These Are Making Clubs. Following are the names and addresses of clubmakers who are soliciting and receiving subscriptions foi a lie Enquirer for 1910. The names o: vuier clubmakers will be entered as reports are received: Miss Clara B. Alexander No. 4, Yorkvllle Floyd Allison Yorkvllle Miss Annie Brandon ....No. 2, Clover W. A. Barnett Clover Walter Barron Yorkvllle Miss Etta Brown Filbert K. L. Biggers No. 1, King's Creek R. B. Black Lockhart J. H. Blgham Sharon Miss Maggie Barnette Yorkvllle * W. H. Bird Grover. N. C Mrs. John Brandon ....No. 2, Clover Lewis R. Brandon ....No. 4, Yorkvllle W. R. Crawford No. 6, Yorkvllle C. A. Carroll No. 7, Yorkvllle J. M. Craig No. 8. Yorkvllle Mason Clark ...No. 1, Yorkvllle W. J. Caveny Rock Hill, Mrs. Fred G. Cook ....No. 2, Yorkvllle, W. H. Crook Fort Mill. Ralph Castles Hickory Grove Miss Mattie Belle Campbell No. 2, Yorkvllle, Miss Addle Caveny..No. 1, Rock Hill, John Dickson King's Creek. Mrs. M. C. Dunlap..No. 5. Rock Hill. J. J. Dunlap, Jr. No. 1, Rock Hill 8. S. Faris Rock Hill. L. G. Ferguson Yorkvllle. E. B. Faulkner No. 4, Clover. Mrs. J. E. Fewell No. 7. Yorkville N. S. Ford No. 4. Clover. W. M. Faulkner No. 1, King's Creek Lewis Good No. 1, Yorkvllle. x Good Sharon. Carrie Hill No. 1. Sharon. T. J. Hopper No. 6, Yorkville. W. F. Jackson, Jr. No. 7, Yorkville. Miss Mary Jackson Newport William Jones Yorkville. G. W. Knox Clover. W. S. Lesslle Lesslle. H. J. Love No. 1, Filbert Mrs. Ollie V. Lynn Filbert W. Luther Latham No. 1, Sharon. J. S. Land No. 1, Yorkville. B. R. Love, No. 4, Clover. Harry Miller No. 6, Yorkville. Mrs. T. V. McFadden Rock Hill. A. W. McFarland No. 3, Yorkville. L. B. McGill Clover. W. H. Moore Rock Hill. J. Webb Moore No. 3, Yorkville. Mrs. T. C. MoKnight Sharon. Miss Mamie J. Massey Fort Mill. 1 J. L. McMackin No. 1, Clover. Palmer M. Moore Guthriesville. Miss Sallie McConnell. .McConnellsville. Ernest Mlckle No. 1, Sharon. Mrs. J. B. Mlckle No. 2, Sharon. R. E. McClure No. 6, Yorkville. Mrs. V. J. Mcllwain. .No. 1, Rock Hill. McCain Nichols Yorkville. W. A. Nichols No. 2, Smyrna. Mrs. Belle Plexico No. 1, Sharon. T. B. Quinn Clover. Mrs. J. W. Quinn No. 4, Clover. Mrs. J. N. Russell No. 1, Sharon. /ohn Albert Riddle ....No. 6, Yorkville. Clyde Ratchford Bullock's Creek. R. A. Sandifer No. 3, Yorkville. Miss Clara Smythe Fort Mill. J. P. Sifford Clover. W. T. Smarr Bullock's Creek. -T J. Smith Clover. J. F. A. Smith No. 1, Yorkville. G. L. Suggs No. 8. Yorkville. J. R. Shillinglaw No. 7, Yorkville. Lester Watson.. No. 1, Hickory Grove. R. W. Whitesides No. 2. Smyrna. Jeff D. Whitesides No. 2. Hickory Grove. Miss Lizzie Wood No. 3, Clover. B. W. White Sharon. T. A. Whitesides Rock Hlil. f. C. Wood .; No. 1, Filbert. Miss Eunice Youngblood No. 6, Yorkville. fom Youngblood Sharon. $he Cotton Warhet. Yorkville. Feb. 15.?Cotton 14J. New York Cotton. New York, Feb. 14.?Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 15.15; middling gulf 15.40; sales 500 bales. Futures opened steady and closed steady as follows: Feb. 14.78; March 14.78; April 14.77; May 14.87; June 14.71: July 14.66; Aug. 14.11; Sept 13.28. Oct. 12.82; Nov. 12.67; Dec. 12.66. New York, Feb. 14?The cotton market was very quiet today and as opening higher eased off under local selling in the absence of bull support, with the closing tone steady at a net loss of 7 to 16 points. The opening was steady at an advance of 4 to 8 points in sympathy with the firmness of Liverpool and New Orleans over the local holiday and the latere spot business reported in the English market where there were sales of 32,000 bales since the close of last Friday. Weekly reviews of the dry goods trade reporting an Improved demand for cotton goods, helped the tone of the market at the start, also, but it soon became apparent that the news was not bringing in any fresh demand of consequence and the absence of support encouraged local traders to take the short side for a turn. While there was some buying by spot houses on a scale downward, the market showed little rallying power at any time during the day. and turned decidedly easier in the last hour under continued local selling, scattering liquidation and a few stop loss orders. The close was within a point or two of the lowest, although the tone was steadied by covering and a moderate demand from trade interests. Southern spot markets as officially reported early were l-8c. higher to l-16c. lower. No precipitation was reported in the southwest over the holidays and further complaints are received from there of insufficient moisture while private advices from the south were generally very bullish as to the spot situation in tiie interior. Such bullish reports as w are received today, however, appeared to be insufficient to inspire fresh purchases, and local traders seemed to be influenced as much by the failure marbot roqnnnH tn bullish news, as by any other feature In the situation, rt was rumored that the National Ginners' association reports ICO,000 bales ginned since January 16. WANTED A FEW first-class Milk Cows and good Beef Cattle. Address T. M? or H. E. FERGUSON, or Phone No. 66. Yorkvllle, S. C. 12 f.t 2t FOR SALE LATH mill outfit, including shafting and pulleys. For particulars, see or write us on Yorkville No. 6. HORTON & STURGIS. 12 t.f tf w IS THE FIRST STEP TOWARD: PROTECTS YOUR FAMILY IN EDUCATES YOUR CHILDREN, MAKES YOU INDEPENDENT, GIVES YOU STANDING IN TH1 IS A VALUABLE AID IN ANY ANYWHERE, BY ANYBODY. UNDER ANY C< IF YOU HAVEN'T ONE, START THE FIRST NA OF SHARON, SC ? J. H. SAYE, President $ A. M. HAD] MEN WANTED ] TO sell Maps in York county. Address JONES & WALKER. Rock " H-ill. S. C. It f FOR SALE UORSE and Mule. Both grood young: animals. Price reasonable. Adu dress No. 1, Yorkvllle. J. D. LAND. 13 t.f 2t* PROCLAMATION " < . State of South Carolina?Executive Chamber. ' WHEREAS information has been received at this Department that an Atrocious Murder was committed in the County of York, on or about the 24th day of December, 1909, upon the body of JIM DUNN, by JOHN DICKSON, and that the said JOHN DICKSON has fled from Justice. NOW. therefore, I, M. F. ANSEL, Governor of the State of Soutn ' Carolina, in order that Justice may be ' done and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of One Hundred Dollars for the apprehension, ' delivery and conviction of the said John Dickson, black, six feet tall, ' weight about 175 pounds, about thirty years of age, rather small eyes, mus' fache, medium size, drives dray, likes public work, supposed to be in North Carolina, to the Sheriff of York County, at Yorkville, S. C. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Columbia, this twelfth day of February, A. D., 1910, and in the 134th year of the Independence of the United States of America. I r C?I7? ATI J M. F. ANSEL. ? By the Governor: ? R. M. McCown, Secretary of State. 13 t It ^ PROCLAMATION j State of South Carolina?Executive Chamber. WHEREAS information has been received at this Department that an F Atrocious Murder was committed In u the County of York, on or about the E thirteenth day of January, 1910, upon a the body of JOHN KENNEDY, by 1 ROBERT KING, apd that the said *< ROBERT KING has fled from jus- a tice. \ L NOW, therefore. I, M. F. ANSEL, Governor of the State of South n Carolina, in order that justice may be " done and the majesty of the law vindl- tl cated, do hereby offer a reward of One h Hundred Dollars for the apprehension, a delivery and conviction of the said n Robert King, a man about 40 years of age, dark ginger cake color, weighing about 160 pounds, and about Ave feet seven inches tall, teeth wide apart, middle finger on hand crooked, wore _ side whiskers If unshorn, and works as _ a farm laborer, to the sheriff of York I county, at Yorkvllle, S. C. r IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have L hereunto set my hand and caused tne . Great Seal of the State to be affixed, r at Columbia, this twelfth day of February, A. Dv 1910, and in the 134th , year of the Independence of the ? (United States of America. . ,, [SEAL]. } M. F. ANSEL. ; By the Governor: " R. M. McCbwn, Jr. Secretary of State. r, jf ? ij_2 THE PEOPLE'S SHOP I 01 The Old Reliable has Joined hands. si In the rear of Smith's store, you find t: our stand. w We work Old Marsh; they say he ei drinks his booze; a! But Just the same, he drives the shoes, w L. T. Humphrey falls in line; Has a rep to shoe any kind. c, T. K. Thomasson works the wood; In his line, he's Just as good. , We can't afford to cut the price. ^ For we do our work strong and nice. w . Yours to serve, THE PEOPLE'S SHOP, tl Humphrey & Thomasson, Props. P 12 f.t 5t* f< a MEAL SACKS! " Did you ever think much about a C Meal Sack? There is something mys- si terious about a Meal Sack. Meal Sacks are never worn out?they if simply disappear. Whether they crawl si off, or like riches, "take unto themselves wings," and as "silently steal away," or whether some dusky son of ? Ham mistakes them for his own, or whether they Just evaporate, we know I not; but, they disappear. You have your Meal Sacks washed, mended and put away. You. decide to go to mill with a load of wheat. Sacks gone! Threshers coming to your house. Where are the sacks? Gone, of course. (My neighbor, Mr. Milt Jackson told me that he had the same experience.) Any remedy? We have over 100 brand new Meal Sacks, 2 and 2J bushels, cheap. Come and get them, and see if thev will stay at home. And when you come, we have plenty of goods with which to fill your sacks! Herndon & Gordon. Fertilizers We sell everything you need in Fertilizers from Standard Grade to the highest grade in Ammoniated goods. Also Acids and Acid and Potash goods, Kainit, Mur.-Potash, Nitrate Soda, Our goods are manufactured by Macmurphy & Co., and Navassa Guano Co. See us for prices by the Sack or Carload. Cash or Credit Good Rice at 5 Cts. pound. Be sure to come to see us when in need of Groceries or Plantation Supplies. Received car No. 1, X and 2 Shingles, Iron Roofing?painted and galvanized. We are saving the people money on SHOES and FLOUR. Can we help you? YORK SUPPLY CO. ?? I H E ^ Vccount J S SUCCESS AND FORTUNE, EMERGENCIES. r-? **TT\?Tmv a. ^Uiuniu.