ROCK HILL HAPPENINQ8. City School* Open?Tho High School ^ Controversy?Three Shows Coming ?Personal and Other Note*. Correspondence The YorkvlUe Enquirer Rock Hill, September 14,?The city schools opened last Thursday with the the largest enrollment in the history ? of the schools. There were 625 pupils present at the Central school, and the total enrollment at the two mill schools which are run under the general supervision of the superintendent of the Central school, was 160, making a .grand total of 676. Others have applied for admission since the opening, and the schools will all be over-crowded this term. A citizens' meeting has been called to meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon for the purpose of discussing the High school controversy and devising some means, if possible, to break the deadlock in the board and relieving the situation in some way. Rock Hill will, have plenty of amuse^ merit in the way of shows this fall. Oontrv Rma ' dnar and DOnV shOWS Will exhibit here on September 27; Sells Bros.' circus will probably be here the llrst of October and the last of October, Barkout's biff carnival company will exhibit here for a week, under the ^ auspices of the Rock Hill Athletic ^ association. The annual picnic of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church, was held at Sprlnffsteln farm, In the Lesslie community last Friday. There was an abundance of good dinner and amusement for both old and younff, and the occasion was a great success and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. John G. Anderson will give an illustrated lecture In Frledhelm's hall next Tuesday night, of his trip through the Holy land. About 150 pictures will be shown and the lecture will be given for the benefit of the Sunday school and Epworth League of St. John's church. Mrs. Fanny Caldwell, the aged mother of Mrs. B. M. Fewell, had a narrow escape from serious Injury last Sc.turday by falling down the steps at Mr. Fewell's home. She received only very slight Injuries, however. Mr. Frank Whitner who was taken sick suddenly, while alone at his home Monday night of last week, having a hemorrhage of the stomach, Is reported better today. Dr. Louis Friedhelm, of this city, was married on last Wednesday to Miss Fannie Hellborn at the bride's home in Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. ^ Friedhelm are expected to arrive In v Rock Hill on Wednesday or Thursday of this week and will make their home here. Mr. Ira B. Dunlap, cashier of he National Union bank, left Saturday for a ten days' trip to Chicago and east St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roddey are expected to return today from Montreat where they have been spending m some time at their summer home. Mr. R. T. Fewell, president of the Arcade mill, is in New York this week on a business trip. ? Judge Aldrlch, presiding at the M general sessions court, said last Sat^ urday: "It appears to the court that J. P. Goodwin, supervisor of Greenville county has failed to comply with the recommendation of the grand jury at a former term with reference to a bridge on the Spartanburg road known as the Rock Hill bridge. Sufficient time having passed for such compliance, now, therefore, it is ordered that J. P. Goodwin show cause why prosecution should not be instituted against him for neglect of duty." The statement fell like a bombshell in court, as Supervisor Goodwin is one of the most popular officers of the county. He says he can show reason why he has not followed the recommendation of the grand jury. AT THE CHURCHE8. BAPTIST. There will be prayer meeting on gi Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock PRESBYTERIAN. There will be no prayer meeting this week. METHODIST. ^ There will be prayer meeting on * Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Special JRotires. ? Notice. The time of our communion at Bethel Chapel is changed from the 4th Sabbath In September, to the 1st Sab" XT T YfUlo Af UiUIl in V1VIUU61. HC?. XI. u. iixiiio ux Clover will preach for us Thursday, Friday and Saturday previous. W. B. Arrowood, Pastor. