Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 03, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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feased responsibility, which legal talent has built up for the Standard Oil Interests, is based on a misrepresenjfe tation of the law against combina tions in restraint of trade, then the conceptions which a large part of the business world has entertained of what constitutes illegal interference with competitlor must be abandoned or materially altered. The Standard Oil company ha) been the pioneer in constructing devices to control trade without being technically chargeable with sufficient control to constitute a monopoly. If Its lawyers have failed to make the construction statute proof, it is not likely that the Imitators of the Standard Oil* people have been any mere successful in hedging themselves about with legal Immunity.?New York Tribune. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST, Rev. I. G. Murray. Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD. Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector. ? ^ Sunday Services?Sunday school %r at 9.45. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Pastor. Sunday Services.?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning.service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. O. M. Abney, Pastor. Sunday Services.?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3.30 p. m. Evening service at 7 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. Rev. J. L Oates, Pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school at 10 a. m. Special Notices. York Cotton Mill. Preaching at York Cotton Mill Chap^ el Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. At Shady Grove. There will be Dreaching at the new Methodist church at Shady Grove, next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 4 Hickory Grove and Smyrna. There will be congregational meetings at Hickory Grove and Smyrna A. R. P. churches, next Sabbath, immediately after Sabbath school, for the purpose of electing a pastor. Excursion Rates via Southern Railway to Washington, D. C. - Account National Rivers and HarJL bora Congress, the Southern Railway announces very low round trip rates from all points to Washington, D. C. Tickets will be on sale December 4th to 8th Inclusive, limited good to return until December 24th, 1909. Round trip rates from principal ^r points as follows: w Blacksburg, 313.50; Chester, 313.50; Gaffney, 313.80; Lancaster, 313.35; Rock Hill, 312.90; Spartanburg. 314.40; Union, 314.40: Yorkville. 313.35. For detailed information, tickets, etc., apply to Southern Railway ticket agents or address J. L. Meek, Asst. Gen. .Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga., or J. C. Lusk, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. 97 f.t 2t $hf dpotton ijRarhet. Yorkville, December 3.?Cotton 14J. New York Cotton. New York, Dec. 2.?Spot closed quiet, 5 points higher; middling uplands 14.70; middling gulf 14.95; sales 4,400 . bales. Futures opened steady and 4 closed steady as follows: Dec. 14.36; Jan. 14.54; Feb. 14.64; March 1-181; ??ii nci. icnn. i,mi> is*1? npi U It.Oli iU.WW, M Mtiv ? ..w ., July 14.94; Aug. 14.30; Sept. 13.2.'.; Oct. 12.85. New York, Dec. 2.?The cotton market was not active today but m ruled generally steady and the close B, was steady at a net advance of 7 to 12 points. Bw The market opened statedy at an |^P advance of 5 to 12 points with most of the active months selling about 9 points higher in response to better cables than expected. Notwithstand ing the strong showing of the Liverpool market houses with Liverpool connections were considerable sellers here on the opening advance and prices, in consequence, reacted 4 to 5 from the best during the early session. Local professionals, however, considered that this selling was on straddle account and argued that offerings would become lighter after the close of the Liverpool market. This theory created seme buying, and with the southern news generally bullish offerings were well absorbed, while prices during the afternoon worked up to about or a little over the best point of the morning on recov^ ering and moderate buying for long HI account. Reports of a better export ~ demand for spot cotton in the south and rumors that the report of the National Ginners* association expected on Monday vould be bullish helped the advance which carried * May co?.tracts up to 15.03. Realizing * sales became heavier around this level and the close while steady, was a little off from the best. Southern spot markets officially reported early were generally unchanged to Jc. higher. % A crop estimate issued by a local statistician whose figures last year came very near the government report, placed the crop at 10,866,000 bales excluding linters, but this report had little effect on the market. Private cables reported that the chief L>4o?