> JI i, ENTERPRISE UNDERTAKEN ONDITIONS. NOW WITH i TIONAL BANK >UTH CAROLINA J. L. RAINEY, Vice President DON, Cashier. m I Not the E ? Better Th ?????? As Good a 1 IS THE KIND OF PROTECTIO V ' OUR BAM 5 IT IS YOUR MONEY THAT YC MONEY THAT YOU WANT SAF INESS THAT YOU WANT HANI MINUTE" METHODS. OUR B? OF THIS?TRUST US FOR THA' ERY DAY?ALL THE TIME. ^ GIVE?AS FAR AS HUMAN HC GIVE?ALL THERE IS TO BE I US YOUR BANKING BUSINESSIT NOW. "COME AND GROW WITH ' The First Ni Yorkvill O. E. WILKINS, President, f *Y *Y *Y * HY HY *Y HY 1 4 4 harden and Field Seed We handle only such Garden and rield Seeds as experience has taught s are from the most reliable grower s. iuy your Garden and Field Seeds here nd you will get exactly what you want, 'he Very Beat. We have 8eed Potaoes, several varieties; Onion Sets and full variety of Garden 8eeds. _AMM & CCk'S CLOTHES Are fitters and are fit to wear. The ew style book for Spring and Sumler wear is now here and if you want tie beat Tailor-Made Clothes you ever ad, come and see samples and styles r.d let me take your measure. No fit, o sale. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. TilNGS YOU >UGHT TO ;now There are a number of things, belles probable cost, that every man or '( man who Is thinking of applying for fe insurance should know before ley start out to keep up payments lat are likely to extend over a long frlod of years, as conditions often rise in the experience of an insured ldlvidual that make a material dlffernce in his treatment, and then the disDvery is made that there were some ?atures in the policy about which the gent who sold it either knew nothing r kept his mouth shut. The wise inurer appreciates the fact that the con- i ract is what he buys and that it is hat the company expects to be govrned by. It is generally conceded by II reputable insurance men everyhere that when it comes to giving evry member a square deal and everyling to which he could under any ciri: instances be entitled to, and backing up by a record covering a period of 5 years, and assets of $127,000,000, the lutual Benefit is IT. No company has, III or can carry out its contracts at >ss cost. I am the one individual in { lis region who is in position to ex- , lain 10 you ine imugs intii win inane >r your interest in buying life insurnee. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. MONET TO LEND * " : )N Improved farms in York County, repayable in five easy, annual inLallments. Interest: Seven per cent loan Is $1,000 or over; eight per cent under $1,000. No broker's commis- , ons. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 63 f.t tf. THOMSON ( NEW SPRING I WHITE LAWNS, PAJAMA C INGS, DIMITIES, BAT GINGHAMS, LINEEN, C HOMESPUN SUITING SPRING GOODS JUST ( White Cotton Batiste, 40 incht Price, 19 CTS. the Yard. Good, 40-inch White Lawn, on Nice, soft, sheer White Lawn o Nice, sheer, 40-inch French La' Big line of new patterns in Wh Sale at 25 CTS. the Yard. Good line Pajama Checks, full the Yard. Good showing of White Dimit 10 Cts., 12J Cts. and 15 Ct Big line of New Patterns in B Sale at 12$ CTS. the Yard New stock of A. F. C. Dress G