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the kind and valuable assistance rendered us in connection with the Illness and death of our wife and mother. May Cod abundantly bless you for your sympathy and help In this season of anxiety and bereave9 ment. Q. C. Ormand and Children. To Clean the Battleground. Citizens residing in the vicinity of King's Mountain Battleground, are invited to meet us there next Friday a morning at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of clearing the premises of undergrowth, so as to make them more accessible to vehicles on October 7. Manuel Patterson, Preston Goforth. It ^ Card of Thanks. We take this method of thanking our neighbors ajid many friends, for their timely assistance and numerous acts of kindness in connection with the illness and death of our beloved Lw mother, Mrs. Katy Brown. May a w bountiful, heavenly Father richly reward each and every one, who contributed toward making: our heavy burden more bearable, and so rendered our affliction lighter. J. W. Brown, R. A. Brown, Mary Brown, R. J. Brown, W. G. Brown. $hf Cotton flfarhrt. Yorkville, Sept. 14,?Cotton 12J. New York Cotton. New York, Sept. 13.?Futures opened easy and closed firm as follows: Sept. 12.18; Oct. 12.18; Nov. 12.18; 1ft Dec. 12.18: Jan. 12.16; Feb. 12.17; March 12.24; April 12.25: May 12.29. New York, Sept. 13.?An early decline of $1.00 per bale in the cotton market was partly recovered in the ^ late trading, the close being firm at a net loss of 7 to 11 points. The market opened easy at a de I'llllf UI ? tu lO puilltK, anu uiivi sumv little iregularity, sold off to a net loss of 20 points with January touching 12.05, or over $3.50 per bale under the high figures of last Wednesday. This decline was the result of heavy liquidation and stop loss orders fol# lowing weak Liverpool cables; the showing of the English market being attributed to liquidation and hedge selling; and suggesting that foreign spinners were less nervous over future supplies owing to the failure of the market to hold its advance since the publication of the September condi^ tion figures, and the increasing movement. It was rumored that a big southwestern bull was liquidating his long line, and one broker was credited with selling fully 50,000 bales during the morning. Offerings became lighter after midday. The undertone of the market continued very nervous and unsettled but there was some support from covering by shorts, and in the last half hour prices rallied some 10 or 11 points from the lowest. There was nothing In the southern news to mrtdifv bullish rroi) ideas, as temner atures continued very high in the [ western belt on Sunday, and while the reports of a walkout as a result of labor troubles in Fall River probably helped the early decline, the general opinion was that these difficulties would be of short duration. Southern spot markets were unchanged to J lower and fear of the increasing movement appears to be the chief factor against prices. Receipts at the ports today 41,392 bales against 20,421 last week and 35,669 last year. For the week 180,000 against 151,822 last week and 213,882 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 1,729 against 1,948 last year and at Houston 22,681 against 10,230 last year. Spot closed quiet, 25 points lower; middling uplands 12.40; Gulf 12.65; sales 500 bales. WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS Job Printer and Ad man. Apply at THE ENQUIRER OFFICE. FOR SALE. I T> AIR of Wagon Scales in good I rtAM/llflnn Phoon Aririraan Nft 1. Yorkville. G. M. CARROLL. 74 t.f 2t* FOR SALE. A GOOD family Home, about 10 years old, at a bargain. Apply to me at my store on Charlotte street. A. D. DORSETT. 74 t.f 3t BEGINNING SEPT. 16TH, OUR Ginnery will be ready for the fall business, at 25 cents per hundred?CASH. COTTON BELT GINNING CO. 74 t 2t WANTED A GOOD reliable person to act as agent in Yorkville?good commission to right party. SNOWFLAKE STEAM LAUNDRY, Gastonia, N. C. 74 tf 2t MUST HAVE IT. YOU who owe me, can't you please pay something out of your first bale of cotton? Except for the fact that both banks are on the same side of the street, I could not get to and from my work, as both have my notes, and are after me. You people who have my work on credit are not going to leave me in that condition are you? Surely you will not. Respectfully, R. E. MONTGOMERY. it Lt 3t TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Office of Superintendent of Education of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept 14, 1909. THE regular Fall Examination of applicants to teach in the public schools of York county, will be held in the Court House at Yorkville, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, from 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. Applicants will come prepared with their own stationery, etc. T. E. McMACKIN, Superintendent of Education. 74 t 3t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of York. IN PROBATE COURT. By L. R. Williams, Esq., Probate Judge of Yoric County. WHEREAS C. L. MCKNIGHT, has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of J. C. McKNIGHT, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and ad| monish all and singular the kindred [ and creditors of the said deceased, to | be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 29TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1909, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 13th day of September, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine and in the 134th year of American Independence. L. R. WILLIAMS. A.. V/nwL rruuaie uuufic ui xv&a vv/uuv;. 