>Aa4 1*% T {iramAnl Vile mnrnln or Ill kvl COl 111 lilVCI I^VVI lino lllvl llli'o was in Egyptian futures owing to reports of a short Egyptian crop. Receipts at the ports today 18,945 bales against 28,738 last week and 67,662 last year; for the week 220,000 bales against 207,035 last week and 463,357 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 2,156 bales against 2,545 last year and at Houston 5,362 against 17,601 last year. FOR RENT. A NICE Dwelling, well located, will include furniture if desired. Address "Z." care Enquirer Office. 97 f lt? FOR FIRE WOOD * \\T RITE me on Yorkville No. 5, or f telephone No. 122. N. S. BLACK. 93 f tf . AUCTION SALE. V T WILL sell at the Court House at H A Yorkville. S. C., next Monday, durB ing legal hours, one large Grey Horse, suitable for farm or dray. It R. R. ALLISON. PLEASE SETTLE. x A LL parties indebted to us. are rexY. quested to settle on or before DECEMBER 15. McGILL BROS. 97 f.t tf. 05* nravirn at AVer ^ WW All X JUX/ A X Vll VAJ, FIFTY head of thin Cattle, not too old, for feeders. Will pay market price. W. R. CARROLL. , 96 t.f tf THURSDAYS ONLY. MY Gin will operate on Thursdays only until Christmas, when It will be closed down. JOHN F. SMITH. 95 f 2t* FOR SALE. MY Horses and Mules and some Farm Implements for cash or Rood paper. Apply to me on route No. 3, Clover, S. C. ^ J. L. STACY. 97 ft 4t HOLIDAY WORK. li/fAKE your appointments now with 4 ill'THE LINDSAY STUDIO," for your Christmas and Holiday Work. Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Miss ROSA J. LINDSAY. WARNING TO HUNTERS ALL persons are hereby warned against hunting birds, rabbits, squirrels or other game on lands owned or controlled by me. G. C. LEECH. Hickory Grove, S. C., Dec. 2, 1909. 97 f It PHILANTHROPIC LODGE. No. 32, A. F. M. JL ELECTION of Officers and othvV er important business at the 'V\ regular meeting on next Monday night. A full attendance is desired. JOHN E. CARROLL, It Secretary. w. o. w. a nntial Ranouet Wednesday even A ing, December 8th, 1909. Sover-1 eigns will assemble at hall at 7.30 sharp, each bringing his wife or lady friend. Anply at earliest convenience for entrance tickets to one of the following eommitteemen. J. HARVEY WITHERSPOON, R W. LONG. FOREST SMITH, Committee. 97 f.t 2t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. IN PROBATB COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge of YorK County. WHEREAS Mrs. LULA M. LANIER has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of CLAUD LANIER, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 20TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1909, to shew cause. If any, why the said Adm?r?inti-ntfnn should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 3rd day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine and in the 134th year of American Independence. L R. WILLIAMS. Probate Judge of York County. 97 f 2t J. C. WILBORN REAL ESTATE 45 Acres?Adjoins Mike Carroll-; fine location. Property S. C. Smith. 123 Acres?At Newport Station. 187 Acres?Good land, adjoins F. M. Lynn, near McConnellsville. Price per acre, $10.00. PLEASE REMEMBER THE AUCTION SALE, DECEMBER 6TH, AT YORKVILLE, OF MR. SEPT HUEY PLACE, NEAR McCONNELLSVILLE. 