a certain day ^ last week, presided over by Miss Eu- j? genia Simpson. ^ Picture No. 2.?A school house sit- Jg uated in a pretty grove; grounds neg- ^ lected; a large part of the weather- 3 boarding torn from the front of the building, and one-half of the window 3 i panes missing. Climb a rickety set of * steps leading to an interior that seems 3 to have been given over to the hands of a vandal; walls covered from floor ^ to ceiling; with chalk and pencil marks: * floor strewn with papers and trash: ^ stove in an unsightly condition: desks K ' soiled and deeply carved by some rude ^ hand. This is a picture of ^ school in York county. ' Ninety-flve per cent of our boys and ~ giris never enter any walls of learning si other than these rural schools of our I county. Which of the two schools depicted above will do more to give us " the citizenship we desire? Leila A. Russell, County Supervisor of Elementary Ru- ft ral Schools. ft si O! AT THE CHURCHES. II ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBY- F TERIAN. d; There will be prayer meeting on ^ Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ^ PRESBYTERIAN. There will be prayer meeting on J* Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. p Special Notices. ~ i Excursion Rates via Southern Rwy. ^ Account National Rivers and Har- I bors Congress the Southern Railway announces greatly reduced rates to Washington, D. C.. and return from all points. Tickets will be on sale Decern- ? fber 3rd to 7th inclusive, limited to reach original starting point returning not later than midnight of December 14th, 1910. For further information, tickets, etc., call on ticket agents or address J. L. Meek, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga., or W. E. McGee, Div. Pass. Agent, Charleston, S. C. OBITUARY. Dikd?At her home on Yorkvilie No. 6. on November 18, Mrs. R. L. ROBTvoov* qtoH 40 venrs. She is survived by her husband and five children. The funeral took place at Beersheba, on November 19. .io.. nf meptinir and O CIOC'K 1UI liic |>ui i^vov. w? ???---0 hearing addresses by Prof. W. K. Tate, State Inspector of Rural School improvement, and Miss Leila A. Russell. Countv Superintendent. T. E. McMACKIN, County Supt. of Education. 95 t.f 2t SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY AT mv home on Sharon No. 2. on MONDAY. DECEMBER 5. at 10 o'clock a. m., I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction the following personal property to wit; Four good Mules, two Wagons, two Buggies. 300 bushels of Corn. Plows and other implements. Terms of sale: CASH. ^ ^ A. T. HILL. MONEY TO LOAN. ON First Mortgage of improved country and city property. Terms reasonable and loans repayable in easy installments. W. W. LEWIS. Attorney. Yorkville, S. C. 45 t tf. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR Chickens and Turkeys. T. M. St H. E. FERGUSON. Yorkville, S. C. 91 t.f . 3t CREAMERY BUTTER PRICES DO TALK [NTRODUCTORY prices to local con- , . ,. ... . ,, . L sumers 35 cents. Applv at the Put the r'ght merchandise with Utlki reamery. BUN BRYDGES prices clinches the argument. I ha It * Manager. three fine Organs direct from the f? tory at prices that will suit you a GINNING DAYS I you will agree with me if you s F ROM now on will be on FRI- an,d. !vanJ * strtcl,v flne ?r? t. DAYS, and Grinding on Saturdays. at J. f tp nf fh tmieh wiittim?ov nnrto The tone is different, the touch k M BPmnv it different, the volume is different a MKAito.v it the appearance of the Organ is diff< SALE OF PERSONALTY. ent from thc ordinary instrume v TUTmcn t v ,= . handed out by the carload and ma t *ty. v? m ' December 15, at ..just to sen hut not to last. You f ,< "earT befp'nn'!!