74 t 2t TAX NOTICE?1900, Offic? of th? County Tr?asur?r of York County. Yorkvllle, S. C., Sept 14, 1909. NOTICE is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on FRIDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1909, and remain open until the 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1909, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY. SCHOOL AND LOCAL TAXES for the fiscal year 1909, without penalty; after which day ONE PER CENT penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of JANUARY, 1910, and TWO PER CENT penalty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUARY, 1910, and SEVEN PER CENT penalty will be added on all payments made from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH, to the 15TH DAY OF" MARCH. 1910, and after this date all unpaid taxes go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend at the following places on the days named: At Yorkville, Friday, October 15, to Wednesday, October 20th. At Smyrna, Thursday, October 21. At Wlolforv rirnvo UVIHqv anrl Sat* urday. October 22 and 23. At Sharon, Monday, October 25. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, October 26. At Tirzah, Wednesday. October 27. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, October 28 and 29. At Yorkvllle from Saturday, October 30, to Tuesday, November 2. At Coates's Tavern, from 12 o'clock, Wednesday, November 3, until, 12 m., Thursday, November 4. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 5 and 6. At Rock Hill from Monday, November 8, to Saturday, November 13. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 15, until the 31st day of December, 1909, after which day the penalties will attach as stated above. HARRY E. NEIL, County Treasurer. 74 t 4t MANY MEN OF MANY MINDS Have different views as to what to eat. But no matter what you have in mind your appetite can be pleased here, if you want Groceries of Quality. Our freshest arrivals include: Full Cream Cheese, N. 11. Co's. Crackers, Olcl Virginia Herring Roe, Van Cunin's Pork anil ltcans. Van Camp's Hominy, Tripe, Beech Nut, Sliced Main and Bacon, Mackerel, Breakfast Bacon. Kingan's Hams, Tobasco Ketchup, Chowchow, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Oatmeal, Grape Nuts, Postum, lleno and (im'ii Tea, taker's Chocolate and Cocoa. Condensed Milk, Corn Starch, Fulton's Yeast. Royal, Rumford and Good Luck Baking Powders, Grated Pineapple, Vegetables, etc. For the Laundry we have?Star Xaptlia. Lavadura, ? o'clock Tea, Gold Dust Washing Powders and several kinds of Bar Soap. W. E. FERGUSON. G. H O'LEA It V WANTED - Everybody to know that I have the best line of MATTINGS that I have ever shown. Not an unsightly pattern in the lot?Three New Patterns just in? all of that good kind usually found at my place. Call and inspect them before buying?it will pay you. Window Shades (no seconds) 25 Cts. to $1.00 Each, and a good assortment of colors. Cottage Hods?Oak, Cherry and White?4 foot lengths. White in 5 foot lengths for larger windows. Glolie- Wernicke Sectional Hook Cases furnish a home for your books on the installment plan?A Section or two at a time. See the Perfection Oil Stove for your summer cooking. G. II. O'LEARY. Statement of the Condition of the BtNK OF HICKORY GROVE Located at Hickory Grove, S. C., at the close of business, September 8, 1909. Resources: Loans and Discounts 828,440 69 Overdrafts 827 49 Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,232 00 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 596 92 Currency 1,260 00 Gold 100 00 Silver and other Coin 349 82 Total 332,296 82 Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid in 310,900 00 Surplus Fund 1,600 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 161 88 Dividends Unpaid 7 60 individual Deposits Subject to Check 10.367 20 Savings Deposits 1,129 43 Time Certificates of Deposit .3,941 63 Cashier's Checks 189 18 Bills Payable, including Certificates for Money Borrowed 6,000 00 Total 132,296 82 8TATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA, County of York. Before me came N. M. McDILL, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. N. M. McDILL, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of September, 1909. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Notary Public for South Carolina. Correct Attest: J. N. McGill, D. J. Smith, W. Brown Wylie, Directors. Statement of the Condition of the BANK OF CLOVER Located at Clover, S. C., at the close of business, September 8, 1909. Loans and Discounts $76,184 07 Demand Loans 11,870 03 Overdrafts 660 02 Furniture and Fixtures 1,693 86 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 8,092 12 Currency 2,308 00 Silver and other Coin 423 17 Checks and Cash Items .... 413 14 Total $101,634 40 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid in $ 12,600 001 Surplus Fund 3,000 001 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,276 52 Due to Banks and Trust Companies 677 46 Individual Deposits subject to Check 27,460 23 Demand Certificates of Deposit 46,116 03 Cashier's Checks 240 70 Bills Payable, Including1 Certificates for money borrowed ...'. 10,000 00 Interest and tax Reserve .. 374 46 Total $101,634 40r STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Ool'ntt of York. Before me came JAS. A. PAGE, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of Bald bank. JAS. A. PAGE, Cashier. P\vr?rn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of September, 1999. J. P. SIFFORD, Notary Public, South Carolina. Correct Attest: H. L. Wriaht, M. L. Smith. S. A. Uifford. Directors. Statement of the Condition of the staan and f wings Sunk Located at Yorkville. S. C.. at the close- of business, September 8, 1909. ResouroM: Loans and Discounts $190,875 47 Overdrafts 5,896 42 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 11,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,200 00 Other Real Estate 7,000 00 Due from Banks and Trust Companies 85,972 13 Currency 8,750 00 Goll 3,482 50 Silver and other Coin 2,137 06 Checks and Cash Items .... 402 80 Total $316,215 38 Liabilities: Capital Stock Paid In $ 60,000 00 Surplus Fund 33,000 00 ITnaivldoH Prnflt* lpsn fhir rent Expensed and Taxes Paid 2,066 98 Due to Banks and Trust Companies 869 86 Dividends Unpaid 3 00 Individual Deposits subject to Check 165,748 98 Savings Deposits 4,749 28 Time Certificates of Deposit 66,152 75 Cashier's Checks 589 22 Reserve for Taxes, Rents, etc 4,036 32 Total 3316,215 38 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CbuvTT op York. Before me came S. M. McNEEL, President of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. S. M. McNEEL, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of September, 1909. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Notary Public. South Carolina. Correct Attest: W. W. Lewis, B. N. Moore, W. Brown Wylie, Directors. * No. 9533. TREA8URY DEPARTMENT. Office of Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C., Sept. 7, 1909. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHARON," in the Town of Sharon, in the County of York, and the State of South Carolina, has complied with all of the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking: Now therefore, I, Willis J. Fowler, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHARON," in the Town of Sharon, in the County of York, and State of soutn Carolina, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this seventh day of September, 1909. [Seal] WILLIS J. FOWLER, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. Sept 10 f.t Nov. 10. FOR SALE ACRES fine farming land, O l/v one mile south of Ft. Mott, S. C., on Southern R. R., between Columbia and Orangeburg; 400 acres cleared. Soil, clay with small part dark loam. 150 acres very fine virgin long leaf pine. Will cut half million feet lumber. 50-acre mill pond splendid power. This is fine farming in rich section of South Carolina. I Will sell for $12.00 per acre with easy terms. Will divide place in three farms. Lands adjoining this cannot be bought for $50.00 per acre. If you are interested in farming, write me at once, as this will certainly not be on the market very long at this lowprice. Address J. L. GUY, Camden, S. C. sonE PEOPLE Will call a Shovel a Spade, but that \i all right if it suits "some people," bot what we want to say is that you will And the Beet Shovels, Spades, Forks, .Billies* Rakes, Cotton Seed Forks, Cant Hookc, Post Hole Dig* gers, Potato Diggers, and lika tools, at this store and alwaya at the right prices. See us for Balanoes and Steelyards for weighing your cotton. Yorkviile Hardware Co. "YOU'RE LIAR" 8AY8 PEARY. "You're A Gentleman" 8AY8 COOK. Just a little difference of opinion as to who got there first, but any way the old pole has been discovered am the world wags on. The people of Yorkville long ago discovered that the York Drug 8tore Is the best place at which to buy all kinds of Medicines, Toilet' Artioles, Toilet 8oape, Correspondence Stationery, etc. THE YORK DRUG STORE. W Hitler's Candies are sold here. J.L. WILLI AMS& CO. AIR FLOAT Talcum Powder 25 Cents box, for only 10 Cta. 10 Cents size box, ftr only 5 Cta. Boy's School Suits?Mrs. Jane Hopkin's make?