77 ACRES TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. J. C. WILBORN. :: Christmas :: XMAS Is near at hand, when there will be more or less danger to your life and property. See MB for Insurance on your Life, Buildings and Live Stock. D. E. BONEY FRIENDS: It Is nothing unusual for Xmas to come once every year. But it is sometimes a little difficult to find just what you want to give to your friends. We now have open for your inspection and selection a line of Holiday Goods, cal UUIAirU IU CHUini)T atlJT c*i?v? IWOUJ. A ?. for the children, something they will appreciate and enjoy. Our selection of presents for the grown folks and older ones is large and complete. We haven't the time and space to enumerate the articles, but kindly invite you to come In and let us show you the goods. I am sure you can find something to suit you and we take pleasure in shoving them to you. Come to us for your Xmas Goods. THE STAR DRUG STORE. J. HI. BRIAN COMPANY Tito Fancy Grocers XMAS GOODS Come to see us for your Christmas goods. We have Candy. Apples, Bananas, Oranges. Grapes, Figs, Raisins, Citron, Nuts, and everything good to eat. We have a nice line of Toys?all kinds, also a nice line of China and Glassware. Come and see for yourself. We invite Santa to make our store his headquarters for Christmas goods. J. M. BRIAN CO. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. $5,000 MUST BE RAISED BY JANUARY 1ST, AND TO DO THIS WE HAVE CUT ALL FALL GOODS IN CLOTHING AT AND BELOW COST. Men's $18.00 Suits, at $12.50. Men's $15.0( Suits, at $10.00. Men's $10.0) Suits, at $7.50. Men's $8.50 Suits, at $6.50. 35 Boy's Long Pants Suits, ages 15 to 19 years, worth up to $7.50, at $2.48. All Boy's Knee Suits must go at and below their actual cost. See our line of Overcoats. See our 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, at 25 Cts. yard. Hamilton Hickory Stripes, at 121-2 Cts. Yard. Odds and Ends all over the store must go at about ONE-HALF PRICE. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. Jas. M. Starr. J. F. MoElwee, President. Sec. and Treas YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. SEASONABLE GOODS John Deere Stock Cutters?one of the best tools you can have on your farm. John Deere Middle Breakers, Vulcan Middle Breakers, Reversible Turn Plows, John Deere Steel Turn Plows, Repairs for Vulcan. Oliver and John Deere Turn Plows. Spring Tooth Drag Harrows, Tongucless Disc Harrows. Tin Lard Cans. Call and see us when in need of Groceries and Farm Supplies. We are making very close prices on FLOUR. York Supply Company. EXTRA 1 l\ MEN'S C *5 YES, WE WANT TO C 55 STOCK OF MEN'S CLOT* PRICES WILL INTERES1 trick. Study Our Prices Clos *5 All $i?; Suits?Good Styles ai yJJ All $12.50 Suits?Good Style: if All $10 Suits?Good Styles ai jj Special Reductions on All Me This lot of Men's Clothing *5 1st?It's a good chance for y< *5 SHOES FOR 1 *5 Yes, we believe that we c y* with SHOES from our big s y every pair. We have Shoes j ^ in all the desirable styles, in 1 that will tell you that our offe before buying your Winter SI *5 HEADQUARTERS I hf Is on the second floor of our s 5% most elaborate display of To; the little tots who look for Sc ? and take a look through this < lections early. First choice is ? J. Q. WRAY gy Tomorrow?Saturday? 6?We will sell 20 Lbs. of G Lbs. to a Customer. Satun sit sit *t sit *t ht *t sit s?t *t ax ax ax ax ax ax ax ax ax ax M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroil. CARROLL BROS. "Befo' De War" NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES The Best to be had?Send us yo reorder. NOW is the time to buy your supply of FLOUR?we have the best? 7r\TTTU Z^X^l^ X X IX We also have a full line of Canned Goods, Pickles, Olives, and we will be pleased to fill your orders promptly. Try Perri-Walla Tea, if you want the Best. WEST END?That's the name of the Best Coffee. CARROLL BROS. FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. NOTICE IS herby given that on July 6, 1909, I filed in the Probate Court for York county, my final return as executor of the estate of JAMES H. RIDDLE, deceased, and on Wednesday, December 22, I will make application to Hon. L. R. Williams, judge cf said court, for a discharge from all further liability in connection with said estate. A. Y. CART WRIGHT, Executor Estate of J. H. Riddle. 93 f 5t HORSE FOR SALE. ONE brood Mare, perfectly gentle, and Colt five months old. Cheap. Reason for selling, have too many to feed. J. R. KILLIAN. 