* in value?lasting value?every dolla .? tj i worth you put out in either of the .ut ^ Iifii?e!^0?,a ?. ?PiI Organs and the prices are h nVflvtn o JeTi" n *.f?n T?'k than you pay for the "hand 'em c ? X . ian t, ' ie ^ ? Carriage, bv tbe carioad" kind. Here's son: ugg>. Blacksmith Tools.^ Agrlcultur- thing honestly made, durably ma< i implements, i;??s, nogs, worn, tones as smooth as oil. la etc- rv?o your inspection of them: I want y ok SCOGGINS. t() see them and hear them. * ' One Piano, with Stool and Sea pnp vt>pcxx vpatg like new, $11<>.00. lUKlltt!.!! MLATS Qne beautlful Golden Oak Org.' _) HONE the City Market. No. 74, for from factory. Stool, $60.00. l anything you want in the Presh Does your Piano or Organ ne feat line. I don't handle anything Tuning or Repairing? Is it suffer! Kcept good, fat Beef, Pork and Sau- for attention? xge. Also Irish Potatoes and Cab- r, j. HERXDOX. age. I will appreciate a part- of your ? ?; ade and will give polite and prompt W Don't measure your printing mi ttention to all orders. ter by its costs; but rather by its qui C. F. SHERER. ity. The Enquirer kind is the cheape (A*AIU*A*A*A?U?!A*AftAltA*AatAIU*A*AIUIUItAIUI Everyday Is Salesday AT THIS Fast Growing Store New Goods arriving every day. We cannot mention them all. Read these Specials and Come At Once. 5c Apron Ginghams 3 1-2 Cts a Yard. 15c Genuine Cannon Cloth 11 1-2 Cts. Yard. 61-2c Calicoes, all colors 5 Cts. Yard. 6 l-2c 36-inch Good Sheeting 5 Cts. Yard. 36-inch Outing, Light Colors, worth 12 l-2c, short lengths 8 l-3c Yard. 6 l-2c Dark Outings 5 Cts. Yard. 10c Outings, full pieces 8 1-3 Cts. Yard. 81-3c Heaviest AAA Sheeting 7 1-2 Cts. Yard. 12 l-2c Embroidery Cloth ' 10 Cts. Yard. 10c Bleaching 8 1-2 Cts. Yard. Hills', Barker Mills, Fruit 10 Cts Yard. A C A Ticking 15 Cts. Yard. Good Bed Ticking 7 1-2 Cts. and 10 Cts. Yard. Bleached and Unbleached Drilling 71-2 Cts., 10 Cts., 12 1-2 Cts. Yard. 36-inch Night Gown Twill 15 Cts. Yard. Red and Blue Flannel 10 Cts., 15 Cts., 25 Cts. Yard. White Wool Flannel 25 Cts. and 50 Cts. Yard. Embroidered Flannel, beautiful designs 50 Cts. 75 Cts. and 98 Cts. Yard. New Goods?New Goat Suits?New snoes. See Us before You buy?It Will Pay You. \Kirkpatrick-Belk If YOU Don't Trade With US WE Both Lose Money. T4 Til T< Til Tfr Tfr T3t V* '*> V* ?< Til Tit Tfr T Rice Flour) If you expect to kill your hogs be- YoiiY AppBtltC. >re New Year's Day. begin now and , . , sed them RICE FLOtTR. You will be 180? Ibs- of "I'Ucky I-lno toff irprised at the way this feed will put so'd?another 100 lbs. received. A 11 the fat in a short month's time. sweet, juicy Kingan s "Picnl ' you have never fed hogs on RICE Hams. See us for Preserves, both LOUR, try one sack and notice the bucket and bottles. Pickles in keg ifference in this feed as compared Pickles in bottles Pickles sour ai ith others. We also have MILL Pickles sweet. Oatmeal. Tarbell's Ft EED. WHEAT BRAN, CORN and Cream Cheese, Jello and Gelatir ATS. Pork and Beans, Big Hominy, Swe . ., , . Corn, best Tomatoes, Vienna Sausai i t, vt r e,. ? lCdrr Pl"k Salmon. Syrups?"Perfectior ens PI RINA feed, it will make them ..Karo? ?Auto.. a?d "Velva." Swt ,?V %e K;V h "g,, f^?ntM I Potatoes?"Georgia Buck", yellow a rices sweet- Fine Irish Potatoes. Clov* Spices. Pepper, Ginger, Nutmeg a SEE US FOR FLOUR, SUGAR, Flavoring Extracts. Clean up f OFFEES, TOBACCOS, etc. Our Christmas?We keep everything 'rices Are Always Right for the Man Soaps?Old Dutch Cleanser, Washi I'ho Is Buying. Powders and Bon-Ami. Fresh Gi r> ? ?? ceries. Tobaccos, Pocket Knives, Prt H QPiMOfC \\f nAiDCGin I - rAPArir t\? niohp? I^nflp-Thlutlp Sndfi. RtP. L UI 111 VI O UUIV^ttlV VJlVttl V -? J. M. FERGUSON. Prop. HERNDON & GORDON. