Special Potires. Card of Thanks. We desire i. and A. K. Misskelly. Graveyard at Salem. All those interested in the Graveyard at Salem, are requested to meet there on Tuesday morning, August 2nd. at X o'eloek to clean it off. J I,. S. Wilkinsville, July 2f>, 1910. Congressional Canvass. The Fifth District Congressional candidates will address the voters of York county as follows: Fort Mill, Wednesday. August 17. Rock Hill, Thursday, August is. Yorkville, Friday, August 19. Clover, Saturday. August 20. Hickorv Grove, Monday, August 22. 57 t 5t Programme of S. S. Convention. The York County Sunday School convention will hold its annual meeting with Woodlawn Presbyterian church at Sharon on Thursday and Friday, August 4th and 5th. The prog gramme arranged for the occasion is as follows: Thursday Morning. 10.30?Song service. 10.45?Scripture reading and prayer? Rev. J. B. Swanr. 11.00?Report of President?Mr. W. W. Boyce. 11.15?Report of secretary-treasurer? _ Miss Mamie Steele. 11.30?The Power of a Trained Teacher?Mr. J. M. Way. 12.00?Enrollment of delegates and appointment of committees. 12.15?Acquaintance meeting and assignment of homes. ^ Thursday Afternoon. 3.30?Song service. 3.45?Keynotes of a Progressive Sunday School?Miss Grace W. Vandiver. 4.00?Roll call of Sunday schools of the county. 4.30?How to Make a Sunday School Grow: (a) House Visitation and Follow-up Work?Mr. J. 11. Creighton. (b) How to Hold those secur en?Air. j. ai. way. 5.0ft?Visitation of every home in Sharon in thirty minutes. w 9.1 f?.?Announcements ami appointments of nominating committee. Thursday Evening. S.OO?Song service. 8.15?Prayer?Rev. E. R. Hunter. S.20?How to Reach Men?Mr. T. F. McDow. ? 8.45?Jesus the Master Teacher?His Powerful Illustrations?Mr. J. M. Way. Friday Morning. 9.0ft?Song service. 9.15?Scripture reading and prayer? Rev. R. M. Stevenson. 9.1ft?The Sunday School and World Wide Missions?Capt. J. A. Maxwell. 9.45?Echoes from the World's Sixth Sunday School Convention?Mr. R. B. Cunningham. Mr. J. M. Way, Miss Vandiver and Mr. W. W. Boyee. ^ 10.15?The Social Side of Sunday School Life?Mr. J. M. Way. lft.45?Report of elementary county superintendent?Miss Minnie Harrison. 11.00?Aids to Effective Elementary Teaching?Miss Vandiver. a 11.30?Elementary round table. 12.00?Annual election of officers. Friday Afternoon. 3.30?Song service. 3.45?The Home Department in Every Sunday School?Prof. W. S. Morrison, Clemson College. 4.00?The Feature of the Home Department?Miss Vandiver. 4.15.?The Business Man in the Sunday School?Mr. J. H. Milling. 4.40?Has this Convention Helped You? How??By Everybody Present. 5.00-?-Closing song. "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." ^ Announcements and Other Items of Information. Each Sunday school in the county should arrange to send a delegate, and the superintendents are urged to give this matter attention. All officers of township associations ^ in the county should attend the con vention. and tney ana me omcers ui i the county association will he recognized as official delegates. All official and regularly appointed delegates will be entertained by the christian people of Sharon, and each one who expects to attend should write at once to Mr. H. W. Shannon, Sharon, S. C., and ask to be assigned to a home. All notices of this kind should be sent in by July 25th, if possible, and it is always best to write early. * The convention will be held for the purpose of helping all the Sunday schools of the county, and delegates are invited to bring any questions they would like to have answered. We hope that all will come prepared to stay through the entire convention. ft as all the services are important. Yours in Christian Service. W. W. Boyce, President. Miss Mamie Steele, Secretary. (Fhe (Cotton tfhrhet. Yorkville. July 26.?Cotton, 15c. New York, July 25.?Spot closed quiet. 