91 f.t tf. FffWmiMlWlWiWIVfWfYWWfWwVY NEW M Coat Suits i Daily | The Neu f Ladies $ 5.00 $10.00 We are sellin ! Elkin North ( | Blankets. We are sole I celebrated Mais] ? Staple Cottor 1 1 11 old prices. | I It Will Pay You t | A. Friedhei Rock II m iw w i w hp m iw imwHmimwii XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT XT VALUES N LOTHING 55 LOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE 55 IING BY JANUARY?OUR 55 ' YOU, and help us to do the ely and Then See Us. nd Qualities?NOW $10.48. s and Qualities?NOW $8.48. *5 Patterns NOW ffcfi ofi. n's OVERCOATS. * \ Must Be Closed By January >u. *5 EVERY FOOT. *3 an comfortably fit every foot ;tock, and there's Quality in for Men, Ladies and Children * :he better qualities and Prices ^ rings are good values. See us toes. ?OR SANTA CLAUS *3 if tore, and there you will find a ys?including everything that JiJJ mta Claus could wish. Come ij lepartment and make your se- ^ always the Best Choice. ** , The Leader. ;? -and Monday, December 4 and rood Rice for $1.00. Only 20 lay and Monday Only, * Jit ht jit Jit *t jit Jit jit Jit 1 Reed Rockers AT Special Prices We are showing a very handsome line of Reed Rockers in all sizes, and are making very attractive prices on them and are showing something especially nice at $350. FRAMED MIRRORS. We are also showing a good line of Framed Mirrors?all sizes? attractive prices. A Reed Rocker or Framed Mirror would make a splendid Christmas present for your home folks. Carroll Furniture Co. CATTLE AMD HOGS WANTED. I AM In the market for good, fat Beef Cattle and Hogs in condition for slaughter. Highest market price paid. The best Beef and Pork at all times. A. D. DORSETT, York Cotton Mill. 80 t.f 3m THE BEST TO BE BAB. I MAKE it a point to alt times keep for my customers only the VERY BEST Fresh Meats, Vegetables, etc., that the market affords. Give me your orders and I will give you Good Meats and Good Service. firoon Hides wanted at all times. WALTER ROSE. 23*~ No. 3 Rebuilt Oliver Typewriter, AA-Grade, $50, at T%ie Enquirer office. i M'lW III IW IW I? IWHI IW HI IW II 10DELS j j \ ' Arriving \ j $10 to $25 I lest in Reliable Furs i Moderate Prices. ' Cloak Bargains j | I Cloaks at - - $2.50 i Cloaks at $5.00 j \ ig the genuine j Carolina Wool i agents for the j It Comfort $2.50.! i Goods at the ] I 0 Visit Our Store \ m & Bro., ill, S. C. >.hu>yiunmi mi mm hi mi mi w] 1 wiii vn in iwiwiwim ih n? mm m Checks for Cotton Will Be Cashed By This Bank FREE OF CHARGE For Its Friends and Customers No Matter On What Point ... Drawn ... The Bank of Clover, OliOVBR, S. O. I " "GOOD I AN | BANK A Good Roads and their irnpor about from one end of this countr; be appreciated by every Individual of "wear and tear" on teams, pla door and increasing the value of (over, inese are oiny a iew ui mc Bank Accounts are of equal i not only makes you ever ready for respect to your neighbors, the bus community and to your own self-r Come and let us join hands In tlon, and also let us go hand In t counts. Our Bank will be a good frien< The First Nt YORKVII O. E. WILKINS, Pres., YOU FIND IT'S TRUE The time has come when every fellow must work. Meats and Groceries are so high, Old George can't feed 'em free any longer. I've helped many of you both white and black, when you were hungry and could not get credit from any one else. Now cdme across, pay up, and be a man. Old George can't live always?wc all must die and you'll find a warmer cumaie man xorKvine If your debts ain't paid. We are the leaders in Fruit?keep the best assortment in Yorkville. For Vegetables, we have Turnips, Cabbage, Sweet and Irish Potatoes. In Fresh Meats?good Beef and Pork, also the best seasoned Sausage in town. Fresh Fish every Saturday. Everybody should eat more fruit, And let the doctors rest, Fruits won't cost as much as pills, And I know will Taste the best. OLD GEORGE, THE BUTCHER. Mi?*nviiPiivn?w mm iniu iivi Grates an We would be especially pi ; COAL GRATES and WOC We are sure that if you want j that we can interest you in j We have the Goods, and our F j a view to quick selling, an j are sure it is to your interest j tus. Come and let us show "V Y0RKV1LLE H, Snr Take our word for it? are the B E S T?Run Lightei - *"-miirii>miinrn *" Thanksgiving Groceries Oh! yes, we are loaded with the choicest there is in the better kinds of Fancy Groceries. Come and ask for what you want. It may be Raisins, Currants, Citron, Icing Sugar, Flavoring Extracts, Prunes, Pickles, Catsup, Mustard, Teas or Coffees, Fancy Crackers, You can get them here. See us for Chewing and Smoking T obacco. I W. JOHNSON. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS YORKVILLE, S. C. BARCAINS IN MONUMENTS Stock taking time will soon be here, and we must reduce our stock of finished work. In order to do this, we will, during the next 30 days, make some very close prices on any Monument or Headstone in our yard. If you have an unmarked grave, it will pay you to see us at once. We have some special bargains in Headstones for children. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS. IW Anything in Marble or Granite. 1 FLOUR It Is high enough, but before you buy, it is worth your time to see us for prices. We will give you very close prices. SEED OATS Just remember that we have the best grade of Improved Appier and Red Rust Proof Seed Oats, and see us for prices. If you need any Good, Clean Feed Oats, we can supply you and you'll find Our Prices Just Right. PURINA?THE BEST EVER Every horse and mule owner who has ever used Purina Horse Feed will tell you that it is the best and most economic feed they ever used. Try a sack or two on your stock. Right feeding at this season will make your hens lay more eggs and eggs are high now. Try Purina Chicken Feed?it will produce the eggs as no other feed will. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. -- WAIT-A few days and we will have ready for Inspection one of the most complete and largest stocks of Holiday Goods ever shown in Yorkville. This stock will include elaborate displays of handsome Pictures, Brass Goods, China, individual pieces and sets. Leather Goods, Cut Glass, Stationery, etc., and you want to be sure to see it before making any purchases of Holiday Goods. Our Prices will make buying easy. THE YORK DRUG STORE. =3 ROADS" I DA I CCOUNT I tariff1 _ Is beinar talked and written W Y to the other, and their need must who thinks and reads. The saving icing one's market nearer his own the lands on the way many times many advantages of "good ^oads." mportance. A snug Bank Account opportunities; but it adds a higher iness world, your usefulness to the espect. ^ pushing the "Good Roads" proposlland?pushing for larger Bank Acj at your elbow. itional Bank> ,LE, S. C. ! R. C. ALLEIN, Cashier THINGS THAT EVERYBODY NEEDS? Especially Newly Married Folks: Wash pots and Wash Boards, Laundry Soap and Washing .powders, Best Stone Churns, New Brooms, Smoothing Irons, Lamps, Lanterns, Globes, Andirons, Axes and Handles, Tinware, Crockery, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Spices, Cloves, Pepper, Ginger, Sugar, Coffees, Teas, Flour, Lard, Home-Ground Meal, Molasses', Buckwheat Flour, Vinegar and hundreds of other things that you can find here and that we can spare on good terms. See us for what you need. Herndon & Gordon I id Heaters I eased to show you our line of : ID AND COAL HEATERS. 1 anything in the Heating line ! Quality, Variety and Prices. 'rices are made especially with d with this combination we . to see us for Heating Apparaou. iRDWARE CO. \ -LYNCHBURG Turn Plows r and Last Longer. I : ; BUYING BY MAIL : : Yes, it's a fine scheme?for the other fellow?but the buyer often doesn't get what he thinks he's buying. For Instance, Mr. Mail Order House, says in his catalogue: "Ladies' Diamond Ring, fine diamond. S87." and shows a pretty pic ture, and the offer looks good, on paper. But, do you notice a lack of detail there that is against the buyer? Did you ever stop to think that the price may be rather high? Not a word is said about the weight of the "ring," or the weight of the "fine diamond." Likewise with watches, it reads, "Solid gold case, Elgin or Waltham movement." Not a word is said about the weight of the "solid gold case," and the "Elgin or Waltham movement" may be a 7, 11, 15 or 17 Jeweled movement, with a price that ought to buy a heavy weight case with a 21 or 23 Jeweled movement. When you buy from Speck he has to tell you the weight of the ring, the stone, the case and the grade of movement. "Speck's Prices Are as Low as Are Anybody's for Like Qualities." T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. Interest in Good Music And WHY? It is a notable fact that more people are loaay uiKing iar greater interest in the better class of music than ever before, and it is