$2, $2.50, $.1, $3.50 and $5. Thousands of dollars' worth of New Fall Goods will arrive this week. Men's Heavy Shoes, at $1.00 th# Pair. Tliivlnsr and M>lllnr for Cash, is why we undersell all others. J. L. WILLIAMS & CO. V* Positively we do no Credit Businets. WE LEAD 'EM ALL In Fruits this week, we have Oranges, Apples and Bananas. In Vegetables?Cabbage, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Green Corn and Tomatoes. We also have about fifty different kinds and flavors in Candies?but it's all sweet. Everybody should drink CrackerJack Coffee, It will make the young people love one another, and make old folks feel young again. Sold by Old George?only 50 cents a Bucket. Don't forget when you want the best BEEF In town, to come to Old George?We lead 'em all in outs and Quality. If you ever come to Torkvllle, You will never go away; When you haven't got the money, Old George will feed you free. OLD GEORGE, THE BUTCHER. Vnrlf Lnnrh Room Dorsett A Morrison* Props. Fresh Oysters EVERY DAY At our Lunch Room we are serving, along with the other good things of the season, Choice Freeh Oysters every at any time, either 8tewed or Fried, as you prefer. When you are In Yorkvllle for a few hours or a day, come to our Lunch Room for your dinner?A Square Meal for 35 Cent*?well cooked?nicely served. DOR8ETT & MORRI80N. Telephone No. 163. Jas. M. Starr, J. F. McElwee, President. Sec. and Tress. YORK SUPPLY CO. Incorporated. PINE-O-LENE The Wood Preserving Oil that penetrates without heat or force. Dip your shingles in PINE-O-LENE; it costs but $1.00 per thousand. Actual tests prove it will double the life of any wood shingle. The roof can then be made to last indefinitely with only one coat?brush treatment?every five years. Actual test proves that No. 2 shingles treated, outlast No. 1 Shin gles untreated?saves jl.oo per M. Price only 50 Cts. Gallon. PINE-O-LENE applied to Shingles and your roofing troubles are over. York Supply Company. Herndon & Gordon. Just In?TARBELLS Best Cheese? fine. Just received big lot of Bagging and Ties?It's for sale. Several Heaters and a lot of good Stove Pipe for sale cheap. Fruit Jars, Fruit Cans and Strings, Jelly Tumblers. A good line of nice Dishes, Stone Churns, Lamps and Fixtures, best Lanterns and Globes, Brooms, Musical Instruments, lots of Leather, Shoemakers' Supplies, Nails, Smoothing Irons, Rope, Meal Sacks, Plows, Andirons, Glassware, Tinware, Skillets and Lids, Coffee Mills, etc. Everything in fresh Groceries, Confectioneries and Tobaccos. If you want quick, courteous treatment, come to our store. HERNDON & GORDON. HIDES. Prices fair; not quite so high as two weeks ago. I pay up as they go up, and pay down as they go down. W. H. HERNDON. MONEY TO LEND ON Improved farms In York County, Repayable In five easy, annual installments. Interest eight per cent. No broker's commissions. C. E. SPENCER. Attorney at Law. 6H f.t 6m. CLOTHES CLEANING. 1AM prepared to clean gentlemen's clothes and ladles' skirts In a thoroughly satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. Work may be sent direct to my home or left at W. E. Ferguson's store. Mrs. R. B. McCLAIN. ODDS And ENDS Must Move Quick?Get Youi Share of the Bargains. For TEN DAYS we offer the following extra good bargains to quick buyers. All Dress Goods at 25 Per Cent Oil Regular Prices. All Clothing at S3 1-3 Per Cent Discount from Regular Prices. Job Lot Shoes at Money-Saving Prices. 1,000 Yards nice Ginghams and Charabrays at 5 Cents a Yard. Job Lot Men's Linen Collars, 10 Cts. Value, at 5 Cents Each?Just as good as you Day 10 cts. for. SHOES If you want Shoes?good Shoes, well made, stylish, popular shapes? every pair guaranteed as represented or you get another pair, we can save you money. Our Shoe trade Is growing steadily because we are giving the Best value for Shoe money. When you are shopping make it a point to visit WRAyS. We can please you in quality and variety and save you money. J. Q. Wray, The Leader Birth Month SPOONS SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Tes, they are here?the newest things in Souvenir Spoons?Sterling Silver, too?heavy weight?one for each month of the year?with the Sign of the Zodiac and the Flower of each month?come and see them?they are pretty?out of the ordinary?Sterling Silver, remember?00 Cta. Each? Birth Month Spoons. The Next Wedding YOU are invited to remember that you can find just the thing you want to send the bride at 8PECK'8? all kinds of suitable goods?low priced, medium priced and as high as you want to pay?you will find something to suit you here. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. NEW CROP TURNIP SEEDS Ten Varieties, Prom Beat Growers Specially selected for this section. Crimson Clover Seed? Be sure to sow an acre or more In Crimson Clover. It will make good hay and at the same time it will enrich your land. Come here for best seed. We have Just received a new shipment of CROCKERY and can supply your wants. When you start your children to scnooi come ana see u? xui ui? 8CH00L B00K8 and other 8CH00L 8UPPLIE8 that they need. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. While It Is True That I may never have looked you In the eye and stated to you that I would be pleased to write your application for a policy for any amount of life insurance In the Mutual Benefit from $1,000 to $50,000, still it is a fact that I am anxious to have your business. The Mutual Benefit's age limits are from 14 to 70 years. I am not a mind reader and have no means of knowing' whether or not you desire information relative to life insurance, and there will be no impropriety in your speaking to or writing me in case you are interested now or become so later. If you have not already done so, I suggest that you read and ponder my advertisement in The Enquirer of August 31 and September 3. I write Fire Insurance. 8AM M. GRI8T, Telephone No. 124. THIS Is The Place to Get FULL BLOOM CHEWING TOBACCO. As well as anything else In the chewing and eating line. I sell Evaporated and Condensed Milk. Tea, Coffee and Spices?a Specialty. I W. JOHNSON. GLENN & ALLISON. AM* U 1vr\n muweis, i\ctivca, Machinery, Etc. We are headquarters for McCORMICK MOWERS and RAKES, and we have a full supply on hand. We sell the INTERNATIONAL GASOLINE ENGINE and guarantee It to give perfect satisfaction. But If you are In the market for a Steam Engine, Saw Mill, Cotton Gin or Cotton Press, you had better see us for prices. Our Buggy and Wagon line Is complete, and will be glad to quote you prices. ni/rcxriv Xr AT/r/isoi\\ NO USE ENUMERATING I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE?AND WHAT IS MORE I DO HAVE IT. LOUIS ROTH. -A. I Doctor's Prescription IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO THE DRUGGIST. , It Instructs him to compound certain drugs to be used In relieving the sick. We fully realize the Importance of i using me very oesi ana purest urugu i In compounding the prescriptions that come to our store, and exercise the greatest care In mixing the medicines so as to give the doctor's patient the greatest possible good to be gotten as a result of his knowledge of what Is needed. Bring your Prescriptions to Us and Feel Sure they will be properly filled. THE STAR DRUG STORE. M. L. Carroll. C. W. Carroll. CARROLL BROS. "Buggy Tops" Just received some new Buggy Tops ?both Leather-Quarter and all Rub, ber, that we can fit your Buggy with. Winter time Is coming, and you will need one on your open buggy, or may ho vniir nM tnn la nhnnt wnrn mit Come In and see us about one. If you want to see some Buggies that are up to date, come in and look at our stock. We have Just received some dandles. CARROLL BROS. EVERYTHING In MILLINERY New Establishment at Dobson j ... Old Stand ... It gives me pleasure to announce : to my friends of Yorkville and vicinity, , that I have yielded to the expressed desire of many of them and to my 1 own preference and Inclination, in a < determination to establish a Millinery ' business in Yorkville. I will occupy the store room for- j merly occupied by Mrs. T. M. Dobson, j and will be ready with a select stock of Pattern Hats and a complete assortment of Millinery goods not later, I i hope, than the second week in Septem- i ber; but as much earlier as possible. MAMIE D. SHAFFER Middletown, Md., August 20, 1909. PIANOS FOR SALE j I We want YOU to see our PIANOS. 1 Seeing means that YOU are Interested. Hearing means Believing. Your Examination and Our Prices mean that we will have a satisfied , customer. We are in the business to sell Pianos i and our customers must be satisfied. NEW RECORDS. Come and hear the New September Records?Now on 8ale. You don't have to own a machine to hear these Records?they are Free? at least the music Is free, If you'll visit our store. See our long list of Sheet Music?it It includes everything that is good. R. B. DAVIDSON CO. ? THE MUSIC STORE? ' Fruit Jars When you are ready to begin the ' summer campaign for canning and pickling, such aa require GLASS , FRUIT JARS, RUBBERS and TOPS, come and See us for prices. We will j sell vou If vou will. PURINA FEED?For Horses there Is nothing quite so good as Purina Horse Feed?It furnishes every necessary article of diet for work animals In the most convenient form. Try a sack and , you will use it continuously. Purina Chicken Feed?Assures healthy, rapid growing