5 points lower; middling uplands 15.75; middling gulf 16.00; sales 30,947 bales. Futures closed as follows: July 15.6S; Aug. 15.IS; Sept. 13.H4: Oct. 13.42: Nov. 13.30; Dec. 13.2S; Jan. 13.22: Feb. 13.24: March 13.26; May 13.38. a New York. July 25.?While old crop positions were quiet and generally lower in the cotton market today, the new crop was active and firm on bullish taiul iT.ili :!<'< < ill llfK with thf clos easy at a net decline of ti to 11 points on ihe near months, but firm at a iit-t train of 1? to 29 points on new erop deliveries. The market opened lino at a deeline of ti points on July, Imt generally unchanged to l?i points higher in response to firm caMes and A| u n favorable reports concerning the weather over Sunday. It was dry and hot in western belt while further rains were reported in the east and when the western belt forecast, was published holding out no prospect of any change in conditions the market advanced still further with October selling at 12.41 9 and December at 12.2s, or T> points net higher. Realizing was heavy around this level which was the highest reached since the big break of last January on new crop positions and prices Inter reacted > to 7 points from tin* top. I tut offerings were very well absorbed on a scale down with much of the demand attributed to mill interests and in lhe last half hour rumors that the National dinners' association made the * condition only 70 per cent comparing with their report of S2.2 per cent toward the end of June, were followed I y anoil ,-r sharp bulge which sent October to 12.4T. and December to 12.20, or 20 to 27 points net higher. The close was only a shade off from the best on ^ active positions. July notices cstimaled at about 2o,ooo bales were circulating this morning but while they were said io have been promptly stopped bytile hull leaders, then* seemed to l?e Some scattering lhiuidatinn of July and August, under which these positions gradually eased off in the absence of any thing like general business. Southern snot markets officially reported oarly wtTo ntirliaiiKi'il. I'rivuU* orop fc. aoonunts ar?* ind showing any iinprovoiip-nt and on top of tin- vor.v bullish iv|M>rts from tin- oastorn holt. the trado is now a|i|>r. lii-nsi\o of luillisli ai-oouuts ti in Toxas if tin- drought is not vi-ry |iiii-kly roliowd. Roooipts at tin* |infts today ^ I :iI s auainsl to.alio last wook and L'.tiL'L' last yiar. I'm* tin- uirk 4.\.immi hah-s against "a!.141 last \irrli and lx.P?l last y? ar. Today's roooipts at Now < trloaus l.ah-s auuitisl I.Ml last your, ami at Houston 1 I ah-s auainst |x\ last yoar. < > 1 S I 'PIT A I* V. I it ii> July J11. 1 ! IANXIK AI.MA. daiiulitiT ot Mr. J. I >. and Mrs. A. K. ^ Misskolly. aip-d ."> yoars and LTi dai s. FOR SALE HE following tiiaohinory, all prac1 tioally now: One S0-Sa\v ?Jin, I-Voder. C'oniloiisi-r and Press, Pulleys, Ay l/ilto Shaft and Reltim;, I la-1 torso ^ I'nwor Entitle, l -Jo-Horso power Itoilor, I I'otiy Saw Mill. I 4X-t'hisel Tooth ('in itial* Saw. Apply to, m* uddn-ss J. M. STEWART. Tin Park An-., Rook Hill. S. C. 5S ft (it LOST AT Bethany picnic. July 21. Oold Barrette. Address No. fi. Yorkvillc. Miss JANIK McEAI >1 ?KN. TO MEMBERS OF CO. "L." A I.I. members of Co. T.. arc urged to have all equipment in the Armory, THURSDAY. ACCI'ST 2S. at f. p. 111., preparatory for loading in baggage cat for encampment. 1'. X. MOORE, It Capt. Commanding. W. F. McGILL SURGEON DENTIST, Hickory Grove. S. C. 3F" At Sharon. S. C\. Monday and Friday. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. NrOTICE is hereby given to al> landowners and their Agents in York county to remove from the running streams of water upon their lands all trash, trees, rafts and timber during the month of Al'GUST, as required under the Statute Law. Any streams not so cleaned out during the month of August will be cleaned by the Township Supervisors after August, and the costs thereof is made a lien upon the land. C. F. GORDON, Supervisor of York County. 