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THOMSON'S Coat Suit, Skirt and Cloak Department This week we are offering some very special values in Ladies' Coat Suits. Cloaks, Voile and Panama Skirts Ladies' $22.50 and $25 Suits, now priced at $17.98 and $19.98. Ladies' Long Black Cloaks, priced at $12.50 and $15.00 Each. Ladies' Tan Cloaks, priced at $4.98 and $10.00 Each. Good line Children's Cloaks, priced at $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 Each. Children's Bear Skin Coats, in white and red. Pi iced at $1.98 Each. Ladies' Black Voile and Panama Skirts, made from good material, priced at $5.00, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. Ladies' Black Tafieta Silk Petticoats, cut full, made from good quality of Taffeta silk, priced at $2.98 and $4.98. Ladies' Persian Silk Petticoats, priced at $5.00 Each. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Here you find the best assortment of Ladies' Handkerchiefs ever offered by The Thomson Co. Best Values, Best Selection and Best Prices at <>ur Handkercmet counter tins week. Indies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs?priced at 5 CTS. Each, toadies' Pure. Sheer l inen Hemstitched Handkerchief:?Priced at 10 CTS.. 15 PI'S, and 25 CTS. Each. Ladies* Initial Handkerchief?I?rleetl at 5 CTS. and 10 CTS. Each. Ladies' Pure. Sheer Linen Hemstitched. Initial Handkerchiefs? Priced at 25 CTS. Each. Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchief*?Priced at 10 CTS.. 15 CTS., 25 CTS. and 50 CTS. Each. DOMESTICS Pig line of heavy Outings?all colors?At 10 CTS. the Yard, flood, heavy Canton Flannel?Priced tit 10 CTS. and 12 1-2 CTS. Yd. Pleached Canton Flannel?Priced at 10 CTS. and 15 CTS. the Yard. Best Hickory Shirting?Priced at 12 1-2 CTS. Yard. Pest quality of Feather Ticking?Priced at 15 CTS. and 20 CTS. Yd. Pig line of Jeans and Kerseys, for Men's and Boys' Pants?Priced at 25 CTS., 55 CTS. and 50 CTS. the Yard. HOLIDAY GOODS Wnw nnen at Thomson Co.'s Store. Don't forget that we carry a big stock of these goods at prices to make you buy quick. Visit our store at once and see our selection of Dolls, Toys and Holiday Goods. DRESS GOODS AND MILLINERY We have lots of good Merchandise of Quality at our Dress Goods and Millinery counters. You can't go wrong bv seeing Thomson's line of Wool Dress Goods and Millinery. (live us a chance to show you. V isit our store and get acquainted with the kind of Merchandise we are selling. Trade at Thomson's and You Get the QUALITY. The THOMSON COMPANY "Long sweetenin'" ng ? lVe Every day or two, or three, I am relc" ceivlng new Fancy Groceries, bought nt| with an especial view to the holiday !ee trade, when everybody more or less, an gives a little wider range to the variety that goes on the dining table. n)j Among other things that have arrived within the past few days are: >nt A barrel of Iteal Old Fashioned, de 0|x*n Kettle New Orleans Molasses, jet just the kind to make you want more, r's Then I have all kinds of Nuts. Dried ? ' iioicine e?rrnits ritmn. Tonnes. >ss Cranlierrles. Evaporated Poaches. Duriut koo's Salad Dressing. Fish Roe. Mac-1 !e- aronl and Cream Cheese, and other je, choice things too numerous to mensk tion. ou |f you want Choice, Fresh. Fancy Groceries, you can always find them at rf. this store. Phone your orders. Deliveries made promptly. m. W. K. FERGUSON, ed Common Sense. '** I buy as low as I can?That's Bu.sl,l" ness sense. 