chicks, and egg producing hens. The most successful poultry growers feed Purina. OATMEAL?In sealed tin cans?It is cleanly, sanitary, free from bugs and is always sweet an*1, fresh. Let us send you Oatmeal In Cans. Farmers' Wholesale Grocery, J J. M. FERGUSON, Prop. ' REPAIR WORK i i ! c 3 1 When you are ready to repair your i buildings, come and see us for the Rough or Dressed Lumber that you will need. If the roof needs patching, see us for Pine or Cypress 8hingl?s, Painted and Galvanized Tin Shingles . or Composition Roofing; also see us for Laths, Lime, Fibre Plaster and all 4 kinds of Building Material and Builders' Hardware, as well as Paints, Oils, < Varnishes, etc. If you say so, we will send a carpen ter along to ao tne wont. Phone us youd wants. J. J. KELLER & CO. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY Tlio Fancy Grooeps DISHES Call and 3ee our lines of DISHES ?fiain ana uecoraiea. We have KARO and "PERFECTION" Brand Molasses and Corn Syrup?Good, too. Mason's FRUIT JARS and RUBBERS?You'll need a few more. Dr. Petty's POULTRY and STOCK POWDERS?Good time to use It. See us for Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco and Snuff. See us for CARBON for your Smoothing Irons. See us for the best Barrel Pickles. See us for COFFEES, TEAS and POSTUM. Just in?a Fresh line of Choice Candles. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY. AT THE BRATTON FARM. WE are offering thoroughbred Guernsey Heifers at from $10 up and we have also a number of Berkshire Gilts with thoroughbred Pigs that we will sell. Will deliver pure, clean milk at 10 cents a quart. Cream, butter and fresh eggs on orders. Pure Berkshire Pigs at from $3 to $5 each. Pure Buff Orpington eggs at $1 a setting of 15. J. MEEK BURNS. Manager. IT THOMS( English Long $1.50 Value A Wednesday morning we pluc lish Long Cloth. Tills is the besi the trade at this priee. and ever yon to flee the value of this clo Don't waste a minute's time u: sale. Every bolt Is sold with a your purchase, you can return g Don't forget Wednesday momln Long Cloth worth $1.50 Bolt, at Good Basting Cotton on sale Machine Cotton, white and t Good Pearl Buttons, 2 Dozoi Elastic Belts at 15 Cents El One lot Ladies' Hose Suppo Ladles' Dutch Collars, at 10 Ladles' Hair Rolls, 25 Centi Ladles' Hair Nets', 10 Cents Ia/IIpx' Tlnir Rivlfplion. It.OA Ladles' Collar Supporters. 5, New line Val Laces, at S O Good line Val Laces, at 10 < Bit lot of White Lawn Apr 29 Cents. THE THOMSC Have you tried the new Try one box and you get the be the Box. PIANOS and - ORGANS Every home where there are children should have either a Piano or an Organ and as only one of these instruments Is bought in a life-time, it Is well to buy the Best Your Money Will Buy. We sell the 3CHULZ Pianos and Organs and are quite sure that at the prices at which we offer the different Btyles of Schulz Instruments there are none to be had that are their equal In Tone Quality, Lasting Quality, Finish, Durability and Real Value. Come and let us show you these instruments. Don't buy until you have our prices. The quality of our Pianos and Organs and the Prices wo Quota, will be a guide to you as to what you ought to expect for your money. You can pay less and get leas; you may pay more and not get so much as you would if you bought a 8chulz Piano or Organ. Let us show you. Sewing Machines Search the whole Hat of Sewing Machines through and you will And none that are equal in Light Running, PerFect Sewing and Lasting Qualities, wch as you will find in the White and Standard 8ewina Machines. We sell Doth of these?either will give you entire satisfaction. See us about Sewing Machines. CASH OR CREDIT?Suit yourself. YORK FURNITURE CO. vnnirviri.F. rttuuv rn JL V AVJU. V JL JLJ # V/ \/? * */ V MOWING I MACHINES i There id no Mowing Machine known that compares favorably with The Deering j [n wearing qualities, lightness of draft ( ind general utility. i We have them and ask that you call ind Inspect them before buying. They ire no higher in price than some of 1 the other machines. I Yorkvllle Buggy Co. ! Rawls Plumbing Co.! :r=iiziz==:===rzzzz=r====i=r I SEE US NOW i i ? W Hi VVAiM IUU IV Oxu 12j Uk r INTEND TO DO ANY FENCING. $* EN WIRE HANGING ON THE A] ^ COME AND SEE US BEFORE Y * The YORKVILLE B/ ? WE have an adequate force of Competent Workmen to do ' PLUMBING or other work in our ' ine. We can give you all the lnfor- 1 nation that can be desired about 1 SANITARY PLUMBING, and show rou styles and prices of the LATEST, BEST and MOST APPROVED FIX- ! TURES. COME FOR US or SEND FOR US. ' RAWLS PLUMBING COMPANY. l|l ^ C^> ?