terns, On Sale at 10 CTS. New spring line of the Best Ga the Yard. Good line new spring shades i 10 Cts. the Yard. Big lot Colored Poplins, all ne 15 Cts. the Yard. Vniii linn cnrinrr clllflpc in Qtrin 1UIC opt Ulg ^IIUUVO III the Yard. New spring styles in Silk Ging] New spring shades in Homes solid colors, On Sale at 19 Big line of yard-wide White L 15 Cts. the Yard. DRESS ] Good value in Pure White Dres On Sale at 25 Cts., 29 Cts., Ten pieces of Brown Linen on Good, full yard-wide, soft finis Best quality genuine Lonsdale Best quality genuine Cannon C Best quality Hamilton Stripe 12\ Cts. the Yard. Best quality Colored Cheviot J Best quality genuine Riverside LACES AND EN Xew lot Val Laces now on Sal Big lot Embroideries on Sale a Wide Embroidery Flouncings New line of Embroidery in both Edging and Insertion 20 Cts., 25 Cts., 35 Cts. anc WW Don't Forget THOMSC When Out Shopping?You'll / for You Here. THE THOMSONCl * * * * * test of All, j tan Some, * ?;?^? i is the Best. % N?THE KIND OP SERVICE? J fK GIVES * i )U WANT PROTECTED?YOUR ? B?IT IS YOUR BANKING BUSDLED BY "RIGHT-UF-TO-THE- * fSINESS IS TO GIVE YOU ALL T?DAY, NIGHT, SUNDAYS, EV- * VE STUDY TO GIVE AND DO ? >NESTY AND JUDGMENT CAN p, IAD IN GOOD BANKING. GIVE M -GIVE US ALL OF IT AND DO ? THIS GROWING BANK " 5 i s ational Bank, 5 .?, s. c. ^ i R. C. ALLKIN, Cashier. ? V HV TUf HTHf WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FEEDS We always carry a full stock of Feed Corn and Oats and sell them at close prices. We also sell Purina Chicken Feed? the best mixed grain feed for growing chicks or laying hens. We sell Purina Horse and Mule Feed. This Is made of pulverized Alfalfa, Clover, Cracked Corn, etc., and is a complete ration for work animals, and cheaper than hay. Try It on your Laying Hens. Take a half gallon of this mixed feed, put it in a can, pour boiling water on It, let it steam, let it cool, feed It to your chickens?Get more eggs. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW Right now is a good time to make your plans for any building that you expect to do this coming spring and summer, and when you have decided what you want, come and see us. We will furnish detailed Plans, Lumber, Brick, Lime, Cement, Builders' Hardware, Doors, Blinds, Sash, Carpenters,, etc., and give you a completed and satisfactory Job or we will furnish anyone or more of the items above and will make you satisfactory prices all along the line. See us for Rough or Dressed Lumber, Green or Kiln Dried. See us for Paints and Oils. And remember that we can saw your Logs for you. J. J. KELLER <& CO AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE are offering thoroughbred Guernsey Heifers at from $10 up and we have also a number of Berkshire Gilts with thoroughbred Pigs that we will sell. Will deliver pure, clean milk at 10 cents a quart Cream, butter and fresh eggs on orders. Pure Berkshire Pigs at from $3 to 15 each. Pure Buff Orpington eggs at *1 a setting of 15. J. MEEK BURNS. Manager FOR SALE GRADE Jersey Oow, with Calf ten days old. Address, C. H. SMITH, R. F. D. No. 4. Yorkvllle, S. C. 12 f.t tf COMPANY'S MERCHANDISE :hecks, white waistES' GINGHAMS, A. F. C. iALATEA, POPLINS AND IS?ALL NEW, FRESH, OPENED UP. ?s wide, very soft and clingy, Sale at io CTS. the Yard, n Sale at 12$ and 15 CTS. Yd. wn, on Sale at 19 