8t- I sell as Low as I can?That's Pro__ gressivo sense. You buy as Low as you can?That's Good sense. J YOU BUY OF ME?That's Dollars ^ and Cents to both of us. * I have everything you can reasona bly expect to find In a First-Class Genferal Store?my goods are of excellent quality and my prices as LOW AS THE ? LOWEST. I have Dry Goods, Dress Goods. Noftlons. Prints, Silks, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hardware, Staple and Fancy Groceries. m Family Medicines, Fresh Fruits and ? Candles arriving every week. ? I have the ingredients for your fruit ? cakes. JGIve me your patronage and I will treat you right. I pay the highest market price for Country Produce. M. A. McFAHLAND. J Yorkvillo R. F. D. No. f. j Engine Fittings, I Piping, Belting. m tfoo iiu frit- nil WlnH? nf RVflT V R RTT ? tings" water fittings, galJVAXIZED and BLACK IRON PIPING in all sizes. Packings, etc. m Then too, if you use power, and use ? BELTING, come and see us for what ;you may need. We have LEATHER BELTING from 1 inch to 4 inches in ; width. and CANVAS BELTING up to 10 inches in width. And all of our Pelting is of first-class quality that g will give entire satisfaction. If you need anything In HARDJ WARE, no matter what it may be, ^ come and see us. We can probably St show you Just the article that you are looking for and our prices Are Always jl Right. ? Yorkville Hardware Co. I- ; fG. H. O'LEARl I DON'T BUY i i I I Anything in my line * without getting MY PRICES. If they are ? HIGHER than others p it's in the QUALITY. * G. H. O'LEARY. ee . m Sterling Silver nd And Cut Glass ;et ?e. set We are now showing an especially nd nice line of Sterling Silverware includes, ing many very handsome pieces in the nd newest designs, such as Sugar and or Cream Sets, Bread Trays, Sandwich in Dishes, Carving Sets, etc. ng ? CUT GLASS Is also here in a good variety of styles and you will find them priced most ?- reasonably. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass pieces are always acceptable and appropriate for wedding gifts. T. \Y. SPECK. The Jeweler. Lots of New Season's Goods Best NORWAY MACKEREL in kits, 10 lbs. each?At $1.20, $1.35 and $1.50 Each. Ordinary kind at 10 Cts.; Three for 25 Cts. Buckwheat Flour?Plain as well as Self Rising. Pnn.rnl/n Sivruit in tins Peanut Butter. Import (Ml Swiss Cheese. A No. 1 grade of Mince Meat At 15 Cts. a Pound. SELECT OYSTEHS. LOUIS ROTH. 5 HOE rt f HOE X 1 HOE j Buy REGAL Shoes for Dress Shoes, and Stronger than the Law, and North Pole Shoes for Work Shoes?they are the best Shoes you can buy for the money. We also have a lot of Shoes of different makes that we are selling at greatly reduced prices. Call and get our prices and save money. Jackson Brothers. I IW All Parties Indebted to US Will Please SETTLE PROMPTLY. MONEY TO LEND ON improved farms in York county, repayable in live easy, annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. (*. E. SPEXCEK. Attorney at Law. 89 t aug. 8. J SYRUP AND VINEGAR GEORGIA Cane Syrup at 35 Cts. per gallon, in 35 gallon barrels. Home made Vinegar, at 20 Cts. per gallon, 'n 35 gallon barrels. Terms cash. W. H. DAVIS, | Dealer in Georgia Syrup. :i Columbia, S. C. ^ 84 f 8t b b ? 4* b 4* b b b 4* 4* 4* :b 4* 4* b 4* 4* pj. L WILLI 4? I* ????????? ^ rv I V TT9 December W I B E G J Thursday, December 1, and Clos ! $20,00011 <$? 