59 t.f 2t CLOVER VERSUS McAdenville AT CLOVER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 4 P. M. These two teams are evenly match? d and two First-Class Games of Tlaseball are s.ire. Come and ftring your friends. Admission?Males, 25 Cts.; Ladies ?Free. BASEBALL! CHESTER VERSUS YORKVILLE TODAY. TOMORROW and THURSDAY?THREE GAMES. Game called at 4.30 o'clock. Thursday's Game at 3 |>. m. This series will close the season on the Home Grounds for the Locals. Admission: Male Adults, 25 Cts.: Ladies, 15 Cts.: Children under 12, 10 Cts.; Colored People, 15 Cts. ?**A ?t**A ***A at**A ***A I HIGH ART l i CLOTHING t -4 t % IIIGII-AKT CI STOM TA1LOKKI ^ wool fabrics, perfect in texture at + tailored super la lively well, but el Individuality, which blend the g; ^ to the advantage of the wearer. * STKOl'SK & HltOS. 11 Makers of this deservedly renown 10 f Camden; three miles from Hlaney. The last public highway in county passes place. Splendid school located on the place: this school is taught nine months each year. Two It. P. I), mail routes pass place. Splendid four-room house; thirty acres in cultivation. Balance in woods. Some good pine timber. There is not a more desirable small place in this county. To quick purchaser will sell for $10.00 per acre. TRACT NO. THREE. 475 acres, two and one-half miles from Rlaney. Seventy-five acres in cultivation. Splendid land about half red clay and half sandy loam. Large creek runs through place, making one of the best pastures. Saw timber on place has been sold. Building on place was burned. Can secure lumber from mill on place for improvements. This place will cut thousands of cords of best oak, hickory and pine wood. Price $3.000?Easy Terms. TRACT NO. FOUR. 2.609 acres, live miles north of Rethune. Splendid sandy loam soil. All in woods. No buildings. Bethune is a nice little town of r.00, and growing very fast. If quick sale is made, will sell for the very low Price of $3.00 per acre. All the above property is owned by myself, and I expect to sell within the next Thirty Days. J. L. Williams. W. M. McConnell. J.L. WILLIAMS & CO. Bargains ALL MEN'S SERINE SUITS AND PANTS MARKED TO FINAL CLOSING OFT PROCES. $lS.no Suits, going at $10.00. $12 50 Suits, going at $8.50. $10.0 Suits, going at $7.00. $5.00 Pants, going at $3.50. $4.00 Pants, going at $2.98. $3.50 Pants, going at $2.50. $3.00 Pants, going at $2.00. $1.25 Pants, going at 98 CTS. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. T YORK'S CHEAPEST STORE "Wi AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE are offering thoroughbred Guernsey Heifers at from $10 up and we have also a number of Berkshire Gilts with thoroughbred Pigs that we will sell. Will deliver pure, clean milk at 10 cents a quart. Cream, nutter and fresh eggs on orders Pure Rerkshire Pigs at from $3 to $5 each. Pure Ruff Orpington eggs at fl a setting of 15. .1 MEEK BURNS, Manager Your business correspondents judge you by your Stationery. Use The Enquirer kind. 'A *-%*A ***A ^^W4A ***A * | Custom Tailored Clothes FOR | Fall and Winter 1910. * I) CLOTHING, made of Pure, all- > id exclusive in pattern?is not only ? iaraeteri/ed by tliat Style, l-'it and arments with the personality, anil * . BALTIMORE. >11).. * ed Clothing, will have their repre- ^ ay, July 27th and 28th j| d to have you call, to be measured ^ requirements. Any order entrust- _ on of this great tailoring organiza- & ['leased In Every Detail. * ;k-belk co., | >uth Carolina. j H"* ? >? Y+v1* T^Jl This is the Season FOR Hams and Breakfast Strips?I have them. Wesson Cooking Oil, Snow Drift, Snow White and Pur? Lard. Royal, Rumford and Good Luck Baking Powders. Evangeline and Karo Syrups. Lemon?Blue Ribbon Extracts. Special?A Coffee?the best f> lb.