also true that there is a cause for this rapid development. What is it? We believe it Is almost wholly due to the far-reaching and elevating effects of the Phonograph. Think for one moment of the advantage. The Edison with Mr. Edison's latest invention?the Amberol Record? the longest Record in the world, and the price only 50c. And the Victor? the greatest disc machine made?with music from 35c. to $7.00. Now for December?Listen! "The Garden of Dreams," a song duet of rich, old fashioned beauty and "Bach's Air" by Victor Herbert and his orchestra, Sousa's Bands adds new life to the "Yankee Shuffle." We can't impose upon our good editor to tell you all the good things. But they're at R. B. DAVIDSON CO.'S. FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. LHAVE made a final settlement with the probate court for York county as administrator of the estate of A. R. Smith, deceased, and hereby give notice that on December 13, 1909, I will make application to Hon. L. R. Williams, Judge of said court for a discharge from all further liability in connection with said estate. PAUL WORKMAN. Administrator. 91 f 5t MONEY TO LEND ON Improved farms in York County, Repayable in five easy, annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 63 f.t 6m. | 98c RL I Fifty Large Size RUGS?W I SALE AT NINETY-EIGH1 | 8 CTS.?P E R C 1 1,000 yards full yard-wide Pe Cts. value, at 8 Cts. the Yard. I 8 CTS.?O U T ft 1,000 yards of full yard-wide ( I Cts. value, at 8 Cts the Yard. I : 5 CTS.?G I N G ~ 1,000 yards good Apron Gjng value, at 5 Ct$. the Yard. Hamilton Stripe Hickory Shi the Yard. ' Best quality of Cheviot Shirt Cta. the Yard. Good Canton Flannel at 10 Ct Best Riverside Plaids, at 7 Cti BLAN All Wool 10-4 Blankets, at $3, All Wool, 11-4 Blankets, at $5 All Wool, 12-4 Blankets, at $7 All wool, 11-4 Plaid Blankets, One lot Ladles' Long Cloaks?t Ladles' Coat Suits, at $15.00 Don't forget that We Ar Shoes and Gents' Furnishing! STORE the Store to Do You do our Best to Please Every ( THE TH0MSC WOOD AND COAL f*n a mrir/i nTAf/Tfl IlLAUmJ dlUVC.3 Last week's cold snap was but a friendly warning, telling you to prepare for colder weather that is coming later on. Are you ready ? If not, see us for Wood and Coal Heaters and Coal Grates. We have a big variety for selection, bought right, Priced Right for the Buyer. See us. COOKERS AND RANGES. Big stock, best qualities, all sizes, bought right, Priced Right. See us. ROCKERS. Christmas Is coming and you'll very probably want a gift for your wife or mother. Nothing Is more suitable or acceptable than a nice Rocking Chair. Come and see our line of handsome Rocking Chairs. There is variety enough to suit yor.. The Prices will . tell yon that >h'; values are extra good?Let us shew you. ABOUT BUYING. When we buy goods In our lines we buy in quantities large enough to secure the very lowest prices. In pricing them to our customers we keep In mind the fact that we want but a living profit. You get the benefits of our good buying. See us for Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Cooking Stoves, Ranges. Heaters, etc. We sell for CASH or ON CREDIT ?You Get a Square Deal Here. YORK FURNITURE CO. FOR Thanksgiving I can fill your wants In Select West Point Oysters, Mince Meat?two kinds at 15 and 20 Cents pound. Cranberries as well as Cranberry Sauce. Fresh Nuts just received. Loose Sour and Sweet Pickles. Fruits, etc. LOUIS ROTH. THE CITY MEAT MARKET. Sherer & Ferguson. We Have Moved [PHONE NO. 74.] We have moved our place of business just across the street from our old stand, and are still moving every day from early to late In order to keep our Market supplied with the best'j meats In season, and the prices reasonable, and that we are doing this to I some extent; Is very evident from our ever increasing trade and comments of satisfied customers. If you are not already one of our customers, give us an order and be with the majority. Beef, Veal and Mutton today. SHERER & FERGUSON. CABBAGE PLANTS GET good, healthy, acclimatize II plants of any variety you want, from me, and try putting them out In the fall. If you are frozen out you will have another chance next spring. A. D. DORSETT. Yorkville. 