I CLOSING OUT ? TO ? QUIT BUSINESS A BANKING I Decide tc I Winter Mer< . | Begins Sato Am COLD TYPE IS INADEQl sensational feature of this Bom per. Just a throw all previous records; am has undergone. This Sale oti of sales oeriodically indulged ii I r ? wwmmvmFiwnwimm m w m 111 iw in IM L Remarkable Hour and Minute Sales ? For the Opening Day?LOOK. From 9.30 A. M., t;o 9.40 A. M., We Will Sell TEN YARDS OF SIMPSON PRINTS FOR 39 CTS. * SHEETING From 11.00 A. M. to 11.10 A. M., We Will Sell TEN YARDS BEST SHEETING FOR 39 CTS. WHITE CANTON FLANNEL. From 2.30 P. M. to 2.40 P. M., We Will Sell TEN YARDS FOR 42 CTS. % From 3.30 P. M. to 3.40 P. M., PANTS CLOTH THREE YARDS FOR 45 CTS. ^???????_ Men's Furnishings at * Closing Out Prices. DRESS SHIRTS * Regular Price, $1.00?NOW 85 CTS. / " Regular Price, $1.50?NOW $1.15. Regular Price, 75 Cts.?NOW 45 CTS. Regular Price, 50 Cts.?Work Shirts?NOW 45 CTS. COLLARS Regular Price, 15 Cts.?NOW 10 CTS. Regular Price, 10 Cts.?NOW 8 1-3 CTS. HOSE Regular Price, 50 Cts?Now 45 CTS. j Regular Price, 25 Cts.?NOW 20 CTS. Regular Price, 15 Cts.?NOW 10 CTS. 1 Regular Price, 10 Cts.?NOW 8 1-3 CTS. Regular Price, 8 1-3 Cts.?NOW 5 CTS. ! NECKTIES ? * Regular Price, 25 Cts.?NOW 20 CTS. Regular Price, 50 Cts.?NOW 45 CTS. Regular Price, 75 Cts.?NOW 58 CTS. 3*- HATS, SUSPENDERS AND FANCY VESTS GOING BELOW COST. ^ - ? ? - ? ? ? I No Sane Person Will Pass an Opportunity of This Kind. The Reputation of This Concern Behind Every Purchase You Make. GOING OUT - YORK AID ME] ) Throw Their En ~handise on the Mai rday, November 1! d Every Dollar's Worth i r mrmmm m if m nwwwmwwfwtwiminmmmilninwiitwmw J ATE TO DESCRIBE THE i Fide CLOSING OUT SALE. Only < ent $25,000 stock of. America's Newest I then you have a slight idea of the d '.rshadows and eclipses all previous i i than the electric light can he compar Every pair of Shoes in this ii are sure this will mean Busy Times, years. You will never buy them as Shnps Fnr Men_ p , D * Mnw. ? Shoes For Women Regular Price $5.50?NOW $4.25 Regular Price $4.00?NOW $3.50 R^lar Pri" fcTOW lliso ENTIRE STOCK MUST GO Regular Price $2.75?NOW $2.50 Regular Price $2.50?NOW $2.25 AT C0ST OR BELOW. Regular Price $2.25?NOW $2.00 Regular Price $2.00?NOW $1.75 Regular Price $1.75?NOW $1.50 MUST BE OUT Regular Price $1.50?NOW $1.25 Regular Price $1.25?NOW $1.10 Regular Price $1.00?NOW .85c ? BY ? Oxfords at Cost and Below. DECEMBER H . Clnthin ft f Closing this stock means Isllslfllflg* a big saving to you on every garment?Read these Prices. MEN'S SUITS - BOYS' SUITS ? $20.00 Suits?NOW $15.00. $5.oo Suits?NOW $3.75. $18.50 Suits?NOW $13.50. $4>50 Suits?NOW $3.25. $15.00 Suits?NOW $11.50. $4.00 Suits?NOW $2.75. $12.50 Suits?NOW $9.50. $3,150 Suits?NOW $2.50. $10.00 Suits?NOW $7.50. ^3.00 SuLs?NOW $2.00. $8.00 Suits?NOW $6.00. $2.50 Suits?NOW $1.75. $5.00 Suits?NOW $3.75. $2.oo Suits?NOW $1.25. ... . n ^ Pnminor tr? TViic Sa1#? and Missing I his bale and up- TJ"". 6 ? " . : ?" portunity to Buy Cheap You BuVmg CheaP' You Save MoneyLose Money. _ YOUTH'S SUITS ? ? MEN'S OVERCOATS ? $12.50 Suits?NOW $10.00. Entire Stock Will GO AT COST $I?