* ^ I WE , HI wmmmii i Headqi * *> 1 FO ** FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, OA AND SHOULDERS J# YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A ^ ABLE GROCERIES AT OUR STO t REED'S ANTIf $* EVERY PIECE OF REED GUARANTEED NOT TO RUST. WE CARRY A FULL LINE WARE, DISHES, ETC. t BAGGING j WE ARE PREPARED TO * T* NEW BAGGING AND TIES, ANI A, GING AND SECOND-HAND TIES SEE US WHEN YOU ARE I t* ON, TURN PLOWS, MOWERS J, WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS. ??? vrrri tr/NTT rTA OT7?T^ TTC COMPANY'S Cloth SALE! 198c. the Bolt. ? on sale 2,000 yards of Enjt lot of Ix>ng Cloth ever offered y bolt will go quick. We want th, then you will buy liberally! ntll you have Investigated thia guarantee that If you don't like oods and get your money back. g and all week, you can buy only 08 Cents for each Bolt. i this week at lc the Spool. >lack. 2 spools for 5 Cents, i for 5 Cents. icb. rters, IS Cents Pair. Cents Each, s Each. Each, i Each. 10 and 25 Cents. ;nts Yard, ind 15 Cents. [>ns plain and with bib, 25 and )N COMPANY Talcum Powder?"Talcolette." ist 25 Cents Value at 10 Cents AUCTION SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REALTY. Ogleaby Dewit Co, vs. C. E. and Mary Rosa Thomas. BY virtue of writs of fieri facias to me directed. I will sell at public auction before the Court House Door at Yorkvllle, between the legal hours, of sale, the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER, Salesday, all right, title and Interest of Mary R. Thomas, In the following described real property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land In Broad River township, York county, S. C., known as lands of the estate of E. S. Darwin, deceased, bounded by lands of Mrs. Mary Darwin, lands of William Borders, on the north, by the Qulnn road and Smith road on the east, by lands of Mrs. Kennedy and Darwin estate lands on the south, and by Whlsonant lands on the west Terms of Sale?CASH: Purchaser must comply with bid within one hour after the knocking down of land. Otherwise there will be an immediate resale at thr expense of defaulting purchaser. H. G. BROWN, S. T. C. 74 t St J. G. WILBORN XlHAZi HHTATS LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO SELL? , ? FOR SALE ? J. W. Boyd Property?106 acres; joins William Biggera. M. 8. Carroll?113 3-4 acres; at Beersheba church?|2,100. 1031-2 acres?Eocnezer township; level land; 4-room residence; one tenant house; 2 miles Newport station; a beautiful farm. W. E. Land?60 acres; 6 miles of Yorkville. 8. W. McKnight Heme?081 acres; 6 miles Yorkville; a beautiful residence of 7 rooms; new, large barn; good land. I want a quick offer. The Store Room and Residence of Geo. W. Sherer, Yorkville. The residence of Mrs. Dr&keford. 100 Aeres?Property of R. E. Mel ton, near C. C. Hughes; a level farm. 113 Acres?M. 8. Carroll home, near Beersheba; good dwelling; land In high state of cultivation. Cheap. 200 Acres?C. V. Ml lies land. 1 mile Torkvllle limits; 2 story dwelling. Land lies well on Plnckney Ferry road. Fine wood land. Prioe $6300. 139 Acres?Property of Mrs. S. J. Barry; 2 good dwellings; 4S acres of fresh land; 100 acres In cultivation?$ miles Yorkvllle. 129 Acres?At Newport, on Southern, R. R, near Roek Hill. nloe residence?good land?at depot, school, etc. A nloe location and good farm. 740 acres J. E. Lowry plantation; 8 miles Rock Hill; 6 of Torkvllle. Land lies level?very fine farm. 187 acres?Adjoin lands of S. L. Miller. Price $10 per acre. 200 Acres?Marshall Campbell place In Bethel; a beautiful home and farm. Price $6,500.00. The beautiful cottage and 81 acres of land; property of W. H. Whisonant In Hickory Grove. 535 Acres?Beautiful, level land. In Clay Hill section. 445 Acres?Nearly 200 acres In fine bottoms, In Bullock's Creek township; very cneap. property or m. at. tuiu Jas. E. Bankhead. W. B. Keller Place?Two miles of Yorkville on King's Mountain road. 201| Acres. It la a beautiful home and el fine farm. Look at It and make me an offer. Walter McElwee Lot?Near Graded School, Yorkville, 100x125 feet A. fine lot 270 acres, $2,700. 236 acres, $6,000, 6 miles from Rock Hill. 61i acres, W. J. Ingle property. 276 acres near C. C. Hughea 144 acres, near C. C. Hughea 100 acres, J. M. Seagle place. I will sell 620 acres, In town of Tireah. 171 acres, J. J. Scogglns place. COME AND TELL ME YOUR IVANTS?IT WILL PAY YOU. I HAVE BARGAINS FOR ALL J. C. WILBORN. ?4* 4* 4* *1* *$* 4* 4* *1* ^ \RE + ** ?^ larters i * mmmmmmmmimmi + R * TS, MEAT, LARD, HAMS ^ FRESH SUPPLY OF SEASONRE. ^ RUST WARE * S ANTI-RUST TINWARE IS TRY IT. * OF TINWARE, ENAMELED ; * \ND TIES t * 1AKE THE BEST FKICbS UXN ) ALSO ON REWOVEN BAG- 4* 4* N NEED OF A BUGGY, WAG- ^ AND RAKES. OUR PRICES 4* 4 3 ABOUT THE WIRE IF YOU . WE HAVE THE BEST WOV- 4* VIERICAN MARKET TODAY. OU BUY. 1 ML & MER. CO. *