*. can on the market. South Carolina Tea. I. W. JOHNSON. msekeepers 1 t will help more in the I n of meals than a Keen 1 s surprises can be made j iats, vegetables, fruits and half an hour by the old 1 better in a minute. The mm Chopper saves its slight cost in a few i days by enabling you to utilize bits of left over meats or fish. Simple, strong, durable \ ?nothing to get out of order. Ktr t\oeciiur o }*it of V-icaiivu i jy iiowin^ w ? dry bread or cn.cker through r. it and rinsing with hot water. The Keen Kr.tter name and lark guarantees its quality and r" s you satisfaction or your back. Prices from $1.25 to $2.50 5 1 SALE BY THE j Hardware Co., s 1'II.LE - - S. C. I ANNOIJNCEill E NTS. FOR CONGRESS --5TH DISTRICT I AM a candidate for CONGRESS, and will abide the result of the Democratic primary election. THI)S. It. BUTEER, Gaffne.v, S. C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WE are authorized to announce JAMES E. BEAMOUARD as n candidate for the HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES. subject to the choice of the Democratic party In the ap I prOUCIllllK I ?1 IIIUll N CICtlMIII. 47 t te WE are authorized to announce J S. GLASSCOCK as a candidate for re-election to the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primaries. WE are authorized to announce THOMAS F. McDOW as a candidate for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. subject to the action of the Democratic parfy in the approaching primary election. WE are authorized to announce O. L. SANDERS of McConnellsville as a candidate for re-election to the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, subject to the approval of the Democratic primary. 51 t te WE are authorized to announce C. W. WALLACE as a candidate for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. WS. WILKERSON of Hickory Grove, is hereby commended to the Democratic voters of York county as a man of character, and ability, who if nominated In the primary, will make a creditable and satisfactory representative in the general assembly. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. \\J E are authorized to announce V> ROBERT L. GOFF of Rock Hill. 11.1.. TDIMCITB. u? u imiuiuuic tui i UUIII^ i unnni iiER. subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. WE are authorized to announce HARRY E. NEIL as a candidate for appointment as TREASURER for York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. Recognizing his sterling qualities as a citizen, his capacity and peculiar fitness for the duties to be performed, the friends of Mr. john a. needy, hereby take the llbertv of presenting: his name to the consideration of the voters of York countv for the position of county treasurer, subject to the conditions of the Democratic primaries. 25 t te I HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for nomination for reappointment to the office of COUNTY AUDITOR, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. JOHN J. HUNTER. 43 t te WE are authorized to announce BROADUS M. LOVE of Smyrna, as a candidate for the Democratic recommendation for appointment as AUDITOR of York county, subject to the choice of the voters in the primary election. 41 f te WE are authorized to announce T. E. McMACKIN as a candidate for appointment as AUDITOR of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. WE are authorized to announce JOE M. TAYLOR of Ebenezer township, as a candidate for AUDITOR of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the priniarv election. 51 t te FOR SUPERVISOR Wr. are auuim ly.t-u in aiiiniiiiii r THOS. W. BOYD as a candidate for SUPERVISOR of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. REALIZING his faithfulness in the performance of his official duties In the past, and believing that he will make an efficient county officer, we nominate JOHN P. GORDON, as a candidate for COUNTY SUPERVISOR, in the approaching: primary elections. FRIENDS. .19 t te I HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for nomination for reelection to the office of COUNTY SUPERVISOR, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primaries. CLEM GORDON. 