CTS. Yard, ite Mercerized Waistings, on yard wide, on sale at 12$ Cts. ies and Nainsooks on Sale at s. the Yard. ates' Best Ginghams now on inghams, all new, spring patthe Yard. latea Cloth on Sale at 15 Cts. n Colored Lineen on Sale at w spring shades, On Sale at cd Poplins, on Sale at 25 Cts. lams on Sale at 25 Cts. Yard, pun Suitings in stripes and Cts. and 25 Cts. the Yard. ,ineen on Sale at 10 Cts. and LINEN ;s Linens, full 36 inches wide, 35 Cts. and 50 Cts. Yard. Sale at 10 Cts. the Yard, h Bleaching at 10 Cts. Yard. Cambric on Sale 15 Cts. Yd. Iloth on Sale at 15 Cts. Yard. Hickory Shirting on Sale at Shirtings on Sale 10 Cts. Yd. Plaids on Sale at 8 Cts. Yd. [BROIDERIES e at 5 Cts. and 10 Cts. Yard, t 5 Cts. and 10 Cts. Yard, on Sale 39 and 50 Cts. Yard. ,viss Cambric and Nainsook, s, On Sale at 10 Cts., 15 Cts., I 50 Cts. the Yard. 1 DN COMPANY'S STORE < Always Find Something New YORKVILLE, 1 } SOUTH CAROLINA. j I+ KIRKPA 7 I EMBROIDI OA A J 1 Iouu yarns guuu uaui wide, worth up to 15< 800 yards better En including 50c Waist Ladies' Handkerchiel 200 yards Arnold's Suitings, short len 18c per yard, Friday, 10 o'clock Flannelettes, worth 8 1-2 to 10c, 7 1-2c, all colors, Checked Ginghams, 40-inch White Lawn, good quality, \ 7 l-2c, Friday, Elkin All Wool Blank* I New I Goats' I Best Spool Cotton I Six for .... 25 Cts. I Per dozen ... 50 Cts. I Kirkpat I NICHOLS B r in umiTrpinro I j M :JL ff. wmiLJlULO; SHARON, S, C. . CAF Plant Irish Potatoes have Irish It Is a good crop to grow?giving big Potatoes, reborns on the time and money ex- We have pended In producing the crop. c>ee us try them, for Seed. Choice varieties of northern See us fc Proof Seed Oats. try our car See us for extra choice Red Rust toes, Kraut Propf See Oats. a glass of 3 See us for Flour and Corn at right Try our prides. Tabard In See us for Hardware?we carry a Pride, and good stock. Parched C See us for Chewing Tobocco, espe- All kinds daily Cracker Jack?$3 a Box; three Snuff. Sh< Plugs for 25 Cents. ?Grandpa'i See us for all kinds of Dry Goods, heart, and 8hoes and Notions. Toilet Soai and Whips G. W. WHITESIDES ~ are all sold SHARON. S. C. J. L. Williams. W. M. McConnell. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. STAPLE jC^s GOODS es* 4,000 yards, wide, Heavy Sheeting, at Good ca 7 Cts. Yard. ' ago, learnei 300 yards Bleaching, at 5 Cts. Yard. essary for Better Bleaching, at 81-3 and 10 Cts. having Ke< 500 yards 36-inch Cambric, 10 cents they are rei values, at 81-3 Cts. everywhere One case Apron Checks Ginghams, at for all kinc 5 Cts. Yard. Pocket Knl A. F. C. Ginghams, at 10 Cts. Yard. Heavy Bed Tick, at 10 Ct?. Yard. Yard-wide, Blue Polka Dot Duck, 10 Cta. Yard. Rajah Silka, 50 Cts. value, 23 Cts. yard. JK95 Good Brown Linen, at 10 Cts. Yard. One lot Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Pants, at 89 Cts. the Pair. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. _ Yorkvill( Alexander Specialty Company Horse Shoeing, Buggy and Wagon Re- M MM pairing. Automobile, Bicycle and Gun Repairing a Specialty. Let yoursel ALL WORK GUARANTEED. tressing Co so easy to | \\7 E have opened a General Repair you take 1 T T Shop back of Herndon & Gordons When you 1 store. We have a good HorsesV >er and coming on Blacksmith. Give us a trial. ALEXANDER SPECIALTY CO. YORK DRI 9 t.f tf GRIPPE Al TABLETS LADIES' SHIRT According ble will soo WAISTS THE Y( We are showing a beautiful line of the newest styles of Ladies' Shirtwaists and Fancy Fronts at popular prices. Silk Snirtwaists, all colors, $2.98 and up. GO TO? White Lawn Waists at 48 Cts to $1.50. Shirtwaist Fronts, fancy patterns A ?