89 f. t. tf. FOR RENT. DICKSON HOUSE, King's Mountain street, next Garrison. C. E. SPENCER, f t . tf mm mmmmmmmmmm I a = I ; Make Y< I 0PP0R7 I Q ? DON'T BE LIKE SC I ALWAYS BLAME T] I The Man With Money in TL Opportunities. Be a Systemat WE WILL i I THE FIRST HA OF SHARON, SOI J. H. SAYE, President J. | A. M. HADD wmmmmmmmmm TGS 98c rorth $1.50 Each?NOW ON ' CENTS EACH. :ALES?8 CTS. rcales?good Shirting Patterns, 12J I N G S?? CTS. )utlngs?Pink and Blue Stripes?10 HAM S?5 CTS. hams?Checks and Stripes?T Cta. rtlng?best quality?at 121-2 Cts. .lngs In Stripes and Checks, at 10 s the Yard. 1. the Yard. kets ?? 50 the Pair. .00 and $6.00 the Pair. '50 the Pair. In Pink and Blue, at $&00 the Pair, ill Tana?on sale at $4.98 Each, and $18.00 Each. t Headquarters for Clothing, i. Make THOMSON'S CO.'S r Holiday Shopping. We will Customer at This Store. , )N COMPANY mmmmmmmgmm AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF LAID. I WILL sell at public auction from the Court Houae steps at Yorkville, S. C., on salesday, December 6th, immediately after the legal sales, the following tracts of land: Tnipf Nn 1 rontfltnlnir 2R acres. more or less, situate within town limits, suitable for building lots, etc., fronting on Sharon road, and bounded by Jackson lot, lands of C. E. Spencer and others. Terms of Sale: CASH?Purchaser to pay for papers. Tract No. 2, contains 41 acres, more or less; joins tract No. 1, bounded by Sharon and Howell's Ferry roads, lands of C. Inman and others. This tract has a spring and some .timber, several acres of bottom land, is crossed by a well defined vein of mineral and is ' well drained by stream from city water works. Terms of Sale: Part, or all Cash? Purchaser to pay for papers. LAURA E. PARISH. 95 f.t 3t CLERK'S BALIS. ~ State of 8outh Carolina?County of York. * la the Court of Common Pleas. Tork Supply Company, Plaintiff, against R K. Lowry, Hattle B. Lowry, D. El Flnley, O. E. Wllklns and British and American Mortgage Company (Limited), Defendants. BY virtue of the Decree of said court in the above entitled case, I shall expose to public auction, at York Court House, on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, 1909, at the usual hour of Clerk's Sales, all that certain tract of land, situated in said county and State, on the headwaters of Fishing creek, containing TWO HUNDRED AND SIX (206) ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of James L. Moss, R O. Ratchford, IX M. Benfleld, James Carson ant. J. R Scott; said tract being known em the R Kirk Lowry place, and also as the "Steadman" land; and Its boundaries, by courses and distances, being also set forth in said decree. Said tract is described in deed of R. K. Lowry to D. E. Flnley by courses and distances, as containing 220 acres (Deed Book No. 31, page 58); but 8 2-6 acres, by courses and distances, had been previously conveyed to D. M. BenHeld (Deed Book No. 30, page 156); and accordingly the land may be resurveyed before the^sale, and If so it will be offered as reeurveyed. Terms of Sale?CASH; purchaser to pay for papers; but said sale to be made subject to so much of the mortgage claim of the defendant British and American Mortgage Company (Limited) as amounts to Twenty-four Hundred Dollars, with eight per cent Interest thereon from November 1st, 1908, which the nurchaser may pay within thirty days from the sale, with Interest up to day of payment; but falling so to pay. then he must pay the following Installments, to be In full of said sum and interest: November 1st, 1910, 6492.00; November 1st, 1911, $468.00; November 1st, 1912, $1,944X10; with a provision for resale*to pay the amount then remaining unpaid, on failure to meet any of said installments;?all explicitly set out in said decree, to which reference is here made for the pur- , chaser's benefit J. A. TATE. C. C. C. Pis. November 17th, 1909. 93 f 3t Rawls Plumbing Co. i SEE US NOW WE have an adequate force of Competent Workmen to do PLUMBING or other work In our line. We can give you all the Information that can be desired about SANITARY PLUMBING, and show you styles and prices of the LATEST, BEST and MOST APPROVED FIXTURES. COME FOR US or SEND FOR US. RAWLS PLUMBING COMPANY. . g? Mr Own: I UNITIES j e I IME PEOPLE WHO I riEIR LUCK | [E BANK Makes His OWN A ic Saver. B WF.I.P YOU I ! TIONAL BANK I UTH CAROLINA I L. RAINEY, Vice President ? ON, Cashier. ^ j