4> EGINNING NEXT THURSDAY, DECEMBEF ^ l?C GREATEST CLEARANCE SALES THAT OL I J STOCK MUST BE SOLD AND SOLD QUICK * OPEN SUCH A CURRENT OF REAL, MONEY-SAV1 BEFORE. THIS IS NOT A "HAPPENED SO" SALE WIRE SALE OF BRIGHT, NEW, SNAPPY, FASHIO MERIT. IN THIS SALE WE INCLUDE TEMPTING *j* GOODS. CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, SHOES, HATS, PRICES LESS THAN MANUFACTURER'S COST. IF , TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LIVE WIRE PRICES. CAT T? TX7TT T T\ H^TirU Tn 1VAA VT7 THTMP.C TOVT7TT I onjju vv jl/u muv/ii i v iuni^u x iinivu j w x x w TIME. LOOK OUR PRICES OVER?COME AND S THAT YOUR CASH WILL PULL DOWN THE BAR 4? BENEFITS LONG AFTER THE PRICES PAID WILL ^ ______? J These Prices Give 4* ? ? ? ? I' ? ? ? ? ?+? ?4^i+??4? ? ? I* ?"fr* t | J. P. Coats' Spool Cotton, 4 a | 3,000 Yards Outings at 4? * 500 Yards Unbleached She * I 6 1-2 Cts. Ginghams at .t./r^.t. ,-r.,-r_.t. rTiAJnti (TiAi vTVT vtVt v T vT vTvT VTVT vTVT VTV^TWTT VTVT VTr ^ Live Wire Dress Goods Priees. ^ 58-inch Asheland Broad Cloth, at 48 CTS. Yard 36-inch Fancy Mohairs, at 39 CTS. Yard 36-inch Panamas, at 48 CTS. Yard 36-inch Fancy Plaids, at ? 39 CTS. Yard Live Wire Long Coat Prices. Here is the biggest bargain ever offered here, in two 4* lots: ^ Ladies' Long Coats, $18 values, at $6.48 Each Ladies' Long Coats, $12.50 values, at $4.48 Each 4* Children's Coats at HALF PRICE. ? Live Wire Prices?Ladies' Underwear. 40c Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants 23 CTS. Each 4* 50c Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants,. 43 CTS. Each 4* 75c Union Suits at 48 CTS. Each ? Infants'Vests at 10 CTS. Each 4. Live Wire Domestic Prices. 4* Percales, 12 I-2C quality 9 CTS. Yard f Apron Ctiecks, Oc quality 4 us. *ara *2* Apron Checks, 7 1-2 quality 6 CTS. Yard Apron Checks, 10c quality 7 CTS. Yard , Ginghams, 12 i-2c quality 9 CTS. Yard Bed Ticking, 12 i-2c quality 9 CTS. Yard Outings, 12 I-2C quality 9 CTS. Yard ^ Silk Ginghams, 35c quality 19 CTS. Yard ' Plain White Lawns,. 12c quality 8 1-3 CTS. Yard 4, Live Wire Table Damask Prices. Regular $1.25 quality, at 98 CTS. Yard Regular $1.00 quality, at 79 CTS. Yard Regular 75 Cts. quality, at 58 CTS. Yard Regular 40 Cts. quality, at 29 CTS. Yard * Live Wire Hosiery Prices. ^ Ladies' 15c Fleeced Lined Hose 10 CTS. Pair Ladies' Black Hose 5 CTS. Pair Men's and Ladies' 10 Cts. Heavy Gray Hose 8 CTS. Pair Men's 25c Heavy Wool Hose 15 CTS. Pair Live Wire White Quilt Prices. ^ White Quilts, regular $2 value $1.48 Each White Quilt', $1.50 value $1.19 Each White Quilts, $1.00 value 79 CTS. Each White Quilts, 75c value 48 CTS. Each - Live Wire Shoe Prices. Here is where your savings will count fast. Rough Jtg weather is sure to conic sooner or later and you must have Shoes?take advantage of our Live Wire Clearance Prices. 4* Men's $5 fine Shoes, at $3.48 Pair -J* Men's $4 fine Shoes, at $3.15 Pair , Men's $3 fine Shoes, at $2.48 Pair ** Men's $2.50 fine Shoes, at $1.98 Pair 4-! Men's $1.50 fine Shoes, at $1.15 Pair . Men's $1.25 fine Shoes, at 98 CTS. Pair Men's $1.75 Heavy Shoes, at $1.39 Pair Men's $2.50 Heavy Shoes, at $1.98 Pair ^ Ladies' $4 Shoes, at $3.19 Pair " Ladies' $3.50 Shoes, at $2.98 Pair "5* Ladies' $2.50 Shoes, at $1.98 Pair t Please Rememb? ^ OUR OFFERINGS REPRESENT SAVINGS OF 2? CHANDISE, AND WE ASK YOU TO CAREFULLY QUOTED HERE. WE ARE MAKING NO CLAIMS ^ VISITING OUR STORE DURING THIS SALE ANE EOF OUR PRICES ARE LESS THAN ARE QUOTED IS WHERE YOU WIN. EVERY SALE WILL BE FOR CASH ONLY. NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED TO ANYBOE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PRICES AND YOU W THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, AT 8.30 O'CLOCK A J. L. WILLI; York's Cheapi T T T f T T T T i T T T T T j' }- i- ci. 4 > ^ ^ ^ 'V l 4 <>T>? >? 