38 f. te FOR SUPT. OF EDUCATION WE are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN WARREN QUINN. formerly of Broad River, now of York township as a candidate for COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. 46 f te I HEREBY announce myself as a candidate f<>r SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION for York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. MINOR R. BIGGERS. 38 f te FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE WE are authorized to announce J... R. WILLIAMS as a candidate for nomination as JUDGE OF PROMATE of York county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. 4f> t te FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. WE are authorized to announce W. A. AYCOCK as a candidate for reappointment to the office of COUNTY COM MISSION Kit, suhject to the choice of tiie Democratic party in the primary election. FOR MAGISTRATE. Bethesda Township. WE are authorized to announce D. I'. CURRY, as a candidate for MAGISTRATE for Hethesda township, subject to tiie recommendation of the voters in the Democratic primary. York Township. WE. the friends of J. C. COMER, announce him as a candidate for Magistrate for York Township, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. WE are authorized to announce Ft. I.. l?K LOACH as a candidate for reappointment as MAGISTRATE for York township, subject to the recommendation of tiie Democratic voters in the primary election. Wesson's COOKING OIL Has iteen advertised frequently, but have you ever tried it? It Is absolutely pure and tasteless, and far superior to I,ard, although cheaper. I have it iu stock, and for that matter have handled it for several years, both loose and in bulk, at 15 cents a pound, and a still higher grade in quart cans at 35 cents. It can be used for cooking as well as salads, etc. Helnz's Pickles, Roans. Ketchups, etc., are considered, and rightly so, at the head of this class of goods, but a little higher than ordinary. You will find them here. LOUIS ROTH. Get Busy J 8U br to The fruit crop won't last long, put tip by Helots of fruit, fruit acids and jollies, us K ("IN. POPLIX. 12 1-2 ("IN. 500 yards of 25c WHITE POPLIN'S? at 12 1-2 ( YARD-WIDE PERCALES. 0 ("l> 500 yards of full yard-wide PEItOALI yard?Xow Oil Sale at 0 < ('OIjOKED LAWNS. 5 CTS. Y One lot 10c COLORED LAWN'S?Xow 5 (' One lot 25c COLORED LAWN'S?Xow 10 ( BEST yard-wide BLEACH I N't J?On St 0 ( BEST LONSDALE CAMBRIC?On Sal 12 1-2 ( BEST HICKORY SHIRTINC.?On Sale 10 ( \\ II! I'l'j KIM' On.' Lot $1.00 HED SPREADS? Now 7 On.- Lot $1.50 HKD SPREADS?Sow Ont' L>t $2.00 HKI) SPUR ADS? \( One Lot $3.50 HKD SPREADS sheets One HLKAUHED SEAMLESS SHF 90 inches, 75c values?On Sale at TOWELS One Lot good HUt'K TOWELS? On Sale a One Lot 15c FRIXOED TOWELS? On Sale at One L..t 25c LIXKX HI'f'K TOWKLSOii Sale at One Lot 25c Luge TURKISH TOWEL' On Sale ait One Lot HLKAOHED DAMASK I IK 50 UTS. TOWELS?Oil Saile ait LADIES' SHIRT WAIST! One Lot I Allies' 50e LA WX SHIRT W At One Lot Ln.ties' $1.00 SHIRT WAISTS On Sale ail One Lot Ladies' $1.25 ami $1.50 SIIIR'I Oil Sale ail ON P ^DON ???1?????? rp, 200 VI). SPOOL or <;ooi? 'J1 KASTIMO COTTON Th ! I CT. A SPOOL. c Sai ROOD HMRROIDHKY AT 2 CIS. THE YARD. p LADIES' II \\l) HAt.S AT I 10 CIS. nil.I :SD CIS. J ( AKKS TOII.KT ~ SOAI* I'OH 21 C'TS. COLCiATF/S TAUTM I'OWDKIl 12 ("IN. Till-: I'.OX. COM;ATI"S l>FNT\L CKIvX.M AT l? < TS. I?K?. Our Mr. H Will probably ^remain in Virginia! te reason is apparent: He writes at he is feasting upon nice mutton, ,-eet, juicy country ham, and tender, own fried chicken, and that writs, ugh beef and fat-back are forbidden law. Our junior partner and his client help are doing business, as ual, at the same old stand. New ods just received. Another lot of igar, anomer smpmem 01 rreocivr ins, and