-00 $7-5?. and BELOW. $8(?? Suiis?N? $,6,(10* $5.00 Suits?NOW $3.00. Ladies' Coats and Skirts. fin CRASH Go the Prices! A Final 7VUI1KS. DOSS < Clean-Up In This Department at / O Prices That Will Make Lively s""iL C .?d W. C. Are Going III 111 111 III 111 111 111 Ml MM TT AT\ T7TTTT T T1 T\ k ITTTTlTfl iimviim mmm YORKVILLE, OF BUSINESS VILLE 1CANTILE C tire Stock of New rket at Whatever It amtin m wmi an m n mil hi hi m hi m nampim ma?ini?i nm 1 and Ends. Dece Must Be Sold by Christnu j DE and extent of the Bargain-giving, < a hint can be conveyed to the public m t and Best Merchandise, sacrificed in aring and relentless Price-Slashing whi telling events, and can no more be < ed to the candle. tnmense stock must be sold, and we Buy Shoes enough to last you for cheap again. Shoes For Boys. SAoes For Girls. $2.50 Shoes and Oxfords?NOW $2.10 Pair. $2.25 Shoes and Oxfords?NOW WE WON'T TELL YOU $2.00 Pair. $2.00 Shoes and Oxfords?NOW ABOUT THIS ONE. $1.70 Pair. $1.75 Shoes and Oxfords?NOW JUST COME AND SEE. $1.50 Pair. $I$i?iohpafr and 0xfords~~NOW 1 IT'S A PROPOSITION OF $1.25 Shoes and Oxfords?NOW | . $1.00 Pair. A LIFE-TIME FOR THOSE $1.00 Shoes and Oxfords?75 Cts. 75c Shoes and Oxfords?50 Cts. GIRLS' SHOES. ALL MUST GO. Presents From the Clouds. SOMETIME DURING THE DAY ON THE OPENING DAY, TINY BALLOONS WILL BEGIN FALLING FROM THE TOP OF OUR BUILDING?TO EACH THERE WILL BE ATTACHED A TAG, AND THE PARTIES GETTING THE LUCKY TAGS WILL RECEIVE BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS FREE. THIS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE STORE. Buy All the Domestics You'll Need for Years to Come. COTTON IS UP AND GOING HIGHER. COTTON GOODS ARE BOUND TO GO WITH IT. MT "NOW" GET THE GOODS WHILE THE PRICES ARE DOWN AND THE "BOTTOM IS OUT." md Suit Cases Misses'and Chi,dren's Coa,sWill Be Sold at An Unheard-Of Sacrifice. Our Entire Stock Below Cost. 5 ceclosedoot 1t hi mi mi n wi m n in m m a mm m an aiin an mi i? mi ? > n m an mi an mi aii i & MERCANTILE CO., - - - S. C. ONLY A SHORT Time to Clean Out This Entire Stock OMPAMY V ill! ill 1 1 Fall and Will Bring. f mber 24th, as p I' which is the remarkable and lind by this description on a manner to upset and overch every article in this House Jj compared to the ordinary Had , Closing Oat Entire Stock of Dress Goods and Silks. NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT IN DRESS GOODS Broadcloths, Henriettas, Voiles, Sicilians, Tricos, Cashmeres, Homespun, Cravenettes, Flannels, Albatross and Fancy Dress Patterns. SILKS Taffeta, China, Armure, Peau-de-Soie and Fancy Silks. It is impossible to quote prices at this time, on account of not having them opened up. We ask YOU to be SURE to be here on the OPENING DAY, so YOU can see the Wonderful Bargains we are allowing. * Women's Furnishings at Closing Out Prices. I $1.00 Elastic Belts?85 CTS. fl 50 Cts. Elastic Belts?39 CTS. I 50 Cts. Leather Belts?39 CTS. fl $1.50 Silk Gloves?$1.15. H $1.25 Silk Gloves?85 CTS. fl $1.00 Silk Gloves?75 CTS. R ALL KID GLOVES AT COST AND BELOW. fl All Ladies' Underwear at COST and Below. R W We cannot mention All Prices Here?The Prices fl we are making are Below New York or Manufactu- fl rer's Prices. fl THE PLACE Yorkville Banking & Mercantile Co. THE TIME e_i?j? 1Q4-U ouiuruuy, iiuuzuiuci iuu? Are You Coming?