'V I1 I1 ^ ^ as i w:sl ire Qearance Sale 4 es Saturday Night, December 24 J| of Clean Merchandise to Be ? I Into Cash + * I 1ST, AT 8.30 A. M., WE WILL BEGIN ONE OF THE 4> ,D YORK HAS EVER WITNESSED. OUR ENTIRE ^ . CASH WILL BE THE PASS-WORD THAT WILL ^ NG BARGAINS AS YOU HAVE NEVER WITNESSED TO MOVE A LOT OF ODDS AND ENDS, BUT A LIVE NABLE MERCHANDISE OF REAL VALUE AND ttL. Live Wire Overall Prices. ^ Men's 75c Overalls, at 48 CTS. B Men's $1.00 Overalls, at _..8g CTS. ^B Men's $1.25 Overalls, at 98 CTS. ^B Live Wire Prices on Notions. *1 Pins, 360 Count 1 Cent Paper Hair Pins 1 Cent Package Hooks and Eyes 2 CTS. Card Stay Binding 2 CTS. Roll Combs, at 5 CTS. Each Safety Pins 3 CTS. Dozen And scores and scores of other things at like prices. H Live Wire Suit Case Prices. *1 $1.25 Suit Cases, at 89 CTS. j^B $6.50 Suit Cases, at $4.48 1 $12.50 Suit Cases, at $8.48 er These Points. ^1 ; TO 50 PER CENT ON NEW, SEASONABLE MER- I NOTE OUR PRICES IN EACH DEPARTMENT FOR THIS SALE THAT YOU CANNOT VERIFY BY 1 WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO COME. MANY BY THE MANUFACTURERS TODAY, BUT THAT >Y AND NO GOODS WILL GO OUT ON APPROVAL. 9 rIN. REMEMBER TO COME THE OPENING DAY? *** \MS & CO., 1 est Cash Store. *1 r BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT?DRESS ^ , CAPS, PIECE GOODS, TRUNKS, BAGS, ETC., AT 4* YOU ARE A WISE BUYER YOU WILL BE HERE TO 4? , THE DOLLARS YOU SAVE BY BUYING AT THIS L AROUND THE HOME FIRESIDE AT CHRISTMAS >EE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER AND REMEMBER :GAINS THAT WILL MAKE YOU REMEMBER THE , BE FORGOTTEN. 4* You All the Profit % ri-?- /-r. iT. .T. .tT..*, A/T^A. jTT VTVT VTvT u*TvT WW V" vT 'i'TvT VTVT WW wVW ? I: Cts. Spool; 48 Cts. Dozen. | * 3 Cts. Yard. | * ;eting at - - 3 Cts. Yard. '* * 4 Cts. Yard, f * ??, r. ? i T-. . r. f | T~. |?( ,T~_. , T. . T"- . T". , T~- /T. /ft lT-I ill lT1 ?ti A jTT jTVjTV VTVT VTVT VTVT VTW vTVT vTVT vtYt ri' VT vTwT . 4* Ladies' $1.25 Shoes, at 98 CTS. Pair 200 Pairs of Ladies' $1.25 Heavy Shoes 98 CTS. Pair 4* Children's Shoes, $1.50 and $1.75 qualities, at $1.19 Pair; $1.25 and $1.35 qualities, at 98 CTS. Pair. ^ Life Wire Prices on Clothing. 4. We have had but little cold weather yet, but it will come. You will need heavier Suits, Overcoats and Pants Take advantage of our Live Wire Prices. Men's $18.00 Suits, at $12.48 Each 4^ Men's $15.00 Suits, at $9.48 Each Men's $10.00 Suits, at $6.98 Each Men's $8.50 Suits, at $5.98 Each Men's $6. so Suits, at ?.$4.g8 Each 2W" All Men's Overcoats, at HALF PRICE. 200 Boys' Knee Suits, plain pants, sold at $3.50 and $4.00, going at 1 $1.48 Suit 4>B All Boys' Overcoats, at HALF PRICE. Live Wire Prices on Pants. *1 150 pairs $4 Pants, full peg tops, $2.98 Pair 89 pairs $5 Pants, going at $3.48 Pair Men's $1.25 Pants, going at 75 CTS. Pair I Odd Pants, three and four of a kind, some out of B high priced suits, going at One-third to One-half ?$>B Regular Price. ? B 175 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, at HALF PRICE. Men's Hats at Live Wire Prices. *1 Men's Stetson Hats, No. 1 quality, $3.48 Each ^B 100 Men's Stetson Hats, at $2.48 Each B 300 Men's Hats, $1.25, $1.50, $2 values,? 98 CTS. Each 100 Boys' Hats, at 48 CTS.. Each ^B Live Wire Prices on Furnishings. *1 50c Neckties, at 24 CTS Each *f*B 50c Caps, at 24 CTS. Each 35c Suspenders, at 23 CTS. Pair I 50c Heavy Fleeced Underwear 35 CTS. Garment 75c Heavy Fleeced Underwear 48 CTS. Garment ?$? 75c Heavy Ribbed Underwear 48 CTS. Garment ? B 50c Heavy Work Shirts, at 39 CTS. Each Very Best Work Shirts, at 43 CTS. Each H Men's $2 Fancy Vests, at 98 CTS. Each ~ ^ I