plenty of Fruit Jars. Jar >ps and Rubbers. Another barrel of e best Vinegar. Another lot of Tinire. A lot of pure. Sugar Cane Syr??something extra fine! Have you rashed your grain? Come to us fori w Sacks. When you come to town sure to get a mess of our nice White sh or Herring. We keep everything fresh Groceries. Lots of the best bacons?Chewing and Smoking. Nice shes. Cost Pocket Knives. Nice lot Glassware. Everything in best Con tionery. Just received more good ind.v. Come and let us show you lat we have. HERNDON & GORDON. SERVICE" ^ WILL TELL " The extent of a Hank's success is termined largely by the character of | service. The success of This BANK has been precedented, because It has lost no portunit.v to make its depositors tlize the advantages of Banking here, f high class Banking service appeals you, call and talk the matter over th us at your earliest convenience. IK MIAN INI) SAVINOS BANK YORKVILLE. S. C. F" Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. IORSESHOEING AT SMYRNA N<>W have a competent man who will furnish the shoes and nail them in first-class style at 60 t ents round. II any day of the week. R. M. WYATT, Smyrna, S. C. >7 t 2t $117.34? I it in interest at the end n account with us and for ten years. This int deposited, will at that Something worth think- out of your next pay? * first, but you will soon ? acquired and practiced itro beginning to realize go back to the old life : h f, u g Inion Bank, ? IF r - s. c. \ n. DUNIiAP, Caslilor. k- the la - OF thomsol big j :learin HOMSON CO.'S Most Successfi rr>i n H I niS daie. many L4A11 uui unid ;DAY NIGHT, JULY 30TH, W Kl> LAI ?." Ladles' $1.0ft MUf TS. tlio ^nrd. ;I> Ladies' $1.50 MIT:!5c the yard? "VS. (he Yard. Indies' BLACK P YAlll) . , readies' $1.00 BLA Now On Sale "TS. (lie Yard. T .. . ... .... . Ladies $3.50 SILJ i, ^ A KI) ? IS. worth l Yardat v< "IN. (lie Yanl. Your iJtst Week t 0 ("IN. I'lllCF. $1.19. Your I>ast WtH'k n\y $1.18. PKICF. -Now $2.98. Your fjist Wi*ek - PKICF. JETS, size 72x yoni. |JIS, Week U 59 ("IN. Fuel 1. HALF I'ltll ? Your Idist Week I'AKASOLS 1 5 CTS. IJaeli. Your Ijist Week HALF PKh 8 (TS. Faeli. Your Last Wivk I PANAMA !? I'.l ("IN. ImipIi. _ Your Ittsl Wis'k I S ' (TS. I-Jaeh. Ill ("IN. Faeli. Yiiur l-ast Week jMSTITCIIED. CTS. IJaeli. ?? 1 I "IV I^jipII. 1 oiiidiui' i " ' * .-? II I tt.t * LACK IMLLOW S wcnTiarti. 'x,,,,v "A,iS v.\ij lacks on a 7?> < Ts. I'.acii. <;o?kI i:>n;i:oii)i: r W \ ISTS IjJuIII^S* CT WE Can and WILL Stive Hills II YOU Will Give US a Uliar C GltOCEKIES?2(1 Llis. 1(1 COFFEE f'?r $1.00. And There J. Q. WRAY G. II 0'L.EAKY ''^Vudor PORCH SHADES And Hammocks Are Now on Sale a' G. H. O'LEARY'S Be sure to see them. FLOUR Is not as high or as low as it ha: eon at different times, but is standing airly steady just now. Cotne and se< s for the next sack you need. We wil ive you the benefit of the best pric< btainable, and will sell you Flour thai * tip top in quality. Phone us your orders for Purini 'eeds for Horses, Mules, Cows am oultry. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J. M. FERGUSON. ITop. W Don't buy CHewinq Tobacco unti ou get our prices. ST DA YS V co;s ULY G SALE iil Sales. You Have Just Five iry Bargains Are Here for ill Close This Sale. COME DIES' PETTICOATS :i,IX PETTICOATS? On Sale at 7ft CTS. Each. <1.1 X PETTICOATS? On Sale at 118 CTS. Eacli. ETTICOATS? On Sale at 1ft CTS. Eaeli. CK PETTICOATS? On Sale at 7ft CTS. Kaoh. C PETTICOATS, In colors only Lf 4 un L'di.li O I .n.7 I'XK lono cloth JSH 1,0X0 CLOTH, worth $1.50 At Hit CTS. the Bolt. PARLE DAMASK IKD TAHLE DAMASK. 65 Inches ' nt CTS. th<' Yard. [ VHITE CHECK MUSLIX. worth ?On Sale at Id ("IS. (lie Yard. ICR LAST WEEK o Buy CLOTIIINO Here at IIALF I Here to liny PANTS At HALF To liny STRAW HATS At HALF ? Bay Lailles* TRIMMED HATS At CE. (o Day I-miles' SILK COLORED At HALF IMCICE. to Ray Ijidies* WASH SUITS At CE. o Ray Ladies' BLACK VOILE and 1KIRTS At ONE-THIRD OFF. to Bay Men's SI.