\ 98 Cts. to $2 each. IX ff WHITE GOODS. * ' We have a most attractive line of White Goods at 6 Cts. a Yard and por new Upward. GINGHAMS? and Grocer! 1,000 yards regular 6 l-4c. quality of Just recpi Ginghams at 5 Cts. a Yard. SHOES See us for Shoes?we can please you ^n'on ?etsIn Styles, Qualities and Prices and Bring me every pair guaranteed all leather. J. 0- WRAY, The Leader 6 ^ Cabbage IT" See WRAY for Groceries?Ills f 100 . Prices Mean Money Saved. ror 10U lots' GEO. T. SCHORB ^ PHOTOGRAPHER. 1AM making good and satisfactory Charlotte Photographs at reasonable figures, and solicit the patronage of the public. I can also furnish Musical Instru- iWThe Ei ments of all kinds. Typewriters See me at my Studio on West Liber- one-fourth 1 ty street. that are ei GEO. T. SCHORB. every respe( 7UCK-BELK 0 3RIES: EMBRO brie and Swiss Embroideries, 3 to c per yard, Special Price Friday at 1 ibroideries, worth three times th< Fronts?Friday at 10 o'clock, fs, Five to Customer, - - - cials in Cotton Goo gths, worth 12 1-2 to Cotton Crepes and Col - 5 Cts. per Yd. 12 l-2c and 15c, si - - 5 Cts. per Yd. Good Ginghams at - - 5 Cts. per Yd. Good Sheeting, vorth Heavy 3-yard Sheeting, - 5 Cts. per Yd. Hamilton Hickory, its, just arrived. Special Prices, Good Shoes, Coming in A Notions. 2 Balls Cotton Thread 1 Cent 1 Spool Cotton 1 Cent 1 "Beats All" Lead Pencil 1 Cent 1 Purse 1 Cent 25 Marbles 1 Cent 1 Paper Pins 1 Cent Colgate's 25c Box Powders 15 Cents Air-Float, the best Talc Powder on the market, 25c box, at 15 Cents. rick-Belk Coi UILDING, YORKVILLE, SOUTH ( BRIAN COMPANY G. U. O'LEA i Fancy Grocers ? iDEN SEED OUALIT landling Crossman's Garden ^5 every paper is fresh. Also Cobbler and Bliss Seed Irish As heretofore my endeavor 1) some nice fresh Mackerel? my customer the best quality niture, Stoves, etc., that the mi ?r Cabbage, White Peas, and fords.. Tou will always find ined goods?Peaches, To ma- clean "never-been-used" stock , Corn and Hominy; and get niture and Furnishings in my Honey in Tumblers. select from, brands of Coffee?Jarvlnia, in, Cracker-Jack, Virginia a pood line of Green and J |f J i of Tobaccos, Cigars and I oe and Stove polish, Soaps s iai ouap, ITUI j, w *r vvwall kinds of Laundry and There Is no use In your payl >s. We have good Brooms for the same piece of goods or ten an Inferior one, than I will a nice line of Valentines and you. All I ask is for a show, i. Come early before they not sell you, I will save you m J M BR,ANC?- G. H. O'LEAR Kutter Tools CABBAGI rpenters everywhere, long T d that Good Tools are Nec- A *.JL ^ Good Work, and insist on an Kutter Tools, because cognized by good carpenters T , . . . as being the Best. See us In a few days 1 w,n Place ? Is of Keen Kutter Tools, Ives, Razors, etc. for my flrst shipment of C/ PLANTS. Let me know at 01 many you to plant P l' out early, and you will have eai 6 Hardware Company. bage. Phone your order for i ' W. E. FERGUSON. )N'T? GLENN & ALLIS f be worried with a dls- "A/fTTT 1?G J Id or the Grippe, when It Is JyHJ JLvJjy?3 3.11 Q put a stop to the trouble if the proper steps in time. 