(Ml SHIRTS at 7it to Bay Men's oOe SHIRTS At i?!t 1ST FRONTS At IS and !IH CTS. II VMS At lit CTS. Faeli. Oil Sale at CTS. Knell, ule at :> ("IS. and 7 ("IS. Yard. RY At > CTS. the Yard. ESTS At ."? CTS. Eaeli. vi.'?t? \i s C'I'S. Faeli. THOMSON'S SALE. Come Be Your Last Chance to rything Sold As Advertised. son Co., S. C. LY SALE ng Values! i TO HAVK EVKRY BUYER OF 0THE8 COME AND SEE THE >FFERIXO IX CLOTHING IX ORM K. WE ARE SURE THAT WE ITY IF WE CAX FIT YOU. AXI) ,L NEVER HAVE AXY KICK. A ,f:. tv Offered at $8.18 a Suit, s Are Now Offered at $7.18 a Suit. :vs iiats. hats. lino of MEN'S HATS In the latest i sky-piece in quality as well as In ITS. Upward. Just let us tell you the equal of any hat made, regardeeks and Figures from 8 1-3 UTS. n I Quality?30 Inches Wide?At ility?5 CTS. a Ynnl. H S. a Yard. H You Money On YOUH I>ry Goods H ice. We'll 111' Pleased to Show You. I VK for $1.00. 7 Lbs. ROASTED I Are Others. r, The Leader. I WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE JOB Of furnishing our customers with the very best and most seasonable Fancy and Family Groceries. If you are one of our customers, you know our service?if not a customer, you will do well to get acquainted. Phone your wants?No. 34. This week we have Sausage in cans?very fine. Pimentos?(Spanish peppers.) Libby's and Beechnut Sliced Beef in glass. Lunch Tongue. Sliced Bacon in glass?a little high but so good. Imported Sardines?best ever. Fresh Mackerel?choice quality. Pineapple?grated, sliced, chunks and green. Blue Ribbon Extracts?all flavors. Fulton's Yeast. Ice Cream Salt. Rock Salt?for cattle Just Phone No. 34. W. E. FERGUSON. Congressional Canvass. GLENN & ALLISON. Buggies and t Harness Our line of Buggies and Harness Is complete, and It will pay you to see us before buying. WAGONS. We have a full stock of Wagons, that must be sold, so don't put off, but come on and look over our complete stock. < ENGINES, GINS AND MACHINERY. ; If you need anything In the above 1 line, either Steam or Gasoline, see us. ! GLENN & ALLISON i i We Want to Buy We want to buy one second-hand, three-horse Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plow, In good condition. I Still time to raise a lot of feed on stubble land. Sow Amber and Orange . Cane Seed. We have the seed. Also Fertilizer to put on It. Two and one[half dollars of Crimson Clover Seed sown will put as much nitrogen In the soil as a ton of fertilizer, costing yzz. Why not plant Crimson Clover. We have the seed. The one implement most needed on the average southern farm is the harrow. We have the hest Smoothing and Cutaway Harrows on the market. Now is the time to plant second crop Lookout Mountain Potatoes. Let us sell you some. YORK SUPPLY CO. NEW CROP TURNIP SEED We have just received a good supply of Fresh Turnip Seed?Good Varieties of the Best Qualities. Let us supply you. SEE US FOR Apple Peelers, Fruit Jars, Caps, Rubbers, Jelly Tumblers, Preserving Kettles. SEE US FOR Grass Blades and Snaths. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. StT Lamm &. Co.'s Clothes are best. See Samples. Glassware Wo are now showing a very large line of elegant Pressed Glassware In Ice Tea Tumblers, Goblets and Saueers. Pitchers, etc. The line Includes the latest In styles and In a variety of sizes and at most attractive prices. Won't you let us show you? T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. TITDMIP 1 UiVilll SEED Now is the time to sow them. We have n dozen varieties, drown l?y the liest growers. They are nil fresh. Will produce big crops. Sold at the right price. Come here for what you need. Will mix them if you desire. Oct the seed and sow as early as possible. (let them at the YORK DRUG STORE. UW The Business man you write to, judges you by the quality of your Stationery. The best is the cheapest for you to use. Send your orders to The Enquirer.