'eel either of these maladies tTATI npri take the HUKlSEIS JG STORE'S MD COLD ONE CARLOAD OF C mules and horses arrive today (tue to directions and the trou- AND ANOTHER CARLO, n cease to be bothersome? friday. WE WILL HAVE SOME S )RK DRUG STORE. brood mares in 1 CARS. SEE US. GLENN & ALLIS Dorsett's N. O. Molas goods, both in Dry Goods es. , . .. ? I offer the best New Orlean Ived a barrel of Northern Qr0p Molasses at 60 cents the Snmethine nice in Porto Rico s price, as well as Home Made, your Chickens, Butter and Pickles?Both Sweet and Sour, berrels. et the best market price. Plants for sale at 20 Cts. Tip Top Sauerkraut?northerr 5 cents, 6 lbs. for 25 centr. and 15 cts. for 1,000 lots. Prunes at 10 Cts., 3 for 25. 1 2 for 25. Also Prunes put up I II I |/|l*C/)rr ready for use ,n 1)631 syrup at Le MJ % L/UE uvll Cans of this kind are rather sir St., near York Mill. Most anything you may call iquirer office sells Rebuilt LOUIS ROTH, of all kinds at a saving of to half. Rebuilt Machines ? qual to New Machines in No. 3 Rebuilt Oliver Typ ;t. AA-Grado, $50, at The Enquire OMPANYj IDERIES!! 12 inches 0 o'clock, 5c per Yard. e price? f/1 V J - - - jvc per iara. - - - 1 Cent Each. ored Plisse, sold for iort lengths, Friday, 5 Cts. per Yd. 31-2 Cts. per Yd. - 5 Cts. per Yd. - - 71-2 Cts. per Yd. - - - . 111-2 Cts. per Yd. A AO t\a J * A AO 94.70, 90*70 ana 94.10. Every Day. D. M. C. and Silvia Cotton Just | gj|| Arrived. |||| mpany, CAROLINA. ^Itis true '%/ Now since It Is true with people that W they need a thorough purging out, and a tonic to build them up, it must he - true also of animals. If their systems are in good, healthy conditions, they . /. r*itt. feel more like work and their food dlnests and assimilates quickly and does ?hpm arnnA Thin la thn haat anaann of ^ iJf. the year to give your stock a general nf T^ir' toning up, so they will shed off the long winter hair and get In shape before the -. piace 10 worlc in. We have all kinds of Stock Powders In 26 and 60 cents packages; 65 cents sacks, $1.60 pails. ^ We have also Liniments, Spavin ^ Cures, Colic Cures, Cough and Distemper Remedies, Fever Medicines, and in ^ fact anything your horse may need in either of the three well known lines, Pratt's, Sloan's or Whiter. ing more very of- Try a package of Chicken Powders I furnish and start your hens to laying early? If I can- eggs are money and chickens scarce. ""y Star Drug Store. Y. ' = Rawls Plumbing Co. ^ Wanted TS At once two or three Plumbing Jobs for people who want High Grade, Sanitary Plumbing and Prompt Service. in order We advertised a couple of weeas ago tBBAGE for two or three Jobs and we got tl*nn and have comDleted the work and ev nee how erybody la happy, ut them we are now ready for two or three rly Cab- more Let U8 tal0w when y?u ready. 'lante. BAWLS PLUMBING COMPANY. EI SELL Whit* and Golden Dent Seed Corn. A freah shipment of Chowing Tobacco. Royal, Rumford and Good Luok 'HOICE Baking Powders. WILL Beach-Nut Beef in Glass. SDAY), Breakfast Strip and Hams. AD ON Coffee and Tea on the market. ELECT THESE T w> JOHNSON. I ?- The Confidence of ses Its Depositors a New Is one of the 1)681 asae^3 & Bonk can ' possess. One that is absolutely essenit same t,al t0 ltB Progress. The sturdy and consistent growth of ion